This site is dedicated
to the memory of Ralph Mount and Phill Simpson,
both very dear friends, servants of the Lord, and supporters of Israel.

The Wilderness Tabernacle Of Witness

We are Phil and Dianne Nordan and we accepted the Lord's plan of salvation in 1983. Where we are today, we owe to the mercy and grace of the Almighty and two individuals - Mr. Phill Simpson (now with the Lord) and Mr. Ralph H. Mount (now with the Lord).

I met Phill Simpson in 1985 and in the same year, he introduced me to his mentor, Ralph Mount. Both of these men were tremendous servants of the Lord and very dear friends and supporters of Israel. Ralph Mount taught me how to study the Bible. On many occasions, I would call him with questions and he would never answer them directly, but told me where to find the answer -- in the word of the Lord.

You must remember, the only inspired word is the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. Thanks to the efforts of Al Greenway of Ocala, Florida, I was able to acquire Ralph's model of the Wilderness Tabernacle and his collection of books, totalling about 2,000.

Many of these books were written in the 1800's when books were written for historical reasons instead of for profit. All of these items are now available in our Museum in Monroe, North Carolina.Come to see us and/or enjoy our website. We love to talk about the Tabernacle and discuss scripture.

The Wilderness Tabernacle

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering. And this is the offering which ye shall take of them; gold, and silver, and brass, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood, oil for the light, spices for anointing oil, and for sweet incense, onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod, and in the breastplate. And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it. Exodus 25: 1-9.

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Prophecy is not given to make us able to predict the

future and thus gain fame and fortune, but rather so

that when events transpire as predicted by the prophets,

God will receive the glory. But when we accept

a rigid pattern for the interpretation of prophecy, and

that pattern does not keep abreast of world events,

prophecy utterly fails in its purpose. I believe we are

far into the prophecies heralding the return of our

Lord and His coming is very near.


The stamp shown on the cover is a JewishNational Fund Propaganda Stamp depicting thePartition Map of Is rael as pro po sed by theUnited Nations Organization. By printing theword "DO 'AR ff (post) and a value on the stamp,it was used for postal service during the timebetween the closing of the post offices by theBritish and the establishment of th e State ofIsrael. The stamp is arranged on the cover toappear to be coming from the distant past. Itdepicts the fulfillment of at least two prophecies:"T'hey have par ted my land." (Joel 3:2) andTrShall a land be born in one day?" (Isaiah 66:8)


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The Consistent New Testiment





MATTHEW 1v1 Book of-genesis of-Jesus Messiah, son of-David, son of-Abraham.

MATTHEW 1v2 Abraham begat the Isaac; but Isaac begat the Jacob; but Jacob begat the Judah and his brothers;

MATTHEW 1v3 But Judah begat the Perez and the Zerah out-of the Tamar; but Perez begat the Hezron; but Hezron begat the Aram;

MATTHEW 1v4 But Aram begat the Aminadab; but Aminadab begat the Nahshon; but Nahshon begat the Salmon;

MATTHEW 1v5 But Salmon begat the Boaz out-of the Rahab; but Boaz begat the Obed out-of the Ruth; but Obed begat the Jesse;

MATTHEW 1v6 But Jesse begat the David namely-the king. But David the king begat the Solomon out-of the (wife) of-the Uriah;

MATTHEW 1v7 But Solomon begat the Rehoboam; but Rehoboam begat the Abijah; but Abijah begat the Asa;

MATTHEW 1v8 But Asa begat the Jehoshaphat; but Jehoshaphat begat the Joram; but Joram begat the Uzziah;

MATTHEW 1v9 But Uzziah begat the Jotham; but Jotham begat the Ahaz; but Ahaz begat the Hezekiah;

MATTHEW 1v10 But Hezekiah begat the Manasseh; but Manasseh begat the Amon; but Amon begat the Josiah;

MATTHEW 1v11 But Josiah begat the Jechoniah and his brothers, upon the resettlement of-Babylon.

MATTHEW 1v12 But after the resettlement of-Babylon, Jechoniah begat the Salathiel; but Salathiel begat the Zerubbabel;

MATTHEW 1v13 But Zerubbabel begat the Abiud; but Abiud begat the Eliakim; but Eliakim begat the Azor;

MATTHEW 1v14 But Azor begat the Zadoc; but Zadoc begat the Achim; but Achim begat the Eliud;

MATTHEW 1v15 But Eliud begat the Eleazar; but Eleazar begat the Matthan; but Matthan begat the Jacob;

MATTHEW 1v16 But Jacob begat the Joseph namely-the husband of-Mary, out-of whom was-born Jesus, the (one) being-called Messiah.

MATTHEW 1v17 Therefore all the generations from Abraham till David (are) fourteen generations; and from David till the resettlement of-Babylon, fourteen generations; and from the resettlement of-Babylon till the Messiah, fourteen generations.

MATTHEW 1v18 But the genesis of-the Jesus Messiah was thus. For (as) his mother Mary (was) having-been-betrothed to-the Joseph, before they either came-together she-was-found having in womb out-of (the) Holy Spirit.

MATTHEW 1v19 But Joseph her husband being just, and not willing to-make her a-public-example, he-purposed to-release-her stealthily.

MATTHEW 1v20 But (as) he (was) meditating these-(things), behold, (an) angel of-Jehovah appeared to-him by apparition, saying, Joseph, son of-David, might-you not fear-for-yourself to-take-along-to-yourself Mary your wife, for the-(thing) in her is having-been-begotten out-of (the) Holy Spirit.

MATTHEW 1v21 But she-will-bring-forth (a) son, and you-will-call his name Jesus; for he himself-will-save his people from their sins.

MATTHEW 1v22 But this total (thing) has-come-to-pass-and-is-still-coming-to-pass, in-order-that the-(thing) having-been-said by Jehovah through the prophet might-be-fulfilled, saying,

MATTHEW 1v23 Behold, the virgin will-have in womb, and she-will-bring-forth (a) son, and they-will-call his name Emmanuel, which is being-translated-with, the God with us.

MATTHEW 1v24 But the Joseph having-been-roused from the slumber, he-did as the angel of-Jehovah prescribed for-him, and he-took-along his wife to-himself,

MATTHEW 1v25 And he-was not coming-to-know her till of-which (time?) she-brought-forth her son namely-the first-born; and he-called his name Jesus.


MATTHEW 2v1 But (as) the Jesus (was) having-been-born in Bethlehem of-the Judea, in days of-Herod the King, behold, sorcerers from (sun)-risings came-to-be-alongside with-reference-to Jerusalem.

MATTHEW 2v2 Saying, Where is the (one) having-been-brought-forth king of-the Jews? For we-saw his star in the (sun)-rising, and we-came to-worship to-him.

MATTHEW 2v3 But Herod the king having-heard, he-was-disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.

MATTHEW 2v4 And having-gathered-together all the chief-priests and scribes of-the people, he-was-inquiring of them, where the Messiah is-being-born.

MATTHEW 2v5 But the (ones) said to-him, In Bethlehem of-the Judea:  for thus it-has-been-written-and-is-still-written through the prophet,

MATTHEW 2v6 And you Bethlehem, land of-Judah, you-are not-at-all least among the governors of-Judah, for out-of you will-come-out (one)-being-governor, one-who will-shepherd my people namely-the Israeli.

MATTHEW 2v7 The Herod having stealthily called the sorcerers, he-determined-exactly of them the time of-the star itself-appearing.

MATTHEW 2v8 And having-sent them into Bethlehem, he-said, Having-proceeded YOU-scrutinize exactly concerning the (pre-teen)-child; but whenever YOU-might-find (him) YOU-report to-me, in-which-case I-also having-come shall-worship to-him.

MATTHEW 2v9 But the (ones) having-heard of-the king proceeded; and behold, the star, which they-saw in the (sun)-rising, was-preceding them till having-come it-stood above-upon the-place-where the (pre-teen)-child was.

MATTHEW 2v10 But having-seen the star, they-were-rejoiced (with) extremely great joy.

MATTHEW 2v11 And having-come into the house they-found the (pre-teen)-child with Mary his mother, and having-fallen they-worshipped to-him: and having-opened their stores they-offered to-him gifts; gold and frankincense and myrrh.

MATTHEW 2v12 And having-been-divinely-informed according-to (an) apparition not to-bend-back towards Herod, they-retired into their country through another way.

MATTHEW 2v13 But (as) they (were) having-retired, behold, (an) angel of-Jehovah is-appearing to-the Joseph according-to (an) apparition, saying. Having-been-raised you-take-along-to-yourself the (pre-teen)-child and his mother, and you-be-fleeing into Egypt, and you-be there till I-might-say to-you; for Herod is-being-about to-be-seeking the (pre-teen)-child, to-destroy it.

MATTHEW 2v14 But the (one) having-been-raised, he-took-along-to-himself the (pre-teen)-child and his mother, of-night, and he-retired into Egypt.

MATTHEW 2v15 And he-was there till the end of-Herod: in-order-that the-(thing) having-been-said by Jehovah through the prophet might-be-fulfilled, saying, Out-of-Egypt I-called my son.

MATTHEW 2v16 Then Herod, having-seen that he-was-mocked by the sorcerers, he-was very angered, and having-dispatched he-carried-off all the children namely-the (ones) in Bethlehem and in all its territories, from two-years and lower, according-to the time which he-determined-exactly from the sorcerers.

MATTHEW 2v17 Then the-(thing) having-been-said by Jeremiah the prophet was-fulfilled, saying,

MATTHEW 2v18 Noise was-heard in Rama, lamentation and weeping and much wailing, Rachel weeping (for) her children, and she-was not willing to-be-comforted, because they-are not.

MATTHEW 2v19 But (as) the Herod (was) having-come-to-an-end, behold, (an) angel of-Jehovah is-appearing according-to (an) apparition to-the Joseph in Egypt,

MATTHEW 2v20 Saying, Having-been-raised you-take-along-to yourself the (pre-teen)-child and his mother, and you-be-proceeding into land of Israel; for the (ones) seeking the soul of-the (pre-teen)-child have-died-and-are-dead.

MATTHEW 2v21 But the (one) having-been-raised he-took-along-to-himself the (pre-teen)-child and his mother, and he-went into land of-Israel.

MATTHEW 2v22 But having-heard that Archelaus is-being-king over the Judea instead-of Herod his father, he-was-afraid to-go-away there; but having-been-divinely-informed according to (an) apparition, he-retired into the parts of the Galilee:

MATTHEW 2v23 And having-come he-resided with-reference-to (a) city being-called Nazareth; in-which-case the-(thing) having-been-said through the prophets might-be-fulfilled, that he-will-be-called (a) Nazarene.


MATTHEW 3v1 But in those days John the Baptist is-coming-to-be-alongside, preaching in the wilderness of-the Judea,

MATTHEW 3v2 And saying, YOU-be-repenting, for the kingdom of-the heavens has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near.

MATTHEW 3v3 For this is the (one) having-been-said by Isaiah the prophet, saying, Voice of-(one)-shouting in the wilderness. YOU-prepare the way of-Jehovah, YOU-be-making his paths direct.

MATTHEW 3v4 But the John himself was-having his clothing from hairs of-camel, and (a) leather belt around his loins, but his nourishment was locusts and wild honey.

MATTHEW 3v5 Then was-proceeding-out to him Jerusalem, and all the Judea, and all the country-around of-the Jordan,

MATTHEW 3v6 And they-were-being-baptized by him in the Jordan, acknowledging their sins.

MATTHEW 3v7 But having-seen many of-the Pharisees and Sadducees coming upon his baptism, he-said to-them, Products of-vipers, who indicated to-YOU to-flee from the future wrath?

MATTHEW 3v8 Therefore YOU-do fruits worthy of-the repentance:

MATTHEW 3v9 And might-YOU not think to-be-saying in yourselves, We-are-having (a) father, the Abraham:  for I-am-saying to-YOU, that the God is-being-able out-of these stones to-raise children to-the Abraham.

MATTHEW 3v10 But already also the axe is-being-laid to the root of-the trees: therefore every tree not doing fine fruit is-being-chopped-away and is-being-cast into fire.

MATTHEW 3v11 On-the-one-hand I myself-am-baptizing YOU in water with-reference-to repentance; on-the-other-hand the (one) coming behind me is stronger (than)-me, of-whom I-am not adequate to-bear the shoes:  he himself will-baptize YOU in (the) Holy Spirit and fire.

MATTHEW 3v12 Of-whom the winnowing-shovel (is) in his hand, and he-will-thoroughly-clean his threshing-floor, and he-will-gather-together his wheat into the granary, but the chaff he-will-burn-up with-unquenchable fire.

MATTHEW 3v13 Then the Jesus is-coming-to-be-alongside from the Galilee over the Jordan to the John, to-be-baptized by him.

MATTHEW 3v14 But the John was-obstructing him, saying, I myself-am-having need to-be-baptized by you, and are-you yourself coming to me?

MATTHEW 3v15 But the Jesus having-answered said to him, YOU-let (it) be just-now; for thus it-is being-suitable for-us to-fulfill all justice.  Then he-is-letting him be-(baptized).

MATTHEW 3v16 And the Jesus having-been-baptized he-ascended directly from the water, and behold, the heavens were-opened for-him, and he-saw the Spirit of-the God descending as-if (a) dove, and coming upon him:

MATTHEW 3v17 And behold, (a) voice out-of the heavens, saying, This is my son, namely-the (one) cherished, with whom I-thought-well.


MATTHEW 4v1 Then the Jesus was-led-up into the wilderness by the Spirit, to-be-tried by the slanderer.

MATTHEW 4v2 And having-fasted forty days and forty nights, he later hungered.

MATTHEW 4v3 And the (one) trying having-come-near to-him said, If you-are son of-the God, you-say in-order-that these stones might-become loaves.

MATTHEW 4v4 But the (one) having-answered said, It-has-been-and-is-still-written, Not upon bread only will MAN live, BUT upon every saying proceeding-out through (the) mouth of-God.

MATTHEW 4v5 Then the slanderer is-taking him alongside-with-himself into the holy city, and he-is-standing him-upon the pinnacle of-the temple,

MATTHEW 4v6 And he-is-saying to-him, If you-are son of-the God, you-cast yourself down: for it-has-been-and-is-still-written, that he-will-command his angels concerning you, and they-will-lift you up upon hands, lest-at-any-time you-might-stumble your foot toward (a) stone.

MATTHEW 4v7 The Jesus was-stating to-him, Again it-has-been-and-is-still-written, You-will not tempt Jehovah your God.

MATTHEW 4v8 Again the slanderer is-taking him alongside-with-himself into (a) very high mountain, and he-is-pointing-out to-him all the kingdoms of-the world and their glory,

MATTHEW 4v9 And he-is-saying to-him, I-shall-give to-you all these-(things) if having-fallen you-will-worship to-me.

MATTHEW 4v10 Then the Jesus is-saying to-him, You-be-withdrawing, adversary; for it-has-been-and-is-still-written, you-will-worship Jehovah your God, and you-will-serve for-him only.

MATTHEW 4v11 Then the slanderer is-letting him be, and behold, angels came-near and were-ministering to-him.

MATTHEW 4v12 But the Jesus having-heard that John was-given-over, he-retired into the Galilee:

MATTHEW 4v13 And having-left-behind the Nazareth, having-come he-resided with-reference-to Capernaum, the (one) beside-the-sea, in territories of-Zebulon and Naphtali,

MATTHEW 4v14 In-order-that the-(thing) having-been-said through Isaiah the prophet might-be-fulfilled, saying,

MATTHEW 4v15 Land of-Zebulon, and land of-Naphtali, way of-sea across of-the Jordan, Galilee of-the Gentiles,

MATTHEW 4v16 The people namely-the (one) sitting in darkness saw great light, and to-the (ones) sitting in country and shadow of-death, light rose to-them.

MATTHEW 4v17 From then the Jesus began to-be-preaching and to-be-saying, YOU-be-repenting; for the kingdom of-the heavens has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near.

MATTHEW 4v18 But the Jesus walking-around beside the sea of-the Galilee he-saw two brothers, Simon the (one) being-called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting (a) casting-net into the sea, for they-were fishermen:

MATTHEW 4v19 And he-is-saying to-them, Come-hither behind me, and I-shall-make YOU fishermen of-MEN.

MATTHEW 4v20 But the (ones) immediately having-let the nets be they-followed with-him.

MATTHEW 4v21 And having-advanced therefrom he-saw two other brothers, James the (one) of-the Zebedee and John his brother, in the vessel with Zebedee their father, rendering their nets thoroughly-fit-for-the-purpose-intended, and he-called them.

MATTHEW 4v22 But the (ones) immediately having-let-go the vessel and their father they-followed with-him.

MATTHEW 4v23 The Jesus was-leading-around the total Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the good-news of-the kingdom, and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people.

MATTHEW 4v24 And the report of-him went-away into the total Syria. And they-brought-near to-him all the (ones) having badly by-various diseases, and (ones) being-held-together by-tormentings, and (ones) being-possessed-by-demons, and (ones) being-epileptics, and (ones) paralytics; and he-healed them.

MATTHEW 4v25 And many crowds followed with-him from the Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and across the Jordan.


MATTHEW 5v1 But having-seen the crowds he-ascended into the mountain; and (as) he (was) seated his disciples came-near to-him.

MATTHEW 5v2 And having-opened his mouth he-was-teaching them, saying,

MATTHEW 5v3 Happy the (ones) destitute for-the Spirit; because of-them is the kingdom of-the heavens.

MATTHEW 5v4 Happy the (ones) mourning; because they themselves-will-be-comforted.

MATTHEW 5v5 Happy the (ones) meek; because they themselves-will-inherit the land.

MATTHEW 5v6 Happy the (ones) being-hungry and thirsting (for) the justice; because they themselves-will-be-satisfied.

MATTHEW 5v7 Happy the (ones) merciful; because they themselves-will-have-mercy-bestowed.

MATTHEW 5v8 Happy the (ones) clean in-the heart; because they themselves-will-see the God.

MATTHEW 5v9 Happy the (ones) peacemakers; because they themselves-will-be-called sons of-God.

MATTHEW 5v10 Happy the (ones) having-been-and-still-persecuted on-account-of justice; because of-them is the kingdom of-the heavens.

MATTHEW 5v11 Happy are-YOU at-the-time-that they-might-reproach YOU and they-might-persecute, and (ones)-lying-for-themselves might-say every evil saying against YOU, on-account-of me.

MATTHEW 5v12 YOU-be-rejoicing and YOU-be-exulting, because YOUR reward (is) much in the heavens; for thus they-persecuted the prophets namely-the (ones) before YOU.

MATTHEW 5v13 YOU yourselves-are the salt of-the land: but if the salt might-be-made-stupid, with what will-it-be-salted?  It-is still being-strong with-reference-to nothing, unless to-be-cast without, and to-be-being-trodden-down by the MEN.

MATTHEW 5v14 YOU yourselves-are the light of-the world. (A) city is not being-able to-be-hid lying above-upon (a) mountain.

MATTHEW 5v15 Neither are-they-burning (a) lamp and putting it under the modios, BUT on the lampstand, and it-is-shining for-all the (ones) in the house.

MATTHEW 5v16 Thus let YOUR light shine in-front of-the MEN, in-which-case they-might-see YOUR fine works, and they-might-glorify YOUR Father namely-the (one) in the heavens.

MATTHEW 5v17 Might-YOU not suppose that I-came to-overthrow the law or the prophets:  I-came not to-overthrow, BUT to-fulfill.

MATTHEW 5v18 For amen I-am-saying to-YOU, till the heaven and the earth might-go-past, one iota or one little-horn by-no-means might-go-past from the law, till all-(things) might-come-to-pass.

MATTHEW 5v19 Whosoever therefore might-break one of-these commandments, namely-the least, and he-might-teach the MEN thus, he-will-be-called least in the kingdom of-the heavens; but whosoever might-do and he-might-teach (them), this-(one) will-be-called great in the kingdom of-the heavens.

MATTHEW 5v20 For I-am-saying to-YOU, that unless YOUR justice might-exceed much-more (that) of-the scribes and Pharisees, by-no-means might-YOU-go-in into the kingdom of-the heavens.

MATTHEW 5v21 YOU-heard that it-was-said to-the ancients, You-will not murder; but whosoever might-murder, he-will-be liable in-the judgement.

MATTHEW 5v22 But I myself-am-saying to-YOU, that every (one), the (one) being-wroth with his brother at-random, will-be liable in-the judgement:  but whosoever might-say to his brother, Numbskull, he-will-be liable to-the council: but whosoever might-say, Stupid, he-will-be liable with-reference-to the Gehenna of-the fire.

MATTHEW 5v23 If therefore you-might-be-offering your gift on the altar, and-there you-might-be-made-mindful that your brother is-having something against you,

MATTHEW 5v24 You-let your gift be there in-front of-the altar, and you-be-withdrawing, first you-exchange-reconciliation with your brother, and then having-come you-be-offering your gift.

MATTHEW 5v25 You-be having-good-understanding with your opponent speedily, till which-(thing) you-are in the way with him, lest-at-any-time the opponent might-give you over to-the judge, and the judge might-give you over to-the officer, and you-will-be-cast into (a) guard-house.

MATTHEW 5v26 Amen I-am-saying to-you, by-no-means might-you-come-out therefrom, till you-might-give-back the last kodrantes.

MATTHEW 5v27 YOU-heard that it-was-said to-the ancients, You-will not commit-adultery:

MATTHEW 5v28 But I myself-am-saying to-YOU, that every (one), the (one) looking-at (a) wife toward to-desire of-her, already he-committed-adultery-(with) her in his heart.

MATTHEW 5v29 But if your eye, namely-the right, is-entrapping you, you-take it out-with-the-hand and you-cast-(it) from you:  for it-is-being-advantageous for-you in-order-that one of-your members might-perish, and not your total body might-be-cast into Gehenna.

MATTHEW 5v30 And if your right hand is-entrapping you, you-chop it away and you-cast (it) from you: for it-is-being-advantageous for-you in-order-that one of-your members might-perish, and not your total body might-be-cast into Gehenna.

MATTHEW 5v31 But it-was-said that whosoever might-release his wife let-him-give to-her (a) bill-of-divorce:

MATTHEW 5v32 But I myself-am-saying to-YOU, that whosoever might-release his wife, except of-word of-prostitution, he-is-making her to-be-committing-adultery; and whosoever might-marry (one)-having-been-and-still-released is-committing-adultery.

MATTHEW 5v33 Again, YOU-heard that it-was-said to-the ancients, you-will not perjure-yourself, but you-will-give-back to-the Lord your oaths.

MATTHEW 5v34 But I myself-am-saying to-YOU to not swear totally, neither in the heaven, because it-is (the) throne of-the God;

MATTHEW 5v35 Nor in the earth, because it-is (the) footstool of-his feet:  nor with-reference-to Jerusalem, because it-is (the) city of-the great King.

MATTHEW 5v36 Nor might-you-swear in your head, because you-are not being-able to-make one hair white or black.

MATTHEW 5v37 But let YOUR word be, yea, yea; nay, nay: but the-(thing) excessive of-these is out-of the evil (one).

MATTHEW 5v38 YOU-heard that it-was-said, Eye instead-of eye, and tooth instead-of tooth;

MATTHEW 5v39 But I myself-am-saying to-YOU to not withstand to-the evil (one); BUT one-who will-slap you on your right cheek, you-turn to-him also the other;

MATTHEW 5v40 And to-the (one) willing to-be-judged with-you and to-take your tunic, you-let-go to-him also the garment-(himation);

MATTHEW 5v41 And one-who will-commandeer you one mile, you-be-withdrawing with him two.

MATTHEW 5v42 You-be-giving to-the (one) requesting you; and might-you not be-turned-back-from the (one). willing to-borrow from you.

MATTHEW 5v43 YOU-heard that it-was-said, You-will-cherish your neighbor and you-will-hate your enemy.

MATTHEW 5v44 But I myself-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-be cherishing YOUR enemies, YOU-be-blessing the (ones) cursing-against YOU, YOU-be-doing rightly the (ones) hating YOU, and YOU-be-praying in-behalf-of the (ones) mistreating YOU and persecuting YOU;

MATTHEW 5v45 In-which-case YOU-might-come-to-be sons of-YOUR Father namely-the-(one) in (the) heavens: because he-is-rising his sun on evil (ones) and good (ones), and he-is-raining on just (ones) and unjust (ones).

MATTHEW 5v46 For if YOU-might-cherish the (ones) cherishing YOU, what reward are-YOU-having?  Are NOT even the tax-collectors doing the same-(thing)?

MATTHEW 5v47 And if YOU-might-greet YOUR brothers only, what are-YOU-doing excessive? Are NOT even the tax-collectors doing thus?

MATTHEW 5v48 YOU yourselves therefore will-be perfect, as-altogether YOUR Father, namely-the (one) in the heavens, is perfect.


MATTHEW 6v1 YOU-be-paying-attention not to-be-doing YOUR alms in-front of-the MEN, toward to-be-beheld by-them:  but if not-in-fact, YOU-are not having reward beside YOUR Father, namely-the (one) in the heavens.

MATTHEW 6v2 Therefore at-the-time-that you-might-be-doing alms, might-you not sound-a-trumpet in-front of-you, as-altogether the hypocrites are-doing in the synagogues and in the streets, in-which-case they-might-be-glorified by the MEN. Amen, I-am-saying to-YOU they-are-having-back their reward.

MATTHEW 6v3 But (as) you (are) doing alms, let not your left-hand come-to-know what your right-(hand) is-doing,

MATTHEW 6v4 In-which-case your alms might-be in the hidden-(thing); and your Father, namely-the (one) looking in the hidden-(thing), he himself-will-give-back to-you, in the manifest-(thing).

MATTHEW 6v5 And at-the-time-that you-might-be-praying, you-will not be as-altogether the hypocrites, because they-are-loving to-be-praying having-stood-and-still-standing in the synagogues and in the corners of-the squares, in-which-case they-might-appear to-the MEN. Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that they-are-having-back their reward.

MATTHEW 6v6 But you, at-the-time-that you-might-be-praying, you-go-in into your storechamber, and having-shut your door, you-pray to-your Father, namely-the (one) in the hidden; and your Father, namely-the (one) looking in the hidden-(thing) will-give-back to-you in the manifest-(thing).

MATTHEW 6v7 But (ones)-praying, might-YOU not babble as-altogether the gentilish-(ones):  for they-are-thinking that they-will-be-listened-to in their much-speaking.

MATTHEW 6v8 Therefore might-YOU not be-likened to-them:  for YOUR Father is-knowing-absolutely of-what-(things) YOU-are-having need before YOU to-request him.

MATTHEW 6v9 Thus therefore YOU yourselves-be-praying: Father of-us, the (one) in the heavens, let your name be-made-holy;

MATTHEW 6v10 Let your kingdom come; let your will come-to-pass, as in heaven, also upon the earth;

MATTHEW 6v11 You-give to-us today our bread namely-the (one) on-(your)-property;

MATTHEW 6v12 You-forgive to-us our debts, as we ourselves also are-forgiving to-the debtors of-us;

MATTHEW 6v13 And might-you not bring-in us into trial, BUT you-deliver us from the evil-(one). Because of-you is the kingdom and the power and the glory with-reference-to the ages.  Amen.

MATTHEW 6v14 For if YOU-might-forgive to-the MEN their offences, your Father namely-the heavenly will-forgive YOU also.

MATTHEW 6v15 But if YOU-might not forgive to-the MEN their offences, neither will YOUR Father forgive YOUR offences.

MATTHEW 6v16 But at-the-time-that YOU-might-be-fasting, YOU-be not coming-to-be as-altogether the hypocrites, (ones)-sad-looking; for they-are-vanishing their faces, in-which-case they-might-appear to-the MEN fasting. Amen I-am-saying to-YOU that they-are-having-back their reward.

MATTHEW 6v17 But you, fasting, you-anoint-for-yourselves your head, and you-wash-for-yourself your face,

MATTHEW 6v18 In-which-case you-might not appear to-the MEN fasting, BUT to-your Father namely-the (one) in the hidden; and your Father, namely-the (one) looking in the hidden-(thing) will-give-back to-you in the manifest-(thing).

MATTHEW 6v19 YOU-be not storing-up for-YOU stores on the earth, where-in-which moth and eating is-vanishing, and where-in-which thieves are-digging-through and they-are-stealing;

MATTHEW 6v20 But YOU-be-storing-up for-YOU, stores in heaven, where-in-which neither moth nor eating is-vanishing, and where-in-which thieves are not digging-through nor are-they-stealing.

MATTHEW 6v21 For where-in-which is YOUR store, there YOUR heart will-be also.

MATTHEW 6v22 The lamp of-the body is the eye; therefore if your eye might-be simple your total body will-be full-of-light.

MATTHEW 6v23 But if your eye might-be evil your total body will-be full-of darkness.  If therefore the light, namely-the (one) in you is darkness, how-much the darkness.

MATTHEW 6v24 No-one is-being-able to-be-being-a-slave to-two lords; for either he-will-hate the one, and he-will-cherish the (one) different; or he-will-hold-up of-one and he-will-despise of-the (one) different.  YOU-are not being-able to-be-being-a-slave to-God and to-mammon.

MATTHEW 6v25 Because-of this I-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-be not being-anxious for YOUR soul what YOU-might-eat and what YOU-might-drink; nor for YOUR body, what YOU-might-clothe-yourselves-in.  Is NOT the soul much-more (than)-the nourishment and the body (than)-the clothing?

MATTHEW 6v26 YOU-look-upon, with-reference-to the flying-(things) of-the heaven, that they-are not sowing, nor are-they-harvesting, nor are-they-gathering-together into granaries, and YOUR Father namely-the heavenly is-nourishing them:  are not YOU yourselves-differing more of-them?

MATTHEW 6v27 But who out-of YOU being-anxious is-being-able to-add one cubit on his stature?

MATTHEW 6v28 And why are-YOU-being-anxious concerning clothing? YOU-learn-thoroughly-from the lilies of-the field, how they-are-growing:  they-are not tiring-from-labor nor are-they-spinning:

MATTHEW 6v29 But I-am-saying to-YOU, that neither Solomon in all his glory cast-around-himself as one of-these.

MATTHEW 6v30 But if the God is thus adorning the grass of-the field, today being, and to-morrow being-cast into (an) oven, for not much rather YOU, little-trust-(ones)?

MATTHEW 6v31 Might-YOU not therefore be-anxious, saying, What might-we-eat? or, What might-we-drink? or What might-we-cast-around-ourselves?

MATTHEW 6v32 For all these-(things) the Gentiles are-seeking-after.  For YOUR Father, namely-the heavenly, is-knowing-absolutely that YOU-are-needing of-quite-all these-(things).

MATTHEW 6v33 But YOU-be-seeking first the kingdom of-the God and his justice,. and all these-(things) will-be-added to-YOU.

MATTHEW 6v34 Might-YOU not therefore be-anxious with-reference-to the morrow: for the morrow will-be-anxious (for) the-(things) of-itself.  


MATTHEW 7v1 YOU-be not judging, in-order-that YOU-might not be-judged:

MATTHEW 7v2 For with what sentence YOU-are-judging, YOU-will-be-judged; and with what measure YOU-are-measuring, it-will-be-measured-in-return to-YOU.

MATTHEW 7v3 But why are-you-looking-at the chip, namely-the (one) in the eye of-your brother, but you-are not taking-note-of the rafter in your eye?

MATTHEW 7v4 Or how will-you-say to your brother, You-let-be I-might-cast-out the chip from your eye:  and behold, the rafter (is) in your eye?

MATTHEW 7v5 Hypocrite, you first cast-out the rafter out-of your eye, and then you-will-look-thoroughly to-cast-out the chip out-of the eye namely-the (one) of-your brother.

MATTHEW 7v6 Might-YOU not give the holy-(thing) to-the dogs, neither might-YOU-cast YOUR pearls in-front of-the swine, lest-at-any-time they-might-tread them down with their feet, and having-been-turned they-might-rend YOU asunder.

MATTHEW 7v7 YOU-be-requesting, and it-will-be-given to-YOU: YOU-be-seeking, and YOU-will-find: YOU-be-knocking, and it-will-be-opened to-YOU.

and to-the-(one) knocking it-will-be-opened.

MATTHEW 7v8 For every-(one) the-(one) requesting is-taking, and the (one) seeking is-finding,

MATTHEW 7v9 Or who is (the) MAN out-of YOU, whom if his son might-request bread, will-he-hand-over to-him (a) stone?

MATTHEW 7v10 And if he-might-request (a) fish, will-he-hand-over to-him (a) serpent?

MATTHEW 7v11  If therefore YOU, being evil (ones), yourselves-know-absolutely to-be-giving good presents to YOUR children, by-how-much more will YOUR Father, namely-the (one) in the heavens, give good-(things) to-the (ones) requesting him?

MATTHEW 7v12 All-(things) therefore, as-many-as YOU-might-be-willing in-order-that the MEN might-be-doing to-YOU, thus also YOU yourselves-be-doing to-them: for this is the law and the prophets.

MATTHEW 7v13 YOU-go-in through the narrow gate; because wide the gate and spacious the way, namely-the (one) leading-away into the destruction, and many are the (ones) going-in through it:

MATTHEW 7v14 Because narrow the gate and having-been-and-still-oppressed the way, namely-the (one) leading-away into the life, and few are the (ones) finding it.

MATTHEW 7v15 But YOU-be-paying-attention from the false-prophets, ones-who are-coming to YOU in clothings of-sheep, but within are seizer wolves.

MATTHEW 7v16 From their fruits YOU-will-come-to-know them thoroughly.  Whether-at-all are-they-gathering-up (a) grape from thorn-plants, or figs from thistles?

MATTHEW 7v17 Thus every good tree is-making fine fruits, but the rotten tree is-making evil fruits.

MATTHEW 7v18 (A) good tree is not being-able to-be-making evil fruits, neither (a) rotten tree to-be-making fine fruits.

MATTHEW 7v19 Every tree not making fine fruit is-being-chopped-away and it-is-being-cast into fire.

MATTHEW 7v20 So-in-fact YOU-will-come-to-know them thoroughly from their fruits.

MATTHEW 7v21 Not every-(one), the-(one) saying to-me, Lord, Lord, will-go-in into the kingdom of-the heavens, BUT the-(one) doing the will of-my Father namely-the (one) in heavens.

MATTHEW 7v22 Many, will-say to-me in that day, Lord, Lord, prophesied-we not by-your name, and we-cast-out little-demons by-your name, and we-did many powerful-deeds by-your name?

MATTHEW 7v23 And then I-shall-confess to-them, that I never came-to-know YOU: YOU-be-retiring from me, the (ones) working the lawlessness.

MATTHEW 7v24 Every-(one) therefore, one-who is-hearing these my words, and is-doing them, I-shall-liken him to-(a)-prudent man, one-who built-up his house upon the rock:

MATTHEW 7v25 And the rain descended, and the rivers came, and the winds blew, and they-fell-against that house, and it-fell not; for it-had-been-founded upon the rock.

MATTHEW 7v26 And every-(one), the-(one) hearing these my words and doing them not, he-will-be-likened to-(a)-stupid man, one-who built-up his house upon the sand:

MATTHEW 7v27 And the rain descended, and the rivers came, and the winds blew, and they-pounded that house, and it-fell, and the falling of-it was great.

MATTHEW 7v28 And it-came-to-pass when the Jesus finished these-words completely the crowds were-being-surprised upon his doctrine.

MATTHEW 7v29 For he-was teaching them as having authority, and not as the scribes.


MATTHEW 8v1 But (as) he (was) having-descended from the mountain, many crowds followed with-him.

MATTHEW 8v2 And behold, a leper having-come was worshipping to-him, saying, Lord, if you-might-be-willing, you-are-being-able to-cleanse me.

MATTHEW 8v3 And having-stretched-out the hand the Jesus handled of-him, saying, I-am-willing, you-be-cleansed.  And immediately his leprosy was-cleansed.

MATTHEW 8v4 And the Jesus is-saying to-him, You-be-seeing you-might-say to-no-one; BUT you-be-withdrawing, you-point-out yourself to-the priest, and you-offer the gift which Moses prescribed with-reference-to (a) witness to-them.

MATTHEW 8v5 But (as) the Jesus (was) having-come-in into Capernaum, (a) hundred-ruler came-near to-him, entreating him

MATTHEW 8v6 And saying, Lord, my male-servant has-been-and-is-still-cast in the house paralytic, being terribly tormented.

MATTHEW 8v7 And the Jesus is-saying to-him, I myself having-come shall-heal him.

MATTHEW 8v8 And the hundred-ruler having-answered was-stating, Lord, I-am not adequate in-order-that you-might-come-in under my roof, BUT you only say (a) word and my male-servant will-be-cured.

MATTHEW 8v9 For I myself-am also (a) MAN under authority, having soldiers under myself: and I-am-saying to-this-(one), You-proceed, and he-is-proceeding; and to-another, You-be-coming, and he-is-coming; and to my slave, You-do this, and he-is-doing.

MATTHEW 8v10 But the Jesus having-heard he-marvelled, and he-said to-the (ones) following, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, neither among the Israeli I-found this-much trust.

MATTHEW 8v11 But I-am-saying to-YOU, that many will-be-present from risings and settings, and they-will-be-reclined-again with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of-the heavens;

MATTHEW 8v12 But the sons of-the kingdom will-be-cast-out into the darkness namely-the outer:  the weeping and the gnashing of-the teeth will-be there.

MATTHEW 8v13 And the Jesus said to-the hundred-ruler, You-be-withdrawing, and as you-trusted let-it-come-to-pass for-you.  And his male-servant was-cured in that hour.

MATTHEW 8v14 And the Jesus having-come into the house of-Peter, he-saw his mother-in-law having-been-cast and having-a-fever,

MATTHEW 8v15 And he-handled her hand and the fever let her go, and she-was-raised, and she-was-ministering to-them.

MATTHEW 8v16 But (as) evening (was) having-come-to-pass, they-brought-near to-him many being-possessed-by-demons, and he-cast-out the spirits with-(a)-word, and he-healed all the (ones) having badly:

MATTHEW 8v17 In-which-case the-(thing) having-been-said through Isaiah the prophet might-be-fulfilled, saying, He himself-took the weaknesses of-us, and he-bore the diseases.

MATTHEW 8v18 But the Jesus having-seen many crowds around him, he-gave-verbal-order to-go-away into the other-side.

MATTHEW 8v19 And one scribe having-come-near said to-him, Teacher, I-shall-follow with-you where-in-which if you-might-be-going-away.

MATTHEW 8v20 And the Jesus is-saying to-him, The foxes are-having lairs, and the flying-(things) of-the heaven settling-places, but the son of-the MAN is not having where he-might-be-reclining the head.

MATTHEW 8v21 But (a) different (one) of-his disciples said to-him, Lord, you-permit for-me first to-go-away and to-bury my father.

MATTHEW 8v22 But the Jesus said to-him, You-be-following with-me, and you-let-be the dead to-bury the dead (ones) of-themselves.

MATTHEW 8v23 And (when) he (was) having-embarked into the vessel, his disciples followed with-him.

MATTHEW 8v24 And behold, (a) great earthquake came-to-pass in the sea, so-that the vessel to-be-being-covered by the waves; but he himself-was-sleeping.

MATTHEW 8v25 And his disciples having-come-near, they-raised him, saying, Lord, you-save us, we-are-being-destroyed.

MATTHEW 8v26 And he-is-saying to-them, Why are-YOU timid, (ones)-of-little-trust? Then, having-been-raised he-rebuked the winds and the sea and great calm came-to-pass.

MATTHEW 8v27 But the MEN marvelled, saying, Of-what-quality is this (one), that even the winds and the sea are-obeying for-him?

MATTHEW 8v28 And (when) he (was) having-come into the other-side, into the country of-the Gergesenes, two being-possessed-by-demons encountered him, coming-out out-of the tombs, very furious, so-that someone (was) to-be not being-strong-enough to-go-past through that way.

MATTHEW 8v29 And behold, they cried, saying, What to-us and to-you, Jesus, son of-the God?  Came-you here before season to-torment us?

MATTHEW 8v30 But there-was far from them (a) herd of-many swine feeding-for-themselves.

MATTHEW 8v31 But the demons were-entreating him, saying,  you-are-casting us out, you-permit for-us to-go-away into the herd of-the swine.

MATTHEW 8v32 And he-said to-them, YOU-be-withdrawing. But the (ones) having-gone-out went-away into the herd of-the swine:  and behold, all the herd of-the swine rushed down the precipice into the sea, and they-died-off in the waters.

MATTHEW 8v33 But the (ones) feeding (them) fled, and having-gone-away into the city they-reported all-(things), even the-(things) of-the (ones) being-possessed-by-demons.

MATTHEW 8v34 And behold, all the city went-out into (a) meeting-together with-the Jesus; and having-seen him, they-entreated in-which-case he-might-change-location away-from their territories.


MATTHEW 9v1 And having-embarked into the vessel he-passed-over and he-came into (his) own city.

MATTHEW 9v2 And behold, they-were-bringing-near to-him (a) paralytic having-been-cast on (a) bed, and the Jesus having-seen their trust he-said to-the paralytic, You-be-being-of-good-courage, child; your sins have-been-and-sill-are-forgiven to-you.

MATTHEW 9v3 And behold, some of-the scribes said among themselves, This (one) is-blaspheming.

MATTHEW 9v4 And the Jesus having-seen their meditations, he-said, To-what-end are-YOU yourselves meditating evil-(things) in YOUR hearts?

MATTHEW 9v5 For which is easier, to-say, Your sins have-been-and-still-are-forgiven, or to-say, You-rise-for-yourself and you-be-walking-around?

MATTHEW 9v6  But in-order-that YOU-might-be-knowing-absolutely that the son of-the MAN is-having authority on the earth to-be-forgiving sins:  then he-is-saying to-the paralytic, Raving-been-raised, you-lift-up your bed, and you-be-withdrawing into your home.

MATTHEW 9v7 And having-been-raised he-went-away into his home.

MATTHEW 9v8 But the crowds having-seen marvelled, and they-glorified the God, namely-the (one) having-given authority such-as-this for-the MEN.

MATTHEW 9v9 And the Jesus leading-by therefrom saw (a) MAN sitting upon the tax-office, being-called Matthew, and he-is-saying to-him, You-be-following with-me. And having-stood-up he-followed with-him.

MATTHEW 9v10 And it-came-to-pass (as) he (was) lying-back in the house, and behold, many tax-collectors and sinners having-come were-lying-back-together with-the Jesus and his disciples.

MATTHEW 9v11 And the Pharisees having-seen said to his disciples, Because-of-what is YOUR teacher eating with the tax-collectors and sinners?

MATTHEW 9v12 But the Jesus having-heard, he-said to-them, the (ones) being-strong are not having need of-(a)-curer, BUT the (ones) having badly.

MATTHEW 9v13 But having-proceeded YOU-learn what is, I-am-willing mercy, and not sacrifice: for I-came not to-call just (ones), BUT sinners with-reference-to repentance.

MATTHEW 9v14 Then the disciples of-John are-coming-near to-him, saying, Because-of-what are we and the  Pharisees fasting much, but your disciples are not fasting?

MATTHEW 9v15 And the Jesus said to-them, Are the sons of-the bridal-chamber being-able to-be-mourning upon as-long-as the bridegroom is with them?  But days will-come at-the-time-that the bridegroom might-be-lifted-away from them, and then they-will-fast.

MATTHEW 9v16 But no-one is-casting-on (a) patch of-unfulled cloth upon (an) old garment:  for it-is-lifting-up its fulness from the garment, and (a) worse split is-coming-to-pass.

MATTHEW 9v17 Nor are-they-casting new wine into old skin-bags, otherwise in-fact the skin-bags are-being-rent-asunder, and the wine is-being-poured-out, and the skin-bags will-perish; BUT they-are-casting new wine into new-quality skin-bags, and both are-being-kept-safe.

MATTHEW 9v18 And (as) he (was) speaking these-(things) to-them, behold (a) ruler having-come was-worshipping to-him, saying, that my daughter just-now came-to-an-end; BUT having-come you-place-on your hand upon her, and she-will-live.

MATTHEW 9v19 And the Jesus having-been-raised he-followed with-him, also his disciples.

MATTHEW 9v20 And behold, (a) woman losing-blood twelve years, having-come-near at-the-back she-handled of-the tassel of-his garment.

MATTHEW 9v21 For she-was-saying within herself, If I-might only handle his garment I-shall-be-saved.

MATTHEW 9v22 But the Jesus having-turned-around and having-seen her he-said, You-be-being-of-good-courage, daughter; your trust has-saved-and-still-saves you. And the woman was-saved from that hour.

MATTHEW 9v23 And the Jesus having-come into the house of-the ruler, and having-seen the flute-player and the crowd making-a-tumult,

MATTHEW 9v24 He-is-saying to-them, YOU-be-retiring, for the damsel (has) not died-off, BUT she-is-sleeping. And they-were-ridiculing of-him.

MATTHEW 9v25 But when the crowd was-cast-out, having-gone-in he retained of-her hand, and the damsel was-raised.

MATTHEW 9v26 And this fame went-out into that total land.

MATTHEW 9v27 And (while) the Jesus (was) leading-past  therefrom, two blind (ones) followed with-him, crying and saying, You-have-mercy-on us, son of David.

MATTHEW 9v28 But having-come into the house, the blind (ones) came-near to-him, and the Jesus is-saying to-them, Are-YOU-trusting that I-am-being-able to-do this?  They-are-saying to-him, Yea, Lord.

MATTHEW 9v29 Then he-handled their eyes, saying, According-to-YOUR trust let-it-come-to-pass for-YOU.

MATTHEW 9v30 And their eyes were-opened; and the Jesus was-perturbed with-them, saying, YOU-be-seeing no-one be-let-coming-to-know.

MATTHEW 9v31 But the (ones) having-gone-out advertised him-in that total land.

MATTHEW 9v32 But (as) they (were) going-out, behold, they-brought-near to-him (a) dull MAN being-possessed-by-a-demon.

MATTHEW 9v33 And (as) the little-demon (was) having-been-cast-out, the dull (one) spoke.  And the crowds marvelled, saying, that it never appeared thus among the Israeli.

MATTHEW 9v34 But the Pharisees were-saying, With the ruler of-the little-demons he-is-casting-out the little-demons.

MATTHEW 9v35 And the Jesus was-leading-around all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the good-news of-the kingdom, and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people.

MATTHEW 9v36 But having-seen the crowds, he-was-moved-with-compassion concerning them, because they-were (ones)-having-been-faint and having-been-thrown-away as-if sheep not having shepherd.

MATTHEW 9v37 Then he-is-saying to his disciples, On-the-one-hand the harvest (is) much, on-the-other-hand the workmen (are) few;

MATTHEW 9v38 YOU-petition therefore the Lord of-the harvest, in-which-case he-might-cast-out workmen into his harvest.


MATTHEW 10v1 And having-called-to-himself his twelve disciples, he-gave to-them authority of-unclean spirits, so-as to-be-casting them out, and to-be-healing every disease and every infirmity.

MATTHEW 10v2 But of-the twelve apostles the names are these: first Simon the (one) being-called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the (one) of-the Zebedee, and John his brother;

MATTHEW 10v3 Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax-collector; James the-(one) of-the Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus the-(one) having-been-nicknamed Thaddaeus;

MATTHEW 10v4 Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, even the-(one) having-given him over.

MATTHEW 10v5 The Jesus dispatched these twelve, having-delivered-a-message to-them, saying, Might-YOU not go-away into (a) way of-nations, and might-YOU not go-in into (a) city of-Samaritans;

MATTHEW 10v6 But YOU-be-proceeding rather to the sheep, namely-the (ones) having-been-and-still-being-destroyed of-(the)-household of-Israel.

MATTHEW 10v7 But proceeding YOU-be-preaching, saying, that the kingdom of-the heavens has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near.

MATTHEW 10v8 YOU-be-healing (ones)-being-weak, YOU-be-cleansing (ones)-leprous, YOU-be-raising (ones)-dead, YOU-be-casting-out little-demons.  YOU-took gratuitously, YOU-give gratuitously.

MATTHEW 10v9 Might-YOU not acquire gold, neither silver, nor brass-(money) into YOUR belts,

MATTHEW 10v10 Not (a) leather-pouch with-reference-to (a) way, neither two tunics, nor shoes, nor (a) rod; for the workman is worthy of-his nourishment.

MATTHEW 10v11 But into which city or village YOU-might-go-in, YOU-scrutinize who in it is worthy, and-there YOU-remain till YOU-might-go-out.

MATTHEW 10v12 But going-in into the family, YOU-greet it.

MATTHEW 10v13 And if on-the-one-hand the family might-be worthy let YOUR peace come upon it; on-the-other-hand if it-might not be worthy let YOUR peace be-turned-around to YOU.

MATTHEW 10v14 And whosoever might not receive YOU, neither might-hear YOUR words, going-out of-the family or of-that city, YOU-shake-out the dust of-YOUR feet.

MATTHEW 10v15 Amen, I-am-saying to-YOU, it-will-be more-tolerable for-land of-Sodom and of-Gomorrah in (a) day of-judgement, than for-that city.

MATTHEW 10v16 Behold, I myself-am-dispatching YOU as sheep in midst of-wolves:  therefore YOU-be-coming-to-be prudent as the serpents, and uncontaminated as the doves.

MATTHEW 10v17 But YOU-be-paying attention from the MEN; for they-will-give YOU over into councils, and they-will-whip YOU in their synagogues:

MATTHEW 10v18 And YOU-will-be-led upon governors but also kings on-account-of me, with-reference-to (a) testimony to-them and to-the Gentiles.

MATTHEW 10v19 But at-the-time-that they-might-be-giving YOU over, might-YOU not be-anxious how or what YOU-might-speak:  for it-will-be-given to-YOU in that hour what YOU-will-speak:

MATTHEW 10v20 For YOU yourselves-are not the (ones) speaking, BUT the Spirit of-YOUR Father the (one) speaking in YOU.

MATTHEW 10v21 But brother will-give-over brother with-reference-to death, and father child: and children will-rebel upon parents, and they-will-put them to-death.

MATTHEW 10v22 And YOU-will-be being-hated by all because-of my name; but the (one) having-persevered with-reference-to finish, this (one) will-be-saved.

MATTHEW 10v23 But at-the-time-that they-might-be-persecuting YOU in this city YOU-be-fleeing into the other: for amen, I-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-might by-no-means finish the cities of-the Israeli till the son of-the MAN might-come.

MATTHEW 10v24 (A) disciple is not above the teacher, nor (a) slave above his Lord.

MATTHEW 10v25 Sufficient for-the disciple in-order-that he-might-come-to-be as his teacher, and the slave as his Lord.  If they-called the despot-of-the-household Beelzebul by-how-much more the (ones) members of-his family.

MATTHEW 10v26 Might-YOU not therefore fear them; for not-one-(thing) is having-been-and-still-covered which will not be uncovered, and secret which will not come-to-be-known.

MATTHEW 10v27 What I-am-saying to-YOU in the dark YOU-say in the light; and what YOU-are-hearing with-reference-to the ear YOU-preach upon the housetops.

MATTHEW 10v28 And might-YOU not fear from the (ones) killing the body, but not being-able to-kill the soul; but might-YOU rather fear the (one) being-able to-destroy, even soul and body in gehenna.

MATTHEW 10v29 (Are) NOT two sparrows being-offered-for-sale (for)-an-assarius? Even one out-of them will not fall upon the earth apart-from YOUR Father.

MATTHEW 10v30 But of-YOU even the hairs of-the head are all having-been-and-are-still-numbered.

MATTHEW 10v31 Might-YOU not fear therefore; YOU yourselves-are-differing of-many sparrows.

MATTHEW 10v32 Every (one) therefore, one-who will-confess in me in-front of-the MEN, I-also myself-shall-confess in him in-front of-my Father namely-the (one) in (the) heavens.

MATTHEW 10v33 But one-who might-deny me in-front of-the MEN, I-also myself-shall-deny him in-front of-my Father namely-the (one) in (the) heavens.

MATTHEW 10v34 Might-YOU not suppose that I-came to-cast peace upon the land:  I-came not to-cast peace, BUT dagger.

MATTHEW 10v35 For I-came to-bisect; (a) MAN against his father, and (a) daughter against her mother, and (a) bride

against her mother-in-law.

MATTHEW 10v36 And enemies of-the MAN, the members of-his family.

MATTHEW 10v37 The (one) loving father or mother above me is not worthy of-me; and the (one) loving son or daughter above me is not worthy of-me.

MATTHEW 10v38 And who is not taking his cross and is following behind me is not worthy of-me.

MATTHEW 10v39 The (one) having-found his soul will-destroy it; and the (one) having-destroyed his soul on-account-of me will-find it.

MATTHEW 10v40 The (one) receiving YOU is-receiving me; and the (one) receiving me is-receiving the (one) having-dispatched me.

MATTHEW 10v41 The (one) receiving (a) prophet with-reference-to (the) name of-(a)-prophet he-will-take reward of-(a)-prophet; and the (one) receiving (a) just (one) with-reference-to (the) name of-(a)-just (one) he-will-take reward of-(a)-just (one),

MATTHEW 10v42 And who if he-might-give-to-drink one of-these little (ones) (a) cup of-cold (water) only with-reference-to (a) name of-a-disciple, amen I-am-saying to-YOU, by-no-means might-he-destroy his reward.


MATTHEW 11v1 And it-came-to-pass when the Jesus finished ordering of-his twelve disciples, he-changed-location therefrom to-be-teaching and to-be-preaching in their cities.

MATTHEW 11v2 But the John having-heard in the prison the works of-the Messiah, having-sent two of-his disciples,

MATTHEW 11v3 He-said to-him, Are-you yourself the (one) coming, or are-we-anticipating (one) different?

MATTHEW 11v4 And the Jesus having-answered said to-them, Having-proceeded YOU-report to-John what-(things) YOU-are-hearing and YOU-are-looking-at:

MATTHEW 11v5 Blind (ones) are-receiving-sight, and lame-(ones) are-walking-around; leprous-(ones) are-being-cleansed, and dull-(ones) are-hearing; dead-(ones) are-being-raised, and (ones)-destitute are-having-good-news-brought (to them).

MATTHEW 11v6 And he-is happy, who if he-might not be-entrapped with me.

MATTHEW 11v7 But (as) these (were) proceeding the Jesus began to-be-saying to-the crowds concerning John, What went-YOU-out into the wilderness to-behold? (A) reed being-stirred by wind?

MATTHEW 11v8 BUT what went-YOU-out to-see? (A) MAN having-been-and-still-adorned in soft garments? Behold, the (ones) wearing the soft-(things) are in the households of-the Kings.

MATTHEW 11v9 BUT what went-YOU-out to-see? (A) prophet? Yea, I-am-saying to-YOU, even exceedingly-more than-(a)-prophet.

MATTHEW 11v10 For this (one) is concerning whom it-has-been-and-is-still-written, Behold, I myself-am-dispatching my messenger before your person, who will construct your way in-front of-you.

MATTHEW 11v11 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, Among (ones)-born of-wives has not been-raised-and-is-still (not) raised (a) greater (than)-John the Baptist.  But the (one) lesser in the kingdom of-the heavens is greater (than) he.

MATTHEW 11v12 But from the days of-John the Baptist till just-now, the kingdom of-the heavens is-being-forced, and forceful-(ones) are-seizing it.

MATTHEW 11v13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied till John.

MATTHEW 11v14 And if YOU-are-willing to-receive, he himself-is Elijah the (one) future to-be-coming.

MATTHEW 11v15 The (one) having ears to-be-hearing, let-him-be-hearing.

MATTHEW 11v16 But to-what shall-I-liken this generation? It is like to-young-children sitting in markets, and hollering-to their comrades,

MATTHEW 11v17 And saying, We-played-on-the-flute to-YOU, and YOU-danced not; we-lamented with-YOU, and YOU-bewailed not.

MATTHEW 11v18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they-are-saying, he-is-having (a) little-demon.

MATTHEW 11v19 The son of-the MAN came eating and drinking, and they-are-saying, Behold, (a) MAN, (a) glutton and (a) wine-drinker, (a) friend of-tax-collectors and sinners. And the wisdom was-justified from her children.

MATTHEW 11v20 Then he-began to-be-reproaching the cities in which the majority powerful-deeds of-him came-to-pass, because they-repented not.

MATTHEW 11v21 Woe to-you Chorazin:  Woe to-you Bethsaida! Because if the powerful-deeds, namely-the (ones) having-come-to-pass in YOU, came-to-pass in Tyre and Sidon, they (likely) repented long-ago in sackcloth and ashes.

MATTHEW 11v22 Further, I-am-saying to-YOU, It-will-be more-tolerable for-Tyre and for-Sidon in (a) day of-judgement than for-YOU.

MATTHEW 11v23 And you, Capernaum, who having-been-raised-to-a-height till the heaven, you-will-be-cast-down till Hades: because if the powerful-deeds, namely-the (ones) having-come-to-pass in you, came-to-pass in Sodom, it (likely) remained as-far-as the today.

MATTHEW 11v24 Further, I-am-saying to-YOU, that it-will-be-more-tolerable for-(the)-land of-Sodom in (a) day of-judgement than for-you.

MATTHEW 11v25 In that season the Jesus having-answered said, I-am-acknowledging to-you, Lord of-the heaven and the earth, that you-hid-back these-things from wise-(ones) and intelligent-(ones), and you-uncovered them to-infants.

MATTHEW 11v26 Yea, the Father, because thus it-came-to-be seeming-well in-front of-you.

MATTHEW 11v27 All-(things) (were) given-over to-me by my Father; and no-one is-coming-to-know the son thoroughly unless. the Father, neither is anyone coming-to-know the Father thoroughly, unless the son, and to-whomsoever the son might-be-purposing to-uncover (him).

MATTHEW 11v28 Come-hither to me, all the (ones) tiring-from-labor and having-been-and-still-burdened, and-I myself-shall-rest YOU again.

MATTHEW 11v29 YOU-lift-up my yoke upon YOU, and YOU-learn from me, because I-am meek and humble in-the heart; and YOU-will find rest-again for YOUR souls.

MATTHEW 11v30 For my yoke is gracious and my little-burden lightness.


Matthew 12v1 In that season the Jesus proceeded on-the Sabbaths through the sown-fields; but his disciples were-hungry, and they-began to-be-plucking-off ears and to-be-eating.

Matthew 12v2 But the Pharisees having-seen said to-him, Behold, your disciples are-doing what is not legitimate to-be-doing in (a) Sabbath.

MATTHEW 12v3 But the (one) said to-them, Read-YOU not what David did, when he himself was-hungry and the-(ones) with him?

MATTHEW 12v4 How he-went-in into the home of-the God, and he-ate the loaves of-the plan, which it-was not being-legitimate for-him to-eat, neither for-the (ones) with him, unless for-the priests only?

MATTHEW 12v5 Or read-YOU not in the law, that on-the Sabbaths the priests in the temple are-profaning the Sabbath, and they-are guiltless?

MATTHEW 12v6 But I-am-saying to-YOU, that (a) greater (than)-the temple is here.

MATTHEW 12v7 But if YOU-had-come-to-know what it-is, I-am-willing mercy and not sacrifice, not (likely) YOU-pronounced-guilty the (ones) guiltless.

MATTHEW 12v8 For the son of-the MAN is Jehovah also of-the Sabbath.

MATTHEW 12v9 And having-changed-location therefrom, he-went into their synagogue.

MATTHEW 12v10 And behold, (a) MAN was having the hand dried-up.  And they-questioned him saying, If it-is-legitimate on-the Sabbaths to-be-healing, in-order-that they-might-accuse him.

MATTHEW 12v11 But the (one) said to-them, Who will-be (a) MAN out-of YOU, who will-have one sheep, and if this (one) might-fall-in, on-the Sabbaths, into (a) hole, will-he NOT retain it and will-he-raise (it)?

MATTHEW 12v12 Therefore by-how-much is (a) MAN differing of-sheep?  So-that it-is-legitimate on-the Sabbaths to-be-doing well.

MATTHEW 12v13 Then he-is-saying to-the MAN, You-stretch-out your hand. And he-stretched (it) out and it-was-restored healthy as the other.

MATTHEW 12v14 But the Pharisees having-gone-out took counsel-together against him, in-which-case they-might-destroy him.

MATTHEW 12v15 But the Jesus having-come-to-know, he-retired therefrom, and many crowds followed with-him, and he-healed them all,

MATTHEW 12v16 And he-rebuked them in-order-that they-might not make him manifest.

MATTHEW 12v17 In-which-case the-thing having-been-said through Isaiah the prophet might-be-fulfilled, saying,

MATTHEW 12v18 Behold my male-servant whom I-singled-out, my cherished with-reference-to whom my soul thought-well. I-shall-put my Spirit upon him, and he-will-report judgement to-the Gentiles.

MATTHEW 12v19 He-will not quarrel neither will-he-scream, nor will anyone hear his voice in the squares.

MATTHEW 12v20 He-will not crush (a) reed having-been-and-still-shattered, and he-will not extinguish smouldering flax, till he-might-cast out the judgement with-reference-to victory.

MATTHEW 12v21 And in his name nations will-hope.

MATTHEW 12v22 Then (one)-being-possessed-by-a-demon was-brought-near to-him, blind and dull, and he-healed him, so-that the (one) blind and dull even to-be-speaking and to-be-looking.

MATTHEW 12v23 And all the crowds were-being-made-ecstatic and they-were-saying, Is this (one) ever-at-all the son of-David?

MATTHEW 12v24 But the Pharisees having-heard said, This (one) is not casting-out the little-demons unless with the Beelzebul ruler of-the little-demons.

MATTHEW 12v25 But the Jesus knowing-absolutely their meditations he-said to-them, Every kingdom having-been-parted against itself is-being-made-desolate, and every city or house having-been-parted against itself will not be-made-to-stand.

MATTHEW 12v26 And if the adversary is-casting-out the adversary, he-was-parted upon himself.  How therefore will his kingdom be-made-to-stand?

MATTHEW 12v27 And if I myself-am-casting-out the little-demons with Beelzebul, with whom are YOUR sons casting-out? Because-of this they themselves-will-be-judges of-YOU.

MATTHEW 12v28 But if I myself-am-casting-out the little-demons with (the) Spirit of-God, so the kingdom of-the God came-first upon YOU.

MATTHEW 12v29 Or how is anyone being-able to-go-in into the house of-the strong (one) and to-plunder his articles, unless he-might first bind the strong (one)?  And then he-will-plunder his house.

MATTHEW 12v30 The (one) not. being with me is against me; and the (one) not gathering-together with me is-scattering.

MATTHEW 12v31 Because-of this I-am-saying to-YOU, Every sin and blasphemy will-be-forgiven to-the MEN; but the blasphemy of-the Spirit will not be-forgiven to-the MEN.

MATTHEW 12v32 And whosoever might-say (a) word against the son of-the MAN it-will-be-forgiven to-him, but whosoever might-say against the Spirit namely-the Holy, it-will not be-forgiven to-him, neither in this age nor in the (one) future.

MATTHEW 12v33 Either YOU-make the tree fine and its fruit fine, or YOU-make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten:  for the tree is-coming-to-be-known out-of the fruit.

MATTHEW 12v34 Products of-vipers, how are-YOU-being-able to-be-speaking good-(things), being evil-(ones)? For out-of the abundance of-the heart the mouth is-speaking.

MATTHEW 12v35 The good MAN out-of the good store of-the heart he-is-casting-out the good-(things); and the evil MAN out-of the evil store is-casting-out evil-(things).

MATTHEW 12v36 But I-am-saying to-YOU, that every idle saying whatsoever the MEN might-speak, they-will-give-back (an) account concerning it in (a) day of-judgement.

MATTHEW 12v37 For out-of your words you-will-be-justified, and out-of your words you-will-be-pronounced-guilty.

MATTHEW 12v38 Then some of-the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, Teacher, we-are-willing to-see (a) sign from you.

MATTHEW 12v39 But the (one) having-answered said to-them, (An) evil and adulterous generation is-seeking-after (a) sign, and (a) sign will not be-given to-it, unless the sign of-Jonah the prophet.

MATTHEW 12v40 For as-altogether Jonah was in the belly of-the sea-monster three days and three nights, thus the son of-the MAN will-be in the heart of-the earth three days and three nights.

MATTHEW 12v41 Men, Ninevites will-themselves-stand-again in the judgement with this generation and they-will-condemn it; because they-repented with-reference-to the preaching of-Jonah; and behold much-more (than)-Jonah (is) here.

MATTHEW 12v42 (The) queen of-south will-be-raised in the judgement with this generation, and she-will-condemn it; because she-came out-of the limits of-the earth to-hear the wisdom of-Solomon; and behold, much-more (than)-Solomon (is) here.

MATTHEW 12v43 But at-the-time-that the unclean spirit might-go-out from the MAN, it-is-going-through, through waterless places, seeking rest-again, and it-is not finding (it).

MATTHEW 12v44 Then it-is-saying, I-will-turn-around in-reference-to my home, whence I-came-out.  And having-come he-is-finding (it) being-unoccupied, having-been-and-still-swept and having-been-and-still-put-in-order.

MATTHEW 12v45 Then it-is-proceeding and it-is-taking-along-to-itself with itself seven different spirits more-evil (than)-itself, and having-gone-in it-is-residing there; and the lasts of-that MAN is-coming-to-be worse (than)-the first.  Thus it-will-be even to-this evil generation.

MATTHEW 12v46 But (as) he (was) still speaking to-the crowds, behold the mother and the brothers of-him had-been-standing without, seeking to-speak to-him.

MATTHEW 12v47 But someone said to-him, Behold, your mother and your brothers have-stood-and-are-still-standing without, seeking to-speak to-you.

MATTHEW 12v48 But the (one) having-answered said to-the (one) having-said to-him; Who is my mother? And who are my brothers?

MATTHEW 12v49 And having-stretched-out his hand over his disciples he-said, Behold, my mother and my brothers.

MATTHEW 12v50 For one-who might-do the will of-my Father namely-the (one) in heavens, he himself-is my brother and sister and mother.


MATTHEW 13v1 But in that day the Jesus having-gone-out from the house, he-was-sitting beside the sea.

MATTHEW 13v2 And many crowds were-gathered-together to him, so-that he to-be-sitting, having-embarked into the vessel, and all the crowd had-stood on the shore.

MATTHEW 13v3 And he-spoke many-(things) to-them in parables, saying, Behold, the (one) sowing came-out to-be-sowing.

MATTHEW 13v4 And (while) he (was) in the to-be-sowing, on-the-one-hand (some)-what fell beside the way, and the flying-(things) came and devoured them.

MATTHEW 13v5 On-the-other-hand others fell on the rocky-places, where-in-which it-was not having much earth, and immediately it-rose-up because-of not to-be-having depth of-earth;

MATTHEW 13v6 But (as) (the) sun (was) having-risen, it-was-scorched, and because-of not to-be-having root it-was-dried-up.

MATTHEW 13v7 But others fell on the thorn-plants, and the thorn-plants ascended and they-choked them off.

MATTHEW 13v8 But others fell on the earth, namely-the fine, and it-was-giving fruit, what on-the-one-hand (was) one-hundred, what on-the-other-hand (was) sixty, what on-the-other-hand (was) thirty.

MATTHEW 13v9 The (one) having ears, to-be-hearing let-him-be-hearing.

MATTHEW 13v10 And the disciples having-come-near said to-him, Because-of-what are-you-speaking to-them in parables?

MATTHEW 13v11 But the (one) having-answered said to-them, Because to-YOU it-has-been-and-is-still-given to-come-to-know the mysteries of-the kingdom of-the heavens, but to those it-has not been-given-and-is-still (not) given.

MATTHEW 13v12 For one-who is-having, to-him it-will-be-given, and he-will-be-made-to-have advantage; but one-who is not having, even what he-is-having will-be-removed from him.

MATTHEW 13v13 Because-of this I-am-speaking to-them in parables, because looking they-are not looking, and hearing they-are not hearing, neither are-they-perceiving.

MATTHEW 13v14 And upon them is-being-filled-up the prophecy of-Isaiah, namely-the-(one) saying, In-hearing YOU-will-hear, and by-no-means might-YOU-perceive; and looking YOU-will-look, and by-no-means might-YOU-see.

MATTHEW 13v15 For the heart of-this people was-grown-fat, and with-the ears they-heard weightily, and they-closed their eyes; lest-at-any-time they-might-see with-the eyes, and they-might-hear with-the ears, and they-might-perceive in-the heart, and they-might-turn-around and I-myself-might-cure them.

MATTHEW 13v16 But YOUR eyes (are) happy, because they-are-looking; and YOUR ears because they-are-hearing.

MATTHEW 13v17 For amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that many prophets and just-(ones) desired to-see what-(things) YOU-are-looking-at, and they-saw not; and to-hear what-(things) YOU-are-hearing, and they-heard not.

MATTHEW 13v18 Therefore YOU yourselves-hear the parable of-the-(one) sowing.

MATTHEW 13v19 (As) every (one) (is) hearing the word of-the kingdom and (is) not perceiving, the evil-(one) is-coming and he-is-seizing the-(thing) having-been-and-still-sown in his heart.  This is the-(one) having-been-sown beside the way.

MATTHEW 13v20 But the (one) having-been-sown on the rocky-places, this (one) is the (one) hearing the word and directly taking it with joy;

MATTHEW 13v21 But he-is not having root in himself, BUT he-is for-a-season; but (as) tribulation or persecution (is) having-come-to-pass because-of the word, he-is directly being-entrapped.

MATTHEW 13v22 But the (one) having-been-sown into the thornplants, this (one) is the (one) hearing the word, and the anxiety of-this age and the deceit of-the riches is-thoroughly-choking the word, and he-is-coming-to-be without-fruit.

MATTHEW 13v23 But the (one) having-been-sown on the earth, namely-the fine, this (one) is the (one) hearing and perceiving the word; who indeed is-bringing-forth-fruit, and he-is-making on-the-one-hand the-(one) one-hundred, on-the-other-hand the (one) sixty, on-the-other-hand the (one) thirty.

MATTHEW 13v24 Another parable he-placed-beside for-them, saying, The kingdom of-the heavens was-likened to-(a)-MAN sowing fine seed in his field;

MATTHEW 13v25 But with the MEN to-be-sleeping, his enemy came and he-sowed tares amid of-the wheat, and he-went-away.

MATTHEW 13v26 But when the grass sprouted and it-made fruit, then the tares appeared also.

MATTHEW 13v27 But the slaves of-the despot-of-the-household having-come-near said to-him, Lord, sowed-you NOT fine seed in thy field? From-whence therefore is-it-having the tares?

MATTHEW 13v28 But the (one) was-stating to-them, (An) enemy MAN did this. But the slaves said to-him, Are-you-willing therefore, having-gone-away we-might-gather them up?

MATTHEW 13v29 But the (one) was-stating, Nay; lest-at-any-time gathering-up the tares, YOU-might-root-out at-the-same-time with-them the wheat.

MATTHEW 13v30 YOU-let-be both to-be-growing-together as-far-as the harvest; and in the season of-the harvest I-will-say to-the harvesters, YOU-gather-up first the tares, and YOU-bind them into bundles toward the to-burn them up; but the wheat YOU-gather-together into my granary.

MATTHEW 13v31 Another parable he-placed-beside for-them, saying, The kingdom of-the heavens is like to-(a)-grain of-mustard, which (a) MAN having-taken he-sowed in his field;

MATTHEW 13v32 Which on-the-one-hand is littler (than)-of-all the seeds, on-the-other-hand at-the-time-that it-might-be-grown, it-is greater (than)-the vegetables, and it-is-coming-to-be (a) tree, so-that the flying-things of the heaven to-come and to-be-settling-down in the branches of-it.

MATTHEW 13v33 Another parable he-spoke to-them, The kingdom of-the heavens is like to-leaven, which (a) woman having-taken she-concealed with-reference-to three satons of-meal, till of-which (the) total was-leavened.

MATTHEW 13v34 The Jesus spoke all these-(things) in parables to-the crowds, and separate-from parable he-was not speaking to-them;

MATTHEW 13v35 In-which-case the-(thing) having-been-said through the prophet might-be-fulfilled, saying, I-shall-open my mouth in parables: I-shall-blurt-out (things)-having-been-and-still-hidden from casting-down of-(a)-


MATTHEW 13v36 Then having-let the crowds go, the Jesus went into the house; and his disciples came-near to-him, saying, You-expound to-us the parable of-the tares of-the field.

MATTHEW 13v37 But the-(one) having-answered said to-them, The-(one) sowing the fine seed is the son of-the-MAN;

MATTHEW 13v38 But the field is the world; but the fine seed, these are the sons of-the kingdom; but the tares are the sons of-the evil-(one);

MATTHEW 13v39 But the enemy, namely-the (one) having-sown them is the slanderer; but the harvest is complete-finish of-the age, but the harvesters are angels.

MATTHEW 13v40 As-altogether therefore the tares is-being-gathered-up and is-being-burned-up in-fire, thus it-will-be in the complete-finish of-this age.

MATTHEW 13v41 The son of-the MAN will-dispatch his angels, and they-will-gather-up out-of his kingdom all the entrapments and the-(ones) doing the lawlessness,

MATTHEW 13v42 And they-will-cast them into the furnace of-the fire: there, will-be the weeping and the gnashing of-the teeth.

MATTHEW 13v43 Then the just-(ones) will-shine-out as the sun in the kingdom of-their Father. The (one) having ears to-be-hearing let-him-be-hearing.

MATTHEW 13v44 Again the kingdom of-the heavens is like to-store having-been-and-still-hidden in the field, which (a) MAN having-found he-hid, and from the joy of-him he-is-withdrawing and all-(things) as-many-as he-is-having he-is-offering-for-sale, and he-is-buying-in-the-market that field.

MATTHEW 13v45 Again the kingdom of-the heavens is like to-(a) MAN, (a) merchant, seeking fine pearls;

MATTHEW 13v46 Who having-found one much-price pearl, having-gone-away he-has-sold-and-are-still-sold all-(things) as-many-as he-was-having, and he-bought it in-the-market.

MATTHEW 13v47 Again the kingdom of-the heavens is like to-(a)-large-drag-net having-been-cast into the sea, and having-gathered-together out-of every kind;

MATTHEW 13v48 Which when it-was-filled, having-hauled-up on the shore, and having-seated they-gathered-up the fine (ones) into containers, but the rotten (ones) they-cast without.

MATTHEW 13v49 Thus it-will-be in the complete-finish of-the age:  the angels will-go-out, and they-will-sever the evil (ones) out-of midst of-the just-(ones),

MATTHEW 13v50 and they-will-cast them into the furnace of-the fire: there, will-be the weeping and the gnashing of-the teeth.

MATTHEW 13v51 The Jesus is-saying to-them, Perceived-YOU all these-(things)?  They-are-saying to-him, yea, Lord.

MATTHEW 13v52 But the (one) said to-them, Because of-this every scribe having-been-discipled with-reference-to the kingdom of-the heavens is like to-(a)-MAN, (a) despot-of-a-household, one-who is-casting-out out-of his store new-quality (things) and old (things).

MATTHEW 13v53 And it-came-to-pass when the Jesus finished these parables, he-lifted-up-and-went therefRomans

MATTHEW 13v54 And having-come into his fatherland, he-was-teaching them in their synagogues, so-that they (were) to-be-being-surprised and to-be-saying, From-whence (is) this wisdom and the powerful-deeds by-this (one)?

MATTHEW 13v55 Is not this (one) the son of-the carpenter? (Is) NOT his mother she-being-called Mary, and his brothers James and Joses and Simon and Judas?

MATTHEW 13v56 And his sisters are-they NOT all with us? From-whence therefore (are) all these-(things) by-this-(one)?

MATTHEW 13v57 And they-were-being-entrapped in him. But the Jesus said to-them, (A) prophet is not dishonored unless in his fatherland and in his house.

MATTHEW 13v58 And he-did not many powerful-deeds there because-of their unbelief.


MATTHEW 14v1 In that season Herod the tetrarch heard the report of-Jesus,

MATTHEW 14v2 And he-said to his male-servants, This (one) is John the Baptist: he himself-was-raised from the dead-(ones), and because-of this the powerful-deeds are-operating in him.

MATTHEW 14v3 For the Herod having-retained the John, he-bound him and he-himself-put (him) in (a) guardhouse, because-of Herodias the wife of-Philip his brother.

MATTHEW 14v4 For the John was-saying to-him, It-is not legitimate for-you to-be-having her.

MATTHEW 14v5 And willing to-kill him he-feared the crowd, because they-were-holding him as (a) prophet.

MATTHEW 14v6 But (as) birth-day-feasts (were) being-led by-the Herod, the daughter of-the Herodias danced in the midst, and it-pleased the Herod;

MATTHEW 14v7 Whence he-confessed with oath to-her, to-give whatsoever-thing she-might-request-for-herself.

MATTHEW 14v8 But the-(one) having-been-given-instructions by her mother, You-give to-me, she-is-stating, here on (a) platter the head of-John the Baptist.

MATTHEW 14v9 And the king was-grieved; but because-of the oaths and the (ones) laying-back-together he-gave-verbal-order (for it) to-be-given.

MATTHEW 14v10 And having-sent he-beheaded the John in the guard-house.

MATTHEW 14v11 And his head was-brought on (a) platter, and it-was-given to-the damsel, and she-brought to her mother.

MATTHEW 14v12 And his disciples having-come-near, lifted-up the body, and buried it; and having-come they-reported to-the Jesus.

MATTHEW 14v13 And the Jesus having-heard he-retired therefrom in (a) vessel into (a) desolate place privately. And the crowds having-heard they-followed to-him on-foot from the cities.

MATTHEW 14v14 And the Jesus having-gone-out he-saw much crowd, and he-was-moved-with-compassion over them, and he-healed their sickly.

MATTHEW 14v15 But (as) evening (was) having-come-to-be his disciples came-near to-him, saying, The place is desolate, and the hour already went-past:  you-release the crowds, in-order-that having-gone-away into the villages they-might-buy foods for-themselves in-the market.

MATTHEW 14v16 But the Jesus said to-them, They-are not having need to-go-away: YOU yourselves-give to-them to-eat.

MATTHEW 14v17 But the (ones) are-saying to-him, We-are not having here, unless five loaves and two fishes.

MATTHEW 14v18 But the (one) said, YOU-be-bringing them here to-me.

MATTHEW 14v19 And having-given the crowds verbal-order to-be-reclined-again on the grass, and having-taken the five loaves and the two fishes, having-looked-up into the heaven he-blessed, and having-broken-in-pieces he-gave the loaves to-the disciples, but the disciples to-the crowds.

MATTHEW 14v20 And they all ate and they-were-satisfied; and they-lifted-up the-exceeding of-the fragments, twelve baskets-on-wheels full.

MATTHEW 14v21 But the-(ones) eating were men about five-thousand, separate-from women and (pre-teen)-children.

MATTHEW 14v22 And immediately the Jesus compelled his disciples to-embark into the vessel and to-be-leading-before him into the other-side, till of-which he-might release the crowds.

MATTHEW 14v23 And having-released the crowds he-ascended into the mountain privately to-pray. But (as) evening (was) having-come-to-be he-was there alone.

MATTHEW 14v24 But the vessel was already midst of-the sea, being-tormented by the waves, for the (strong)-wind was contrary.

MATTHEW 14v25 But in fourth guard-period of-the night the Jesus went-away to them, walking-around on the sea.

MATTHEW 14v26 And the disciples having-seen him walking-around on the sea were-disturbed, saying, that it-is (a) phantom:  and they-cried from the fear.

MATTHEW 14v27 But immediately the Jesus spoke to-them, saying, YOU-be-being-of-good-courage, I myself am, YOU-be not fearing-for-yourselves.

MATTHEW 14v28 But the Peter having-answered to-him said, If you yourself-are, you-give me verbal-order to-come to you on the waters.

MATTHEW 14v29 But the (one) said, You-come.  And the Peter having-descended from the vessel he-walked-around on the waters, to-go to the Jesus.

MATTHEW 14v30 But looking-at the strong wind he-was-made-to-fear, and having-begun to-be-sinking he-cried, saying, Lord, you-save me.

MATTHEW 14v31 But immediately the Jesus having-stretched-out the hand he-took-hold of-him, and he-is-saying to-him, Little-trust, you-hesitated with-reference-to what?

MATTHEW 14v32 And (as) they (were) having-embarked into the vessel the (strong)-wind abated.

MATTHEW 14v33 But the (ones) in the vessel having-come, they-worshipped to-him saying, Truly you-are son of-God.

MATTHEW 14v34 And having-passed-over they-came into the land of-Gennesaret.

MATTHEW 14v35 And the men of-that place having-come-to-know him thoroughly, they-dispatched into that total country-around, and they-brought-near to-him all the (ones) having badly;

MATTHEW 14v36 And they-were-entreating him in-order-that only they-might-handle of-the tassel of-his garment-(himation); and as-many-as handled were-completely-saved.


MATTHEW 15v1 Then are-coming-near to-the Jesus the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem, saying,

MATTHEW 15v2 Because-of-what are your disciples transgressing the tradition of-the elders? For they-are not washing-for-themselves their hands at-the-time-that they-might-be-eating bread.

MATTHEW 15v3 But the (one) having-answered said to-them, Because-of-what are-YOU yourselves also transgressing the commandment of-the God because-of YOUR tradition?

MATTHEW 15v4 For the God commanded, saying, You-be-honoring your father and the mother; and the-(one) speaking-bad-of father or mother, let-him-be-coming-to-an-end by-death.

MATTHEW 15v5 But YOU yourselves-are-saying, Whosoever might-say to-the father or to-the mother; (It-is) (a) gift, whatever you-might-be-profited out-of me:

MATTHEW 15v6 And by-no-means might-he-honor his father or his mother: and YOU-invalidated the commandment of-the God because-of YOUR tradition.

MATTHEW 15v7 Hypocrites, rightly Isaiah prophesied concerning YOU, saying,

MATTHEW 15v8 This people is-drawing-near to-me in-their mouth, and it-is-honoring me with-the lips; but their heart is-holding-off far-off from me.

MATTHEW 15v9 But aimlessly they-are-holding me in-veneration, teaching teachings, precepts of-MEN.

MATTHEW 15v10 And having-called the crowd to-himself he-said to-them, YOU-be-hearing and YOU-be-perceiving.

MATTHEW 15v11 It-is not the-(thing) going-in into the mouth defiling the MAN; BUT the-(thing) proceeding-out out-of the mouth, this-(thing) is-defiling the MAN.

MATTHEW 15v12 Then his disciples having-come-near said to-him, Are-you-knowing-absolutely that the Pharisees having heard the word, they-were-entrapped?

MATTHEW 15v13 But the (one) having-answered said, Every plant which my Father, namely-the heavenly, planted not, will-be-rooted-out.

MATTHEW 15v14 YOU-let them be; they-are blind leaders-of-the-way of-blind-(ones):  but if (one)-blind might-be-leading-the-way-of (one)-blind, both will-fall into (a) hole.

MATTHEW 15v15 But the Peter having-answered said to-him, You-expound to-us this parable.

MATTHEW 15v16 But the Jesus said, At-this-point are-YOU yourselves also (ones)-without-understanding?

MATTHEW 15v17 Are-YOU not-yet understanding that all the-(thing) proceeding-in into the mouth is-having-room into the belly, and it-is-being-cast out into (a) latrine?

MATTHEW 15v18 But the-(things) proceeding-out out-of the mouth (are)-coming-out out-of the heart, and-these-(things) (are)-defiling the MAN.

MATTHEW 15v19 For out-of the heart is-coming-out evil deliberations, murders, adulteries, prostitutions, thieveries, false-witnessings, blasphemies

MATTHEW 15v20 These-(things) (are) the-(things) defiling the MAN; but to-eat with-unwashed hands is not defiling the MAN.

MATTHEW 15v21 And having-gone-out therefrom the Jesus retired into the parts of-Tyre and of-Sidon;

MATTHEW 15v22 And behold, (a) Canaanite woman from those territories, having-come-out screamed to-him, saying, You-have-pity-on me, Lord, son of-David; my daughter is-being badly possessed-by-a-demon.

MATTHEW 15v23 But the-(one) answered to-her not (a) word. And his disciples having-come-near were-interrogating him, saying, You-release her, because she-is-crying at-the-back of-us.

MATTHEW 15v24 But the-(one) having-answered said, I-was not dispatched unless with-reference-to the sheep, namely-the-(ones) having-been-and-still-being-destroyed of-(the)-household of-Israel.

MATTHEW 15v25 But the (one) having-come was-worshipping to-him, saying, Lord, you-be-helping for-me.

MATTHEW 15v26 But the (one) having-answered said, It-is not fine to-take the bread of-the children, and to-cast to-the little-dogs.

MATTHEW 15v27 But the (one) said, Yea, Lord: for even the little-dogs (are)-eating from the crumbs namely-the (ones) falling from the table of-their lords.

MATTHEW 15v28 Then the Jesus having-answered said to-her, O woman, great (is) your trust:  let-it-come-to-be to-you as you-are-willing. And her daughter was-cured from that hour.

MATTHEW 15v29 And the Jesus having-changed-location therefrom came beside the sea of-the Galilee; and having-ascended into the mountain he-was-sitting there.

MATTHEW 15v30 And many crowds came-near to-him, having with-themselves lame, blind, dull, maimed, and many different (ones), and they-threw them beside the feet of-the Jesus, and he-healed them;

MATTHEW 15v31 So-that the crowds to-marvel, looking-at dull-(ones) speaking, maimed-(ones) healthy, lame-(ones) walking-around, and blind-(ones) looking-at-(things); and they-glorified the God of-Israel.

MATTHEW 15v32 But the Jesus having-called-to-himself his disciples said, I-am-moved-with-compassion over the crowd, because already three days they-are-remaining-near to-me, and they-are not having what they-might-eat; and I-am not willing to-release them fasting, lest-at-any-time they-might-faint in the way.

MATTHEW 15v33 And his disciples are-saying to-him, From-whence for-us in-(a)-desert these-many loaves so-as to-satisfy this-much crowd?

MATTHEW 15v34 And the Jesus is-saying to-them, How-many loaves are-YOU-having? But the (ones) said, Seven, and (a) few little-fishes.

MATTHEW 15v35 And he-gave-verbal-order to-the crowds to-fall-back on the earth;

MATTHEW 15v36 And having-taken the seven loaves and the fishes, having-given-thanks he-broke-in-pieces and he-gave to-his disciples, but the disciples to the crowd.

MATTHEW 15v37 And they all ate, and they-were-satisfied and they-lifted-up the-(thing) exceeding of-the fragments seven creels full.

MATTHEW 15v38 But the-(ones) eating were four-thousand men, separate-from women and (pre-teen)-children.

MATTHEW 15v39 And having-released the crowds he-embarked into the vessel, and he-came into the territories of-Magdala.


MATTHEW 16v1 And having-come-near the Pharisees and Sadducees trying, they-questioned him to-show to-them (a) sign out-of the heaven.

MATTHEW 16v2 But the-(one) having-answered said to-them, (As) evening (is) having-come YOU-are-saying, Fair-weather; for the heaven is-being-fiery-red.

MATTHEW 16v3 And in-the-morning, Today winter-(storm); for the heaven is-being-fiery-red being-gloomy. Hypocrites:  On-the-one-hand YOU-are-coming-to-know to-be-discriminating the face of-the heaven, on-the-other-hand the signs of-the seasons YOU-are not being-able.

MATTHEW 16v4 (An) evil and adulterous generation is-seeking-after (a) sign, and (a) sign will not be-given to-it,Unless the sign of-Jonah the prophit and having-left them behind he-went-away.

MATTHEW 16v5 And his disciples having-come into the other-side they-forgot to-take loaves.

|v6 But the Jesus said to-them, YOU-be-seeing and YOU-be-paying-attention from the leaven of-the Pharisees and Sadducees.

MATTHEW 16v6 But the Jesus said to-them, YOU-be-seeing and YOU-be-paying-attention from the leaven of-the Pharisees and Sadducees.

MATTHEW 16v7 But the (ones) were-deliberating among themselves, saying, Because we-took not loaves.

MATTHEW 16v8 But the Jesus having-come-to-know he-said to-them, Why are-YOU-deliberating among yourselves, little-trusts, because YOU-took not loaves?

MATTHEW 16v9 Are-YOU not-yet understanding, neither are-YOU having-in-memory the five loaves of-the five-thousand, and how-many baskets-on-wheels YOU-took?

MATTHEW 16v10 Nor the seven-loaves of-the four-thousand, and how-many creels YOU-took?

MATTHEW 16v11 How are-YOU not understanding that I-said not to-YOU concerning bread to-be-paying-attention from the leaven of-the Pharisees and Sadducees?

MATTHEW 16v12 Then they-perceived that he-said not to-be-paying-attention from the leaven of-the bread, BUT from the doctrine of-the Pharisees and Sadducees.

MATTHEW 16v13 But the Jesus having-come into the parts of-Caesarea of-the Philippi he-was-interrogating his disciples, saying, Whom are the MEN saying me the son of-the MAN to-be?

MATTHEW 16v14 But the-(ones) said, On-the-one-hand the (ones) John the Baptist; on-the-other-hand others Elijah; but different-(ones) Jeremiah, or one of-the prophets.

MATTHEW 16v15 He-is-saying to-them, but whom are-YOU yourselves saying me to-be?

MATTHEW 16v16 But having-answered Simon Peter said, YOU yourself-are the Messiah, the son of-the God, namely-the living (one).

MATTHEW 16v17 And the Jesus having-answered said to-him, Happy, are-you, Simon Bar-Jonah, because flesh and blood uncovered-it not to-you, BUT my Father, namely-the (one) in the heavens.

MATTHEW 16v18 But I-also am-saying to-you, because you yourself-are Peter, also upon this rock I-shall-build-up my assembly, and gates of-Hades will not prevail in-it.

MATTHEW 16v19 And I-shall-give to-you the keys of-the kingdom of-the heavens: and what-(thing) if you-might-bind on the earth, it-will-be having-been-bound-and-still-bound in the heavens; and what-(thing) you-might-loose on-the-earth, it-will-be having-been-loosed-and-still-loosed in the heavens.

MATTHEW 16v20 Then he-gave-strict-order to-his disciples in-order-that they-might-say to-no-one that he himself-is Jesus the Messiah.

MATTHEW 16v21 From then the Jesus began to-be-pointing to-his disciples that it-is-essential (for) him to-go-away into Jerusalem, and to-suffer many-(things) from the elders and chief-priests and scribes, and to-be-killed, and on-the third day to-be-raised.

MATTHEW 16v22 And the Peter having-taken him to-himself, he-began to-be-rebuking to-him, saying, (God-be) propitious to-you, Lord:  by-no-means will this-(thing) be to-you

MATTHEW 16v23 But the-(one) having-been-turned said to-the Peter, You-be-withdrawing behind me, adversary, you-are (an) entrapment to-me, because you-are not having-an-opinion-of the-(things) of-the God, BUT the-(things) of-the MEN.

MATTHEW 16v24 Then the Jesus said to-his disciples, If anyone is-willing to-come behind me, let-him-disown himself, and let-him-lift-up his cross, and let-him-be-following with-me.

MATTHEW 16v25 For whosoever might-be-willing to-save his soul, he-will-destroy it; but whosoever might-destroy his soul on-account-of me, he-will-find-it.

MATTHEW 16v26 For what is (a) MAN being-profited, if he-might-gain the total world, but he-might-be- disadvantaged-in his soul? Or what will (a) MAN give an-exchange of-his soul?

MATTHEW 16v27 For the son of-the MAN is-being-about to-be-coming in the glory of-his Father with his angels; and then he-will-give-back to-each-(one) according-to his practise.

MATTHEW 16v28 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, there-are some of-the-(ones) having-stood-and-still-standing here, they-who by-no-means might-taste of-death till they-might-see the son of-the MAN coming in his kingdom.


MATTHEW 17v1 And after six days the Jesus is-taking-along-with-himself the Peter and James and John his brother, and he-is-bringing them up into (a) high mountain privately.

MATTHEW 17v2 And he-was-transformed in-front of-them, and his face shown as the sun, but his garments-(himations) became white as the light;

MATTHEW 17v3 And behold, Moses and Elijah were-seen by-them speaking-together with him.

MATTHEW 17v4 But the Peter having-answered said to-the Jesus, Lord, it-is fine (for) us to-be here.  If you-are-willing let-us-make here three booths; one for-you, and one for-Moses, and one for-Elijah.

MATTHEW 17v5 Yet (as) he (was) speaking, behold, (a) cloud full-of-light overshadowed them: and behold, (a) voice out-of the cloud, saying, This is my son, namely-the-(one) cherished, with whom I-thought-well:  YOU-be-hearing of-him.

MATTHEW 17v6 And the disciples having-heard fell upon their face, and they-feared extremely.

MATTHEW 17v7 And the Jesus having-come-near he-handled of-them, and said, YOU-be-raised, and YOU-be not fearing.

MATTHEW 17v8 But having-elevated their eyes they-saw no one unless the Jesus alone.

MATTHEW 17v9 And (as) they (were) descending from the mountain the Jesus commanded to-them, saying, Might-YOU-say to-no-one the vision, till of-which the son of-the MAN might-stand-again out-of dead-(ones).

MATTHEW 17v10 And his disciples questioned him, saying, Why therefore are the scribes saying that it-is-essential (for) Elijah to-come first?

MATTHEW 17v11 But the Jesus having-answered said to-them, On-the-one-hand Elijah is-coming first and he-will-restore all-(things).

MATTHEW 17v12 On-the-other-hand I-am-saying to-YOU that Elijah already came, and they-came not-to-know him-thoroughly, BUT they-did with him as-many-(things)-as they-willed.  Thus also the son of-the MAN is-being-about to-be-suffering by them.

MATTHEW 17v13 Then the disciples perceived that he-said to-them concerning John the Baptist.

MATTHEW 17v14 And (as) they (were) having-come to the crowd (a) MAN came-near to-him, falling-on-the-knees to-him.

MATTHEW 17v15 And saying, Lord, you-have-mercy-on my son, because he-is-an-epileptic and he-is-suffering badly:  for often he-is-falling into the fire, and often into the water,

MATTHEW 17v16 And I-brought him near to your disciples, and they-were not able to-heal him.

MATTHEW 17v17 But the Jesus having-answered said, O unbelieving and having-been-and-still-twisted generation, till at-what-time shall-I-be with YOU? Till at-what-time shall-I-tolerate of-YOU? YOU-be-bringing him here to-me.

MATTHEW 17v18 And the Jesus rebuked to-it, and the little-demon went-out from him, and the child (infant to youth) was-healed from that hour.

MATTHEW 17v19 Then the disciples having-come-near to-the Jesus said privately, Because-of-what were-we ourselves not able to-cast it out?

MATTHEW 17v20 But the Jesus said to-them, Because-of YOUR unbelief. For amen, I-am-saying to-YOU, if YOU-might-be-having trust as (a) grain of-mustard, YOU-will-say to-this mountain, You-change-location hence there, and it-will-change-location; and not-one-(thing) will-be-impossible for-YOU.

MATTHEW 17v21 [This verse is not in the B and aleph manuscripts, and is not in the American Standard Version 1901]. But this kind is not proceeding-out unless with prayer and fast.

MATTHEW 17v22 But (as) they (were) turning-about-for-themselves in the Galilee, the Jesus said to-them, The son of-the MAN is-being-about to-be-being-given-over into hands of-MEN,

MATTHEW 17v23 And they-will-kill him, and in-the third day, he-will-be-raised.  And they-were extremely grieved.

MATTHEW 17v24 But (as) they (were) having-come into Capernaum the-(ones) taking the didrachmas came-near to-the Peter and said, Is YOUR teacher not paying the didrachmas?

MATTHEW 17v25 He-is-saying, Yea.  And when he-went-in into the house the Jesus went-first-before him saying, What is-it-seeming to-you Simon? The kings of-the earth, from whom are-they-taking taxes or poll-tax?  From their sons, or from the-(ones) belonging-to-another?

MATTHEW 17v26 The Peter is-saying to-him, From the-(ones) belonging-to-another.  The Jesus was-stating to-him, So-in-fact the sons are free.

MATTHEW 17v27 But in-order-that we-might not entrap them, having-proceeded into the sea you-cast (a) fishhook, and the first fish having-ascended you-lift-up, and having-opened its mouth you-will-find (a)

stater; having-taken that you-give to-them instead-of me and you.


MATTHEW 18v1 In that hour the disciples came-near to-the Jesus, saying, So who is greater in the Kingdom of-the heavens?

MATTHEW 18v2 And the Jesus having-called-to-himself (a) (pre-teen)-child, he-stood it in their midst.

MATTHEW 18v3 And he-said, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, unless YOU-might-be-turned and YOU-might-become as the (pre-teen)-children, by-no-means might-YOU-go-in into the kingdom of-the heavens.

MATTHEW 18v4 Therefore one-who might-humble himself as this (pre-teen)-child, this-(one) is the greater in the kingdom of-the heavens.

MATTHEW 18v5 And who if he-might-receive one (pre-teen)-child such-as-this on my name, he-is-receiving me.

MATTHEW 18v6 But who might-entrap one of-these little-(ones), namely-the-(ones) trusting with-reference-to me, it-is-advantageous for-him in-order-that (a) millstone of-an-ass might-be-hung on his neck, and he-might-be-sunk in the open-sea of-the sea.

MATTHEW 18v7 Woe to-the world from the entrapments; for it-is (a) necessity the entrapments to-come, further, woe to-that MAN through whom the entrapment is-coming.

MATTHEW 18v8 But if your hand or your foot is-entrapping you, you-chop them away and you-cast (them) from you; it-is fine for-you to-go-in into the life lame or maimed, than having two hands or two feet to-be-cast into the fire, namely-the eternal.

MATTHEW 18v9 And if your eye is-entrapping you, you-take it out-with-the-hand and you-cast (it) from you; it-is fine for-you to-go-in one-eyed into the life, than having two eyes to-be-cast into the Gehenna of-the fire.

MATTHEW 18v10 YOU-be-seeing YOU-might not despise one of-these little-(ones), for I-am-saying to-YOU that their angels in heavens continually are-looking-at the face of-my Father, namely-the-(one) in heavens.

MATTHEW 18v11 For the son of-the MAN came to-save the (thing) having-been-and-still-being-destroyed.

MATTHEW 18v12 What is-it-seeming to-YOU?  If it-might-come-to-be to-some MAN (a) hundred sheep, and one out-of them might-be-led-astray, having-let-be the ninety-nine on the mountains, having-proceeded, is-he NOT seeking the-(one) being-led-astray?

MATTHEW 18v13 And if it-might-come-to-pass to-find it, amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that he-is-rejoicing over it more than over the ninety-nine, namely-the-(ones) not having-been-led-astray.

MATTHEW 18v14 Thus it-is not (the) will in-front of-YOUR Father, namely-the-(one) in (the) heavens, in-order-that one of-these little-(ones) might-perish.

MATTHEW 18v15 But if your brother might-sin with-reference-to you, you-be-withdrawing and you-reprove him between you and he alone, If he-might-hear of-you, you gained your brother.

MATTHEW 18v16 But if he-might not hear, you-take-along with you yet one or two, in-order-that upon (the) mouth of-two or three witnesses every saying might-be-made-to-stand.

MATTHEW 18v17 But if he-might-be-unwilling-to-hear of-them, you-say to-the assembly. But if also he-might-be-unwilling-to-hear of-the assembly, let-him-be to-you as-altogether the gentilish and the tax-collector.

MATTHEW 18v18 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, as-many-(things)-as if YOU-might-bind on the earth, will-be having-been-bound-and-still-bound in the heaven; and as-many-(things)-as if YOU-might-loose on the earth, will-be having-been-loosed-and-still-loosed in the heaven.

MATTHEW 18v19 Again I-am-saying to-YOU, that if two of-YOU might-agree on the earth concerning every matter of-which they-might-request-for-themselves, it-will-come-to-pass for-them from my Father namely-the-(one) in (the) heavens.

MATTHEW 18v20 For the-place-where two or three are having-been-and-still-are-gathered-together with reference-to my name, I-am there in midst of-them.

MATTHEW 18v21 Then the Peter having-come-near to-him said, Lord, how-often will my brother sin with-reference-to me and I-shall-forgive him? Till seven-times?

MATTHEW 18v22 The Jesus is-saying to-him, I-am not saying to-you till seven times, BUT till seventy-times seven.

MATTHEW 18v23 Because-of this the kingdom of-the heavens was-likened to-(a)-MAN, (a) king, who willed to-lift-up-

together (an) account with his slaves.

MATTHEW 18v24 But (as) he (was) having-begun to-lift (it) up-together, one debtor of-ten-thousand talents was-brought-near to-him.

MATTHEW 18v25 But (as) he (was) not having to-give-back, his lord give-verbal-order (for) him to-be-sold, and his wife and the children, and all-(things) as-many-as he-was-having, and (it) to-be-given-back.

MATTHEW 18v26 The slave therefore having-fallen was-worshipping to-him, saying, Lord, you-be-patient on me, and  I-shall-give-back all-(things) to-you.

MATTHEW 18v27 But having-been-moved-with-compassion the lord of-that slave released him, and he-forgave to-him the loan.

MATTHEW 18v28 But having-gone-out that slave found one of-his fellow-slaves, who was-being-indebted to-him (a) hundred denarii, and having-retained he-was-choking him, saying, You-give-back to-me what thing you-are-indebted.

MATTHEW 18v29 His fellow-slave therefore having-fallen into his feet was entreating him, saying, You-be-patient on me, and I-shall-give-back all-(things) to-you.

MATTHEW 18v30 But the-(one) was not willing, BUT having-gone-away he-cast him into (a) guard-house, till of-which he-might-give-back the-(thing) being indebted.

MATTHEW 18v31 But his fellow-slaves having-seen the-(things) having-come-to-pass, they-were extremely grieved, and having-gone they-explained to-their lord all the-(things) having-come-to-pass.

MATTHEW 18v32 Then his lord having-called him to-himself is-saying to-him, Evil slave, I-forgave to-you all that obligation, since you-entreated me;

MATTHEW 18v33 Was-it not being-essential (for) you also to-have-mercy-on your fellow-slave, as I myself also had-mercy-on you?

MATTHEW 18v34 And his lord having-been-made-wroth gave him over to-the tormentors, till of-which he-might-give-back to-him all the-(thing) being-indebted.

MATTHEW 18v35 Thus also my Father, namely-the heavenly, will do to-YOU unless YOU-might-forgive, from YOUR hearts, each his brother their offences.


MATTHEW 19v1 And it-came-to-pass when the Jesus finished these words, he-lifted-up-and-went from the Galilee, and he-came into the territories of-the Judea across the Jordan:

MATTHEW 19v2 And many crowds followed with-him, and he-healed them there.

MATTHEW 19v3 And the Pharisees came-near to-him trying him, and saying to-him, If it-is-legitimate for-(a)-MAN to-release his wife according-to every reason?

MATTHEW 19v4  But  the-(one)  having-answered said to-them, Read-YOU not that the-(one) having-made from beginning he-made them male and female,

MATTHEW 19v5 And said, On-account-of this (a) MAN will-leave-behind the father and the mother, and he-will-be-very-united to-his wife, and the two will-be with-reference-to one flesh?

MATTHEW 19v6 So-that they-are no-more two, BUT one flesh. What-(thing) therefore the God paired-together, let not MAN be-separating.

MATTHEW 19v7 They-are-saying to-him, Why therefore commanded Moses to-give (a) little-book of-a-bill-of-divorce, and to-release her?

MATTHEW 19v8 He-is-saying to-them, that Moses toward the hardness-of YOUR heart permitted to-YOU to-release YOUR wives; but from beginning it-has not come-to-be-nor-is thus.

MATTHEW 19v9 But I-am-saying to-YOU, that whosoever might-release his wife unless on prostitution, and he-might-marry another, he-is-committing-adultery; and the-(one) having-married (one)-having-been-and-still-released, he-is-committing-adultery.                                          

MATTHEW 19v10 His disciples are-saying to-him, If the reason of-the MAN with the wife is thus, it-is not being-advantageous to-marry.

MATTHEW 19v11 But the-(one) said to-them, Not all are-having-room-for this word, BUT to-whom it-has-been-and-is-still-given;

MATTHEW 19v12 For ones-who are eunuchs out-of mother's belly were-born thus, and ones-who were-made-eunuchs are eunuchs by the MEN, and ones-who made themselves eunuchs are eunuchs because-of the kingdom of-the heavens. The (one) being-able to-be-making-room, let-him-be-making-room.

MATTHEW 19v13 Then (pre-teen)-children were-brought-near to-him, in-order-that he-might-place-upon for-them the hands, and he-might-pray; but the disciples rebuked them.

MATTHEW 19v14 But the Jesus said, YOU-let the (pre-teens)-children be, and YOU-be not hindering them to-come to me; for the kingdom of-the heavens is of-the (ones) such-as-these.

MATTHEW 19v15 And having-placed-on for-them the hands he-proceeded therefRomans

MATTHEW 19v16 And behold, one having-come-near said to-him, Good teacher, what good-(thing) shall-I-do in-order-that I-am-having life eternal?

MATTHEW 19v17 But the-(one)  said to-him, Why me are-you-saying good?  No-one (is) good, unless one, the God.  But if you-are-willing to-go-in into the life, you-keep the commandments.

MATTHEW 19v18 He-is-saying to-him, What-sort-of-(ones)?  But the Jesus said, The you-will not murder; you-will not commit-adultery; you-will not steal; you-will not bear-false-witness;

MATTHEW 19v19 You-be-honoring your father and mother; and you-will-cherish your neighbor as yourself.

MATTHEW 19v20 The youth is-saying to-him, All these-(things) I-guarded-for-myself out-of my youthfulness, what am-I-lacking yet?

MATTHEW 19v21 The Jesus was-stating to-him, If you-are-willing to-be perfect, you-be-withdrawing you-offer-for-sale your goods and you-give to-(ones)-destitute, and you-will-have store in heaven; and come-hither you-be-following with-me.

MATTHEW 19v22 But the youth having-heard the word he-went-away being-grieved, for he-was having many landed-properties.

MATTHEW 19v23 But the Jesus said to-his disciples, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that (one)-rich will-go-in with-difficulty into the kingdom of-the heavens.

MATTHEW 19v24 But again I-am-saying to-YOU, it-is easier (for) (a) camel to-go-through through (a) bored-hole of-a-needle, than (for) (one)-rich to-go-in into the kingdom of-the God.

MATTHEW 19v25 But his disciples having-heard they-were extremely surprised, saying, So who is-being-able to-be-saved?

MATTHEW 19v26 But the Jesus having-looked-upon (them) he-said to-them, Beside MEN this is impossible, but beside God all-(things) (are) possible.

MATTHEW 19v27 Then the Peter having-answered said to-him, Behold, we ourselves-let-go all-(things) and we-followed with-you; so what will-it-be to-us?

MATTHEW 19v28 But the Jesus said to-them, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that YOU the-(ones) having-followed with-me, in the regeneration, at-the-time-that the son of-the MAN might-be-seated upon (the) throne of-his glory, YOU also yourselves will-be-seated upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of-the Israeli.

MATTHEW 19v29 And every-(one) who let-go houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, on-account-of my name, he-will-take a-hundred-times-as-much, and he-will-inherit life eternal.

MATTHEW 19v30 But many first-(ones) will-be last-(ones), and last-(ones) first-(ones).


MATTHEW 20v1 For the kingdom of-the heavens is like to-a-MAN, despot-of-the-household, one-who went-out at-the-same-time in-(the)-morning to-hire work-men with-reference-to his vineyard.

MATTHEW 20v2 But having-agreed with the workmen the day out-of (a) denarius, he-dispatched them into his vineyard.

MATTHEW 20v3 And having-gone-out around the third hour, he-saw others having-stood-and-still-standing idle in the market;

MATTHEW 20v4 And he-said to-those, YOU yourselves also be-withdrawing into the vineyard, and whatsoever might-be just I-shall-give to-YOU.

MATTHEW 20v5 (And) the-(ones) went-away. Having-gone-out again around (the) sixth and ninth hour, he-did in-the-same-way.

MATTHEW 20v6 But around the eleventh hour having-gone-out he-found others having-stood-and-still-standing idle, and he-is-saying to-them, Why have-YOU-stood-and-are-still-standing here idle-(ones) the total day?

MATTHEW 20v7 They-are-saying to-him, Because no-one hired us. He-is-saying to-them, YOU yourselves also be-withdrawing into the vineyard, and whatsoever might-be just YOU-will-take.

MATTHEW 20v8 But (as) evening (was) having-come-to-pass, the lord of-the vineyard is-saying to his steward, You-call the workmen, and you-give-back to-them the hire, having-begun from the last-(ones) till the first-(ones).

MATTHEW 20v9 And the-(ones) (from) around the eleventh hour having-come, they-took at-the-rate-of (a) denarius.

MATTHEW 20v10 But the first-(ones) having-come, they-supposed that they-will-take much-more, and they themselves also took at-the-rate-of (a) denarius.

MATTHEW 20v11 But having-taken (it), they-were-murmuring down-upon the despot-of-the-household,

MATTHEW 20v12 Saying, that these the-(ones) last did one hour, and you-made them equal to-us, the-ones having-borne the weight of-the day and the scorching-heat.

MATTHEW 20v13 But the-(one) having-answered said to-one of-them, Comrade, I-am not doing you harm. Agreed-you NOT with-me of-(a)-denarius?

MATTHEW 20v14 You-lift-up the-(thing) thine and you-be-with-drawing.  But I-am-willing to-give to-this-(one), the last as also to-you:

MATTHEW 20v15 Or is-it not legitimate for-me to-give what I-am-willing in the-(things) mine? If your eye (is) evil, is-it because I myself am good?

MATTHEW 20v16 Thus the last-(ones) will-be first, and the first-(ones) last: for many are called-(ones), but few chosen-(ones).

MATTHEW 20v17 And the Jesus ascending into Jerusalem took-along-with-himself the twelve disciples; privately in the way he also said to-them,

MATTHEW 20v18 Behold we-are-ascending into Jerusalem, and the son of-the MAN will-be-given-over to-the chief-priests and scribes, and they-will-condemn him to-death,

MATTHEW 20v19 And they-will-give him over to-the Gentiles with-reference-to to-mock and to-whip and to-crucify; and in-the third day he-will-stand-again.

MATTHEW 20v20 Then the mother of-the sons of-Zebedee came-near to-him, with her sons, worshipping and requesting something of him.

MATTHEW 20v21 But the-(one) said to-her, What are-you-willing?  She-is-saying to-him, You-say in-order-that these my two sons might-be-seated, one out-of your rights and one out-of (the) lefts in your kingdom.

MATTHEW 20v22 But the Jesus having-answered said, YOU-are not knowing-absolutely what-YOU-are-requesting for-yourselves.  Are-YOU-being-able to-drink the cup which I myself-am-being-about to-be-drinking, and to-be-baptized-(in) the baptism which I myself-am-being-baptized-(in)?  They-are-saying to-him, We-are-being-able.

MATTHEW 20v23 And he-is-saying to-them, On-the-one-hand YOU-will-drink my cup, and YOU-will-be-baptized-(in) the baptism which I myself-am-being-baptized-(in); on-the-other-hand to-be-seated out-of my rights and out-of my lefts is not mine to-give, BUT to-whom it-has-been-and-is-still-prepared by my Father.

MATTHEW 20v24 And the ten having-heard they-were-indignant concerning the two brothers.

MATTHEW 20v25 But the Jesus having-called them to-himself said, YOU-are-knowing-absolutely that the rulers of-the Gentiles are-exercising-lordship-over of-them, and the great-(ones) are-having-complete-authority of-them.

MATTHEW 20v26 But it-will not-be thus among YOU; BUT whosoever among YOU might-be-willing to-become great, let-him-be YOUR minister:

MATTHEW 20v27 And whosoever among YOU might-be-willing to-be-first, let-him-be YOUR slave;

MATTHEW 20v28 As-altogether the son of-the MAN came not to-be-ministered-(to), BUT to-minister and to-give his soul ransom instead-of many.

MATTHEW 20v29 And (as) they (were) proceeding-out from Jericho much crowd followed with-him.

MATTHEW 20v30 And behold two blind-(ones) sitting beside the way, having-heard that Jesus is-leading-passed, they-cried, saying, You-have-mercy-on us, Lord, son of-David.

MATTHEW 20v31 But the crowd rebuked them in-order-that they-might-be-still. But the-(ones) were-crying greater, saying, You-have-mercy-on us, Lord, son of-David.

MATTHEW 20v32 And the Jesus having-stood he-hollered-to them, and said, What are-YOU-willing I-shall-do for-YOU?

MATTHEW 20v33 They-are-saying to-him, Lord, in-order-that our eyes might-be-opened.

MATTHEW 20v34 But the Jesus having-been-moved-with-compassion he-handled their eyes; and immediately their eyes received-sight, and they-followed with-him.


MATTHEW 21v1 And when they-drew-near into Jerusalem and they-came into Bethphage toward the mountain of-the Olives, then the Jesus dispatched two disciples,

MATTHEW 21v2 Saying to-them, YOU-proceed into the village, namely-the-(one) over-against YOU, and immediately YOU-will-find (an) ass having-been-and-still-bound, and (a) colt with her; having-loosed, YOU-lead to-me.

MATTHEW 21v3 And if anyone might-say something to-YOU, YOU-will-say that the Lord is-having need of-them. But immediately he-will-dispatch them.

MATTHEW 21v4 But this total-(thing) has-come-to-pass in-order-that the-(thing) having-been-said through the prophet might-be-fulfilled, saying,

MATTHEW 21v5 YOU-say to-the daughter of-Zion, Behold, your king is-coming to-you, meek and having-been-and-still-riding upon (an) ass and (a) colt, son of-a-beast-of-burden.

MATTHEW 21v6 But the disciples having-proceeded, and having-done according-as the Jesus prescribed to-them,

MATTHEW 21v7 They-led the ass and the colt, and they-put-on their garments-(himations) above-upon them, and he-sat-on above-upon them.

MATTHEW 21v8 But the most crowd spread their garments-(himations) in the way, but others were-chopping branches from the trees and they-were-spreading in the way.

MATTHEW 21v9 But the crowds namely-the-(ones) preceding and the-(ones) following were-crying, saying, Hosanna to-the son of-David; having-been-and-still-blessed the-(one) coming in name of-Jehovah, Hosanna in the most-high-(places).

MATTHEW 21v10 And (as) he (was) having-gone-in into Jerusalem all the city was-caused-to-quake, saying, Who is this?

MATTHEW 21v11 But the crowds were-saying, This is Jesus the prophet, namely-the-(one) from Nazareth of-the Galilee.

MATTHEW 21v12 And the Jesus went-in into the temple of-the God, and he-cast-out all the-ones offering-for-sale and buying-in-the market in the temple, and the tables of-the money-changers he-turned-down and the seats of-the-(ones) offering the doves for-sale.

MATTHEW 21v13 And he-is-saying to-them, It-has-been-and-is-still-written, My home will-be-called (a) home of-prayer; but YOU yourselves-made-it (a) cave of-robbers.

MATTHEW 21v14 And blind-(ones) and lame-(ones) came-near to-him in the temple, and he-healed them.

MATTHEW 21v15 But the chief-priests and the scribes having-seen the remarkable-(things) which he-did, and the children-(infant-youth) crying in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to-the son of-David, they-were-indignant.

MATTHEW 21v16 And they-said to-him, Are-you-hearing what these are-saying? But the Jesus is-saying to-them, yea; YOU never read, That out-of (a) mouth of-infants and nursing-(ones) you-rendered praise thoroughly-fit-for-yourself?

MATTHEW 21v17 And having-left them behind he-went-out without the city into Bethany, and he-lodged-outside there.

MATTHEW 21v18 But leading-back of-early-morning into the city, he-hungered.

MATTHEW 21v19 And having-seen one fig-tree on the way, he-came upon it, and he-found not-one-(thing) in it unless leaves only.  And he-is-saying to-it, No-longer might fruit come-to-be out-of you with-reference-to the age. And the fig-tree was-dried-up instantly.

MATTHEW 21v20 And having-seen, the disciples marvelled, saying, How was the fig-tree dried-up instantly?

MATTHEW 21v21 But the Jesus having-answered said to-them, Amen, I-am-saying to-YOU, if YOU-might-be-having trust and YOU-might not doubt, YOU-will-do-not only the (thing) of-the fig-tree, BUT even-if YOU-might-say to-this mountain, You-be-lifted-up and you-be-cast into the sea, it-will-come-to-pass.

Matthew 21v22 And all-(things)as-many-as You-might-request in the prayer,trusting,You-will-take.

MATTHEW 21v23 And on-him having-come into the temple the chief-priests and the elders of-the people came-near to-him, (while) teaching, saying, In what-sort-of-authority are-you-doing these-(things); and who gave to-you this authority?

MATTHEW 21v24 But having-answered the Jesus said to-them, I-also myself-shall-interrogate YOU one word, which if YOU-might-say to-me, I-also myself-shall-say to-YOU in what-sort-of authority I-am-doing these-(things).

MATTHEW 21v25 The baptism of-John, from-whence was-it? Out-of heaven, or out-of MEN? But the-(ones) were-deliberating beside themselves, saying, If we-might-say, out-of heaven, he-will-say to-us, because-of-what therefore, YOU-trusted not in-him?

MATTHEW 21v26 But if we-might-say, Out-of MEN, we-are-fearing the crowd; for all are-holding the John as (a) prophet.

MATTHEW 21v27 And having-answered they-said to-the Jesus, we-are not-knowing-absolutely.  And he himself-was-stating to-them, neither am-I myself-saying to-YOU in what-sort-of authority I-am-doing these-(things).

MATTHEW 21v28 But what is-it-seeming to-YOU? A MAN was-having two children, and having-come-near to-the first he-said, Child, you-be-withdrawing, you-be-working today in my vineyard.

MATTHEW 21v29 But the-(one) having-answered said, I-am not willing; but later having-regretted he-went-away.

MATTHEW 21v30 And having-come-near to-the second he-said in-the-same-way. But the-(one) having-answered said, I, lord, and he-went not away.

MATTHEW 21v31 Which out-of the two did the will of-the Father?  They-are-saying to-him, The first.  The Jesus is-saying to-them, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that the tax-collectors and the prostitutes are preceding YOU into the kingdom of-the God.

MATTHEW 21v32 For John came to YOU in (a) way of-justice, and YOU-trusted not in-him; but YOU having-seen, YOU-regretted not later, to-trust in-him.

MATTHEW 21v33 YOU-hear another parable. (A) certain MAN was despot-of-the-household, one-who planted (a) vineyard, and he-placed-around for-it (a) fencing-in, and he-dug (a) wine-press in it, and he-built-up (a) tower, and he-gave it out-for-himself to-farmers, and he-went-abroad.

MATTHEW 21v34 But when the season of-the fruits drew-near, he-dispatched his slaves to the farmers to-take his fruits.

MATTHEW 21v35 And the farmers having-taken his slaves, (one)-whom on-the-one-hand they-beat, (one)-whom on-the-other-hand they-killed, (one)-whom on-the-other-hand they-cast-stones-(at).

MATTHEW 21v36 Again he-dispatched many-more other slaves (than) of-the first, and they-did to-them in-the-same-way.

MATTHEW 21v37 But later he-dispatched to them his son, saying, They-will-respect my son.

MATTHEW 21v38 But the farmers having-seen the son said among themselves, This is the heir; come-hither, let-us-be-killing him, and let-us-hold-fast his inheritance.

MATTHEW 21v39 And having-taken him they-cast-out without the vineyard and they-killed.

MATTHEW 21v40 Therefore at-the-time-that the lord of-the vineyard might-come, what will-he-do to-those farmers?

MATTHEW 21v41 They-are-saying to-him, Bad-(ones):  He-will-badly destroy them, and he-will-give-out-for-himself the vineyard to-other farmers, they-who will-give-back to-him the fruits in their seasons.

MATTHEW 21v42 The Jesus is-saying to-them, YOU never read in the scriptures, (A) stone which the-(ones) building-up rejected, this was-come-to-be with-reference-to head of-(a)-corner: this-(head) came-to-be from Jehovah, and it-is marvellous in our eyes?

MATTHEW 21v43 Because-of this I-am-saying to-YOU, that the kingdom of-the God will-be-lifted-up from YOU, and it-will-be-given to-(a)-nation doing the fruits of-it.

MATTHEW 21v44 And the-(one) having-fallen on this stone will-be-dashed-in-pieces, but on whom it-might-fall it-will-winnow him.

MATTHEW 21v45 And the chief-priests and the Pharisees having-heard his parables they-came-to-know that he-is-saying concerning them.

MATTHEW 21v46 and seeking to-retain him they-feared the crowds, since-indeed they-were-holding him as (a) prophet.


MATTHEW 22v1 And having-answered the Jesus again said to-them in parables, saying,

MATTHEW 22v2 The kingdom of-the heavens was-likened to-(a)-MAN, (a) king, one-who made wedding-festivities for his son:

MATTHEW 22v3 And he-dispatched his slaves to-call the-(ones) having-been-and-still-being-called with-reference-to the wedding-festivities, and they-were not willing to-come.

MATTHEW 22v4 Again he dispatched other slaves, saying, YOU-say to-the-(ones) having-been-and-still-being-called, Behold I-prepared my breakfast, the bulls and the fattened-(things) having-been-and-still-sacrificed, and all-(things) prepared; come-hither into the marriage-festivities.

MATTHEW 22v5 But the-(ones) having-neglected, they-went-away, on-the-one-hand the-(one) into (his)-own field, on-the-other-hand the-(one) into his merchandise.

MATTHEW 22v6 But the others having-retained his slaves, they-insulted and killed (them).

MATTHEW 22v7 But having-heard the king was-made-wroth, and having-sent his armies he-destroyed those murderers

and he-set-on-fire their city.

MATTHEW 22v8 Then he-is-saying to his slaves, On-the-one-hand the marriage is prepared, on-the-other-hand the-(ones) having-been-and-still-being-called were not worthy;

MATTHEW 22v9 YOU-be-proceeding therefore upon the ways-out of-the ways, and as-many-as YOU-might-find, YOU-call with-reference-to the wedding-festivities.

MATTHEW 22v10 And those slaves having-gone-out into the ways they-led-together all as-many-as they-found, and-additionally evil-(ones) and good-(ones); and the marriage was-filled-full of-(ones)-lying-back.

MATTHEW 22v11 But the king having-come-in to-behold the-(ones) lying-back he-saw there (a) MAN not having-been-clothed-and-still-clothed in clothing of-(a)-marriage;

MATTHEW 22v12 And he-is-saying to-him, Comrade, how came-you-in here not having clothing of-(a)-marriage? But the-(one) was-muzzled.

MATTHEW 22v13 Then the-king said to-the ministers, Having-bound his feet and hands YOU-lift him up and YOU-cast-out into the darkness, namely-the outer:  the weeping and the gnashing of-the teeth will-be there.

MATTHEW 22v14 For many are called but few chosen.

MATTHEW 22v15 Then having-proceeded the Pharisees took counsel-together in-which-case they-might-ensnare him in word.

MATTHEW 22v16 And they-are-dispatching to-him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Teacher we-are-knowing-absolutely that you-are true, and you-are-teaching the way of-the God in truth, and it-matters not to-you concerning anyone, for you-are not looking with-reference-to (the) person of-MEN;

MATTHEW 22v17 Therefore you-say to-us, what it-is-seeming to-you?  Is-it-legitimate to-give poll-tax to-Caesar or not?

MATTHEW 22v18 But the Jesus having-come-to-know their evil said, Why are-YOU-trying me, hypocrites?

MATTHEW 22v19 YOU-show to-me the legal-thing of-the poll-tax. But the-(ones) offered him (a) denarius.

MATTHEW 22v20 And he-is-saying to-them, Of-whom (is) this-image and the inscription?

MATTHEW 22v21 They-are-saying to-him, Of-Caesar. Then he-is-saying to-them, Therefore YOU-give-back the-(things) of-Caesar to-Caesar, and the-(things) of-the God to-the God.

MATTHEW 22v22 And having-heard they-marvelled; and having-let him be they-went-away.

MATTHEW 22v23 In that day Sadducees came-near to-him, the-(ones) saying not to-be (a) standing-again, and they-questioned him,

MATTHEW 22v24 Saying, Teacher, Moses said, If someone might-die-off not having children, his brother will-marry-after his wife, and he-will-stand-up seed to his brother.

MATTHEW 22v25 But there-were beside us seven brothers; and the first having-married came-to-an-end, and not having-seed he-let-be his wife to his brother.

MATTHEW 22v26 Likewise the second also, and the third, till the seven-(ones).

MATTHEW 22v27 But later (than)-all the woman also died-off.

MATTHEW 22v28 Therefore in the standing-again of-which of-the seven will-she-be-wife?  For all had her.

MATTHEW 22v29 But having-answered the Jesus said to-them, YOU-are-leading-yourselves-astray, not-knowing-absolutely the scriptures, neither the power of-the God.

MATTHEW 22v30 For in the standing-again they-are neither marrying nor being-given-in-marriage, BUT they-are as angels of-the God in heaven.

MATTHEW 22v31 But concerning the standing-again of-the dead-(ones), read-YOU not the-(thing) said to-YOU by the God, saying,

MATTHEW 22v32 I myself-am the God of-Abraham and the God of-Isaac and the God of-Jacob? The God is not God of-dead-(ones), BUT of-living-(ones).

MATTHEW 22v33 And the crowds having-heard were-being-surprised upon his doctrine.

MATTHEW 22v34 But the Pharisees, having-heard that he-muzzled the Sadducees, they-were-gathered-together upon the same-(place?).

MATTHEW 22v35 And one out-of them, (a) lawyer, questioned (him), trying him, and saying,

MATTHEW 22v36 Teacher, what-sort-of commandment (is) great in the law?

MATTHEW 22v37 But the Jesus said to-him, You-will-cherish Jehovah the God of-you with your total heart, and with your total soul, and with your total intellect.

MATTHEW 22v38 This is (the) first and great commandment.

MATTHEW 22v39 But (a) second (is) like to-it, You-will-cherish your neighbor as yourself.

MATTHEW 22v40 With these two commandments are-hanging-for-themselves the total law and the prophets.

MATTHEW 22v41 But (as) the Pharisees (were) having-been-and-still-(were)-gathered-together the Jesus questioned them,

MATTHEW 22v42 Saying, What is-it-seeming to-YOU concerning the Messiah? Of-whom is-he son? They-are-saying to-him, Of-the David.

MATTHEW 22v43 He-is-saying to-them, How therefore is David in spirit calling him Jehovah?  Saying,

MATTHEW 22v44 Jehovah said to my Lord, You-sit out-of my rights till I-might-put your enemies underneath your feet.

MATTHEW 22v45 If therefore David is-calling him Jehovah, how is-he his son?

MATTHEW 22v46 And no-one was-being-able to-answer (a) word to-him, neither dared anyone from that day to-question him any-more.


MATTHEW 23v1 Then the Jesus spoke to-the crowds and to his disciples,

MATTHEW 23v2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees seated upon the seat of-Moses;

MATTHEW 23v3 Therefore all-(things) as-many-as they-might-say to-YOU to-be-keeping, YOU-be-keeping and YOU-be-doing. But according-to their works YOU-be-doing not; for they-are-saying and they-are not doing.

MATTHEW 23v4 For they-are-tying-up weighty little-burdens even difficult-to-bear, and they-are-putting-on upon the shoulders of-the MEN, but they-are not willing to-move them with their finger.

MATTHEW 23v5 But all their works they-are-doing towards to-be-beheld by-the MEN. But they-are-enlarging their phylacteries,  and they-are-magnifying the tassels of-their garments-(himations).

MATTHEW 23v6 And-additionally they-are-loving the first-reclining-group in the suppers, and the first-seats in the synagogues,

MATTHEW 23v7 And the greetings in the markets, and to-be-being-called by the MEN Rabbi, Rabbi,

MATTHEW 23v8 But might-YOU yourselves not be-called Rabbi; for one is YOUR leader, namely-the Messiah, but all YOU yourselves-are brothers.

MATTHEW 23v9 And might-YOU not call of-YOU (a) father on the earth; for one is YOUR father, namely the-(one) in the heavens.

MATTHEW 23v10 Neither might-YOU-be-called leaders; for one is YOUR leader, namely-the Messiah.

MATTHEW 23v11 But the greater (one) of-YOU will-be YOUR minister.

MATTHEW 23v12 But one-who will-be-raised-to-a-height himself will-be-humbled; and one-who will-humble himself will-be-raised-to-a-height.

MATTHEW 23v13 But woe to-YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because YOU-are-devouring the houses of-the widows, and for-(a)-cover-up, praying long-(things).  Because-of this YOU-will-take more-excessive sentence.

MATTHEW 23v14 Woe to-YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because YOU-are-shutting the kingdom of-the heavens in-front of-the MEN; for YOU yourselves-are not going-in, neither are-YOU-letting-be the-(ones) coming-in, to-go-in.

MATTHEW 23v15 Woe to-YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because YOU-are-leading-around the sea and the dried-up (land) to-make one proselyte, and at-the-time-that he-might-come-to-be, YOU-are-making him-(a) son of-Gehenna, more-(than)-double of-YOU.

MATTHEW 23v16 Woe to-YOU blind leaders-of-the-way, the-(ones) saying, Whosoever might-swear in the sanctuary, it-is nothing; but whosoever might-swear in the gold of-the sanctuary, he-is-being-indebted.

MATTHEW 23v17 Stupid-(ones) and blind, for which is greater, the gold, or the sanctuary, namely-the-(one) making the gold holy?

MATTHEW 23v18 And, Whosoever might-swear in the altar, it-is nothing; but whosoever might-swear in the gift, namely-the-(one) above-upon it, he-is-being-indebted.

MATTHEW 23v19 Stupid-(ones) and blind, for what (is) greater, the gift, or the altar, namely-the-(one) making the gift holy?

MATTHEW 23v20 Therefore the-(one) having-sworn in the altar he-is-swearing in it and in all-(things) the-(ones) above-upon it.

MATTHEW 23v21 And the-(one) having-sworn in the sanctuary he-is-swearing in it and in the-(one) residing-in it.

MATTHEW 23v22 And the-(one) having-sworn in the heaven he-is-swearing in the throne of-the God and in the-(one)

sitting above-upon it.

MATTHEW 23v23 Woe to-YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because YOU-are-taking-tithes-from the mint and the dill and the cumin, and YOU-let-go the weightier-(things) of-the law, the judgement and the mercy and the trust:  it-was-being-essential to-do these-(things), and not to-be-letting-go those-(things).

MATTHEW 23v24 Blind leaders-of-the-way, the-(ones) filtering-out the gnat, but swallowing the camel.

MATTHEW 23v25 Woe to-YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because YOU-are-cleansing the outside of-the cup and of-the dish, but within they-are-being-loaded out-of seizing and no-self-control.

MATTHEW 23v26 Blind Pharisee, you-cleanse first the interior of-the cup and of-the dish, in-order-that the outside of-them also might-become clean.

MATTHEW 23v27 Woe to-YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because YOU-are-being-much-like graves having-been-and-still-whitewashed, ones-which on-the-one-hand from-outside are-appearing beautiful, on-the-other-hand from-within they-are-being-loaded of-bones of-dead-(ones) and of-all uncleanness.

MATTHEW 23v28 Thus also on-the-one-hand from-outside YOU yourselves-are-appearing to-the MEN just-(ones), on-the-other-hand from-within YOU-are (ones)-replete of-hypocrisy and of-lawlessness.

MATTHEW 23v29 Woe to-YOU scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because YOU-are-building-up the graves of-the prophets, and YOU-are-putting-in-order the tombs of-the just-(ones),

MATTHEW 23v30 And YOU-are-saying, If we-were in the days of our fathers, we-were not (likely) partners of-them in the blood of-the prophets.

MATTHEW 23v31  So-that YOU-are-bearing-witness for-your-selves, that YOU-are sons of-the-(ones) having-murdered the prophets;

MATTHEW 23v32 YOU also yourselves-fulfill the measure of your fathers.

MATTHEW 23v33 Serpents, products of-vipers, how might-YOU-flee from the judgement of-the Gehenna?

MATTHEW 23v34  Because-of this, behold, I myself-am-dispatching to YOU prophets and wise-(ones) and scribes; and (some) out-of them YOU-will-kill and YOU-will-crucify, and (some) out-of them YOU-will-whip in YOUR synagogues, and YOU-will pursue from city into city;

MATTHEW 23v35 in-which-case all just blood being-shed upon the earth might-come upon YOU, from the blood of-Abel the just; till the blood of-Zacharias son of-Barachias, whom YOU-murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.

MATTHEW 23v36 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, all these-(things) will-be-present upon this generation.

MATTHEW 23v37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the-(one) killing the prophets and casting-stones-(at) the-(ones) having-been-dispatched-and-still-being-dispatched to her, how-often I-willed to-gather-together-completely your children, which manner (a) hen is-gathering-together-completely the chicks of-herself under the wings, and YOU-willed not:

MATTHEW 23v38 Behold, YOUR home, desolate, is-being-let-be to-YOU;

MATTHEW 23v39 For I-am-saying to-YOU, By-no-means might-YOU-see me from just-now till YOU-might-say, Having-been-blessed-and-still-blessed (is) the-(one) coming in (the) name of-Jehovah.


MATTHEW 24v1 And having-gone-out the Jesus was-proceeding away-from the temple, and his disciples came-near to-show to-him the buildings of-the temple.

MATTHEW 24v2 But the Jesus said to-them:  Are-YOU not looking-at all these things? Amen I-am-saying to-YOU by-no-means might stone be-let-be here upon stone, which will not be-overthrown.

MATTHEW 24v3 But (as) he (was) sitting on the mountain of-the olives, the disciples came-near to-him-privately saying: You-say to-us, at-what-time will these-(things) be?  And what the sign of-thy presence and the complete-finish of the age?

MATTHEW 24v4 And the Jesus having-answered said to-them; YOU-be-looking lest someone might-lead YOU a-stray.

MATTHEW 24v5 For many will-come on my name saying:  I myself-am the Messiah; and they-will-lead-astray many.

MATTHEW 24v6 But YOU-will-be-about to-be-hearing-(of) wars and reports of-wars; YOU-be-seeing YOU-are not being-alarmed for it-is-essential all-things to-come-to-pass, BUT the finish is not-yet.

MATTHEW 24v7 For nation will-be-raised over nation and kingdom over kingdom; and famines and pestilences and earthquakes will-be according-to places.

MATTHEW 24v8 But all these-(things) (are) beginning of-birth-pains.

MATTHEW 24v9 Then they-will-give YOU over into tribulation, and they-will-kill YOU; and YOU-will-be being-hated by all the Gentiles because-of my name.

MATTHEW 24v10 And then many will-be-entrapped, and they-will-give-over one-another and they-will-hate one-another.

MATTHEW 24v11 And many false-prophets will-be-raised, and they-will-lead-astray many

But there-became also false-prophets among the people, as also among YOU there-will-be false-teachers, they-who will-introduce sects of-destruction, and denying the Despot having-bought them (in-the-market) leading-on themselves quick destruction;

MATTHEW 24v12 And because-of the lawlessness to-be-multiplied, the charity of-the many will-be-cooled.

MATTHEW 24v13 But the-(one) having-persevered with-reference-to (a) finish, this-(one) will-be-saved.

MATTHEW 24v14 And this good-news of-the kingdom will-be-preached in the total inhabited-earth with-reference-to (a) testimony to-all the Gentiles and then the finish will-be-present.

MATTHEW 24v15 Therefore at-the-time-that YOU-might-see the abomination of-the desolation, namely-the-(one) having-been-said through Daniel the prophet, having-stood-and-still-standing in (a) holy place; let the-(one) reading be-understanding;

MATTHEW 24v16 Then let the-(ones) in the Judea be-fleeing over the mountains.

MATTHEW 24v17 Let not the-(one) on the housetop be-descending to-remove the-(things) out-of his house.

MATTHEW 24v18 And let not the-(one) in the field turn-around behind to-remove his garments.

MATTHEW 24v19 But woe to-the-(ones) having in womb and to-the-(ones) nursing in those days,

MATTHEW 24v20 But YOU-be-praying in-order-that YOUR flight might not come-to-pass of-a-winter neither in Sabbath.

MATTHEW 24v21 For then will-be great tribulation, such-as has not come-to-pass from beginning of-(the)-world until the now, nor by-no-means might-come-to-pass.

MATTHEW 24v22 And unless those days were-cut-short, all flesh was not saved, but because-of the chosen those days will-be-cut-short.

MATTHEW 24v23 Then if someone might-say to-YOU; Behold, the Messiah (is) here, or here, might-YOU not trust.

MATTHEW 24v24 For false-messiahs and false-prophets will be-raised, and they-will-give great signs and wonders, so-as to-lead-astray, if possible, even the chosen.

MATTHEW 24v25 Behold, I-have-said-before-and-still-say to-YOU.

MATTHEW 24v26 If therefore they-might-say to-YOU; Behold he-is in the wilderness, might-YOU not go-out; behold in the storechambers, might-YOU not trust.

MATTHEW 24v27 For as-altogether the beam-of-light is-coming-out from sun-risings and is-appearing till sun-settings, thus also will-be the presence of-the son of-the MAN.

MATTHEW 24v28 For where-in-which the corpse might-be there the eagles will-be-gathered-together.

MATTHEW 24v29 But immediately after the tribulation of-those days the sun-will-be-made-dark and the moon will not give her radiance, and the stars will-fall from the heaven, and the powers of-the heavens will-be-stirred.

MATTHEW 24v30 And then the sign of-the son of-the MAN will-appear in the heaven: and then all the tribes of-the land will-wail, and they-will-see the son of-the MAN, coming on the clouds of-the heaven with power and much glory.

MATTHEW 24v31 And he-will-dispatch his angels with great trumpet noise, and they-will-lead-together-completely his chosen out-of the four winds, from tips of-heavens, till tips of-them.

MATTHEW 24v32 But from the fig-tree YOU-learn the parable; at-the-time-that her branch might already become tender and it-might-be-producing the leaves, YOU-be-coming-to-know, that summer (is) near.

MATTHEW 24v33 Thus also YOU, at-the-time-that YOU-might-see all these-(things), YOU-be-coming-to-know, that it-is near upon doors.

MATTHEW 24v34 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, by-no-means might this race go-past till all these-(things) might-come-to-pass.

MATTHEW 24v35 The heaven and the earth will-go-past, but by-no-means might my words go-past.

MATTHEW 24v36 But concerning that day and the hour no-one is-knowing-absolutely, neither the angels of-the heavens, unless my Father only.

MATTHEW 24v37 But as-altogether the days of-the Noah, thus will-be also the presence of-the son of-the MAN.

MATTHEW 24v38 For as-altogether in the days, namely-the-(ones) before the flood, they-were chewing and drinking, marrying and giving-in-marriage until which day Noah went-in into the ark,

MATTHEW 24v39 And they did not come-to-know, till the flood came and it-removed quite-all (persons); thus will-be the presence of-the son of-the MAN.

MATTHEW 24v40 Then two will-be in the field, the one is-being-taken-along and the one is-being-let-be;

MATTHEW 24v41 Two (women) grinding in the mill-house, one is-being-taken-along and one is-being-let-be.

MATTHEW 24v42 YOU-be-watching therefore, because YOU-are not knowing-absolutely in-what-sort hour YOUR Lord is-coming.

MATTHEW 24v43 But YOU-be-coming-to-know that-(thing), be-cause if the despot-of-the-household had-been-knowing-absolutely in-what-sort guard-period the thief is-coming, he-(likely)-watched, and he not (likely) allowed his house to-be-dug-through.

MATTHEW 24v44 Because-of this YOU also yourselves-be-becoming prepared, because in-what hour YOU-are not thinking, the son of-the MAN is-coming.

MATTHEW 24v45 So who is the trusting and prudent slave, whom his lord established over his household, to-be-giving to-them the nourishment in season?

MATTHEW 24v46 Happy (is) that slave, whom his lord having-come, he-will-find doing thus.

MATTHEW 24v47 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that he-will-establish him over all his goods.

MATTHEW 24v48 But if that bad slave might-say in his heart, My lord is-lingering to-come,

MATTHEW 24v49 And he-might-begin to-be-hitting the fellow-slaves, but to-be-eating and to-be-drinking with the-(ones) being-drunk,

MATTHEW 24v50 The Lord of-that slave will-be-present in (a) day in-which he-is not anticipating, and in (an) hour in-which he-is not coming-to-know,

MATTHEW 24v51 And he-will-cut him in-two, and he-will-place his part with the hypocrites: the weeping and the gnashing of-the teeth will-be there.


MATTHEW 25v1 Then the kingdom of-the heavens will-be-likened to ten virgins, ones-who having-taken their torches went-out into (a) meeting of-the bridegroom.

MATTHEW 25v2 But five out-of them were prudent, and the five stupid.

MATTHEW 25v3 They-who (were) stupid having-taken the torches of-themselves, took not oil with themselves;

MATTHEW 25v4 But the-(ones) prudent took oil in their containers with their torches.

MATTHEW 25v5 But (as) the bridegroom (is) lingering they all became-drowsy and they-were-sleeping.

MATTHEW 25v6 But of-midst of-night (a) clamor has-come-to-pass-and-still-is, Behold, the bridegroom is-coming, YOU-be-going-out into (a) meeting of-him.

MATTHEW 25v7 Then all those virgins were-raised, and they-put their torches in-order.

MATTHEW 25v8 But the stupid-(ones) said to-the prudent-(ones), YOU-give to-us out-of YOUR oil, because our torches are-being-extinguished.

MATTHEW 25v9 But the prudent answered, saying, Lest-at-any-time it-might not suffice for-us and for-YOU: but rather YOU-be-proceeding to-the (ones) offering-for-sale, and YOU-buy-in-the-market for-yourselves.

MATTHEW 25v10 But (as) they (are) going-away, the bridegroom came, and the-(ones) prepared went-in with him into the wedding-festivities, and the door was-shut.

MATTHEW 25v11 But later the other virgins also are-coming, saying, Lord, Lord, you-open to-us.

MATTHEW 25v12 But the (one) having-answered said, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, I-am not knowing YOU absolutely.

MATTHEW 25v13 YOU-be-watching therefore, because YOU-are not knowing-absolutely the day neither the hour in which the son of-the MAN is-coming.

MATTHEW 25v14 For as-altogether (a) MAN going-abroad called (his) own slaves, and he-gave-over to-them his goods.

MATTHEW 25v15 And on-the-one-hand he-gave to-which-(one) five talents, on-the-other-hand to-which-(one) two, on-the-other-hand to-which-(one) one, to-each according-to (his) own power; and he immediately went-abroad.

MATTHEW 25v16 But having-proceeded the-(one) having-taken the five talents worked with them, and he-made another five talents.

MATTHEW 25v17 In-the-same-way also the-(one) the two, he himself also gained another two.

MATTHEW 25v18 But the-(one) having-taken the one having-gone-away he-dug in the earth, and he-hid-back the silver-coin of-his-lord.

MATTHEW 25v19 But after much time the lord of-those slaves is-coming, and he-is-lifting-up-together with them (an) account.

MATTHEW 25v20 And the-(one) having-come-near, having-taken the five talents, he-brought-near another five talents, saying, Lord, you-gave-over to-me five talents:  note, I-gained another five talents on them.

MATTHEW 25v21 But his lord was-stating to-him, Well!  good and trustworthy slave, you-were trustworthy over (a) few-(things), I-shall-establish you over many-(things):  you-come-in into the joy of-your lord.

MATTHEW 25v22 But the-(one) having-taken the two talents having-come-near he-said, Lord, you-gave-over to-me two talents; note I-gained another two talents on them.

MATTHEW 25v23 His lord was-stating to-him, Well!  good and trustworthy slave, you-were trustworthy over (a) few-(things), I-shall-establish you over many-(things):  you-come-in into the joy of-your lord.

MATTHEW 25v24 But the-(one) having-taken-and-was-still-having the one talent having-come-near said, Lord, I-came-to-know you that you-are (a) hard MAN, harvesting where-in-which you-sowed not, and gathering-together whence you-scattered not abroad.

MATTHEW 25v25 And having-feared having-gone-away I-hid your talent in the earth; note, you-are-having the-(thing) thine.

MATTHEW 25v26 But his lord having-answered said to-him, Evil and troublesome slave, you-knew-absolutely that I-am-harvesting where-in-which I-sowed not, and I-am-gathering-together whence I-scattered not abroad;

MATTHEW 25v27 Therefore it-was-being-essential (for) you to-cast my silver-coin to-the bankers, and having-come I myself-obtained-for-myself the-(thing) mine along-with interest.

MATTHEW 25v28 Therefore YOU-remove from him the talent, and YOU-give to-the-(one) having the ten talents.

MATTHEW 25v29 For to-every-one having it-will-be-given, and he-will-be-advantaged; but from the-(one) not having, even which-(thing) he-is-having will-be-removed from him.

MATTHEW 25v30 And YOU-be-casting-out the useless slave into the darkness namely-the outer: the weeping and the gnashing of-the teeth will-be there.

MATTHEW 25v31 But at-the-time-that the son of-the MAN might-come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he-will-be-seated upon (a) throne of-his glory,

MATTHEW 25v32 And all the Gentiles will-be-led-together in-front of-him, and he-will-sever them from one-another, as-altogether the shepherd is-severing the sheep from the young-goats;

MATTHEW 25v33 And on-the-one-hand he-will-stand the sheep out-of his rights, on-the-other-hand the young-goats out-of lefts.

MATTHEW 25v34 Then the king will-say to-the-(ones) out-of his rights, Come-hither, the-(ones) having-been-and-still-blessed of-my Father, YOU-inherit the kingdom having-been-and-still-prepared for-YOU from (a) casting-down of-(a)-world.

MATTHEW 25v35 For I-hungered and YOU-gave to-me to-eat; I-thirsted and YOU-gave me to-drink; I-was (a) stranger and YOU-gathered me together;

MATTHEW 25v36 Naked, and YOU-cast-around me; I-was-weak, and YOU-visited me; I-was in (a) guard-house, and YOU-came to me.

MATTHEW 25v37 Then the just-(ones) will-answer to-him, saying, Lord, at-what-time we-saw you hungering, and we-nourished (you)? Or thirsting, and we-gave-to-drink?

MATTHEW 25v38 But at-what-time we-saw you (a) stranger, and we-gathered-(you)-together? Or naked, and we-cast-around (you)?

MATTHEW 25v39 But at-what-time we-saw you weak, or in (a) guard-house, and we-came to you?

MATTHEW 25v40 And having-answered the king will-say to-them, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, upon as-much-as YOU-did to-one of-these my brothers, namely-the least, YOU-did to-me.

MATTHEW 25v41 Then he-will-say also to-the-(ones) out-of lefts, YOU-be-proceeding from me, the-(ones) having-been-and-still-cursed-against into the fire namely-the eternal, namely-the-(one) having-been-and-still-prepared for-the slanderer and his angels.

MATTHEW 25v42 For I-hungered and YOU-gave not to-me to-eat; I-thirsted, and YOU-gave me not to-drink;

MATTHEW 25v43 I-was (a) stranger, and YOU-gathered me not together; naked and YOU-cast-around me not; weak and in (a) guard-house, and YOU-visited me not.

MATTHEW 25v44 Then they also themselves will-answer to-him, saying, Lord, at-what-time we-saw you hungering, or thirsting, or (a) stranger, or naked, or weak, or in (a) guard-house, and we-ministered not to-you?

MATTHEW 25v45 Then he-will-answer to-them, saying, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, upon as-much-as YOU-did not to-one of-the least of-these, neither did-YOU to-me.

MATTHEW 25v46 And these themselves-will-go-away into punishment eternal, but the just-(ones) into life eternal.


MATTHEW 26v1 And it-came-to-pass when the Jesus finished all these words, he-said to his disciples,

MATTHEW 26v2 YOU-are-knowing-absolutely that after two days the passover is-coming-to-pass and the son of-the MAN is-being-given-over with-reference-to the to-be-crucified.

MATTHEW 26v3 Then the chief-priests and the scribes and the elders of-the people were-gathered-together into the court of-the chief-priest, namely-the-(one) being-called Caiaphas,

MATTHEW 26v4 And they-resolved-together in-order-that they-might-retain the Jesus with-guile, and they-might-be-killing (him);

MATTHEW 26v5 But they-were-saying, Not in the feast, in-order-that (a) tumult might not come-to-pass among the people.

MATTHEW 26v6 But (as) the Jesus (was) having-come-to-be in Bethany in (a) house of-Simon the leper,

MATTHEW 26v7 (A) woman came-near to-him having (an) alabaster-box of-perfumed-oil, very-precious, and she-poured-(it)-down upon his head (as-he-was) lying-back.

MATTHEW 26v8 But his disciples having-seen were-indignant, saying, With-reference-to what (was) this destruction?

MATTHEW 26v9 For this perfumed-oil was-being-able to-be-sold of-much, and to-be-given to-(ones)-destitute.

MATTHEW 26v10 But the Jesus having-come-to-know said to-them, Why are-YOU-holding-beside labors for-the woman? For she-worked (a) fine work with reference-to me.

MATTHEW 26v11 For always YOU-are-having the destitute with yourselves, but me YOU-are not always having.

MATTHEW 26v12 For this (woman) having-cast this perfumed-oil upon my body, she-did toward to-prepare me for-burial.

MATTHEW 26v13 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, where-in-which if this good-news might-be-preached in the total world, which-(thing) this (woman) did will also be-spoken with-reference-to (a) memorial of-her.

MATTHEW 26v14 Then one of-the twelve, the-(one) being-called Judas Iscariot having-proceeded to the chief-priests,

MATTHEW 26v15 Said, What are-YOU-willing to-give to-me, and-I myself-will-give him over to-YOU? But the-(ones) stood thirty silver-coins for him.

MATTHEW 26v16 And from then he-was-seeking (a) good-season in-order-that he-might-give him over.

MATTHEW 26v17 But on-the first of-the unleavened-breads the disciples came-near to-the Jesus, saying to-him, Where are-you-willing we-might-prepare for-you to-eat the passover?

MATTHEW 26v18 But the-(one) said, YOU-be-withdrawing into the city to the certain-one, and YOU-say to-him, The teacher is-saying, My season is near; toward you I-am-doing the passover with my disciples.

MATTHEW 26v19 And the disciples did as the Jesus assigned-together for-them, and they-prepared the passover.

MATTHEW 26v20 But (as) evening (was) having-come-to-pass he-was-lying-back with the twelve.

MATTHEW 26v21 And (as) they (were) eating he-said, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that one Out-of YOU will-give me over.

MATTHEW 26v22 And being extremely grieved each of-them began to-be-saying to-him, Whether-at-all I myself-am, Lord?

MATTHEW 26v23 But the-(one) having-answered said, The-(one) having-dipped-in the hand with me in the bowl, this-(one) will-give me over.

MATTHEW 26v24 On-the-one-hand the son of-the MAN is withdrawing according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written concerning him, on-the-other-hand to-that MAN through whom the son of-the MAN is-being-given-over; it-was fine for-him if that man was not born.

MATTHEW 26v25 But having-answered Judas the-(one) giving-him over said, Whether-at-all I myself-am (he) Rabbi? He-is-saying to-him, You yourself-said.

MATTHEW 26v26 But (as) they (were) eating, the Jesus having-taken the bread, and having-blessed, he-broke-in-pieces and he-was-giving to-the disciples, and he-said, YOU-take, YOU-eat; this is my body.

MATTHEW 26v27 And having-taken the cup, and having-given-thanks, he-gave to-them, saying, YOU all drink out-of it

MATTHEW 26v28 For this is my blood, namely-the (blood) of-the new-quality covenant, namely-the (blood) being-poured-out concerning many with-reference-to forgiveness of-sins.

MATTHEW 26v29 But I-am-saying to-YOU, that by-no-means might-I-drink from just-now out-of this product of-the vine, till that day at-the-time-that I-might-be-drinking it with YOU (a) new-quality in the kingdom of-my Father.

MATTHEW 26v30 And having-sung-a-hymn they-went-out into the mountain of-the olives.

MATTHEW 26v31 Then the Jesus is-saying to-them, All YOU yourselves-will-be-entrapped in me in this night. For, it-has-been-and-is-still-written, I-will-smite the shepherd, and the sheep of-the flock will-be-scattered-abroad.

MATTHEW 26v32 But after me to-be-raised I-will-precede YOU into the Galilee.

MATTHEW 26v33 But having-answered the Peter said to-him, Even if all will-be-entrapped in you, I myself-shall never be-entrapped.

MATTHEW 26v34 The Jesus was-stating to-him, Amen I-am-saying to-you, that in this night before (a) cock to-crow, you-will thrice disown me.

MATTHEW 26v35 The Peter is-saying to-him, Even-if it-might-be-essential (for) me to-die-off with you, by-no-means shall-I-disown you.  And all the disciples said likewise.

MATTHEW 26v36 Then the Jesus is-coming with them into (a) piece-of-land being-called Gethsemanee, and he-is-saying to-the disciples, YOU-be-seated in-this-location, till of-which having-gone-away I-might-pray there.

MATTHEW 26v37 And having-taken-along-with-himself the Peter and the two sons of-Zebedee, he-began to-be-being-grieved and to-be-being-distressed.

MATTHEW 26v38 Then he-is-saying to-them, My soul is deeply-grieved till death; YOU-remain here and YOU-be-watching with me.

MATTHEW 26v39 And having-gone-forward (a) little he-fell upon his face praying, and saying, My Father, if it-is possible let this cup go-past from me; with-the-exception not as I myself-am-willing BUT as you.

|v40 And he-is-coming to the disciples and he-is-finding them sleeping, and he-is-saying to-the Peter, Thus were-YOU not strong-enough to-watch one hour with me?

MATTHEW 26v41 YOU-be-watching and YOU-be-praying, in-order that YOU-might not go-in into trial: on-one-hand the spirit (is) eager, on-the-other-hand the flesh (is) weak.

MATTHEW 26v42 Again having-gone-away out-of (a) second (time) he-prayed, saying, My Father, if this cup is not being-able to-go-past from me unless I-might-drink it, let your will come-to-pass.

MATTHEW 26v43 And having-come he-is-finding them sleeping again, for their eyes were having-been-and-still-were-weight(y).

MATTHEW 26v44 And having-let them be, having-gone-away he-prayed again out-of (a) third (time), having-said the same word.

MATTHEW 26v45 Then he-is-coming to his disciples, and he-is-saying to-them, YOU-be-sleeping therefore and YOU-be-resting-again-for-yourselves; behold the hour has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near, and the son of-the MAN is-being-given-over into hands of-sinners.

MATTHEW 26v46 YOU-be-raising-yourselves, let-us-be-leading; behold the-(one) giving me over has-drawn-near-and-is-near.

MATTHEW 26v47 And (as) he (is) still speaking, behold, Judas, one of-the twelve, came, and with him much crowd with daggers and weapons, from the chief-priests and elders of-the people.

MATTHEW 26v48 But the-(one) giving him over gave (a) sign to-them, saying, Whom I-might-kiss, it-is he: YOU-retain him.

MATTHEW 26v49 And immediately having-come-near to-the Jesus he-said, Hail, Rabbi, and he-kissed him tenderly.

MATTHEW 26v50 But the Jesus said to-him, Comrade, over what are-you-being-alongside?  Then having-come-near they-cast-on the hands upon the Jesus, and they-retained him.

MATTHEW 26v51 And behold, one of-the-(ones) with Jesus, having-stretched-out the hand he-pulled-away his dagger, and having-smitten the slave of-the chief-priest he-took-away his ear.

MATTHEW 26v52 Then the Jesus is-saying to-him, You-turn-back your dagger into its place; for all the-(ones) having-taken (a) dagger they-will-perish with (a) dagger.

MATTHEW 26v53 Or are-you-thinking that I-am not being-able just-now to-entreat my Father, and he-will-stand-alongside for-me many-more than twelve legions of-angels?

MATTHEW 26v54 How therefore might the scriptures be-fulfilled that thus it-is-essential to-come-to-pass?

MATTHEW 26v55 In that hour the Jesus said to-the crowds, As upon (a) robber came-YOU-out with daggers and weapons to-together-take me? Dally I-was-sitting-down with YOU teaching in the temple, and YOU-retained me not.

MATTHEW 26v56 But this total-(thing) has-come-to-pass-and-is in-order-that the scriptures of-the prophets might-be-fulfilled.  Then the disciples all having-let him be, they-fled.

MATTHEW 26v57 But the-(ones) having-retained the Jesus led-away to Caiaphas the chief-priest, where-in-which the scribes and the elders were-gathered-together.

MATTHEW 26v58 But the Peter was-following with-him from a-distance, till the court of-the chief-priest; and having-gone-in inside he-was-sitting with the officers to-see the finish.

MATTHEW 26v59 But the chief-priests and the elders and the total council were-seeking false-witness down-upon the Jesus, in-which-case they-might-put him to-death,

MATTHEW 26v60 And they-found not:  even of-many false-witnesses having-come-near they-found not.

MATTHEW 26v61 But later two false-witnesses having-come-near said, This-(one) was-stating, I-am-being-able to-overthrow the sanctuary of-the God, and through three days to-build it up.

MATTHEW 26v62 And the chief-priest having-stood-up said to-him, Are-you-answering not-one-(thing)?  What-(things) (are) these witnessing-against of-you?

MATTHEW 26v63 But the Jesus was-being-still.  And having-answered the chief-priest said to-him, I emphatically-adjure you down-upon the God namely-the (one) living, in-order-that you-might-say to-us if you yourself-are the Messiah, the son of-the God.

MATTHEW 26v64 The Jesus is-saying to-him, You yourself-said. Further I-am-saying to-YOU, from just-now YOU-will-see the son of-the MAN sitting out-of rights of-the power, and coming on the clouds of-the heaven.

MATTHEW 26v65 Then the chief-priest rent-asunder-through his garments-(himations), saying, Because he-blasphemed; why-are-we still having need of-witnesses? Note, now YOU-heard his blasphemy.

MATTHEW 26v66 What is-it-seeming to-YOU?  But the-(ones) having-answered said, He-is liable of-death.

MATTHEW 26v67 Then they-spat-on into his face, and they-buffeted him, but the-(ones) slapped

MATTHEW 26v68 Saying, You-prophesy to-us, Messiah, Who is the-(one) having-struck you?

MATTHEW 26v69 But the Peter was-sitting without in the court, and one maid-servant came-near to-him, saying, And you yourself-were with Jesus the Galilean.

MATTHEW 26v70 But the-(one) denied in-front of-all, saying, I-am-absolutely not knowing what you-are-saying.

MATTHEW 26v71 But he having-gone-out into the gateway, another (maid-servant) saw him and she-is-saying to-the-(ones) there, And this-(one) was with Jesus the Nazarene.

MATTHEW 26v72 And again he-denied with (an) oath, That I-am-absolutely not knowing the MAN.

MATTHEW 26v73 But after (a) little the-(ones) having-stood-and-still-standing having-come-near said to-the Peter, Truly you yourself-are also out-of them, for even your speech is-making you evident.

MATTHEW 26v74 Then he-began to-be-anathematizing-against and to-be-swearing, That I-am-absolutely not knowing the MAN.  And immediately (a) cock crowed.

MATTHEW 26v75 And the Peter was-made-mindful of-the saying of-the Jesus of-having-said to-him, That before (a) cock to-crow, thrice you-will-disown me.  And having-gone-out without he-wept bitterly.


MATTHEW 27v1 But (as) early-morning (was) having-come-to-pass, all the chief-priests and the elders of-the people took counsel-together down-upon the Jesus so-as to-put him to-death;

MATTHEW 27v2 And having-bound him they-led (him) away and they-gave him over to-Pontius Pilate the governor.

MATTHEW 27v3 Then Judas the-(one) giving him over, having-seen that he-was-condemned, having-regretted, he-turned-back the thirty silver-coins to-the chief-priests and to-the elders,

MATTHEW 27v4 Saying, I-sinned having-given-over innocent blood.  But the-(ones) said, What (is-it) to us? You yourself-will-see.

MATTHEW 27v5 And having-thrown the silver-coins in the sanctuary he-retired, and having-gone-away he-hanged-himself.

MATTHEW 27v6 But the chief-priests having-taken the silver-coins said, It-is not legitimate to-cast them into the temple-treasury, since it-is (a) price of-blood.

MATTHEW 27v7 But having-taken counsel-together, they-bought-in-the-market out-of them the field of-the potter, with-reference-to burial for-the strangers.

MATTHEW 27v8 On-this-account that field was-called, Field of-blood till the today.

MATTHEW 27v9 Then was fulfilled the-(thing) having-been-said through Jeremiah the prophet, saying, And I-took the thirty silver-coins, the price of-the-(one) having-been-and-still-priced, whom they from sons of-Israel priced-for-themselves.

MATTHEW 27v10 And they-gave them with-reference-to the field of-the potter just-as Jehovah assigned-together to-me.

MATTHEW 27v11 But the Jesus stood in-front of-the governor; and the governor questioned him, saying, Are-you yourself the king of-the Jews? But the Jesus was-stating to-him, You yourself-are-saying.

MATTHEW 27v12 And with (his) to-be-being-accused by the chief-priests and the elders, he-answered not-one-(thing).

MATTHEW 27v13 Then the Pilate is-saying to-him, Are-you not hearing how-many-(things) they-are-witnessing-against of-you?

MATTHEW 27v14 And he-answered not to-him; but with not one saying, so-as the governor to-be-marvelling very-much.

MATTHEW 27v15 But according-to (a) feast the governor had-been-having-a-custom to-be-releasing one prisoner to-the crowd, whom they-were-willing.

MATTHEW 27v16 But they-were then having (a) notable prisoner, being-called Barabbas.

MATTHEW 27v17 Therefore (as) they (were) having-been-and-still-were-gathered-together the Pilate said to-them, Whom are-YOU-willing I-shall-release to-YOU? Barabbas, or Jesus the-(one) being-called Messiah?

MATTHEW 27v18 For he-had-known-absolutely that because-of envy they-gave him over.

MATTHEW 27v19 But (as) he (was) sitting on the rostrum his wife dispatched to him, saying, Nothing to-you and to-that just-(one); for I-suffered many-(things) today by (an) apparition because-of him.

MATTHEW 27v20 But the chief-priests and the elders persuaded the crowds in-order-that they-might-request-for-themselves the Barabbas, but they-might-destroy the Jesus.

MATTHEW 27v21 But having-answered the governor said to-them, Whom are-YOU-willing I-shall-release from the two for-YOU?  But the-(ones) said, Barabbas.

MATTHEW 27v22 The Pilate is-saying to-them, What therefore shall-I-do (with) Jesus, the-(one) being-called Messiah?  They all are-saying to-him, Let-him-be-crucified.

MATTHEW 27v23 But the governor was-stating, For he-did what bad-(thing)?  But the-(ones) were-crying excessively, saying, Let-him-be-crucified.

MATTHEW 27v24 But the Pilate having-seen that he-is-profiting not-one-(thing), BUT rather (a) tumult is-coming-to-pass, having-taken water he-washed-off-for-himself the hands over-against the crowd, saying, I-am innocent from the blood of-this just-(one); YOU yourselves-will-see.

MATTHEW 27v25 And having-answered all the people said, His blood upon us and upon our children.

MATTHEW 27v26 Then he-released to-them the Barabbas, but having-lashed the Jesus he-gave (him) over in-order-that he-might-be-crucified.

MATTHEW 27v27 Then the soldiers of-the governor, having-taken the Jesus with-themselves into the praetorium, they-gathered-together upon him the total cohort;

MATTHEW 27v28 And having-stripped him they-placed-around to-him (a) scarlet mantle (chlamus);

MATTHEW 27v29 And having-plaited (a) crown out-of thorn-plants they-placed (it)-on upon his head, and (a) reed on his right (hand?); and having-fallen-on-the-knees in-front of-him they-were-mocking him, saying, Hall, the king of-the Jews!

MATTHEW 27v30 And having-spit-on with-reference-to him they-took the reed and they-were-hitting with-reference-to his head.

MATTHEW 27v31 And then they-mocked him they-stripped (off) him the mantle (chlamus), and they-clothed him in his garments-(himations); and they-led him away into to-be-crucified.

MATTHEW 27v32 But going-out they-found (a) MAN (a) Cyrenian, Simon by-name; they-commandeered this-(one) in-order-that he-might-lift-up his cross.

MATTHEW 27v33 And having-come into (a) place being-called Golgotha, which is being-called (a) place of-(a)-skull,

MATTHEW 27v34 They-gave to-him sour-wine to-drink having-been-and-still-mixed with gall; and having-tasted he-was not willing to-drink.

MATTHEW 27v35 But having-crucified him they-divided-for themselves his garments casting (a) lot, in-order-that it-might-be-fulfilled, the-(thing) having-been-said by the prophet; They-divided-for-themselves my garments with-themselves, and on my vesture they-cast (a) lot.

MATTHEW 27v36 And sitting they-were-keeping him there.

MATTHEW 27v37 And they-placed-on, above his head upon (the cross) the reason of-him, having-been-and-still-written:  This is Jesus the king of-the Jews.

MATTHEW 27v38 Then two robbers are-being-crucified together-with him, one out-of rights and one out-of lefts.

MATTHEW 27v39 But the (ones) proceeding-along were-blaspheming  him moving their heads

MATTHEW 27v40 And saying:  The (one) overthrowing the sanctuary and building-up in three days, you-save-yourself, if you-are son of-the God, and you-descend from the cross.

MATTHEW 27v41 Likewise also the chief-priests mocking with the scribes and elders were-saying:

MATTHEW 27v42 He-saved others, himself he-is not being-able to-save; if he-is king of-Israel, let-him-descend now from the cross and we-will-trust in-him.

MATTHEW 27v43 He-has-relied-and-still-relies upon the God, let-him-deliver him now if he-is-willing (to have) him; for he-said that I-am (a) son of-God.

MATTHEW 27v44 But the same-(thing) also the robbers namely-the (ones) having-been-crucified-together with-him were-reproaching him.

MATTHEW 27v45 But from (the) sixth hour darkness came-to-pass over all the land till (the) ninth hour.

MATTHEW 27v46 But around the ninth hour the Jesus shouted-again with-a-great voice saying:  Eli Eli lema sabachthani?  This is:  God of-me, God of-me, to-what-end you-abandoned me?

MATTHEW 27v47 But some of-the (ones) having-stood-and-still-standing there having-heard were-saying that this (one) is-hollering-for Elias.

MATTHEW 27v48 And immediately one out-of them having-run and having-taken (a) sponge and-additionally having-filled-full of-sour-wine and having-placed (it)-around to-(a)-reed he-was-giving him to-drink.

MATTHEW 27v49 But the others said: You-let-be, let-us-see if Elias is-coming to-save him.

MATTHEW 27v50 But the Jesus having-cried again with-a-great voice he-let-go the spirit.

MATTHEW 27v51 And behold the veil of-the sanctuary was-split into two, from from-above till below; and the earth was-caused-to-quake, and the rocks were-split,

MATTHEW 27v52 And the tombs were-opened and many bodies of-the holy (ones) having-fallen-asleep-and-still-asleep were-raised;

MATTHEW 27v53 And having-come-out out-of the tombs after his arising, they-went-in into the holy city and they-were-revealed to-many.

MATTHEW 27v54 But the hundred-ruler and the (ones) with him keeping the Jesus, having-seen the earthquake and the-(things) having-come-to-pass feared extremely saying:  Truly this (one) was son of-God.

MATTHEW 27v55 But many women were there to-be-observing from a-distance, they-who followed the Jesus from the Galilee to-be-ministering to-him;

MATTHEW 27v56 Among whom was Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of-the James and of-Joses, and the mother of-the sons of Zebedee.

MATTHEW 27v57 But (as) evening (was) having-come-to-pass (a) rich MAN from Arimathea, the-name Joseph, who also himself discipled to-the Jesus;

MATTHEW 27v58 This (one) having-gone-near to-the Pilate requested the body of-the Jesus.  Then the Pilate gave-verbal-order to-give-back the body.

MATTHEW 27v59 And the Joseph having-taken the body he-enfolded it in-clean muslin,

MATTHEW 27v60 And he-placed it in his new-quality tomb which he-quarried in the rock, and having-rolled-to (a)-great stone to-the door of-the tomb he-went-away.

MATTHEW 27v61 But Mary the Magdalene was there also the other Mary, sitting over-against the grave.

MATTHEW 27v62 But on-the next-day, which is after the making-ready, the chief-priests and the Pharisees were-gathered-together to Pilate

MATTHEW 27v63 Saying:  Lord, we-were-made-mindful that that (one), the (one) misleading said still living: After three days I-am-being-raised.

MATTHEW 27v64 You-give-verbal-order therefore the grave to-be-made-secure till the third day, lest-at-any-time the disciples having-come might-steal him and they-might-say to-the people:  He-was-raised from the dead (ones), and the last leading astray will-be worse (than) of-the first.

MATTHEW 27v65 The Pilate was-stating to-them: YOU-are-having (a) watch; YOU-be-withdrawing, YOU-make-secure-for-yourselves as YOU-know-absolutely.

MATTHEW 27v66 But the (ones) having-proceeded made the grave secure-for-themselves having-sealed the stone with the watch.


MATTHEW 28v1 But late of-(the)-Sabbaths, with-the getting-light-on with-reference-to (day) one, of-(the) Sabbaths, Mary the Magdalene came and the other Mary to-observe the grave.

MATTHEW 28v2 And behold, (a) great earthquake came-to-pass; for (an) angel of-Jehovah having-descended out-of heaven and having-come-near he-rolled-back the stone and he-was-sitting above-upon it.

MATTHEW 28v3 But his aspect was as lightning, and his clothing white as snow.

MATTHEW 28v4 But from the fear of-him the (ones) keeping were-caused-to-quake and they-became as dead (ones).

MATTHEW 28v5 But the angel having-answered said to-the women:  YOU yourselves-be not fearing; for I-am-knowing-absolutely that YOU-are-seeking Jesus the (one) having-been-and-still-crucified;

MATTHEW 28v6 He is not here; for he-was-raised according-as he-said; come-hither YOU-see the place where-in-which the Lord was lying.

MATTHEW 28v7 And having-proceeded speedily YOU-say to-his disciples that he-was-raised from the dead (ones), and behold he-is-preceding YOU into the Galilee, there YOU-will-see him, behold I-said to-YOU.

MATTHEW 28v8 And having-gone-away speedily from the tomb with fear and great joy they-ran to-report to-his disciples.

MATTHEW 28v9 But as they-were-proceeding to-report to-his disciples, behold also the Jesus met them saying, YOU-be-rejoicing. But the (ones) having-come-near retained his feet, and they-worshipped him.

MATTHEW 28v10 Then the Jesus is-saying to-them YOU-be not fearing; YOU-be-withdrawing, YOU-report to-my brothers in-order-that they-might-go-away into the Galilee, and-there they-will-see me.

MATTHEW 28v11 But (as) they (were) proceeding behold some of-the watch having-come into the city they-reported to-the chief-priests quite-all the-(things) having-come-to-pass.

MATTHEW 28v12 And having-been-gathered-together with the elders and-additionally having-taken counsel-together they-gave considerable silver-coins to-the soldiers.

MATTHEW 28v13 Saying: YOU-say that his disciples having-come of-night stole him (as) we (were) being-fallen-asleep.

MATTHEW 28v14 And if this might-be-heard upon the governor we ourselves-shall-persuade him and we-shall-make YOU without-anxiety.

MATTHEW 28v15 But the (ones) having-taken the silver-coins did as they-were-taught.  And this account was-advertised beside Jews as-far-as the today.

MATTHEW 28v16 But the eleven disciples proceeded into the Galilee, into the mountain the-place-where the Jesus assigned for-them,

MATTHEW 28v17 And having-seen him they-worshipped him but the (ones) hesitated.

MATTHEW 28v18 And having-come-near the Jesus spoke to-them saying:  All authority was-given to-me in heaven and on earth.

MATTHEW 28v19 Therefore having-proceeded YOU-disciple all the Gentiles baptizing them with-reference-to the name of-the Father and of-the Son and of-the Holy Spirit,

MATTHEW 28v20 Teaching them to-be-keeping all-(things) as-many-as I-commanded to-YOU; and behold I myself-am with-YOU all the days till the complete-finish of-the age.  Amen. Good-news according-to Matthew.





MARK1v1 Beginning of-the good-news of-Jesus Messiah, son of-the God;

MARK1v2 As it-has-been-and-is-still-written in the prophets, Behold I myself-am-dispatching my messenger before your person, who will-construct your way in-front of-you.

MARK1v3 Voice of-one-shouting in the wilderness, YOU-prepare the way of-Jehovah, YOU-be-making direct his paths.

MARK1v4 John came-to-be baptizing in the wilderness, and preaching baptism of-repentance with-reference-to forgiveness of-sins.

MARK1v5 And all the Judean country was-proceeding-out to him, and the Jerusalemites, and all were-being-baptized in the Jordan river by him, acknowledging their sins..

MARK1v6 But John was having-been-and-still-clothed-in hairs of-a-camel, and leather belt around his loin, and eating locusts and wild honey.

MARK1v7 And he-was-preaching, saying, The (one) stronger (than)-me is-coming behind me, of-whom I-am not adequate, having-stooped, to-loose the thong of-his shoes.

MARK1v8 On-the-one-hand I myself-baptized YOU in water, on-the-other-hand he himself-will-baptize YOU in (the) Holy Spirit.

MARK1v9 And it-came-to-pass in those days Jesus came from Nazareth of-the Galilee, and he-was-baptized by John into the Jordan.

MARK1v10 And immediately ascending from the water, he-saw the heavens being-split, and the Spirit as-if (a) dove descending on him;

MARK1v11 And (a) voice came-to-pass out-of the heavens, You yourself-are my son, namely-the (one) cherished, in whom I-thought-well.

MARK1v12 And directly the Spirit is-casting him out into the wilderness.

MARK1v13 And he-was there in the wilderness forty days, being-tried by the adversary, and he-was with the beasts; and the angels were-ministering to-him.

MARK1v14 But after the John (was) delivered-over the Jesus came into the Galilee, preaching the good-news of-the kingdom of-the God,

MARK1v15 And saying that the season has-been-and-is-fulfilled, and the kingdom of-the God has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near; YOU-be-repenting, and YOU-be-trusting in the good-news.

MARK1v16  But  walking-around  beside  the  sea  of-the Galilee he-saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting (a) casting-net in the sea; for they-were fishermen;

MARK1v17 And the Jesus said to-them, Come-hither behind me, and I-shall-make YOU to-become fishermen of-MEN.

MARK1v18 And immediately having-let their nets be, they-followed him.

MARK1v19 And having-advanced therefrom (a) little-bit, he-saw James the (son) of-the Zebedee, and John his brother, and them in the vessel rendering the nets thoroughly-fit.

MARK1v20 And immediately he-called them; and having-let-go their father Zebedee in the vessel with the hirelings, they-went-away behind him.

MARK1v21 And they-are-proceeding-in into Capernaum; and immediately on-the Sabbaths having-gone-in into the synagogue he-was-teaching.

MARK1v22 And they-were-surprised upon his doctrine; for he-was teaching them as having authority and not as the scribes.

MARK1v23 And (a) MAN was in their synagogue with (an) unclean spirit, and he-cried-out,

MARK1v24 Saying, Ah:  What to-us and to-you, Jesus, Nazarene? Came-you to-destroy us? I-am-knowing-absolutely you, who you-are, the Holy (one) of-the God.

MARK1v25 And the Jesus rebuked him, saying, You-be-hushed, and you-come-out out-of him.

MARK1v26 And the spirit namely-the unclean having-convulsed him, and having-cried with-great voice, came-out out-of him.

MARK1v27 And they all were astonished so-that to-be-debating-together with themselves, saying, What is this?  What the doctrine, namely-the new-quality, (is) this, that according-to authority he-is-enjoining even the spirits namely-the unclean, and they-are-obeying him?

MARK1v28 But the report of-him went-out directly into the total country-around of-the Galilee.

MARK1v29 And immediately having-gone-out out-of the synagogue they-came into the house of-Simon and Andrew, with James and John.

MARK1v30 But the mother-in-law of-Simon was-lying-down having-a-fever; and immediately they-are-saying to-him concerning her.

MARK1v31 And having-come-to (her) he-raised her, having-retained her hand.  And the fever let-go her immediately, and she-was-ministering to-them.

MARK1v32 But (when) evening (was) having-come-to-pass, when the sun had-set, they-were-bringing to him all the (ones) having badly and the (ones) being-possessed-by-demons;

MARK1v33 And the total city having-been-and-still-led-together-completely was toward the door.

MARK1v34 And he-healed many having badly with-various diseases, and he-cast-out many little-demons, and he-was not letting the little-demons to-be-speaking, because they had-been-knowing him absolutely.

MARK1v35 And in-the-morning, very-much within-night, having-stood-up he-went-out and he-went-away into (a) desolate place, and-there he-was-praying.

MARK1v36 And the Simon and the (ones) with him tracked him down;

MARK1v37 And having-found him they-are-saying to-him, that All are-seeking you.

MARK1v38 And he-is-saying to-them, Let-us-be-leading into the village-cities being-had (near), in-order-that there-also I-might-preach; for with-reference-to this I-have-come-out.

MARK1v39 And he-was preaching in their synagogues with-reference-to the total Galilee, and casting-out the little-demons.

MARK1v40 And (a) leper is-coming to him, entreating him and falling-on-the-knees-(to) him, and saying to-him, that If you-might-be-willing you-are-being-able to-cleanse me.

MARK1v41 But the Jesus having-been-moved-with-compassion having-stretched-out the hand he-handled him, and he-is-saying to-him, I-am-willing, you-be-cleansed.

MARK1v42 And (as) he (was) having-said, immediately the leprosy went-away from him, and he-was-cleansed.

MARK1v43 And having-been-perturbed-for-himself by-him, immediately he-cast him out,

MARK1v44 And he-is-saying to-him, You-be-seeing you-might-say not-one-thing to-no-one, BUT you-be-withdrawing, you-point-out yourself to-the priest, and you-offer concerning your cleansing what-(things) Moses prescribed, with-reference-to (a) testimony to-them.

MARK1v45 But the (one) having-gone-out began to-be-preaching many-things and to-be-advertising the account, so-that he no-longer (was) being-able to-go-in manifestly into (a) city; BUT he-was without in desolate places, and they-were-coming to him from-all-sides.


MARK2v1 And he-went-in again into Capernaum, and through days it-was-heard that he-is into (a) home;

MARK2v2 And immediately many were-gathered-together, so-that no-longer to-be-having-room-for neither the (multitudes) toward the door; and he-was-speaking the word to-them.

MARK2v3 And they-are-coming to him bringing (a) paralytic, being-lifted-up by four.

MARK2v4 And not being-able to-draw-very-near to-him because-of the crowd, they-unroofed the roof where-in-which he-was, and having-dug-out they-are-letting-down the mattress on which the paralytic was-lying-down.

MARK2v5 But the Jesus having-seen their trust he-is-saying to-the paralytic, Child your sins have-been-and-still-are-forgiven to-you.

MARK2v6 But some of-the scribes were sitting there, and deliberating in their hearts,

MARK2v7 Why is this (one) thus speaking blasphemies? Who is-being-able to-be-forgiving sins, unless one, the God?

MARK2v8 And immediately the Jesus having-come-to-know-thoroughly in his spirit that thus they-are-deliberating in themselves, he-said to-them, Why are-YOU-deliberating these-things in YOUR hearts?

MARK2v9 Which is easier to-say to-the paralytic, the sins have-been-and-still-are-forgiven to-you, or to-say, You-yourself-rise and you-lift-up your mattress and you-be-walking-around?

MARK2v10 But in-order-that YOU-might-be-knowing-absolutely that the son of-the MAN is-having authority on the earth to-be-forgiving sins, he-is-saying to-the paralytic,

MARK2v11 I-am-saying to-you, You-rise-for-yourself and you-lift-up your mattress and you-be-withdrawing into your home.

MARK2v12 And he-was-raised immediately, and having-lifted-up the mattress he-went-out in-presence-of all, so-that all to-be-being-ecstatic, and to-be-glorifying the God, saying, that never we-saw thus.

MARK2v13 And he-went-out again beside the sea, and all the crowd was-coming to him, and he-was-teaching them.

MARK2v14 And leading-past he-saw Levi the (son) of-the Alphaeus sitting over the tax-office, and he-is-saying to-him, You-be-following me.  And having-stood-up he-followed him.

MARK2v15  And it-came-to-pass in him to-be-lying-down in his house, also many tax-collectors and sinners were-lying-back-together with-the Jesus and his disciples; for they-were many, and they-followed him.

MARK2v16 And the scribes and the Pharisees, having-seen him eating with the tax-collectors and sinners, they-were-saying to his disciples, Why (is it) that he-is-eating and he-is-drinking with the tax-collectors and sinners?

MARK2v17 And the Jesus having-heard he-is-saying to-them, The (ones) being-strong are not having need of-a-curer, BUT the (ones) having badly. I-came not to-call just (ones), BUT sinners.

MARK2v18 And the disciples of-John and the (ones) of-the Pharisees were fasting; and they-are-coming and they-are-saying to-him, Why are the disciples of-John and the (ones) of-the Pharisees fasting, but your disciples are not fasting?

MARK2v19 And the Jesus said to-them, Are the sons of-the bridal-chamber being-able to-be-fasting in which (time) the bridegroom is with them? As-long (a) time as they-are-having the bridegroom with themselves, they-are not being-able to-be-fasting.

MARK2v20 But days will-come at-the-time-that the bridegroom might-be-lifted-away from them, and then they-will-fast in those days.

MARK2v21 And no-one is-sewing-on (a) patch of-unfulled cloth upon (an) old garment; otherwise, the fulness of-it is-lifting-up the new-quality of-the old, and (a) worse split is-coming-to-pass.

MARK2v22 And no-one is-casting new wine into old skin-bags; otherwise the wine namely-the new is-rendering-asunder the skin-bags, and the wine is-being-poured-out, and the skin-bags will-perish; BUT new wine one-must-cast into new-quality skin-bags.

MARK2v23 And it-came-to-pass he to-be-proceeding-along in the Sabbaths through the sown-fields, and his disciples began to-be-making (a) way plucking-off the ears.

MARK2v24 And the Pharisees were-saying to-him, Behold, why are-they-doing in the Sabbaths which-(thing) is not legitimate?

MARK2v25 And he himself-was-saying to-them, (Have) YOU never read what David did when he-had need and he-was-hungry, he and the-(ones) with him?

MARK2v26 How he-went-in into the home of-the God upon (days?) of-the chief-priest Abiathar, and he-ate the loaves of-the plan, which it-is not legitimate to-eat unless for-the priests, and he-gave also to-the (ones) being with him?

MARK2v27 And he-was-saying to-them, The Sabbath came-to-pass because-of the MAN, not the MAN because-of the Sabbath.

MARK2v28 So-that the son of-the MAN is Jehovah even of-the Sabbaths.


MARK3v1 And he-went-in again into the synagogue, and (a) MAN was there having the hand having-been-and-still-dried-up,

MARK3v2 And they-were-keeping-alongside him, if he-will-heal him on-the Sabbaths, in-order-that they-might-accuse him.

MARK3v3 And he-is-saying to-the MAN namely-the (one) having  the  hand  having-been-and-still-dried-up, You-be-rising with-reference-to the midst.

MARK3v4 And he-is-saying to-them, Is-it-legitimate to-do-good on-the Sabbaths or to-do-bad? To-save (a) soul, or to-kill?  But the (ones) were-being-still.

MARK3v5 And having-looked-around them with wrath, being-greatly-grieved upon the petrifaction of-their heart, he-is-saying to-the MAN, You-stretch-out your hand. And he-stretched-out, and his hand was-restored healthy.

MARK3v6 And the Pharisees having-gone-out immediately, they-were-making counsel-together with the Herodians against him, in-which-case they-might-destroy him.

MARK3v7 And the Jesus retired to the sea with his disciples; and much multitude from the Galilee followed him, and from the Judea,

MARK3v8 And from Jerusalem, and from the Idumea, and other-side of-the Jordan; and the (ones) around Tyre and Sidon, much multitude, having-heard as-many-things-as he-was-doing came to him.

MARK3v9 And he-said to-his disciples, in-order-that (a) boat might-be-standing-by for-him, because-of the crowd, in-order-that they-might not be-oppressing him.

MARK3v10 For he-healed many, so-that (many) to-be-falling-on him, in-order-that as-many-as were-having scourges might-handle of-him;

MARK3v11 And the spirits namely-the unclean, at-the-time-that (they-were)-observing him, (were)-falling-before him, and (were)-crying, saying, that You yourself are the son of-the God.

MARK3v12 And he-was-rebuking many-things with-them, in-order-that they-might not make him manifest.

MARK3v13 And he-is-ascending into the mountain, and he-is-calling-to-himself whom he himself-was-willing; and they-went-away to him.

MARK3v14 And he-made twelve, whom also he-named apostles, in-order-that they-might-be-being with him, and in-order-that he-might-be-dispatching them to-be-preaching,

MARK3v15 And to-be-having authority to-be-healing the diseases and to-be-casting-out the little-demons.

MARK3v16 And he-made the twelve and he-put-upon to-the Simon (a) name Peter;

MARK3v17 And James the (son) of-the Zebedee, and John the brother of-the James; and he-put-upon to-them names Boanerges, which is Sons of-Thunder;

MARK3v18 And Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the (son) of-the Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Cananaean,

MARK3v19 And Judas Iscariot, who also gave him over. And they-are-going into (a) home:

MARK3v20 And (a) crowd is-coming-together again, so-that they (are) not to-be-being-able neither to-eat bread.

MARK3v21 And the (ones) from of-him [relatives] having-heard went-out to-retain him; for they-were-saying, that he-is-ecstatic.

MARK3v22 And the scribes namely-the (ones) from Jerusalem having-descended they-were-saying, that he-is-having Beelzebul; and that with the ruler of-the little-demons he-is-casting-out the little-demons.

MARK3v23 And having-called them to-himself he-was-saying to-them in parables, How is (an) adversary being-able to-cast-out (an) adversary?

MARK3v24 And if (a) kingdom might-be-parted on itself that kingdom is not being-able to-be-make-stand:

MARK3v25 And if (a) house might-be-parted on itself, that house is not being-able to-be-made-stand:

MARK3v26 And if the adversary stood-up on himself and he-has-been-and-still-is-parted he-is not being-able to-be-made-stand, BUT he-is-having (a) finish.

MARK3v27 And-not-one is-being-able to-plunder the articles of-the strong (man), having-gone-in into his house, unless first he-might-bind the strong (man), and then he-will-plunder his house.

MARK3v28 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that all the sins of-the sons of-the MEN will-be-forgiven, even as-many blasphemies as they-might-blaspheme;

MARK3v29 But who might-blaspheme with-reference-to the Spirit namely-the Holy, is not having forgiveness with-reference-to the age, BUT is liable of eternal judgement;

MARK3v30 Because they-were-saying, He-is-having (an) unclean spirit.

MARK3v31 Therefore the brothers and his mother are-coming, and having-stood-and-still-standing with-out, they-dispatched to him, hollering-to him.

MARK3v32 And (a) crowd was-sitting around him: but they-said to-him, Behold, your mother and your brothers without are-seeking you.

MARK3v33 And he-answered them, saying, Who is my mother or my brothers?

MARK3v34 And having-looked-around the (ones) sitting in-a-circle around him, he-is-saying, Behold my mother and my brothers:

MARK3v35 For who might-do the will of-the God, this (one) is my brother and my sister and mother.


MARK4v1 And again he-began to-be-teaching beside the sea; and much crowd was-gathered-together to him, so-that having-embarked into the vessel he (was) to-be-sitting in the sea, and all the crowd was on-the-land toward the sea.

MARK4v2 And he-was-teaching them many-things in parables, and he-was-saying to-them in his doctrine,

MARK4v3 YOU-be-hearing, behold, the (one) sowing came-out to-sow.

MARK4v4 And it-came-to-pass in the to-be-sowing, on-the-one-hand which fell beside the way, and the flying-things of-the heaven came and devoured it.

MARK4v5 On-the-other-hand another fell upon the rocky-place, where-in-which it-was not having much earth; and immediately it-rose-up-out, because-of not to-be-having depth of-earth;

MARK4v6 But (as the) sun (was) having-risen it-was-scorched, and because-of not to-be-having root it-was-dried-up.

MARK4v7 And another fell into the thorn-plants, and the thorn-plants ascended, and they-thoroughly-choked it, and it-gave not fruit.

MARK4v8 And another fell into the earth namely-the fine, and it-was-giving fruit, ascending and growing, and it-was-bringing one thirty, and one sixty, and one a-hundred.

MARK4v9 And he-was-saying to-them, The (one) having ears to-be-hearing let-him-be-hearing.

MARK4v10 But when he-became all-alone, the (ones) around him together-with the twelve interrogated him (on) the parable.

MARK4v11 And he-was-saying to-them, To-YOU it-has-been-and-is-still-given to-come-to-know the mystery of-the kingdom of-the God: but to-those the (ones) without, the all-things (are) becoming in parables;

MARK4v12 In-order-that looking-at they-might-be-looking-at and they-might not see; and hearing they-might-be-hearing, and they-might not be-perceiving; lest-at-any-time they-might-turn-around, and the sins might-be-forgiven to-them.

MARK4v13 And he-is-saying to-them, Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely this parable? And how will-YOU-come-to-know-for-yourselves all the parables?

MARK4v14 The (one) sowing is-sowing the word.

MARK4v15 But these are the (ones) beside the way, where-in-which the word is-being-sown, and at-the-time-that they-might-hear, immediately the adversary is-coming and he-is-lifting-up the word namely-the (one) having-been-and-still-sown in their hearts.

MARK4v16 And these are likewise the (ones) being-sown on the rocky-places, who at-the-time-that they-might-hear the word, immediately with joy they-are-taking it,

MARK4v17 And they-are not having root in themselves, BUT they-are (ones)-for-a-season; afterwards (as) tribulation or persecution (is) having-come-to-pass because of-the word, immediately they-are-being-entrapped.

MARK4v18 And these are the (ones) being-sown with-reference-to the thorn-plants, these are the (ones) hearing the word,

MARK4v19 And the anxieties of-this age and the deceit of-the riches and the desires around the other-things proceeding-in they-are-thoroughly-choking the word, and it-is-becoming without-fruit.

MARK4v20 And these are the (ones) having-been-sown on the earth namely-the fine, they-who are hearing the word and they-are-receiving-alongside, and they-are-bringing-forth-fruit, one thirty, and one sixty, and one a-hundred.

MARK4v21 And he-was-saying to-them, Whether-at-all the lamp is-coming in-order-that it-might-be-put under the modios or under the bed? Might-it not be in-order-that (it-be) put-on upon the lampstand?

MARK4v22 For something is not secret, which unless it-might-be-manifested, nor it-became (a) thing-hidden-back, BUT in-order-that it-might-come into manifest.

MARK4v23 If-anyone is-having ears to-be-hearing let-him-be-hearing.

MARK4v24 And he-was-saying to-them, YOU-be-looking-at what YOU-are-hearing.  In what measure YOU-are-measuring it-will-be-measured to-YOU, and it-will-be-added to-YOU the (ones) hearing.

MARK4v25 For who might-be-having, to-him it-will-be-given; and who is not having, even what he-is-having will-be-lifted-up from him,

MARK4v26 And he-was-saying, Thus is the kingdom of-the God, as if (a) MAN might-cast the sowing upon the earth,

MARK4v27 And he-might-be-sleeping and he-might-be-rising night and day, and the sowing might-be-sprouting and it-might-be-lengthening as he himself-is not knowing-absolutely;

MARK4v28 For automatically the earth is-bringing-forth-fruit, first grass, afterward ear, afterward full wheat in the ear.

MARK4v29 But at-the-time-that the fruit might-give-over immediately he-is-dispatching the sickle, because the harvest has-stood-and-is-standing-alongside.

MARK4v30 And he-was-saying, To-what might-we-liken the kingdom of-the God, or in what-sort parable might-we-cast-beside it?

MARK4v31 As to-a-grain of-mustard, which, at-the-time-that it-might-be-sown on the earth, it-is littler of-all the seeds namely-the (ones) on the earth,

MARK4v32 And at-the-time-that it-might-be-sown it-is-ascending and it-is-becoming greater of-all the vegetables, and it-is-making great branches, so-that the flying-things of-the heaven to-be-being-able to-be-settling-down under the shadow of-it.

MARK4v33 And with-many parables such-as-these he-was-speaking to-them the word, according-as they-were-being-able to-be-hearing,

MARK4v34 But separate-from parable he-was not speaking to-them; but privately he-was-solving all-things to his disciples.

MARK4v35  And he-is-saying  to-them  in  that  day,  (as) evening (was) having-come-to-pass, Let-us-go-through into the other-side.

MARK4v36 And having-let-go the crowd, they-were-taking him along as he-was in the vessel; but also other boats (were) with him.

MARK4v37 And (a) great dark-squall of-wind is-coming-to-pass, but the waves (were)-casting-on into the vessel, so-that it already (was) to-be-being-loaded.

MARK4v38 And he himself-was on the stern on the pillow sleeping. And they-are-rousing him, and they-are-saying to-him, Teacher, (does) it not matter to-you that we-are-being-destroyed?

MARK4v39 And having-been-roused he-rebuked the wind, and he-said to-the sea, You-be-being-still, you-be-having-been-muzzled. and the wind abated, and great calm came-to-pass.

MARK4v40 And he-said to-them, Why are-YOU thus timid? How are-YOU not having trust?

MARK4v41 And they-were-made-fearful (with) great fear, and they-were-saying to one-another, So who is this, that even the wind and the sea are obeying him?


MARK5v1 And they-came into the other-side of-the sea, into the country of-the Gadarenes.

MARK5v2 And on-his having-gone-out out-of the vessel, immediately (a) MAN out-of the tombs with (an) unclean spirit met him,

MARK5v3 Who was-having the habitation in the tombs; and no-one was-being-able to-bind him neither with-chains,

MARK5v4 Because (that) he to-have-been-bound often with-shackles and with-chains, and the chains to-have-been-torn-asunder by him, and the shackles to-have-been-shattered, and no-one was-being-strong-enough to-subdue him.

MARK5v5 And continually night and day in the mountains and in the tombs he-was crying thoroughly-chopping himself with-stones.

MARK5v6 But having-seen the Jesus from a-distance, he-ran and he-worshipped him,

MARK5v7 And having-cried with-great noise he-said, What to-me and to-you, Jesus, son of-the God, namely-the Most-High?  I-adjure you the God, you-might not torment me.

MARK5v8 For he-was-saying to-him, You-come-out, the spirit namely-the unclean, out-of the MAN.

MARK5v9 And he-was-questioning him, What name to-you? And he-answered, saying, Legion, name to-me, because we-are many.

MARK5v10 And he-was-entreating him many-things, in-order-that he-might not dispatch them without the country.

MARK5v11 But (a) great herd of-swine was there toward the mountains feeding-for-themselves;

MARK5v12 And all the demons entreated him, saying, You-send us into the swine, in-order-that we-might-go-in into them.

MARK5v13 And the Jesus permitted them immediately. And the spirits namely-the unclean having-come-out they-went-in into the swine; and the herd rushed down the precipice into the sea; but they-were approximately two-thousand, and they-were-being-choked in the sea.

MARK5v14 But the (ones) feeding the swine fled, and reported into the city and into the fields.  And they-went-out to-see what the (thing) having-come-to-pass is.

MARK5v15 And they-are-coming to the Jesus, and they-are-observing the (one) being-possessed-by-a-demon sitting and having-been-provided-a-garment and being-of-sound-mind, namely-the (one) having-had the legion: and they-were-made-fearful.

MARK5v16 And the (ones) having-seen narrated to-them how it-came-to-pass to-the (one) being-possessed-by-a-demon, and concerning the swine.

MARK5v17 And they-began to-be-entreating him to-go-away from their territories.

MARK5v18 And (as) he (was) having-embarked into the vessel, the (one) having-been-possessed-by-a-demon was-entreating him, in-order-that he-might-be with him.

MARK5v19 But the Jesus (did) not let him go, BUT he-is-saying to-him, You-be-going into your home to the (ones) yours, and you-tell to-them as-many-things-as the Lord did for-you, and he-had-mercy-on you.

MARK5v20 And he-went-away and he-began to-be-preaching in the Decapolis, as-many-things-as the Jesus did for him; and all were-marvelling.

MARK5v21 And (as) the Jesus (was) having-passed-over in the vessel again into the other-side, much crowd was-gathered-together upon him, and he-was beside the sea.

MARK5v22 And behold one of-the rulers-of-the-synagogue is-coming, Jairus by-name, and having-seen him, he-is-falling toward his feet;

MARK5v23 And he-was-entreating him many-things saying, that My little-daughter is-having lastly; having-come in-order-that you-might-put-upon the hands for-her, in-which-case she-might-be-saved, and she-will-live.

MARK5v24 And he-went-away with him, and much crowd was-following with-him, and they-were-oppressing him greatly.

MARK5v25 And (a) certain woman being in (a) flowing of-blood twelve years,

MARK5v26 And having-suffered many-things under many curers, and having-spent all the-things of herself, and having-profited not-one-thing, BUT rather having-come into the worse,

MARK5v27 Having-heard concerning the Jesus, having-come in the crowd at-the-back, she handled of-his garment;

MARK5v28 For she-was-saying, that And-if I-might-handle of-his garments, I-shall-be-saved.

MARK5v29 And immediately the spring of-her blood was-dried-up, and she-came-to-know in-the body that she-had-been-and-was-still-cured from the scourge.

MARK5v30 And immediately the Jesus having-come-to-know-thoroughly in himself the power having-gone-out out-of him, having-been-turned-around in the crowd, he-was-saying, Who handled of-my garments?

MARK5v31 And his disciples were-saying to-him, You-be-looking-at the crowd greatly-oppressing you, and you-are-saying, Who handed of-me?

MARK5v32 And he-was-looking-around to-see the (one) having-done this.

MARK5v33 But the woman having-become-fearful and trembling, having-known-absolutely what had-come-to-pass upon her, she-came and she-fell-before him, and said to-him all the truth.

MARK5v34 But the (one) said to-her, Daughter, your trust has-saved-and-still-saves you; you-be-withdrawing into peace, and you-be healthy from your scourge.

MARK5v35 Still (as) he (was) speaking, they-are coming from the ruler-of-the-synagogue saying, that Your daughter died-off; why still are-you-bothering the teacher?

MARK5v36 But the Jesus having-heard the word being-spoken, he-is-saying to-the ruler-of-the-synagogue, You-be not fearing; only you-be-trusting.

MARK5v37 And he-let-go no-one to-follow-together with-him unless Peter and James and John the brother of-James.

MARK5v38 And he-is-coming into the home of-the ruler-of-the-synagogue, and he-is-observing tumult, (ones)-weeping and (ones)-making much loud-noise.

MARK5v39 And having-come-in he-is-saying to-them, Why are-YOU-making-a-tumult and are-YOU-weeping? The (pre-teen)-child (has) not died-off, BUT she-is-sleeping.

MARK5v40 And they-were-ridiculing of-him. But the (one) having-cast-out quite-all, he-is-taking-along the father of-the (pre-teen)-child and the mother and the (ones) with him, and he-is-proceeding-in where-in-which the (pre-teen)-child was lying-back.

MARK5v41 And having-retained of-the hand of-the (pre-teen)-child he-is-saying to-her Talitha koumi; which is being-translated-with, The damsel, I-am-saying to-you, You-be-rising.

MARK5v42 And immediately the damsel stood-up and was-walking-around, for she-was of-years twelve. And they-were-ecstatic with-great ecstasy.

MARK5v43 And he-gave-strict-order to-them many-things in-order-that no-one might-come-to-know this; and he-said (something) to-be-given to-her to-eat.


MARK6v1 And he-went-out therefrom, and he-came into his fatherland; and his disciples are-following him.

MARK6v2 And (as) Sabbath (was) having-come-to-pass, he-began to-be-teaching in the synagogue; and many hearing were-being-surprised, saying, From-whence (come) these-things by-this (one)? And what the wisdom namely-the (one) having-been-given to-him, that even powerful-deeds such-as-these are-coming-to-pass through his hands;

MARK6v3 Is not this (one) the carpenter, the son of-Mary, but brother of-James and of-Joses and of-Juda and of-Simon? And are not his sisters here with us?  And thbeing-entrapped in him.

MARK6v4 But the Jesus was-saying to-them that (A) prophet is not dishonored, unless in his fatherland and among the relatives and in his house.

MARK6v5 And he-was not being-able to-do there not-one powerful-deed, unless for-a-few sickly (ones), having-put-on the hands he-healed.

MARK6v6 And he-marvelled because-of their unbelief. And he-was-leading-about the villages in-a-circle teaching.

MARK6v7 And he-is-calling-to-himself the twelve, and he-began to-be-dispatching them two (by) two, and he-was-giving to-them authority of-the spirits namely-the unclean;

MARK6v8 And he-delivered-a-message to-them in-order-that they-might-be-lifting-up not-one-thing with-reference-to the way, unless only (a) rod; not leather-pouch, not bread, not brass-(money) with-reference-to the belt;

MARK6v9 BUT having-been-bound-under with sandals, and YOU-might not clothe-yourselves-in two tunics.

MARK6v10 And he-was-saying to-them, Where-in-which if YOU-might-go-in into (a) house, YOU-be-remaining there till YOU-might-go therefRomans

MARK6v11 And as-many-as might not receive YOU, neither might-hear of-YOU, proceeding-out therefrom YOU-shake-out  the dirt  namely-the  (dirt)  underneath YOUR feet, with-reference-to (a) testimony to-them.  Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, it-will-be more-tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah in day of-judgement than for-that city.

MARK6v12 And having-gone-out they-were-preaching in-order-that they-might-repent.

MARK6v13 And they-were-casting-out many little-demons and they-were-anointing many sickly with-oil and they-were-healing (them).

MARK6v14 And Herod the king heard, for his name became manifest, and he-was-saying, that John the (one) baptizing was-raised out-of dead (ones), and because-of this the powerful-deeds are-operating in him.

MARK6v15 Others were-saying, that it-is Elias; but others were-saying, that it-is (a) prophet, or as one of-the prophets.

MARK6v16 But the Herod having-heard said, that John whom I myself-beheaded, it-is this (one), He himself-was-raised out-of dead (ones).

MARK6v17 For the Herod himself having-dispatched he-retained the John, and he-bound him in the guard-house, because-of Herodias the wife of-Philip his brother, because he-married her.

MARK6v18 For the John was-saying to-the Herod, that It-is not legitimate for-you to-be-having the wife of-your brother.

MARK6v19 But the Herodias was-holding-(it)-in for-him, and she-was-willing to-kill him, and she-was not being-able.

MARK6v20 For the Herod was-himself-fearing the John, knowing-absolutely him (to-be) (a) just and holy man, and he-was-keeping him safe; and having-heard of-him, many-things he-was-doing, and pleasantly he-was-hearing of-him.

MARK6v21 And (as a) seasonable day (was) having-come-to-pass, when Herod on-his birth-day-feasts made (a) supper for-his magnates and for-the rulers-of-thousands and for-the first-(ones) of-the Galilee;

MARK6v22 And (as) the daughter of-the Herodias herself (was) having-come-in, and having-danced, and having-pleased the Herod and the (ones) lying-back-together, the king said to-the damsel, You-request-of me what if you-might-be-willing, and I-shall-give to-you.

MARK6v23 And he-swore to-her, That what if you-might-request-of me, I-shall-give to-you, till half of-my kingdom.

MARK6v24 But the (girl) having-gone-out said to-her mother, What shall-I-request-for-myself?  But the (mother) said, The head of-John the Baptist.

MARK6v25 And having-come-in immediately with diligence to the king, she-requested, saying, I-am-willing in-order-that you-might at-once give to-me upon (a) platter the head of-John the Baptist.

MARK6v26 And the king having-become deeply-grieved, because-of the oaths and the (ones) lying-back-together

he-willed not to-disregard her.

MARK6v27 And immediately the king having-dispatched (an) executioner he-enjoined his head to-be-brought.

MARK6v28 But the (one) having-gone-away he-beheaded him-in the guard-house, and he-brought his head upon (a) platter, and he-gave it to-the damsel, and the damsel gave it to-her mother.

MARK6v29 And his disciples having-heard they-came, and they-lifted-up his corpse, and they-placed it in the tomb.

MARK6v30 And the disciples are-being-gathered-together to the Jesus, and they-reported all-things to-him, even as-many-things-as they-did and as-many-things-as they-taught.

MARK6v31 And he-said to-them, Come-hither YOU yourselves privately into (a) desolate place, and YOU-be-resting-again-for-yourselves (a) little-bit.  For the (ones) coming and the (ones) withdrawing were many, and they-were neither having (a) good-season to-eat.

MARK6v32 And they-went-away into (a) desolate place in-the vessel privately.

MARK6v33 And the crowds saw them withdrawing and many came-to-know him thoroughly, and on-foot from all the cities ran-together there, and they-went-before them, and they-came-together to him.

MARK6v34 And having-gone-out the Jesus saw much crowd and he-was-moved-with compassion over them, be-cause they-were as sheep not having shepherd. And he-began to-be-teaching them many-things.

MARK6v35 And already (as) much hour (was) having-come-to-pass, having-gone-near to-him his disciples are-saying, that The place is desolate, and already much hour;

MARK6v36 You-release them, in-order-that having-gone-away in-a-circle into the fields and villages, they-might-buy bread in-the-market for-themselves; for they-are not having what they-might-eat.

MARK6v37 But the (one) having-answered said to-them, YOU yourselves-give to-them to-eat.  And they-are-saying to-him, Having-gone-away might-we-buy bread in-the-market of-two-hundred denarii, and might-we-give them to-eat?

MARK6v38 But the (one) is-saying to-them, How-many loaves are-YOU-having?  YOU-be-withdrawing and YOU-see. And having-come-to-know they-are-saying, Five and two fishes.

MARK6v39 And he-enjoined for-them all to-recline-again symposiums upon the green grass.

MARK6v40 And groups fell-back, groups at-the-rate-of one-hundred and at-the-rate-of fifty.

MARK6v41 And having-taken the five loaves and the two fishes, having-looked-up into the heaven he-blessed and he-broke-completely-in-pieces the loaves, and he-was-giving to-his disciples in-order-that he-might-place-beside for-them. And he-parted the two fishes to-all.

MARK6v42 And all ate, and they-were-satisfied.

MARK6v43 And they-lifted-up twelve baskets-(on wheels) full of-fragments, and from the fishes.

MARK6v44 And the (ones) having-eaten the loaves were about five-thousand men.

MARK6v45 And immediately he-compelled his disciples to-embark into the vessel, and to-be-preceding (him) into the other-side to Bethsaida, till he himself-might-release the crowd.

MARK6v46 And having-bid-farewell to-them, he-went-away into the mountain to-pray.

MARK6v47 And (as) evening (was) having-come-to-pass, the vessel was in midst of-the sea, and he alone on the land.

MARK6v48 And he-saw them being-tormented in to-be-driving, for the wind was contrary to-them; and around (the) fourth guard-period of-the night he-is-coming toward them, walking-around on the sea, and he-was-willing to-go-past them.

MARK6v49 But the (ones) having-seen him walking-around on the sea, they-thought to-be (a) phantom, and they-cried-out.

MARK6v50 For all saw him, and they-were-disturbed. And immediately he-spoke with them, and he-is-saying to-them, YOU-be-being-of-good-courage:  I myself-am; YOU-be not fearing.

MARK6v51 And he-ascended to-them into the vessel, and-the wind abated. And they-were-being very ecstatic in themselves out-of excessive, and they-were-wondering;

MARK6v52 For they-perceived not over the loaves, for their heart was having-been-and-still-petrified.

MARK6v53 And having-passed-over they-came upon the land of-Gennesaret, and they-brought-to-anchor.

MARK6v54 And (as) they (were) having-come-out out-of the vessel, immediately (ones) having-come-to-know him thoroughly,

MARK6v55 Having-run-around that total country-around they-began to-be-bringing-around on the mattresses the (ones) having badly, where-in-which they-were-hearing that he-is there.

MARK6v56 And where-in-which he-was-proceeding-in into villages or cities or fields, they-were-putting the (ones) being-weak in the markets, and they-were-entreating him in-order-that and-if they-might-handle of-the tassel of-his garment; and as-many-as were-handling of-him were-being-saved.


MARK7v1 And the Pharisees and some of-the scribes are-being-gathered-together to him, having-come from Jerusalem;

MARK7v2 And having-seen some of-his disciples eating loaves with-common hands, this is with-unwashed, they-found-fault;

MARK7v3 For the Pharisees and all the Jews, unless they-might-wash-for-themselves the hands in-a-fist, they-are-not-eating, retaining the tradition of-the elders;

MARK7v4 And from market, unless they-might-baptize-themselves they-are not eating; and it-is many other-things which they-take-along-to-themselves to-be-retaining, baptisms of-cups and of-pots and of-brass-vessels and of-beds:

MARK7v5 Thereafter the Pharisees and the scribes are-questioning him, Why are your disciples not walking-around according-to the tradition of-the elders, BUT they-are-eating the bread with-unwashed hands?

MARK7v6 But the (one) having-answered said to-them, that Esaias prophesied rightly concerning YOU hypocrites, as it-has-been-and-is-still-written, this people is-honoring me with-the lips, but their heart is-holding-off far-off from me.

MARK7v7 But aimlessly they-are-holding me in-veneration teaching teachings precepts of-MEN.

MARK7v8 For having-let-go the commandment of-the God, YOU-are-retaining the tradition of-the MEN, baptisms of-pots and of-cups, and many other similar things-such-as-these YOU-are-doing.

MARK7v9 And he-was-saying to-them, Rightly YOU-are-disregarding the commandment of-the God, in-order that YOU-might-keep YOUR tradition.

MARK7v10 For Moses said, You-be-honoring your father and your mother; and the (one) speaking-ill-of father or mother let-him-be-coming-to-an-end by-death.

MARK7v11 But YOU yourselves-are-saying, If (a) MAN might say to-the father or to-the mother, Corban, which is Gift, which if you-might-be-profited out-of me:

MARK7v12 And no-more YOU-are-letting him go to-do not-one-thing for-his father or for-his mother,

MARK7v13 Invalidating the word of-the God by-YOUR tradition which YOU-gave-over; and many similar things-such-as-these YOU-are-doing.

MARK7v14 And having-called-to-himself all the crowd, he-was-saying to-them, YOU all be-hearing of-me, and YOU-be-perceiving:

MARK7v15 It-is not-one-thing from-outside of-the MAN proceeding-in into him, which is-being-able to-defile him; BUT the-things proceeding-out from him, it-is those-things, the (ones) defiling the MAN.

MARK7v16 If anyone is-having ears to-be-hearing, let-him-be-hearing.

MARK7v17 And when he-went-in into (a) home away-from the crowd, his disciples were-questioning him-concerning the parable.

MARK7v18 And he-is-saying to-them, Thus are-YOU yourselves also (ones) without-understanding? Are-YOU not understanding that every-thing, the-thing from-outside proceeding-in into the MAN is not being-able to-defile him?

MARK7v19 Because it-is not proceeding-in into his heart, BUT into the belly; and is-proceeding-out into the latrine, cleansing all the foods.

MARK7v20 But he-was-saying, that The-thing proceeding-out out-of the MAN, that-thing is-defiling the MAN.

MARK7v21 For from-within out-of the heart of-the MEN the deliberations namely-the bad are-proceeding-out, adulteries, prostitutions, murders,

MARK7v22  Thieveries, covetousnesses, evils, guile, wantonness, (an) evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

MARK7v23 All these-things, namely-the evil-things from-within, (are)-proceeding-out and (are)-defiling the MAN.

MARK7v24 And therefrom having-stood-up he-went-away into the boundaries of-Tyre and of-Sidon; and having-gone-in into the house, he-was-willing no-one to-come-to-know, and he-was-not able to-escape-notice.

MARK7v25 For (a) woman having-heard concerning him, of-whom her little-daughter was-having (an) unclean spirit, having-come she-fell-before toward his feet,

MARK7v26 But the woman was (a) Greek, Syrophenician by-the kindred, and she-was-interrogating him in-order-that he-might-be-casting-out the little-demon out-of her daughter.

MARK7v27 But the Jesus said to-her, You first let the children to-be-satisfied; for it-is not fine to-take the bread of-the children, and cast to-the little-dogs.

MARK7v28 But the (one) having-answered and she-is-saying to-him, Yea, Lord; for even the little-dogs underneath the table (are)-eating from the crumbs of-the (pre-teen)-children.

MARK7v29 And he-said to-her, Because-of this word you-be-withdrawing; the little-demon has-gone-out-and-is-still-out out-of your daughter.

MARK7v30 And having-gone-away into her home she-found the little-demon having-gone-and-still-gone-out, and the daughter having-been-cast-and-still-cast on the bed.

MARK7v31  And again having-gone-out out-of the territories of-Tyre and Sidon, he-came to-the sea of-the Galilee, amid of-the territories of-Decapolis.

MARK7v32 And they-are-bringing to-him (one)-dull speaking-with-hardship, and they-are-entreating him in-order-that he-might-put-upon him the hand.

MARK7v33 And having-taken him back away-from the crowd privately, he cast his fingers into his ears, and having-spit he-handled his tongue,

MARK7v34 And having-looked-up into the heaven he-groaned, and he-is-saying to-him, Ephphatha, which is You-be-thoroughly-opened.

MARK7v35 And immediately his hearings were-thoroughly-opened, and the bond of-his tongue was-loosed, and he-was-speaking straightly.

MARK7v36 And he-gave-strict-order to-them in-order-that they-might-say to-no-one, but as-much-as he himself-was-giving-strict-order to-them, rather more-exceedingly they-were-preaching.

MARK7v37 And they-were-being-surprised exceedingly-beyond-measure saying, He-has-done-and-is-still-doing all-things rightly:  and he-is-making the-(ones) dull to-be-hearing, and the-(ones) speechless to-be-speaking.


MARK8v1 In those days (as the) crowd (was) being of-very-many, and not having something they-might-eat, the Jesus having-called-to-himself his disciples he-is-saying to-them,

MARK8v2 I-am-moved-with-compassion over the crowd, because already they-are-remaining-near to-me three days and they-are not having something they-might eat;

MARK8v3 And if I-shall-release them with-reference-to their home fasting, they-will-faint in the way; for some of-them have-been-and-are-still-present from-a-distance.

MARK8v4 And his disciples answered him, From-whence will anyone be-able to-satisfy these, here on (a) desert, of-loaves?

MARK8v5 And he-was-questioning them, How-many loaves are-YOU-having?  But the (ones) said, Seven.

MARK8v6 And he-delivered-a-message to-the crowd to-fall-back on the earth. And having-taken the seven loaves, having-given-thanks he-broke-in-pieces and he-was-giving to-his disciples, in-order-that they-might-place-beside and they-placed-beside for-the crowd.

MARK8v7 And they-were-having (a) few little-fishes, and having-blessed he-said to-place-beside also these.

MARK8v8 But they-ate and they-were-satisfied.  And they-lifted-up abundance of-fragments, seven creels.

MARK8v9 But the (ones) having-eaten were approximately four-thousand; and he-dismissed them.

MARK8v10 And immediately having-embarked into the vessel with his disciples, he-came into the parts of-Dalmanutha.

MARK8v11 And the Pharisees went-out and they-began to-be-debating-together with-him, seeking of him (a) sign from the heaven, trying him.

MARK8v12 And having-sighed-again in-his spirit he-is saying, Why is this generation seeking-after (a) sign? Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, If it-will-be-given to-this generation (a) sign.

MARK8v13 And having-let them go, having-embarked again into the vessel he-went-away into the other-side.

MARK8v14 And they-forgot to-take loaves, and unless one loaf, they-were not having with themselves in the vessel.

MARK8v15 And he-was-giving-strict-order to-them, saying, YOU-be-seeing, YOU-be-looking away-from the leaven of-the Pharisees and the leaven of-Herod.

MARK8v16 And they-were-deliberating with one-another, saying, Because we-are not having loaves.

MARK8v17 And the Jesus having-come-to-know, is-saying to-them, Why are-YOU-deliberating that YOU-are not having loaves?  Are-YOU not-yet understanding, neither are-YOU-perceiving? Are-YOU still having YOUR heart having-been-petrified-and-still-petrified?

MARK8v18 Having eyes are-YOU not looking? And having ears, are-YOU not hearing? And are-YOU not having-in-memory?

MARK8v19 When I-broke the five loaves with-reference-to the five-thousand, how-many baskets-(on-wheels) full of-fragments lifted-YOU-up?  They-are-saying to-him twelve.

MARK8v20 But when the seven with-reference-to the four-thousand, lifted-YOU-up fulnesses of-how-many creels of-fragments?  But the (ones) said, Seven.

MARK8v21 And he-was-saying to-them, How are-YOU not perceiving?

MARK8v22 And he-is-coming into Bethsaida, and they-are-bringing (one)-blind to-him, and they-are-entreating him in-order-that he-might-handle of-him.

MARK8v23 And having-taken-hold of-the hand of-the (one) blind he-led him out without of-the village, and having-spit into his optics, having-placed the hands upon to-him he-was-questioning him if he-is-looking-at anything.

MARK8v24 And having-received-sight he-was-saying, I-am-looking-at the MEN, because I-am-seeing (ones) walking-around as trees.

MARK8v25 Afterwards again he-placed-on the hands upon his eyes, and he-made him to-look-up. And he-was-restored, and he-looked-upon quite-all-(ones) afar-clearly.

MARK8v26 And he-dispatched him into his home, saying, Neither might-you-go-in into the village, nor might-you-say to-anyone in the village.

MARK8v27 And the Jesus went-out and his disciples into the villages of Caesarea of-the Philip. And in the way he-was-questioning his disciples, saying to-them, Whom are the MEN saying me to-be?

MARK8v28 But the (ones) answered, John the Baptist; and others Elias; but others one of-the prophets.

MARK8v29 And he himself-is-saying to-them, But whom are-YOU yourselves saying me to-be?  But having-answered the Peter is-saying to-him, You yourself-are the Messiah.

MARK8v30 And he-rebuked them in-order-that they-might-be-saying to-no-one concerning him.

MARK8v31 And he-began to-be-teaching them that it-is-essential the son of-the MAN to-suffer many-things, and to-be-rejected from the elders and chief-priests and scribes, and to-be-killed, and after three days to-stand-again.

MARK8v32 And with-boldness-of-speech he-was-speaking the word.  And the Peter having-taken him to-himself he-began to-be-rebuking him.

MARK8v33 But the (one) having-been-turned-around and having-seen his disciples, he-rebuked the Peter, saying, You-be-withdrawing behind me, adversary; because you-are not having-an-opinion-of the-things of-the God, BUT the-things of-the MEN.

MARK8v34 And having-called-to-himself the crowd together-with his disciples he-said to-them, One-who is-willing to-come behind me, let-him-disown himself, and let-him-lift-up his cross, and let-him-be-following me.

MARK8v35 For who might-be-willing to-save his soul, he-will-destroy it, but who might-destroy his soul on-account-of me and of-the good-news, this-(one) will-save it.

MARK8v36 For what will-it-profit MAN if he-might-gain the total world and he-might-be-disadvantaged (of) his soul?

MARK8v37 Or what will MAN give an-exchange of-his soul?

MARK8v38 For who might-be-ashamed-of me and my words in this generation namely-the adulterous and sinful, the son of-the MAN also will-be-ashamed-of him at-the-time-that he-might-come in the glory of-his Father with the angels namely-the holy.


MARK9v1 And he-was-saying to-them, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that some of-the (ones) having-stood-and-still-standing here are ones-who by-no-means might-taste of-death till they-might-see the kingdom of-the God having-come in power.

MARK9v2 And after six days the Jesus is-taking-along-with-him the Peter and the James and the John, and he-is-bringing them up into (a) high mountain privately alone.  And he-was-transformed in-front of-them;

MARK9v3 And his garments became glistening, very white as snow, such-as (a) fuller on the earth is not being-able to-whiten.

MARK9v4 And Elias together-with Moses was-seen by-them, and they-were speaking-together with-the Jesus.

MARK9v5 And the Peter having-answered is-saying to-the Jesus, Rabbi, it-is fine (for) us to-be here, and let-us make three booths, one for-you, and one for-Moses, and one for-Elias.

MARK9v6 For he-was not knowing-absolutely what he-might-speak, for they-were (ones)-frightened.

MARK9v7 And (there)-came-to-be (a) cloud overshadowing them; and (a) voice came out-of the cloud, saying, This is my son the (one) cherished: YOU-be-hearing him.

MARK9v8 And abruptly having-looked-around they no-more saw any-one, BUT the Jesus only with themselves.

MARK9v9 BUT (as) they (were) descending from the mountain he-gave-strict-order to-them in-order-that-they-might-narrate to-no-one what-things they-saw unless at-the-time-that the son of-the MAN might-stand-again out-of dead (ones).

MARK9v10 And they-retained the account to themselves, debating-together what is the-(thing) to-stand-again out-of dead (ones).

MARK9v11 And they-were-questioning him, saying, That the . scribes are-saying that it-is-essential Elias to-come first?

MARK9v12 But the (one) having-answered said to-them, On-the-one-hand Elias having-come-first, he-is-restoring all-things; and how it-has-been-and-is-still-written on the son of-the MAN in-order-that he-might-suffer many-things and he-might-be-treated-with contempt:

MARK9v13 BUT I-am-saying to-YOU, that also Elias has-come and they-did to-him as-many-things-as they-willed, according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written on him.

MARK9v14 And having-come to the disciples he-saw much crowd around them, and scribes debating-together with-them.

MARK9v15 And immediately all the crowd having-seen him it-was-greatly-astonished, running-toward they-were-greeting him.

MARK9v16 And he-questioned the scribes, What are-YOU-debating-together with them?

MARK9v17 And having-answered one out-of the crowd said, Teacher, I-brought my son to you, having (a) speechless spirit;

MARK9v18 And where-in-which it-might-apprehend him it-is-rending him asunder; and he-is-foaming-at-the-mouth, and he-is-squeaking-through his teeth, and he-is-being-dried-up. And I-said to-your disciples in-order-that they-might-cast it out, and they-were not strong-enough.

MARK9v19 But the (one) having-answered is-saying to-him, O unbelieving generation, till at-what-time shall-I-be with YOU? Till at-what-time shall-I-tolerate of-YOU?  YOU-be-bringing him to me.

MARK9v20 And they-brought him to him. And having-seen him the spirit immediately convulsed him, and having-fallen on the earth he-was-rolling-himself foaming-at-the-mouth.

MARK9v21 And he-questioned his father, How-much time is-it approximately this him-come-to-pass to-him? But the (one) said, From-a-child (pre-teen).

MARK9v22 And often it-cast him also into fire and into waters, in-order-that it-might-destroy him: BUT if something you-are-being-able (to do) you-help-us, having-been-moved-with compassion on us.

MARK9v23 But the Jesus said to-him, If you-are-being-able to-trust, all-things (are) possible to-the (one) trusting.

MARK9v24 And immediately having-cried-out, the father of-the (pre-teen)-child with tears was-saying, I-am-trusting, Lord, you-be-helping of-me the unbelief.

MARK9v25 But the Jesus having-seen that (a) crowd is-running-together-completely, he-rebuked the spirit namely-the unclean, saying to-it, The spirit namely-the speechless and dull, I myself-am-enjoining you, you-come-out out-of him, and no-longer might-you-go-in into him.

MARK9v26 And having-cried-out, and having much convulsed him, it-came-out; and he-became as-if dead, so-that many to-be-saying that he-died off.

MARK9v27 But the Jesus having-retained him of-the hand he-raised him and he-stood-up.

MARK9v28 And (as) he (was) having-gone-in into (a) home his disciples were-questioning him privately, Because (why) were-we ourselves not able to-cast it out?

MARK9v29 And he-said to-them, This kind is-being-able to-go-out with nothing unless with prayer and fast.

MARK9v30 And having-gone-out therefrom they-were-proceeding-along through the Galilee; and he-was not willing in-order-that anyone might-come-to-know;

MARK9v31 For he-was-teaching his disciples, and he-was-saying to-them, that The son of-the MAN is-being-given-over into hands of MEN and they-will-kill him; and having-been-killed, on-the third day he-will-stand-again.

MARKv32 But the (ones) were-being-ignorant-of the saying, and they-were-being-afraid to-question him.

MARK9v33 And he-came into Capernaum; and having-come-to-be in the house he-was-questioning them, What were-YOU-deliberating with yourselves in the way?

MARK9v34 But the (ones) were-being-still, for they-discoursed with one-another in the way, who (was) greater.

MARK9v35 And having-been-seated he-hollered-for the twelve, and he-is-saying to-them, If anyone is-willing to-be first, he-will-be last of-all, and minister of-all.

MARK9v36 And having-taken (a) (pre-teen)-child he-stood it in midst of-them; and having-folded it in-his-arms he-said to-them,

MARK9v37 Who if he-might-receive one of-the children (pre-teen) such-as-these on my name, he-is-receiving me; and who if he-might-receive me, he-is-not receiving me, BUT the (one) having-dispatched me.

MARK9v38 But the John answered him saying, Teacher, we-saw someone casting-out little-demons in-your name, who is not following us, and we-hindered him, because he-is not following us.

MARK9v39 But the Jesus said, YOU-be not hindering him; for there-is no-one who will-do (a) powerful-deed on my name, and he-will-be-able to speedily speak-ill-of me;

MARK9v40 For who is not against YOU, is in-behalf-of YOU.

MARK9v41 For who might-give YOU to-drink (a) cup of-water in my name, because YOU-are of-Messiah, amen I-am-saying to-YOU, by-no-means might-he-destroy his reward.

MARK9v42 And who might-entrap one of-these little (ones), namely-the (ones) trusting with-reference-to me, it-is fine for-him rather if (a) stone of-a-mill is-being-laid-around, around his neck, and he-has-been-and-is-still-cast into the sea.

MARK9v43 And if your hand might-be-entrapping you, you-chop it off:  it-is fine for-you to-go-in into the life maimed, (rather) than having the two hands to-go-away into the Gehenna, into the fire namely-the unquenchable,

MARK9v44 Where-in-which their worm is not coming-to-an-end, and the fire is not being-extinguished.

MARK9v45 And if your foot might-be-entrapping you, you-chop it off: it-is fine for-you to-go-in into the life lame, (rather)-than having the two feet to-be-cast into the Gehenna, into the fire namely-the unquenchable,

MARK9v46 Where-in-which their worm is not coming-to-an-end, and the fire is not being-extinguished.

MARK9v47 And if your eye might-be-entrapping you, you-cast it out:  it-is fine for-you to-go-in one-eyed into the kingdom of-the God (rather) than having two eyes to-be-cast into the Gehenna of-the fire,

MARK9v48 Where-in-which their worm is not coming-to-an-end, and the fire is not being-extinguished.

MARK9v49 For every (one) will-be-salted with-fire, and every sacrifice will-be-salted with-rock-salt.

MARK9v50 The salt (is) fine, but if the salt might-become saltless with what will-YOU-season it? YOU-be-having salt with yourselves, and YOU-be-being-at-peace with one-another.


MARK10v1 And-thence having-stood-up he-is-coming into the territories of-the Judea, through the other-side of-the Jordan.  And crowds are again proceeding-together to him, and as he-had-been-having-a-custom he-was again teaching them.

MARK10v2 And the Pharisees having-come-near, they-questioned him if it-is-legitimate for-a-husband to-release (a) wife, trying him.

MARK10v3 But the (one) having-answered said to-them, What commanded Moses to-YOU?

MARK10v4 But the (ones) said, Moses permitted to-write (a) little-book of-a-bill-of-divorce, and to-release.

MARK10v5 And the Jesus having-answered said to-them, Toward YOUR hardness-of-heart he-wrote this commandment for-YOU;

MARK10v6 But from beginning of-creation the God made them male and female.

MARK10v7 On-account-of this MAN will-leave-behind his father and the mother, and will-be-very-united to his wife,

MARK10v8 And the two will-be with-reference-to one flesh; so-that they-are no-more two, BUT one flesh.

MARK10v9 What therefore the God paired-together, let not MAN be-separating.

MARK10v10 And in the house his disciples questioned him again concerning the same-thing.

MARK10v11 And he-is-saying to-them, Who if he-might-release his wife and he-might-marry another, he-is-committing-adultery upon her.

MARK10v12 And if (a) wife might-release her husband and she-might-be-married to-another, she-is-committing-adultery.

MARK10v13 And they-were-bringing (pre-teen)-children to him, in-order-that he-might handle of-them, but the disciples were-rebuking the (ones) bringing-to (him).

MARK10v14 But the Jesus having-seen was-indignant, and he-said to-them, YOU-let the (pre-teen)-children to-be-coming to me, and YOU-be not hindering them; for the kingdom of-the God is of-the (ones) such-as-these.

MARK10v15 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, Who if he-might not receive the kingdom of-the God as (a) (pre-teen)-child, by-no-means might-he-go-in into it.

MARK10v16 And having-folded them in-(his)-arms, placing the hands on them he-was-blessing them.

MARK10v17 And (as) he (was) proceeding-out into (the) way, one having-run-to him and having-fallen-on-the-knees was questioning him, Good teacher, what shall-I-do in-order-that I-shall-inherit life eternal?

MARK10v18 But the Jesus said to-him, Why me are-you-saying good?  No-one (is) good unless one, the God.

MARK10v19 You-are-knowing-absolutely the commandments: Might-you not commit-adultery; might-you not murder; might-you not steal; might-you not bear-false-witness; might-you not deprive; you-be-honoring your father and the mother.

MARK10v20 But the (one) having-answered said to-him, Teacher, all these-things I-guarded-for-myself out-of my youthfulness.

MARK10v21 But the Jesus having-looked-upon him cherished him, and said to-him, One-thing is-lacking to-you; you-be-withdrawing, you-offer-for-sale as-many-things-as you-are-having and you-give to-the destitute, and you-will-have store in heaven; and come-hither, you-be-following me, having-lifted-up the cross.

MARK10v22 But the (one) having-become-gloomy upon the word, he-went-away being-grieved, for he-was having many landed-properties.

MARK10v23 And the Jesus having-looked-around is-saying to-his disciples, How with-difficulty the (ones) having the moneys will-go-in into the kingdom of-the God.

MARK10v24 But the disciples were-being-astonished upon his words. But the Jesus having-answered again is-saying to-them, Children, how difficult it-is (for) the (ones) having-been-and-still-relying-on upon the moneys to-go-in into the kingdom of-the God.

MARK10v25 It-is easier (a) camel to-go-in through the eye of-the needle, than (one) rich to-go-in into the kingdom of-the God.

MARK10v26  But the (ones) were-being excessively surprised, saying to themselves, And who is-being-able to-be-saved?

MARK10v27 But having-looked-upon them the Jesus is-saying, Beside MEN (it-is) impossible, BUT not beside the God; for all-things (are) possible beside the God.

MARK10v28 And Peter began to-be-saying to-him, Behold, we ourselves-let-go all-things, and we-followed you.

MARK10v29 But the Jesus having-answered said, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, it-is no-one who let-go house, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or fields, on-account-of me and of-the good-news,

MARK10v30 If he-will not take a-hundred-times-as-much now in this season, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the age namely-the (one) coming life eternal.

MARK10v31 But many first (ones) will-be last (ones), and the last (ones) first (ones).

MARK10v32 But they-were in the way ascending into Jerusalem, and the Jesus was leading them forward, and they-were-being-astonished, and following, were-being-fearful.  And having-taken-along the twelve to-himself again, he-began to-be-saying to-them the future things to-be-happening to-him:

MARK10v33 That, Behold, we-are-ascending into Jerusalem, and the son of-the MAN will-be-given-over to-the chief-priests and to-the scribes, and they-will-condemn him to-death, and they-will-give him over to-the Gentiles,

MARK10v34 And they-will-mock him, and they-will-whip him, and they-will-spit-on him, and they-will-kill him; and on-the third day he-will-stand-again.

MARK10v35 And James and John, the sons of-Zebedee are-proceeding-toward him, saying, Teacher, we-are-willing in-order-that what if we-might-request you-might-do for-us.

MARK10v36 And the (one) said to-them, What are-YOU-willing (for) me to-do for-YOU?

MARK10v37 But the (ones) said to-him, You-give for-us, in-order-that we-might-be-caused-to-be-seated, one out-of your right(s) and one out-of your left(s) in your glory.

MARK10v38 But the Jesus said to-them, YOU-are not knowing-absolutely what YOU-are-requesting-for-yourselves. Are YOU-being-able to-drink the cup which I myself-am-drinking, and to-be-baptized the baptism which I myself-am-being-baptized?

MARK10v39 But the (ones) said to-him, We-are-being-able. But the Jesus said to-them, On-the-one-hand the cup which I myself am-drinking, YOU-will-drink; and the baptism which I myself-am-baptized, YOU-will-be-baptized;

MARK10v40 On-the-other-hand to-be-seated out-of my right(s) and out-of my left(s) is not mine to-give, BUT for-whom it-has-been-and-still-is-prepared.

MARK10v41 And having-heard, the ten began to-be-being-indignant concerning James and John.

MARK10v42 But the Jesus having-called them to-himself is-saying to-them, YOU-are-knowing-absolutely that the (ones) seeming to-be-ruling of-the Gentiles are-exercising-lordship-over them; and the great (ones) of-them are-having-complete-authority of-them;

MARK10v43 But it-will not be thus among YOU; BUT who if he-might-be-willing to-become great among YOU, he-will-be YOUR minister;

MARK10v44 And who might-be-willing of-YOU to-become first, he-will-be slave of-all.

MARK10v45 For even the son of-the MAN came not to-be-ministered-(to), BUT to-minister, and to-give his soul (a) ransom instead-of many.

MARK10v46 And they-are-coming into Jericho; and (as) he (was) proceeding-out from Jericho, and his disciples, and (a) considerable crowd, (a) son of-Timaeus, the blind Bartimaeus was-sitting beside the way, begging.

MARK10v47 And having-heard that it-is Jesus the Nazarene, he-began to-be-crying and to-be-saying, The son of-David, Jesus, have-mercy-on me.

MARK10v48 And many were-rebuking him in-order-that he-might-be-still; but the (one) was-crying much more, Son of-David, have-mercy-on me.

MARK10v49 And the Jesus having-stood (still) said (for) him to-be-hollered-for. And they-are-hollering-for the blind (one), saying to-him, You-be being-of-good-courage; you-arise, he-is-hollering-for you.

MARK10v50 But the (one) having-cast-off his garment, having-stood-up he-came to the Jesus.

MARK10v51 And having-answered the Jesus is-saying to-him, What are-you-willing I-shall-do for you? But the blind (one) said to-him, Rabboni, in-order-that I-might-receive-sight.

MARK10v52 But the Jesus said to-him, You-be-withdrawing, your trust has-saved-and-still-saves you.  And immediately he-received-sight, and he-was-following the Jesus in the way.


MARK11v1 And when they-are-drawing-near with-reference-to Jerusalem, into Bethphage and Bethany, towards the mountain of-the Olives, he-is-dispatching two of-his disciples,

MARK11v2 And he-is-saying to-them, YOU-be-withdrawing into the village namely-the (one) down-against YOU, and immediately proceeding-in into it YOU-will-find (a) colt having-been-and-still-bound, upon which no-one of-MEN has-been-seated:  having-loosed it, YOU-lead (it).

MARK11v3 And if anyone might-say to-YOU, Why are-YOU-doing this? YOU-say, that The Lord is-having need of-it, and immediately he-will-dispatch it here.

MARK11v4 But they-went-away and they-found the colt having-been-and-still-bound toward the door without, on the road-around, and they-are-loosing it.

MARK11v5 And some of-the (ones) having-stood-and-still-standing there were-saying to-them, What are-YOU-doing loosing the colt?

MARK11v6 But the (ones) said to-them according-as the Jesus commanded.  And they-let them go.

MARK11v7 And they-led the colt to the Jesus. And they-cast-on it their garments, and he-was-seated on it;

MARK11v8 But many spread their garments into the way, but others were-chopping foliage out-of the trees, and they-were-spreading into the way.

MAKR11v9 And the (ones) leading-forward and the (ones) following were-crying, saying, Hosanna!  Having-been-and-still-blessed (is) the (one) coming in (the) name of-Jehovah.

MARK11v10 Having-been-and-still-blessed (is) the kingdom coming in (the) name of-Jehovah of-our father David.  Hosanna in the most-high-places.

MARK11v11 And the Jesus went-in into Jerusalem and into the temple; and having-looked-around-for-himself-at all-things, (as) the hour (was) already being of-evening, he-went-out into Bethany with the twelve.

MARK11v12 And on-the next-day (as) they (were) having-gone-out from Bethany, he-hungered.

MARK11v13 And having-seen (a) fig-tree from-a-distance having leaves, he went if so he-will-find something in it. And having-come upon it, he-found nothing unless leaves, for it-was not (a) season of-figs.

MARK11v14 And the Jesus having-answered said to-it, No-longer out-of you with-reference-to the age may no-one eat fruit.  And his disciples were-hearing.

MARK11v15 And they-are-coming into Jerusalem; and the Jesus having-gone-in into the temple he-began to-be-casting-out the (ones) offering-for-sale and the (ones) buying-in-the-market in the temple, and the tables of-the money-changers and the seats of-the (ones) offering-for-sale the doves he-turned-down,

MARK11v16 And he-was not letting-be in-order-that any-one might-bring-through (an) article through the temple.

MARK11v17 And he-was-teaching, saying to-them, Has-it not been-and-still-written, that My home will-be-called (a) home of-prayer for-all the Gentiles? But YOU yourselves-made it (a) cave of-robbers.

MARK11v18 And the scribes and the chief-priests heard, and they-were-seeking how they-will-destroy him: for they-were-fearing him, because all the crowd was-being-surprised upon his doctrine.

MARK11v19 And when it-became late he-was-proceeding-out without the city.

MARK11v20 And in-the-morning proceeding-along they-saw the fig-tree having-been-and-still-dried-up out-of (the) roots.

MARK11v21 And the Peter having-been-reminded-again is-saying to-him, Rabbi, note the fig-tree which you-cursed-against has-been-and-is-still-dried-up.

MARK11v22 And the Jesus having-answered is-saying to-them, YOU-be-having trust of-God.

MARK11v23 For amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that who might-say to-this mountain, You-be-lifted-up and you-be-cast into the sea, and he-might not be-made-to-doubt in his heart, BUT he-might-trust that what-things he-is-saying is-coming-to-pass, it-will-be to-him what-thing he-might-say.

MARK11v24 Because-of this I-am-saying to-YOU, all-things as-many-as praying, YOU-are-requesting-for-yourselves,  YOU-be-trusting that YOU-are-taking, and it-will-be to-YOU.

MARK11v25 And at-the-time-that YOU-might-be-standing-firm praying, YOU-be-forgiving if YOU-are-having some-thing against some-one, in-order-that also YOUR Father, namely-the (one) in the heavens might forgive for-YOU YOUR offences.

MARK11v26 But if YOU yourselves-are not forgiving, neither will YOUR Father namely-the (one) in-the heavens might forgive for-YOU YOUR offences.

MARK11v27 And they-are-coming again into Jerusalem. And (as) he (is) walking-around in the temple, the chief-priests and the scribes and the elders are-coming to him,

MARK11v28 And they-are-saying to-him, With what-sort-of authority are-you-doing these-things? And who gave this authority to-you, in-order-that you-might-be-doing these-things?

MARK11v29 But the Jesus having-answered said to-them, I-also myself-shall-question YOU one word, and YOU-answer for-me, and I-shall-say to-YOU with what-sort-of authority I-am-doing these-things.

MARK11v30 The baptism of-John was-it out-of heaven or out-of MEN?  YOU-answer for-me.

MARK11v31 And they-were-figuring to themselves, saying, If we-might-say, Out-of heaven, he-will-say, Why therefore (did)-YOU not trust him?

MARK11v32 BUT if we-might say, Out-of MEN, they-were-fearing the people; for quite-all were-holding the John, that certainly he-was (a) prophet.

MARK11v33 And having-answered they-are-saying to-the Jesus, We-are not knowing-absolutely.  And the Jesus having-answered is-saying to-them, Neither am I myself-saying to-YOU with what-sort-of authority I-am-doing these-things.


MARK12v1 And he-began to-be-saying to-them in parables, (A) MAN planted (a) vineyard, and he-placed-around a-fencing-in, and he-dug (the)-pit-under-a-winepress, and he-built (a) tower, and he-gave it out-for-himself to-farmers, and he-went-abroad.

MARK12v2 And he-dispatched (a) slave to the farmers in-the season, in-order-that he-might-take from the farmers from the fruit of-the vineyard.

MARK12v3 But the (ones) having-taken, they-beat him, and they-dispatched (him) empty.

MARK12v4 And again he-dispatched to them another slave, and-that-one, having-cast-stones-at, they-wounded-in-the-head, and they-dispatched (him) having-been-and-still-outraged.

MARK12v5 And again he-dispatched another, and-that-one they-killed; also many others, on-the-one-hand beating the (ones), on-the-other-hand killing the (others).

MARK12v6 Therefore still having his one cherished son, he-dispatched him also to them last, saying, that They-will-respect my son.

MARK12v7 But those farmers said to themselves, that This (one) is the heir:  come-hither, let-us-be-killing him, and the inheritance will-be of-us.

MARK12v8 And having-taken him they-killed, and they-cast-out without the vineyard.

MARK12v9 What therefore will the Lord make of-the vineyard?  He-will-come and he-will-destroy the farmers, and he-will-give the vineyard to-others.

MARK12v10 But (have) YOU not read this scripture? (The) stone which the (ones) building rejected, this became with-reference-to head of-corner.

MARK12v11 This came-to-be from Jehovah, and it-is marvellous in our eyes.

MARK12v12 And they-were-seeking to-retain him, and they-feared the crowd; for they-came-to-know that he-said the parable toward them. And having-let him-be they-went-away.

MARK12v13 And they-are-dispatching to him some of-the Pharisees and of-the Herodians, in-order-that they-might-entangle him in-word.

MARK12v14 But the (ones) having-come they-are-saying to-him, Teacher, we-are-knowing-absolutely that you-are true, and it-matters not to-you concerning anyone; for you-are not looking with-reference-to (the) person of-MEN, BUT on truth you-are-teaching the way of-the God:  is-it-legitimate to-give poll-tax to-Caesar or not?

MARK12v15 Might-we-give or might-we not give?  But the (one) knowing-absolutely their hypocrisy said to-them, Why are YOU-trying me? YOU-be-bringing (a) denarius to-me in-order-that I-might-see (it).

MARK12v16 But the (ones) brought (it). And he-is-saying to-them, Of-someone this image and the inscription? But the (ones) said to-him, Of-Caesar.

MARK12v17 And the Jesus having-answered said to-them, YOU-give-back the-things of-Caesar to-Caesar, and the-things of-the God to-the God.  And they-marvelled over him.

MARK12v18 And Sadducees are-coming to him, they-who are-saying (there is) not to-be (a) standing-again. And they-questioned him, saying,

MAKR12v19 Teacher, Moses wrote for-us, that if (a) brother of-anyone might-die-off and he-might-leave-behind (a) wife and he-might not let-be children, in-order-that his brother might-take his wife and he-might-stand-forth seed to his brother.

MARK12v20 They-were seven brothers; and the first took (a) wife, and dying-off he-let not be seed;

MARK12v21 And the second took her, and he-died-off, and neither he himself-let-be seed; and the third in-the-same-way.

MARK12v22 And the seven took her, and they-let not be seed.  Last of-all the woman also died-off.

MARK12v23 Therefore in the standing-again, at-the-time-that they-might-stand-again, of-someone of-them will-she-be wife?  For the seven had her (as) wife.

MARK12v24 And having-answered the Jesus said to-them, Are-YOU not leading-yourselves-astray because-of this, not knowing-absolutely the scriptures neither the power of-the God?

MARK12v25 For at-the-time-that they-might-stand-again out-of dead (ones), they-are neither marrying nor are-they-giving-in-marriage, BUT they-are as angels the-(ones) in the heavens.

MARK12v26 But concerning the (ones) dead, that they-are-being-raised, (have) YOU not read in the book of Moses, on the bramble-bush, as the God said to-him, saying, I (am) the God of-Abraham and the God of-Isaac and the God of-Jacob?

MARK12v27 He-is not the God of-dead-(ones), BUT God of-living-(ones).  YOU therefore yourselves-are-leading-yourselves much astray.

MARK12v28 And one of-the scribes having-come-near, having-heard their debating-together, knowing-absolutely that he-answered for-them rightly, he-questioned him, What-sort-of commandment is first of-all (of them)?

MARK12v29 But the Jesus answered him, That first-of-all of-the commandments, (is) you-be-hearing,Israel, Jehovah our God Jehovah is one.

MARK2v30 And you-will-cherish Jehovah your God out-of your total heart and out-of your total soul and out-of your total intellect and out-of your total strength.  This (is the) first commandment.

MARK12v31 And (the) like second (is) this:  You-will-cherish your neighbor as yourself.  Another commandment greater of-these is not.

MARK12v32 And the scribe said to-him, Rightly, teacher, you-said upon truth that God is one,and is not another with-the-exception of-him.

MARK12v33 And to-be-cherishing him out-of the total heart and out-of the total intelligence and out-of the total soul and out-of the total strength, and to-be-cherishing the neighbor as himself, is much-more of-all of-the total-burnt-offerings and of-the sacrifices.

MARK12v34 And the Jesus having-seen him that he-answered wisely, said to-him, You-are not far from the kingdom of-the God. And no-one any-more was-daring to-question him.

MARK12v35 And the Jesus having-answered was-saying, teaching in the temple, How are the scribes saying that the Messiah is son of-David?

MARK12v36 For David himself said in the Spirit namely-the Holy, Jehovah said to my Lord, you-sit out-of my right[s] till I-might-put your enemies (a) footstool of-your feet.

MARK12v37 David himself therefore is-saying him Jehovah, and from-whence is-he his son? And the much crowd was-hearing of-him pleasantly.

MARK12v38 And he-was-saying to-them in his doctrine, YOU-be-looking away-from the scribes, the (ones) willing to-be-walking-around in stolees, and (want) greetings in the markets

MARK12v39 And first-seats in the synagogues and first-reclining-groups in the suppers;

MARK12v40 The (ones) devouring the houses of-the widows, and praying long-(intervals?)  for-a-cover-up. These will-take more-excessive sentence.

MARK12v41 And the Jesus having-been-seated down-against the treasury; he-was-observing how the crowd is-casting brass-(money) into the treasury; and many rich-(ones) were-casting much.

MARK12v42 And one destitute widow having-come cast two lepta, which is (a) kodrantes.

MARK12v43 And having-called-to-himself his disciples he-is-saying to-them, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that this widow namely-the destitute has-cast much-more of-all the (ones) having-cast into the treasury.

MARK12v44 For all cast out-of the exceeding-thing for-them, but she cast out-of her lack all-things as-much-as she-was-having, her total means-of-living.


MARK13v1 And (as) he (was) proceeding-out out-of the temple one of-his disciples is-saying to-him, Teacher, note, of-what-quality stones and of-what-quality buildings.

MARK13v2 And the Jesus having-answered he-said to-him, Are-you-looking-at these great buildings?  By-no-means might-let-be stone on stone which might (not) [by-no-means] be-overthrown.

MARK13v3 And (as) he (was) sitting with-reference-to the mountain of-the Olives down-against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew were-questioning him privately.

MARK13v4 You-say to-us at-what-time these-things will-be? And what the sign at-the-time-that all these-things might-be-being-about to-be-being-finished-completely?

MARK13v5 But the Jesus having-answered to-them he-began to-be-saying, YOU-be-looking lest someone might-lead YOU astray.

MARK13v6 For many will-come on my name, saying, that I myself-am, and they-will-lead-astray many.

MARK13v7 But at-the-time-that YOU-might-hear wars and reports of-wars, YOU-be not being-alarmed; for it-is-essential to-come-to-pass, BUT not-yet the finish.

MARK13v8 For nation will-be-raised upon nation and kingdom upon kingdom; and earthquakes will-be according-to places, and there-will-be famines and disturbances.  These-things (are) beginnings of-birth-pains.

MARK13v9 But YOU-be-looking-to YOU yourselves; for they-will-give YOU over into councils and into synagogues; YOU-will-be-beaten, and YOU-will-be-stood upon governors and kings on-account-of me, with-reference-to (a) testimony to-them.

MARK13v10 And with-reference-to all the Gentiles it-is-essential the good-news to-be-preached first.

MARK13v11 But at-the-time-that they-might-lead YOU giving (YOU) over, YOU-be not being-anxious-before-hand what YOU-might-speak, nor YOU-be-pondering; BUT what-thing if it-might-be-given to-YOU in that hour, this-thing YOU-be-speaking; for YOU yourselves-are not the (ones) speaking, BUT the Spirit namely-the Holy.

MARK13v12 But brother will-give-over brother with-reference-to death, and father child; and children will-rebel upon parents, and they-will-put them to-death.

MARK13v13 And YOU-will-be being-hated by all because-of my name; but the (one) having-persevered with-reference-to (a) finish, this (one) will-be-saved.

MARK13v14 But at-the-time-that YOU-might-see the abomination of-the desolation the (one) having-been-said by Daniel the prophet, having-stood-and-still-standing where-in-which it-is not essential; let the (one) reading be-understanding; then let the (ones) in the Judea be-fleeing into the mountains;

MARK13v15 But let not the (one) on the housetop descend into the house, nor let-him-go-in to-remove something out-of his house;

MARK13v16 And let not the (one) being into the field turn-around with-reference-to the-things behind to-remove his garment.

MARK13v17 But woe to-the (ones) having in (the) womb and to-the (ones) nursing in those days.

MARK13v18 But YOU-be-praying in-order-that YOUR flight might not come-to-pass of-(a)-winter-(storm).

MARK13v19 For those days will-be tribulation, such-as has not come-to-pass-and-still-is such-as-this from beginning of-creation which the God created till the now, and by-no-means might-it-come-to-pass;

MARK13v20 And unless Jehovah cut-short the days, all flesh was not saved; BUT because-of the chosen whom he-chose-for-himself, he-cut-short the days.

MARK13v21 And then if someone might-say to-YOU, Behold here the Messiah, or behold, there, might-YOU not trust (it).

MARK13v22 For false-messiahs and false-prophets will-be-raised, and they-will-give signs and wonders, towards the to-be-leading-astray-off if possible even the chosen.

MARK13v23 But YOU yourselves be-looking: Behold, I-have-said-before-and-still-say all-things to-YOU.

MARK13v24 BUT in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will-be-made-dark, and the moon will not give her radiance;

MARK13v25 And the stars of-the heaven will-be falling-away, and the powers, the (ones) in the heavens will-be-stirred.

MARK13v26 And then they-will-see the son of-the MAN coming in clouds with much power and glory.

MARK13v27 And then he-will-dispatch his angels, and he-will-lead-together-completely his chosen out-of the four winds, from tip of-earth till tip of-heaven.

MARK13v28 But from the fig-tree YOU-learn the parable: at-the-time-that its branch already became tender, and it-might-be-producing the leaves, YOU-are-coming-to-know that the summer is near.

MARK13v29 Thus also YOU, at-the-time-that YOU-might-see these-things coming-to-pass, YOU-be-coming-to-know that he-is near on (the) doors.

MARK13v30 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that by-no-means this race might-go-past, as-far-as of-which all these-things might-come-to-pass.

MARK13v31 The heaven and the earth will-go-past, but my words might by-no-means go-past.

MARK13v32 But concerning that day and the hour, no-one is-knowing-absolutely, neither the angels namely-the (ones) in heaven, nor the son, unless the Father.

MARK13v33 YOU-be-looking, YOU-be-sleepless, and YOU-be-praying; for YOU-are not knowing-absolutely at-what-time the season is,

MARK13v34 As (a) MAN going-abroad having-let-be his house, and having-given the authority to his slaves, and to-each (one) his work, and he-commanded to-the doorkeeper in-order-that he-might-be-watching.

MARK13v35 YOU-be-watching therefore, for YOU-are not knowing-absolutely at-what-time the lord of-the house is-coming, late, or of-midnight, or of-cock-crowing, or in-the-morning;

MARK13v36 Lest having-come unexpectedly he-might-find YOU sleeping.

MARK13v37 But what-things I-am-saying to-YOU, I-am-saying to-all, YOU-be-watching.


MARK14v1 But it-was the passover and the unleavened-breads after two days. And the chief-priests and the scribes were-seeking how, having-retained him with guile, they-might-be-killing (him).

MARK14v2 But they-were-saying, not in the feast, lest-at-any-time will-be (a) tumult of-the people.

MARK14v3 And (as) he (was) being in Bethany, in the house of-Simon the leper, (as) he (was) lying-down, (a) woman came having (an) alabaster-box of-perfumed-oil of-trusty nard of-much-cost; and having-shattered the alabaster-box, she-poured-down down-over his head.

MARK14v4 But some were being-indignant with themselves, and saying, With-reference-to what has this destruction of-the perfumed-oil come-to-pass?

MARK14v5 For this was-being-able to-be-sold (for) more-than three-hundred denarii, and to-be-given to-the destitute.  And they-were-being-perturbed with-her.

MARK14v6 But the Jesus said, YOU-let her be; why are-YOU-holding-beside labors for-her? She-worked (a) fine work with-reference-to me.

MARK14v7 For always YOU-are-having the destitute with yourselves, and at-the-time-that YOU-might-be-willing

YOU-are-being-able to-do them well; but YOU-are not always having me.

MARK14v8 What this (woman) was-having, she-did. She-took-before (hand) to-perfume my body with-reference-to-the preparation-for-burial.

MARK14v9 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, Where-in-which this good-news might-be-preached with-reference-to the total world, what this (woman) did will also be-spoken with-reference-to (a) memorial of-her.

MARK14v10 And the Judas, namely-the Iscariot, one of-the twelve, went-away to the chief-priests, in-order-that he-might-give him over to-them.

MARK14v11 But the (ones) having-heard they-rejoiced, and they-promised to-give him silver-coin. And he-was-seeking how he-might seasonably give him over.

MARK14v12 And on-the first day of-the unleavened-breads, when they-are-sacrificing the passover his disciples are-saying to-him, Where are-you-willing, having-gone-away, we-might-prepare in-order-that you-might-eat the passover?

MARK14v13 And he-is-dispatching two of-his disciples, and he-is-saying to-them, YOU-be-withdrawing into the city, and (a) MAN will-meet YOU bearing (a) vessel-of-pottery of-water; YOU-follow him;

MARK14v14 And where-in-which if he-might-go-in, YOU-say to-the despot-of-the-household, that the teacher is-saying, Where is the guestchamber where-in-which I-might-eat the passover with my disciples?

MARK14v15 And he himself-will-point to-YOU (a) great upper-floor having-been-and-still-spread prepared. There YOU-prepare for-us.

MARK14v16 And his disciples went-out, and came into the city, and they-found according-as he-said to-them, and they-prepared the passover.

MARK14v17 And (as) evening (was) having-come-to-pass he-is-coming with the twelve.

MARK14v18 And (as) they (were) lying-back and eating the Jesus said, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that one out-of

YOU will-give me over, the (one) eating with me.

MARK14v19 But the (ones) began to-be-being-grieved, and to-be-saying to-him, one by one, Whether-at-all (is-it) I?  And another, Whether-at-all (is-it) I?

MARK14v20 But the (one) having-answered said to-them, One out-of the twelve, the (one) dipping-in with me into the bowl.

MARK14v21 On-the-one-hand the son of-the MAN is-with-drawing, according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written concerning him; on-the-other-hand woe for-that MAN through whom the son of-the MAN is-being-given-over; it-was fine for-him if that MAN was not begotten.

MARK14v22 And (as) they (were) eating, the Jesus having-taken bread, having-blessed he-broke-in-pieces, and he-gave to-them, and he-said, YOU-take, YOU-eat; this is my body.

MARK14v23 And having-taken the cup, having-given-thanks he-gave to-them, and they all drank out-of it.

MARK14v24 And he-said to-them, This is my blood the (blood) of-the new-quality covenant, the (blood) being-

poured-out concerning many.

MARK14v25 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that By-no-means might-I-drink any-more out-of the product of-the vine, till that day at-the-time-that I-might-be-drinking it new-quality in the kingdom of-the God.

MARK14v26 And having-sung-a-hymn they-went-out into the mountain of-the olives.

MARK14v27 And the Jesus is-saying to-them, that YOU all will-be-entrapped with me in this night; because it-has-been-and-is-still-written, I-shall-smite the shepherd, and the sheep will-be-scattered-abroad.

MARK14v28 BUT after me to-be-raised, I-shall-precede YOU into the Galilee.

MARK14v29 But the Peter was-stating to-him, Even if all will-be-entrapped, BUT not I.

MARK14v30 And the Jesus is-saying to-him, Amen I-am-saying to-you, that today in this night, or before (a) cock to-crow twice, you-will-disown me thrice.

MARK14v31 But the (one) out-of more excessive was-saying, If-it-might-be-essential (for) me to-die-off-together with-you, by-no-means shall-I-disown you.  But in-the-same-way also they-were all saying.

MARK14v32 And they-are-coming into (a) piece-of-land of-which the name (is) Gethsemanee; and he-is-saying to-

his disciples, YOU-be-seated here, till I-might-pray.

MARK14v33 And he-is-taking-along-to-himself the Peter and the James and John with him; and he-began to-be-being-greatly-astonished and to-be-being-distressed.

MARK14v34 And he-is-saying to-them, My soul is deeply-grieved till death; YOU-remain here and YOU-be-watching.

MARK14v35 And having-gone-forward (a) little he-fell upon the earth, and he-was-praying in-order-that if it-is possible, the hour might-go-past from him.

MARK14v36 And he-was-saying, Abba, the Father, all-things (are) possible to-you; you-bring-away this cup from me; BUT not what I myself-am-willing, BUT what you.

MARK14v37 And he-is-coming and he-is-finding them sleeping.  And he-is-saying to-the Peter, Simon you-are-sleeping, were-you not strong-enough to-watch one hour?

MARK14v38 YOU-be-watching and YOU-be-praying, in-order-that YOU-might not go-in into trial. On-the-one-hand the spirit (is) eager, on-the-other-hand the flesh (is) weak.

MARK14v39 And again having-gone-away he-prayed, having-said the same word.

MARK14v40 And having-returned he-found them sleeping again, for their eyes were having-been-and-still-weighted; and they-were not knowing-absolutely what they-might-answer him.

MARK14v41 And he-is-coming the third (time), and he-is-saying to-them, YOU-be-sleeping therefore and YOU-be-resting-again-for-yourselves.  He-is-holding-off. The hour came. Behold, the son of-the MAN is-being-given-over into the hands of-the sinners.

MARK14v42 YOU-be-arising-for-yourselves, let-us-be-leading; behold, the (one) giving me over has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near.

MAKR14v43 And immediately (as) he (was) still speaking, Judas is-coming-to-be-alongside, being one of-the twelve, and with him much crowd, with daggers and weapons, from the chief-priests and the scribes and the elders.

MARK14v44 But the (one) giving him over had-given-and-still-gave (a) signal to-them, saying, Whom I-might-kiss is he; YOU-retain him, and YOU-lead-away securely.

MARK14v45 And having-come, immediately having-come-near to-him he-is-saying, Rabbi, Rabbi; and he-kissed him tenderly.

MARK14v46 But the (ones) cast-on their hands upon him, and they-retained him.

MARK14v47 But (a) certain one of-the (ones) having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside having-pulled-for-him-self the dagger he-struck the slave of-the chief-priest and took-away his ear.

MARK14v48 And the Jesus having-answered said to-them, As upon (a) robber came-YOU-out with daggers and weapons to-together-take me?

MARK14v49 Daily I-was with YOU in the temple teaching, and YOU-retained me not:  BUT in-order-that the scriptures might-be-fulfilled.

MARK14v50 And having-let him be they all fled.

MARK14v51 And one certain youth was-following him, having-been-and-still-cast-around-with muslin upon (his) naked (body); and the youths are-retaining him,

MARK14v52 But the (one) having-left-behind the muslin, he-fled naked from them.

MARK14v53 And they-led-away the Jesus to the chief-priest.  And all the chief-priests and the elders and the scribes are-coming-together to-him.

MARK14v54 And the Peter followed him from a-distance till inside with-reference-to the court of-the chief-priest; and he-was sitting-together with the officers, and warming-himself toward the light.

MARK14v55 But the chief-priests and the total council were-seeking witness against the Jesus, with-reference-to him to-put-to-death, and they-were not finding.

MARK14v56 For many were-bearing-false-witness against him, and the witnesses were not equal.

MARK14v57 And some having-stood-up were-bearing-false-witness against him, saying,

MARK14v58 That we ourselves-heard (as) he (was) saying, that I myself-shall-overthrow this sanctuary namely-the (one) made-by-hand, and through three days I-shall-build-up another not-made-by-hand.

MARK14v59 And neither thus was their witness equal.

MARK14v60 And the chief-priest having-stood-up into the midst, questioned the Jesus, saying, Are-you not answering anything?  What these are-witnessing-against you?

MARK14v61 But the (one) was-being-still, and he-answered not-one-thing. Again the chief-priest was-questioning him, and saying to-him, Are-you yourself the Messiah, the son of-the blessed?

MARK14v62 But the Jesus said, I myself-am. And YOU-will-see the son of-the MAN sitting out-of (the) right[s] of-the power, and coming with the clouds of-the heaven.

MARK14v63 But the chief-priest having-rent-asunder-through his tunics is-saying, What need are-we still having of-witnesses?

MARK14v64 YOU-heard of-the blasphemy: what is-appearing to-YOU? But the (ones) all condemned him to be liable of-death.

MARK14v65 And some began to-be-spitting-on him, and to-be-covering-around his face, and to-be-buffeting him, and to-be-saying to-him, You-prophesy; and the officers were-casting him with-slaps.

MARK14v66 And (as) the Peter (was) being in the court below, one of-the maid-servants of-the chief-priest is-coming,

MARK14v67 And having-seen the Peter warming-himself, having-looked-upon him she-is-saying, And you yourself-were with the Nazarene Jesus.

MARK14v68 But the (one) denied, saying, I-am absolutely not knowing, neither am-I-comprehending what you yourself-are saying. And he-went-out with-out into the forecourt, and (a) cock crowed.

MARK14v69 And the maid-servant having-seen him began again to-be-saying to-the (ones) having-been-and-still-standing-alongside, that this (one) is out-of them.

MARK14v70 But the (one) was again denying. And after (a) little, the (ones) having-been-and-still-standing-alongside again were-saying to-the Peter, Truly you-are out-of them, for also you-are (a) Galilean, and your speech is-being-alike.

MARK14v71 But the (one) began to-be-anathematizing and to-be-swearing, that I-am absolutely not knowing this MAN whom you-are-saying.

MARK14v72 And out-of (a) second (time) (a) cock crowed. And the Peter was-made-mindful-again of-the saying which the Jesus said to-him, that Before (a) cock to-crow twice you-will-disown me thrice; and having-cast-on he-was-weeping.


MARK15v1 And immediately upon the morning the chief-priests with the elders and scribes and the total council, having-made counsel-together, having-bound the Jesus, brought (him) off and gave (him) over to-the Pilate.

MARK15v2 And the Pilate questioned him, Are-you yourself the king of-the Jews? But the (one) having-answered said to-him, You yourself-are-saying.

MARK15v3 And the chief-priests were-accusing of-him many-things.

MARK15v4 But the Pilate again questioned him, saying, Are-you not answering anything? Note how-many-things of-you they-are-witnessing-against.

MARK15v5 But the Jesus no-more answered anything, so-that the Pilate to-be-marvelling.

MARK15v6 But according-to (a) feast he-was-releasing to-them one prisoner, the-one-who they-were-requesting-for-themselves.

MARK15v7 But there-was the (one) being-called Barabbas with the fellow-rioters having-been-and-still-bound, ones-who in the strife were-having-done murder.

MARK15v8 And having-shouted-again the crowd began to-be-requesting-for-themselves according-as he-was invariably doing for-them.

MARK15v9 But the Pilate answered them, saying, Are-YOU-willing I-shall-release to-YOU the king of-the Jews?

MARK15v10 For he-was-coming-to-know that because-of envy the chief-priests were-having-given him over.

MARK15v11 But the chief-priests incited the crowd in-order-that he-might rather release the Barabbas to-them.

MARK15v12 But the Pilate having-answered again said to-them, What therefore are-YOU-willing I-shall-do (with him) whom YOU-are-saying king of-the Jews?

MARK15v13 But the (ones) again cried, You-crucify him.

MARK15v14 But the Pilate was-saying to-them, For what did-he bad? But the (ones) cried more-excessively, You-crucify him.

MARK15v15 But the Pilate purposing to-do the (thing) adequate for-the crowd, he-released for-them the Barabbas, and he-gave-over the Jesus, having-lashed, in-order-that he-might-be-crucified.

KARK15v16 But the soldiers led him away inside the court, which is Praetorium, and they-are-calling-together the total cohort.

MARK15v17 And they-are-clothing him in (a) purple-(garment), and they-are-placing-around him, having-plaited (it), (a) thorny crown,

MARK15v18 And they-began to-be-greeting him, Hall, King of-the Jews:

MARK15v19 And they-were-spitting his head with-a-reed, and they-were-spitting-on him, and placing the knees they-were-worshiping him.

MARK15v20 And when they-mocked him, they-stripped him (of) the purple-(garment), and they-clothed him in the garments namely-(his) own; and they-are-leading him out in-order-that they-might-crucify him.

MARK15v21 And they-are-commandeering some-one leading-past, Simon (a) Cyrenian, coming from (a) field, the father of-Alexander and Rufus, in-order-that he-might-lift-up his cross.

MARK15v22 And they-are-bringing him upon (a) place Golgotha, which is being-translated-with (a) place of-(a)-skull.

MARK15v23 And they-were-giving to-him wine having-been-and-still-flavored-with-myrrh to-drink; but the (one) took not.

MARK15v24 And having-crucified him, they-are-dividing-for-themselves his garments, casting (a) lot upon them what who might-lift-up.

MARK15v25 But it-was (the) third hour and they-crucified him.

MARK15v26 And the inscription of-the reason of-him was-having-been-and-still-inscribed:  The King of-the Jews.

MARK15v27 And together-with him they-are-crucifying two robbers, one out-of right[s] and one out-of left[s] of-him.

MARK15v28 And the scripture was-fulfilled, the (one) saying:  And he-was-figured with lawless (ones).

MARK15v29 And the (ones) proceeding-along were-blaspheming him moving their heads and saying: Aha the (one) overthrowing the sanctuary and in three days building-up.

MARK15v30 You-save yourself, and you-descend from the cross.

MARK15v31 And likewise the chief-priests mocking to one-another with the scribes were-saying:  He-saved others, himself he-is not being-able to-save;

MARK15v32 The Messiah, the king of-the Israeli, let-him-descend now from the cross, in-order-that we-might-see and we-might-trust. And the (ones) having-been-and-still-crucified-together with-him were-reproaching him.

MARK15v33 But (as) (the) sixth hour (was) having-come-to-pass, darkness came-to-pass upon the total land, till (the) ninth hour;

MARK15v34 And the hour namely-the ninth the Jesus shouted with-a-great voice, saying:  Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? Which is being-translated-with, The God of-me, the God of-me, with-reference-to what did-you-abandon me?

MARK15v35 And some of-the (ones) having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside having-heard were-saying:  Behold he-is-hollering-for Elias,

MARK15v36 But one having-run, having-loaded (a) sponge of-sour-wine, having-placed-(it)-around to-(a)-reed he-was-giving him to-drink, saying:  You-let-be, let-us-see if Elias is-coming to-lower him.

MARK15v37 But the Jesus having-let-go (a) great voice he-blew-out.

MARK15v38 And the veil of-the sanctuary was-split into two from from-above till below.

MARK15v39 But the centurion namely-the (one) having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside, out-of (a) position-opposite of-him, having-seen that thus having-cried he-blew-out he-said:  Truly this MAN was son of-God.

MARK15v40 But there-were also women to-be-observing from a-distance, among whom was also Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of-the James, namely-the little, and of-Joses, and Salome,

MARK15v41 The (ones) (who)-were-following with-him and were-ministering to-him when he-was in the Galilee, and many others the (ones) having-ascended-together with-him into Jerusalem.

MARK15v42 And (as) evening (was) already come-to-pass, since it-was (the)-making-ready, which is (the day) before-Sabbath,

MARK15v43 Joseph having-come, the (one) from Arimathea, (a) decent councillor, who also was himself welcoming the kingdom of-the God, having-dared, he-went-in to the Pilate and he-requested-for-himself the body of-the Jesus.

MARK15v44 But the Pilate marvelled if he-had-died-and-was-dead already, and having-called-to-himself the centurion, he-questioned him if he-died-off long-ago;

MARK15v45 And having-come-to-know from the centurion he-presented the corpse to-the JosEphesians  

MARK15v46 And having-bought muslin in-the-market and having-lowered him he-wrapped in-the muslin and placed him down in (a) tomb which was having-been-and-still-was-quarried out-of rock, and he-rolled-to (a) stone upon the door of-the tomb.

MARK15v47 But the Mary the Magdalene and Mary the (mother) of-Joses were-observing where he-had-been-and-was-still-placed.


MARK16v1 And (as) the Sabbath (was) having-completely-past, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the (mother) of-the James, and Salome bought spices in-the-market, in-order-that having-come they-might anoint him.

MARK16v2 And very (early) in-the-morning of-the (day) one of-the Sabbaths they-are-coming upon the tomb, (as) the sun (was) having-risen.

MARK16v3 And they-were-saying to themselves, Who will-roll-back the stone for us out-of the door of-the tomb?

MARK16v4 And having-looked-up they-are-observing that the stone had-been-and-was-still-rolled-back; for it-was extremely great.

MARK16v5 And having-gone-in into the tomb they-saw (a) youth sitting in the right[s], having-been-and-still-cast-around (with) (a) white stolee; and they-were-greatly-astonished.

MARK16v6 But the (one) is-saying to-them, YOU-be not being-greatly-astonished; YOU-are-seeking Jesus the Nazarene namely-the (one) having-been-and-still-crucified; he-was-raised, he-is not here; note the place where-in-which they-put him.

MARK16v7 But YOU-be-withdrawing, YOU-say to-the disciples of-him and to-the Peter, that he-is-preceding YOU into the Galilee; there YOU-will-see him, according-as he-said to-YOU.

MARK16v8 And having-gone-out speedily they-fled from the tomb, but (a) trembling and ecstasy was-holding them; and they-said not-one-thing to-no-one; for they-were-fearing.

MARK16v9 But having-stood-again in-the-morning on-first (day) of-(the)-Sabbath he-appeared first to-Mary the Magdalene, from whom he-had cast-out seven little-demons.

MARK16v10 That (one) having-proceeded she-reported to-the (ones who had been) with him having-become mourning and weeping.

MARK16v11 And-those having-heard that he-is-living and he-was-beheld by her disbelieved.

MARK16v12 But after these-(things) he-was-manifested in (a) different form to-two out-of them walking-around proceeding into (a) field.

MARK16v13 And-those having-gone-away reported to-the others; they neither trusted those.

MARK16v14 Later he-was-manifested to-the eleven, to-those lying-back, and he-reproached their unbelief and

hardness-of-heart, because they-trusted not in-the (ones) having-beheld him having-been-and-still-raised.

MARK16v15 And he-said to-them:  Having-proceeded into quite-all the world YOU-preach the good-news to-all the creation.

MARK16v16 The (one) having-trusted and having-been-baptized will-be-saved, but the (one) having-disbelieved will-be-condemned.

MARK16v17 But these signs will-follow-alongside to-the (ones) having-trusted: in my name they-will-cast-out little-demons; they-will-speak with-new-quality tongues;

MARK16v18 They-will-lift-up serpents; and-if they-might-drink something deadly by-no-means will-it-injure them; upon sickly they-will-put-on hands, and they-will-hold well.

MARK16v19 On-the-one-hand therefore the Lord after to-speak to-them was-taken-up into the heaven, and he-was-caused-to-be-seated out-of right[s] of-the God.

MARK16v20 On-the-other-hand those having-gone-out preached everywhere, (as) the Lord (was) working-together (with them) and the word (was) being-made-firm through the signs following-after. The good-news according-to Mark.





LUKE1v1 Since-indeed-at-any-rate many attempted to-compose (a) narration concerning the things having-been-and-still-brought-to-fulness among us,

LUKE1v2 According-as the-(ones) having-become eye-witnesses and officers of-the Word from (the) beginning gave-over to-us,

LUKE1v3 It-seemed to-me-also, (one)-having-been-and-still-following from-above in-all-(things) exactly, to-write to-you successively, mightiest Theophilus,

LUKEv4 In-order-that you-might-come-to-know-thoroughly the security of-words concerning which you-were-instructed.

LUKE1v5 It-came-to-pass in the days of-Herod the king of-the Judea (a) certain priest Zacharias by-name, out-of Abia's day-on, and his wife out-of the daughters of-Aaron, and her name Elizabeth.

LUKE1v6 But they-were both just in-sight of-the God, proceeding in all the commandments and just-acts of-the Lord faultless.

LUKE1v7 And to-them was not (a) child, in as much-as the Elizabeth was barren, and they-were both having-been-and-still-advanced in their days.

LUKE1v8 But it-came-to-pass in him to-be-serving-as-priest in the arrangement of-his day-on in-against the God,

LUKE1v9 According-to the custom of-the priest's-office, he-procured-by-destiny to-burn-incense, having-gone-in into the sanctuary of-the Lord.

LUKE1v10 And all the multitude of-the people was praying without in the hour of-the incense.

LUKE1v11 But (an) angel of-Jehovah was-seen by-him having-stood-and-still-standing out-of right(s) of-the altar namely-of-the incense.

LUKE1v12 And Zacharias having-seen he-was-disturbed, and fear fell-on upon him.

LUKE1v13 But the angel said to him, YOU-be not fearing-for-yourself, Zacharias, for-the-reason-that your petition was-listened-to, and your wife Elizabeth will-bear (a) son to-you, and you-will-call his name John.

LUKE1v14 And he-will-be (a) joy to-you and exultation, and many will-be-rejoiced upon his genesis.

LUKE1v15 For he-will-be great in-sight of-the Lord; and by-no-means might-he-drink wine and strong-drink, and he-will-be-filled-full of-(the)-Holy Spirit still out-of his mother's belly.

LUKE1v16 And he-will-turn-around many of-the sons of-Israel upon Jehovah their God.

LUKE1v17 And he himself will-go-before in-sight of-him in spirit and power of-Elias, to-turn-around hearts of-fathers upon children, and (ones)-disobedient with prudence of-just-(ones), to-prepare (a) people having-been-and-still-constructed for-Jehovah.

LUKE1v18 And Zacharias said to the angel, According-to what will-I-myself-come-to-know this?  For I myself-am (an) old-man, and my wife having-been-and-still-advanced in her days.

LUKE1v19 And the angel having-answered said to-him, I myself am Gabriel, the-(one) having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside in-sight of-the God, and I-was-dispatched to-speak to you, and to-myself-bring-good-news-of these-(things) to-you.

LUKE1v20 And behold, you-will-be being-silent and not being-able to-speak until the day these-(things) might-come-to-pass, because you-trusted not my words, ones-which will-be-fulfilled with-reference-to their season.

LUKE1v21 And the people (were) anticipating the Zacharias, and they-were-marvelling with his to-be-lingering in the sanctuary.

LUKE1v22 But having-come-out he-was not being-able to-speak to-them, and they-came-to-know-thoroughly that he-had-seen (a) supernatural-appearing in the sanctuary. And he himself was constantly-nodding to-them, and he-was-remaining-continuously dull.

LUKE1v23 And it-came-to-pass as the days of-his public-ministry were-fully-filled he-went-away into his home.

LUKE1v24 But after these days Elizabeth his wife conceived, and she-hid-around herself five months, saying,

LUKE1v25 That thus the Lord has-done-and-is-still-doing to-me in days which he-took-notice to-remove-away my censure among MEN.

LUKE1v26 But in the month, namely-the sixth, the angel Gabriel was-dispatched by the God into (a) city of-the Galilee, to-which Nazareth (was the) name,

LUKE1v27 To (a) virgin having-been-and-still-betrothed to-(a)-man to-whom Joseph (was the) name, out-of (the) household of-David, and the name of-the virgin (was) Mary.

LUKE1v28 And the angel having-come-in to her said, Hail, (one)-having-been-and-still-favored: The Lord (is) with you, you (are) having-been-and-still-blessed among women.

LUKE1v29 But the-(one) having-seen, she-was-thoroughly-disturbed over his word, and she-was-deliberating of-what-quality this greeting may-be.

LUKE1v30 And the angel said to-her, YOU-be not fearing-for-yourself, Mary, for you-found favor beside the God;

LUKE1v31 And behold you-will-yourself-conceive in womb and you-will-bring-forth (a) son and you-will-call his name Jesus.

LUKE1v32 And this-(one) will-be great, and he-will-be-called Son of-(the)-Most-High; and Jehovah the God will-give to-him the throne of-David his father;

LUKE1v33 And he-will-be-king over the household of-Jacob with-reference-to the ages, and of-his kingdom (a) finish will not be.

LUKE1v34 But Mary said to the angel, How will this be since I-am not coming-to-know (a) man?

LUKE1v35 And having-answered the angel said to-her, (The) Holy Spirit will-come-on upon you, and power of-(the)-Most-High will-overshadow you; on-this-account also the holy-(thing) being-born will-be-called Son of-God.

LUKE1v36 And behold, Elizabeth your relative, has-conceived (a) son in her old-age and this is (the) sixth month for-her the-(one) being-called barren;

LUKE1v37 Because every saying will not be-impossible beside the God.

LUKE1v38 But Mary said, Behold, the slave-(girl) of-Jehovah, may-it-come-to-pass to-me according-to your saying.  And the angel went-away from her.

LUKE1v39 But having-stood-up, Mary in these days proceeded into the mountainous-(country) with diligence, into (a) city of-Judah,

LUKE1v40 And she-went-in into the home of-Zacharias and she-greeted the Elizabeth.

LUKE1v41 And it-came-to-pass as the Elizabeth heard the greeting of-the Mary, the baby leaped in her belly; and the Elizabeth was-filled-full of-(the)-Holy Spirit,

LUKE1v42 And she-exclaimed with-a-great voice and said, Having-been-and-still-blessed (are) you among women, and having-been-and-still-blessed (is) the fruit of-your belly.

LUKE1v43 And from-whence (is) this-(thing) to-me, in-order-that the mother of-my Lord might-come to me?

LUKE1v44 For behold, as the voice of-your greeting came-to-be into my ears, the baby leaped in my belly in exultation.

LUKE1v45 And happy (is) the-(woman) having-trusted, because it-will-be perfectness to-the-(things) having-been-and-still-spoken to-her from Jehovah.

LUKE1v46 And Mary said, My soul is-magnifying the Lord,

LUKE1v47 And my spirit exulted upon the God my Savior.

LUKE1v48 Because he-looked-on upon the humbling of-his slave-(girl); for behold, from the now all generations will-consider me happy.

LUKE1v49 Because the-(one) powerful did great-deeds to-me, and holy (is) his name;

LUKE1v50 And his mercy with-reference-to generations of-generations to-the-(ones) themselves-fearing him.

LUKE1v51 He-did might with his arm, he-scattered-abroad (ones)-proud in-(the)-intellect of-their heart.

LUKE1|v52 He-lowered powerful-ones from thrones, and he-raised-to-a-height (ones)-humble.

LUKE1v53 He-filled-full-within of-good-(things) (ones)-being-hungry, and he-dispatched-out empty (ones)-being-rich.

LUKE1v54 He-assisted Israel his child (infant-youth), to-be-made-mindful of-mercy,

LUKE1v55 According-as he-spoke to our fathers, to-the Abraham and to his seed with-reference-to the age.

LUKE1v56 But Mary remained with her about three months, and she returned into her home.

LUKE1v57 But to-the Elizabeth the time was-fully-filled (for) her to-bring-forth, and she-bore (a) son.

LUKE1v58 And the-(ones) around-the-household and her relatives heard that Jehovah was-magnifying his mercy with her, and they-were-rejoicing-together with-her.

LUKE1v59 And it-came-to-pass in the eighth day they-came to-circumcise the (pre-teen)-child, and they-were-calling it on the name of-his father Zacharias.

LUKE1v60 And having-answered his mother said, Not-(so), BUT he-will-be-called John.

LUKE1v61 And they-said to her, That no-one is among your relationship who is-being-called by-this name.

LUKE1v62 But they-were-nodding to his father (about) what the-(thing) he-may-be-willing him to-be-being-called.

LUKE1v63 And having-requested (a) (writing)-tablet he-wrote, saying, John is his name.  And they all marvelled.

LUKE1v64 But his mouth was-opened instantly and his tongue, and he-was-speaking blessing the God.

LUKE1v65 And fear came-to-be upon all the-(ones) dwelling-around them; and in the total mountainous-(country) of-the Judea all these sayings (were)-being-discussed.

LUKE1v66 And all the-(ones) having-heard put (them) in their heart, saying, So what will this (pre-teen)-child be?  And (the) hand of-Jehovah was with him.

LUKE1v67 And Zacharias his father was-filled-full of (the) Holy Spirit, and he-prophesied, saying,

LUKE1v68 Blessed Jehovah the God of-the-Israeli; because he-visited and he-made redemption for his people,

LUKE1v69 And he-raised (a) horn of-salvation for us in the household of-David his male-servant;

LUKE1v70 According-as he-spoke through (a) mouth of-his holy-(ones), namely-the prophets from (an) age;

LUKE1v71 Salvation out-of our enemies and out-of (the) hand of-all of-the-(ones) hating us;

LUKE1v72 To-do mercy with our fathers, and to-be-made-mindful of-his holy covenant,

LUKE1v73 Which oath he-swore to Abraham our father,

LUKE1v74 To-give to-us having-been-delivered fearlessly out-of (the) hand of-enemies to-be-serving for-him

LUKE1v75 In hallowedness and justice in-sight of-him all the days of our life.

LUKE1v76 But you, (pre-teen)-child, will-be-called (a) prophet of-(the)-Most-High; for you-will-proceed-before, before (the) person of-Jehovah to-prepare his ways;

LUKE1v77 To-give knowledge of-salvation to his people with forgiveness of-their sins,

LUKE1v78 Because-of bowels of-mercy of-our God, with which (the) (sun)-rising visited us out-of height,

LUKE1v79 To-appear-clearly to-the (ones) sitting in darkness and in shadow of-death; to-completely-direct our feet with-reference-to (a) way of-peace.

LUKE1v80 But the (pre-teen)-child was-growing and was-becoming-mighty in spirit; and he-was in the wildernesses till (a) day of-his displaying to the Israeli.


LUKE2v1 But it-came-to-pass in those days (a) decree went-out from Caesar Augustus, all the inhabited-earth to-be-being-registered;

LUKE2v2 This registration first came-to-pass (as) Cyrenius (is) governing of-the Syria.

LUKE2v3 And all were-proceeding to-be-being-registered, each into one's-own city.

LUKE2v4 But Joseph also ascended from the Galilee out-of (the) city Nazareth into the Judea, into (a) city of-David, one-which is-being-called Bethlehem, because-of him to-be out-of (the) household and lineage of-David,

LUKE2v5 To-register-himself along-with Mary the-(one) having-been-and-still-betrothed to-him for-a-wife, (she)-being pregnant.

LUKE2v6 But it-came-to-pass in the (time) they (were) to-be there the days of her to-bring-forth were-fully-fulfilled,

LUKE2v7 And she-brought-forth her son namely-the first-born, and she-wrapped him in-swaddling-clothes, and she-reclined him again in the manger, for the  reason-that there-was not (a) place for-them in the guest-chamber.

LUKE2v8 And shepherds were in the country namely-the same, living-in-the-fields and guarding (a) guard-period over their flock;

LUKE2v9 And behold, (an) angel of-Jehovah stood-by to-them, and glory of-Jehovah shone-around them, and they-feared great fear.

LUKE2v10 And the angel said to-them, YOU-be not fearing-for-yourselves; for behold, I-myself-am-bringing-good-news-of great joy to-YOU, which will-be for-all the people;

LUKE2v11 That (a) Savior was-brought-forth for-YOU to-day, in (the) city of-David, who is Messiah Jehovah.

LUKE2v12 And this (is) the sign for-YOU; YOU-will-find (a) baby having-been-and-still-wrapped-in-swaddling-clothes, lying in the manger.

LUKE2v13 And (a) multitude of-a-heavenly host came-to-be unexpectedly together-with the angel, praising the God, and saying,

LUKE2v14 Glory to-God in (the) most-high-(places), and peace on earth, among MEN (of?)-well-thinking.

LUKE2v15 And it-came-to-pass as the angels went-away from them into the heaven, the MEN namely-the shepherds also said to one-another, Let-us indeed go-through till Bethlehem, and let-us-see this saying, namely-the-(one) having-come-to-pass, which the Lord made-known to-us.

LUKE2v16 And having-hurried they-came and they-found-out-(by-search) both the Mary and the Joseph, also the baby lying in the manger.

LUKE2v17 But having-seen, they-made-known-abroad concerning the saying, namely-the-(one) having-been-spoken to-them concerning this (pre-teen)-child.

LUKE2v18 And all the-(ones) having-heard marvelled concerning the-(things) having-been-spoken to them by the shepherds.

LUKE2v19 But the Mary was-keeping all these sayings safe, casting-(them)-together in her heart.

LUKE2v20 And the shepherds turned-around, glorifying and praising the God over all-(things) which they-heard and saw, according-as it-was-spoken to them.

LUKE2v21 And when eight days were-fully-filled to-circumcise the (pre-teen)-child, his name also was-called Jesus, the-(one) he-was called by the angel before he (was) to-be-conceived in the belly.

LUKE2v22 And when the days were-fully-filled of-their cleansing according-to the law of-Moses, they-led him up into Jerusalem to-stand-alongside to-the Lord,

LUKE2v23 According-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written in (the) law of-Jehovah, That every male thoroughly-opening (a) matrix will-be-called holy to-the Lord;

LUKE2v24 And to-give (a) sacrifice according-to the-(thing) having-been-and-still-said in (the) law of-Jehovah, (A) pair of-turtle-doves or two young doves.

LUKE2v25 And behold (a) MAN was in Jerusalem whose name (was) Simeon; and this MAN (was) just and devout, welcoming (the) comfort of-the Israeli, and (the) Holy Spirit was upon him.

LUKE2v26 And it-was having-been-and-still-divinely-informed to-him by the Spirit, namely-the Holy, to not see death or before he-might-see the Messiah of-Jehovah.

LUKE2v27 And he-came in the Spirit into the temple; and with the parents to-lead-in the (pre-teen)-child Jesus, (for) them to-do concerning him according-to the-(thing) having-been-and-still-done-as-custom of-the law,

LUKE2v28 And he himself-received it into his bent-arms, and he-blessed the God, and said,

LUKE2v29 Now you-are-releasing your slave, Despot, in peace according-to your saying;

LUKE2v30 Because my eyes saw your salvation,

LUKE2v31 Which you-prepared according-to (a) person of-all the peoples;

LUKE2v32 (A) light with-reference-to uncovering of-nations and glory of-your people Israel.

LUKE2v33 And Joseph was and his mother marvelling upon the-(things) being-spoken concerning him.

LUKE2v34 And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother, Behold this-(one) is-lying with-reference-to (a)

falling and (a) standing-again of-many among the Israeli, and with-reference-to (a) sign being-contradicted;

LUKE2v35 But (a) sword will-go-through also of-your soul itself; in-which-case deliberations out-of many hearts might-be-uncovered.

LUKE2v36 And Anna was (a) prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, out-of (the) tribe of-Asher, this-(one) having-been-and-still-advanced in many days, having-lived with (a) husband seven years from her virginity,

LUKE2v37 And this-(one) (was) (a) widow of approximately eighty-four years, who was not departing from the temple, serving with-fastings and with-petitions night and day:

LUKE2v38 And this-(one) having-stood-by in the same hour was-giving-recognition to-the Lord, and she-was-speaking concerning him to-all the-(ones) welcoming redemption in Jerusalem.

LUKE2v39 And as they-finished quite-all the-(things) according-to the law of-Jehovah, they-returned into the Galilee, into their city, Nazareth.

LUKE2v40 But the (pre-teen)-child was-growing and was-becoming-mighty in-spirit, being-filled with wisdom, and (the) favor of-God was upon it.

LUKE2v41 And his parents were-proceeding yearly into Jerusalem in-the feast of-the passover.

LUKE2v42 And when he-came-to-be of twelve years, (as) they (were) having-ascended into Jerusalem according-to the custom of-the feast,

LUKE2v43 And having-made-perfect the days, in them to-be-returning, the child-(infant-youth) Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, and Joseph came not to-know, also his mother;

LUKE2v44 But having-supposed him to-be in the company-of-travelers they-went (the) way of-a-day, and they-were-seeking him again among the relatives and among the-(ones) known:

LUKE2v45 And not having-found him they-returned into Jerusalem, seeking him.

LUKE2v46 And it-came-to-pass after three days they-found him in the temple, sitting-down in midst of-the teachers, and hearing of-them and questioning them.

LUKE12v47 But all the-(ones) hearing from-him were-being-made-ecstatic over the intelligence and his replies.

LUKE2v48 And having-seen him they-were-surprised: and his mother said to him, Child, why did-you thus to-us? Behold, your father and-I being-pained were-seeking you.

LUKE2v49 And he-said to-them, Why (is-it) that YOU-were-seeking me? Were-YOU not knowing-absolutely that it-is-essential (for) me to-be in the-(things) of-my Father?

LUKE2v50 And they themselves-perceived not the saying which he-spoke to-them.

LUKE2v51 And he-descended with them and he-came into Nazareth, and he-was subjecting-himself to-them. And his mother was-maintaining all these sayings in her heart.

LUKE2v52 And Jesus was-progressing in-wisdom and in-stature, and in-favor beside God and MEN.


LUKE3v1 But in (the) fifteenth year of-the government of-Tiberius Caesar, (as) Pontius Pilate (was) governing of-the Judea, and (as) Herod (was) being-tetrarch of-the Galilee, but (as) Philip his brother (was) being-tetrarch of-the Ituraea and of-(the)-country of-Trachonitis, and (as) Lysanias (was) being-tetrarch of-the Abilene,

LUKE3v2 Upon (the) chief-priests of-Annas and of Caiaphas, (a) saying of-God came-to-pass upon John the son of-the Zacharias in-the wilderness.

LUKE 3v3 And he-went into all the country-around of-the Jordan, preaching (a) baptism of-repentance with-reference-to forgiveness of-sins;

LUKE3v4 As it-has-been-and-is-still-written in (the) book of-words of Esaias the prophet, saying, (A) voice of-(one)-shouting in the wilderness, YOU-prepare the way of-Jehovah; YOU-be-making his paths direct.

LUKE3v5 Every ravine will-be-filled, and every mountain and hill will-be-humbled; and the crooked-(things) will-be with-reference-to direct, and the rugged-(ones) with-reference-to smooth ways;

LUKE3v6 And all flesh will-see the salvation of-the God.

LUKE3v7 Therefore he-is-saying to-the crowds proceeding-out to-be-baptized by him, Products of-vipers, who indicated to-YOU to-flee from the future wrath?

LUKE3v8 Therefore YOU-make fruits worthy of-the repentance; and might-YOU not begin to-be-saying within yourselves, We-are-having (a) father, the Abraham, for I-am-saying to-YOU, that the God is-being-able to-raise children to-the Abraham out-of these stones.

LUKE 3v9 But already also the axe is-lying toward the root of-the trees:  therefore every tree not making fine fruit is-being-chopped-away and is-being-cast into fire.

LUKE3v10 And the crowds were-questioning him, saying, What therefore shall-we-do?

LUKE3v11 But having-answered he-is-saying to-them, The-(one) having two tunics-(chitons) let-him-impart to-the (one) not having; and the-(one) having foods let-him-be-doing likewise.

LUKE3v12 But tax-collectors also came to-be-baptized, and they-said to him, Teacher, what shall-we-do?

LUKE3v13 But the-(one) said to-them, YOU-be-practising not one-(thing) much-more beside the-(thing) having-been-and-still-ordered for-YOU.

LUKE3v14 But (ones)-serving-in-the-army were also questioning him, saying, And what shall-we ourselves do?  And he-said to-them, Might-YOU-intimidate no-one neither might-YOU-calumniate, and YOU-be-being-sufficed with YOUR wages.

LUKE3v15 But (as) the people (were) anticipating, and (as) all (were) deliberating in their hearts concerning the John, lest-at-anytime he himself may-be the Messiah,

LUKE3v16 The John answered to-quite-all, saying, On-the-one-hand I myself-am-baptizing YOU in-water, on-the-other-hand the (one) is-coming stronger (than) me, of-whom I-am not adequate to-lose the thong of his shoes; he himself will-baptize YOU in (the) Holy Spirit and fire;

LUKE3v17 Of-whom the winnowing-shovel (is) in his hand, and he-will-thoroughly-clean his threshing-floor, and he-will-gather-together the wheat into his granary, but the chaff he-will-burn-up with unquenchable fire.

LUKE3v18 On-the-one-hand therefore entreating many-(things) and different-(things) he-was-himself-bringing-good-news-to the people.

LUKE3v19 On-the-other-hand the Herod, namely-the tetrarch, being-reproved by him concerning Herodias the wife of-Philip his brother, and concerning all evil-(things) which the Herod did,

LUKE3v20 He-added even this upon all-(things), he also shut-up the John in the guard-house.

LUKE3v21 But it-came-to-pass among quite-all the people to-be-Baptized, (as) Jesus also (was) having-been-baptized and (was) praying, the heaven to-be-opened,

LUKE3v22 And the Spirit, namely-the Holy, to-descend with-(a)-bodily shape upon him as-if (a) dove, and to-come-to-be (a) voice out-of heaven, saying, You yourself-are my son namely-the cherished, I-thought-well with you.

LUKE3v23 And the Jesus himself was about thirty of-years beginning (his ministry?), being, as it-was-being-supposed, (a) son of-Joseph, of-the Eli,

LUKE3v24 Of-the Matthat, of-the Levi, of-the Melchi, of-the Janna, of-the Joseph,

LUKE3v25 Of-the Mattathias, of-the Amos, of-the Naoum, of-the Eslis, of-the Naggai,

LUKE3v26 Of-the Maath, of-the Mattathias, of-the Semei, of-the Joseph, of-the Juda,

LUKE3v27 Of-the Joannes, of-the Rhesa, of-the Zorobabel, of-the Salathiel, of-the Neri,

LUKE3v28 Of-the Melchi, of-the Addi, of-the Cosam, of-the Elmodam, of-the Er,

LUKE3v29 Of-the Joses, of-the Eliezer, of-the Joreim, of-the Matthat, of-the Levi,

LUKE3v30 Of-the Simeon, of-the Juda, of-the Joseph, of-the Jonan, of-the Eliakim,

LUKE3v31 Of-the Meleas, of-the Menna, of-the Mattatha, of-the Nathan, of-the David,

LUKE3v32 Of-the Jesse, of-the Obed, of-the Boaz, of-the Salmon, of-the Naasson,

LUKE3v33 Of-the Aminadab, of-the Aram, of-the Esrom, of-the Phares, of-the Juda,

LUKE3v34 Of-the Jacob, of-the Isaac, of-the Abraham, of-the Terah, of-the Nachor,

LUKE3v35 Of-the Saruch, of-the Raqau, of-the Phalek, of-the Eber, of-the Sala,

LUKE3v36 Of-the Cainan, of-the Arphaxad, of-the Sem, of-the Noah, of-the Lamech,

LUKE3v37 Of-the Mathusala, of-the Enoch, of-the Jared, of-the Maleleel, of-the Cainan,

LUKE3v38 Of-the Enos, of-the Seth, of-the Adam, of-the God.


LUKE4v1 But Jesus full of-(the)-Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and he-was-being-led in the Spirit into the wilderness.

LUKE4v2 Being-tried forty days by the slanderer; and he-ate not, not-one-(thing), in those days, and (as) they (were) being-completely-finished, later he-became-hungry.

LUKE4v3 And the slanderer said to-him, if you-are son of-the God, you-say to-this stone in-order-that it-might-become bread.

LUKE4v4 And Jesus answered to him, saying, It-has-been-and-is-still-written, That not upon bread only the MAN will-live, BUT upon every saying of-God.

LUKE4v5 And the slanderer having-led him up into (a) high mountain he-pointed-to all the kingdoms of-the inhabited-earth for-him in (a) point of-time.

LUKE4v6 And the slanderer said to-him, I-shall-give to-you quite-all this authority and their glory; because it-has-been-and-is-still-given-over to-me, and to-whom if I-am-willing I-am-giving it.

LUKE4v7 If therefore you yourself-might-worship in-sight of-me, all-(things) will-be of-you.

LUKE4v8 And the Jesus having-answered said to-him, You-be-withdrawing behind of-me, Satan; for it has-been-and-is-still-written, You-will-worship Jehovah your God, and for-him only you-will-serve.

LUKE4v9 And he-led him into Jerusalem, and he-stood him upon the pinnacle of-the temple, and he-said to-him, if you-are the son of-the God, you-cast yourself down hence;

LUKE4v10 For it-has-been-and-is-still-written, That to his angels he-will-command concerning you, to-thoroughly-guard you;

LUKE4v11 And that on hands they-will-lift you up, lest-at-any-time you-might-stumble your foot with (a) stone.

LUKE4v12 And having-answered the Jesus said to-him, That-it-has-been-and-is-still-said, You-will not tempt Jehovah your God.

LUKE4v13 And having-finished-completely every trial the slanderer departed from him until (a) season.

LUKE4v14 And the Jesus returned in the power of-the Spirit into the Galilee; and (his) fame went-out down-over the total country-around concerning him.

LUKE4v15 And he himself-was-teaching in their synagogues, being-glorified by all.

LUKE4v16 And he-went into the Nazareth, the-place-where he-was having-been-nourished; and he-went-in according-to his having-been-custom in the day of-the Sabbaths into the synagogue, and he-stood-up to-read.

LUKE4v17 And (the) little-book of-Esaias the prophet was-handed-over to-him, and having-unrolled the little-book he-found the place, the-place-where it-was having-been-and-still-written,

LUKE4v18 (The) Spirit of-Jehovah (is) upon me on-account of-which he-consecrated me to-myself-be-bringing-good-news to-(ones)-destitute, he-has-dispatched-and-is-still-dispatching me to-cure the-(ones) the heart having-been-and-still-shattered, to-preach forgiveness to-captives and receiving-of-sight to-(ones)-blind, to-dispatch with forgiveness (ones)-having-been-and-still-enfeebled,

LUKE4v19 To-preach (an) accepted year of-Jehovah.

LUKE4v20 And having-rolled the little-book, having-given-(it)-back to-the officer he-was-seated, and the eyes of-all in the synagogue were staring to-him.

LUKK4v21 But he-began to-be-saying to them, That today this scripture has-been-and-is-still-fulfilled in YOUR ears.

LUKE4v22 And they all were-bearing-witness to-him, and they-were-marvelling upon the words of-the favor, namely-the-(ones) proceeding-out out-of-his mouth; and they-were-saying, Is not this-(one) the son of-Joseph?

LUKE4v23 And he-said to-them, In-any-event YOU-will-say to-me this parable, Curer, you-heal yourself; as-many-(things)-as we-heard having-come-to-pass in the Capernaum, you-do also here in your fatherland.

LUKE4v24 But he-said, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that not-one prophet is accepted in his fatherland.

LUKE4v25 But on truth I-am-saying to-YOU, many widows were among the Israeli in the days of-Elias, when the heaven was shut upon three years and six months, as (a) great famine came-to-pass upon all the land,

LUKE4v26 And to not-one of-them was Elias sent unless into Sarepta of-the Sidonia to (a) widow woman.

LUKE4v27 And many lepers were among the Israeli upon Elisha the prophet, and not-one of them was-cleansed unless Naaman the Syrian.

LUKE4v28 And all in the synagogue were-filled-full of-anger, hearing these-(things);

LUKE4v29 And having-stood-up they-cast him out without the city, and they-led him till the brow of-the mountain upon which their city had-been-built, with-reference-to to-throw him down-a-precipice.

LUKE4v30 But he having-gone-through, through (the) midst of-them, he-was-proceeding.

LUKE4v31 And he-went-down into Capernaum (a) city of-the Galilee, and he-was-teaching them in the Sabbaths.

LUKE4v32 And they-were-being-surprised upon his doctrine, because his word was with authority.

LUKE4v33 And in the synagogue was (a) MAN having (a) spirit of-(an)-unclean little-demon, and he-cried-out with-(a)-great voice,

LUKE4v34 Saying, Ah:  What (is-it) to-us and to-you, Jesus, Nazarene? Came-you to-destroy us? I-am-knowing-absolutely who you yourself-are, the Holy-(one) of-the God.

LUKE4v35 And the Jesus rebuked it, saying, You-be-muzzled, and you-come-out out-of him.  And the little-demon having-thrown him into the midst came-out from him, having-injured him not-one-(bit).

LUKE4v36 And astonishment came-to-be upon all, and they-were-speaking-together to one-another, saying, What-(is) this word, because in authority and power he-is-enjoining to-the unclean spirits, and they-are-coming-out?

LUKE4v37 And sound was-proceeding-out concerning him into every place of-the country-around.

LUKE4v38 But having-stood-up he-went-out out-of the synagogue into the house of-Simon. But the mother-in-law of-the Simon was being-held-with great fever; and they-interrogated him concerning her.

LUKE4v39 And having-stood-by above-upon her he-rebuked the fever, and it-let her go; but instantly having-stood-up she-was-ministering to-them.

LUKE4v40 But (as) the sun (was) setting, all, as-many-as were-having (ones)-being-weak with-various diseases led them to him, but the-(one) having-put-on the hands to-each one of-them he-healed them;

LUKE4v41 But also little-demons (were)-going-out from many, crying and saying, Because you yourself-are the Messiah, the son of-the God. And rebuking he-was not allowing them to-be-speaking because they-had-known him absolutely to-be the Messiah.

LUKE4v42 But (as) day (was) having-come-to-be, having-gone-out he-proceeded into (a) desolate place, and the crowds were-seeking him, and they-came till him and they-were-holding him fast, not to-be-proceeding from them.

LUKE4v43 But the-(one) said to them, Because it-is-essential (for) me to-myself-bring the kingdom of-the God good-news also to-the different cities; because I-have-been-and-am-still-dispatched with-reference-to this.

LUKE4v44 And he-was preaching in the synagogues of-the Galilee.


LUKE5v1 But it-came-to-pass in the crowd to-be-lying-upon him to-be-hearing the word of-the God, and he himself was having-stood-and-still-standing beside the lake Gennesaret:

LUKE5v2 And he-saw two vessels having-stood-and-still-standing beside the lake, but the fisherman having-disembarked from them, they-washed-off the nets,

LUKE5v3 But having-embarked into one of-the vessels which was of-the Simon, he-interrogated him to-put-back-on-(the-sea), (a) little bit from the land; and having-been-seated he-was-teaching the crowds out-of the vessel.

LUKE5v4 But as he-himself-ceased speaking he-said to the Simon, YOU-put-back-on (the sea) into the depth and YOU-let-down YOUR nets with-reference-to (a) catch.

LUKE5v5 And having-answered the Simon said to-him, Master, having-tired-from-labor through the total night, we-took not-one-(thing), but upon your saying I-shall-let-down the net.

LUKE5v6 And having-done this they-shut-together much multitude of-fishes; but their net was-being-rent-asunder.

LUKE5v7 And they-nodded-assent to-the sharers, namely-the (ones) in the different vessel, (ones) having-come to-take-together with-them; and they-came, and they-filled both the vessels full, so-that they-were-being-caused-to-submerge.

LUKE5v8 But Simon Peter having-seen fell-before the knees of-the Jesus, saying, You-go-out from me, because I-am (a) sinful man, Lord.

LUKE5v9 For astonishment contained him and all the (ones) together-with him, upon the catch of-the fishes which they-took-together.

LUKE5v10 But likewise also James and John, sons of-Zebedee, who were partners with-the Simon. And the Jesus said to the Simon, You-be not fearing-for-yourself; from the now you-will-be catching-alive MEN.

LUKE5v11 And having-led-down the vessels upon the land, having-let-go quite-all-(things) they-followed him.

LUKE5v12 And (as) he (was) in one of-the cities, also behold, (a) man full of-leprosy, and having-seen the Jesus, having-fallen upon (his) face he-petitioned of-him, saying, Lord if you-might-be-willing you-are-being-able to-cleanse me.

LUKE5v13 And having-stretched-out the hand he-handled of-him, having-said, I-am-willing you-be-cleansed. And immediately the leprosy went-away from him.

LUKE5v14 And he himself-delivered-a-message to-him to-say to-no-one; BUT having-gone-away you-point yourself to-the priest, and you-offer concerning your cleansing according-as Moses prescribed, with-reference-to (a) testimony to-them.

LUKE5v15 But the word was-going-through more concerning him; and many crowds were-coming-together to-be-hearing and to-be-being-healed by him from their weaknesses.

LUKE5v16 But he himself-was retiring-beneath in the wildernesses and praying.

LUKE5v17 And it-came-to-pass in one of-the days and he himself-was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers-of-the-law were sitting-(by), who were (ones)-having-come out-of every village of-the Galilee and of-Judea and of-Jerusalem:  and power of-Jehovah was with-reference-to to-be-curing them.

LUKE5v18 And behold, men bringing (a) MAN on (a) bed who was having-been-and-still-paralyzed, and they-were-seeking to-bring him in and to-put (him) in-sight of-him.

LUKE5v19 And not having-found through what-manner they-might-bring him in because-of the crowd, having-ascended upon the housetop, they-let him descend through the tiles together-with the stretcher into the midst in-front of-the Jesus,

LUKE5v20 And having-seen their trust he-said to-him, MAN, your sins have-been-and-still-are-forgiven to-you.

LUKE5v21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to-be-deliberating, saying, Who is this (one) who is-speaking blasphemies?  Who is-being-able to-be-forgiving sins, unless the God only?

LUKE5v22 But the Jesus having-come-to-know-thoroughly their deliberations having-answered said to them, Why are-YOU-deliberating in YOUR hearts?

LUKE5v23 Which is easier, to-say, Your sins have-been-and-still-are-forgiven to-you, or to-say, You-yourself-arise and you-be-walking-around?

LUKE5v24 But in-order-that YOU-might-know-absolutely that the son of-the MAN is-having authority on the earth to-be-forgiving sins, he said to-the-(one) having-been-and-still-paralyzed, I-am-saying to-you, You-yourself-arise, and having-lifted-up your stretcher you-be-proceeding into your home.

LUKE5v25 And instantly having-stood-up in-sight of-them,  having-lifted-up (that) upon which he-was-lying-down, he-went-away into his home, glorifying the God.

LUKE5v26 And ecstasy took quite-all, and they-were-glorifying the God, and they-were-filled-full of-fear, saying, That we-saw incredible-(things) today.

LUKE5v27 And after these-(things) he-went-out, and he-beheld (a) tax-collector, Levi by-name, sitting over the tax-office, and he-said to-him, You-be-following with-me.

LUKE5v28 And having-left-behind quite-all-(things), having-stood-up he-followed with-him.

LUKE5v29 And the Levi made (a) great reception for him in his house, and there-was much crowd of-tax-gatherers and of-others who were lying-down with them.

LUKE5v30 And their scribes and the Pharisees were murmuring to his disciples, saying, Because-of-what are-YOU-eating and are-YOU-drinking with tax-collectors and sinners?

LUKE5v31 And having-answered the Jesus said to them, The-(ones) being-healthy are not having need of-a-curer, BUT the-(ones) having badly.

LUKE5v32 I-have not come to-call just-(ones), BUT sinners with-reference-to repentance.

LUKE5v33 But the-(ones) said to him, Because-of-what are the disciples of-John fasting frequently and themselves-making petitions, likewise also the-(ones) of-the Pharisees, but the-(ones) with-you are eating and drinking?

LUKE5v34 But the-(one) said to them, Are-YOU-being-able to-make the sons of-the bridal-chamber to-be-fasting in which-(time) the bridegroom is with them?

LUKE5v35 But days will-come and at-the-time-that the bridegroom might-be-lifted-away from them, then they-will-fast in those days.

LUKE5v36 But he-was-saying also (a) parable to them, That no-one is-casting-on (a) patch from-(a)-new-quality garment-(himation) upon (an) old garment-(himation), but if he-is not in-fact splitting even the new-quality (one), and (the) patch, the-(one) from the new-quality is not agreeing with-the old.

LUKE5v37 And no-one is-casting new wine into old skin-bags, but if the new wine will not-in-fact rend-asunder the skin-bags, and it itself-will-be-poured-out, and the skin-bags will-perish;

LUKE5v38 BUT one-must-cast new wine into new-quality skin-bags, and both are-being-kept-safe.

LUKE5v39 And no-one having-drunk old is immediately willing new; for he-is-saying, The old is more-gracious.


LUKE6v1 But it-came-to-pass in (a) second-first Sabbath, he to-be-proceeding-through through the sown-fields; and his disciples were-plucking-off the ears, and they-were-eating, rubbing-in-pieces with-the hands.

LUKE6v2 But some of-the Pharisees said to-them, Why are-YOU-doing which-(thing) is not legitimate to-be-doing in the Sabbaths?

LUKE6v3 And having-answered the Jesus said to them, Neither read-YOU this-(thing) which David did, once-when he himself hungered and the-(ones) being with him?

LUKE6v4 As he-went-in into the home of-the God, and he-took the loaves of-the plan, and he-ate, and he-gave also to-the-(ones) with him, which it-is not legitimate to-eat unless the priests only ?

LUKE6v5 And he-was-saying to-them, That the son of-the MAN is Jehovah also of-the Sabbath.

LUKE6v6 But it-came-to-pass also in (a) different Sabbath he to-go-in into the synagogue and to-be-teaching; and

(a) MAN was there, and his hand, namely-the right was dried-up.

LUKE6v7 But the scribes and the Pharisees were-keeping-alongside him, if he-will-heal in the Sabbath, in-order-that they-might-find accusation of-him.

LUKE6v8 But he himself-had-known-absolutely their deliberations, and he-said to-the MAN, namely-the-(one) having the hand dried-up, You-yourself-arise, and you-stand into the midst.  But the-(one) having-stood-up he-stood.

LUKE6v9 Therefore the Jesus said to them, I-shall-question YOU, what is-legitimate in-the Sabbaths to-do-good or to-do-bad?  To-save (a) soul or to-destroy?

LUKE6v10 And having-looked-around-at them all he-said to-the MAN, You-stretch-out your hand. But the-(one) did thus and his hand was-restored healthy as the other.

LUKE6v11 But the-(ones) were-filled-full of-want-of-understanding, and they-were-discussing with one-another what they-may-do to-the Jesus.

LUKE6v12 But it-came-to-pass in these days he-went-out into the mountain to-pray, and he-was passing-the-night in the prayer of-the God.

LUKE6v13 And when it-became day he-hollered-for his disciples, and having-chosen-for-himself twelve from them, whom also he-named apostles.:

LUKE6v14 Simon whom also he-named Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,

LUKE6v15 Matthew and Thomas, James the-(one) of-Alphaeus and Simon the-(one) being-called Zealot,

LUKE6v16 Judas of-James, and Judas Iscariot, who also became (a) traitor.

LUKE6v17 And having-descended with them he-stood on (a) level place, and (a) crowd of-his disciples and much multitude of-the people from all the Judea and Jerusalem and of-the Tyre and Sidon by-the-sea, who came to-hear from-him, and to-be-cured from their diseases,

LUKE6v18 And the-(ones) being-troubled by unclean spirits, and they-were-being-healed.

LUKE6v19 And all the crowd was-seeking to-be-handling of-him; because power from him was-going-out and it-was-curing all.

LUKE6v20 And he having-elevated his eyes with-reference-to his disciples was-saying, Happy (are) the-(ones) destitute, because the kingdom of-the God is YOURS.

LUKE6v21 Happy (are) the-(ones) being-hungry now, because YOU-will-be-satisfied.  Happy (are) the-(ones) weeping now, because YOU-will-laugh.

LUKE6v22 Happy are-YOU at-the-time-that the MEN might-hate YOU, and at-the-time-that they-might-sever YOU, and they-might-reproach and they-might-cast-out YOUR name as evil on-account-of the son of-the MAN:

LUKE6v23 YOU-be-rejoicing in that day and YOU-leap; for behold YOUR reward (is) much in the heaven, for according-to-these-things their fathers were-doing to-the prophets.

LUKE6v24 Further, woe to-YOU the-(ones) rich, because YOU-are-having-back YOUR comfort.

LUKE6v25 Woe to-YOU the-(ones) having-been-and-still-filled-full-within, because YOU-will-be-hungry. Woe to-YOU the-(ones) laughing now, because YOU-will-mourn and YOU-will weep.

LUKE6v26 Woe to-YOU at-the-time-that all MEN might-say YOU well, for according-to these-things their fathers were-doing to-the false-prophets.

LUKE6v27 BUT I-am-saying to-YOU the-(ones) hearing, YOU-be-cherishing YOUR enemies, YOU-be-doing rightly to-the-(ones) hating YOU,

LUKE6v28 YOU-be-blessing the-(ones) cursing-against YOU, and YOU-be-praying in-behalf-of the-(ones) mistreating YOU.

LUKE6v29 To-the-(one) hitting you on the cheek, you also be-holding-beside the other; and from the-(one) removing your garment-(himation), might-you not hinder the tunic-(chiton) also.

LUKE6v30 But to-every-(one) requesting-of you, you-be-giving and from the-(one) removing the-(things) THINE, you-be not requesting-back;

LUKE6v31 And according-as YOU-are-willing in-order-that the MEN might-be-doing to-YOU, YOU yourselves also be-doing to-them likewise.

LUKE6v32 And if YOU-are-cherishing the-(ones) cherishing YOU, what-sort-of favor is-it to-YOU? For even the sinners are-cherishing the-(ones) cherishing them.

LUKE6v33 And if YOU-might-be-doing-good to-the-(ones) doing YOU good, what-sort-of favor is-it to-YOU? For even the sinners are-doing the same-(thing).

LUKE6v34 And if YOU-might-be-lending from whom YOU-are-hoping to-take-back, what-sort-of favor is-it to-YOU?  For even the sinners are-lending to-sinners, in-order-that they-might-take-back the-(things) equal.

LUKE6v35 Further, YOU-be-cherishing YOUR enemies, and YOU-be-doing-good, and YOU-be-lending hoping not-one-(thing) back; and YOUR reward will-be much, and YOU-will-be sons of-the Most-High; because he himself-is gracious upon the-(ones) ungrateful and evil.

LUKE6v36 Therefore YOU-be-coming-to-be (ones) pitying, according-as YOUR Father also is pitying.

LUKE6v37 And YOU-be not judging and by-no-means might-YOU-be-judged; YOU-be not pronouncing-guilty, and by-no-means might-YOU-be-pronounced-guilty. YOU-be-releasing and YOU-will-be-released.

LUKE6v38 YOU-be-giving, and it-will-be-given to-YOU, fine measure having-been-and-still-pressed-down and having-been-and-still-stirred and overflowing they-will-give into YOUR bosom: for with-the same measure with-which YOU-are-measuring, it-will-be-measured-in-return to-YOU.

LUKE6v39 And he-said (a) parable to-them, Whether-at-all (one)-blind is-being-able to-be-leading-the-way-of (one)-blind?  Will NOT both fall into (a) hole?

LUKE6v40 (A) disciple is not above his teacher, but every-(one) having-been-and-still-rendered-thoroughly-fit will-be as his teacher.

LUKE6v41 But why are-you-looking-at the chip namely-the-(one) in the eye of-your brother, but you-are not taking-note-of the rafter namely-the-(one) in (your)-own eye?

LUKE6v42 Or how are-you-being-able to-be-saying to your brother, Brother, you-let-be I-might-cast-out the chip namely-the-(one) in your eye; yourself not looking-at the rafter in your (own) eye? Hypocrite, you-cast-out first the rafter out-of your eye, and then you-will-look-thoroughly to-cast-out the chip namely-the-(one) in the eye of-your brother.

LUKE6v43 For (a) fine tree is not making rotten fruit; nor (a) rotten tree making fine fruit;

LUKE6v44 For each tree is-coming-to-be-known out-of (its) own fruit, for out-of thorn-plants they-are not gathering-up figs, nor out-of (a) bramble-bush are-they-picking (a) grape.

LUKE6v45 The good MAN out-of the good store-house of-his heart is-bringing-near the good-(thing); and the evil MAN out-of the evil store-house of-his heart is-bringing-near the evil-(thing); for out-of the abundance of-the heart his mouth is-speaking.

LUKE6v46 But why are-YOU-calling me Lord, Lord, and YOU-are not doing what-(things) I-am-saying?

LUKE6v47 Every-(one) the-(one) coming to me and hearing my words and doing them, I-will-indicate to-YOU to-whom he-is like.

LUKE6v48 He-is like to-(a)-MAN building (a) house, who excavated and deepened, and he-placed (a) foundation upon the rock; but (as) (an) inundation (was) having-come-to-pass the river rent-asunder-against that house, and it-was not strong-enough to-stir it, for it-had-been-and-was-still-founded upon the rock.

LUKE6v49 But the (one) having-heard and not having-done is like to-(a)-MAN having-built (a) house upon the earth separate-from (a) foundation; on-which the river rent-asunder-against, and immediately it-fell, and the rending-asunder of-that house became great.


LUKE7v1 But since he-filled all his sayings with-reference-to the hearings of-the people he-went-in into Capernaum.

LUKE7v2 But (a) slave of-some hundred-ruler, who was honored by-him, having (it) badly was-being-about to-be-coming-to-an-end

LUKE7v3 But having-heard concerning the Jesus he-dispatched elders of-the Jews to him, interrogating him in-which-case having-come he-might-completely-save his slave.

LUKE7v4 But the-(ones) having-come-to-be-alongside to the Jesus they-were-entreating him diligently, saying, that he-is worthy for-whom he-will-hold-beside this-(thing).

LUKE7v5 For he-is-cherishing our nation and he himself-built the synagogue for-us.

LUKE7v6 But the Jesus was-proceeding together-with them; but (as) he (was) already holding-off not far from the house, the hundred-ruler sent friends to him, saying to-him, Lord, you-be not being-bothered, for I-am not adequate in-order-that you-might-come-in under my roof;

LUKE7v7 On-this-account neither thought-I myself worthy to-come to you; BUT you-say with-a-word and my male-servant will-be-cured.

LUKE7v8 For I myself-am also (a) MAN being-assigned under authority, having soldiers under myself, and I-am-saying to-this-(one), You-proceed and he-is-proceeding; and to-another, You-come, and he-is-coming; and to my slave, You-do this, and he-is-doing (it).

LUKE7v9 But the Jesus having-heard these-(things) marvelled-(at) him; and having-been-turned to-the crowd following with-him he-said, I-am-saying to-YOU, but-not among the Israeli found-I this-much trust.

LUKE7v10 And the-(ones) having-been-sent having-returned into the home they-found the being-weak slave being-healthy.

LUKE7v11 And it-came-to-pass in the next (day?) he-was-proceeding into (a) city being-called Nain, and (a) considerable-number of-his disciples were proceeding-together with-him, also much crowd.

LUKE7v12 But as he-drew-near to-the gate of-the city behold also, (one)-having-died was-being-transported, (an) only-begotten son to his mother, and she was (a) widow, and (a) considerable crowd of-the city together-with her.

LUKE7v13 And the Lord having-seen her, he-was-moved-with-compassion over her and he-said to-her, You-be not weeping.

LUKE7v14 And having-come-near he-handled of-the bier, but the-(ones) bearing (it) stood, And he-said, Youth, I-am-saying to-you, you-be-raised.

LUKE7v15 And the dead-(one) sat-up and he-began to-be-speaking, and he-gave him to his mother.

LUKE7v16 But fear took quite-all, and they-were-glorifying the God, saying, That (a) great prophet has-been-raised among us; and that the God visited his people.

LUKE7v17 And this word went-out in the total Judea concerning him, and in all the country-around.

LUKE7v18 And his disciples dispatched to-John concerning all these-(things).

LUKE7v19 And having-called-near some two of-his disciples the John sent to the Jesus, saying, Are-you yourself the-(one) coming or are-we-anticipating another?

LUKE7v20 But having-come-to-be-alongside to him the men said, John the Baptist has-dispatched-and-is-still-dispatching us to you, saying, Are-you yourself the-(one) coming or are-we-anticipating another?

LUKE7v21 But in the same hour he-healed many from diseases and scourges and evil spirits, and to-many blind-(ones) he-bestowed-a-favor to-be-looking.

LUKE7v22 And having-answered the Jesus said to-them, Having-proceeded YOU-report to-John what-(things) YOU-saw and YOU-heard; that blind-(ones) are-receiving-sight, lame-(ones) are-walking-around, leprous-(ones) are-being-cleansed, dull-(ones) are-hearing, dead-(ones) are-being-raised, (ones)-destitute are-being-brought-good-news;

LUKE7v23 And happy is whosoever might not be-entrapped in me.

LUKE7v24 But (as) the messengers of-John (were) having-gone-away he-began to-be-speaking to the crowds concerning John, What have-YOU-gone-out into the wilderness to-behold?  (A) reed being-stirred by wind?

LUKE7v25 BUT what have-YOU-gone-out to-see? (A) man having-been-and-still-adorned in soft garments-(himations)? Behold, the-(ones) in glorious vesture and existing in-sumptuousness are in the kingly-(places).

LUKE7v26 BUT what have-YOU-gone-out to-see?  (A) prophet? Yea, I-am-saying to-YOU, even exceedingly-more than-(a)-prophet.

LUKE7v27 This-(one) is concerning whom it-has-been-and-is-still-written, Behold, I myself-am-dispatching my messenger before your person, who will-construct your way in-front of-you.

LUKE7v28 For I-am saying to-YOU, Among (ones)-born of-wives no-one is (a) greater prophet (than)-John the Baptist; but the-(one) lesser in the kingdom of-the God is greater (than)-he.

LUKE7v29 And all the people having-heard and the tax-collectors justified the God, having-been-baptized the baptism of-John;

LUKE7v30 But the Pharisees and the lawyers disregarded the purpose of-the God with-reference-to them-selves, not having-been-baptized by him.

LUKE7v31 But the Lord said, To-what therefore shall-I-liken the MEN of-this generation? And to-what are-they like?

LUKE7v32 They-are like to-(pre-teen)-children namely-the-(ones) sitting in (a) market, and hollering-to one-another and saying, We-played-on-the-flute for-YOU, and YOU-danced not; we-lamented for-YOU, and YOU-wept not.

LUKE7v33 For John the Baptist has-come neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and YOU-are-saying, He-is-having (a) little-demon.

LUKE7v34 The son of-the MAN has-come eating and drinking, and YOU-are-saying, Behold, (a) MAN (a) glutton and (a) wine-drinker, (a) friend of-tax-collectors and of-sinners.

LUKE7v35 And the wisdom was justified from all her children.

|v36 But some-one of-the Pharisees was-interrogating him in-order-that he-might-eat with him.  And having-gone-in into the house of-the Pharisee he-was-reclined-again;

LUKE7v37 And behold, (a) woman in the city, one-who was (a) sinner, having-come-to-know-thoroughly that he-is-reclining-again in the house of-the Pharisee, having-obtained (an) alabaster-box of-perfumed-oil,

LUKE7v38 And having-stood beside his feet, behind, weeping, she-began to-be-wetting his feet with-the tears, and she-was-wiping-(them)-dry with-the hairs of-her head, and she-was-kissing his feet tenderly, and she-was-anointing (them) with-the perfumed oil.

LUKE7v39 But the Pharisee, namely-the-(one) having-called him, having-seen, said within himself, saying, If this-(one) was (a) prophet, he-was (likely) coming-to-know who and of-what-quality the woman, (the)-one-who is-handling of-him (is), because she-is (a) sinner.

LUKE7v40 And having-answered the Jesus said to him, Simon, I-am-having something to-say to-you.  But the-(one) is-stating, Teacher, you-say (it).

LUKE7v41 There-were two needy-debtors to-(a)-certain lender; the one was-being-indebted five-hundred denarii, but the different-(one) fifty.

LUKE7v42 But (as) they (were) not having (it) to-give-back he-bestowed-(a)-favor to-both:  You-say, therefore which of-them will-cherish him much-more?

LUKE7v43 But having-answered the Simon said, I-assume that-(one) to-whom he-bestowed the much-more favor. But the-(one) said to-him, You-judged straightly.

LUKE7v44 And having-been-turned to the woman, he-was-stating to-the Simon, Are you-looking-at this woman? I-came-in into your house, you-gave not water upon my feet, but she herself-wet my feet with-the tears, and she-wiped (them) dry with-the hairs of-her head.

LUKE7v45 You gave not (a) kiss to-me, but this-(one) from of-which I-came-in wanted not throughout, kissing my feet tenderly.

LUKE7v46 You-anointed not my head with-oil, but this (one) anointed my feet with-perfumed-oil.

LUKE7v47 For-sake of-which I-am-saying to-you, her sins, namely-the many, have-been-and-still-are-forgiven; because she-cherished much, but to-whom is-being-forgiven (a) little-bit he-is-cherishing (a) little-bit.

LUKE7v48 But he-said to-her, Your sins have-been-and-still-are-forgiven.

LUKE7v49 And the-(ones) lying-back-together began to-be-saying among themselves, Who is this who even is-forgiving sins?

LUKE7v50 But he-said to the woman, Your trust has-saved-and-still-saves you; you-be-proceeding into peace.


LUKE8v1 And it-came-to-pass also he himself-was-traveling successively through, according-to city and village, preaching add himself-bringing-good-news-of the kingdom of-the God, and the twelve together-with him,

LUKE8v2 And some women who were having-been-and-still-were-healed from evil spirits and weaknesses, Mary the-(one) being-called Magdalene, from whom seven little-demons had-gone-out-and-were-still-out;

LUKE8v3 And Joanna wife of-Chuza (a) steward of-Herod; and Susanna, and many different-(ones), ones-who were-ministering to-him from their existing-(things).

LUKE8v4 But (as) much crowd (was) being-together, and (as) the (ones) according-to (a) city (were) proceeding-on to him, he-said through (a) parable.

LUKE8v5 The-(one) sowing came-out to-sow his sowing; and in his to-be-sowing, on-the-one-hand what fell beside the way, it-was also trodden-down, and the flying-(things) of-the heaven devoured it.

LUKE8v6 And (a) different-(one) fell upon the rock, and having-been-shot-forth it-was-dried-up, because-of the not to-be-having moisture.

LUKE8v7 And (a) different-(one) fell in midst of-the thorn-plants, and having-shot-forth-together the thorn-plants choked it off;

LUKE8v8 And (a) different-(one) fell upon the earth namely-the good, and having-been-shot-forth it-made fruit, (a) hundred-times-as-much.  Saying these-(things) he-was-hollering, The-(one) having ears to-be-hearing, let-him-be-hearing.

LUKE8v9 But his disciples were-questioning him, saying, What may this parable be?

LUKE8v10 But the-(one) said, To-YOU it-has-been-and-is-still-given to-come-to-know the mysteries of-the kingdom of-the God, but to-the others in parables, in-order-that looking-at (it) they-might not be-looking-at (it), and hearing they-might not be-perceiving.

LUKE8v11 But the parable is this:  The sowing is the word of-the God:

LUKE8v12 But the-(ones) beside the way are the-(ones) hearing, afterward the slanderer is-coming and removing the word from their heart, in-order-that having-trusted they-might not be-saved.

LUKE8v13 But the-(ones) upon the rock, who at-the-time-that they-might-hear, they-are-receiving the word with joy, and these not having root, who are-trusting toward (a) season, and in (a) season of-trial they-are-themselves-departing.

LUKE8v14 But the-(one) having-fallen into the thorn-plants, these-are the-(ones) having-heard and proceeding, they-are-being-thoroughly-choked by anxieties and riches and pleasures of-the means-of-living, and they-are not bringing-to-a-finish.

LUKE8v15 But the-(one) in the fine earth, these are ones-who having-heard the word in (a) heart fine and good are-holding-(it)-fast, and they-are-bringing-forth-fruit in perseverance.

LUKE8v16 But no-one having-ignited (a) lamp is-covering it with-a-vessel, or is putting (it) underneath (a) bed, BUT he-is-putting (it) on upon (a) lampstand, in-order-that the-(ones) proceeding-in might-be-looking-at the light.

LUKE8v17 For (there)-is not (a) secret-(thing) which will not become manifest; nor (a-thing)-hidden-back which will not come-to-be-known and it-might-come into (a-thing) manifest.

LUKE8v18 Therefore YOU-be-looking-at how YOU-are-hearing; for who might-be-having it-will-be-given to-him; and who might not be-having, even what he-is-thinking to-be-having will-be-removed from him.

LUKE8v19 But his mother and brothers came-to-be-along-side with him and were not being-able to-reach him-together because-of the crowd.

LUKE8v20 And it-was-reported to-him, (as ones were) saying, Your mother and your brothers have-stood-and-are-still-standing without, willing to-see you.

LUKE8v21 But the-(one) having-answered said to them, My mother and my brothers are these, the-(ones) hearing the word of-the God and doing it.

LUKE8v22 And it-came-to-pass in one of-the days also he himself and his disciples embarked into (a) vessel, and he-said to-them, Let-us-go-through into the other-side of-the lake; and they-were-put-back-(to-sea).

LUKE8v23 But (as) they (were) sailing he-fell-asleep; and (a) dark-squall of-(strong)-wind descended into the lake, and they-were-being-completely-filled and they-were-being-in-peril.

LUKE8v24 But having-come-near they-roused him, saying, Master, Master, we-are-being-destroyed.  But the-(one) having-been-raised he-rebuked the-(strong)-wind and the roughness of-the water; and they-ceased-of-themselves, and it-became calm.

|LUKE8v25 But he-said to-them, Where is YOUR trust? But having-feared-for-themselves they-marvelled, saying to one-another, So who is this-(one), that he-is-enjoining even the (strong)-winds and the water, and they-are-obeying him?

LUKE8v26 And they-sailed-down into the country of-the Gadarenes, one-which is on-the-other-side of-the Galilee.

LUKE8v27 But (on) his having-gone-out upon the land (a) certain man out-of the city encountered him, who was-having little-demons out-of considerable times, and he-was not being-dressed-in (a) garment-(himation), and he-was-not-remaining in (a) house, BUT among the sepulchres.

LUKE8v28 But having-seen the Jesus and having-cried-out he-fell-before him, and with-a-great voice he-said, What to-me and to-you, Jesus, son of-the God, namely-the Most-High?  I-am-petitioning of-you might-you not torment me.

LUKE8v29 For he-was-delivering-a-message to-the spirit, namely-the unclean, to-come-out from the MAN. For many times it-had-together-seized him; and he-was-being-tied with-chains and shackles being-guarded-for-himself, and rending-asunder the bonds he-was-being-driven by the little-demon into the wildernesses.

LUKE8v30 But the Jesus questioned him, saying, What to-you is (a) name?  But the-(one) said, Legion, because many little-demons had-gone-in into him.

LUKE8v31 And he-was-entreating him in-order-that he-might not enjoin for-them to-go-away into the abyss.

LUKE8v32 But (a) herd of-considerable-number of-swine was there feeding-for-themselves in the mountain, and they-were-entreating him in-order-that he-might-permit for-them to-go-in into those; and he-permitted them.

LUKE8v33 But the little-demons having-gone-out from the MAN they-went-in into the swine, and the herd rushed down-over the precipice into the lake, and it-was-choked-off.

LUKE8v34 But the-(ones) feeding having-seen the-(thing) having-come-to-pass they-fled, and they-reported having-gone-away into the city and into the fields.

LUKE8v35 But they-went-out to-see the-(thing) having-come-to-pass, and they-came to the Jesus, and they-found the MAN, from whom the little-demons had-gone-out, being-seated, having-been-provided-(a)-garment and being-of-sound-mind, beside the feet of-the Jesus.  And they-were-afraid.

LUKE8v36 But also the-(ones) having-seen reported to-them how the-(one) having-been-possessed-by-a-demon was-saved.

LUKE8v37 And quite-all the multitude of-the country-around of-the Gadarenes interrogated him to-go-away from them, because they-were-together-being-held with-great fear.  But he himself-returned having-embarked into the vessel.

LUKE8v38 But the man from whom the little-demons had-gone-out was-petitioning of-him to-be together-with him.  But the Jesus released him, saying,

LUKE8v39 You-be-returning into your home and you-be-narrating as-many-(things)-as the God did for-you. And he-went-away through-out the total city preaching as-many-(things)-as the Jesus did for-him.

LUKE8v40 But it-came-to-pass with the return (of) the Jesus, the crowd accepted him, for they-were all anticipating him.

LUKE8v41 And behold (a) man came to-whom (the) name (was) Jairus, and he himself-was-(the)-existing ruler of-the synagogue, and having-fallen beside the feet of-the Jesus he-was-entreating him to-come-in into his home,

LUKE8v42 Because (a) daughter was (an) only-begotten-(one) to-him, approximately of twelve years, and she herself-was-dying-off.  But in the to-be-withdrawing (of) him the crowds were-thoroughly-choking him.

LUKE8v43 And (a) woman being in (a) flowing of-blood from twelve years, one-who with-reference-to curers (was) having-consumed-toward (them) the total means-of-living, she-was not able to-be-healed by any-one.

LUKE8v44 Having-come-near at-the-back she-handled of-the tassel of-his garment-(himation), and instantly the flowing of-her blood stood.

LUKE8v45 And the Jesus said, Who (is) the-(one) having-handled of-me?  But (as) all (were) denying, the Peter and the-(ones) with him said, Master, the crowds are-together-holding you and they-are-squeezing, and you-are-saying, Who (is) the-(one) having-handled of-me?

LUKE8v46 But the Jesus said, Some-one handled of-me, for I myself-came-to-know power having-gone-out from me.

LUKE8v47 But the woman having-seen that she-escaped not notice, she-came trembling, and having-fallen-before him, she-reported to-him in-sight of-all the people because-of what reason she-handled of-him, and as she-

was-cured instantly.

LUKE8v48 But the-(one) said to-her, You-be-being-of-good-courage, daughter, your trust has-saved-and-is-still-saving you: you-be-proceeding into peace.

LUKE8v49 (As) he (was) yet speaking some-one of-the ruler-of-the-synagogue is-coming, saying to-him, That your daughter has-died-and-is-dead; you-be not bothering the teacher.

LUKE8v50 But the Jesus having-heard answered him, saying, You-be not yourself-fearing; only you-be-trusting, and she-will-be-saved.

LUKE8v51 But having-gone-in into the house he-let-be not any-one to-go-in unless Peter and James and John, and the father of-the child (infant-youth) and the mother.

LUKE8v52 But they-were all weeping and bewailing her. But the-(one) said, YOU-be not weeping; she (has) not died-off, BUT she-is-sleeping.

LUKE8v53 And they-were-ridiculing of-him, knowing-absolutely that she-died-off.

LUKE8v54 But he having-cast-out all without, and having-retained of-her hand, he-hollered, saying, The child (infant-youth), you-be-rising-yourself.

LUKE8v55 And her spirit turned-around, and she-stood-up instantly; and he-ordered for-her to-be-given to-eat.

LUKE8v56 And her parents were-ecstatic; but the-(one) delivered-a-message to-them to-say to-no-one the-(thing) having-come-to-pass.


LUKE9v1 But having-himself-called-together his twelve disciples he-gave power and authority to-them over all the little-demons, and to-be-healing diseases,

LUKE9v2 And he-dispatched them to-be-preaching the kingdom of-the God, and to-be-curing the-(ones) being-weak.

LUKE9v3 And he-said to them, YOU-be-lifting-up not-one-(thing) with-reference-to the way; neither rods, nor (a) leather-pouch, nor bread, nor silver-coin, nor to-be-having at-the-rate-of two tunics-(chiton).

LUKE9v4 And into whatever house YOU-might-go-in, YOU-be-remaining there, and YOU-be-going-out therefRomans

LUKE9v5 And as-many-as might not receive YOU, going-out from that city YOU-shake-off also the dust from YOUR feet, with-reference-to (a) testimony upon them.

LUKE9v6 But going-out they-were-going-through according-to the villages, themselves-bringing-good-news and healing everywhere.

LUKE9v7 But Herod the tetrarch heard all the-(things) coming-to-pass by him, and he-was-being-thoroughly-perplexed, because-of the-(thing) to-be-being-said by some, that John had-been-raised out-of dead (ones);

LUKE9v8 But by some, that Elias was-appeared; but others, that one prophet of-the ancients stood-again.

LUKE9v9 And the Herod said, I myself-beheaded John, but who is this-(one) concerning whom I myself-am-hearing (things)-such-as-these? And he-was-seeking to-see him.

LUKE9v10 And the apostles having-returned they-narrated to-him as-many-(things)-as they-did. And having-taken them along he-retired-beneath privately into (a) desolate place of-(a) city being-called Bethsaida.

LUKE9v11 But the crowds having-come-to-know followed with-him; and having-received them he-was-speaking to-them concerning the kingdom of-the God, and he-was-curing the-(ones) having need of-healing.

LUKE9v12 But the day began to-be-reclining, but the twelve having-come-near said to-him, You-release the crowd, in-order-that having-gone-away into the villages in-a-circle and the fields they-might-be-guests, and they might-find provision; because we-are here in (a) desolate place.

LUKE9v13 But he-said to-them, YOU yourselves-give to-them to-eat.  But the-(ones) said, There-are not with-us much-more than five loaves and two fishes, unless-perchance having-proceeded we ourselves-might-buy-in-the-market foods with-reference-to all this people;

LUKE9v14 For they-were about five-thousand men. But he-said to his disciples, YOU-recline them down in reclining-groups at-the-rate-of fifty.

LUKE9v15 And they-did thus, and they-reclined quite-all again.

LUKE9v16 But having-taken the five loaves and the two fishes, having-looked-up into the heaven he-blessed them and he-broke-completely-in-pieces, and he-was-giving to-the disciples to-be-placing-beside for-the crowd.

LUKE9v17 And they-ate and they-were all satisfied; and the-(quantity) having-exceeded for-them was-lifted-up, twelve baskets-on-wheels of-fragments.

LUKE9v18 And it-came-to-pass in the to-be praying (of) him all-alone, the disciples were-being-together with-him, and he-questioned them, saying, Whom are the crowds saying me to-be?

LUKE9v19 But the-(ones) having-answered said, John the Baptist; but others, Elias; but others, that some prophet of-the ancients stood-again.

LUKE9v20 But he-said to-them, But whom are-YOU yourselves saying me to-be? But the Peter having-answered said, The Messiah of-the God.

LUKE9v21 But the-(one) having-rebuked (them), he-delivered-a-message to-them to-say this to-no-one,

LUKE9v22 Having-said, That it-is-essential the son of-the MAN to-suffer many-(things), and to-be-rejected from the elders and chief-priests and scribes, and to-be-killed, and to-be-raised in-the third day.

LUKE9v23 But he-was-saying to all, If some-one is-willing to-come behind me, let-him-disown himself, and let-him-lift-up his cross dally, and let-him-be-following me;

LUKE9v24 For whosoever might-be-willing to-save his soul, he-will-destroy it; but whosoever might-destroy his soul on-account-of me, this-(one) will-save it.

LUKE9v25 For what is (a) MAN being-profited, having-gained the total world, but having-destroyed himself or having-been-disadvantaged?

LUKE9v26 But whosoever might-be-ashamed-of me and my words, the son of-the MAN will-be-ashamed-of this-(one) at-the-time-that he-might-come in the glory of-him(self) and of-the Father and of-the holy angels.

LUKE9v27 But I-am-saying to-YOU truly, there-are some of-the-(ones) having-stood-and-still-standing here, who by-no-means will-taste of-death till they-might-see the kingdom of-the God.

LUKE9v28 And it-came-to-pass about eight days after these words and having-taken-along the Peter and John and James he-ascended into the mountain to-pray.

LUKE9v29 And with him to-be-praying the shape of-his face (was) different, and his vesture white flashing-out.

LUKE9v30 And behold, two men were-speaking-together with-him, ones-who were Moses and Elias,

LUKE9v31 Who having-been-seen in glory were-saying of-his exodus which he-was-being-about to-be-fulfilling in Jerusalem.

LUKE9v32 But the Peter and the-(ones) together-with him were having-been-and-still-weighted with-slumber. But having-watched-thoroughly they-saw his glory, and the two men, namely-the-(ones) having-stood-and-still-standing-together-with-him.

LUKE9v33 And it-came-to-pass with them to-be-separating-completely from him, the Peter said to the Jesus, Master, it-is-fine (for) us to-be here; and let-us-make three booths, one for-you, one for-Moses, and one for-Elias, not absolutely-knowing what he-is-saying.

LUKE9v34 But (as) he (was) saying these-(things), (a) cloud came-to-be and it-overshadowed them but they-feared with those to-go-in into the cloud:

LUKE9v35 And (a) voice came-to-pass out-of the cloud, saying, This-(one) is my son namely-the cherished; YOU-be-hearing from-him.

LUKE9v36 And with the voice to-come-to-pass, the Jesus was-found alone:  and they themselves-were-silent, and they-reported to-no-one in those days any-thing of-what they-had-seen.

LUKE9v37 But it-came-to-pass in the next day, (as) they (were) having-come-down from the mountain, much crowd met-together with-him.

LUKE9v38 And behold, (a) man from the crowd shouted-again, saying, Teacher, I-am-petitioning of-you, you-look-on upon my son, because he-is (an) only-begotten-(one) to-me:

LUKE9v39 And behold, (a) spirit is-taking him and he-is unexpectedly crying, and it-is-convulsing him with foam, and he-is-retiring from him hardly, shattering him.

LUKE9v40 And I-petitioned of-your disciples in-order-that they-might-be-casting it out, and they-were not able.

LUKE9v41 But having-answered the Jesus said, O unbelieving and having-been-and-still-twisted generation, till at-what-time shall-I-be with YOU and shall-I-tolerate of-YOU?  You-bring your son near here.

LUKE9v42 But yet (as) he (was) coming-near the little-demon rent him asunder and it-convulsed (him) completely.  But the Jesus rebuked the spirit namely-the unclean, and he-cured the child (infant-youth), and he-gave him back to-his father.

LUKE9v43 But all were-surprised on the majesty of-the God.  But (as) all (were) marvelling upon all-(things) which the Jesus did, he-said to his disciples,

LUKE9v44 YOU yourselves-place-for-yourselves these words into YOUR ears: for the son of-the MAN is-being-about to-be-being-given-over into hands of MEN.

LUKE9v45 But the-(ones) were-being-ignorant-of this saying, and it-was having-been-and-still-covered-alongside from them in-order-that they-might not discern it.  And they-were-fearing to-interrogate him concerning this saying.

LUKE9v46 But (a) deliberation came-in among them, who may-be-being the greatest of-them.

LUKE9v47 But the Jesus having-seen the deliberation of-their heart, having-taken-hold of-(a)-(pre-teen)-child, he-stood it beside-himself,

LUKE9v48 And he-said to-them, Whosoever might-receive this (pre-teen)-child on my name, he-is-receiving me; and whosoever might-receive me, he-is-receiving the-(one) having-dispatched me.  For the-(one) existing least among YOU all, this-(one) will-be great.

LUKE9v49 But having-answered the John said, Master, we-saw some-one casting-out the little-demons on your name, and we-hindered him, because he-is not following with us.

LUKE9v50 And the Jesus said to him, YOU-be not hindering; for who is not down-upon us, is in-behalf-of us.

LUKE9v51 But it-came-to-pass with the days of-his taking-up to-be-being-completely-filled, and he himself-fixed-firmly his face to-be-proceeding into Jerusalem.

LUKE9v52 And he-dispatched messengers before his person. And having-proceeded they-went-in into (a) village of-Samaritans, so-as to-prepare for-him.

LUKE9v53 And they-received him not, because his face was (as one) proceeding into Jerusalem.

LUKE9v54 But having-seen (this) his disciples James and John said, Lord, are-you-willing we-might-say (for) fire to-descend from the heaven, and to-consume them, as also Elias did?

LUKE9v55 But having-been-turned he-rebuked them, and he-said, YOU-are not knowing-absolutely YOU yourselves-are of-such spirit.

LUKE9v56 For the son of-the MAN came not to-destroy souls of-MEN, BUT to-save. And they-proceeded into (a) different village.

LUKE9v57 But it-came-to-pass (as) they (were) proceeding in the way some-one said to him, I-shall-follow with-you where-in-which you-might-be-going-away, Lord.

LUKE9v58 And the Jesus said to-him, The foxes are-having lairs, and the flying-(things) of-the heaven settling-places; but the son of-the MAN is not having where he-might-be-reclining the head.

LUKE9v59 But he-said to (a) different-(one), You-be-following with-me. But the-(one) said, Lord, you-permit for-me first having-gone-away to-bury my father.

LUKE9v60 But the Jesus said to-him, You-let-be the-(ones) dead to-bury the-(ones) of-themselves dead, but you having-gone-away you-be-announcing the kingdom of-the God.

LUKE9v61 But (a) different (one) said also, I-shall-follow with-you, Lord, but first you-permit for-me to-bid-farewell to-the-(ones) with-reference-to my household.

LUKE9v62 But the Jesus said to-him, No-one having-cast-on his hand upon (a) plow, and looking with-reference-to the-(things) behind, is well-adapted with-reference-to the kingdom of-the God.


LUKE10v1 But after these-(things) the Lord displayed seventy different-(ones) also, and he-dispatched them at-the-rate-of two before his person, into every city and place, the-place-where he himself was-being-about to-be-coming.

LUKE10v2 Therefore he-was-saying to them, On-the-one-hand the harvest (is) much, on-the-other-hand the workers (are) few. Therefore YOU-petition the Lord of-the harvest, in-which-case he-might-be-casting-out workers into his harvest.

LUKE10v3 YOU-be-withdrawing, behold, I myself-am-dispatching YOU as little-lambs in midst of-wolves.

LUKE10v4 YOU-be not bearing (a) purse, not (a) leather-pouch nor shoes, and might-YOU-greet no-one through-out the way.

LUKE10v5 But into whatever house YOU-might-be-going-in, YOU first be-saying, Peace to-this household.

LUKE10v6 And if on-the-one-hand (a) son of-peace might-be there, YOUR peace will-rest-on upon it; on-the-other-hand if not-in-fact it-will-bend-back upon YOU.

LUKE10v7 But YOU-be-remaining in the house itself eating and drinking the-(things) from them; for the worker is worthy of-his hire.  YOU-be not changing-location out-of (a) house into (a) house.

LUKE10v8 And into whatever city YOU-might-be-going-in, and they-might-be-receiving YOU, YOU-be-eating the-(things) being-placed-beside for-YOU,

LUKE10v9 And YOU-be-healing the weak-(ones) in it, and YOU-be-saying to-them, The kingdom of-the God has drawn-near-and-is-still-near upon YOU.

LUKE10v10 But into whatever city YOU-might-be-going-in, and they-might not be-receiving YOU, having-gone-out into its squares, YOU-say,

LUKE10v11 Even the dust namely-the-(dust) having-united to-us out-of YOUR city we-are-wiping-off-ourselves to-YOU; further YOU-be-coming-to-know this, that the kingdom of-the God has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near upon YOU.

LUKE10v12 But I-am-saying to-YOU, that it-will-be more-tolerable for-Sodom in that day than for-that city.

LUKE10v13 Woe to-you, Chorazin: Woe to-you, Bethsaida: Because if the powerful-deeds namely-the-(ones) having-come-to-pass among YOU, came-to-pass in Tyre and Sidon, they-repented long-ago sitting in sackcloth and ashes.

LUKE10v14 Further it-will-be more-tolerable for-Tyre and for-Sidon in the judgement than for-YOU.

LUKE10v15 And you Capernaum, the-(one) having-been-raised-to-a-height till the heaven, you-will-be-thrust-down till Hades.

LUKE10v16 The-(one) hearing from-YOU he-is-hearing from-me, and the-(one) disregarding YOU he-is-disregarding me, but the-(one) disregarding me he-is-disregarding the-(one) having-dispatched me.

LUKE10v17 But the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the little-demons (are)-themselves-being-subject to-us in your name.

LUKE10v18 But he-said to-them, I-was-observing the adversary as (a)-beam-of-light having-fallen out-of the heaven.

LUKE10v19 Behold, I-am-giving to-YOU the authority to-be-treading above-upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of-the enemy, and by-no-means might not-one-(thing) do-harm-to YOU.

LUKE10v20 Further, YOU-be not rejoicing in-this, that the spirits are-themselves-being-subject to-YOU, but YOU-be-rejoicing rather that YOUR names (were) written in-the heavens.

LUKE10v21 In the hour itself the Jesus himself-exulted in-the Spirit and he-said, I-am-acknowledging to-you, Father, Lord of-the heaven and of-the earth, because you-hid-back these-(things) from (ones)-wise and (ones)-intelligent and you-uncovered them to-infants: yea, the Father, because thus it-became seeming-well in-front of-you.

LUKE10v22 And having-been-turned he-said to the disciples, All-(things) (were)-given-over to-me by my Father, and no-one is-coming-to-know who the son is unless the Father, and who the Father is unless the son, and to-whom if the son might-be-purposing to-uncover (him).

LUKE10v23 And having-turned to the disciples privately he-said, Happy the eyes namely-the-(ones) looking-at what-(things) YOU-are-looking-at.

LUKE10v24 For I-am-saying to-YOU, that many prophets and kings willed to-see what-(things) YOU yourselves-are-looking-at, and they-saw not; and to-hear what-(things) YOU-are-hearing, and they-heard not.

LUKE10v25 And behold some lawyer stood-up tempting him, and saying, Teacher, having-done what, shall-I-inherit life eternal?

LUKE10v26 But the-(one) said to-him, In the law what has-been-and-is-still-written, how are-you-reading?

LUKE10v27 But the-(one) having-answered said. You-will-cherish Jehovah your God out-of your total heart and out-of your total soul and out-of your total strength and out-of your total intellect; and your neighbor as yourself.

LUKE10v28 But he-said to-him, You-answered straightly, you be-doing this and you-yourself-will-live.

LUKE10v29 But the-(one) willing to-be-justifying himself said to the Jesus, And who is my neighbor?

LUKE10v30 But having-taken (it) up the Jesus said, (A) certain MAN was-descending from Jerusalem into Jericho, and he-fell-into robbers, who also having-stripped him and having-put-upon (him) blows went-away, having-let (him) go reaching half-dead.

LUKE10v31 But according-to (a) coincidence (a) certain priest was-descending in that way and having-seen him he-went-by-on-the-other-side;

LUKE10v32 But likewise also (a) Levite, having-come-to-be according-to the place, having-come and having-seen he-went-by-on-the-other-side.

LUKE10v33 But (a) certain traveling Samaritan came according-to him, and having-seen him he-was-moved-with-compassion,

LUKE10v34 And having-come-near he-bound-down his wounds, pouring-on oil and wine; but having-mounted him upon (his) own animal he-led him into (an) inn, and he-cared-for him.

LUKE10v35 And upon the morrow having-come-out having-cast-out two denarii he-gave (them) to-the innkeeper, and he-said to-him, You-care-for him, and whatsoever something you-might-spend-in-addition, I myself-shall-give-back to-you with my to-be-coming-back.

LUKE10v36 Therefore which of-these three is-seeming to-you to-have-become neighbor of-the-(one) having-fallen-in into the robbers?

LUKE10v37 But the-(one) said, The-(one) having-done the mercy with him.  The Jesus therefore said to-him, You-be-proceeding, and you yourself-be-doing likewise.

LUKE10v38 But it-came-to-pass with their to-be-proceeding he himself-went-in into (a) certain village; but (a) certain woman, Martha by-name, received him as-guest into her home.

LUKE10v39 But also to-the-(one), was (a) sister being-called Mary, and who having-been-seated-beside, beside the feet of-the Jesus, she-was-hearing his word.

LUKE10v40 But the Martha was-being-distracted about much ministry; but having-stood-by she said, Lord, matters-it not to-you that my sister left me behind alone to-be-ministering?  You-say therefore to-her in-order-that she-might-assist-together with-me.

LUKE10v41 But having-answered the Jesus said to-her, Martha, Martha, you-are-being-anxious and you-are-fussing

about many-(things);

LUKE10v42 But of-one-(thing) there-is need; but Mary chose-for-herself the good portion, one-which will not be-removed-away from her.


LUKE11v1 And it-came-to-pass with him to-be in (a) certain place praying, as he-himself-ceased, some-one of-his disciples said to him, Lord, you-teach-us to-be-praying, according-as also John taught his disciples.

LUKE11v2 But he-said to-them, At-the-time-that YOU-might-be-praying YOU-be-saying, Our Father, the-(one) in the heavens, let your name be-made-holy; let your kingdom come; let your will come-to-pass, as in heaven, also upon the earth.

LUKE11v3 You-be-giving to-us our bread namely-the (bread) on-your-property, the (manna?) dally;

LUKE11v4 And you-forgive our sins, for we ourselves also are-forgiving every-(one) being-indebted to-us; and might-you not bring-in us into trial, BUT you-deliver us from the evil-(one).

LUKE11v5 And he-said to them, Who out-of YOU will-have (a) friend, and he-will-proceed to-him of-midnight, and he-might-say to-him, Friend you-lend to-me three loaves,

LUKE11v6 Since-indeed my friend came-to-be-alongside to me out-of (a) way, and I-am not having what I-shall-place-beside for-him;

LUKE11v7 And-that-(one) having-answered from-within might-say, You-be not holding-beside for-me labors; already the door has-been-and-is-still-shut, and my (pre-teen)-children are with me into the conjugal-bed; I-am not being-able, having-stood-up, to-give to-you.

LUKE11v8 I-am-saying to-YOU, even if he-will not give to-him, having-stood-up, through him to-be (a) friend, in-fact because-of his impudence, having-been-raised, he-will-give to-him of-as-many-(things)-as he-is-needing.

LUKE11v9 And-I myself-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-be-requesting, and it-will-be-given to-YOU; YOU-be-seeking, and YOU-will-find; YOU-be-knocking, and it-will-be-opened to-YOU.

LUKE11v10 For every-(one) the-(one) requesting he-is-taking; and the-(one) seeking he-is-finding; and to-the-(one) knocking it-will-be-opened.

LUKE11v11 But which-(one) of-YOU, the son will-request-of the father bread, will-he-hand-over to-him (a) stone?  And if (a) fish, instead of-(a)-fish will-he-hand-over to-him (a) serpent?

LUKE11v12 Or also if he-might-request (an) egg, will-he-hand-over to-him (a) scorpion?

LUKE11v13 Therefore if YOU, existing evil-(ones), yourselves-are-knowing-absolutely to-be-giving good presents to-YOUR children, by-how-much more the Father, namely-the-(one) out-of heaven will-give (the) Holy Spirit to-the-(ones) requesting him.

LUKE11v14 And he-was casting-out (a) little-demon, and it-was dull; but it-came-to-pass (as) the little-demon (was) having-gone-out, the-(one) dull spoke. And the crowds marvelled.

LUKE11v15 But some out-of them said, With Beelzebul ruler of-the little-demons he-is-casting-out the little-demons.

LUKE11v16 But different-(ones) trying, were-seeking (a) sign from him out-of heaven.

LUKE11v17 But he knowing-absolutely their diverse-thoughts he-said to-them, Every kingdom having-been-divided upon itself is-being-made-desolate; and (a) home upon (a) home is-falling.

LUKE11v18 But if the adversary also was-divided upon himself, how will his kingdom be-made-stand? Because YOU-are-saying with Beelzebul me to-be-casting-out the little-demons.

LUKE11v19 But if I myself-am-casting-out the little-demons with Beelzebul; YOUR sons, with whom are-they-casting-out? Because-of this they themselves will-be judges of-YOU.

LUKE11v20 But if with (a) finger of-God I-am-casting-out the little-demons, so the kingdom of-the God came-first upon YOU.

LUKE11v21 At-the-time-that the strong-(one) having-been-and-still-fully-armed might-be-guarding the court of-himself, his goods (are) in peace;

LUKE11v22 But whenever the-(one) stronger than-he having-come-upon (him) he-might-have-victory-over him, he-is-removing his full-armour upon which he-had-relied-upon, and he-is-distributing his booty.

LUKE11v23 The-(one) not being with me is down-upon me, and the-(one) not gather-together with me he-is-scattering.

LUKE11v24 At-the-time-that the unclean spirit might-go-out from the MAN, it-is-going-through through waterless places, seeking rest-again; and not finding it-is-saying, I-will-return into my home whence I-came-out.

LUKE11v25  And having-come it-is-finding (it) having-been-and-still-swept and having-been-and-still-put-in-order.

LUKE11v26 Then it-is-proceeding and it-is-taking-along seven different spirits more-evil than-itself, and having-gone-in it-is-residing-in there; and the last-(things) of-that MAN (are)-coming-to-be worse than-the first-(things).

LUKE11v27 But it-came-to-pass with him to-be-saying these-(things), (a) certain woman out-of the crowd having-elevated (her) voice she-said to-him, Happy the belly, namely-the-(one) having-borne you, and breasts which you-nursed.

LUKE11v28 But he himself-said, Yea-therefore happy (are) the-(ones) hearing the word of-the God and guarding it.

LUKE11v29 But (as) the crowds (were) being-collected-upon-(him) he-began to-be-saying, This generation is evil; it-is-seeking-after (a) sign, and (a) sign will not be-given to-it, unless the sign of-Jonas the prophet.

LUKE11v30 For according-as Jonas came-to-be (a) sign to-the Ninevites, thus the son of-the MAN will-be also to-this generation.

LUKE11v31 (The) queen of-south will-be-raised in the judgement with the men of-this generation, and she-will-condemn them; because she-came out-of the limits of-the earth to-hear the wisdom of-Solomon, and behold (something)-much-more than-Solomon (is) here.

LUKE11v32 Men of-Nineveh will-stand-again in the judgement with this generation, and they-will-condemn it, because they-repented with-reference-to the preaching of-Jonas: and behold (something)-much-more than-Jonas (is) here.

LUKE11v33 But no-one having-ignited (a) lamp is-putting (it) into (a) secret-(place), nor under the modios, BUT upon the lampstand, in-order-that the-(ones) proceeding-in might-be-looking-at the radiance.

LUKE11v34 The lamp of-the body is the eye; therefore at-the-time-that your eye might-be simple, your total body also is full-of-light; but whenever it-might-be evil, your body also (is) full-of-darkness.

LUKE11v35 You-be-contemplating therefore lest the light namely-the-(one) in you is darkness.

LUKE11v36 If therefore your total body (is) full-of-light, not having any part full-of-darkness, it-will-be full-of-light total, as at-the-time-that the lamp might-be-enlightening you with-the beam-of-light.

LUKE11v37 But with the-(one) (ending) to-speak, (a) certain Pharisee was-interrogating him in-which-case he-might-breakfast beside him:  but having-gone-in he-fell-back.

LUKE11v38 But the Pharisee having-seen he-marvelled that he-was not first baptized before the breakfast.

LUKE11v39 But the Lord said to him, Now YOU, the Pharisees, yourselves-are-cleansing the-(thing) from-outside of-the cup and of-the platter, but the-(thing) from-within of-YOU is-being-loaded of-seizing and of-evil.

LUKE11v40 Foolish-(ones), the-(one) having-made the-(thing) from-outside made-he not also the-(thing) from within?

LUKE11v41 Further, YOU-give the-(things) being-within (an) alm, and behold, all-(things) to-YOU (are) clean.

LUKE11v42 BUT woe to-YOU the Pharisees, because YOU-take-tithes-from the mint and the rue and every vegetable, and YOU-are-going-past the judgement and the charity of-the God.  It-was-being-essential to-do these-(things), and not to-be-letting-go those-(things).

LUKE11v43 Woe to-YOU the Pharisees, because YOU-are-cherishing the first-seat in the synagogues and the greetings in the markets.

LUKE11v44 Woe to-YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because YOU-are as the tombs namely-the uncertain (ones), and the MEN namely-the-(ones) walking-around above-upon (them), they-are not knowing (it) absolutely.

LUKE11v45 But having-answered (a) certain of-the lawyers is-saying to-him, Teacher saying these-(things) you-are-insulting us also.

LUKE11v46 But the-(one) said, Also to-YOU the lawyers woe, because YOU-are-burdening the MEN (with) little-burdens difficult-to-bear, and YOU yourselves-are not touching-lightly with-one of-YOUR fingers to-the little-burdens.

LUKE11v47 Woe to-YOU, because YOU are-building-up the tombs of-the prophets, but YOUR fathers killed them.

LUKE11v48 So YOU-are-bearing-witness and YOU-are-concurring with-the works of-YOUR fathers; because on-the-one-hand they themselves killed them, on-the-other-hand YOU yourselves-are-building-up their tombs.

LUKE11v49 Because-of this also the wisdom of-the God said, I-shall-dispatch into them prophets and apostles, and (some) out-of them they-will-kill and they-will-banish,

LUKE11v50 in-order-that the blood of-all of-the prophets namely-the (blood) being-poured-out from (a) casting-down of-(a)-world might-be-sought-out from this generation,

LUKE11v51 From the blood of-Abel till the blood of-Zacharias, of-the (one) having-perished between the altar and the home; yea, I-am-saying to-YOU, it-will-be-sought-out from this generation.

LUKE11v52 Woe to-YOU the lawyers, because YOU-removed the key of-the knowledge; YOU yourselves went not in, and the-(ones) going-in YOU-hindered.

LUKE11v53 But (as) he (was) saying these-(things) to them the scribes and the Pharisees began to-be-holding in terribly, and to-be-causing him to-recite concerning many-more-(things);

LUKE11v54 Waylaying him and seeking to-hunt something out-of his mouth in-order-that they-might-accuse of-him.


LUKE12v1 With which-(things), (as) the myriads of-the crowd (were) having-been-gathered-together-completely so-as to-be-treading-down one-another, he-began to-be-saying to his disciples first, YOU-be-paying attention for-yourselves from the leaven of-the Pharisees, one-which is hypocrisy.

LUKE12v2 But not-one-(thing) is having-been-and-still-covered-completely which will not be-uncovered, and secret which will not come-to-be-known,

LUKE12v3 Because as-many-(things)-as YOU-said in the dark, will-be-heard in-the light; and what-(thing) YOU-spoke to the ear in the storechambers, will-be-preached upon the housetops.

LUKE12v4 But I-am-saying to-YOU my friends, Might-YOU not fear-for-yourselves from the-(ones)-killing the body, and after-these-(things) not having something to-do more-exceedingly.

LUKE12v5 But I-shall-indicate to-YOU whom YOU-might-fear-for-yourselves:  YOU-fear-for-yourselves the-(one) having authority after to-kill, to-cast-in into the Gehenna; yea I-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-be-fearing-for-yourselves this-(one).

LUKE12v6 (Are) NOT five sparrows being-offered-for-sale of-two assaria? And one out-of them is not being-forgotten in-sight of-the God.

LUKE12v7 But even the hairs of-YOUR-head have all been-and-still-are-numbered.  Therefore YOU-be not fearing-for-yourselves, YOU-are-differing of-many sparrows.

LUKE12v8 But I-am-saying to-YOU, Every-(one) whosoever might-confess in me in-front of-the MEN, the son of-the MAN also will-confess in him in-front of-the angels of-the God;

LUKE12v9 But the-(one) having-denied me in-sight of-the MEN will-be-disowned in-sight of-the angels of-the God;

LUKE12v10 And every-(one) who will-say (a) word with-reference-to the son of-the MAN, it-will-be forgiven to-him; but to-the-(one) having-blasphemed with-reference-to the Holy Spirit it-will not be-forgiven.

LUKE12v11 But at-the-time-that they-might-be-bringing YOU near upon the synagogues and the principalities and the authorities, YOU-be not being-anxious how or what YOU-might-make-defense, or what YOU-might-say;

LUKE12v12 For the Holy Spirit will-teach YOU in the hour itself what-(things) (are)-essential to-say.

LUKE12v13 But some-one out-of the crowd said to-him, Teacher, you-say to my brother to-himself-part the inheritance with me.

LUKE12v14 But the-(one) said to-him, MAN, who established me (a) magistrate or (a) partitioner over YOU?

LUKE12v15 But he-said to-them, YOU-be-seeing and YOU-be-guarding-yourselves from the covetousness; because for-some-one his life is not in to-be-having-advantage out-of his goods.

LUKE12v16 But he-said (a) parable to them, saying, The cultivated-field of-(a)-certain rich MAN became-fertile.

LUKE12v17 And he-was-deliberating within himself, saying, What shall-I-do, because I-am not having where I-shall-gather-together my fruits?

LUKE12v18 And he-said, This I-shall-do:  I-shall-lower my granaries, and I-shall-build-up greater, and there I-shall-gather-together all of-my products and my good-(things),

LUKE12v19 And I-shall-say to my soul, Soul, you-are-having many good-(things) lying with-reference-to many years; you-be-resting-again-for-yourself, you-eat, you-drink, you-be-being-merry.

LUKE12v20 But the God said to-him, Foolish-(one), this night they-are-requesting-back your soul from you; but what-(things) you-prepared to-whom will-it-be?

LUKE12v21 Thus (is) the-(one) storing for-himself, and not being-rich with-reference-to God.

LUKE12v22 But he-said to his disciples, Because-of this I-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-be not being-anxious for YOUR soul what YOU-might-eat nor for-the body what YOU-might-clothe-yourselves-in.

LUKE12v23 The soul is much-more than-the nourishment, and the body than-the clothing.

LUKE12v24 You-take-note-of the ravens, because they-are not sowing nor are-they-harvesting, for-which is not storechamber nor granary, and the God is-nourishing them. For-how-much more YOU yourselves-are-differing of-the flying-(ones).

LUKE12v25 But who out-of YOU being-anxious is-being-able to-add one cubit on his stature?

LUKE12v26 if therefore neither (a) least-(thing) YOU-are-being-able, why are-YOU-being-anxious concerning the other-(things)?

LUKE12v27 YOU-take-note-of the lilies, how (they-are)-growing; (they-are) not tiring-from-labor nor (are-they)-spinning; but I-am-saying to-YOU, neither was Solomon in all his glory cast-around as one of-these.

LUKE12v28 But if the God is thus adorning the grass being in the field today, and being-cast tomorrow into (an) oven, by-how-much more YOU, little-trust-(ones)?

LUKE12v29 And YOU yourselves-be not seeking what YOU-might-eat or what YOU-might-drink, and YOU-be not being-in-suspense;

LUKE12v30 For these-(things) all the Gentiles of-the world (are)-seeking-after; but YOUR Father is-knowing-absolutely that YOU-are-needing of-these-(things).

LUKE12v31 Further, YOU-be-seeking the kingdom of-the God, and all these-(things) will-be-added to-YOU.

LUKE12v32 YOU-be not fearing-for-yourselves, the little little-flock, because YOUR Father thought-well to-give the kingdom to-YOU.

LUKE12v33 YOU-offer-for-sale YOUR goods, and YOU-give alms; YOU-make for-yourselves purses not being-made-old, (a) storehouse unfailing in the heavens, where-in-which (a) thief is not drawing-near, nor is (a) moth corrupting-through.

LUKE12v34 For where-in-which is YOUR storehouse, there also YOUR heart will-be.

LUKE12v35 Let YOUR loins be having-been-and-still-girded-around and the lamps burning;

LUKE12v36 And YOU like to-MEN welcoming the lord of-themselves, at-what-time he-will-unloose out-of the wedding-festivities, in-order-that having-come and having-knocked, they-might-open immediately to-him.

LUKE12v37 Happy (are) those slaves whom the Lord having-come will-find watching. Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that he-will-gird-himself-around, and will-recline them again, and having-come-past he-will-minister to-them.

LUKE12v38 And if he-might-come in the second guard-period, even in the third guard-period he-might-come, and he-might-find thus, happy are those slaves.

LUKE12v39 But YOU-be-coming-to-know this, that if the despot-of-the-household had-known-absolutely in-what-sort-of hour the thief is-coming he (likely) watched, and he not (likely) let-be his home to-be-dug-through.

LUKE12v40 And therefore YOU yourselves-be-becoming prepared; because in-the hour YOU-are-thinking not, the son of-the MAN is-coming.

LUKE12v41 But the Peter said to-him, Lord, to us are-you-saying this parable, or also to all?

LUKE12v42 But the Lord said, So who is the trustworthy administrator-of-the-household and prudent, whom the Lord will-establish over his healing, to-be-giving the measure-of-wheat in season?

LUKE12v43 Happy (is) that slave whom his Lord having-come will-find doing thus.

LUKE12v44 Truly I-am-saying to-YOU, that he-will-establish him over all his goods.

LUKE12v45 But if that slave might-say in his heart, My Lord is-lingering to-be-coming, and he-might-begin to-be-hitting the male-servants and the maid-servants, both to-be-eating and to-be-drinking and to-be-being-drunk,

LUKE12v46 The Lord of-that slave will-be-present in (a) day which he-is not anticipating, and in (an) hour which he-is not coming-to-know, and he-will-cut him in-two, and he-will-put his part with the unbelieving-(ones).

LUKE12v47 But that slave namely-the-(one) having-come-to-know the will of-the Lord of-himself, and not having-prepared nor having-done to his will, he-will-be-beaten many-(blows).

LUKE12v48 But the-(one) not having-come-to-know, but having-done (things)-worthy of-blows, he-will-be-beaten few-(blows).  But to-every-(one) to-whom much was-given, much will-be-sought from him; and to-whom much was-committed they-will-request-of him exceedingly-more.

LUKE12v49 I-came to-cast fire with-reference-to the earth, and what am-I-willing it-was-kindled already?

LUKE12v50 I-am-having (a) baptism to-be-baptized, and how am-I-being-held-together till of-which it-might-be-finished?

LUKE12v51 Are-YOU-thinking that I-came-to-be-alongside to-give peace in the earth? NO, I-am-saying to-YOU, BUT or total-partition;

LUKE12v52 For there-will-be from the now five in one household having-been-and-still-divided, three upon two and two upon three.

LUKE12v53 Father will-be-divided upon son, and son upon father; mother upon daughter, and daughter upon mother; mother-in-law upon her bride, and bride upon her mother-in-law.

LUKE12v54 But he-was-saying also to-the crowds, At-the-time-that YOU-might-see the cloud rising from sun-settings, immediately YOU-are-saying (A) thunder-storm is-coming; and it-is-coming-to-pass thus.

LUKE12v55 And at-the-time-that (a) south-wind (is) blowing, YOU-are-saying that it-will-be scorching-heat; and it-is-coming-to-pass.

LUKE12v56 Hypocrites, YOU-are-knowing-absolutely to-be-proving the face of-the earth and of-the heaven, how are-YOU not proving this season?

LUKE12v57 But why even from yourselves are-YOU not judging the just-(thing)?

LUKE12v58 For as you-are-withdrawing with your opponent upon (a) ruler, you-give business in the way to-have-been-liberated from him, lest-at-any-time he-might-drag you down to the judge, and the judge might-give you over to-the bailiff, and the bailiff might-be-casting you into (a) guard-house.

LUKE12v59 I-am-saying to-you, By-no-means might-you-come-out therefrom till the-place-where you-might-give-back even the last lepton.


LUKE13v1 But some were-being-alongside in the season itself reporting to-him concerning the Galileans, of-whom Pilate mixed the blood with their sacrifices.

LUKE13v2 And having-answered the Jesus said to-them, Are-YOU-thinking that these Galileans became sinners beside all the Galileans, because they-have-suffered (things)-such-as-these?

LUKE13v3 NO, I-am-saying to-YOU; BUT if YOU-might not be-repenting YOU-will all perish in-the-same-way.

|v4 Or those eighteen upon whom the tower in the Siloam fell and killed them, are-YOU-thinking that these became debtors beside all MEN, the-(ones) residing in Jerusalem?

LUKE13v5 NO, I-am-saying to-YOU; BUT if YOU-might not be-repenting, YOU all will-perish likewise,

LUKE13v6 But he-was-saying this parable: Some-one was having (a) fig-tree having-been-planted in his vineyard; and he-came seeking fruit in it and he-found not.

LUKE13v7 But he-said to the vine-dresser, Behold I-am-coming three years seeking fruit in this fig-tree and I-am not finding: you-chop it away, to-what-end is-it even rendering the land inactive?

LUKE13v8 But the-(one) having-answered is-saying to-him, Lord, you-let it be also this year, till one-which I-might-cultivate around it and I-might-cast dung.

LUKE13v9 And-if on-the-one-hand it-might-make fruit; on-the-other-hand if not-in-fact, with-reference-to the future you-will-chop it away.

LUKE13v10 But he-was teaching in one of-the synagogues in-the sabbaths.

LUKE13v11 And behold, there-was (a) woman having (a) spirit of-weakness eighteen years, and she-was-being-stooped-together and not being-able to-be-erect with-reference-to the completely.

LUKE13v12 The Jesus having-seen her hollered-to (her) and he-said to-her, Woman, you-have-been-and-are-released of-your weakness.

LUKE13v13 And he-placed the hands upon her, and she-was instantly made-straight-again, and she-was-glorifying the God.

LUKE13v14 But having-answered, the ruler-of-the-synagogue, being-indignant because the Jesus healed in-the sabbath, he-was-saying to-the crowd, There-are six days in which it-is-essential to-be-working; therefore coming in these You-are-being-healed, and not in-the day of-the sabbath.

LUKE13v15 Therefore the Lord answered to-him, and said, Hypocrite, is not each of-YOU in-the sabbath loosing his ox or the ass from the stall, and having-led (it) away he-is-giving (it) to-drink?

LUKE13v16 But this-(woman) being (a) daughter of-Abraham, whom the adversary bound, behold, eighteen years, was-it not being-essential (for her) to-be-loosed from this bond in-the day of-the sabbath?

LUKE13v17 And (as) he (was) saying these-(things) all the-(ones) opposing to-him were-being-disgraced; and all the crowd was-rejoicing over all the glorious-(things), namely-the-(ones) coming-to-pass by him.

LUKE13v18 But he-was-saying, To-what is the kingdom of-the God like?  And to-what shall-I-liken it?

LUKE13v19 It-is like to-a-grain of-mustard, which (a) MAN having-taken he-cast into (a) garden of-himself; and it-grew and it-came-to-be (a) great tree, and the flying-(things) of-the heaven settled-down in its branches.

LUKE13v20 And again he-said, To-what shall-I-liken the kingdom of-the God?

LUKE13v21 It-is like to-leaven, which (a) woman having-taken she-concealed into three satons of-meal till of-which (the) total was-leavened.

LUKE13v22 And he-was-proceeding-through according-to cities and villages teaching and himself-making (a) journey into Jerusalem.

LUKE13v23 But some-one said to-him, Lord, if the-(ones) being-saved (are) few?  But he-said to-them,

LUKE13v24 YOU-be-struggling to-go-in through the narrow gate; because many, I-am-saying to-YOU, will-seek to-go-in, and they-will not be-strong-enough.

Luke13v25 From the-place-where the despot-of-the-household might-be-raised, and he-might-shut-off the door, and YOU-might-begin to-have-stood without and to-be-knocking-(at) the door, saying, Lord, Lord, you-open to-us; and having-answered he-will-say to-YOU, I-absolutely-know YOU not from-whence YOU-are.

LUKE13v26 Then YOU-will-begin to-be-saying, We-ate in-sight of-you and we-drank, and you-taught in our squares.

LUKE13v27 And he-will-say, I-am-saying to-YOU, I absolutely-know YOU not from-whence YOU-are; YOU-depart from me, all the workers of-the unrighteousness.

LUKE13v28 There will-be the weeping and the gnashing of-the teeth, at-the-time-that YOU-might-see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of-the God, but YOU being-cast-out without.

LUKE13v29 And they-will-be-present from sun-risings and sun-settings, and from north and south, and they-will-be-reclined-again in the kingdom of-the God.

LUKE13v30 And behold, they-are last-(ones) who will-be first-(ones), and they-are first-(ones) who will-be last-(ones).

LUKE13v31 in the day itself some Pharisees came-near saying to-him, You-go-out and you-be-proceeding hence, because Herod is-willing to-kill you.

LUKE13v32 And he-said to-them, Having-proceeded YOU say to this fox, Behold, I-am-casting-out little-demons and I-am-accomplishing cures today and tomorrow, and in-the third (day) I-am-being-made-perfect;

LUKE13v33 Further, it-is-essential (for) me today and tomorrow and in-the (one) being-had to-be-proceeding; because it-is not admissible (a) prophet to-perish without Jerusalem.

LUKE13v34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the-(one) killing the prophets, and casting-stones-at the-(ones) having-been-and-still-dispatched to her, how-often I-willed to-gather-together-completely (in) which manner (a) hen (gathers) the brood of-herself under the wings, and YOU-willed not.

LUKE13v35 Behold YOUR home is-being-let-be to-YOU desolate; but amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that by-no-means might-YOU-see me till it-might-be-present, when YOU-might-say, Having-been-and-still-blessed (is) the (one) coming in (the) name of-Jehovah.


LUKE14v1 And it-came-to-pass with him to-be-come into (a) home of-some-one of-the rulers of-the Pharisees in-a-Sabbath to-eat bread, and they themselves-were themselves-keeping-alongside him.

LUKE14v2 And behold some MAN in-front of-him was dropsical.

LUKE14v3 And having-answered the Jesus said to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, If is-it-legitimate to-be-healing in-the sabbath?

LUKE14v4 But the-(ones) kept-quiet. And having-taken-hold (of him) he-cured him, and he-released (him).

LUKE14v5 And having-answered to them he-said, Of-which-(one) of-YOU, (an) ass or (an) ox will-fall-in into (a) pit, and he-will not immediately pull him up in the day of-the sabbath?

LUKE14v6 And they-were not strong-enough to-reply-against toward these-(things) to-him.

LUKE14v7 But he-was-saying (a) parable to the-(ones) having-been-called, holding-on how they-were-choosing-for-themselves the first-reclining-groups, saying to them,

LUKE14v8 At-the-time-that you-might-be-called by someone with-reference-to wedding-festivities, might-you not be-reclined-down with-reference-to the first-reclining-group, lest-at-any-time (one)-more-honored than-you

might-be having-been-called by him.

LUKE14v9 And having-come the-(one) having-called you and him will-say to-you, You-give place to-this-(one), and then you-might-begin with shame to-be-holding-fast the last place.

LUKE14v10 BUT at-the-time-that you-might-be-called, having-proceeded you-fall-prostrate into the last place, in-order-that at-the-time-that the-(one) having-called you might-come, he-might-say to-you, Friend, you-ascend-to more-above.  Then it-will-be glory to-you in-sight of-the-(ones) lying-back-together with-you;

LUKE14v11 Because every-(one) the-(one) raising himself to-a-height, he-will-be-humbled; and the-(one) humbling himself, he-will-be-raised-to-a-height.

LUKE14v12 But he-was-saying also to-the-(one) having-called him, At-the-time-that you-might-be-making (a) breakfast or (a) supper, you-be not hollering-for your friends neither your brothers nor your relatives nor rich land-neighbors, lest-at-any-time they themselves-might also invite you in turn, and (a) repayment might-come-to-pass to-you;

LUKE14v13 BUT at-the-time-that you-might-be-making (a) reception, you-be-calling (ones)-destitute, crippled, lame, blind;

LUKE14v14 And you-will-be happy; because they-are not having to-repay to-you; for it-will-be-repaid to-you in the standing-again of-the just-(ones).

LUKE14v15 But someone of-the-(ones) lying-back-together having-heard these-(things) said to-him, Happy (is) (one)-who will-eat bread in the kingdom of-the God.

LUKE14v16 But the-(one) said to-him, (A) certain MAN made (a) great supper, and he-called many.

LUKE14v17 And he-dispatched his slave in-the hour of-the supper to-say to-the-(ones) having-been-called, YOU-be-coming, because already all-(things) (are) ready.

LUKE14v18 And they all began from one-(sentiment) to-be-refusing.  The first said to-him, I-bought (a) field in-the-market, and I-am-having necessity to-go-out and to-see it; I-am-interrogating you, you-be-having me having-refused-for-myself.

LUKE14v19 And (a) different-(one) said, I-bought five pairs of-oxen in-the-market, and I-am-proceeding to-approve them; I-am-interrogating you, you-be-having me having-refused-for-myself.

LUKE14v20 And (one)-different said, I-married (a) woman, and because-of this I-am not being-able to-come.

LUKE14v21 And having-come-to-be-alongside that slave reported to his lord these-(things).  Then the despot-of-the-household having-become-wroth he-said to his slave, You-go-out quickly into the squares and streets of-the city, and you-lead-into here the-(ones) destitute and crippled and lame and blind.

LUKE14v22 And the slave said, Lord, it-has-come-to-pass as you-enjoined, and still is place.

LUKE14v23 And the lord said to the slave, You-go-out into the ways and fenced-in-(ones?), and you-compel to-come-in, in-order-that my home might-be-loaded;

LUKE14v24 For I-am-saying to-YOU, that not-one of-those men, namely-of-the-(ones) having-been-called will-taste of-my supper.

LUKE14v25 But many crowds were-proceeding-together with-him; and having-been-turned he-said to them,

LUKE14v26 If someone is-coming to me, and is not hating the father of-himself and the mother and the wife and the children and the brothers and the sisters, but still also the soul of-himself, he-is not being-able to-be my disciple;

LUKE14v27 And one-who is not bearing his cross, and is-coming behind me, he-is not being-able to-be my disciple.

LUKE14v28 For which-(one) out-of YOU willing to-build-up (a) tower, having-been-seated he-is NOT first counting-up the expense, if he-is-having the-(things) toward completion?

LUKE14v29 In-order-that lest-at-any-time (as) he (was) having-placed (a) foundation and (was) not being-strong-enough to-finish-out, all the-(ones) observing might-begin to-be-mocking him,

LUKE14v30 Saying, that this MAN began to-be-building-up and he-was not strong-enough to-finish-out.

LUKE14v31 Or what king proceeding to-cast-together with-(a)-different king into (a) war, having-been-seated he-is NOT first resolving if he-is powerful with ten thousands to-meet with-the-(one) coming upon him with twenty thousands?

LUKE14v32 But if not-in-fact, (as) he (is) being still far-off, having-dispatched (a) delegation he-is-interrogating the-(things) toward peace.

LUKE14v33 Thus therefore every-(one) out-of YOU who is not bidding-farewell to-all the goods of-himself he-is not being-able to-be my disciple.

LUKE14v34 The salt (is) fine, but if the salt might-be-made-stupid in whom will-it-be-seasoned?

LUKE14v35 It-is neither well-adapted with-reference-to land nor with-reference-to dung: they-are-casting it without.  The-(one) having ears to-be-hearing, let-him-be-hearing.


LUKE15v1 But the tax-collectors and the sinners were all drawing-near to-him to-be-hearing of-him;

LUKE15v2 And the Pharisees and the scribes were-murmuring-among-themselves, saying, that this-one is-welcoming sinners and he-is-eating-together with-them.

LUKE15v3 But he-said to-them this parable, saying,

LUKE15v4 What MAN out-of YOU having a-hundred sheep, and having-lost one out-of them, is not leaving-behind the ninety-nine in the wilderness and he-is-proceeding upon the-(one) having-been-and-still-lost, till he-might-find it?

LUKE15v5 And having-found (it) he-is-putting (it) on upon the shoulders of-himself rejoicing,

LUKE15v6 And having-come into the home he-is-calling-together the friends and the land-neighbors, saying to-them, YOU-rejoice-together with-me, because I-found my sheep, namely-the-(one) having-been-lost.

LUKE15v7 I-am-saying to-YOU, that joy will-be thus in the heaven over one repenting sinner, than over ninety-nine just-(ones), ones-who are-having no need of repentance.

LUKE15v8 Or what woman having ten drachmas, if she-might-lose one drachma, is NOT igniting (a) lamp and she-is-sweeping the house and she-is-seeking carefully till of-one-which she-might-find it?

LUKE15v9 And having-found (it) she-is-calling-together-for-herself the (women) friends and the (women) land-neighbors saying, YOU-rejoice-together with-me, because I-found the drachma which I-lost.

LUKE15v10 Thus, I-am-saying to-YOU, there-is-coming-to-be joy in-sight of-the angels of-the God over one repenting sinner.

LUKE15v11 But he-said, (A) certain man was-having two sons;

LUKE15v12 And the younger of-them said to-the father, Father, you-give to-me the casting-on part of-the property.  And he-allotted to-them the means-of-living.

LUKE15v13 And after not many days, having-gathered-together quite-all-(things), the younger son went-abroad into (a) far country, and there he scattered-abroad his property, living dissipatedly.

LUKE15v14 But (as) he (was) having-spent all-(things), (a) strong famine came-to-be according-to that country, and he himself-began to-be-lacking.

LUKE15v15 And having-proceeded he-was-united to-one of-the citizens of-that country, and he-sent him into his fields to-be-feeding swine.

LUKE15v16 And he-was-desiring to-load his belly from the carob-pods which the swine were-eating; and no-one was-giving to-him.

LUKE15v17 But having-come with-reference-to himself he-said, How-many hired-(ones) of-my father are-having-advantage of-loaves, and I myself-am-perishing with-famine?

LUKE15v18  Having-stood-again I-shall-proceed to my father, and I-shall-say to-him, Father, I-sinned with-reference-to the heaven and in-sight of-you;

LUKE15v19 And no-more am-I worthy to-be-called your-son: you-make me as one of-your hired-(ones).

LUKE15v20 And having-stood-again he-went to the father of-himself.  But (as) he (was) still holding far off his father saw him and he-was-moved-with-compassion, and having-run he-fell-on upon his neck and he-kissed him tenderly.

LUKE15v21 But the son said to-him, Father, I-sinned with-reference-to the heaven and in-sight of-you, and no-more am-I worthy to-be-called your son.

LUKE15v22 But his father said to his slaves, YOU-bring-out the stolee namely-the first and YOU-clothe him in (it), and YOU-give (a) ring with-reference-to his hand and shoes with-reference-to the feet;

LUKE15v23 And having-brought the calf namely-the wheat-fed YOU-sacrifice, and having-eaten let-us-be-merry:

LUKE15v24 Because this my son was dead, and he-lived-again; and he-was having-been-lost, and he-was-found.  And they-began to-be-merry.

LUKE15v25 But his son namely-the elder was in (a) field; and as coming he-drew-near to-the house he-heard of-a-symphony and of-choral-dancing.

LUKE15v26 And having-called-to-himself one of-his male-servants, he-was-inquiring what these-(things) may-be.

LUKE15v27 But the-(one) said to-him, that your brother is-being-present, and your father sacrificed the calf namely-the-(one) wheat-fed, because he-took him back being-healthy.

LUKE15v28 But he-was-wroth and he-was not willing to-go-in.  His father therefore having-gone-out was-entreating him.

LUKE15v29 But the-(one) having-answered he-said to-the father, Behold, these-many years I-am-being-a-slave for-you and I never went-past (a) commandment of-you, and you never gave (a) young-goat to-me in-order-that I-might-be-caused-to-be-merry with my friends;

LUKE15v30 But when this son of-you, namely-the-(one) having-devoured your means-of-living with prostitutes came, you-sacrificed for-him the calf, namely-the-(one) wheat-fed.

LUKE15v31 But the-(one) said to-him, Child, you yourself-are always with me, and all the-(things) mine (are) thine.

LUKE15v32 But to-be-made-merry and to-be-rejoiced was-being-essential, because this brother of-you was dead, and he-lived-again; and he-was having-been-lost, and was-found.


LUKE16v1 But he-was-saying also to his disciples, (A) certain MAN was rich, who was-having (an) administrator-of-the-household, and this-(one) was-being-slandered to-him as scattering-abroad his goods.

LUKE16v2 And having-hollered-for him he-said to-him, What (is) this-(thing) I-am-hearing concerning you? You-give-back the account of-your administration-of-the-household; for you-will not be-able to still be administering-the-household.

LUKE16v3 But the administrator-of-the-household was-saying within himself, What will-I-do, because my lord is-himself-removing-away the administration-of-the-household from me? I-am not being strong-enough to-be-cultivating; I-am-ashamed to-be-begging.

LUKE16v4 I-came-to-know what I-shall-do, in-order-that, at-the-time-that I-might-be-shifted from-the administration-of-the-household, they-might-receive me into their homes.

LUKE16v5 And having-called-to-himself each one of-the needy-debtors of-the lord of-himself he-was-saying to-the first, How-much are-you-being-indebted to my lord?

LUKE16v6 But the-(one) said, A-hundred baths of-oil. And he-said to-him, You-receive your letter and having-been-seated you quickly write fifty.

LUKE16v7 Thereafter he-said to-a-different-(one), But how-much are-you yourself indebted? But the-(one) said, A-hundred cors of-wheat. And he-is-saying to-him, You-receive your letter and you-write eighty.

LUKE16v8 And the lord lauded the administrator-of-the-household of-the unrighteousness because he-did prudently. Because the sons of-this age are more-prudent with-reference-to the generation namely-the-(one) of-themselves above the sons of-the light.

LUKE16v9 And-I myself-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-make friends for-yourselves out-of the mammon of-the unrighteousness, in-order-that at-the-time-that YOU-might-disappear they-might-receive YOU into the eternal tabernacles.

LUKE16v10 The-(one) trustworthy in (a) least-(thing) is also trustworthy in much; and the-(one) unjust in (a) least-(thing) is also unjust in much.

LUKE16v11 if therefore YOU-became not trustworthy with the unjust mammon, who will-trust the authentic-(thing) with-YOU?

LUKE16v12 And if YOU-became not trustworthy with the-(thing) belonging-to-another, who will-give the-(thing) yours to-YOU?

LUKE16v13 Not-one house-servant is-being-able to-be-being-a-slave to-two lords, for either he-will-hate the one, and he-will-cherish the different-(one); or he-will-hold-up one, and he-will-despise of-the different-(one).  YOU-are not being-able to-be-being-a-slave to-God and to mammon.

LUKE16v14 But the Pharisees also were-hearing all these-(things), existing (ones)-loving-silver, and they-were-deriding him.

LUKE16v15 And he-said to-them, YOU yourselves-are the-(ones) justifying themselves in-sight of-the MEN, but the God is-coming-to-know YOUR hearts; because the-(thing) high among MEN is (an) abomination in-sight of-the God.

LUKE16v16 The law and the prophets (were) till John: from then the kingdom of-the God is-being-brought-good-news, and every-(one) is-forcing-himself into it.

LUKE16v17 But it-is easier-(for) the heaven and the earth to-go-past, than (for) one little-horn of-the law to-fall.

LUKE16v18 Every-(one) the-(one) releasing his wife and marrying (a) different-(one) is-committing-adultery; and every-(one) the-(one) marrying (her)-having-been-and-still-released from (a) husband is-committing-adultery.

LUKE16v19 (A) certain MAN was rich, and he-was-dressing-himself-in purple and fine-linen, dally being-merry-himself brilliantly.

LUKE16v20 But (a) certain destitute-(one) was by-name Lazarus, who having-been-and-still-being-full-of-sores (was) having-been-being-cast toward his gateway.

LUKE16v21 And desiring to-be-satisfied from the crumbs namely-the-(ones) falling from the table of-the-(one) rich; BUT also the dogs coming were-licking-off his sores.

LUKE16v22 But it-came-to-pass the destitute-(one) to-die-off, and he-to-be-brought-off by the angels into the bosom of-the Abraham.  But the rich-(one) also died-off, and he-was-buried.

LUKE16v23 And having-elevated his eyes in the Hades, existing in torments, he-is-seeing the Abraham from a-distance, and Lazarus in his bosoms.

LUKE16v24 And having-hollered he himself-said, Father Abraham, you-have-mercy-on me, and you-send Lazarus, in-order-that he-might-dip the tip of-his finger of-water, and he-might-cool-down my tongue; because I-am-being-pained in this flame.

LUKE16v25 But Abraham said; Child, you-be-made-mindful that you yourself-took-back your good-(things) in your life, and Lazarus likewise the bad-(things). But now this-one-here is-being-comforted, but you yourself-are-being-pained.

LUKE16v26 And upon all these-(things), between us and YOU (a) great chasm has-been-and-still-is-fixed-firmly, in-which-case the-(ones) willing to-cross hence to YOU might not be-being-able, nor might the-(ones) be-passing-over therefrom to us.

LUKE16v27 But he-said, I-am-interrogating you therefore, father, in-order-that you-might-send him into the home of-my father,

LUKE16v28 For I-am-having five brothers, in-which-case he-might-be-emphatically-testifying to-them, in-order-that they themselves-might not also come into this place of-the torment.

LUKE16v29 Abraham is-saying to-him, They-are-having Moses and the prophets, let-them-be-hearing of-them.

LUKE16v30 But he-said, NO, father Abraham, BUT if some-(one) might-proceed from dead-(ones) to them they-will-repent.

LUKE16v31 But he-said to-him, If they-are not hearing of-Moses and of-the prophets, neither will-they-be-persuaded if some-(one) might-stand-again out-of dead-(ones).


LUKE17v1 But he-said to the disciples, It-is inadmissable the entrapments not to-come, but woe through whom it-is-coming.

LUKE17v2 It-is-better for-him if (a) millstone of-an-ass is-laying-around about his neck, and he-had-been-thrown into the sea, than in-order-that he-might-entrap one of-these little-(ones).

LUKE17v3 YOU-be-paying-attention to-yourselves: But if your brother might-sin with-reference-to you, you-rebuke him, and if he-might-repent, you-forgive him.

LUKE17v4 And if he-might-sin with-reference-to you seven-times of-the day, and seven-times of-the day he-might-turn-around upon you, saying, I-am-repenting, you-will-forgive him.

LUKE17v5 And the apostles said to-the Lord, You-add trust to-us.

LUKE17v6 But the Lord said, If YOU-were-having trust, as (a) grain of-mustard, YOU-were-saying to-this mulberry-tree, You-be-rooted-out, and you-be-planted in the sea, and it-obeyed YOU.

LUKE17v7 But who out-of YOU having (a) slave ploughing or shepherding, who having-come-in out-of the field, he-will-say to-him, Immediately, having-come-alongside you-fall-back-for-yourself?

LUKE17v8 BUT will-he NOT say to-him, You-prepare what I-shall-take-(for)-supper, and having-girded-yourself-around you-be-ministering to-me, till I-might-eat and I-might-drink; and after these-(things) you-will-eat and you yourself-will-drink?

LUKE17v9 Is-he-having favor for-that slave because he-did the-(things), having-been-ordered for-him? I-am-thinking not.

LUKE17v10 Thus also YOU, at-the-time-that YOU-might-do all the-(things) having-been-ordered for-YOU, YOU-are-saying, that we-are useless slaves, because which-(thing) we-were-being-indebted to-do we-have-done-and-still-do.

LUKE17v11 And it-came-to-pass with him to-be-proceeding into Jerusalem, he himself also was-going-through, through (the) midst of-Samaria and of-Galilee.

LUKE17v12 And (as) he (was) coming-in into (a) certain village ten leprous men met him, who stood far-off-from-thence,

LUKE17v13 And they themselves-lifted-up (a) voice saying, Jesus, Master, you-have-mercy-on us.

LUKE17v14 And having-seen he-said to-them, Having-proceeded YOU-show yourselves to-the priests. And it-came-to-pass with them to-be-withdrawing they-were-cleansed.

LUKE17v15 But one out-of them, having-seen that he-was-cured, he-returned, with (a) great voice glorifying the God.

LUKE17v16 And he-fell upon (his) face beside his feet, giving-thanks to-him:  and he himself-was (a) Samaritan.

LUKE17v17 But having-answered the Jesus said, Were NOT the ten cleansed?  But where (are) the nine?

LUKE17v18 They-were not found having-returned to-give glory to-the God unless this-(one) of-another-race.

LUKE17v19 And he-said to-him, Having-stood-up you-be-proceeding; your trust has-saved-and-still-saves you.

LUKE17v20 But having-been-questioned by the Pharisees, at-what-time the kingdom of-the God is-coming, he-answered to-them and said, The kingdom of-the God is not coming with (a) keeping-alongside;

LUKE17v21 Nor will-they-say, Behold here, or behold there; for behold the kingdom of-the God is interior of-YOU.

LUKE17v22 But he-said to the disciples, Days will-come when YOU-will-desire to-see one of-the days of-the son of-the MAN, and YOU-will not see (it).

LUKE17v23 And they-will-say to-YOU, Behold here, or behold there; might-YOU not go-away nor might-YOU-pursue.

LUKE17v24 For as-altogether the beam-of-light, namely-the-(one) lightening, is-shining out-of the (sun-rising) under heaven into the (sun-setting) under heaven, thus also the son of-the MAN will-be in his day.

LUKE17v25 But first it-is-essential (for) him to-suffer many-(things), and to-be-rejected from this generation.

LUKE17v26 And according-as it-came-to-pass in the-days of-the Noah, thus will-it-be also in the days of-the son of-the MAN.

LUKE17v27 They-were-eating, they-were-drinking, they-were-marrying, they-were-being-given-in-marriage, until which day Noah went-in into the ark, and the flood came and it-destroyed quite-all.

LUKE17v28 And likewise as it-came-to-pass in the days of-Lot; they-were-eating, they-were-drinking, they-were-buying-in-the-market, they-were-offering-for-sale, they-were-planting, they-were-building-up;

LUKE17v29 But the day Lot went-out from Sodom it-rained fire and sulphur from heaven and it-destroyed quite-all.

LUKE17v30 It-will-be according-to these-(things) in-which day the son of-the MAN is-being-uncovered.

LUKE17v31 In that day let not (one)-who will-be on the housetop, and his articles in the house, descend to-remove them; and the-(one) in the field likewise, let-him not turn-around with-reference-to the-things behind.

LUKE17v32 YOU-be-having-in-memory of-the wife of-Lot.

LUKE17v33 Whosoever might-seek to-save his soul, he-will-destroy it; and whosoever might destroy it he-will-preserve it alive.

LUKE17v34 I-am-saying to-YOU, in this night two will-be upon one bed; the one will-be-taken-along, and the different-(one) will-be-let-be.

LUKE17v35 Two (women) will-be-grinding on the same-(thing); one will-be-taken-along, and the different-(woman) will-be-let-be.

LUKE17v36 [Not in most manuscripts, even Receptus]

LIKE17v37 And having-been-answered they-are-saying to-him, Where, Lord?  But the-(one) said to-them, Where-in-which the body (is) there the eagles will-be-gathered-together.


LUKE18v1 But he-was also saying (a) parable to-them toward (it) to-be-being-essential to always be-praying and not to-be-being-weary,

LUKE18v2 Saying, (A) certain judge was in (a) certain city, himself not fearing the God and not respecting MAN.

LUKE18v3 But (a) widow was in that city, and she-was-coming to him, saying, You-avenge me from my opponent.

|v4 And he-willed not over (a) time; but after these-(things) he-said within himself, Even if I-myself-am not fearing the God and I-am not respecting MAN,

LUKE18v5 In-fact because-of this widow to-be-holding-beside for-me labor I-shall-avenge her, in-order-that coming with-reference-to (a) finish she-might not be-giving me a-black-eye.

LUKE18v6 But the Lord said, YOU-hear what the judge of-the unrighteousness is-saying.

LUKE18v7 But will the God by-no-means do the avenging of-his chosen, namely-the-(ones) shouting to him day and night, even being-patient over them?

LUKE18v8 I-am-saying to-YOU, that he-will-do the avenging of-them with speed. Further, the son of-the MAN having-come will-he really find the trust upon the earth?

LUKE18v9 But he also said this parable to some, the-(ones) having-relied-and-still-relying on themselves that they-are just-(ones) and treating-with-contempt the  others.

LUKE18v10 Two MEN ascended into the temple to-pray; the one (a) Pharisee and the different-(one) (a) tax-collector.

LUKE18v11 The Pharisee having-been-stood, he-was-praying these-(things) to himself, The God I-am-giving-thanks to-you that I-am not as-altogether the others of-the MEN, seizers, unjust-(ones), adulterers, or even as this tax-collector.

LUKE18v12 I-am-fasting twice of-the sabbath, I-am-taking-tithes-from all-(things) as-many-(things)-as I-am-acquiring.

LUKE18v13 And the tax-collector having-stood-and-still-standing at-a-distance was not willing to-elevate neither the eyes with-reference-to the heaven, BUT he-was-hitting into his chest, saying, the God, you propitiate for-me the sinner.

LUKE18v14 I-am-saying to-YOU, this-(one) descended into his home having-been-and-still-justified (rather) than that-(one).  Because every-(one), the-(one) raising himself to-a-height will-be-humbled; but the-(one) humbling himself will-be-raised-to-a-height.

LUKE18v15 But they-were-bringing-near to-him the babies also, in-order-that he-might-be-handling of-them; but the disciples having-seen they-rebuked them.

LUKE18v16 But the Jesus having-called them to-himself he-said, YOU-let-be the (pre-teen)-children to-be-coming to me, and YOU-be not hindering them; for the kingdom of-the God is of-the-(ones) such-as-these.

LUKE18v17 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, Whosoever might not receive the kingdom of-the God as (a) (pre-teen)-child he-might by-no-means go-in into it.

LUKE18v18 And (a) certain ruler questioned him, saying, Good teacher, having-done what-(thing) shall-I-inherit life eternal?

LIKE18v19 But the Jesus said to-him, Why me are-you-saying good?  Not-one (is) good unless one, the God.

LUKE18v20 You-are-knowing-absolutely the commandments: You-might not commit-adultery; you-might not murder; you-might not steal; you-might not bear-false-witness; you-be-honoring your father and your mother.

LUKE18v21 But the-(one) said, All these I-guarded-for-myself out-of my youthfulness.

LUKE18v22 But having-heard these-(things) the Jesus said to-him, Still one-(thing) is-wanting to-you; all-(things) as-many-as you-are-having you-offer-for-sale, and you distribute to-destitute-(ones), and you-will-have store in heaven, and come-hither you-be-following with-me.

LUKE18v23 But the-(one) having-heard these-(things) he-became deeply-grieved, for he-was extremely rich.

LIKE18v24 But the Jesus having-seen him having-become deeply-grieved he-said, How with-difficulty the-(ones) having the moneys will-go-in into the kingdom of-the God.

LUKE18v25 For it-is easier (for a) camel to-go-in through (an) eye of-(a)-needle than (one)-rich to-go-in into the kingdom of-the God.

LUKE18v26 But the-(ones) having-heard said, Who is even being-able to-be-saved?

LUKE18v27 But the-(one) said, The-(things) impossible beside MEN (are) possible beside the God.

LUKE18v28 But the Peter said, Behold, we ourselves-let-go all-(things) and we-followed with-you.

LUKE18v29 But the-(one) said to-them, Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that there-is not-one who let-go house or parents or brothers or wife or children on-account-of the kingdom of-the God,

LUKE18v30 Who will not take-back many-times-over in this season, and in the age namely-the-(one) coming life eternal.

LUKE18v31 But having-taken-along-to-himself the twelve he-said to them, Behold, we-are-ascending into Jerusalem, and all the-(things) having-been-and-still-written through the prophets for-the son of-the MAN will-be-finished;

LUKE18v32 For he-will-be-given-over to-the Gentiles, and he-will-be-mocked and he-will-be-insulted and he-will-be-spit-on.

LUKE18v33 And having-whipped, they-will-kill him; and in-the day namely-the third he-will-himself-stand-again.

LUKE18v34 And they themselves-perceived not-one of-these-(things), and this saying was having-been-and-still-hidden from them, and they-were not coming-to-know the-(things) being-said.

LUKE18v35 But it-came-to-pass with him to-be-drawing-near into Jericho, (a) certain blind-(one) was-sitting beside the way begging.

LUKE18v36 But having-heard (as-a) crowd (was) proceeding-through he-was-inquiring what this may-be-being.

LUKE18v37 But they-reported to-him, that Jesus the Nazarene is-going-past.

LUKE18v38 And he-shouted saying, Jesus, son of-David, you-have-mercy-on me.

LUKE18v39 And the-(ones) preceding-before were-rebuking him in-order-that he-might-be-still, but he himself-was-crying by-much more, Son of-David, you-have-mercy-on me.

LUKE18v40 But the Jesus having-been-stood gave-verbal-order (for) him to-be-led to him.  But (as) he (was) having-drawn-near he-questioned him,

LUKE18v41 Saying, What are-you-willing I-shall-do for-you? But the-(one) said, Lord, in-order-that I-might-receive-sight.

LUKE18v42 And the Jesus said to-him, You-receive-sight: your trust has-saved-and-still-saves you.

LUKE18v43 And instantly he-received-sight, and he-was-following with-him, glorifying the God.  And all the people having-seen gave praise to-the God.


LUKE19v1 And having-gone-in he-was-going-through the Jericho.

LUKE19v2 And behold, (a) man by-name being-called Zacchaeus, and he himself-was chief-tax-collector, and this-(one) was rich.

LUKE19v3 And he-was-seeking to-see the Jesus, who he-is: and from the crowd he-was not being-able, because in-the stature he-was little.

LUKE19v4 And having-run-before in-front he-ascended upon (a) sycamore-tree, in-order-that he-might-see him, because through that (way) he-was-being-about to-be-going-through.

LUKE19v5 And as he-came upon the place, the Jesus having-looked-up he-saw him, and he-said to him, Zacchaeus, having-hurried you-descend, for today it-is-essential (for) me to-remain in your home.

LUKE19v6 And having-hurried he-descended and he-received him as-a-guest rejoicing.

LUKE19v7 And (ones) having-seen were quite-all murmuring-among-themselves, saying, that he-went-in-to-be-a-guest beside (a) sinful man.

LUKE19v8 But having-stood Zacchaeus said to the Lord, Behold, the halves of-my goods, Lord, I-am-giving to-the destitute, and if I-calumniated something of-someone, I-am-giving-back fourfold.

LUKE19v9 But the Jesus said to him, that today salvation came-to-be in-this home, in as much-as he himself also is (a) son of-Abraham:

LUKE19v10 For the son of-the MAN came to-seek and to-save the-(thing) having-been-and-still-perishing.

LUKE19v11 But (as) they (were) hearing these-(things), having-added, he-said (a) parable, because-of him to-be near Jerusalem, and they to-be-thinking that instantly the Kingdom of-the God is-being-about to-be-reappearing.

LUKE19v12 He-said therefore, (A) certain well-born MAN proceeded into (a) far country, to-take for-himself (a) kingdom and to-return.

LUKE19v13 But having-called ten slaves of-himself he-gave ten minas to-them, and he-said to them, YOU-trade till I-am-coming.

LUKE19v14 But his citizens were-hating him, and they-dispatched (a) delegation behind him, saying, We-are not willing this-(one) to-be-king over us.

LUKE19v15 And it-came-to-pass with him to-be-come-back-on having-taken the kingdom, he also said (for) these slaves to-whom he-gave the silver-coin to-be-hollered-to for-him, in-order-that he-might-come-to-know what business anyone carried-on.

LUKE19v16 But the first came-to-be-alongside, saying, Lord, your mina worked-to ten minas.

LUKE19v17 And he-said to-him, Well:  good slave; because you-became trustworthy in (a) least-(thing), you-be having authority above-upon ten cities.

LUKE19v18 And the second came, saying, Lord, your mina made five minas.

LUKE19v19 But he-said also to-this-(one), And you yourself-be-coming-to-be above-upon five cities.

LUKE19v20 And (a) different-(one) came, saying, Lord, behold your mina, which I-was-having laying-away in (a) handkerchief.

LUKE19v21 For I-myself-was-fearing you, because you-are (a) strict MAN; you-are-lifting-up what-(thing) you-placed not and you-are-harvesting what-(thing) you-sowed not.

LUKE19v22 But he-is-saying to-him, I-shall-judge you out-of your mouth, evil slave:  you-have-known-absolutely that I myself-am (a) strict MAN, lifting-up what-(thing) I-placed not and harvesting what-(thing) I-sowed not.

LUKE19v23 And because-of-what gave-you not my silver-coin upon the table, and I having-come I-practised it together-with interest?

LUKE19v24 And he-said to-the-(ones) having-stood-and-still-standing-around, YOU-lift-up the mina from him and YOU-give to-the-(one) having the ten minas.

LUKE19v25 And they-said to-him, Lord, he-is-having ten minas.

LUKE19v26 For I-am-saying to-YOU, that to-the everyone having it-will-be-given; but from the-(one) not having, even what-(thing) he-is-having it-will-be-lifted-up from him.

LUKE19v27 Further, my enemies, those the-(ones) having not willed me to-be-king over them, YOU-lead here and YOU-slaughter-completely in-front of-me.

LUKE19v28 And having-said these-(things) he-was-proceeding in-front, ascending into Jerusalem.

LUKE19v29 And it-came-to-pass as he-drew-near into Bethphage and Bethany, toward the mountain namely-the-(one) being-called of-Olives, he dispatched two of his disciples,

LUKE19v30 Saying, YOU-be-withdrawing into the village down-against (YOU), within which, proceeding-in YOU-will-find (a) colt having-been-and-still-bound, upon which not-one of-MEN was-seated at-any-time: having-loosed YOU-lead him.

LUKE19v31 And if someone might-be-interrogating YOU, Because-of-what are-YOU-loosing (him)? Thus YOU-will-say to-him, Because the Lord is-having need of-him.

LUKE19v32 But having-gone-away the-(ones) having-been-and-still-dispatched found according-as he-said to-them.

LUKE19v33 But (as) they (were) loosing the colt the lords of-him said to them, Why are-YOU-loosing the colt?

LUKE19v34 But the-(ones) said, The Lord is-having need of-him.

LUKE19v35 And they-led him to the Jesus; and having-thrown-on the garments-(himations) of-themselves upon the colt, they-mounted the Jesus.

LUKE19v36 But (as) he (was) proceeding they-were-spreading-under their garments-(himations) in the way.

LUKE19v37  But (as) he (was) drawing-near already toward the descent of-the mountain of-the olives quite-all the multitude of-the disciples began rejoicing, to-be-praising the God with-great noise concerning all powerful-deeds which they-saw,

LUKE19v38 Saying, Having-been-and-still-blessed (is) the king coming in name of-Jehovah. Peace in heaven and glory in most-high-(places).

LUKE19v39 And some of-the Pharisees from the crowd said to him, Teacher, you rebuke your disciples.

LUKE19v40 And having-answered he-said to-them, I-am-saying to-YOU, that if these might-be-still the stones will-cry.

LUKE19v41 And as he-drew-near, having-seen the city he-wept over it,

LUKE19v42 Saying, That if-you-came-to-know, even you, even in-fact in this your day, the-(things) toward your peace: but now it-was-hidden from your eyes;

LUKE19v43 Because days will-be-present upon you and your enemies will-cast-around (a) rampart to-you, and they-will-encircle you and they-will-hold you together on-all-sides,

LUKE19v44 And they-will-dash you to-the-ground and your children within you, and they-will not let-be (a) stone upon (a) stone, because you-came not to-know the season of-your oversight.

LUKE19v45 And having-gone-in into the temple he-began to-be-casting-out the-(ones) offering-for-sale in it and (ones)-buying-in-the-market,

LUKE19v46 Saying to-them, It-has-been-and-is-still-written, my home is (a) home of-prayer; but YOU yourselves-made it (a) cave of-robbers.

LUKE19v47 And he-was teaching daily in the temple: but the chief-priests and the scribes and the first-(ones) of-the people were-seeking to-destroy him,

LUKE19v48 And they-were not finding what the-(thing) they-might-do, for quite-all the people (were) hanging-upon of-him hearing.


LUKE20v1 And it-came-to-pass in one of-those days, (as) he (was) teaching and (was) himself-bringing-the-good-news-to the people in the temple, the chief-priests and the scribes together-with the elders stood-by,

LUKE20v2 And said to him, saying, You-say to-us in what-sort-of authority you-are-doing these-(things), or who is the-(one) having-given this authority to-you?

LUKE20v3 But having-answered he-said to them, I-also myself-shall-interrogate YOU one word, and YOU-say to-me.

LUKE20v4 The baptism of-John was-it out-of heaven or out-of MEN?

LUKE20v5 But the-(ones) figured-together with themselves, saying, that if we-might-say out-of heaven, he-will-say, Because-of-what therefore trusted-YOU not in-him?

LUKE20v6 But if we-might-say, Out-of MEN, all the people will-stone us completely; for (they-are) having-been-and-still-persuaded John to-be (a) prophet.

LUKE20v7 And they-answered to not have-known-absolutely from-whence.

LUKE20v8 And the Jesus said to-them, Neither am-I myself saying to-YOU in what-sort-of authority I-am-doing these-(things).

LUKE20v9 But he-began to-be-saying to the people this parable: (A) certain MAN planted (a) vineyard, and he-gave it out to-farmers, and he-went-abroad (a) considerable time.

LUKE20v10 And in season he-dispatched (a) slave to the farmers, in-order-that they-might-give to-him from the fruit of-the vineyard; but the farmers having-beat him they-dispatched (him) out empty.

LUKE20v11 And he-added-for-himself to-send (a) different slave; but the-(ones) having-beat that-(one) also and having-dishonored (him) they-dispatched (him) out empty.

LUKE20v12 And he-added-for-himself to-send (a) third; but the-(ones) having-wounded this-(one) also they-cast (him) out.

LUKE20v13 But the lord of-the vineyard said, What shall-I-do?  I-shall-send my son namely-the-(one) cherished; having-seen this-(one) they-will-respect (him) equally (to me).

LUKE20v14 But having-seen him they-were-deliberating with themselves, saying, This-(one) is the heir; come-hither let-us-be-killing him, in-order-that the inheritance might-become of-us.

LUKE20v15 And having-cast him out without the vineyard they-killed (him).  What therefore will the lord of-the vineyard do to-them?

LUKE20v16 He-will-come and he-will-destroy these farmers, and he-will-give the vineyard to-others.  But having-heard they-said, May-it not come-to-pass:

LUKE20v17 But the-(one) having-looked-upon them said, What therefore is this-(thing) having-been-and-still-written, (The) stone which the-(ones) building-up rejected, this became with-reference-to (the) head of-(the)-corner?

LUKE20v18 Every-(one) the-(one) having-fallen upon that stone will-be-dashed-in-pieces, upon whomsoever it-might-fall it-will-winnow him.

LUKE20v19 And the chief-priests and the scribes sought to-cast-on the hands upon him in the hour itself, and they-feared the people; for they-came-to-know that he-said this parable toward them.

LUKE20v20 And having-kept-alongside (him) they-dispatched suborners, pretending themselves to-be just-(ones), in-order-that they-might-take-hold of-(a) word of-him, with-reference-to to-give him over to-the rule and to-the authority of-the governor.

LUKE20v21 And they-questioned him, saying, Teacher, we-are-knowing-absolutely that you-are-saying and you-are-teaching straightly, you-are not taking (a) person, BUT upon truth you-are-teaching the way of-the God:

LUKE20v22 is-it-legitimate for-us to-give tribute to-Caesar or not?

LUKE20v23 But having-taken-note-of their craftiness he-said to them, Why are-YOU-trying me?

LUKE20v24 YOU-show (a) denarius to-me:  of-whom is-it-having (an) image and (an) inscription?  But having-answered they-said, Of-Caesar.

LUKE20v25 But the-(one) said to-them, Furthermore-now YOU-give-back the-(things) of-Caesar to-Caesar, and the-(things) of-the God to-the God.

LUKE20v26 And they-were not strong-enough to-take-hold of-his sayings in-presence-of the people; and having-marvelled upon his reply they-were-silent.

LUKE20v27 But having-come-near, some of-the Sadducees, the-(ones) contradicting, (saying) not to-be (a) standing-again, they-questioned him.

LUKE20v28 Saying, Teacher, Moses wrote to-us, If (a) brother of-someone might-die-off childless, his brother might-take the wife in-order-that he-might even stand-forth seed to his brother.

LUKE20v29 There-were therefore seven brothers; and the first having-taken (a) wife he-died-off childless;

LUKE20v30 And the second took the wife, and this-(one) died-off childless;

LUKE20v31 And the third took her; but in-the-same-way also the seven left not children behind, and they-died-off ;

LUKE20v32 But later than-all the wife also died-off.

LUKE20v33 Therefore in the standing-again of-which of-them is-she-coming-to-be wife; for the seven had her (as) wife?

LUKE20v34 And having-answered the Jesus said to-them, The sons of-this age are-marrying and they-are-given-in-marriage;

LUKE20v35 But the-(ones) having-been-deemed-worthy to-reach of-that age and of-the standing-again namely-the-(one) out-of dead-(ones) neither are-marrying nor are-they-given-in-marriage;

LUKE20v36 For neither are-they-being-able to still die-off; for they-are equal-angels, and they-are sons of-the God, being sons of-the standing-again.

LUKE20v37 But that the-dead-(ones) are-being-raised, Moses also disclosed over the bramble-bush, as he-is-saying Jehovah the God of-Abraham and the God of-Isaac and the God of-Jacob;

LUKE20v38 But he-is not God of-dead-(ones), BUT of-living-(ones); for they-are all living with-him.

LUKE20v39 But having-answered some of-the scribes said, Teacher, you-said rightly.

LUKE20v40 But no-more were-they-daring to-be-questioning him, not-one-(thing).

LUKE20v41 But he-said to them, How are-they-saying the Messiah to-be son of-David?

LUKE20v42 And David himself is-saying in (the) book of-Psalms, Jehovah said to my Lord, you-sit out-of my rights,

LUKE20v43 Till I-might-put your enemies (a) footstool of-your feet.

LUKE20v44 Therefore David is-calling him Jehovah, and how is-he his son?

LUKE20v45 But (as) all the people (were) hearing he-said to his disciples,

LUKE20v46 YOU-be-paying-attention from the scribes namely-the-(ones) willing to-be-walking-around in stolees, and loving greetings in the markets and first-seats in the synagogues and first-reclining-groups in the suppers;

LUKE20v47 Who are-devouring the houses of-the widows, and for-a-cover-up they-are-praying long-(things). These will-take exceedingly-more sentence.


LUKE21v1 But having-looked-up he-saw the rich-(ones) casting their gifts into the treasury.

LUKE21v2 But he-saw also (a) certain poor widow casting two lepta there.

LUKE21v3 And he-said, Truly I-am-saying to-YOU, that the widow namely-this destitute-(one) cast-in more than-all;

LUKE21v4 For quite-all these cast out-of the-(thing) exceeding to-them into the gifts of-the God; but she out-of her thing-lacking cast quite-all the means-of-living which she-was-having.

LUKE21v5 And (as) some (were) saying concerning the temple, that it-had-been-and-was-still-put-in-order with-fine stones and donations, he-said

LUKE21v6 These-(things) which YOU-are-observing, days will-come within which stone will not be-let-be upon stone which will not be-overthrown.

LUKE21v7 But they-questioned him saying: Teacher, at-what-time will these-(things) be?  And what the sign at-the-time-that these-(things) might-be-being-about to-be-coming-to-pass?

LUKE21v8 But the-(one) said, YOU-be-looking lest YOU-might-be-led-astray; for many will-come on my name, saying, that I myself-am and the season has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near.  Might-YOU not therefore proceed behind them.

LUKE21v9 But at-the-time-that YOU-might-hear-(of) wars and instabilities might-YOU not be-terrified; for it-is-essential these-(things) to-come-to-pass first, BUT not immediately the finish.

LUKE21v10 Then he-was-saying to-them, Nation will-be-raised over nation and kingdom over kingdom;

LUKE21v11 Both great earthquakes according-to places and will-be famines and pestilences, both great fearful-things and signs will-be from heaven.

LUKE21v12 But before quite-all these-(things) they-will-cast-on upon YOU their hands, and they-will-persecute, giving-over into synagogues and guard-houses, being-led upon kings and governors on-account-of my name.

LUKE21v13 But it-will-result to-YOU with-reference-to (a) testimony.

LUKE21v14 Therefore YOU-put-for-yourselves into YOUR hearts not to-be-pondering-before-hand to-make-a-defense;

LUKE21v15 For I myself-shall-give to-YOU mouth and wisdom, to-which all the-(ones) opposing YOU will not be-able to-contradict nor to-withstand.

LUKE21v16 But YOU-will-be-given-over even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they-will-put-to-death (some) out-of YOU.

LUKE21v17 And YOU-will-be being-hated by all because-of my name.

LUKE21v18 And (a) hair out-of YOUR head by-no-means might-perish.

LUKE21v19 In YOUR perseverance YOU-acquire YOUR souls.

LUKE21v20  But at-the-time-that YOU-might-see the Jerusalem being-encircled by camps, then YOU-come-to-know that her desolation has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near.

LUKE21v21 Then let the-(ones) in the Judea be-fleeing into the mountains, and let the-(ones) in midst of-her [Jerusalem] be-emigrating, and let not the-(ones) in the cultivated-fields be-going-in into her. [Jerusalem]

LUKE21v22 Because these are days of-an-avenging, all the-(things) having-been-and-still-written to-be-fulfilled.

LUKE21v23 But woe to-the-(ones) having-in womb and to-the-(ones) nursing in those days, for there-will-be great necessity over the land and wrath for-this people.

LUKE21v24 And they-will-fall by-mouth of-dagger, and they-will-be-led-captive into all the Gentiles; and Jerusalem will-be being-trodden by nations until seasons of-nations might-be-fulfilled.

LUKE21v25 And signs will-be in sun and moon and stars, and over the earth (a) holding-together of-nations in perplexity, (as) sea and surf (is) sounding,

LUKE21v26 (As) MEN (are) stopping-breathing from fear and anticipation of-the-(things) coming-on for-the inhabited-earth, for the powers of-the heavens will-be-stirred.

LUKE21v27 And then they-will-see the son of-the MAN coming in (a) cloud with power and much glory.

LUKE21v28 But (as) these-(things) (are) beginning to-be-coming-to-pass YOU-stand-erect and YOU-elevate YOUR heads, for-the-reason-that YOUR redemption-back is-drawing-near.

LUKE21v29 And he-said (a) parable to-them, YOU-see the fig-tree and all the trees;

LUKE21v30 At-the-time-that they-might already cast-forward, (while) looking from yourselves, YOU-be-coming-to-know, that the summer is already near.

LUKE21v31 Thus also YOU, at-the-time-that YOU-might-see these-(things) coming-to-pass, YOU-be-coming-to-know, that the kingdom of-the God is near.

LUKE21v32 Amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that by-no-means might this race go-past, till all-(things) might-come-to-pass.

LUKE21v33 The heaven and the earth will-go-past, but by-no-means might my words go-past.

LUKE21v34 But YOU-be-paying-attention to-yourselves, lest-at-any-time YOUR hearts might-be-weighted with debauchery and drunkenness and anxieties pertaining-to-this-life, and that day might-stand-by sudden upon YOU;

LUKE21v35 For it-will-come-on as (a) snare upon all the-(ones) sitting upon face of-all the earth.

LUKE21v36 Therefore YOU-be-being-sleepless petitioning in every season, in-order-that YOU-might-be-deemed-worthy to-flee-out-of all these-(things), the-(ones) being-about to-be-coming-to-pass, and to-be-stood in-front of-the son of-the MAN.

LUKE21v37 But he-was the days in the temple teaching, but the nights going-out he-was-lodging-outside with-reference-to the mountain namely-the-(one) being-called of-olives;

LUKE21v38 And all the people (were)-rising-at-daybreak (to-come) to him in the temple to-be-hearing of-him.


LUKE22v1 But the feast of-the unleavened-breads was-drawing-near, namely-the-(one) being-called pass-over.

LUKE22v2 And the chief-priests and the scribes were-seeking the how they-might-carry him off, for they-themselves-were-fearing the people.

LUKE22v3 But the adversary went-in into Judas the-(one) being-nicknamed Iscariot, being out-of the number of-the twelve.

LUKE22v4 And having-gone-away he-spoke-together with-the chief-priests and the commanders the how he-might-give him over to-them.

LUKE22v5 And they-rejoiced, and they-put-themselves-together to-give to-him silver-coin.

LUKE22v6 And he-acknowledged, and he-was-seeking (a) good-season to-give him over to-them minus (a) crowd.

LUKE22v7 But the day of-the unleavened-breads came in which it-was-essential the passover to-be-being-sacrificed.

LUKE22v8 And he-dispatched Peter and John, saying, Having-proceeded YOU-prepare for-us the passover, in-order-that we-might-eat.

LUKE22v9 But the-(ones) said to-him, Where are-you-willing we-might-prepare?

LUKE22v10 But the-(one) said to-them, Behold, (as) YOU (are) having-gone-in into the city (a) MAN will-meet-together with-YOU bearing (a) vessel-of-pottery of-water; YOU-follow with-him into the house of-which he-is-proceeding-in;

LUKE22v11 And YOU-will-say to-the despot-of-the-household of-the house, the teacher is-saying to-you, Where  is the guest-chamber where-in-which I-might-eat the passover with my disciples?

LUKE22v12 And-that-(one) will-point to-YOU (a) great upper-floor having-been-and-still-spread:  there YOU-prepare.

LUKE22v13 But having-gone-away they-found according-as he-had-said to-them; and they-prepared the passover.

LUKE22v14 And when the hour came-to-pass he-fell-back, and the twelve apostles together-with him.

LUKE22v15 And he-said to-them, I-desired with-desire to-eat this passover with YOU before (I am) to-suffer.

LUKE22v16 For I-am-saying to-YOU, that by-no-means might-I-eat any-more out-of it till of-one-which it-might-be-fulfilled in the kingdom of-the God.

LUKE22v17 And having-received (a) cup, having-given-thanks he-said, YOU-take this, and YOU-divide for-yourselves.

LUKE22v18 For I-am-saying to-YOU, that by-no-means might-I-drink from the product of-the vine till of-one-which the kingdom of-the God might-come.

LUKE22v19 And having-taken bread, having-given-thanks he-broke-in-pieces, and he-gave to-them, saying, This is my body, the-(one) being-given in-behalf-of YOU:  YOU-be-doing this with-reference-to my remembrance.

LUKE22v20 And in-the-same-way the cup after to-partake-supper, saying, This cup (is) the new-quality covenant in my blood, the-(one) being-poured-out in-behalf-of YOU.

LUKE22v21 Further, behold, the hand of-the-(one) giving me over (is) with me on the table;

LUKE22v22 And on-the-one-hand the son of-the MAN is-proceeding according-to the-(thing) having-been-and-still-appointed, further woe to that MAN through whom he-is-being-given-over.

LUKE22v23 And they themselves-began to-be-debating-together with themselves, the-(thing), so who out-of them it-may-be, the-(one) being-about to-be-practising this-(thing).

LUKE22v24 But (a) love-of-contention even came-to-pass among them, the-(thing), which of-them is-seeming to-be greater.

LUKE22v25 But the-(one) said to-them, The kings of-the Gentiles are-exercising-lordship of-them, and the-(ones) having-authority of-them are-being-called benefactors.

LUKE22v26 But YOU (will) not (be) thus; BUT the-(one) greater among YOU let-him-become as the younger, and the-(one) being-governor as the-(one) ministering.

LUKE22v27 For who (is) greater, the-(one) lying-back or the-(one) ministering?  (Is) NOT the-(one) lying-back? But I myself-am in midst of-YOU as the-(one) ministering.

LUKE22v28 But YOU yourselves-are the-(ones) having-remained-and-still-remaining-continuously with me in my trials.

LUKE22v29 And-I myself-am-covenanting to-YOU (a) kingdom, according-as my Father himself-covenanted to-me,

LUKE22v30 In-order-that YOU-might-be-eating and YOU-might-be-drinking on my table in my kingdom, and YOU-might-yourselves-be-seated on thrones judging the twelve tribes of-the Israeli.

LUKE22v31 But the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, the adversary demanded YOU, to-sift as the wheat;

LUKE22v32 But I myself-petitioned concerning you, in-order-that your trust might not be-disappearing; and at-what-time having-turned-around you yourself-fix-firmly your brothers.

LUKE22v33 But the-(one) said to-him, Lord, I-am prepared to-be-proceeding with you even into (a) guard-house and into death.

LUKE22v34 But the-(one) said, I-am-saying to-you, Peter, by-no-means will (a) cock crow today than before you-will thrice disown (me), absolutely not to-have-known me.

LUKE22v35 And he-said to-them, When I-dispatched YOU minus purse and leather-pouch and shoes, lacked-YOU of-something?  But the-(ones) said, Of-not-one-(thing).

LUKE22v36 Therefore he-said to-them, BUT now the-(one) having (a) purse let-him-lift (it) up, likewise also (a) leather-pouch; and the-(one) not having let-him-offer-for-sale his garment-(himation) and let-him-buy (a) dagger in-the-market;

LUKE22v37 For I-am-saying to-YOU, that it-is-essential still this the-(thing) having-been-and-still-written to-be-finished in me, namely-the-(thing); And he-was-figured with lawless-(ones):  for also the-(things) concerning me (are)-having (a)-finish.

LUKE22v38 But the-(ones) said, Lord, behold, here (are) two daggers.  But the-(one) said to-them, it-is adequate.

LUKE22v39 And having-gone-out he-proceeded according-to the custom into the mountain of-the Olives, but his disciples also followed with-him.

LUKE22v40 But having-come-to-be upon the place he-said to-them, YOU-be-praying to not come-in into trial.

LUKE22v41 And he himself-was-pulled-away from them about (the) cast of-a-stone, and having-placed the knees he-was-praying,

LUKE22v42 Saying, Father, if you-are-purposing to-bring-away this cup from me-; further, not my will, BUT let thine come-to-pass.

LUKE22v43 But (an) angel from heaven was-seen with-him strengthening him.

LUKE22v44 And having-come-to-be in agony he-was-praying more-earnestly, but his sweat came-to-be as-if drops of-blood descending upon the earth.

LUKE22v45 And having-stood-up from the prayer, having-come to the disciples he-found them being-fallen-asleep from the grief,

LUKE22v46 And he-said to-them, Why are-YOU-sleeping? Having-stood-up YOU-be-praying, in-order-that YOU-might not come-in into trial.

LUKE22v47 But still (as) he (is) speaking, behold (a) crowd, and the-(one) being-called Judas, one of-the twelve, was-coming-forward of-them, and he-drew-near to-the Jesus to-kiss him.

LUKE22v48 But the Jesus said to-him, Judas, are-you-giving-over the son of-the MAN by-a-kiss?

LUKE22v49 But the-(ones) around him having-seen the-(thing) about-to-be said to-him, Lord, if shall-we-smite with dagger?

LUKE22v50 And (a) certain one out-of them smote the slave of-the chief-priest, and removed-away his ear namely-the right.

LUKE22v51 But having-answered the Jesus said, YOU-be-allowing till this-(thing). And having-handled his ear (physical) he-cured him.

LUKE22v52 But the Jesus said to the-(ones) having-come-to-be-alongside upon him, chief-priests and commanders of-the temple and elders, Have-YOU-come-out as upon (a) robber with daggers and weapons?

LUKE22v53 Dally of-my being with YOU in the temple YOU-stretched not out the hands upon me; BUT this is YOUR hour, and the authority of-the darkness.

LUKE22v54 But having-together-taken him they-led (him), and they-led him in into the home of-the chief-priest.  But the Peter was-following at-a-distance.

LUKE22v55 But (as) they (were) having-ignited (a) fire in midst of-the court and (were) having-seated (themselves) together, the Peter was-sitting in midst of-them.

LUKE22v56 But (a) certain maid-servant having-seen him sitting toward the light, and having-stared to-him, said, And this-(one) was together-with him.

LUKE22v57 But the-(one) denied, saying, Woman, I-am-absolutely-knowing him not.

LUKE22v58 And after (a) small-amount (a) different-(one) having-seen him was-stating, And you yourself-are out-of them.  But the Peter said, MAN, I-am-not.

LUKE22v59 And (a) space having-interposed of about one hour, (a) certain other-(one) was-affirming-emphatically, saying, Upon truth this-(one) also was with him; for he-is also a Galilean.

LUKE22v60 But the Peter said, MAN, I-am-absolutely not knowing what you-are-saying. And instantly, (as) he (is) speaking, the cock crowed.

LUKE22v61 And the Lord having-been-turned he-looked-upon the Peter; and the Peter put-in-mind the word of-the Lord, as he-said to-him, That before (a) cock to-crow you-will-disown me thrice.

LUKE22v62 And having-gone-out without the Peter wept bitterly.

LUKE22v63 And the men namely-the-(ones) together-holding the Jesus were-mocking him, beating-(him);

LUKE22v64 And having-covered him around they-were-hitting his face, and they-were-questioning him saying, You-prophesy, who is the-(one) having-struck you?

LUKE22v65 And many different-(things) they-were-saying blaspheming with-reference-to him.

LUKE22v66 And as it-came-to-be day the body-of-elders of-the people was-gathered-together, both chief-priests and scribes, and they-led him up into the council of-themselves, saying,

LUKE22v67 If you yourself-are the Messiah, you-say to-us. But he-said to-them, If I-might-say-so, by-no-means might-YOU-believe;

LUKE22v68 But if I also might-interrogate (YOU), by-no-means might-YOU-answer to-me or might-YOU-release (me).

LUKE22v69 From the now the son of-the MAN will-be sitting out-of (the) right[s] of-the power of-the God.

LUKE22v70 But they all said, Therefore are-you yourself the son of-the God? But the-(one) was-stating to them,

YOU yourselves are-saying, that I myself-am.

LUKE22v71 But the-(ones) said, Why are-we still having need of-a-witness? For we ourselves-heard from his mouth.


LUKE23v1 And having-stood-up quite-all the multitude of-them led him upon the Pilate.

LUKE23v2 But they-began to-be-accusing of-him, saying, We-found this-(one) twisting the nation, and hindering to-be-giving tributes to-Caesar, saying himself to-be Messiah king.

LUKE23v3 But the Pilate questioned him, saying, Are-you yourself the King of-the Jews?  But the-(one) having-answered was-stating to-him, You yourself-are-saying.

LUKE23v4 But the Pilate said to the chief-priests and the crowds, I-am-finding not-one reason in this man.

LUKE23v5 But the-(ones) were-being-more-urgent, saying, That he-is-inciting the people, teaching down-over the total Judea, having-begun from the Galilee till here.

LUKE23v6 But Pilate having-heard Galilee, he-questioned if the MAN is (a) Galilean;

LUKE23v7 And having-come-to-know-thoroughly that he-is out-of the authority of-Herod, he-sent him back to Herod, he also being in Jerusalem in these days.

LUKE23v8 But the Herod having-seen the Jesus he-was very-much rejoiced, for he-was willing out-of considerable-(time) to-see him, because-of to-be-hearing many-(things) concerning him; and he-was-hoping to-see some sign coming-to pass by him.

LUKE23v9 But he-was-questioning him with considerable words, but he himself-answered not-one-(thing) to-him.

LUKE23v10 But the chief-priests and the scribes had-been-standing; vigorously accusing of-him.

LUKE23v11 But the Herod together-with his armies having-treated him with-contempt, and having-mocked (him), having-cast-around him (a) brilliant (white) esthes (robe) he-sent him back to-the Pilate.

LUKE23v12 But both the Pilate and the Herod came-to-be friends with one-another in the day itself; for they-were-existing-before being in enmity with themselves.

LUKE23v13 But Pilate having-himself-called-together the chief-priests and the rulers and the people,

LUKE23v14 He-said to them, YOU-brought-near to-me this MAN as turning-back the people; and behold, I having-examined (him) in-sight of-YOU, I-found in this MAN not-one reason of-which-(things) YOU-are-accusing down-upon him;

LUKE23v15 BUT neither Herod, for I-sent YOU back to him, and behold, not-one-(thing) worthy of-death is having-been-and-still-practised by-him.

LUKE23v16 Therefore having-disciplined him I-shall-release (him).

LUKE23v17 But he-was-having necessity to-be-releasing one to-them according-to (the) feast.

LUKE23v18 But they-cried-out with-all-the-multitude, saying,  You-be-lifting-up this-(one), but you-release the Barabbas to-us;

LUKE23v19 One-who was having-been-and-still-cast into (a) guard-house because-of some strife and murder having-come-to-pass in the city.

LUKE23v20 Again therefore the Pilate hollered-to (them), willing to-release the Jesus.

LUKE23v21 But the-(ones) were-hollering-louder, saying, You-crucify, you-crucify him.

LUKE23v22 But the third (time) he-said to-them, For what bad-(thing) did this-(one)? I-found not-one reason of-death in him.  Therefore having-disciplined him I-shall-release (him).

LUKE23v23 But the-(ones) were-lying-on with great voices, themselves-requesting him to-be-crucified.  And their voices and of-the chief-priests were-prevailing.

LUKE23v24 But the Pilate determined their request to-come-to-pass.

LUKE23v25 But he-released to-them the-(one) having-been-and-still-cast into the guard-house because-of strife and murder, whom they-were-requesting; but he-gave-over the Jesus to their will.

LUKE23v26 And as they-led him away, having-taken-hold of Simon (a) certain Cyrenian the-(one) coming from (a) field, they-put-upon him the cross to-be-bringing (it) at-the-back of-the Jesus.

LUKE23v27 But much multitude of-the people and of-women was-following with-him, who also were-bewailing and were-lamenting him.

LUKE23v28 But having-been-turned toward them the Jesus said, Daughters of-Jerusalem, YOU-be not weeping over me, further YOU-be-weeping over yourselves and over YOUR children;

LUKE23v29 Because behold, days are-coming in which they-will-say, Happy (are) the barren (ones) and bellies which bore not and breasts which nursed not.

LUKE23v30 Then they-will-begin to-be-saying to the mountains, YOU-fall upon us; and to-the hills, YOU-cover us.

LUKE23v31 Because if they-are-doing these-(things) in the wood full-of-sap, what might-come-to-pass in the dried-up (wood)?

LUKE23v32 But two different criminals were-being-led also together-with him to-be-carried-off.

LUKE23v33 And when they-came upon the place namely-the (one) being-called Skull, there they-crucified him and the criminals, (one) whom on-the-one-hand out-of right[s], (one) whom on-the-other-hand out-of left-hand[s].

LUKE23v34 But the Jesus was-saying: Father, you-forgive them, for they-are not knowing-absolutely what they-are-doing.  But dividing-for-themselves his garments they-cast (a) lot.

LUKE23v35 And the people had-been-standing, observing. But the rulers also were-deriding together-with them saying:  He-saved others, let-him-save himself, if this (one) is the Messiah namely-the (one) chosen of-the God.

LUKE23v36 But the soldiers also were-mocking him, coming-near and offering to-him sour-wine,

LUKE23v37 And saying: If you yourself-are the King of-the Jews, you-save yourself.

LUKE23v38 But (an) inscription was having-been-and-still-written over him in-letters Greek and Roman and Hebrew: This (one) is the King of-the Jews.

LUKE23v39 But one of-the criminals having-been-hanged was-blaspheming him, saying:  If you yourself-are the Messiah, you-save yourself and us.

LUKE23v40 But the different (one) having-answered was-rebuking him, saying:  But (are) you yourself not fearing-for-yourself the God, because you-are in the same sentence?

LUKE23v41 And we on-the-one-hand justly; for we-are-taking-back worthy-(things) of-what-(things) we-practised; on-the-other-hand this (one) practised not-one-thing out-of-place.

LUKE23v42 And he-was-saying to-the Jesus: You-be-made-mindful of-me Lord, at-the-time-that you-might-come in to-your kingdom.

LUKE23v43 And the Jesus said to-him: Amen I-am saying to-you, today you-will-be with me in the paradise.

LUKE23v44 But it-was about (the) sixth hour, and darkness came-to-pass over the total land till (the) ninth hour;

LUKE23v45 And the sun was-made-dark, and the veil of-the sanctuary was-split-(in) midst.

LUKE23v46 And the Jesus having-hollered with-(a)-great voice said:  Father, into your hands I-shall-commit my spirit. And having-said these-(things) he-blew-out.

LUKE23v47 But the hundred-ruler having-seen the-(thing) having-come-to-pass he-glorified the God saying: Certainly this man was just.

LUKE23v48 And all the crowds having-come-to-be-alongside-together over this observation, observing the-(things) having-come-to-pass, hitting their chests, they-were-returning.

LUKE23v49 But all the (ones) known of-him were-having-been-standing at-a-distance, also the women having-followed-together with-him from the Galilee, to-be-seeing these-(things).

LUKE23v50 And behold (a) man by-name Joseph, existing (a) councillor, (a) good and just man,

LUKE23v51 This (one) was not having-placed-down-and-still-placing-down-with their purpose and practise; from Arimathea (a) city of-the Jews, and who also himself was-welcoming the kingdom of-the God,

LUKE23v52 This (one) having-gone-to the Pilate requested-for-himself the body of-the Jesus.

LUKE23v53 And having-lowered it, enfolded it in-muslin and placed it in (a) sepulchre hewn-in-rock, the-place-where not-as-yet anyone was lying.

LUKE23v54 It-was (the) making-ready day, and (the) Sabbath was-getting-light-on.

LUKE23v55 But also women having-followed-closely, they-who were having-come-together-and-still-together with-him out-of the Galilee, beheld the tomb, and as his body was-placed.

LUKE23v56 But having-returned they-prepared spices and perfumes. And on-the-one-hand the Sabbath they-kept-quiet according-to the commandment.


LUKE24v1 On-the-other-hand on-the (day) one of-the Sabbaths, of-deep daybreak, they-came upon the sepulchre, bringing spices which they-prepared, and certain (ones) together-with them.

LUKE24v2 But they-found the stone having-been-and-still-rolled-back from the tomb,

LUKE24v3 And having-gone-in they-found not the body of-the Lord Jesus.

LUKE24v4 And it-came-to-pass in their to-be-being-thoroughly perplexed concerning this, even behold, two men stood-by to-them in (a) flashing esthes.

LUKE24v5 But (as) they (were) having-become afraid and reclining the face with-reference-to the earth, they-said to them: Why are-YOU-seeking the (one) living, with the dead (ones)?

LUKE24v6 He-is not here, BUT he-was-raised; YOU-be-made-mindful as he-spoke to-YOU still being in the Galilee,

LUKE24v7 Saying, that it-is-essential the son of-the MAN to-be-given-over into hands of-sinful MEN, and to-be-crucified, and to-stand-again on-the third day.

LUKE24v8 And they-were-made-mindful of-his sayings;

LUKE24v9 And having-returned from the tomb they-reported all these-(things) to-the eleven and to-all the others.

LUKE24v10 But they-were the Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the (mother) of-James, and the others together-with them, were-saying these-(things) to the apostles.

LUKE24v11 And their sayings in-sight of-them appeared as-if nonsense, and they-were-disbelieving them.

LUKE24v12 But the Peter having-stood-up ran upon the tomb, and having-stooped-alongside he-is-looking-at the pieces-of-linen-cloth lying alone, and he-went-away to-himself, marvelling (at) the-(thing) having-come-to-pass-and-still-being.

LUKE24v13 And behold, two out-of them were proceeding in the day itself into (a) village holding-off sixty stadiums from Jerusalem, whose name (is) Emmaus;

LUKE24v14 And they-were-conversing with one-another concerning all these-(things), the (ones) having-happened-and-still-happening.

LUKE24v15 And it-came-to-pass in their to-be-being-conversing and to-be-debating-together, even the Jesus himself having-drawn-near he-was-proceeding-together with-them;

LUKE24v16 But their eyes were-being-retained not to-come-to-know him thoroughly.

LUKE24v17 But he-said to them: What (are) these words which YOU-are-interchanging with one-another (while) walking-around, and YOU-are sad-looking?

LUKE24v18 But the one whose name (is) Cleopas having-answered, said to him:  (Are) You alone in Jerusalem, yourself-dwelling-abroad, and you did not come-to-know the-(things) having-come-to-pass in it in these days?

LUKE24v19 And he-said to-them:  What-sort-of-(things)? But the (ones) said to-him: The-(things) concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who became (a) man (a) prophet, powerful in work and word in-presence-of the God and all of-the people;

LUKE24v20  And-additionally in-which-case the chief-priests and our rulers gave him over with-reference-to (a) sentence of-death, and they-crucified him.

LUKE24v21 But we ourselves-were-hoping that he himself is the (one) being-about to-be-redeeming-for-himself the Israeli.  BUT in-fact together-with all these-(things), today is-leading this third day from which these-(things) came-to-pass.

LUKE24v22 But also some women out-of us made us ecstatic, (ones)-having-become (at) day-breakings upon the tomb.

LUKE24v23 And not having-found his body, they-came saying also to-have-seen (a) supernatural-appearing of-angels, the (ones) saying him to-be-living.

LUKE24v24 And some of-the (ones) together-with us went-away upon the tomb and they-found thus according-as also the women said, but him they-saw not.

LUKE24v25 And he-said to-them:  O thoughtless and slow with-the heart to-be-trusting on all which the prophets spoke:

LUKE24v26 Was-it NOT essential the Messiah to-suffer these-(things) and to-go-in into his glory?

LUKE24v27 And having-begun from Moses and from all the prophets he-was-interpreting to them in all the scriptures the-(things) concerning himself.

LUKE24v28 And they-drew-near with-reference-to the village the-place-where they-were-proceeding and he himself-was-making-pretence to-be-proceeding farther-off.

LUKE24v29 And they-urged him, saying: You-remain with us because it-is toward eventide, and the day has-been-and-still-is-reclining.  And he-went-in to-remain together-with them.

LUKE24v30 And it-came-to-pass in his to-be-reclining-down with them, having-taken the bread he-blessed, and having-broken-in-pieces he-was-handing-over to-them.

LUKE24v31 But their eyes were-opened-thoroughly and they-came-to-know him thoroughly; and he himself-became vanished from them.

LUKE24v32 And they-said to one-another: Was NOT our heart being-burned in us as he-was-speaking to-us in the way, and as he-was-opening-thoroughly the scriptures?

LUKE24v33 And having-stood-up in-the hour itself they-returned into Jerusalem, and they-found the eleven and the (ones) together-with them,

LUKE24v34 Saying, that the Lord certainly was-raised, and he-was-seen by Simon.

LUKE24v35 And they-were-explicating the-(things) in the way, and as he-was-come-to-be-known to-them in the breaking of-the bread.

LUKE24v36 But (as) they (were) speaking these-(things), the Jesus himself stood in midst of-them and he-is-saying to-them: Peace to-YOU.

LUKE24v37 But having-been-terrified and having-become (ones) afraid they-were-thinking to-be-observing (a) spirit.

LUKE24v38 And he-said to-them: Why are-YOU (ones) having-been-and-still-being-disturbed?  And why are deliberations ascending in your hearts?

LUKE24v39 YOU-see my hands and my feet, that I myself-am he. YOU-feel me and YOU-see, because (a) spirit is not having flesh and bones, according-as YOU-are-observing me having.

LUKE24v40 And having-said this he-showed to-them the hands and the feet.

LUKE24v41 But still (as) they (were) disbelieving from the joy and marvelling, he-said to-them: Are-YOU-having something eatable in-this-spot?

LUKE24v42 But the (ones) handed-over to-him part of-a-baked fish and from (a) honeycomb.

LUKE24v43 And having-taken he-ate in-sight of-them.

LUKE24v44 But he-said to-them:  These (are) the words which I-spoke to YOU still being together-with YOU, that it-is-essential to-be-fulfilled all the-(things) having-been-written-and-still-written in the law of-Moses and prophets and psalms concerning me.

LUKE24v45 Then he-opened-thoroughly their mind to-be-perceiving the scriptures,

LUKE24v46 And he-said to-them, that thus it-has-been-and-is-still-written, and thus it-was-essential the Messiah to-suffer and to-stand-again out-of dead (ones) on-the third day,

LUKE24v47 And on his name repentance and forgiveness of-sins to-be-preached with-reference-to all the Gentiles, having-begun from Jerusalem.

LUKE24v48 But YOU yourselves-are witnesses of-these-(things).

LUKE24v49 And behold, I myself-am-dispatching the promise of-my Father upon YOU; but YOU yourselves-be-seated in the city of-Jerusalem till the-place-where YOU-might-be-clothed-for-yourselves-in power out-of height.

LUKE24v50 But he-led them out without till into Bethany, and having-elevated his hands he-blessed them.

LUKE24v51 And it-came-to-pass in him to-be-blessing them he-interposed-a-space from them and he-was-being-brought-up into the heaven.

LUKE24v52 And they having-worshipped him, returned into Jerusalem with great joy.

LUKE24v53 And they-were continually in the temple praising and blessing the God. Amen. The good-news according-to Luke.





JOHN1v1 The Word was in (the) beginning, and the Word was with the God, and the Word was God.

JOHN1v2 This (one) was in (the) beginning with the God.

JOHN1v3 All-(things) came-to-be through him, and separate-from him but-not one-(thing) came-to-be which has-come-to-be-and-still-is.

JOHN1v4 in him was life, and the life was the light of-the MEN.

JOHN1v5 And the light is-appearing in the dark, and the dark (did) not apprehend it.

JOHN1v6 (A) MAN came-to-be, having-been-and-still-dispatched from God, name to-him (is) John.

JOHN1v7 This-(one) came with-reference-to (a) witness, in-order-that he-might-bear-witness concerning the light, in-order-that all might-trust through him.

JOHN1v8 That-(one) was not the light, BUT in-order-that he-might-bear-witness concerning the light.

JOHN1v9 The  light  was  the  authentic  (one),  which coming into the world is-enlightening every MAN.

JOHN1v10 He-was in the world, and the world came-to-be through him, and the world (did) not come-to-know him.

JOHN1v11 He-came into (his)-own things, and (his)-own (beings) (did) not take him along-(to-themselves);

JOHN1v12 But as-many-as took him, he-gave to-them authority to-come-to-be children of-God, to-the (ones) trusting with-reference-to his name;

JOHN1v13 Who were not begotten out-of bloods neither out-of will of-flesh nor out-of will of-man BUT out-of God.

JOHN1v14 And the Word came-to-be flesh, and he-tabernacled among us, and we-beheld his glory, glory as of-(an) only-begotten from (the) Father full of-favor and truth.

JOHN1v15 John is-bearing-witness concerning him, and he-has-cried-and-still-cries, saying, This (one) was whom I-said, The-(one) coming behind me, has-come-to-be-and-still-is in-front of-me, because he-was first of-me.

JOHN1v16 And out-of his fulness we all ourselves-took, even favor instead-of favor.

JOHN1v17 Because the law was-given through Moses; the favor and the truth came-to-be through Jesus Messiah.

JOHN1v18 And-not-one has-seen-and-still-sees God at-any-time; the only-begotten son, the (one) being with-reference-to the bosom of-the Father, that (one) explicated (him).

JOHN1v19 And this is the witness of-the John, when the Jews dispatched priests and Levites out-of Jerusalem, in-order-that they-might-interrogate him, who are-you yourself?

JOHN1v20 And he-confessed and denied not, and he-confessed, that I myself-am not the Messiah.

JOHN1v21 And they-interrogated him, What then? Are-you yourself Elias?  And he-is-saying, I-am not. Are-you yourself the prophet? And he-answered, No.

JOHN1v22 They-said therefore to-him, Who are-you? In-order-that we-might-give reply to-the (ones) having-sent us:  What are-you-saying concerning yourself?

JOHN1v23 He-was-stating, I (am) (a) voice of-shouting in the wilderness, YOU-make-direct the way of-Jehovah, according-as said Isaiah the prophet.

JOHN1v24 And the (ones) having-been-and-still-dispatched were out-of the Pharisees.

JOHN1v25 And they interrogated him and said, Why therefore are-you-baptizing if you yourself-are not the Messiah, neither Elias, nor the prophet?

JOHN1v26 The John answered to-them saying, I myself-am-baptizing in water; but midst of-YOU he-has-stood-and-is-standing whom YOU yourselves-are not knowing-absolutely;

JOHN1v27 It-is he, the-(one) coming behind me, who has-come-to-be-and-still-is in-front of-me, of-whom I myself-am not worthy in-order-that I-might-loose of-him the thong of-the shoe.

JOHN1v28 These-(things) came-to-pass in Bethabara across the Jordan, where-in-which John was baptizing.

JOHN1v29 On-the next-day the John is-looking-at the Jesus coming toward him, and he-is-saying, Note the lamb-sacrifice of-the God, the (one) removing the sin of-the world.

JOHN1v30 This (one) is concerning whom I myself-said, Behind me is-coming (a) man, who has-come-to-be-and-still-is in-front of-me, because he-was first of-me.

JOHN1v31 And-I myself-had not been-knowing him absolutely; BUT in-order-that he-might-be-manifested to-the Israeli, because-of this I myself-came baptizing in the water.

JOHN1v32 And John bore-witness saying that I-have-beheld the Spirit descending as-if (a) dove out-of heaven, and it-remained upon him.

JOHN1v33 And-I myself-had not been-knowing him absolutely; BUT the-(one) having-sent me to-be-baptizing in water, that-(one) said to-me, Upon whom you-might-see the Spirit descending and remaining upon him, this-(one) is the-(one) baptizing in (the) Holy Spirit.

JOHN1v34 And-I myself-have-seen-and-still-see, and I-have-borne-witness-and-still-bear-witness that this-(one) is the son of-the God.

JOHN1v35 On-the  next-day again  the John had-been-standing and two of-his disciples.

JOHN1v36 And having-looked-upon the Jesus walking-around, he-is-saying, Note the lamb-sacrifice of-the God.

JOHN1v37 And the two disciples heard (as) he (was) speaking, and they-followed the Jesus.

JOHN1v38 But the Jesus having-been-turned, and having-beheld them following, he-is-saying to-them, What are-YOU-seeking? But the-(ones) said to-him, Rabbi, which is-being-said being-translated, Teacher, where are-you-remaining?

JOHN1v39 He-is-saying to-them, YOU-be-coming and YOU-see.  They-went and they-saw where he-is-remaining; and they-remained beside him that day. But it-was approximately (the) tenth hour.

JOHN1v40 Andrew the brother of-Simon Peter was one out-of the two, namely-the (ones) having-heard from John, and having-followed him.

JOHN1v41 This-(one) is first finding (his)-own brother Simon, and he-is-saying to-him, We-have-found-and-still-have the (*HEBREW*), which is being-translated-with Messiah.

JOHN1v42 And he-led him to the Jesus.  But having-looked-upon him the Jesus said, You yourself-are Simon the son of Jonas; you yourself-will-be-called Cephas, which is-being-translated Peter.

JOHN1v43 On-the next-day the Jesus willed to-go-out into the Galilee, and he-is-finding Philip and he-is-saying to-him, You-be-following me.

JOHN1v44 But Philip was from Bethsaida, out-of the city of-Andrew and Peter.

JOHN1v45 Philip is-finding the Nathanael and he-is-saying to-him, We-have-found-and-still-have whom Moses in the law and the prophets wrote, Jesus the son of-the Joseph, namely-the (one) from Nazareth.

JOHN1v46 And Nathanael said to-him, Is something good able to-be-being out-of Nazareth? Philip is-saying to-him, You-be-coming and note.

JOHN1v47 The Jesus saw the Nathanael coming toward him, and he-is-saying concerning him, Note truly (an) Israelite, in whom is not guile.

JOHN1v48 Nathanael is-saying to-him, From-whence are-you-coming-to-know me? The Jesus answered and said to-him, Before Philip (to)-holler-for you, being under the fig-tree, I-saw you.

JOHN1v49 Nathanael answered and he-is-saying to-him, Rabbi, you yourself-are the son of-the God, you yourself-are the king of-the Israeli.

JOHN1v50 Jesus answered and said to-him, Because I-said to-you, I-saw you underneath the fig-tree are-you-trusting?  Greater-(things) of-these you-will-see.

JOHN1v51 And he-is-saying to-him, Amen, amen I-am-saying to-YOU, from just-now YOU-will-see the heaven having-been-opened-and-still-open, and the angels of-the God ascending and descending upon the son of-the MAN.


JOHN2v1 And on-the day namely-the third (a) marriage came-to-pass in Cana of-the Galilee, and the mother of-the Jesus was there.

JOHN2v2 But the Jesus also was-called and his disciples with-reference-to the marriage.

JOHN2v3 And (as) wine (was) having-lacked, the mother of-the Jesus is-saying to him, They-are not having wine.

JOHN2v4 The Jesus is-saying to-her, What to-me and to-you, woman? My hour is not-yet present.

JOHN2v5 His mother is-saying to-the ministers, What thing he-might-be-saying to-YOU, YOU-do.

JOHN2v6 But six water-pots of-stone were lying there according-to the cleansing of-the Jews, at-the-rate-of having-room-for two or three measures.

JOHN2v7 The Jesus is-saying to-them, YOU load the water-pots of-water.  And they-loaded them till above.

JOHN2v8 And he-is-saying to-them, YOU-draw now and YOU-be-bringing to-the ruler-of-the-feast.  And they-brought.

JOHN2v9 But as the ruler-of-the-feast tasted the water having-come-to-be-and-still wine, and he-had not known-absolutely from-whence it-is, but the ministers had-known-absolutely, namely-the (ones) having-drawn-and-still-drawing the water, the ruler-of-the-feast is-hollering-to the bridegroom

JOHN2v10 And he-is-saying to-him, Every MAN is-putting the fine wine first, and at-the-time-that they-might-be-drunk then the lesser; you yourself-have-kept-and-are-still-keeping the fine wine till just-now.

JOHN2v11 The Jesus did this, the beginning of-the signs, in Cana of-the Galilee, and he-manifested his glory; and his disciples trusted with-reference-to him.

JOHN2v12 After this he-descended into Capernaum, he and his mother and his brothers and his disciples, and they-remained there not many days.

JOHN2v13 And the passover of-the Jews was near, and the Jesus ascended into Jerusalem.

JOHN2v14 And he-found in the temple the (ones) offering for-sale oxen and sheep and doves, and the coin-changers sitting;

JOHN2v15 And having-made (a) lash out-of ropes he-cast-out all out-of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; and he-poured-out the coin of-the money-changers and he-turned-about the tables.

JOHN2v16 And to-the (ones) offering the doves for-sale he-said, YOU-remove these-(things) hence; YOU-be not making the home of-my Father (a) home of-merchandise.

JOHN2v17 But his disciples were-made-mindful that it-is having-been-written-and-is-still-written, The zeal of-your home devoured me.

JOHN2v18 The Jews therefore answered and said to-him, What sign are-you-pointing-to for-us because you-are-doing these-(things)?

JOHN2v19 The Jesus answered and said to-them, YOU-break-down this sanctuary, and in three days I-shall-raise it.

JOHN2v20 The Jews therefore said, In forty and six years this sanctuary was-built, and you yourself-will-raise it in three days?

JOHN2v21 But that (one) was-saying concerning the sanctuary of-his body.

JOHN2v22 When therefore he-was-raised out-of dead (ones) his disciples were-made-mindful that he-was-saying this to-them, and they-trusted the scripture and the word which the Jesus said.

JOHN2v23 But as he-was in Jerusalem in the passover in the feast, many trusted with-reference-to his name, observing of-him the signs which he-was-doing.

JOHN2v24 But the Jesus himself was not trusting himself to-them, because-of him to-be-coming-to-know all (men),

JOHN2v25 And because he-was not having need in-order-that someone might-bear-witness concerning the MAN, for he himself-was-coming-to-know what was in the MAN.


JOHN3v1 But there-was (a) MAN out-of the Pharisees, (his) name Nicodemus, (a) ruler of-the Jews;

JOHN3v2 This (one) came to the Jesus of-night, and said to-him, Rabbi, we-are-knowing-absolutely that you-have-come-and-still-are (a) teacher from God, for no-one is-being-able to-be-doing these signs which you yourself-are-doing unless the God might-be with him.

JOHN3v3 The Jesus answered and said to-him, Amen amen I-am-saying to-you, Unless someone might-be-begotten from-above, he-is not being-able to-see the kingdom of-the God.

JOHN3v4 The Nicodemus is-saying to-him, How is (a) MAN being-able to-be-born being (an) aged-man? Is-he-being-able to-go-in (a) second (time) into the belly of-his mother and to-be-born?

JOHN3v5 The Jesus answered, Amen amen I-am-saying to-you, Unless someone might-be-born out-of water and Spirit he-is not being-able to-go-in into the kingdom of-the God.

JOHN3v6 The (thing) having-been-born out-of the flesh is flesh; and the (thing) having-been-born out-of the Spirit is spirit.

JOHN3v7 Might-you not marvel that I-said to-you, It-is-essential you to-be-born from-above.

JOHN3v8 The Spirit is-blowing where-in-which he-is-willing, and his voice you-are-hearing, BUT you-are not knowing-absolutely from-whence he-is-coming and where he-is-withdrawing:  thus is every-(one) the (one) having-been-born out-of the Spirit.

JOHN3v9 Nicodemus answered and said to-him, How (are) these-(things) being-able to-come-to-pass?

JOHN3v10 The Jesus answered and said to-him, You yourself-are the teacher of-the Israeli, and are-you not coming-to-know these-(things)?

JOHN3v11 Amen, amen I-am-saying to-you, That what we-are-knowing-absolutely we-are-speaking, and what we-have-seen-and-still-see we-are-bearing-witness; and YOU-are not taking our witness.

JOHN3v12 If I-said the earthly-(things) to-YOU, and YOU-are not trusting, how if I-might-say to-YOU the-(things) in-the-heavenlies will-YOU-trust?

JOHN3v13 And not-one has-ascended-and-is-still-ascended into the heaven unless the (one) having-descended out-of the heaven, the son of-the MAN the (one) being in the heaven.

JOHN3v14 And according-as Moses raised-to-a-height the serpent in the wilderness, thus it-is-essential the son of-the MAN to-be-raised-to-a-height,

JOHN3v15 In-order-that every-(one) the (one) trusting with-reference-to him might not perish, BUT he-might-be-having life eternal.

JOHN3v16 For thus the God cherished the world so-that he-gave his son, namely-the only-begotten, in-order-that every-(one) the (one) trusting with-reference-to him might not perish, BUT he-might-be-having life eternal.

JOHN3v17 For the God dispatched not his son into the world in-order-that he-might-be-judging the world, BUT in-order-that the world might-be-saved through him.

JOHN3v18 The (one) trusting with-reference-to him is not being-judged; but the (one) not trusting already has-been-and-is-still-judged, because he-has not trusted and still-does-(not)-trust with-reference-to the name of-the only-begotten son of-the God.

JOHN3v19 But this is the judgement, that the light has-come-and-is-still into the world, and the MEN cherished the darkness rather than the light; for the works of-them (were) evil.

JOHN3v20 For every-(one) practising the worthless-(things) is-hating the light, and he-is not coming to the light, in-order-that his works might not be-reproved;

JOHN3v21 But the (one) doing the truth is-coming to the light, in-order-that his works might-be-manifested that (they-are) having-been-worked in God.

JOHN3v22 After these-(things) the Jesus came and his disciples into the land (of) Judea; and he-was-staying there with them and he-was-baptizing.

JOHN3v23 But John was also baptizing in Aenon near the Salim, because many waters (were) there; and they-were-coming-to-be-alongside and they-were-being-baptized.

JOHN3v24 For the John was not-yet having-been-cast into the guard-house.

JOHN3v25 Therefore (a) debate came-to-be out-of the disciples of-John with Jews concerning cleansing.

JOHN3v26 And they-came to the John and said to-him, Rabbi, (one)-who was with you across the Jordan, to-whom you yourself-have-borne-witness-and-still-bear-witness, note this (one) is-baptizing, and all are-coming to him.

JOHN3v27 John answered and said, (A) MAN is not being-able to-be-taking not-one-(thing) unless it-might-be having-been-given to-him out-of the heaven.

JOHN3v28 YOU yourselves are-yourselves-bearing-witness to-me that I-said, I myself-am not the Messiah, BUT that I-am having-been-dispatched in-front of-that (one).

JOHN3v29 The (one) having the bride is bridegroom; but the friend of-the bridegroom, the (one) having-stood-and-still-standing and hearing of-him, he-is-rejoicing with-joy because-of the voice of-the bridegroom, this therefore the joy namely-mine is-having-been-and-is-still fulfilled.

JOHN3v30 It-is-essential that (one) to-be-growing, but me to-be-being-made-less.

JOHN3v31 The-(one) coming from-above is above all. The (one) being out-of the earth is out-of the earth, and he-is-speaking out-of the earth.  The (one) coming out-of the heaven is above all,

JOHN3v32 And what he-has-seen-and-still-sees and he-heard this he-is-bearing-witness-(of); and no-one is-taking his witness.

JOHN3v33 The (one) having-taken of-him the witness he-sealed that the God is true.

JOHN3v34 For whom the God dispatched is-speaking the sayings of-the God; for not out-of measure the God is-giving the Spirit.

JOHN3v35 The Father is-cherishing the son, and he-has-given-and-still-is-giving all-(things) in his hand.

JOHN3v36 The (one) trusting with-reference-to the son is-having life eternal; but the (one) disobeying to-the son will not see life, BUT the wrath of-the God is-remaining on him.


JOHN4v1 As therefore the Lord came-to-know that the Pharisees heard, that Jesus is-making and is-baptizing many-more disciples than John,

JOHN4v2 And-yet-in-fact Jesus himself was not baptizing BUT his disciples,

JOHN4v3 He-let-go the Judea, and he-went-away again into the Galilee.

JOHN4v4 But  it-was-being-essential  (for)  him  to-be-going-[through] through the Samaria.

JOHN4v5 He-is-coming therefore into (a) city of-the Samaria being-called Sychar, neighboring the piece-of-land which Jacob gave to-his son JosEphesians  

JOHN4v6 But (the)  spring of-the Jacob was there; the Jesus therefore, having-been-and-still-tired-from-labor out-of the passing-of-the-river-in-the-way he-was-sitting-down thus over the spring.  (The) hour was about (the) sixth.

JOHN4v7 (A) woman is-coming out-of the Samaria to-draw water. The Jesus is-saying to-her, You-give to-me to-drink;

JOHN4v8 For his disciples had-gone-away into the city, in-order-that they-might-buy nourishments in-the-market.

JOHN4v9 The woman namely-the Samaritan is-saying therefore to-him, How are you yourself being (a) Jew requesting from me to-drink, being (a) Samaritan woman? For Jews are not using-together with Samaritans.

JOHN4v10 Jesus answered and said to-her, If you-had-known-absolutely the gratuity of-the God, and who is the (one) saying to-you, You-give to-me to-drink, you yourself-(would-have)-requested him, and he-(would-have)-given to-you living water.

JOHN4v11 The woman is-saying to-him, Lord neither are-you-having (a) pail-to-draw, and the pit is deep; from-whence therefore are-you-having the water namely-the living?

JOHN4v12 Are-you yourself greater (than) our father Jacob, who gave the pit to-us, and himself drank out-of it, and his sons and his cattle?

JOHN4v13 The Jesus answered and said to-her, Every (one) the (one) drinking out-of this water will-thirst again;

JOHN4v14 But who might-drink out-of the water which I myself-shall-give to-him he-might by-no-means thirst with-reference-to the age, BUT the water which I-shall-give to-him will-become in him (a) spring of-water springing-up with-reference-to life eternal.

JOHN4v15 The woman is-saying to-him, Lord, you-give this water to-me, in-order-that I-might not be-thirsting neither might-I-be-coming in-this-spot to-be-drawing.

JOHN4v16 The Jesus is-saying to-her, You-be-withdrawing,  you-holler-for your husband and you-come in-this-spot.

JOHN4v17 The woman answered and said, I-am not having (a) husband. The Jesus is-saying to-her, You-said rightly, That I-am not having (a) husband;

JOHN4v18 For you-had five husbands, and now whom you-are-having is not your husband:  this (thing) you-have-said-and-are-saying (is) true.

JOHN4v19 The woman is-saying to-him, I-am-observing that you yourself-are (a) prophet.

JOHN4v20 Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and YOU yourselves-are-saying that in Jerusalem is the place where-in-which it-is-essential to-be-worshipping.

JOHN4v21 The Jesus is-saying to-her, Woman, you-trust to-me, that (an) hour is-coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will-YOU-worship the Father.

JOHN4v22 YOU yourselves-are-worshipping what YOU-are not knowing-absolutely: we ourselves-are-worshipping what we-are-knowing-absolutely; because the salvation is out-of the Jews.

JOHN4v23 BUT (an) hour is-coming and now is, when the authentic worshippers will-worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father also is-seeking the (ones) such-as-these worshipping him.

JOHN4v24 The God (is) spirit, and it-is essential the (ones) worshipping him to-be-worshipping in spirit and truth.

JOHN4v25 The woman is-saying to-him, I-am-knowing-absolutely that (*HEBREW*), is-coming, the (one) being-called Messiah; at-the-time-that he-might-come, that (one) will-tell to-us all-(things).

JOHN4v26 The Jesus is-saying-to-her, I myself-am, the (one) speaking to-you.

JOHN4v27 And upon this his disciples came, and they-marveled that he-was-speaking with (the) woman; no-one however said, What are-you-seeking? Or why are-you-speaking with her?

JOHN4v28 The woman therefore let-go her water-pot and went-away into the city,  and she-is-saying to-the MEN,

JOHN4v29 Come-hither, YOU-see (a) MAN who said to-me all-(things) as-many-as I-did: whether-at-all this (one) is the Messiah?

JOHN4v30 They-went-out therefore out-of the city, and they-were-coming to him.

JOHN4v31 But in the meantime the disciples were-interrogating him, saying, Rabbi, you-eat.

JOHN4v32 But the (one) said to-them, I myself-am-having eating to-eat which YOU yourselves-are not knowing-absolutely.

JOHN4v33 The disciples therefore were-saying to one-another, (Has) someone brought to-him to-eat?

JOHN4v34 The Jesus is-saying to-them, My food is in-order-that I-might-do the will of-the (one) having-sent me, and I-might-make-perfect his work.

JOHN4v35 Are YOU yourselves not saying, It-is still four-months and the harvest is coming? Behold, I-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-elevate YOUR eyes and YOU-behold the cultivated-fields, because they-are white to harvest already.

JOHN4v36 And the (one) harvesting is-taking (a) reward, and he-is-gathering-together fruit with-reference-to life eternal, in-order-that even the (one) sowing and the (one) harvesting might-be-rejoicing together.

JOHN4v37 For in this the word is the (one) authentic, that the (one) sowing is another, and the (one) harvesting another.

JOHN4v38 I myself-dispatched YOU to-be-harvesting which YOU yourselves-have not tired-from-labor-and-still-are-(not)-tired-from-labor; others have-tired-and-still-are-tired-from-labor, and YOU yourselves-have-gone-in-and-are-still-in into their labor.

JOHN4v39 But many of-the Samaritans out-of that city trusted with-reference-to him because-of the word of-the woman bearing-witness, That he-said to-me all-(things) as-many-as I-did.

JOHN4v40 As therefore the Samaritans came to him, they-were-interrogating him to-remain beside them, and he-remained there two days.

JOHN4v41 And many-more, for-more, trusted because-of his word;

JOHN4v42 And-additionally they-were-saying to-the-woman, That no-more because-of thy speech are-we-trusting, for we ourselves have-heard-and-are hearing, and we-are-knowing-absolutely that this (one) is truly the savior of-the world, the Messiah.

JOHN4v43 But after the two days he-went-out therefrom, and he-went-away into the Galilee;

JOHN4v44 For the Jesus himself bore-witness, that (a) prophet is not having honor in (his)-own fatherland.

JOHN4v45 When therefore he-came into the Galilee the Galileans received him, having-seen all-(things) which he-did in Jerusalem in the feast, for they also went into the feast.

JOHN4v46 The Jesus came therefore again into the Cana of-the Galilee, where-in-which he-made the water wine. And there-was (a) certain (one) of-a-king, of-whom the son, in Capernaum, was-being-weak.

JOHN4v47 This (one) having-heard that Jesus is-being-present out-of the Judea into the Galilee, he-went-away to him, and he-was-interrogating him in-order-that he-might-descend and he-might-cure his son; for he-was-being-about to-be-dying-off.

JOHN4v48 The Jesus therefore said to him, Unless YOU-might-see signs and wonders by-no-means might-YOU-trust.

JOHN4v49 The (one) of-a-king is-saying to him, Lord, you-descend before my (pre-teen)-child to-die-off.

JOHN4v50 The Jesus is-saying to-him, You-be-proceeding, your son is-living. And the MAN trusted the word which Jesus said to-him, and he-was-proceeding.

JOHN4v51 But already, (as) he (was) descending, his slaves met him, and they-reported saying, That your child is-living.

JOHN4v52 Therefore he-inquired from them the hour in which he-had gotten-better, and they-said to-him, That yesterday (the) seventh hour the fever let-go (of) him.

JOHN4v53 The father came-to-know therefore that (it-was) in that hour in which the Jesus said to-him, That your son is living. And he himself trusted and his total family.

JOHN4v54 Again the Jesus did this second sign, having-come out-of Judea into the Galilee.


JOHN5v1 After these-(things) was (a) feast of-the Jews, and the Jesus ascended into Jerusalem.

JOHN5v2 But (there)-is in the Jerusalem upon the sheepgate (a) swimming-pool, the (one) being-designated in-Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porticos.

JOHN5v3 In these, much multitude were-lying-down of-the (ones) being-weak, of-blind (ones), of-lame (ones), of-(ones)-dried-up, waiting-long-for the moving of-the water.

JOHN5v4 For (an) angel according-to season was-descending in the swimming-pool, and was-disturbing the water. The (one) therefore first having-embarked after the disturbance of-the water, became healthy, indeed-when to-the ailment he-was-being-held-fast.

JOHN5v5 But (a) certain MAN was there having thirty-eight years in the weakness.

JOHN5v6 The Jesus having-seen this (one) lying-down, and having-come-to-know that he-is-having much time already, he-is-saying to-him, Are-you-being-willing to-become healthy?

JOHN5v7 The (one) being-weak answered to-him, Lord, I-am not having (a) MAN, in-order-that at-the-time-that the water might-be-disturbed he-might-be-casting me into the swimming-pool; but in which (time) I myself-am-coming another is-descending before me.

JOHN5v8 Jesus is-saying to-him, You-arise-for-yourself, you-lift-up your mattress, and you-be-walking-around.

JOHN5v9 And immediately the MAN became healthy, and he-lifted-up his mattress, and he-was-walking-around; but it-was (a) Sabbath in that day.

JOHN5v10 The Jews therefore were-saying to-the (one) having-been-and-still-healed, It is Sabbath, it-is not legitimate for-you to-lift-up the mattress.

JOHN5v11 He-answered to-them, The (one) having-made me healthy, that (one) said to-me, You-lift-up your mattress, and you-be-walking-around.

JOHN5v12 They interrogated him therefore, Who is the MAN, namely-the (one) having-said to-you, You-lift-up your mattress, and you-be-walking-around?

JOHN5v13 But the (one) having-been-cured had not known-absolutely who it-(was), for the Jesus detached-himself of-(a)-crowd being in the place.

JOHN5v14 After these-(things) the Jesus is-finding him in the temple, and he-said to-him, Note, you-have-become-and-still-are healthy:  you-be-sinning no-longer, in-order-that something worse might not come-to-pass to-you.

JOHN5v15 The MAN went-away and told to-the Jews that the (one) having-made him healthy is Jesus.

JOHN5v16 And because-of this the Jews were-pursuing the Jesus and they-were-seeking to-kill him, because he-was-doing these-(things) in Sabbath.

JOHN5v17 But the Jesus answered to-them, My Father is-working till just-now, and-I myself-am-working.

JOHN5v18 Because-of this therefore the Jews were-seeking more to-kill him, because not only was-he-breaking the Sabbath, BUT also he-was-saying the God (was) (his)-own Father, making himself equal to-the God.

JOHN5v19 The Jesus therefore answered and said to-them, Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, the son is not being-able to-be-doing from himself not-one-(thing), unless he-might-be-looking-at something the Father (is) doing:  for what-(things) that-(one) might-be-doing, these-(things) also the son is-doing likewise:

JOHN5v20 For the Father is-loving the son, and he-is-pointing-out to-him all-things which he himself is-doing; and greater works (than)-these he-will-point-out to-him in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-be marvelling.

JOHN5v21 For as-altogether the Father is-raising the (ones) dead and he-is-making-alive, thus also the son is-making-alive (ones)-whom he-is-willing;

JOHN5v22 For neither is the Father judging anyone, BUT he-has-given-and-is-still-giving all the judgement to-the son,

JOHN5v23 In-order-that all might-honor the son according-as they-are-honoring the Father.  The (one) not honoring the son is not honoring the Father, namely-the (one) having-sent him.

JOHN5v24 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, That the (one) hearing my word, and trusting to-the (one) having-sent me, is-having life eternal, and is not coming into judgement, BUT he-has-changed-location-and-is-changed-(in)-location out-of the death into the life.

JOHN5v25 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, That (an) hour is-coming and now is, when the (ones) dead shall-hear-for-themselves the voice of-the son of-the God, and the (ones) having-heard they-will-themselves-live.

JOHN5v26 For as-altogether the Father is-having life in himself, thus he also gave to-the son to-be-having life in himself.

JOHN5v27 And he-gave authority to-him also to-be-making judgement, because he-is son of-MAN.

JOHN5v28 YOU-be not marvelling-(at) this, because (an) hour is-coming in which all the (ones) in the tombs will-hear-for-themselves his voice,

JOHN5v29 And they-will-proceed-out, the (ones) having-done the good-(things) into standing-again of-life, but the (ones) having-practised the worthless-(things) into standing-again of-judgement.

JOHN5v30 I myself-am not being-able to-be-doing not-one-(thing) from myself; according-as I-am-hearing I-am-judging, and the judgement namely-the mine is just,  because  I-am not  seeking the will namely-the mine, BUT the will of-the Father having-sent me.

JOHN5v31 If I myself-might-be-bearing-witness concerning myself, my witness is not true.

JOHN5v32 Another is the (one) bearing-witness concerning me, and I-am-knowing-absolutely that the witness which he-is-bearing-witness concerning me is true.

JOHN5v33 YOU yourselves-have-dispatched-and-are-still-dispatching to John and he-has-borne-witness-and-still-is-bearing-witness to-the truth.

JOHN5v34 But I myself-am not taking the witness of MAN, BUT I-am-saying these-(things) in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-be-saved.

JOHN5v35 That (one) was the lamp namely-the (one) being-burned and appearing, but YOU yourselves-willed to-be-exulted toward (an) hour in his light.

JOHN5v36 But I myself-am-having the witness greater (than) of-the John, for the works which the Father gave to-me in-order-that I-might-make them perfect, the works themselves which I myself-am-doing (are)-bearing-witness concerning me that the Father has-dispatched-and-is-still-dispatching me.

JOHN5v37 And the Father having-sent me, himself has-borne-witness-and-is-still-bearing-witness concerning me. Neither have-YOU-heard-(or)-are-YOU-still-hearing his voice at-any-time, nor have-YOU-seen-(or)-still-see his shape.

JOHN5v38 And YOU-are not having his word remaining in YOU, because whom that (one) dispatched, YOU yourselves-are not trusting in-this-(one).

JOHN5v39 YOU-be-searching the scriptures, because YOU yourselves-are-thinking to-be-having life eternal in them, and those are the (ones) bearing-witness concerning me;

JOHN5v40 And YOU-are not willing to-come to me, in-order-that YOU-might-be-having life.

JOHN5v41 I-am not taking glory of MEN;

JOHN5v42 BUT I-have-come-to-know-and-still-know YOU, that YOU-are not having the charity of-the God in yourselves.

JOHN5v43 I myself-have-come-and-still-am in the name of-my Father, and YOU-are not taking me; if another might-come in (his)-own name, that-(one) YOU-will-take.

JOHN5v44 How are YOU yourselves-being-able to-trust, (ones)-taking glory from one-another, and YOU-are not seeking the glory namely-the (glory) from the only God?

JOHN5v45 YOU-be not thinking that I myself-shall-accuse of-YOU to the Father:  (there)-is the (one) accusing of-YOU, Moses, with-reference-to whom YOU yourselves-have-hoped-and-are-still-hoping.

JOHN5v46 For if YOU-were-trusting Moses, YOU-were-(likely)-trusting in-me, for that (one) wrote concerning me.

JOHN5v47 But if YOU-are not trusting to-the letters of-that (one), how will-YOU-trust to-my sayings?


JOHN6v1 After these-(things) the Jesus went-away across the sea namely-of-the Galilee namely-of-the Tiberias.

JOHN6v2 And much  crowd was-following him,  because they-were-seeing the signs of-him which he-was-doing upon the (ones) being weak.

JOHN6v3 But the Jesus went-up into the mountain, and he-was-sitting there with his disciples.

JOHN6v4 But the passover was near, the feast of-the Jews.

JOHN6v5 The Jesus therefore having elevated the eyes, and having-beheld that much crowd is-coming to him, he-is-saying to the Philip, From-whence shall-we-buy-in-the-market loaves in-order-that these might-eat?

JOHN6v6 But  this  he-was-saying trying him, for he himself-had-known-absolutely what he-was-being-about to-be-doing.

JOHN6v7 Philip answered him, Loaves of-two-hundred denarii are not sufficing for-them in-order-that each of-them might-take some small-amount.

JOHN6v8 One  out-of  his  disciples  is-saying to-him, Andrew the brother of Simon Peter,

JOHN6v9 One young-child is here, who is-having five loaves made-of-barley and two dainty-(fish); BUT what (are) these with-reference-to these-many?

JOHN6v10 But the Jesus said, YOU-make the MEN to-fall-back.  But much grass was in the place: the MEN therefore fell-back, the number about five-thousand.

JOHN6v11 But the Jesus took the loaves, and having-given-thanks he-distributed to-the disciples, but the disciples to-the (ones) lying-back; likewise also out-of the dainty-(fish) as-much-as they-were-willing.

JOHN6v12 But as they-were-filled-full-within he-is-saying to-his disciples, YOU-gather-together the fragments having-exceeded, in-order-that something might not perish.

JOHN6v13 They-gathered-together therefore and they-loaded twelve baskets-(on-wheels) of-fragments out-of the five loaves namely-the (ones) made-of-barley which exceeded to-the (ones) having-consumed-food.

JOHN6v14 The MEN therefore having-seen what sign the Jesus did, were-saying, That this (one) is truly the prophet namely-the (one) coming into the world.

JOHN6v15 Jesus therefore having-come-to-know that they-are-being-about to-be-coming and to be-seizing him, in-order-that they-might-make him king, he-retired again into the mountain himself alone.

JOHN6v16 And as it became evening his disciples descended upon the sea,

JOHN6v17 And having-embarked into the vessel they-were-going across the sea into Capernaum.  And it already had-become dark, and the Jesus had not come-nor-was with them,

JOHN6v18 And-additionally the sea was-being-roused (as a) great (strong) wind (was) blowing.

JOHN6v19 Having-driven therefore approximately twenty-five or thirty stadiums they-are-observing the Jesus walking-around on the sea, and coming-to-be near the vessel, and they-feared.

JOHN6v20 But the (one) is-saying to-them, I myself-am; YOU-yourselves-be not fearing.

JOHN6v21 Then they-were-willing to-take him into the vessel, and immediately the vessel came-to-be upon the land into which they-were-withdrawing.

JOHN6v22 On-the next-day the crowd namely-the (one) having-stood-and-still-standing across the sea, having-seen that another boat was not there unless that one into which his disciples embarked, and that the Jesus went not in-together with-his disciples into the boat, BUT his disciples only went-away,

JOHN6v23 But other boats came out-of Tiberias near the place where-in-which they-ate the bread, (after) the Lord (was) having-given-thanks.

JOHN6v24 When therefore the crowd saw that Jesus is not there nor his disciples, they also themselves embarked into the vessels and came into Capernaum, seeking the Jesus.

JOHN6v25 And having-found him across the sea, they-said to-him, Rabbi, at-what-time have-you-come-to-be-and-still-are here?

JOHN6v26 The Jesus answered to-them and said, Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, YOU-are-seeking-me not because YOU-saw signs, BUT because YOU-ate out-of the loaves and YOU-were-satisfied.

JOHN6v27 YOU-be not working (for) the eating namely-the (eating) being-destroyed, BUT (for) the eating namely-the (eating) remaining with-reference-to life eternal, which the son of-the MAN will-give to-YOU; for this (one) the God the Father sealed.

JOHN6v28 They-said therefore to him, What might-we-be-doing, in-order-that we-might-be-working the works of-the God?

JOHN6v29 The Jesus answered and said to-them, This is the work of-the God, in-order-that you-might-trust with-reference-to whom that (one) dispatched.

JOHN6v30 They-said therefore to-him, What sign therefore are You yourself-doing, in-order-that we-might-see and we-might-trust to-you? What are-you-working?

JOHYN6v31 Our Fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, according-as-it-is having-been and-is-still-written, He-gave to-them bread out-of the heaven to-eat.

JOHN6v32 The Jesus said therefore to-them, Amen amen I-am-saying to-You, Moses has not given-and-still-is-giving to-You the bread out-of the heaven; BUT my Father is-giving to-YOU the bread out-of the heaven

namely-the authentic (bread).

JOHN6v33 For the bread of-the God is the (one) descending out-of the heaven, and giving life to-the world.

JOHN6v34 They said therefore to him, Lord, always you-give to-us this bread.

JOHN6v35 But the Jesus said to-them, I myself-am the bread of-the life:  the (one) coming to me by-no-means might-he-be-hungry, and the (one) trusting with-reference-to me by-no-means might-he-thirst at-any-time.

JOHN6v36 BUT I-said to-YOU that YOU-have even seen-and-are-still-seeing me and YOU-are not trusting.

JOHN6v37 All which the Father is-giving to-me will-be-present with me, and the (one) coming to me by-no-means might-I-cast-out without.

JOHN6v38 Because I-have-descended-and-am-still-descended out-of the heaven, not in-order-that I-might-be-doing the will (namely)-mine, BUT the will of-the (one) having-sent me.

JOHN6v39 But this is the will of-the Father having-sent me, in-order-that all which he-has-given-and-is-still-giving to-me, I-might not destroy out-of it, BUT I-shall-stand it again in the last day.

JOHN6v40 But this is the will of-the (one) having-sent me, in-order-that every (one) the (one) observing the Son and trusting with-reference-to him, might-be-having life eternal, and I myself-shall-stand him again in-the last day.

JOHN6v41 The Jews therefore were-murmuring concerning him, because he-said, I myself-am the bread namely-the (one) having-descended out-of the heaven.

JOHN6v42 And they-were-saying, Is not this Jesus the son of-Joseph, of-whom we ourselves are-knowing-absolutely the father and the mother?  How there-fore is this (one) saying, That I-have-descended-and-I-am-still-descended out-of the heaven?

JOHN6v43 The Jesus therefore answered and said to-them, YOU-be not murmuring with one-another.

JOHN6v44 Not-one is-being-able to-come to me unless the Father, namely-the (one) having-sent me, might-draw him, and I myself-shall-stand him again in-the last day.

JOHN6v45 It-is having-been-and-still-written in the prophets, And they-will all be (ones) taught of-the God. Every (one) therefore, the (one) having-heard from the Father and having-learned, is-coming to me:

JOHN6v46 Not that anyone has-seen-and-is-still-seeing the Father, unless the (one) being from the God, this (one) has-seen-and-is-still-seeing the Father.

JOHN6v47 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU the (one) trusting with-reference-to me is-having life eternal.

JOHN6v48 I myself-am the bread of-the life.

JOHN6v49 YOUR fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they-died-off.

JOHN6v50 This is the bread, namely-the (one) descending out-of the heaven, in-order-that anyone might-eat out-of it and he-might not die-off.

JOHN6v51 I myself-am the bread, namely-the living, the (one) having-descended out-of the heaven:  if anyone might-eat out-of this bread he-will-himself-live with-reference-to the age; but also the bread which I myself-shall-give is my flesh, which I myself-shall-give in-behalf-of the life of-the world.

JOHN6v52 The Jews therefore were-fighting with one-another, saying, How is this (one) being-able to-give to-us the flesh to-eat?

JOHN6v53 The Jesus therefore said to-them, Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, Unless YOU-might-eat the flesh of-the son of-the MAN and YOU-might-be-drinking his blood, YOU-are not having-life in yourselves.

JOHN6v54 The (one) chewing my flesh, and drinking my blood, is-having life eternal, and I myself-shall-stand him again in-the last day;

JOHN6v55 For my flesh truly is eating, and my blood truly is drinking.

JOHN6v56 The (one) chewing my flesh and drinking my blood, is-remaining in me, and-I in him.

JOHN6v57 According-as the living Father dispatched me, and-I myself-am-living because-of the Father, also the (one) chewing me, that-one-also will-himself-be-living because-of me.

JOHN6v58 This is the bread, the (one) having-descended out-of the heaven. Not according-as YOUR fathers ate the manna, and they-died-off: the (one) chewing this  bread he-himself-will-live with-reference-to the age.

JOHN6v59 These-(things) he-said teaching in (a) synagogue in Capernaum.

JOHN6v60 Many out-of his disciples therefore having-heard said, This word is hard; who is-being-able to-be-hearing it?

JOHN6v61 But the Jesus within himself knowing-absolutely that his disciples are-murmuring concerning this, he-said to-them, Is this entrapping YOU?

JOHN6v62 (What) if therefore YOU-might-be-observing the son of-the MAN ascending where-in-which he-was [the] formerly;

JOHN6v63 The Spirit is the (one) making-alive, the flesh is not profiting not-one-(thing); the sayings which I myself-am-speaking to-YOU, is spirit and is life;

JOHN6v64 BUT there-are some out-of YOU who are not trusting. For the Jesus had-known-absolutely out-of (the) beginning who the (ones) not trusting are, and who the (one) is, being-about-to-give him over.

JOHN6v65 And he-was-saying, Because-of this I-have-said-and-still-say to-YOU, that not-one is-being-able to-come to me unless it-might-be having-been-given to-him out-of my Father.

JOHN6v66 Out-of this, many of-his disciples went-away with-reference-to the-(things) behind, and no-more were-they-walking-around with him.

JOHN6v67 The Jesus said therefore to-the twelve, Are YOU yourselves also willing to-be-withdrawing?

JOHN6v68 Simon Peter therefore answered to-him, Lord, to whom shall-we-go-away? You-are-having sayings of-life eternal;

JOHN6v69 And we ourselves-have-trusted-and-still-trust and we-have-come-to-know-and-still-know that you yourself-are the Messiah the son of-the God, namely-the (one) living.

JOHN6v70 The Jesus answered to-them, Chose I not for-myself YOU the twelve, and out-of YOU one is (a) slanderer?

JOHN6v71 But he-was-saying (of) the Judas iscariot of-Simon, for this (one) was-being-about to-be-giving him over, being one out-of the twelve.


JOHN7v1 And after these-(things) the Jesus was-walking-around in the Galilee, for he-was not willing to-be-walking-around in the Judea, because the Jews were-seeking to-kill him.

JOHN7v2 But the feast of-the Jews was near namely-the (one of) booth-fastening.

JOHN7v3 His brothers therefore said to him, You-change-location hence, and You-be-withdrawing into the Judea, in-order-that your disciples also might-observe your works which you-are-doing;

JOHN7v4 For no-one is-doing something in secret, and he himself-is-seeking to-be with boldness-of-speech. If you-are-doing these-(things), you-manifest yourself to-the world.

JOHN7v5 For neither were his brothers trusting with-reference to him.

JOHN7v6 The Jesus is-saying therefore to-them, The season namely-the mine is not-yet being-alongside, but the season namely-the yours is always prepared.

JOHN7v7 The world is not being-able to-be-hating YOU, but it-is-hating me, because I myself-am-bearing-witness concerning it, that the works of-it (are) evil.

JOHN7v8 YOU yourselves-ascend into this feast, I myself-am not-yet ascending into this feast, because the season namely-the mine has not-yet been-fulfilled-and-is-still-(not)-fulfilled.

JOHN7v9 But having-said these-(things) to-them he-remained in the Galilee.

JOHN7v10 But as his brothers ascended the he himself also ascended into the feast, not manifestly, BUT as in secret.

JOHN7v11 The Jews therefore were-seeking him in the feast, and they-were-saying, Where is that-(one)?

JOHN7v12 And there-was much murmuring among the crowds concerning him. On-the-one-hand the (ones) were-saying, That he-is (a) good (man); on-the-other-hand others were-saying, No; BUT he-is-leading the crowd astray.

JOHN7v13 No-one however was-speaking with-boldness-of-speech concerning him, because-of the fear of-the Jews.

JOHN7v14 But already, being-in-midst of-the feast, the Jesus ascended into the temple, and he-was-teaching.

JOHN7v15 And the Jews were-marvelling saying, How is this-(one) knowing-absolutely letters, not having-learned?

JOHN7v16 The Jesus answered to-them and said, My doctrine is not mine, BUT of-the (one) having-sent me.

JOHN7v17 If anyone might-be-willing to-be-doing his will, he-will-be-coming-to-know-for-himself concerning the doctrine, which-of-the-two it-is, out-of the God, or I myself-am-speaking from myself

JOHN7v18 The-(one) speaking from himself, is-seeking the glory namely his-own; but the (one) seeking the glory of-the (one) having-sent him, this (one) is true, and unrighteousness is not in him.

JOHN7v19 Has not Moses given-and-is-still-giving to-YOU the law, and not one out-of YOU is-doing the law? Why are-YOU-seeking to-kill me?

JOHN7v20 The crowd answered and said, You-are-having (a) little-demon, who is-seeking to-kill you?

JOHN7v21 The Jesus answered and said to-them, I-did one work and YOU-are all marvelling.

JOHN7v22 Moses because-of this has-given-and-is-still-giving to-YOU the circumcision, not because it-is out-of the Moses, BUT out-of the fathers, and in (a) Sabbath YOU-are-circumcising (a) MAN.

JOHN7v23 If (a) MAN is-taking circumcision in (a) Sabbath in-order-that the law of-Moses might not be-broken, are-YOU-being-melancholy-mad with-me because I-made (a) total MAN healthy in (a) Sabbath?

JOHN7v24 YOU-be not judging according-to countenance, BUT YOU-judge the just judgement.

JOHN7v25 Some out-of the (ones) of-Jerusalem therefore were saying, Is not this (one) whom they-are-seeking to kill?

JOHN7v26 And note, he-is-speaking with-boldness-of-speech, and they-are-saying not-one-(thing) to-him. Lest-at-any-time came the rulers to truly know, that this-(one) is truly the Messiah?

JOHN7v27 BUT we-are-knowing-absolutely this (one), from-whence he-is; but at-the-time-that the Messiah might-be-coming, no-one is-coming-to-know from-whence he-is.

JOHN7v28 The Jesus therefore cried in the temple teaching and saying, And-me YOU-are-knowing-absolutely, and YOU-are-knowing-absolutely from-whence I-am; and I-have not come-and-still-am from myself, BUT the (one) having-sent me is authentic, whom YOU yourselves-are not knowing-absolutely.

JOHN7v29 But I myself-am-knowing him absolutely, because I-am from him, and-that-(one) dispatched me.

JOHN7v30 They-were-seeking therefore to-arrest him, and not-one cast-on the hand upon him, because his hour had not-yet come.

JOHN7v31 But many out-of the crowd trusted with-reference-to him and they-were-saying, That the Messiah at-the-time-that he-might-come, whether-at-all will-he-do many-more signs (than)-these which this-(one) did?

JOHN7v32 The Pharisees heard these-(things) (as) the crowd (was) murmuring concerning him, and the Pharisees and the chief-priests dispatched officers, in-order-that they-might-arrest him.

JOHN7v33 The Jesus said therefore to-them, Yet (a) little time I-am with YOU, and I-am-withdrawing to the (one) having-sent me.

JOHN7Zv34 YOU-will-seek me and YOU-will not find (me), and where-in-which I myself-am YOU yourselves-are not being-able to-come.

JOHN7v35 The Jews therefore said to themselves, Where is this (one) being-about to-be-proceeding that we ourselves-shall not find him?  Is-he-being-about to-be-proceeding into the dispersion of-the Greeks, and to-be-teaching the Greeks?

JOHN7v36 What is this word which he-said, YOU-will-seek me, and YOU-will not find (me); and Where-in-which I myself-am YOU yourselves-are not being-able to-come?

JOHN7v37 But in the last day namely-the great (one) of-the feast the Jesus had-stood, and he-cried saying, If someone might-be-thirsting, let-him-be-coming to me and let-him-be-drinking.

JOHN7v38 The (one) trusting with-reference-to me, according-as the scripture said, rivers of-living water will-flow out-of his belly.

JOHN7v39 But this he-said concerning the Spirit which the (ones) trusting with-reference-to him were-being-about to-be-taking; for (the) Holy Spirit not-yet, because the Jesus was not-as-yet glorified.

JOHN7v40 Many therefore out-of the crowd, having-heard the word, were-saying, This (one) is truly the prophet.

JOHN7v41 Others were-saying, This (one) is the Messiah. But others were-saying, For out-of the Galilee is the Messiah coming?

JOHN7v42 Said NOT the scripture, that out-of the seed of-David, and from Bethlehem of-the village where-in-which David was, the Messiah is-coming?

JOHN7v43 Therefore there-came-to-be (a) split in the crowd because-of him.

JOHN7v44 But some out-of them were-willing to-arrest him, BUT not-one cast-on the hands upon him.

JOHN7v45 The officers therefore went to the chief-priests and Pharisees, and those said to-them, Because-of-what led-YOU him not?

JOHN7v46 The officers answered, Never (a) MAN spoke thus as this MAN.

JOHN7v47 The Pharisees therefore answered to-them, Have-YOU yourselves also been-led-astray-and-are-still-being-led-astray?

|v48 Has anyone out-of the rulers trusted with-reference-to him, or out-of the Pharisees?

JOHN7v49 BUT this crowd namely-the one-not coming-to-know the law are (ones)-thoroughly-cursed-against.

JOHN7v50 Nicodemus is-saying to-them, the (one) having-come to-him of-night, being one out-of them,

JOHN7v51 Is our law judging the MAN, unless it (might) formerly heard from him, and it-might-come-to-know what he-is-doing?

JOHN7v52 They answered and said to-him, Are-you yourself also out-of the Galilee? You-search and note, that (a) prophet has not been-raised-and-is-still-(not)-raised out-of the Galilee.

JOHN7v53 And each proceeded into his home.


JOHN8v1 But Jesus proceeded into the mountain of-the Olives.

JOHN8v2 But of-daybreak he again came-to-be-alongside into the temple and all the people (were) coming to him, and having-been-seated he-was-teaching them.

JOHN8v3 But the scribes and the Pharisees are-leading (a) woman to him having-been-apprehended in adultery, and having-stood her in midst,

JOHN8v4 They-are-saying to-him, Teacher, this woman was-apprehended in-the-act, herself-committing-adultery.

JOHN8v5 But Moses in the law commanded to-us to-be-casting-stones-at the (ones) such-as-these:  What therefore are you yourself saying?

JOHN8v6 But this they-were-saying trying him, in-order-that they-might-be-having to-be-accusing of-him. But the Jesus having-stooped down, he-was-writing into the earth with-the finger.

JOHN8v7 But as they-were-continuing interrogating him, having-stood-erect he-said to-them, Let the sinless (one) of-YOU cast the first stone upon her.

JOHN8v8 And having-stooped down again he-was-writing into the earth.

JOHN8v9 But the (ones) having-heard and being-reproved by the conscience were-going-out one by one, having-begun from the older (ones) till the last (ones); and the Jesus only was-left-behind, and the woman having-stood in (the) midst.

JOHN8v10 But the Jesus having-stood-erect, and having-beheld no-one with-the-exception of-the woman, he-said to-her, the woman, Where are those, the accusers of-you, (has) no-one condemned you?

JOHN8v11 But the (one) said, No-one, lord, But the Jesus said to-her, Neither am-I myself condemning you; you-be-proceeding and you no-longer be-sinning.

JOHN8v12 Again therefore the Jesus spoke to-them, saying, I myself-am the light of-the world; the (one) following me will by-no-means walk-around in the darkness, BUT he-will-have the light of-the life.

JOHN8v13 The Pharisees therefore said to-him, You yourself-are-bearing-witness of-yourself; your witness is not true.

JOHN8v14 Jesus answered and said to-them, Even-if I myself-might-be-bearing-witness concerning myself, my witness is true, because I-am-knowing-absolutely from-whence I-came and where I-am-withdrawing; but YOU yourselves-are not knowing-absolutely, from-whence I-am-coming and where I-am-withdrawing.

JOHN8v15 YOU yourselves-are-judging according-to the flesh, I myself-am-judging no-one.

JOHN8v16 But even if I myself-might-be-judging, the judgement, namely-mine, is true, because I-am not alone, BUT I and the Father having-sent me.

JOHN8v17 But also in the law, namely yours, it-has-been-and-is-still-written, that the witness of-two MEN is true.

JOHN8v18 I myself-am the (one) bearing-witness concerning myself, and the Father having-sent me is-bearing-witness concerning me.

JOHN8v19 They-were-saying therefore to-him, Where is your Father? The Jesus answered, YOU-are neither knowing me absolutely nor my Father. If YOU-had-known me absolutely, YOU-had (likely) also known my Father absolutely.

JOHN8v20 The Jesus spoke these sayings in the treasury, teaching in the temple; and no-one arrested him, because his hour had not-yet come.

JOHN8v21 The Jesus therefore said to-them again, I myself-am-withdrawing, and YOU-will-seek me, and YOU-yourselves-will-die-off in YOUR sin; where-in-which I myself-am-withdrawing YOU yourselves-are not being-able to-come.

JOHN8v22 The Jews therefore were-saying, Whether-at-all will-he-kill himself, because he-is-saying, Where-in-which I myself-am-withdrawing YOU yourselves-are not being-able to come?

JOHN8v23 And he-said to-them, YOU yourselves-are out-of the (things) below, I myself-am out-of the-(things) above; YOU yourselves-are out-of this world.  I myself-am not out-of this world.

JOHN8v24 I-said therefore to-YOU that YOU-yourselves-will-die-off in YOUR sins; for if You-might not trust that I myself-am, YOU-yourselves will-die-off in YOUR sins.

JOHN8v25 Therefore they-were-saying to-him, Who are-you yourself?  And the Jesus said to-them, Something which I-am even speaking to-YOU, the beginning.

JOHN8v26 I-am-having many-(things) to-be-speaking and to-be-judging concerning YOU; BUT the (one) having-sent me is true, and-I, what-(things) myself-heard, these-(things) I-am-saying with-reference-to the world.

JOHN8v27 They-did not come-to-know that he-was-saying to-them (of) the Father.

JOHN8v28 The Jesus therefore said to-them, At-the-time-that YOU-might-raise-to-a-height the son of the MAN, then YOU-will-come-to-know-for-yourselves that I myself-am, and I-am-doing nothing from myself, BUT according-as my Father taught me, these-(things) I-am-speaking.

JOHN8v29 And the (one) having-sent me is with me, the Father let me not be alone, because I myself-am-doing always the-(things) pleasing to him.

JOHN8v30 (As) he (was) speaking these-(things) many trusted with-reference to him.

JOHN8v31 The Jesus therefore was-saying to the Jews having-trusted-and-still-trusting him, If YOU yourselves-might-remain in the word, (namely)-the mine, YOU-are truly my disciples.

JOHN8v32 And YOU-will-come-to-know the truth for-yourselves, and the truth will-make YOU free.

JOHN 8v33 They-answered to-him, We-are seed of Abraham, and we-have-been-and-still-are-a-slave to-no-one at-any-time; how are-you yourself saying, that YOU-will-become free (ones)?

JOHN8v34 The Jesus answered to-them, Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that every (one), the (one) doing the sin is (a) slave of-the sin.

JOHN8v35 But the slave is not remaining in the house with-reference-to the age; the son is-remaining with-reference-to the age.

JOHN8v36 If therefore the son might-make YOU free, certainly YOU-will-be free (ones).

JOHN8v37 I-am-knowing-absolutely that YOU-are seed of-Abraham; BUT YOU-are-seeking to-kill me, because the word, (namely)-the mine, is not having-room in YOU.

JOHN8v38 What I myself-have-seen-and-am-still-seeing beside my Father I-am-speaking; and YOU therefore what YOU-have-seen-and-are-still-seeing beside YOUR father YOU-are-doing.

JOHN 8v39 They-answered and said to-him, Our father is Abraham. The Jesus is-saying to-them, If YOU-were children of-the Abraham, YOU-were (likely) doing the works of-the Abraham;

JOHN8v40 But now YOU-are-seeking to-kill me, (a) MAN who has-spoken-and-is-still-speaking the truth to-YOU, which I-heard from the God; this did not Abraham.

JOHN8v41 YOU yourselves-are-doing the works of-YOUR father.  They said therefore to-him, We ourselves-have not been-begotten-and-still-begotten out-of-prostitution; we-are-having one Father, the God.

JOHN8v42 The Jesus said therefore to-them, If the God was YOUR Father, YOU-were (likely) cherishing me, for I myself-came-out out-of the God and I-am-present; for neither have-I-come-and-am-still-come from myself, BUT that (one) dispatched me.

JOHN8v43 Because-of-what are-YOU not coming-to-know the speech namely-the mine? Because YOU-are not being-able to-be-hearing the word namely-the mine.

JOHN8v44 YOU yourselves-are out-of the father namely-the slanderer, and the desires of-YOUR father YOU-are-willing to-be-doing.  That (one) was MAN-killer from (the) beginning, and he-has not stood-and-is-(not) standing in the truth, because truth is not in him. At-the-time-that he-might-be-speaking the lie, he-is-speaking out-of (his) own-(things); because he-is (a) liar and the father of-it.

JOHN8v45 But because I myself-am-saying the truth, YOU-are not trusting in-me.

JOHN8v46 Who out-of YOU is-reproving me concerning sin? But if I-am-speaking truth, because-of-what are-YOU yourselves not trusting in-me?

JOHN8v47 The (one) being out-of the God is-hearing the sayings of-the God:  because-of this YOU yourselves-are not hearing, because YOU-are not out-of the God.

JOHN8v48 The Jews therefore answered and said to-him, Are-we ourselves not rightly saying that you yourself-are (a) Samaritan, and you-are-having (a) little-demon?

JOHN8v49 Jesus answered, I myself-am not having (a) little-demon; BUT I-am-honoring my Father, and YOU yourselves-are dishonoring me.

JOHN8v50 But I myself-am not seeking my glory: he-is the (one) seeking and judging.

JOHN8v51 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, if someone might-keep the word namely-the mine, by-no-means might-he-observe death with-reference-to the age.

JOHN8v52 The Jews therefore said to-him, Now we-have-come-to-know-and-still-know that you-are-having (a) little-demon. Abraham died-off and the prophets, and you yourself-are-saying, If someone might-keep my word by-no-means will-he-taste of-death with-reference-to the age.

JOHN8v53 Are-you yourself greater (than) our father Abraham, one-who died-off?  And the prophets died-off.  What are-you yourself making yourself?

JOHN8v54 Jesus answered, If I myself-am-glorifying myself, my glory is nothing; my Father is the (one) glorifying me, whom YOU yourselves-are-saying, that he-is YOUR God.

JOHN8v55 And YOU-have not come-to-know-and-still-do not know him, but I myself-am-knowing him absolutely; and if I-might-say that I-am not knowing him absolutely, I-shall-be (a) liar likewise of-YOU.  BUT I-am-knowing him absolutely and I-am-keeping his word.

JOHN8v56 YOUR father Abraham exulted-to-himself in-order-that he-might-see the day namely-the mine, and he-saw and he-was-rejoiced.

JOHN8v57 The Jews therefore said to-him, YOU-are not-yet having fifty years, and have-you-seen-and-still-see Abraham?

JOHN8v58 The Jesus said to-them, Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, before Abraham to-be-coming-to-be I


JOHN8v59 Therefore they-lifted-up stones in-order-that they-might-cast upon him; but Jesus was-hidden, and he-went-out out-of the temple, having-gone-through through midst of-them, and he-was thus leading-past.


JOHN9v1 And leading-by he-saw (a) MAN blind out-of birth.

JOHN9v2 And  his  disciples  interrogated him saying, Rabbi, who sinned, this (one) or his parents, in-order-that he-might-be-born blind?

JOHN9v3 The Jesus answered, Neither this (one) sinned nor his parents; BUT in-order-that the works of-the God might-be-manifested in him.

JOHN9v4 It-is-essential (for) me to-be-working the works of-the (one) having-sent me till it-is day; night is-coming, when no-one is-being-able to-be-working.

JOHN9v5 At-the-time-that I-might-be in the world, I-am light of-the world.

JOHN9v6 Having-said these-(things), he-spat on-the-ground, and he-made mud out-of the spittle, and he besmeared the mud on the eyes of-the (one) blind.

JOHN9v7 And he-said to-him, You-be-withdrawing, you-wash-yourself into the swimming-pool of-the Siloam, which is-being-translated, having-been-dispatched. He-went-away therefore and he-washed-himself, and he-came looking (at things).

JOHN9v8 Therefore the land-neighbors and the  (ones) observing him, that formerly was blind were-saying, Is this not the (one) sitting and begging?

JOHN9v9 Others were-saying, That it-is this (one), but others, That he-is like to-him.  That (one) was-saying, That I myself-am.

JOHN9v10 They-were therefore saying to-him, How were your eyes opened?

JOHN9v11 That (one) answered and said, (A) MAN being-called Jesus made mud and besmeared my eyes, and said to-me, You-be-withdrawing into the swimming-pool of-the Siloam and you-wash-yourself.  But having-gone-away and having-washed-myself I-received-sight.

JOHN9v12 They-said therefore to-him, Where is that-(one)?  He-is-saying, I-am not knowing absolutely.

JOHN9v13 They-are-leading him to the Pharisees, the (one) at-one-time blind.

JOHN9v14  But it-was Sabbath when the Jesus made the mud and opened his eyes.

JOHN9v15 Again therefore the Pharisees also were-interrogating him how he-received-sight.  But the (one) said to-them, He put-on mud upon my eyes, and I-washed-myself, and I-am-looking (at things).

JOHN9v16 Some out-of the Pharisees were-saying therefore, This MAN is not from the God, because he-is not keeping the Sabbath. Others were-saying, How is (a) MAN (a) sinner being-able to-be-doing signs such-as-these?  And (there)-was (a) split among them.

JOHN9v17 They-are-saying again to-the (one) blind, What are-you yourself saying concerning him, because he-opened your eyes?  But the (one) said, That he-is (a) prophet.

JOHN9v18 The Jews therefore trusted not concerning him, that he-was blind and he-received-sight, till they-hollered-for the parents of-the-(one), of-him of-the (one) having-received-sight.

JOHN9v19 And they-interrogated them saying, Is this (one) YOUR son whom YOU yourselves-are-saying that he-was-born blind? How therefore is-he just-now looking (at things)?

JOHN9v20 His parents answered and said to-them, We-are-knowing-absolutely that this (one) is our son, and that he-was-born blind;

JOHN9v21 But how he-is now looking (at things) we-are not knowing absolutely, or who opened his eyes we ourselves-are not knowing-absolutely; he himself-is-having age, YOU-interrogate him, he himself-will-speak concerning him(self).

JOHN9v22 His parents said these-(things), because they-were-themselves-fearing the Jews; for already the Jews had-been-put-together, in-order-that if any-one might-confess him Messiah, he-might-come-to-be put-away-from-synagogue.

JOHN9v23 Because-of this his parents said, He-is-having age, YOU-interrogate him.

JOHN9v24 They-hollered therefore for this MAN who was blind out-of (a) second (time), and they-said to-him, You-give glory to-the God; we ourselves-are-knowing-absolutely that this MAN is (a) sinner.

JOHN9v25 That (one) therefore answered and said, If he-is (a) sinner I-am not knowing-absolutely, one-(thing) I-am-knowing-absolutely, that being blind, just-now I-am-looking (at things).

JOHN9v26 But they-said to-him again, What did-he to-you?  How opened-he your eyes?

JOHN9v27 He-answered to-them, I-said to-YOU already, and YOU-heard not.  Why again, are-YOU-willing to-be-hearing?  Are-YOU yourselves also willing to-become his disciples?

JOHN9v28 Therefore they-reviled him, and said, You yourself-are (a) disciple of-that (one), but we ourselves-are disciples of-the Moses.

JOHN9v29 We ourselves-are-knowing-absolutely that the God has-spoken-and-still-speaks to-Moses, but we-are not knowing-absolutely this (one), from-whence he-is.

JOHN9v30 The MAN answered and said to-them, For in this is (a) marvellous-(thing), that YOU yourselves-are not knowing-absolutely from-whence he-is, and he-opened my eyes.

JOHN9v31 But we-are-knowing-absolutely that the God is not hearing of-sinners; BUT if any-one might-be God-pious and he-might-be-doing his will, he-is-hearing of-this (one).

JOHN9v32 It-was not heard out-of the age, that any-one opened eyes of-(one)-having-been-born-blind.

JOHN9v33 If this (one) was not from God he-was not being-able to-be-doing anything.

JOHN9v34 They-answered and said to-him, You yourself-were-born total(ly) in sins, and are-you yourself teaching us?  And they-cast him out without.

JOHN9v35 The Jesus heard that they-cast him out without, and having-found him he-said to-him, Are-you yourself trusting with-reference-to the son of-the God?

JOHN9v36 That (one) answered and said, Who is-he, Lord, in-order-that I-might-trust with-reference-to him?

JOHN9v37 But the Jesus said to-him, You-have even seen-and-are-still-seeing him, and the (one) speaking with you is that-(one).

JOHN9v38 But the (one) was-stating, I-am-trusting, Lord: and he-worshipped him.

JOHN9v39 And the Jesus said, With-reference-to (a) sentence I myself-came into this world, in-order that the (ones) not looking might-be-looking, and the (ones) looking might-come-to-be blind (ones),

JOHN9v40 And the (ones) being with him out-of the Pharisees heard these-(things), and they-said to-him, Are-we also ourselves blind?

JOHN9v41 The Jesus said to-them, If YOU-were blind, YOU-were not having sin; but now YOU-are saying, That we-are-looking-at (things).  Therefore YOUR sin is-remaining.


JOHN10v1 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, the (one) not going-in through the door into the court of-the sheep, BUT ascending from-another-place, that (one) is (a) thief and robber;

JOHN10v2 But the (one) going-in through the door is shepherd of-the sheep.

JOHN10v3 To-this (one) the doorkeeper is-opening, and the sheep (are)-hearing his voice, and (his) own sheep he-is-calling according-to name, and he-is-leading them out.

JOHN10v4 And at-the-time-that he-might-cast-out (his) own sheep he-is-proceeding in-front of-them; and the sheep (are)-following him, because they-are-knowing-absolutely his voice.

JOHN10v5 But by-no-means might-they-follow (one)-belonging-to-another, BUT they-will-flee from him, because they-are not knowing-absolutely the voice of-the (ones)-belonging-to-another.

JOHN10v6 The Jesus said this proverb to-them, but those came not to-know what-(things) it-was which he-was-speaking to-them.

JOHN10v7 The Jesus therefore said again to-them, Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that I myself-am the door of-the sheep.

JOHN10v8 All as-many-as came before me are thieves and robbers; BUT the sheep heard not of-them.

JOHN10v9 I myself-am the door: if anyone might-come-in through me he-will-be-saved, and he-will-go-in and he-will-go-out, and he-will-find pasture.

JOHN10v10 The thief is not coming unless in-order-that he-might-steal and he-might-sacrifice and he-might-destroy: I myself-came in-order-that they-might-be-having life, and they-might-be-having advantage.

JOHN10v11 I myself-am the shepherd namely-the fine (one).  The shepherd namely-the fine (one) is-putting his soul in-behalf-of the sheep.

JOHN10v12 But the hireling, and not being shepherd, of-whom the sheep are not (his) own, he-is-observing the wolf coming, and he-is-letting the sheep be and he-is-fleeing; and the wolf is seizing them and is-scattering the sheep.

JOHN10v13 But the hireling is-fleeing because he-is (a) hireling, and it-matters not to-him concerning the sheep.

JOHN10v14 I myself-am the shepherd namely-the fine (one), and I-am-coming-to-know the (sheep) mine, and I-am-coming-to-be-known by the (ones) mine.

JOHN10v15 According-as the Father is-coming-to-know me, I-also am-coming-to-know the Father; and I-am-putting my soul in-behalf-of the sheep.

JOHN10v16 And I-am-having other sheep, which (are) not out-of this court; those-also it-is-essential (for) me to-lead, and they-will-hear my voice; and it-will-come-to-be one flock, one shepherd.

JOHN10v17 Because-of this the Father is-cherishing me, because I myself-am-putting my soul, in-order-that I-might again take it.

JOHN10v18 No-one is-removing it from me, But I myself-am-putting it from myself.  I-am-having authority to-put it, and I-am-having authority to-take it again.  I-took this commandment from my Father.

JOHN10v19 Again therefore (a) split came-to-be among the Jews because-of these words;

JOHN10v20 But many out-of them were-saying, He-is-having (a) little-demon and he-is-mad; why are-You-hearing of-him?

JOHN10v21 Others were-saying, These sayings (are) not of-(one)-being-possessed-by-a-demon. Is (a) little-demon being-able to-be-opening eyes of-blind (ones)?

JOHN10v22 But the dedication(s) came-to-pass in the Jerusalem, and it-was winter.

JOHN10v23 And the Jesus was-walking-around in the temple in the portico of-the Solomon.

JOHN10v24 The Jews therefore encircled him, and they-were-saying to-him, Till at-what-time are-you-lifting-up our soul?  If you yourself-are the Messiah, you-say-(so) to-us with-boldness-of-speech.

JOHN10v25 The Jesus answered to-them, I-said to-YOU, and YOU-are not trusting. The works which I myself-am: doing in the name of-my Father, these-(things) (are)-bearing-witness concerning me;

JOHN10v26 BUT YOU yourselves-are not trusting.  For YOU-are not out-of the sheep namely-the mine, according-as I-said to-YOU.

JOHN10v27 The sheep namely-the mine are-hearing of-my voice, and-I myself-am-coming-to-know them, and they-are-following me;

JOHN10v28 And-I myself-am-giving life eternal to-them; and by-no-means might-they-perish with-reference-to the age, and not anyone will-seize them out-of my hand.

JOHN10v29 My Father who has-given-and-is-still-giving to-me is greater (than)-all, and no-one is-being-able to-be-seizing out-of the hand of-my Father.

JOHN10v30 I and the Father are one.

JOHN10v31 The Jews therefore again bore stones in-order-that they-might-stone him.

JOHN10v32 The Jesus answered to-them, Many fine works I-pointed-out to-YOU out-of my Father; because-of what-sort-of work of-them are-YOU-stoning me?

JOHN10v33 The Jews therefore answered to-him saying, We-are-not stoning you concerning fine work, BUT concerning blasphemy, and because you being MAN, you-are-making yourself God.

JOHN10v34 The Jesus answered to-them, Is-it not having-been-and-still-written in YOUR law, I myself-said, YOU-are gods?

JOHN10v35 if those he-said gods, to-whom the word of-the God came-to-be, and the scripture is not being-able to-be-broken,

JOHN10v36 Whom the Father made-holy and dispatched into the world, are-YOU yourselves saying, that you-are-blaspheming, because I-said, I-am son of-the God?

JOHN10v37 If I-am not doing the works of-my Father, YOU-be not trusting me;

JOHN10v38 But if I-am-doing, even-if YOU-might not be-trusting me, YOU-trust in-the works, in-order-that YOU-might-come-to-know and You-might-trust that the Father (is) in me, and-I in him.

JOHN10v39 They-were therefore seeking again to-arrest him, and he-went-out out-of their hand.

JOHN10v40 And he-went away again across the Jordan, into the place where-in-which John was the first baptizing and he-remained there.

JOHN10v41 And many came to him, and they-were-saying, That John on-the-one-hand did not-one sign; on-the-other-hand all-(things) as-many-as John said concerning this-(one) (were) true.

JOHN10v42 And many trusted there with-reference-to him.


O But (a) certain Lazarus from Bethany was being-weak, out-of the village of-Mary and of-Martha her sister.

JOHN11v2 But Mary was the (one) having-anointed the Lord with-perfumed-oil and having-wiped-dry his feet with her hairs, of-whom the brother Lazarus was-being-weak.  

JOHN11v3 The sisters therefore dispatched to him saying, Lord, note, whom you-are-loving is-being-weak.

JOHN11v4 But the Savior having-heard said, This weakness is not to death, BUT in-behalf-of the glory of-the God, in-order-that the son of-the God might-be-glorified through it.

JOHN11v5 But the Savior was-cherishing the Martha and her sister and the Lazarus.

JOHN11v6 As therefore he-heard that he-is-being-weak, then on-the-one-hand he-remained two days in which place he-was.

JOHN11v7 Thereafter after this he-is-saying to-the disciples, Let-us-be-leading into the Judea again.

JOHN11v8 The disciples are-saying to-him, Rabbi, now the Jews were-seeking to-stone you, and are-you again withdrawing there?

JOHN11v9 The Savior answered, Are-there NOT twelve hours of-the day?  If someone might-be-walking-around in the day, he-is not stumbling, because he-is-looking-at the light of-this world;

JOHN11v10 But if someone might-be-walking-around in the night he-is-stumbling, because the light is not in him.

JOHN11v11 He-said these-(things); and after this he-is-saying to-them, Lazarus our friend has-fallen-asleep-and-is-still-asleep; BUT I-am-proceeding in-order-that I-might-wake him out-of-slumber.

JOHN11v12 His disciples therefore said, Lord, if he-has-fallen-asleep-and-is-still-asleep he-will-be-saved.

JOHN11v13 But the Savior had-said-and-was-still-saying concerning his death, but those thought that he-is-saying concerning the sleep of-the slumber.

JOHN11v14 Then therefore the Savior said to-them with-boldness-of-speech, Lazarus died-off.

JOHN11v15 And I-am-rejoicing because-of YOU, in-order-that YOU-might-trust, that I-was not there.  BUT let-us-be-leading to him.

JOHN11v16 Therefore Thomas said, the (one) being-called Didymus, to-the fellow-disciples, Let we ourselves also be-leading, in-order-that we-might-die-off with him.

JOHN11v17 The Savior therefore having-come found him-already having four days in the tomb.

JOHN11v18 But the Bethany was near of-the Jerusalem, from (it) approximately fifteen stadiums,

JOHN11v19 And many out-of the Jews had-come to the (ones) around Martha and Mary, in-order-that they-might-console them concerning their brother.

JOHN11v20 The Martha therefore as she-heard that the Savior is-coming, she-encountered him; but Mary was-sitting-down in the home.

JOHN11v21 The Martha said therefore to the Savior, Lord, if you-were here, my brother (likely) had-not-died.

JOHN11v22 BUT even now I-am-knowing-absolutely that as-many-(things)-as you-might-yourself-request-of the God, the God will-give to-you.

JOHN11v23 The Savior is-saying to-her, Your brother will-himself-stand-again.

JOHN11v24 Martha is-saying to-him, I-am-knowing-absolutely that he-will-himself-stand-again in the standing-again in the last day.

JOHN11v25 The Savior said to-her, I myself-am the standing-again and the life:  the (one) trusting with-reference-to me, even-if he-might-die-off he-will-himself-live;

JOHN11v26 And everyone the (one) living and trusting with-reference-to me, by-no-means might-he-die-off with-reference-to the age.  Are-you-trusting this?

JOHN11v27 She-is-saying to-him, Yea, Lord; I myself-have-trusted-and-am-still-trusting that you yourself-are the Messiah, the son of-the God, namely-the (one) coming into the world.

JOHN11v28 And having-said these-things she-went away, and she-hollered-to Mary her sister, stealthily having-said, The teacher is-being-alongside and he-is-hollering-for you.

JOHN11v29 As that-(one)-heard she-is-herself-rising speedily and she-is-going to him.

JOHN11v30 But the Savior had not-yet come into the village, BUT was in the place where-in-which the Martha encountered him.

JOHN11v31 The Jews therefore namely-the-(ones) being with her in the house and consoling her, having-seen the Mary that she-stood-up quickly and went-out, they-followed her, saying, That she-is-withdrawing into the tomb, in-order-that she-might-weep there.

JOHN11v32 The Mary therefore as she-came where-in-which the Savior was, having-seen him, she-fell to his feet, saying to-him, Lord, if you-were here my brother (had) not (likely) died-off.

JOHN11v33 Jesus therefore as he-saw her weeping, and the Jews having-come-together with-her weeping, he-was-perturbed in-the spirit, and it-disturbed himself.

JOHN11v34 And he-said, Where have-YOU-put him? They-are-saying to-him, Lord, you-be-coming and you-see.

JOHN11v35 The Savior shed-tears.

JOHN11v36 The Jews were-saying therefore, Note how he-was-loving him.

JOHN11v37 But some out-of them said, Was not this (one), the-(one) having-opened the eyes of-the-(one) blind, being-able to-do in-order-that also this-(one) might not die-off?

JOHN11v38 Jesus therefore again being-perturbed in himself is-coming into the tomb.  But it-was (a) cave, and (a) stone was-lying-on upon it.

JOHN11v39 The Savior is-saying, YOU-remove the stone. Martha the sister of-the-(one) having-died is-saying to-him, Lord already he-is-smelling, for it-is on-the-fourth (day).

JOHN11v40 The Savior is-saying to-her, Said-I not to-you, that if you-might-trust, you-will-see the glory of-the God?

JOHN11v41 Therefore they-removed the stone (from) the-place-where the (one) having-died was lying. But the Jesus lifted-up the eyes above, and he-said, Father, I-am-giving-thanks to-you that you-heard me;

JOHN11v42 But I myself have-known-absolutely that you-are always hearing me; BUT because-of the crowd namely-the (one) having-stood-around-and-still-around I-said (it), in-order-that they-might-trust that you yourself-dispatched me.

JOHN11v43 And having-said these-things, he-screamed with-great voice, Lazarus, come-hither without.

JOHN11v44 And the-(one)-having-died came-out, the feet and the hands having-been-bound-and-still-bound with-grave-clothes, and his countenance having-been-bound-around with-a-handkerchief. The Savior is-saying to-them, YOU-loose-him and YOU-let (him) go to-be-withdrawing.

JOHN11v45 Many therefore out-of the Jews, the (ones) having-come to-the Mary and having-beheld what-(things) the Savior did, trusted with-reference-to him;

JOHN11v46 But some out-of them went to the Pharisees and they-said to-them what-(things) the Jesus did.

JOHN11v47 Therefore the chief-priests and the Pharisees gathered-together (a) council, and they-were-saying, What are-we-doing?  Because this MAN is-doing many signs.

JOHN11v48 If we-might-let him be thus, all will-trust with-reference-to him, and the Romans will-come and they-will-remove even our place and the nation.

JOHN11v49 But (a) certain one out-of them, Caiaphas, being chief-priest of-that year, said to-them, YOU yourselves-are not knowing-absolutely anything,

JOHN11v50 Neither are-YOU-deliberating that it-is-being-advantageous to-us in-order-that one MAN might-die-off in-behalf-of the people, and not the total nation might-perish.

JOHN11v51 But this he-said not from himself, BUT being chief-priest of-that year, he-prophesied that the Jesus was-being-about to-be-dying-off in-behalf-of the nation;

JOHN11v52 And not in-behalf-of the nation only, BUT in-order-that the children of-the God, namely-the (ones) having-been-and-still-scattered-abroad, he-might-gather-together into one.

JOHN11v53 From that day therefore they-resolved-together in-order-that they-might-be-killing him.

JOHN11v54 Jesus therefore was not still walking-around among the Jews with-boldness-of-speech, BUT he-went-away therefrom into the country near the wilderness, into (a) city being-called Ephraim, and-there he-was-staying with his disciples.

JOHN11v55 But the passover of-the Jews was near, and many ascended into Jerusalem out-of the country before the passover, in-order-that they-might-purify themselves.

JOHN11v56 Therefore they-were-seeking the Jesus, and were-saying with one-another having-stood-and-still-standing in the temple, What is-it-seeming to-YOU, that he-might by-no-means come into the feast?

JOHN11v57 But also the chief-priests and the Pharisees had-given commandment, in-order-that if anyone might-come-to-know where he-is he-might-disclose (it), in-which-case they-might-arrest him.


JOHN12v1 The Jesus therefore six days before the passover came into Bethany, where-in-which was Lazarus, the-(one) having-died, whom he-raised out-of dead-(ones).

JOHN12v2 Therefore they-made (a) supper for-him there, and the Martha was-ministering, but the Lazarus was one of-the (ones) lying-back-together with-him.

JOHN12v3 The Mary therefore having-taken (a) litra of-perfumed-oil of-trusty nard of-much-price, she-anointed the feet of-the Jesus, and she-wiped-dry his feet with-her hairs; but the house was-filled out-of the smell of-the perfumed-oil.

JOHN12v4 One out-of his disciples, Judas Iscariot of-Simon is-saying therefore, the-(one) being-about to-be-giving him over,

JOHN12v5 Because-of-what was this perfumed-oil of-three-hundred denarii not sold, and was-given to-destitute-(ones)?

JOHN12v6 But  he-said this, not because it-matters to-him concerning the (ones) destitute, BUT because he-was (a) thief, and he-was-having the case, and he-was-bearing the-(things) being-cast-(in).

JOHN12v7 Therefore  the  Jesus  said,  You-let  her  be: she-has-kept-and-still-keeps it with-reference-to the day of-my preparation-for-burial:

JOHN12v8 For YOU-are always having the destitute with yourselves, but YOU-are not always having me.

JOHN12v9 Much crowd out-of the Jews came-to-know therefore that he-is there, and they-came, not because-of the Jesus only, BUT in-order-that they-might also see the Lazarus whom he-raised out-of dead(ones).

JOHN12v10 But the chief-priests resolved in-order-that they-might also be-killing the Lazarus,

JOHN12v11 Because many of-the Jews were-withdrawing because-of him and they-were-trusting with-reference-to the Jesus.

JOHN12v12 On-the next-day much crowd, the (one) having-come into the feast, having-heard that the Jesus is-coming into Jerusalem,

JOHN12v13 They-took the palm-branches of-the palms and they-went-out into an-encounter with-him, and they-were-crying, Hosanna, having-been-and-still-blessed (is) the (one) coming in name of-Jehovah, the king of-the Israeli.

JOHN12v14 But the Jesus having-found (a) young-ass (was) seated upon it, according-as it-is having-been-and-is-still-written,

JOHN12v15 You-be not fearing-for-yourself, daughter of-Sion:  behold, your king is-coming, sitting upon (a) colt of-an-ass.

JOHN12v16 But his disciples came not to-know these-(things) (at) the first, BUT when the Jesus was-glorified then they-were-made-mindful that these-(things) (were) having-been-and-were-still-written on him, and they-did these-(things) to-him.

JOHN12v17 The crowd therefore was-bearing-witness, the (crowd) being with him, when he-hollered-for the Lazarus out-of the tomb, and he-raised him out-of dead (ones).

JOHN12v18 Because-of this also the crowd encountered him, because it-heard-(of) him to-have-done this sign.

JOHN12v19 The Pharisees therefore said to themselves, Are-YOU-observing that YOU-are not profiting anything? Note, the world went-away behind of-him.

JOHN12v20 But some Greeks were out-of the (ones) ascending in-order-that they-might-worship in the feast;

JOHN12v21 These therefore came-near to-Philip, the (one) from Bethsaida of-the Galilee, and they-were-interrogating him saying, Lord, we-are-willing to-see the Jesus.

JOHN12v22 Philip is-coming and he-is-saying to-the Andrew, and again Andrew and Philip are-saying to-the Jesus.

JOHN12v23 But the Jesus answered to-them saying, The hour has-come-and-is in-order-that the son of-the MAN might-be-glorified.

JOHN12v24 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, unless the grain of-the wheat having-fallen into the earth might-die-off, it itself-is-remaining alone; but if it-might-die-off, it-is-bearing much fruit.

JOHN12v25 The (one) loving his soul will-lose it, and the (one) hating his soul in this world will-guard it with-reference-to life eternal.

JOHN12v26 If anyone might-be-ministering for-me, let-him-be-following me; and where-in-which I myself-am there also the minister namely-the mine will-be.  And if anyone might-be-ministering for-me, the Father will-honor him.

JOHN12v27 Now my soul has-been-and-still-is-disturbed, and what might-I say? Father, you-save me out-of this hour. BUT on-account-of this I-came into this hour

JOHN12v28 Father, you-glorify your name. Therefore (a) voice came out-of the heaven, I even glorified and I-shall glorify (it) again.

JLHN12v29 The crowd therefore, namely-the (one) having-stood-and-still-standing and having-heard was-saying, To-have-come-to-be thunder:  others were-saying, (An) angel has-spoken-and-is-still-speaking to-him.

JOHN12v30 The Jesus answered and said, This voice has-come-to-be-and-is not because-of me, BUT because of YOU.

JOHN12v31 Now is (a) judgement of-this world; now the ruler of-this world will-be-cast-out without:

JOHN12v32 And-I if I-might-be-raised-to-(a)-height out-of the earth, I-will-draw all to myself.

JOHN12v33 But this he-was-saying, giving-a-sign to-what-sort-of death he-was-being-about to-be-dying-off.

JOHN12v34 The crowd answered to-him, We ourselves-heard out-of the law that the Messiah is-remaining with-reference-to the age, and how are-you yourself saying, that it-is-essential the son of-the MAN to-be-raised-to-(a) height?  Who is this son of-the MAN?

JOHN12v35 The Jesus therefore said to-them, (A) little time still the light is with YOU. YOU-be-walking-around as YOU-are-having the light, in-order-that dark might not apprehend YOU.  And the (one) walking-around in the dark is not knowing-absolutely where he-is-withdrawing.

JOHN12v36 As YOU-are-having the light, YOU-be-trusting with-reference-to the light, in-order-that YOU-might-become sons of-light.  These-(things) the Jesus spoke, and having-gone-away he-was-hidden from them.

JOHN12v37 But (as) he (was) having-done these-many signs in-front of-them, they-were not trusting with-reference-to him,

JOHN12v38 In-order-that the word of-Esaias the prophet might-be-fulfilled, which said, Lord, who trusted in-our report; and the arm of-Jehovah was-uncovered to-whom?

JOHN12v39 Because-of this they-were not being-able to-be-trusting, because Esaias said again,

JOHN12v40 He-has-blinded-and-is-still-blinding their eyes and he-has-petrified-and-still-petrifies their heart, in-order-that they-might not see with-the eyes and they-might-understand with-the heart and they-might-be-turned-around, and I-might-cure them.

JOHN12v41 Esaias said these-(things), when he-saw the glory of-him, and he-spoke concerning him.

JOHN12v42 Nevertheless however even out-of the rulers many trusted with-reference-to him, BUT because-of the Pharisees they-were not confessing, in-order-that they-might not become (ones)-put-away-from synagogue;

JOHN12v43 For they-cherished the glory of-the MEN rather THAN the glory of-the God.

JOHN12v44 But Jesus cried and said, The (one) trusting with-reference-to me, he-is not trusting with-reference-to me, BUT with-reference-to the-(one) having-sent me;

JOHN12v45 And the (one) observing me, he-is-observing the-(one) having-sent me.

JOHN12v46 I myself-have-come-and-am-come light into the world, in-order-that every(one) the-(one) trusting with-reference-to me might not remain in the dark.

JOHN12v47 And if anyone might-hear of-the sayings of-me and might not trust, I myself-am not judging him, for I-came not in-order-that I-might-judge the world, BUT in-order-that I-might-save the world.

JOHN12v48 The (one) disregarding me and not taking my sayings, is-having the (one) judging him:  the word which I-spoke, that will-judge him in the last day;

JOHN12v49 Because I myself-spoke not out-of myself, BUT the Father having-sent me, he himself-gave commandment to-me what I-might-say and what I-might-speak;

JOHN12v50 And I-am-knowing-absolutely that the commandment of-him is life eternal.  What-(things) therefore I myself-am-speaking according-as the Father has-said-and-is-still-saying to-me, thus I-am-speaking.


JOHN13v1 But before the feast of-the passover, the Jesus knowing-absolutely that his hour had-come-and-is in-order-that he-might-change-location out-of this world to the Father, having-cherished his own, namely-the (ones) in the world, he-cherished them with-reference-to (a) finish.

JOHN13v2 And (as) supper (was) having-come-to-be, (as) the slanderer (was) already having-cast into the heart of-Judas Iscariot, of-Simon, in-order-that he-might-give him over,

JOHN13v3 The Jesus knowing-absolutely that the Father had-given-and-still-gives all-(things) to-him into the hands, and that he-came-out from God and he-is-withdrawing to the God,

JOHN13v4 He-is-himself-rising out-of the supper and he-is-placing the garments, and having-taken (a) towel he-thoroughly-girded himself:

JOHN13v5 Afterwards he-is-casting water into the basin, and he-began to-be-washing the feet of-the disciples, and to-be-wiping-dry with-the towel with-which he-was-having-been-and-still-was-thoroughly-girded.

JOHN13v6 He-is-coming therefore to Simon Peter, and that-(one) is-saying to-him, Lord, Are-you yourself washing the feet of-me?

JOHN13v7 Jesus answered and said to-him, What I myself-am-doing you yourself-are not knowing-absolutely just-now, but you-will-come-to-know-for-yourself after these-(things).

JOHN13v8 Peter is-saying to-him, By-no-means might-you-wash the feet of-me with-reference-to the age. The Jesus answered to-him, Unless I-might-wash you, you-are not having part with me.

JOHN13v9 Simon Peter is-saying to-him, Lord, not the feet of-me only, BUT also the hands and the head.

JOHN13v10 The Jesus is-saying to-him, The (one) having-been-bathed is not having need than to-wash-for-himself the feet, BUT he-is total clean; and YOU yourselves-are clean (ones), BUT NOT all.

JOHN13v11 For he-had-known-absolutely the (one) giving him over: because-of this he-said, YOU-are NOT all clean (ones),

JOHN13v12 When therefore he-washed the feet of-them, and he-took (his) garments, having-fallen-back again, he-said to-them, Are-YOU-coming-to-know what I-have-done-and-am-doing to-You?

JOHN13v13 YOU yourselves-are-hollering-to me the teacher and the Lord, and YOU-are-saying rightly, for I-am.

JOHN13v14 If therefore I myself-washed YOUR feet, the Lord and the teacher, YOU yourselves also are-being-indebted to be-washing the feet of-one-another;

JOHN13v15 For I-gave to-YOU (a) copy, in-order-that according-as I myself-did to-YOU, also YOU yourselves might-be-doing.

JOHN13v16 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, (a) slave is not greater (than) his lord, nor (an) apostle greater (than) the (one) having-sent him.

JOHN13v17 If YOU-are-knowing these-(things) absolutely, YOU-are happy-(ones) if You-might-be-doing them.

JOHN13v18 I-am not saying concerning all of-YOU.  I myself-am-knowing-absolutely whom I-chose-for-myself, BUT in-order-that the scripture might-be-fulfilled, The (one) chewing the bread with me he-elevated his heel upon me.

JOHN13v19 From just-now I-am-saying to-YOU before the-(thing) to-come-to-pass, in-order-that at-the-time-that it-might-come-to-pass, YOU-might-trust that I myself-am.

JOHN13v20 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, The (one) taking someone I-might (likely) send, he-is-taking me; but the (one) taking me, he-is-taking the (one) having-sent me.

JOHN13v21 The Jesus having-said these-(things) was-disturbed in-the spirit, and he-bore-witness and he-said, Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that one out-of YOU will-give me over.

JOHN13v22 The disciples therefore were-looking with-reference-to-one-another, being-perplexed concerning whom he-is-saying.

JOHN13v23 But one of-his disciples was lying-back in the bosom of-the Jesus, whom the Jesus was-cherishing.

JOHN13v24 Simon Peter therefore is-nodding to-this (one) to-inquire who it-may-be concerning whom he-is-saying.

JOHN13v25 But that-(one) having-fallen-upon, over the chest of-the Jesus, is-saying to-him, Lord, who is-it?

JOHN13v26 The Jesus is-answering, It-is that-(one) to-whom I, having-dipped the little-morsel, shall-hand (it) over.  And having-dipped-in the-little-morsel he-is-giving (it) to Judas Iscariot of-Simon.

JOHN13v27 And after the little-morsel, then the adversary went-in into that-(one).  The Jesus is-saying therefore to-him, What you-are-doing you-do more-quickly.

JOHN13v28 But not-one of-the (ones) lying-back came-to-know toward what-(thing) he-said this to-him.

JOHN13v29 For some were-thinking, since the Judas was-having the case, that the Jesus is-saying to-him, You-buy-in-the-market of-which (things) we-are-having need with-reference-to the feast; or in-order-that he-might-give something to-the destitute.

JOHN13v30 Therefore having-taken the little-morsel that-(one) went-out immediately; but it-was night.

JOHN13v31 When he-went-out the Jesus is-saying, Now the son of-the MAN was-glorified, and the God was-glorified in him.

JOHN13v32 If the God was-glorified in him, and the God will-glorify him in himself, he-will also directly glorify him.

JOHN13v33 Little-children, yet I-am with You (a) little (while). YOU-will-seek me, and according-as I-said to-the Jews, that where-in-which I myself-am-withdrawing, YOU yourselves-are not being-able to-come, also I-am-saying to-YOU just-now.

JOHN13v34 I-am-giving to-YOU (a) new-quality commandment, in-order-that YOU-might-be-cherishing one-another, according-as I-cherished YOU; in-order-that YOU yourselves also might-be-cherishing one-another.

JOHN13v35 In this all will-come-to-know  that  YOU-are disciples to-me, if YOU-might-be-having charity with one-another.

JOHN13v36 Simon Peter is-saying to-him, Lord, where are-you-withdrawing? The Jesus answered to-him, Where-in-which I-am-withdrawing you-are not being-able to-follow with-me now, but later you-will-follow to-me.

JOHN13v37 The Peter is-saying to-him, Lord, because-of-what am-I not being-able to-follow with-you just-now?  I-will-put my soul in-behalf-of you.

JOHN13v38 The Jesus answered to-him, Will-you-put your soul in-behalf-of me?  Amen amen I-am-saying to-you, by-no-means will (a) cock crow till of-which you-will-disown me thrice.


JOHN14v1 Let not YOUR heart be-being-disturbed; YOU-are-trusting with-reference-to the God, YOU-be also trusting with-reference-to me.

JOHN14v2 In the house of-my Father there-are many abodes; but if not I (likely) said to-YOU; I-am-proceeding to-prepare place for-YOU.

JOHN14v3 And if I-might-proceed and I-might-prepare place for-YOU, I-am-coming again and I-shall-take YOU along to myself, in-order-that where-in-which I-myself-am YOU yourselves also might-be.

JOHN14v4 And  where-in-which I myself-am-withdrawing YOU-are-knowing-absolutely and the way YOU-are-knowing-absolutely.

JOHN14v5 Thomas is-saying to-him, Lord, we-are not knowing-absolutely where you-are-withdrawing, and how are-we-being-able to-have-known-absolutely the way?

JOHN14v6 The Jesus is-saying to-him, I myself-am the way and the truth and the life.  No-one is-coming to the Father unless through me.

JOHN14v7 If YOU-had-come-to-know me, YOU-had-come-to-know my Father also; and from just-now YOU-are-coming-to-know him, and YOU-have-seen-and-are-still-seeing him.

JOHN14v8 Philip is-saying to-him, Lord, You-point-out the Father to-us, and it-is-sufficing for-us.

JOHN14v9 The Jesus is-saying to-him, I-am this-much time with YOU, and you-have not come-to-know-(or)-still-know me, Philip? The (one) having-seen me, he-has-seen-and-still-sees the Father; and how are-you yourself saying, You-point-out the Father to-us?

JOHN14v10 Are-you not trusting that I (am) in the Father, and the Father is in me? The sayings which I myself-am-speaking to-YOU, I-am not speaking from myself; but the Father, namely-the (one) remaining in me, he himself is-doing the works.

JOHN14v11 YOU-be-trusting to-me that I (am) in the Father, and the Father in me; but if not, YOU-be-trusting to-me because-of the works themselves.

JOHN14v12 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, the (one) trusting with-reference-to me, the works which I myself-am-doing, that-one-also will-do, and greater (than) these he-will-do, because I myself-am-proceeding to my Father.

JOHN14v13 And what thing YOU-might-request in my name, this-(thing) I-shall-do, in-order-that the Father might-be-glorified in the son.

JOHN14v14 If YOU-might-request something in my name, I myself-shall-do (it).

JOHN14v15 If YOU-might-be-cherishing me, YOU-keep the commandments namely-the (ones) mine.

JOHN14v16 And I myself-shall-interrogate the Father, and he-will-give another advocate to-YOU, in-order-that he-might-be-remaining with YOU with-reference-to the age.

JOHN14v17 The Spirit of-the truth which the world is not being-able to-take, because it-is not observing it, nor is-coming-to-know it; but YOU yourselves-are-coming-to-know it, because he-is-remaining beside YOU, and he-will-be in YOU.

JOHN14v18 I-shall not let YOU be orphans, I-am-coming to YOU.

JOHN14v19 Still (a) little (while) and the world is not still observing me, but YOU yourselves-are-observing me: because I myself-am-living, and YOU yourselves-will-live-for-yourselves.

JOHN14v20 in that day YOU yourselves-will-come-to-know-for-yourselves that I (am) in my Father, and YOU in me, and-I in YOU.

JOHN14v21 The (one) having my commandments and keeping them, that (one) is the (one) cherishing me; but the (one) cherishing me, he-will-be-cherished by my Father; and I myself-shall-cherish him, and I-shall-reveal myself to-him.

JOHN14v22 Judas is-saying to-him, not the Iscariot, Lord, what has-come-to-pass-and-still-is that you-are-being-about to-be-revealing yourself to-us, and NOT to-the world?

JOHN14v23 The Jesus answered and said to-him, If anyone might-be-cherishing me, he-will-keep my word, and my Father will-cherish him, and we-will-come to him, and we-shall-make abode beside him.

JOHN14v24 The (one) not cherishing me he-is not keeping my words; and the word which YOU-are-hearing is not mine, BUT of-the Father having-sent me.

JOHN14v25 These-(things) I-have-spoken-and-am-speaking to-YOU, remaining beside YOU;

JOHN14v26 But the advocate, the Spirit namely-the Holy, which the Father will-send in my name, that (one) will-teach YOU all-(things), and he-will-put YOU in-mind all-(things) which I-said to-YOU.

JOHN14v27 I-am-letting peace be with-YOU, I-am-giving my peace to-YOU; not according-as the world is-giving, am-I myself giving to-YOU.  Let not YOUR heart be-being-disturbed, neither let-it-be-being-timid.

JOHN14v28 YOU-heard that I myself-said to-YOU, I-am-withdrawing and I-am-coming to YOU. If YOU-were-cherishing me, YOU-were-rejoiced that I-said, I-am-proceeding to the Father, because my Father is greater (than) me.

JOHN14v29 And now I-have-said-and-still-say to-YOU before (it) to-come-to-pass, in-order-that at-the-time-that it-might-come-to-pass YOU-might-trust.

JOHN14v30 I-shall not still speak many-(things) with YOU, for the ruler of-this world is-coming, and he-is not having anything in me;

JOHN14v31 BUT in-order-that the world might-come-to-know that I-am-cherishing the Father, and according-as the Father commanded to-me, thus I-am-doing.  YOU-be-raising-yourselves, let-us-be-leading hence.


JOHN15v1 I myself-am the vine namely-the authentic, and my Father is the farmer.

JOHN15v2 Every vine-branch in me not bringing fruit, he-is-lifting it up; and every(one) bringing the fruit, he-is-purging it in-order-that it-might-be-bringing much-more fruit.

JOHN15v3 Already  YOU  yourselves-are  clean  (ones) because-of the word which I-have-spoken-and-am-still-speaking to-YOU.

JOHN15v4 YOU-remain in me, and-I in YOU. According-as the vine-branch is not being-able to-be-bringing fruit from itself unless it-might-remain in the vine, thus neither YOU unless YOU-might-remain in me.

JOHN15v5 I myself-am the vine, YOU the branches. The (one) remaining in me, and-I in him, this (one) is-bringing much fruit; because separate-from me YOU-are not being-able to-be-doing anything.

JOHN15v6 Unless someone might-remain in me, he-was-cast without as the vine-branch, and it-was-dried-up, and they are gathering them together and they-are-casting into fire and it-is-being-burned.

JOHN15v7 If YOU-might-remain in me, and my sayings might-remain in YOU, what-(thing) if YOU-might-be-willing YOU-will-request-for-yourselves, and it-will-come-to-pass for-YOU.

JOHN15v8 In this my Father was-glorified, in-order-that YOU-might-be-bringing much fruit, and YOU-will-come-to-be disciples to-me.

JOHN15v9 According-as the Father cherished me, I-also cherished YOU:  YOU-remain in the charity namely-the (one) mine.

JOHN15v10 If YOU-might-keep my commandments, YOU-will-remain in my charity, according-as I myself-have-kept-and-am-still-keeping the commandments of-my Father, and I-am-remaining in his charity.

JOHN15v11 These-(things) I-have-spoken-and-am-still-speaking to-YOU, in-order-that the joy namely-the (one) mine might-remain in YOU, and YOUR joy might-be-filled.

JOHN15v12 This is the commandment namely-the (one) mine, in-order-that YOU-might-be-cherishing one-another, according-as I-cherished YOU.

JOHN15v13 No-one is-having greater charity (than) this, in-order-that someone might-put his soul in-behalf-of his friends.

JOHN15v14 YOU yourselves-are my friends if YOU-might-be-doing as-many-(things)-as I myself-am-commanding to-YOU.

JOHN15v15 No-more I-am-saying YOU slaves, because the slave is not knowing-absolutely what his lord is-doing.  But YOU I-have-said-and-am-still-saying friends, because all-(things) which I-heard from my Father I-made-known to-YOU.

JOHN15v16 YOU yourselves-chose not me for-yourselves, BUT I myself chose YOU for-myself, and I-placed YOU in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-be-withdrawing and YOU-might-be-bringing fruit, and YOUR fruit might-be-remaining; in-order-that what thing YOU-might-request the Father in my name he-might-give to-YOU.

JOHN15v17 These-(things) I-am-commanding to-YOU, in-order-that YOU-might-be-cherishing one-another.

JOHN15v18 If the world is-hating YOU, YOU-be-coming-to-know that it-has-hated-and-is-still-hating me first of-YOU.

JOHN15v19 If YOU-were out-of the world, the world was-loving (its) own (thing); but because YOU-are not out-of the world, BUT I myself chose YOU for-myself out-of the world, because-of this the world is-hating YOU.

JOHN15v20 YOU-be-having-in-memory of-the word which I myself-said to-YOU, (A) slave is not greater (than) his lord.  If they-persecuted me, they-will also persecute YOU; if they-kept my word, they-will also keep your(s).

JOHN15v21 BUT they-will-do all these (things) to-YOU because-of my name, because they-are not knowing-absolutely the (one) having-sent me.

JOHN15v22 If I-came not and spoke to-them, they-were not having sin; but now they-are not having cover-up concerning their sin.

JOHN15v23 The (one) hating me, he-is also hating my Father.

JOHN15v24 If I-did not the works among them which not-one other has-done-and-is-still-doing, they-were not having sin, but now they-have even seen-and-are-still-seeing and they-have-hated-and-are-still-hating even me and my Father.

JOHN15v25 BUT in-order-that the word namely-the (one) having-been-and-still-written in their law might-be-fulfilled, that They-hated me gratuitously.

JOHN15v26 But at-the-time-that the advocate might-come, whom I myself-shall-send to-YOU from the Father, the Spirit of-the truth, which is-proceeding-out from the Father, that (one) will-bear-witness concerning me;

JOHN15v27 But YOU yourselves also are-bearing-witness, because from (the) beginning YOU-are with me.


JOHN16v1 These-(things) I-have-spoken-and-still-speak to-you in-order-that YOU-might not be-entrapped.

JOHN16v2 They-will make YOU (ones)-put-away-from-synagogues; BUT (an) hour is-coming in-order-that every-(one) the (one) having-killed YOU might-think to-be-offering service to-the God;

JOHN16v3 And they-will-do these-(things) to-YOU because they-came not to-know the Father nor me.

JOHN16v4 BUT I-have-spoken-and-still-speak these-(things) to-YOU, in-order-that at-the-time-that the hour might-come YOU-might-be-having-in-memory of-them, that I myself-said to-YOU.  But these-(things) I-said not to-YOU out-of (the) beginning because I-was with YOU.

JOHN16v5 But now I-am-withdrawing to the (one) having-sent me, and not-one out-of YOU is-interrogating me, Where are-you-withdrawing?

JOHN16v6 BUT because I-have-spoken-and-still-speak these-(things) to-YOU the grief has-filled-and-still-fills YOUR heart.

JOHN16v7 BUT I myself am-saying the truth to-YOU, it-is-being-advantageous to-YOU in-order-that I myself-might-go-away; for if I-might not go-away the advocate will not come to YOU; but if I-might-proceed, I-shall-send him to YOU.

JOHN16v8 And that-(one) having-come he-will-reprove the world concerning sin and concerning justice and concerning judgement.

JOHN16v9 On-the-one-hand concerning sin, because they-are not trusting with-reference-to me;

JOHN16v10 On-the-other-hand concerning justice, because I-am-withdrawing to my Father, and YOU-are not still observing me;

JOHN16v11 On-the-other-hand concerning judgement, because the ruler of-this world has-been-and-is-still-judged.

JOHN16v12 I-am-having many-(things) still to-be-saying to-YOU, BUT YOU-are not being-able to-be-bearing (them) just-now.

JOHN16v13 But at-the-time-that that (one) might-come, the Spirit of-the truth, he-will-lead YOU the-way into all the truth; for he-will not speak from himself, BUT as-many-(things)-as he-might-hear he-will-speak and he-will-tell to-YOU the-(things) coming.

JOHN16v14 That (one) will-glorify me, because he-will-take out-of [the] me, and he-will-tell to-YOU.

JOHN16v15 All-(things) as-many-as the Father is-having (are) mine; because-of this I-said, that he-will-take out-of [the] me, and he-will-tell to-YOU.

JOHN16v16 (A) little (while) and YOU-are not observing me, and again (a) little (while) and YOU-will-see me, because I myself-am-withdrawing to the Father.

JOHN16v17 (Some) out-of his disciples therefore said to one-another, What is this which he-is-saying to-us, (A) little (while) and YOU-are not observing me, and again (a) little (while) and YOU-will-see me?  And because I myself-am-withdrawing to the Father?

JOHN16v18 Therefore they-were-saying, What is this which he-is-saying, the little (while)?  We-are not knowing absolutely what he-is-speaking.

JOHN16v19 The Jesus therefore came-to-know that they-were-willing to-be-interrogating him, and he-said to-them, Concerning this are-YOU-seeking with one-another, because I-said, (a) little (while) and YOU-are not observing me, and again (a) little (while) and YOU-will-see me?

JOHN16v20 Amen amen I-am-saying to-YOU, that YOU yourselves-will-weep and you-will-lament, but the world will-be-rejoiced; but YOU yourselves-will-be-grieved, BUT YOUR grief will-come-to-be with-reference-to joy.

JOHN16v21 At-the-time-that the woman might-be-bringing-forth, she-is-having grief, because her hour came; but at-the-time-that she-might-bear the (preteen)-child, she-is not still having-in-memory of-the tribulation, because-of the joy that (a) MAN was-born into the world.

JOHN16v22 And therefore on-the-one-hand YOU yourselves-are-having grief now; on-the-other-hand I-shall-see YOU again, and YOUR heart will-be-rejoiced, and no-one will-remove YOUR joy from YOU.

JOHN16v23 And in that day YOU-will not interrogate me anything.  Amen amen I-am-saying to-you, that as-many-(things)-as YOU-might-request the Father in my name he-will-give to-YOU.

JOHN16v24 Till just-now YOU-requested not anything in my name, YOU-be-requesting, and YOU-will-take, in-order-that YOUR joy might-be having-been-and-still-filled.

JOHN16v25 I-have-spoken-and-still-speak these-(things) to-YOU in proverbs; BUT (an) hour is-coming when I-shall not still speak to-YOU in proverbs, BUT with-boldness-of-speech I-shall-tell to-YOU concerning the Father.

JOHN16v26 In that day YOU-will-request-for-yourselves in my name; and I-am not saying to-YOU that I myself shall-interrogate the Father concerning YOU,

JOHN16v27 For the Father himself is-loving YOU, because YOU yourselves-have-loved-and-still-love me, and YOU-have-trusted-and-still-trust that I myself-came-out from the God.

JOHN16v28 I-came-out from the Father and I-have-come-and-still-am into the world; again I-am-letting-go the world and I-am-proceeding to the Father.

JOHN16v29 His disciples are-saying to-him, Note, now you-are-speaking with-boldness-of-speech, and you-are-saying not-one proverb.

JOHN16v30 Now we-are-knowing-absolutely that you-are-knowing-absolutely all-(things), and you-are not having need in-order-that anyone might-be-interrogating you.  In this we-are-trusting that you-came-out from God.

JOHN16v31 The Jesus answered to-them, YOU-are just-now trusting.

JOHN16v32 Behold, (an) hour is-coming and now has-come-and-still-is, in-order-that YOU-might-be-scattered each (one) into (his) own-(things), and YOU-might-let me be alone; and I-am not alone, because the Father is with me.

JOHN16v33 I-have-spoken-and-am-still-speaking these-(things) to-YOU in-order-that YOU-might-be-having peace in me.  In the world YOU-are-having tribulation; BUT YOU-be-being-of-good-courage I-myself-have-had-and-still-have-victory-over the world.


JOHN17v1 The Jesus spoke these-(things), and he-elevated his eyes with-reference-to the heaven and he-said, Father the hour has-come-and-still-is; you-glorify your son, in-order-that your son might also glorify you.

JOHN17v2 According-as you-gave authority to-him of-all flesh, in-order-that all which you-have-given-and still-give to-him, he-might-give life eternal to-them.

JOHN17v3 But this is the eternal life, in-order-that they-might-be-coming-to-know you the only authentic God, and Jesus Messiah whom you-dispatched.

JOHN17v4 I-glorified you on the earth; I-made-perfect the work which you-have-given-and-still-give to-me in-order-that I-might-do;

JOHN17v5 And now you yourself-glorify me, Father, beside yourself, to-the glory which I-was-having beside you before the world (was)

JOHN17v6 I-manifested your name to-the MEN whom you-have-given-and-still-give to-me out-of the world. Thine they-were, and you-have-given-and-still-give them to-me, and they-have-kept-and-still-keep your word,

JOHN17v7 Now they-have-come-to-know-and-still-know that all-(things) as-many-as you-have-given-and-still-give to-me, (are) of you;

JOHN17v8 Because the sayings which you-have-given-and-still-give to-me I-have-given-and-still-give to-them, and they themselves-took (them), and they-came-to-know truly that I-came-out from you, and they-trusted that you yourself-dispatched me.

JOHN17v9 I myself-am-interrogating concerning them; I-am not interrogating concerning the world, BUT concerning whom you-have-given-and-still-give to-me, because they-are thine.

JOHN17v10 And all my (things) (are) thine, and the-(things) thine (are) mine, and I-have-been-and-still-am-glorified in them.

JOHN17v11 And I-am not still in the world, and these are in the world, and I myself-am-coming to you. Holy Father, you-keep-them in your name whom you-have-given-and-still-give to-me, in-order-that they-might-be

one (thing) according-as we.

JOHN17v12 When I-was with them in the world I myself-was-keeping them in your name:  Whom you-have-given-and-still-give to-me I-guarded, and not-one out-of them perished, unless the son of-the destruction, in-order-that the scripture might-be-fulfilled,

JOHN17v13 But now I-am-coming to you; and I-am-speaking these-(things) in the world in-order-that they-might-be-having the joy, namely-the mine, having-been-and-still-fulfilled in them.

JOHN17v14 I myself-have-given-and-still-give your word to-them, and the world hated them, because they-are not out-of the world, according-as I myself-am not out-of the world.

JOHN17v15 I-am not interrogating in-order-that you-might-remove them out-of the world, BUT in-order-that you-might-keep them out-of the evil (one).

JOHN17v16 They-are not out-of the world, according-as I myself-am not out-of the world.

JOHN17v17 YOU-make them holy in your truth; the word namely-the thine is truth.

JOHN17v18 According-as you-dispatched me into the world, I-also dispatched them into the world;

JOHN17v19 And in-behalf-of them I myself-am-making-holy myself, in-order-that they themselves also might-be having-been-and-still-made-holy (ones) in truth.

JOHN17v20 But I-am not interrogating concerning these only, BUT also concerning the (ones who) will-trust through their word with-reference-to me:

JOHN17v21 In-order-that they all might-be one-(unit?), according-as you, Father, (are) in me, and-I in you, in-order-that they themselves also might-be one in us, in-order-that the world might-trust that you yourself dispatched me.

JOHN17v22 And I myself-have-given-and-still-give to-them the glory which you-have-given-and-still-give-to-me, in-order-that they-might-be one, according-as we ourselves-are one:

JOHN17v23 I in them, and you in me, in-order-that they-might-be having-been-made-perfect with-reference-to one, and in-order-that the world might-be-coming-to-know that you yourself-dispatched me, and you-cherished-them according-as you-cherished me.

JOHN17v24 Father, I-am-willing whom you-have-given-and-still-give to-me in-order-that where-in-which I-am myself those-also might-be with me, in-order-that they-might-be-observing the glory, namely-the mine, which you-gave to-me, because you-cherished me before casting-down of-(a)-world.

JOHN17v25 Just Father, even the world came not to-know you, but I myself-came-to-know you, and these came-to-know that you yourself-dispatched me.

JOHN17v26 And I-made-known to-them your name and I-shall-make-(it)-known; in-order-that the charity which you-cherished me might-be in them, and-I in them.


JOHN18v1 The Jesus having-said these-(things) he-went-out with his disciples across the winter-torrent of-the Kedron, where-in-which was (a) garden, into which he himself went-in and his disciples.

JOHN18v2 But Judas also, the (one) delivering him over, had-known-absolutely the place, because the Jesus was often gathered-together there with his disciples.

JOHN18v3 Judas therefore having-taken the cohort, and officers out-of the chief-priests and Pharisees, is-coming there with lanterns and torches and weapons.

JOHN18v4 Jesus therefore knowing-absolutely all the-(things) coming upon him, having-gone-out he-said to-them, Whom are-YOU-seeking?

JOHN18v5 They-answered to-him, Jesus the Nazarene. The Jesus is-saying to-them, I myself-am. But Judas also, the (one) giving him over, had-been-standing with them.

JOHN18v6 Therefore as he-said to-them, that I myself-am, they-went-away into the-(things) behind and they-fell on-the-ground.

JOHN18v7 Therefore again he-questioned them, Whom are-YOU-seeking?  But the-(ones) said, Jesus the Nazarene.

JOHN18v8 The Jesus answered, I-said to-YOU that I myself-am. Therefore if YOU-are-seeking me, YOU-let these go to-be-withdrawing;

JOHN18v9 in-order-that the word which he-said might-be-fulfilled, That whom you-have-given-and-still-give to-me I-destroyed not anyone out-of them.

JOHN18v10 Simon Peter therefore having (a) dagger, he-drew it, and he-struck the slave of-the chief-priest, and he-chopped-off his physical-ear, namely-the right.  But name to-the slave was Malchus.

JOHN18v11 The Jesus therefore said to-the Peter, You-cast your dagger into the sheath; the cup which the Father has-given-and-still-gives to-me, might-I by-no-means drink it?

JOHN18v12 The cohort therefore and the ruler-of-a-thousand and the officers of-the Jews took-together the Jesus, and they-bound him;

JOHN18v13 And they-led him away to Annas first; for he-was father-in-law of-the Caiaphas, who was chief-priest of-that year.

JOHN18v14 But it-was Caiaphas, the (one) having-counseled-together with-the Jews, that it-is-being-advantageous one MAN to-perish in-behalf-of the people.

JOHN18v15 But Simon Peter was-following with-the Jesus also the other disciple.  But that disciple was known to-the chief-priest, and he-went-in-together with-the Jesus into the court of-the chief-priest,

JOHN18v16 But the Peter had-been-standing toward the door without.  Therefore the disciple, namely-the other who was known to-the chief-priest went-out and he-said to-the (girl) doorkeeper and led-in the Peter.

JOHN18v17 The maid-servant namely-the doorkeeper is-saying therefore to-the Peter, Are-you yourself also out-of the disciples of-this MAN? That-(one) is-saying, I-am not.

JOHN18v18 But the slaves and the officers had-been-standing having-made-and-still-making (a) charcoal-fire, because it-was cold, and they-were-warming-themselves; but the Peter was with them having-stood-and-still-standing and warming-himself.

JOHN18v19 The chief-priest therefore interrogated the Jesus concerning his disciples and concerning his doctrine.

JOHN18v20 The Jesus answered to-him, I myself-spoke with-boldness-of-speech to-the world; I myself always taught in the synagogue and in the temple, where-in-which the Jews always are-coming-together, and I-spoke not-one-(thing) in secret.

JOHN18v21 Why are-you-questioning me?  You-question the-(ones) having-heard what I-spoke to-them; note, these are-knowing-absolutely what-(things) I myself-said.

JOHN18v22 But (as) he (was) having-said these-(things) one of-the officers having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside gave (a) slap to-the Jesus, having-said, Thus are-you-answering to-the chief-priest?

JOHN18v23 The Jesus answered to-him, If I-spoke badly, you-bear-witness concerning the bad; but if rightly, why are-you-beating me?

JOHN18v24 The Annas dispatched him, having-been-bound-and-still-bound to Caiaphas the chief-priest.

JOHN18v25 But Simon Peter was having-stood-and-still-standing and warming-himself.  They-said therefore to-him, Are-you yourself also out-of his disciples? That-(one) denied, and he-said, I-am not.

JOHN18v26 One out-of the slaves of-the chief-priest, being (a) relative of-whom Peter chopped-off the physical-ear, is-saying, Saw-I not you myself in the garden with him?

JOHN18v27 Again therefore the Peter denied, and immediately (a) cock crowed.

JOHN18v28 They-are-leading therefore the Jesus from the Caiaphas into the praetorium, but it-was early-morning.  And they themselves-went not in into the praetorium, in-order-that they-might not be-polluted, BUT in-order-that they-might-eat the passover.

JOHN18v29 The Pilate therefore went-out to them, and he-said, What accusation are-YOU-bringing against this MAN?

JOHN18v30 They-answered and said to-him, Unless this (one) was (a) bad-doer, we-gave him not over to-you.

JOHN18v31 The Pilate therefore said to-them, YOU yourselves-take him, and YOU-judge him according-to YOUR law.  The Jews therefore said to-him, It-is not legitimate for-us to-kill anyone;

JOHN18v32 In-order-that the word of-the Jesus might-be-fulfilled which he-said giving-a-sign to-what-sort-of death he-was-being about to-be-dying-off.

JOHN18v33 The Pilate therefore went-in again into the praetorium, and he-hollered-for the Jesus, and he-said to-him, Are-you yourself the king of-the Jews?

JOHN18v34 The Jesus answered to-him, Are you yourself-saying this from yourself, or others said to-you concerning me?

JOHN18v35 The Pilate answered, Am-I myself (a) Jew? The nation, namely-the (one) thine, and the chief-priests gave you over to-me: what did-you?

JOHN18v36 The Jesus answered, The Kingdom, namely-the (one) mine, is not out-of this world; if the Kingdom, namely the (one) mine, was out-of this world, the officers namely-the (ones) mine were-struggling in-order-that I-might not be-given-over to-the Jews; but now the Kingdom namely-the (one) mine is not (from) hence.

JOHN18v37 The Pilate said therefore to-him, Are-you yourself not-therefore (a) King?  The Jesus answered, You yourself-are-saying, because I myself-am (a) King.  With-reference-to this myself have-been-born, and with-reference-to this I-have-come into the world, in-order-that I-might-bear-witness to-the truth.  Every (one) the (one) being out-of the truth is-hearing my voice.

JOHN18v38 The Pilot is-saying to-him, What is truth? And having-said this, he-went-out again to the Jews, and he-is-saying to-them, I myself-am-finding not-one reason in him.

JOHN18v39 But it-is custom-together for-YOU in-order-that I-might-release one to-YOU in the passover; are-YOU-purposing therefore I-might-release to-YOU the King-of-the Jews?

JOHN18v40 They all therefore screamed again, saying, Not this (one) BUT the Barabbas. But the Barabbas was (a) robber.


JOHN19v1 Then therefore the Pilate took the Jesus and he whipped (him).

JOHN19v2 And the soldiers having-plaited (a) crown out-of thorn-plants they-put (it) upon his head, and they-cast-around him (a) purple garment-(himation),

JOHN19v3 And they-said, Hall, the King of-the Jews; and they-were giving slaps to-him.

JOHN19v4 The Pilate therefore went-out again without, and he-is-saying to-them, Note, I-am-leading him without to-YOU, in-order-that YOU-might-come-to-know that I-am-finding in him not-one reason.

JOHN19v5 The Jesus therefore went-out without, wearing the thorny crown and the purple garment-(himation). And he-is-saying, Note the MAN.

JOHN19v6 When therefore the chief-priests and the officers saw him they-screamed saying, You-crucify, you-crucify.  The Pilate is-saying to-them, YOU yourselves-take him and YOU-crucify, for I myself-am not finding (a) reason in him.  .

JOHN19v7 The Jews answered to-him, We ourselves-are-having (a) law, and according-to our law he-is-being-indebted to-die-off, because he-made himself son of-God.

JOHN19v8 When therefore the Pilate heard this word he-was more feared,

JOHN19v9 And he-went-in again into the praetorium, and he-is-saying to-the Jesus, From-whence are-you yourself?  But the Jesus gave not reply to-him.

JOHN19v10 The Pilate therefore is-saying to-him, Are-you not speaking to-me? Are-you not knowing-absolutely that I-am-having authority to-crucify you, and I-am-having authority to-release you?

JOHN19v11 The Jesus answered, You-were not having authority, not-one (bit), down-upon me unless it-was having-been-given-and-still-given to-you from-above.  Because-of this the (one) giving me over to-you is-having greater sin.

JOHN19v12 The Pilate was-seeking to-release him out-of this; but the Jews were-crying saying, If you-might-release this (one) you-are not friend of-the Caesar.  Every-(one), the-(one) making himself King is-contradicting to-the Caesar.

JOHN19v13 The Pilate therefore having-heard this word, he-led the Jesus without, and he-seated (himself) upon the rostrum, with-reference-to (a) place being-called Pavement, but in-Hebrew Gabbatha.

JOHN19v14 But it-was (a) making-ready of-the passover, but about (the) sixth hour; and he-is-saying to-the Jews, Note YOUR king.

JOHN19v15 But the (ones) screamed, You-lift-up, you-lift-up, you-crucify him.  The Pilate is-saying to-them, Shall-I-crucify YOUR king? The chief-priests answered, We-are not having (a) king unless Caesar.

JOHN19v16 Then therefore he-gave him over to-them in-order-that he-might-be-crucified.  But they-took-along the Jesus and they-led (him) away.

JOHN19v17 And bearing his cross he-went-out into the place being-called of-a-skull, which is-being-called in-Hebrew Golgotha,

JOHN19v18 Where-in-which they-crucified him, and with him others two hence and hence, but (in) midst the Jesus.

JOHN19v19 But the Pilate even wrote (a) title and put (it) on the cross; but it-was having-been-written-and-still-written: Jesus the Nazarene, the king of-the Jews.

JOHN19v20 Therefore many of-the Jews read this title, because the place was near of-the city, where-in-which the Jesus was-crucified; and it-was having-been-written-and-still-written in-Hebrew, in-Greek, in-Roman.

JOHN19v21 The chief-priests of-the Jews were-saying therefore to-the Pilate:  You-be not writing, the king of-the Jews, BUT that (one) said: I am the king of-the Jews.

JOHN19v22 The Pilate answered:  What I-have-written-and-it-is-still-written, I-have-written-and-it-is-still-written.

JOHN19v23 The soldiers therefore, when they-crucified the Jesus, took his garments and they-made four parts, to-each soldier (a) part, and the tunic. But the tunic was without-seam, woven out-of the from-above through (the) total.

JOHN19v24 They-said therefore to one-another: Let-us not split it, BUT let-us-procure-by-destiny concerning it, of-whom it-will-be; in-order-that the scripture might-be-fulfilled which is-saying:  They-divided-for-themselves my garments among-themselves, and upon my vesture they-cast (a) lot.  The soldiers on-the-one-hand therefore did these-(things).

JOHN19v25 On-the-other-hand there-was-having-stood-beside the cross of-the Jesus his mother, and the sister of-his mother, Mary the (wife) of-the Clopas, and Mary the Magdalene.

JOHN19v26 Jesus therefore having-seen the mother and the disciple whom he-was-cherishing having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside, is-saying to-his mother; Woman behold your son.

JOHN19v27 Afterwards he-is-saying to-the disciple: Behold your mother.  And from that hour the disciple took her with-reference-to (his) own (things).

JOHN19v28 After this the Jesus knowing-absolutely that all-(things) already have-been-and-still-are finished, in-order-that the scripture might-be-made-perfect is-saying:  I-am-thirsting.

JOHN19v29 Therefore (a) vessel was-lying replete of-sour-wine; but the (ones) having-filled-full (a) sponge of-sour-wine, and having-placed-(it)-around to-hyssop they-brought-(it)-to his mouth.

JOHN19v30 When therefore the Jesus took the sour-wine he-said:  It-has-been-and-is-finished; and having-reclined the head he-gave-over the spirit.

JOHN19v31 The Jews therefore, in-order-that the bodies might not remain on the cross in the Sabbath, since it-was (the) making-ready, for the day was great of-that Sabbath, they-interrogated the Pilate in-order-that their legs might-be-crushed, and they-might-be-removed.

JOHN19v32 Therefore the soldiers came, and on-the-one-hand of-the first they-crushed the legs and of-the other, namely-the (one) having-been-crucified together with-him;

JOHN19v33 On-the-other-hand having-come-upon the Jesus, as they-saw he already had--died and-was-dead, they-crushed not his legs,

JOHN19v34 BUT one of-the soldiers with-a-spear stabbed his side, and directly came-out blood and water.

JOHN19v35 And the (one) having-seen-and-still-seeing has-borne-witness-and-is-still-bearing-witness, and his witness is authentic, and that (one) is-knowing-absolutely that he-is-saying true, in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-trust.

JOHN19v36 For these-(things) came-to-pass in-order-that the scripture might-be-fulfilled:  (A) bone of-him will not be-shattered.

JOHN19v37 And again (a) different scripture is-saying: They-will-see with-reference-to whom they-pierced.

JOHN19v38 But after these-(things) the Joseph, namely-the (one) from Arimathea, being (a) disciple of-the Jesus, but having-been-and-still-hidden because-of the fear of-the Jews, interrogated the Pilate, in-order-that he-might-remove the body of-the Jesus, and the Pilate permitted.  He-came therefore and removed the body of-the Jesus.

JOHN19v39 But Nicodemus also came, the (one) having-come to the Jesus of-night the first (time), bringing (a) mixture of-myrrh and aloes about (a) hundred pounds.

JOHN19v40 They-took therefore the body of-the Jesus, and they-bound it in-linen-cloths with the spices, according-as is custom for-the Jews to-be-preparing-for-burial.

JOHN19v41 But (a) garden was in the place where-in-which he-was-crucified, and in the garden (a) new-quality tomb, in which not-as-yet anyone was-placed.

JOHN19v42 There therefore because-of the making-ready of-the Jews, because the tomb was near, they-placed the Jesus.


JOHN20v1 But on the (day) one of-the Sabbaths Mary the Magdalene is-coming in-the-morning, (while) being still dark, with-reference-to the tomb, and she-is-looking-at the stone having-been-and-still-removed out-of the tomb.

JOHN20v2 She-is-running therefore and she-is-coming to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom the Jesus was-loving, and she-is-saying to-them: They-removed the Lord out-of the tomb and we-are not knowing-absolutely where they-put him.

JOHN20v3 The Peter  therefore went-out and the other disciple, and they-were-going with-reference-to the tomb.

JOHN20v4 But the two were-running together and the other disciple ran-before more-quickly (than) the Peter, and he-came first with-reference-to the tomb.

JOHN20v5 And having-stooped-alongside he-is-looking-at the-linen-cloths lying; however he-went not in.

JOHN20v6 Therefore Simon Peter is-coming following him, and he-went-in into the tomb, and he-is-observing the linen-cloths lying,

JOHN20v7 And the handkerchief which was on his head, not lying with the linen-cloths, BUT having-been-and-still-enfolded separately into one place.

JOHN20v8 Then therefore the other disciple also went-in, the (one) having-come first with-reference-to the tomb, and he-saw and he-trusted;

JOHN20v9 For they-had not-as-yet known-absolutely the scripture, that it-is-essential he to-stand-again out-of dead (ones).

JOHN20v10 The disciples went-away again therefore to themselves.

JOHN20v11 But Mary had-been-standing toward the tomb without; weeping. As therefore she-was-weeping, she-stooped-alongside with-reference-to the tomb,

JOJN20v12 And she-is-observing two angels in white sitting-down, one toward the head and one toward the feet where-in-which the body of-the Jesus was-lying.

JOHN20v13 And those are-saying to-her:  Woman, why are-you-weeping?  She-is-saying to-them:  Because they-removed my Lord, and I-am not knowing-absolutely where they-put him.

JOHN20v14 And having-said these-(things) she-was-turned, with-reference-to the-(things) behind, and she-is-observing the Jesus having-stood-and-still-standing, and she-had not been-knowing-absolutely that it-is the Jesus.

JOHN20v15 The Jesus is-saying to-her:  Woman why are-you-weeping?  Whom are-you-seeking?  That (one), thinking that it-is the gardener, is-saying to-him:  Lord, if you yourself-bore him, you-say to-me where you-put him, and-I myself-shall-remove him.

JOHN20v16 The Jesus is-saying to-her:  Mary.  Having-been-turned, that (one) is-saying to-him: Rabboni, which is-being-said: Teacher.

JOHN20v17 The Jesus is-saying to-her:  You-handle me not, for not-yet have-I-ascended-and-am-still-ascended to my Father, but you-be-proceeding to my brothers and you-say to-them: I-am-ascending to my Father and YOUR Father, and my God and YOUR God.

JOHN20v18 Mary the Magdalene is-coming reporting to-the disciples that she-has-seen-and-is-still-seeing the Lord, and these-(things) he-said to-her.

JOHN20v19 Therefore (as it was) being evening on that day, namely-the day (one) of-the Sabbaths, and (as) the doors (were) having-been-shut-and-still-shut where-in-which the disciples were having-been-and-still-were-gathered-together, because-of the fear of-the Jews, the Jesus came and stood into the midst, and he-is-saying to-them:  Peace to-YOU.

JOHN20v20 And having-said this he-pointed to-them the hands and the side of-himself.  The disciples rejoiced therefore having-seen the Lord.

JOHN20v21 The Jesus said therefore to-them again: Peace to-YOU:  According-as the Father has-dispatched-and-still-dispatches me, I-also myself-am-sending YOU.

JOHN20v22 And having-said this he-breathed-on (them), and he-is-saying to-them:  YOU-take (the) Holy Spirit.

JOHN20v23 Of-(ones)-whom YOU-might-forgive the sins they-are-being-forgiven to-them; of-(ones)-whom YOU-might-be-retaining, they-have-been-and-still-are-retained.

JOHN20v24 But Thomas, one out-of the twelve, the (one) being-called Didymus, was not with them when the Jesus came.

JOHN20v25 The other disciples were-saying therefore to-him:  We-have-seen-and-still-see the Lord. But the (one) said to-them:  Unless I-might-see in his hands the pattern of-the nails, and I-might-cast my finger into the pattern of-the nails, and I-might-cast my hand into his side I-shall by-no-means trust.

JOHN20v26 And after eight days his disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. The Jesus is-coming (while) the doors (were) having-been-shut-and-still-shut, and he-stood into the midst and said: Peace to-YOU.

JOHN20v27 Afterwards he-is-saying to-the Thomas: You-bring your finger here, and note my hands; and you-bring your hand and you-cast into my side; and you-be-becoming not unbelieving, BUT trusting.

JOHN20v28 But the Thomas answered and said to-him: My Lord and my God.

JOHN20v29 The Jesus is-saying to-him: Because you-have-seen-and-still-see me Thomas you-have-trusted-and-still-trust; happy (are) the (ones) not having-seen and having-trusted.

JOHN20v30 On-the-one-hand therefore many other signs also the Jesus did in-sight of-his disciples, which are not having-been-written-and-are-still-written in this little-book;

JOHN20v31 On-the-other-hand these-(things) are-having been-written-and-are-still-written in-order that YOU-might trust that the Jesus is the Messiah the son of-the God, and in-order-that trusting YOU might-be-having life in his name.


JOHN21v1 After these-(things) the Jesus again manifested himself to-the disciples on-the sea of-the Tiberias; but he-manifested (himself) thus:

JOHN21v2 Simon Peter, and Thomas the (one) being-called Didymus, and Nathanael the (one) from Cana of-the Galilee, and the (sons) of-the Zebedee, and two others out-of his disciples were together.

JOHN21v3 Simon Peter is-saying to-them:  I-am-withdrawing to-be-fishing. They-are-saying to him: We also ourselves-are-going together-with you. They-went-out and they-embarked into the vessel directly, and in that night they-caught not-one-(thing).

JOHN21v4 But (as) early-morning (was) already having-come-to-pass the Jesus stood with-reference-to the shore; the disciples had not been-knowing-absolutely however that it-is Jesus.

JOHN21v5 The Jesus therefore is-saying to-them: Children (pre-teen) are-you-having any food-fish? [Requires a "no" answer] They-answered to-him: No.

JOHN21v6 But the (one) said to-them: YOU-cast the net into the right parts of-the vessel and YOU-will-find.  They-cast therefore, and they-were not-yet strong-enough to-draw it from the multitude of-the fishes.

JOHN21v7 That disciple whom the Jesus was-cherishing is-saying therefore to-the Peter:  It-is the Lord. Simon Peter therefore, having-heard that it-is the Lord, he-girded-thoroughly-to-himself the upper-clothing, for he-was naked, and he-cast himself into the sea.

JOHN21v8 But the other disciples came in-the boat for they-were not far from the land, BUT approximately from two-hundred cubits, dragging the net of-the fishes.

JOHN21v9 As therefore they disembarked into the land they-are-looking-at (a) charcoal-fire lying and dainty-fish Lying-on (it), and bread.

JOHN21v10 The Jesus is-saying to-them: YOU-bring from the dainty-fishes which YOU now caught.

JOHN21v11 Simon Peter ascended, and drew the net upon the land, replete of-great fishes (a) hundred fifty three; even being these-many the net was not split.

JOHN21v12 The Jesus is-saying to-them:  Come-hither, YOU-breakfast.  But not-one of-the disciples was-daring to-scrutinize him; You, who are-you? Knowing-absolutely that he-is the Lord.

JOHN21v13 The Jesus therefore is-coming and he-is-taking the bread and he-is-giving to-them, and the dainty-fish likewise.

JOHN21v14 This (is) already (the) third (time) the Jesus was-manifested to-his disciples having-been-raised out-of dead (ones).

JOHN21v15 When therefore they-breakfasted, the Jesus is-saying to Simon Peter:  Simon of-Jonas are-you-cherishing me much-more (than) of-these?. He-is-saying to-him:  Yea, Lord: you yourself-are-knowing-absolutely that I-am-loving you.  He-is-saying to-him:  You-be-feeding my lambs.

JOHN21v16 He-is-saying to-him again (a) second (time), Simon of-Jonas, are-you-cherishing me?  He-is-saying to-him:  Yea, Lord; you yourself-are-knowing-absolutely that I-am-loving-you.  He-is-saying to-him:  You-be-shepherding my sheep.

JOHN21v17 He-is-saying to-him the third (time):  Simon of-Jonas, are-you-loving me? The Peter was-grieved because he-said to-him the third (time), Are-you-loving me?  And he-said to-him:  Lord, you yourself-are-knowing-absolutely all-(things); you yourself-are-coming-to-know that I-am-loving you. The Jesus is-saying to-him:  You-be-feeding my sheep.

JOHN21v18 Amen, amen, I-am-saying to-you:  When you-were young you-were-girding yourself, and you-were-walking-around where-in-which-you-were-willing; but at-the-time-that you-might-grow-aged you-will-stretch-out your hands, and another will-gird you, and he-will-bring where-in-which you-are not willing.

JOHN21v19 But this he-said giving-a-sign with-what-sort death he-will-glorify the God.  And having-said this he-is-saying to-him:  You-be-following me.

JOHN21v20 But the Peter having-been-turned-around he-is-looking-at the disciple whom the Jesus was-cherishing, following, who also fell-back in the supper on his chest and said; Lord, who is the (one) giving you over?

JOHN21v21 The Peter having-seen this (one) is-saying to-the Jesus:  Lord, but what this (one)?

JOHN21v22 The Jesus is-saying to-him:  If I-shall-will him to-be-remaining till I-am-coming, what (is it) to you?  You yourself-be-following me.

JOHN21v23 This word went-out therefore into the brothers, that that disciple is not dying-off. And the Jesus said not to-him, that he-is not dying-off; BUT, if I-am-willing him-to-be-remaining till I-am-coming, what (is it) to you?

JOHN21v24 This (one) is the disciple namely-the (one) bearing-witness concerning these-(things), and having-written these-(things); and we-are-knowing-absolutely that his witness is true.

JOHN21v25 But there-are also many other-(things) as-many-as the Jesus did, they-which if (they)-might-be-being-written one-by-one, I-am-imagining neither the world itself to-have-room-for the little-books being-written.  Amen. Good-news according to John





ACTS1v1 On-the-one-hand the first account I-myself-made concerning all-things, O Theophilus, which the Jesus began both to-be-doing and to-be-teaching,

ACTS1v2 Until which day having-commanded through (the) Holy Spirit to-the apostles whom he-chose-for himself, he-was-taken-up.

ACTS1v3 To-whom also he-stood himself alongside living after he suffered, in many positive-proofs, through forty days letting-himself-be-seen by-them, and saying the-things concerning the kingdom of-the God.

ACTS1v4 And being-salted-together(?) he-delivered-a-message to-them, not to-be-separating-themselves from Jerusalem, BUT to-be-remaining-around (for) the promise of-the Father, which YOU-heard of-me.

ACTS1v5 Because on-the-one-hand John baptized in-water, on-the-other-hand YOU yourselves-will-be-baptized in (the) Holy Spirit after not many these days.

ACTS1v6 On-the-one-hand therefore the (ones) having-come-together were-questioning him saying, Lord, if in this time are-you-restoring the kingdom to-the Israeli?

ACTS1v7 He-said to them:  It-is not of-YOU to-come-to-know times or seasons which the Father placed-for-himself in (his) own authority,

ACTS1v8 BUT YOU-will-take power, (after) the Holy Spirit (is) having-come-on upon YOU, and YOU-will-be my witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all the Judea and Samaria even till last of-the earth.

ACTS1v9 And having-said these-things (as) they (were) looking he-was-elevated, and (a) cloud assumed him from their eyes.

ACTS1v10 And as they-were staring into the heaven, (as) he (was) proceeding, and behold two men were-having-stood-alongside with-them in white esthesis,

ACTS1v11 Who also said: Men, Galileans, why have-YOU-stood-and-are-still-standing looking into the heaven? This the Jesus namely-the (one) having-been-taken-up from YOU into the heaven thus he-will-come (in) which manner YOU-beheld him proceeding into the heaven.

ACTS1v12 Then they-returned into Jerusalem from (a) mountain the (one) being-called of-(an)-olive-grove, which is near Jerusalem having (a) way of-(a)-Sabbath.

ACTS1v13 And when they-came-in, they-ascended into the upper-room of-which they-were abiding, both the Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James of-Alphaeus and Simon the zealot and Judas of-James.

ACTS1v14 These all were enduring-steadfastly with-one-accord in-the prayer with women and Mary the mother of-the Jesus and with his brothers.

ACTS1v15 And in these days Peter having-stood-up in midst of-the brothers said:  [And-additionally (the) crowd of-names was on the same (place?) about (a)-hundred twenty:]

ACTS1v16 Men, brothers, it-was-essential the scripture to-be-fulfilled which the Spirit namely-the Holy said-before through (the) mouth of-David concerning Judas the (one) having-become leader-of-the-way to-the (ones) having-together-taken Jesus,

ACTS1v17 Because he-was having-been-and-still-is-numbered-down among us and he-procured-by-destiny the lot of this ministry.

ACTS1v18 This (one) therefore on-the-one-hand acquired a-piece-of-land out-of reward of-the unrighteousness, and (his) middle having-become swollen-up burst-asunder, and all his bowels were-poured-out;

ACTS1v19 And it-became known to-all the (ones) residing (in)-Jerusalem, so-that that piece-of-land (became) to-be-called in their-own dialect, hakeldama, this is, (a)-piece-of-land of-blood,

ACTS1v20 For it-has-been-and-is-still-written in (the) book of-Psalms: Let his villa become desolate and let not the (one) be residing in it, and:  Let (a) different (one) take his oversight.

ACTS1v21 Therefore it-is-essential of-the men having-come-together with-us in all (the) time in-which the Lord Jesus came-in and went-out from us,

ACTS1v22 Having-begun from the baptism of-John till the day which he-was-taken-up from us, one of-these to-become witness with us of-his standing-again.

ACTS1v23 And they-made two stand, Joseph the (one) being-called Barsabbas, who was-nicknamed Justus, and Matthias.

ACTS1v24 And having-prayed they-said: You Lord knower-of-hearts of-all, yourself-display which one out-of these the two you-chose-for-yourself

ACTS1v25 To-take the place of-this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas transgressed to-proceed into the place namely-(his) own.

ACTS1v26 And they-gave lots for-them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he-was-counted-up-definitely-together with the eleven apostles.


ACTS2v1 And in the to-be-being-filled-completely the day of-the Pentecost they-were all together on the same (place?);

ACTS2v2 And it-came-to-pass suddenly out-of the heaven, sound as-altogether of-(a)-forcible breath being-brought and it-filled the total home, the-place-where they-were sitting,

ACTS2v3 And tongues as-if of-fire being-divided were-seen by-them, and it-seated on each one of-them,

ACTS2v4 And they-were all filled-full of (the) Holy Spirit, and they-began to-be-speaking in-different languages

according-as the Spirit was-giving to-them to-be-uttering-forth-sound.

ACTS2v5 But there-were Jews residing with-reference-to Jerusalem, devout men from every nation of-the (ones) under the heaven;

ACTS2v6 But this noise having-come-to-pass the multitude came-together and it-was-confused, because they-were-hearing, (as) they (are) speaking, each one in (his) own dialect.

ACTS2v7 But they-were-themselves-being-ecstatic  and they-were-marvelling saying:  Behold are NOT all these the (ones) speaking Galileans?

ACTS2v8 And how are-we ourselves hearing each of-us in (his) own dialect in which we-were-begotten,

ACTS2v9 Parthians and Medes  and Elamites, and the (ones) residing (in) the Mesopotamia, and-additionally Judea and Cappadocia, and Pontus and the Asia,

ACTS2v10 And-additionally Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of-the Libya namely-the (one) against Cyrene, and the sojourning Romans,

ACTS2v11 Both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians, we-are-hearing, (as) they (are) speaking, in-[the] our tongues the great-deeds of-the God?

ACTS2v12 But they-were-themselves all being-ecstatic and they-were-themselves-thoroughly-perplexed, another to another saying:  What is-he-willing this to-be?

ACTS2v13 But different (ones) scoffing were-saying that they-are having-been-and-still-repleted of-must.

ACTS2v14 But the Peter having-been-stood with the eleven he-elevated his voice and uttered-forth-sound to-them:  Men, Jews, and all the (ones) residing (at) Jerusalem, let this be known to-YOU, and YOU-give-ear-to my sayings.

ACTS2v15 For these are not being-drunk as YOU yourselves-are-assuming, for it-is third hour of-the day,

ACTS2v16 BUT this is the (thing) having-been-said-and-still-said through the prophet Joel:

ACTS2v17 And it-shall-be in the last days, the God is-saying, I-shall-pour-out from my spirit on all flesh, and YOUR sons and YOUR daughters will-prophesy, and YOUR youths will-see sights, and YOUR elders will-dream dreams;

ACTS2v18 And in-fact on my (male)-slaves and on my (female)-slaves in those days I-shall-pour-out from my spirit, and they-will-prophesy.

ACTS2v19 And I-shall-give wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and mist of-smoke.

ACTS2v20 The sun will-be-turned differently into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and prominent day of-Jehovah.

ACTS2v21 And it-will-be every (one) who if he-might-himself-call-on the name of-Jehovah he-will-be-saved.

ACTS2v22 Men, Israelites, YOU-hear these words: Jesus the Nazarene, (a) man having-been-and-still-pointed-out from the God with-reference-to YOU by-powerful-deeds and by-wonders and by-signs, which the God did through him in midst of-YOU, according-as YOU yourselves are-knowing-absolutely,

ACTS2v23 This (one) given-up in-the having-been-and-still-appointed purpose and knowledge-before of-the God, having-fastened-fast through (the) hand of-lawless (ones) YOU-carried-off,

ACTS2v24 Whom the God stood-again having-loosed the birth-pains of-the death in-as-much-as it-was not possible (for) him to-be-being-retained by it.

ACTS2v25 For David is-saying with-reference-to him:  I-was-seeing-for-myself the Lord in-sight of-me through all, because he-is out-of my right[s], in-order-that I-might not be-stirred.

ACTS2v26 Because-of this my heart was-caused-to-be-merry and my tongue exulted, but still my flesh also will-settle-down upon hope,

ACTS2v27 Because you-will not abandon my soul with-reference-to Hades neither will-you-give your hallowed (one) to-see decomposition.

ACTS2v28 You-made-known to-me ways of-life, you-will-fill me of-myrth with your person.

ACTS2v29 Men, brothers, it-is-legitimate to-say with boldness-of-speech to YOU concerning the patriarch David, that he also came-to-an-end and he-was-buried, and his sepulchre is with us until this day.

ACTS2v30 Therefore existing (a) prophet and knowing-absolutely that the God swore to-him with-an-oath out-of fruit of-his loin to-cause-to-be-seated on his throne,

ACTS2v31 Having-seen-before-(hand) he-spoke concerning the standing-again of-the Messiah, that neither was-he-abandoned with-reference-to Hades nor his flesh saw decomposition.

ACTS2v32 The God stood-again this the Jesus, of-which we ourselves-are all witnesses;

ACTS2v33 Therefore having-been-raised-to-height to-the right-(hand) of-the God and-additionally having-taken the promise of-the Spirit, namely-the Holy, from the Father he-poured-out this which YOU yourselves-are even looking-at and hearing.

ACTS2v34 For David ascended not into the heavens, but he himself-is-saying:  Jehovah said to-my Lord: You-be-sitting out-of my right[s] (hand).

ACTS2v35 Until I-might-put your enemies (a) footstool of-your feet.

ACTS2v36 Therefore securely let all (the) household of-Israel be-coming-to-know that the God made him, this the Jesus whom YOU yourselves-crucified, even Jehovah and Messiah.

ACTS2v37 But having-heard they-were-seized-with-compunction (in) the heart, and-additionally they-said to the Peter and the other apostles: What might-we-do, men, brothers?

ACTS2v38 But Peter to them:  YOU-repent, and let each of-YOU be-baptized on the name of-Jesus Messiah with-reference-to forgiveness of-YOUR sins, and YOU-will-take the gratuity of-the Holy Spirit.

ACTS2v39 For the promise is to-YOU and to YOUR children and to-all the (ones) with-reference-to far, as-many-as Jehovah our God might-call-to-himself.

ACTS2v40 And-additionally with-many-more different words he-emphatically-testified and he-was-entreating them saying:  YOU-be-saved from the generation namely-this crooked (one).

ACTS2v41 Therefore on-the-one-hand the (ones) having-accepted his word were-baptized, and about 3,000 souls were-added in that day;

ACTS2v42 On-the-other-hand they-were enduring-steadfastly in-the doctrine of-the apostles and in-the participation in-the breaking of-the bread and in-the prayers.

ACTS2v43 But fear was-coming-to-pass to-every soul; but many wonders and signs were-coming-to-pass through the apostles.

ACTS2v44 But all the (ones) having-trusted over the same (period?)  were-having quite-all-things common,

ACTS2v45 And they-were-selling the landed-property and the existences and they-were-dividing them to-all, inasmuch-as anyone was-having need.

ACTS2v46 And-additionally daily, enduring-steadfastly, with-one-accord in the temple, and-additionally breaking-in-pieces bread according-to household, they-were-partaking of-nourishment in exultation and in-plainness of-heart,

ACTS2v47  Praising the God and having favor with the total people.  But the Lord was-adding daily the (ones) being-saved over the same (period?).


ACTS3v1 But Peter and John were ascending into the temple on the hour of-the prayer namely-the ninth.

ACTS3v2 And (a) certain man, existing lame out-of his mother's belly, was-being-borne, whom they-were-putting dally toward the door of-the temple, namely-the (one) being-called Beautiful, to-be-requesting alms from the (ones) proceeding-in into the temple;

ACTS3v3 Who having-seen Peter and John being-about to-be-entering into the temple he-was-interrogating to-take alms.

ACTS3v4 But Peter having-stared with-reference-to him, with the John, he-said:  You-look-[at] with-reference-to us.

ACTS3v5 But the (one) was-holding-on to-them anticipating to-take something from them.

ACTS3v6 But  Peter said:  Silver-coin and gold-objects is not existing with-me; but what I-am-having, this I-am-giving to-you; in the name of-Jesus Messiah the Nazarene you-be-walking-around.

ACTS3v7 And having-caught him of-the right hand he-raised him; but instantly the soles of-his (feet) and the ankles were-made-solid,

ACTS3v8 And  springing-forth he-stood, and he-was-walking-around, and he-went-in with them into the temple walking-around and springing-up and praising the God.

ACTS3v9 And all the people saw him walking-around and praising the God.

ACTS3v10 But they-were-coming-to-know him thoroughly, that this was the (one) sitting with the alms on the Beautiful gate of-the temple, and they-were-filled-full of-astonishment and of-ecstasy upon the-thing having-happened-and-still-happened to-him.

ACTS3v11 But (as) he-(was)-retaining the Peter and John all the people ran-together to them on the portico, namely-the(one)being-called of-Solomon, greatly-astonished.

ACTS3v12 But the Peter having-seen (this) answered to the people:  Men, Israelites, why are-YOU-marvelling upon this (thing), or why are-YOU-gazing to-us as by-(our)-own power or piety (we-are) having-made-and-still-make him to-be-walking-around?

ACTS3v13 The God of-Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of-our fathers, glorified his male-servant Jesus, whom on-the-one-hand YOU yourselves-gave-over and denied against (the) person of-Pilate, (while) that (one) having-judged to-be-releasing (him);

ACTS3v14 On-the-other-hand YOU yourselves-denied the holy and just (one), and YOU-requested-for-yourselves (a) man, (a) murderer, to-be-bestowed-a-favor to-YOU,

ACTS3v15 But the beginner of-the life YOU-killed, whom the God raised out-of dead (ones), of-which we ourselves-are witnesses.

ACTS3v16 And on the-trust of-his name, this (one), whom YOU-are-observing and YOU-are-knowing-absolutely, his name made-solid, and the trust, namely-the (trust) through him gave to-him this entirety over-against all of-YOU.

ACTS3v17 And now, brothers, I-am-knowing-absolutely that YOU-practised according-to ignorance, as-altogether also YOUR rulers;

ACTS3v18 But the God which-things he-proclaimed-before through (the) mouth of-all of-the prophets, his Messiah to-suffer, thus he-fulfilled.

ACTS3v19 YOU-repent therefore and YOU-turn-around with-reference-to YOUR sins to-be-obliterated, in-which-case seasons of-relief might-come from (the) person of-the Lord,

ACTS3v20 And he-might-dispatch the (one) having-been-and-still-put-into-(your)-hand-before-for-YOU, Messiah Jesus,

ACTS3v21 Whom on-the-one-hand it-is-essential heaven to-receive until times of-restitution of-all-things of-which the God spoke through (the) mouth of-the holy (ones) from his age of-prophets.

ACTS3v22 Moses on-the-one-hand said that the God Jehovah will-stand-up (a) prophet for-YOU out-of YOUR brothers as me; of-him YOU-will-hear according-to all-things as-many-as he-might-speak to YOU.

ACTS3v23 On-the-other-hand it-will-be every soul who-ever might not hear of-that prophet will-be-extirpated out-of the people.

ACTS3v24 But also all the prophets from Samuel and the (ones) successively as-many-as spoke also proclaimed these days.

ACTS3v25 YOU yourselves-are the sons of-the prophets and of-the covenant which the God himself-covenanted with our fathers; saying to Abraham: And in your seed all the lineages of-the earth will-be-blessed-within.

ACTS3v26 To-YOU first the God having-stood-up his male-servant, he-dispatched him blessing YOU in to-be-turning-back each (one) from YOUR evils.


ACTS4v1 But (as) they (were) speaking to the people, the priests and the commander of-the temple and the Sadducees, stood-by them,

ACTS4v2 Being-annoyed because they (were) teaching the people and (were) proclaiming in the Jesus the standing-again namely-the (one) out-of dead (ones),

ACTS4v3 And they-cast the(ir) hands on them and they-themselves-put (them) into keeping with-reference-to the morrow; for it-was already eventide.

ACTS4v4 But many of-the (ones) having-heard the word trusted, and (the) number of-the men became approximately five thousands.

ACTS4v5 But it-came-to-pass on the morrow their rulers and the elders and the scribes (were)-gathered-together in Jerusalem,

ACTS4v6 And Annas the chief-priest and Caiaphas and John and Alexander and as-many-as were out-of chief-priestly kindred,

ACTS4v7 And having-stood them in the midst they-were-inquiring: In what-sort-of power or in what-sort-of name did YOU yourselves-do this?

ACTS4v8 Then Peter having-been-filled-full of-(the)-Holy Spirit said to-them: Rulers of-the people and elders,

ACTS4v9 If we ourselves-are-being-examined today over (the) benefaction of-(a)-weak MAN, with what this (one) has-been-and-is-still-saved,

ACTS4v10 Let-it-be known to-YOU all and to-all the people of-Israel, that in the name of-Jesus Messiah the Nazarene, whom YOU yourselves-crucified, whom the God raised out-of dead (ones), in this (name) this (one) has-stood-and-still-stands-alongside in-sight of-YOU healthy.

ACTS4v11 This is the stone, namely-the (one) having-been-treated-with-contempt by YOU the (ones) building, namely-the (one) having-come-to-pass with-reference-to (the) head of-corner.

ACTS4v12 And the salvation is not in another, not-one: for neither is-there (a) different name under the heaven, the (name) having-been-given-and-still-given among MEN in which it-is-essential (for) us to-be-saved,

ACTS4v13 But observing the boldness-of-speech of-the Peter and John, and having-apprehended that they-are unlettered MEN also laymen, they-were-marvelling, and-additionally they-were-coming-to-know them thoroughly, that they-were with the Jesus,

ACTS4v14 And-additionally looking-at the MAN having-stood-and-still-standing with them, namely-the (one) having-been-healed-and-still-healed, they-were-having not-one-thing to-contradict (them).

ACTS4v15 But having-given-verbal-order (for) them to-go-away without of-the council, they-were-casting-together with one-another

ACTS4v16 Saying:  What might-we-do to-these MEN? For that on-the-one-hand (a) known sign has-come-to-pass-and-still-exists through them, (is) manifest to-all the (ones) residing in-Jerusalem, and we-are not being-able to-be-denying (it);

ACTS4v17 BUT in-order-that it-might not be-disseminated over much-more with-reference-to the people, let-us-threaten them to no-longer be-speaking on this name to-not-one of-MEN.

ACTS4v18 And having-called them they-delivered-a-message not to-be-uttering-a-sound at-all nor to-be-teaching on the name of-the Jesus.

ACTS4v19 But the Peter and John having-answered they-said to them:  If it-is just in-sight of-the God, to-be-hearing of-YOU rather than of-the God, YOU-judge;

ACTS4v20 For we ourselves-are not being-able not to-be-speaking what-things we-saw and heard,

ACTS4v21 But the (ones) having-added-threatenings released them, finding not-one-thing how they-might punish them, because-of the people, because all were-glorifying the God over the-thing having-come-to-pass-and-still-existing.

ACTS4v22 For the MAN was of-much-more (than) forty years on whom this sign of-the cure had-come-to-pass;

ACTS4v23 But having-been-released they-went to the(ir) own and they-reported to them as-many-things-as the chief-priests and the elders said.

ACTS4v24 But the (ones) having-heard lifted up voice with-one-accord to the God and said: Despot, you the (one) having-made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all-things, the-things in them,

ACTS4v25 The (one) having-said through (the) Holy Spirit by-(the)-mouth of-David our father, your male-servant:  To-what-end nations raged and peoples pondered empty-things?

ACTS4v26 The kings of-the earth stood-alongside and the rulers were-led-together on the same (place?) against the Lord and against his Messiah.

ACTS4v27 For they-were-led-together over truth in this city, over your holy male-servant Jesus whom you-consecrated, both Herod and Pontius Pilate with nations and peoples of-Israel,

ACTS4v28 To-do as-many-things-as your hand and your purpose appointed-before to-come-to-pass.

ACTS4v29 And the-things now, Lord, you-take-notice on their threatenings, and you-give to your slaves to-be-speaking your word, with all boldness-of-speech,

ACTS4v30 With the [to-be] stretching-out your hand with-reference-to cure and signs and wonders to-be-coming-to-pass through the name of-your holy male-servant Jesus.

ACTS4v31 And (as) they (were) petitioning, the place in which they-were having-been-and-were-still-led-together was-stirred, and they-were quite-all filled-full of-the Holy-Spirit, and they-were-speaking the word of-the God with boldness-of-speech.

ACTS4v32 But the heart and the soul of-the multitude of-the (ones) having-trusted was one, but-not even one said anything of-the goods (belonging) to-him to-be (his) own, BUT all-things were common to-them.

ACTS4v33 And with-great power the apostles were-giving-back the testimony of-the standing-again of-the Lord Jesus, and-additionally great favor was upon them all.

ACTS4v34 For neither was anyone among them needy; for as-many-as were-existing owners of-pieces-of-land or of-houses, (ones)-offering-for-sale were-bringing the prices of-the-things having-been-sold-and-still-being-sold

ACTS4v35 And were-placing (it) beside the feet of-the apostles; but it-was-being-distributed to-each inasmuch-as someone was-having need.

ACTS4v36 But Joseph, the (one) having-been-nicknamed Barnabas from the apostles, which is being-translated-with son of-comfort, (a) Levite, (a) Cypriote by-the race,

ACTS4v37 (As) (a) field (was) existing with-him, having-offered-(it)-for sale, brought the money and placed (it) toward the feet of-the apostles.


ACTS5v1 But (a) certain man Ananias by-name with Sapphira his wife offered landed-property for-sale,

ACTS5v2 And he-purloined from the price, (his) wife also being-conscious (of it), and having-brought (a) certain part he-placed (it) beside the feet of-the apostles,

ACTS5v3 But the Peter said: Ananias, why (has) the adversary filled your heart, (for) you to-lie-(to) the Spirit namely-the Holy and to-perloin from the price of-the piece-of-land?

ACTS5v4 Remaining to-you was-it NOT remaining and having-been-sold was-it (NOT) existing in thy authority?  Because (of) what did-you-put this matter in your heart? You-did not lie to-MEN BUT to-the God.

ACTS5v5 But the Ananias hearing these words, having-fallen he-expired; and great fear came-to-pass on all the (ones) hearing.

ACTS5v6 But the younger-(men) having-stood-up contracted him and having-brought-out they-buried (him).

ACTS5v7 But it-came-to-pass approximately (an) interval of-three hours his wife also came-in not knowing the-thing having-come-to-pass-and-still-coming-to-pass.

ACTS5v8 But Peter answered to her:  You-say to-me, if of-this-much YOU-for-yourselves-gave-back the piece-of-land?  But the (wife) said: Yea, of-this-much.

ACTS5v9 But the Peter said to her: Because why, was-it-agreed with-YOU to-try the Spirit of-Jehovah? Behold the feet of-the (ones) having-buried your husband upon the door and they-will-bring you out.

ACTS5v10 But she-fell instantly toward his feet and she-expired; but the youths having-come-in found her dead, and having-brought-out they-buried (her) toward her husband.

ACTS5v11 And great fear came-to-pass upon the total assembly and upon all the (ones) hearing these-things.

ACTS5v12 But through the hands of-the apostles many signs and wonders were-coming-to-pass among the people; and they-were all with-one-accord in the portico of-Solomon;

ACTS5v13 But not-one of-the others was-daring to-be-uniting-himself to-them, BUT the people were-magnifying them;

ACTS5v14 But more trusting (ones) were-being-added to-the Lord, multitudes of-men and-additionally also of-women;

ACTS5v15 So-that also to-be-bringing-out into the squares the weak and to-be-putting (them) on small-beds and mattresses, in-order-that (as) Peter (was) coming if-even the shadow (of Peter) might-overshadow someone of-them.

ACTS5v16 But the multitude also of-the cities around Jerusalem was-coming-together, bringing (ones) weak and (ones) being-troubled by unclean spirits, ones-who were ALL being-healed.

ACTS5v17 But the chief-priest having-stood-up and all the (ones) with him, being the sect of-the Sadducees, they-were-filled-full of-jealousy

ACTS5v18 And they-cast-on the(ir) hands upon the apostles and they-themselves-put them in keeping publicly,

ACTS5v19 But (an) angel of-Jehovah through (the) night opened the doors of-the guard-house and-additionally having-led them out he-said:

ACTS5v20 YOU-be-proceeding and having-been-stood YOU-be-speaking in the temple to-the people all the sayings of-this the life.

ACTS5v21 But having-heard they-went-in under the daybreak into the temple and they-were-teaching. But the chief-priest and the (ones) with him having-come-to-be-alongside they-called-together the council and all the senate of-the sons of-Israel, and they-dispatched into the prison (for) them to-be-led.

ACTS5v22 But the officers having-come-to-be-alongside they-found them not in the guard-house; but having-turned-about they-reported

ACTS5v23 Saying that we-found the prison having-been-and-still-shut in all security and the guards having-stood-and-still-standing over the doors, but having-opened (them) we-found no-one inside.

ACTS5v24 But as both the commander of-the temple and the chief-priests heard these words, they-were-being-thoroughly-perplexed concerning them what this-thing may-come-to-be.

ACTS5v25 But someone having-come-to-be-alongside reported to-them that behold, the men, whom YOU-yourselves-put in the guard-house, are in the temple having-stood-and-still-standing teaching the people.

ACTS5v26 Then having-gone-away the commander with the officers led them, not with force, for they-were-themselves-fearing the people, lest they-might-be-stoned;

ACTS5v27 But having-led them they-made (them) stand in the council.  And the chief-priest questioned them

ACTS5v28 Saying: We-delivered-a-message by-a-delivered-message to-YOU not to-be-teaching on this name, and behold YOU-have-filled-and-still-fill the Jerusalem of-YOUR doctrine, and YOU-are-purposing to-lead-on upon us the blood of-this MAN.

ACTS5v29 Peter having-answered and the apostles said: It-is-essential to-be-obeying-rule by-God rather than by-MEN.

ACTS5v30 The God of-our fathers raised Jesus, whom YOU yourselves-laid-hands-on having-hanged on wood;

ACTS5v31 The God raised-to-a-height this (one) (a) beginner and savior to-his right (hand) to-give repentance to-the Israeli and forgiveness of-sins.

ACTS5v32 And we ourselves-are witnesses of-these-sayings, and the Spirit namely-the Holy which the God gave to-the (ones) obeying-rule by-him.

ACTS5v33 But the (ones) having-heard were-being-infuriated and they-were-purposing to-carry them off.

ACTS5v34 But (a) certain Pharisee having-stood-up in the council, Gamaliel by-name, (a) teacher-of-the-law honorable to-all the people, gave-verbal-order to-make the MEN (a) small-amount without,

ACTS5v35 And-additionally he-said to them:  Men Israelites, YOU-be-paying-attention to-yourselves what YOU-are-being-about to-be-practising upon these MEN.

ACTS5v36 For before these days Theudas stood-up, saying himself to-be someone, to-whom (a) number (of) approximately four-hundred men were-very-united; who was-carried-off, and all as-many-as were-relying on-him were-disbanded and they-became-for-themselves into not-one (thing).

ACTS5v37 After this Judas the Galilean stood-up in the days of-the registration and he-(caused) people (to)-depart behind him; and-that-one perished, and all as-many-as were-relying on-him were-scattered abroad.

ACTS5v38 And now I-am-saying the(se)-things to YOU, YOU-depart from these MEN and YOU-let them be; because if this purpose or this work might-be out-of MEN it-will-be-overthrown;

ACTS5v39 But if it-is out-of God YOU-will not be-able to-overthrow them, lest-at-any-time YOU-might also be-found fighters-against-God.  But they-were-persuaded by-him,

ACTS5v40 And having-called-to-themselves the apostles, having-beaten (them) they-delivered-a-message not to-be-speaking on the name of-the Jesus and they-released (them).

ACTS5v41 On-the-one-hand therefore the (apostles) were-proceeding rejoicing from (the) face of-the council, because they-were-deemed-worthy to-be-dishonored in-behalf-of the name;

ACTS5v42 And-additionally every day in the temple and according-to household they-were not themselves-ceasing teaching and themselves-bringing-good-news  (of) the Messiah Jesus.


ACTS6v1 In these days, (as) the disciples (were) being-multiplied, there-came-to-be (a) murmuring of-the Hellenists toward the Hebrews, because the(ir) widows were-being-overlooked in the ministry namely-the daily.

ACTS6v2 But the twelve having-called-to-themselves the multitude of-the disciples said:  It-is not pleasing us having-left-behind the word of-the God to-be-ministering tables.

ACTS6v3 But brothers, YOU-visit seven men out-of YOU being-witnessed-to (as) full. of (the) Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we-shall-establish over this need;

ACTS6v4 But we ourselves-shall-endure-steadfastly in-the prayer and in-the ministry of-the word.

ACTS6v5 And the word pleased in-sight of-all the multitude, and they-chose-for-themselves Stephen, (a) man full of-trust and of-(the)-Holy Spirit, and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nicolaus (a) proselyte of-Antioch,

ACTS6v6 Whom they-made-stand in-sight of-the apostles, and having-prayed they placed-upon them the(ir) hands.

ACTS6v7 And the word of-the God was-growing, and the number of-the disciples was-being-multiplied extremely in Jerusalem, and-additionally much crowd of-the priests were-obeying the trust.

ACTS6v8 But Stephen full of-favor and of-power was-doing wonders and great signs among the people.

ACTS6v9 But certain of-the (ones) out-of the synagogue namely-the (one) being-called of-Libertines stood-up, and of-Cyrenians and of-Alexandrians and of-the (ones) from Cilicia and Asia debating-together with-the Stephen,

ACTS6v10 And they-were not being-strong-enough to-withstand the wisdom and the spirit with-which he-was-speaking.

ACTS6v11 Then they-instigated men saying that we-have-heard-and-still-hear of-him speaking blasphemous sayings with-reference-to Moses and the God;

ACTS6v12 And-additionally they-together-moved the people and the elders and the scribes, and having-stood-by they-together-seized him and they-led (him) into the council,

ACTS6v13 And-additionally they-stood false witnesses saying: This MAN is not ceasing speaking sayings against the place namely-this holy (one) and the law;

ACTS6v14 For we-have-heard-and-still-hear of-him saying that this Jesus the Nazarene will-overthrow this place and he-will-change the customs which Moses gave-over to-us.

ACTS6v15 And having-stared with-reference-to him all the (ones) sitting-down in the council saw his face as-if (a) face of-(an)-angel.


ACTS7v1 But the chief-priest said: If so these-things are-having thus?

ACTS7v2 But the (one) was-stating: Men brothers and fathers, hear-YOU.  The God of-the glory was-seen by-our father Abraham being in the Mesopotamia or before he (came) to-reside in Charran,

ACTS7v3 And he-said to him:  You-go-out, out-of your land and of-your relationship, and come-hither into the land which I-might-point to-you.

ACTS7v4 Then having-gone-out, out-of (the) land of Chaldaeans he-resided in Charran. And-thence after his father died-off he-resettled him into this land into which YOU yourselves-are residing now,

ACTS7v5 And he-gave not to-him inheritance in it neither a foot's rostrum, and he-promised to-give to-him with-reference-to (a) holding it down and to his seed after him, (while) not being to-him (a) child.

ACTS7v6 But the God spoke thus, that his seed will-be (a) dweller-abroad in land belonging-to-another, and they-will-enslave it and they-will-maltreat (it) four-hundred years;

ACTS7v7 And the nation to-which if they-might-be-enslaved I myself-shall-judge, the God said, and after these-things they-will-come-out and they-will-serve me in this place.

ACTS7v8 And he-gave to-him (a) covenant of-circumcision; and thus he-begat the Isaac and he-circumcised him in-the day namely-the eighth, and Isaac (begat) the Jacob, and Jacob (begat) the twelve patriarchs,

ACTS7v9 And the patriarchs having-been-jealous they-themselves-gave-back the Joseph into Egypt; and the God was with him,

ACTS7v10 And he-rescued him out-of all of-his tribulations, and he-gave to-him favor and wisdom in-presence-of Pharaoh King of-Egypt, and he-established him being-governor over Egypt and his total household.

ACTS7v11 But famine came on the total Egypt and Canaan and great tribulation, and our fathers were not finding foodstuffs.

ACTS7v12 But Jacob having-heard with-reference-to Egypt (there was) being wheat, he-dispatched-out our fathers first;

ACTS7v13 And in the second (trip) Joseph was-made-known to-his brothers and the kindred of-Joseph became manifest to-the Pharaoh.

ACTS7v14 But Joseph having-dispatched, summoned Jacob his father and all the relationship, in souls seventy five.

ACTS7v15 And Jacob descended into Egypt, and he himself-came-to-an-end and our fathers,

ACTS7v16 And they-were-transferred into Sychem and they-were-put in the sepulchre which Abraham purchased of-a-price of-silver-coin from the sons of-Emmor in Sychem.

ACTS7v17 But according-as the time of-the promise which the God confessed to-the Abraham was-drawing-near, the people grew and were-multiplied in Egypt,

ACTS7v18 Until of-which (a) different king over Egypt stood-up, who had not known-absolutely the JosEphesians  

ACTS7v19 This (one) having-outwitted our kindred he-maltreated the fathers to-be-making their babies exposed with-reference-to not to-be-being-preserved-alive.

ACTS7v20 in which season Moses was-begotten, and he-was proper to-the God; who was-reared three months in the household of-the father;

ACTS7v21 But (as) he (was) having-been-placed-out, the daughter of-Pharaoh carried him off-for-herself and reared him to-herself with-reference-to (a) son for-herself.

ACTS7v22 And Moses was-disciplined in-all wisdom of-Egyptians, but he-was powerful in his words and works.

ACTS7v23 But as (a) time of-forty-years was-being-fulfilled by-him, it-ascended upon his heart to-visit his brothers namely-the sons of-Israel.

ACTS7v24 And having-seen someone being-harmed he-himself-aided (him), and he-made an-avenging for-the (one) being-exhausted having-smitten the Egyptian.

ACTS7v25 But he-was-supposing the brothers to-be-perceiving that the God is-giving salvation to-them through his hand; but the (ones) perceived not.

ACTS7v26 And-additionally on-the succeeding day he-was-seen by-them (while) fighting, and he-drove them together with-reference-to peace having-said: Men, YOU-are brothers; to-what-end are-YOU-harming one-another?

ACTS7v27 But the (one) harming the neighbor pushed him away having-said:  Who established you ruler and magistrate over us?

ACTS7v28 (Are) you yourself not willing to-carry me off (in) which manner you-carried-off the Egyptian yesterday?

ACTS7v29 But Moses fled with this word, and he-became (a) dweller-abroad in (the land (of)-Midian, the-place-where he-begat two sons.

ACTS7v30 And (when) forty years (were) having-been-fulfilled (an) angel was-seen by-him in the wilderness of-the mountain Sinai in (a)-flame of-fire of-(a)-bramble-bush.

ACTS7v31 But the Moses having-seen was-marvelling-(at) the vision; but (as) he (was) going-near to-take-note (there)-came-to-pass (a) voice of-Jehovah:

ACTS7v32 I (am) the God of your fathers, the God of-Abraham and of-Isaac and of-Jacob.  But having-become trembling-within Moses was not daring to-take-note.

ACTS7v33 But the Lord said to-him: You-loose the shoe of-your feet; for the place on which you-have-stood-and-are-still-standing is holy land.

ACTS7v34 Having-seen I-saw the maltreatment of-my people namely-the (one) in Egypt, and I-heard of-the groan of-it, and I-descended to-lift them up-out; and now come-hither (that) I-might-dispatch you into Egypt,

ACTS7v35 This the Moses, whom they-denied having-said: Who established you ruler and magistrate? The God has-dispatched-and-still-dispatches this (one) even ruler and redeemer together-with (the) hand of-(the)-angel namely-the (one) having-been-seen by-him in the bramble-bush.

ACTS7v36 This (one) led them out having-done wonders and signs in (the) land Egypt and in (the) Red Sea and in the wilderness forty years.

ACTS7v37 The Moses is this (one), the (one) having-said to-the sons of-Israel:  The God will-stand-up (a) prophet to-YOU out-of YOUR brothers as me.

ACTS7v38 This (one) is the (one) having-come-to-pass in the assembly namely-the (one) in the wilderness with the angel namely-the (one) speaking to-him in the mountain Sinai and (with) our fathers, who received living oracles to-give to-YOU,

ACTS7v39 To-whom our fathers willed not to-become obedient (ones), BUT they-pushed (him) away and they-were-turned in their hearts with-reference-to Egypt,

ACTS7v40 Having-said to-the Aaron: You-make gods for-us who will-proceed-before us; for this Moses, who led us out, out-of (the) land of-Egypt, we-are not knowing-absolutely what became with-him.

ACTS7v41 And they-made-a-calf in-those days and they-led-up sacrifice to-the idol, and they-were-being-merry-for-themselves in the works of-their hands.

ACTS7v42 But the God turned and he-gave them over to-be-serving the host of-the heaven, according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written in (a) book of-the prophets:  Offered-YOU animals-for-slaughter and sacrifices to-me forty years in the wilderness, household of-Israel?  (No!)

ACTS7v43 And YOU-took-up the tabernacle of-the Moloch and the star of-the god Rompha, the patterns which YOU-made to-be-worshipping them.  And I-shall-resettle YOU beyond Babylon.

ACTS7v44 The tabernacle of-the testimony was with-our fathers in the wilderness, according-as the (one) speaking to-the Moses ordered-for-himself, to-make it according-to the pattern which he-had-seen-and-still-sees;

ACTS7v45 Which also our fathers having-received through (Moses) conveyed with Jesus (Joshua) within the holding-down of-the Gentiles, whom the God pushed-out from (the) face of-our fathers till the days of-David;

ACTS7v46 Who found favor in-sight of-the God and he-requested-for-himself to-find (a)-fixed-tabernacle for-the God of-Jacob.

ACTS7v47 But Solomon built-up (a) home for-him.

ACTS7v48 BUT the Most High is not residing within (ones) made-by-hand; according-as the prophet is-saying:

ACTS7v49 The heaven (is) throne to-me, but the earth (is) footstool of-my feet; what-sort-of home will-YOU-build-up for-me, Jehovah is-saying, or what place of-my rest?

ACTS7v50 (Has) NOT my hand made all these-things?

ACTS7v51 Hard-necked (ones) and (ones) uncircumcised in-the heart and in-the ears, YOU yourselves invariably are-falling-against the Spirit namely-the Holy, as YOUR fathers also YOU.

ACTS7v52 Which of-the prophets (did) YOUR fathers not persecute?  And they-killed the (ones) having-proclaimed-before concerning the advent of-the just (one), of-whom now YOU yourselves-became traitors and murderers,

ACTS7v53 YOU, ones-who took the law with-reference-to orders of-messengers, and YOU-guarded (it) not.

ACTS7v54 But hearing these-things they-were-being-infuriated in-their hearts and they-were-gnashing the teeth on him.

ACTS7v55 But existing full of (the) Holy Spirit having-stared with-reference-to the heaven he-saw (the) glory of-God and Jesus having-stood-and-still-standing out-of (the) right[s] of-the God.

ACTS7v56 And he-said: Behold I-am-observing the heavens  having-been-and-still-opened-thoroughly and the son of-the MAN having-stood-and-still-standing out-of (the) right[s] of-the God.

ACTS7v57 But having-cried with-a-great voice they-held-together their ears, and they-rushed with-one-accord upon him,

ACTS7v58 And having-cast-(him)-out without the city they-were-casting-stones-at (him).  And the witnesses placed-off-for-themselves their garments beside the feet of-a-young-man being-called Saul.

ACTS7v59 And they-were-casting-stones-at the Stephen, calling-on-for-himself and saying:  Lord Jesus, you-receive my spirit.

ACTS7v60 But having-placed the knees he-was-crying with-a-great voice: Lord, might-you not stand to-them this [the] sin.  And having-said this he-fell-asleep.


ACTS8v1 But Saul was concurring to-the carrying-off of-him.  But great persecution came-to-pass in that [the] day on the assembly, namely-the (one) in Jerusalem; and-additionally all were-dispersed according-to the cultivated-fields of-the Judea and Samaria with-the-exception of-the apostles.

ACTS8v2 But devout men together-obtained the Stephen and they-made great bewailing-with-striking-of-the-breast over him.

ACTS8v3 But Saul was-ravaging the assembly proceeding-in according-to the homes, dragging both men and women he-was-giving-(them)-over into (a) guard-house.

ACTS8v4 On-the-one-hand therefore the (ones) having-been-dispersed went-through, themselves-bringing-good-news, the word.

ACTS8v5 On-the-other-hand Philip having-gone-down into the city of-the Samaria, he-was-preaching to-them the Messiah.

ACTS8v6 But the crowds were-paying-attention to-the-things being-said by the Philip with-one-accord in their to-be-hearing and to-be-looking-at the signs which he-was-doing.

ACTS8v7 For many of-the (ones) having unclean spirits, (the spirits) shouting with-(a)-great voice were-coming-out; but many having-been-and-still-paralyzed and lame were-healed;

ACTS8v8 But much joy came-to-pass in that city.

ACTS8v9 But (a) certain man Simon by-name, was-existing-before in the city practising-sorcery and making-ecstatic the nation of-the Samaria, saying himself to-be someone great,

ACTS8v10 To-whom all were paying-attention from little till great saying:  This (one) is the power of-the God, namely-the (power) being-called great.

ACTS8v11 But they-were-paying-attention to-him because-of the considerable time they had-been-ecstatic with-the sorceries.

ACTS8v12 But when they-trusted in-the Philip himself-bringing-the-good-news concerning the kingdom of-the God and the name of-Jesus Messiah, they-were-being-baptized, both men and women.

ACTS8v13 But the Simon also he himself-trusted, and having-been-baptized was enduring-steadfastly with-the Philip, and-additionally observing signs and great powerful-deeds coming-to-pass he-himself-was-being-made-ecstatic.

ACTS8v14 But the apostles in Jerusalem having-heard that the Samaria had-received-and-was-still-receiving the word of-the God, they-dispatched Peter and John to them,

ACTS8v15 Ones-who having-descended, prayed concerning them in-which-case they-might-take (the) Holy Spirit;

ACTS8v16 For he-was not-as-yet having-fallen-upon-and-still-falling-upon on not-one of-them, but they-were-existing only (ones)-having-been-and-still-being-baptized with-reference-to the name of-the Lord Jesus.

ACTS8v17 Then they-were-placing-on the(ir) hands upon them, and they-were-taking (the) Holy Spirit.

ACTS8v18 But the Simon having-seen that through the placing-on of-the hands of-the apostles the Spirit is-being-given, he-offered to-them monies saying:

ACTS8v19 YOU-give this authority to-me-also in-order-that on-whom if I-might-place-on the hands he-might-be-taking (the) Holy Spirit.

ACTS8v20 But Peter said to him:  Your silver-coin may-it-be together-with you with-reference-to destruction, because you-supposed to-be-acquiring the gratuity of-the God through monies.

ACTS8v21 Portion nor lot is not for-you in this word; for your heart is not direct in-sight of-the God.

ACTS8v22 You-repent therefore from this malice of-you, and you-petition of-the Lord if so the notion of-your heart will-be-forgiven to-you;

ACTS8v23 For I-am-seeing you being with-reference-to gall of-bitterness and bond-together of-unrighteousness.

ACTS8v24 But the Simon having-answered said:  YOU yourselves-petition in-behalf-of me to the Lord, in-which-case not-one-thing of-which YOU-have-said-and-still-say might-come-on upon me.

ACTS8v25 On-the-one-hand the (ones) having-emphatically-testified and having-spoken the word of-the Lord were-returning into Jerusalem, and-additionally they-were-bringing-good-news-to many villages of-the Samaritans.

ACTS8v26 On-the-other-hand (an) angel of-Jehovah spoke to Philip saying:  You-stand-up and you-be-proceeding according-to mid-day on the way namely-the (one) descending from Jerusalem into Gaza; this is wilderness.

ACTS8v27 And having-stood-up he-proceeded. And behold (a) man, (an) Ethiopian eunuch, (a) powerful-one of Candace queen of-Ethiopians, who was over all her treasure, who had-come into Jerusalem and-was-(there) to-be-worshipping.

ACTS8v28 But he-was returning and sitting on his chariot and he-was-reading the prophet Isaiah.

ACTS8v29 But the Spirit said to-the Philip:  You-go-near and you-be-united to-this chariot.

ACTS8v30 But the Philip having-run-toward (it) heard (as) he (was) reading Isaiah the prophet, and he-said:  Really, in-fact, are-you-coming-to-know what-things you-are-reading?

ACTS8v31 But the (one) said:  For how may-I-be-being-able unless someone will-lead me the-way.  And-additionally he-entreated the Philip having-ascended to-be-seated together-with him.

ACTS8v32 But the content of-the scripture which he-was-reading was this: As (a) sheep upon slaughter he-was-led, and as (a) lamb-sacrifice in-presence of the (one) shearing it (is) voiceless, thus he-is not opening his mouth.

ACTS8v33 in the humbling the judgement of-him was-lifted-up; who will-narrate the generation of-him? Because the life of-him is-being-lifted-up from the earth.

ACTS8v34 But the eunuch having-answered to-the Philip said: I-am-petitioning of-you concerning whom is the prophet saying this?  Concerning himself or concerning someone different?

ACTS8v35 But the Philip having-opened his mouth and having-begun from this scripture he-himself-brought-good-news to-him, the Jesus.

ACTS8v36 But as they-were-proceeding according-to the way, they-came upon (a) certain water, and the eunuch is-stating:  Behold, water; what is-hindering me to-be-baptized? [The evidence against verse 37 is strong, A, B, C, H, L, P, etc.]

ACTS8v38 And he-gave-verbal-order (for) the chariot to-stand, and they both descended into the water, both the Philip and the eunuch, and he-baptized him.

ACTS8v39 But when they-ascended out-of the water, (the) Spirit of-Jehovah seized the Philip, and the eunuch saw him not any-more, for he-was-proceeding his way rejoicing.

ACTS8v40 But Philip was-found with-reference-to Azotus, and going-through he-was-bringing-good-news (to) all the cities till he (was) to-come into Caesarea.


ACTS9v1 But the Saul still blowing-within threatening and murder with-reference-to the disciples of-the Lord, having-come-near to-the chief-priest

ACTS9v2 He-requested of him for-himself epistles with-reference-to Damascus to the synagogues, in-which-case if he-might-find some being of-the way, both men and women, having-been-bound-and-still-bound he-might-lead (them) into Jerusalem.

ACTS9v3 But in the to-be-proceeding it-came-to-pass he (was) drawing-near to-the Damascus, and-additionally unexpectedly (a) light out-of the heaven flashed-around him,

ACTS9v4 And having-fallen on the earth he-heard  (a) voice saying to-him:  Saul, Saul, why are-you-persecuting me?

ACTS9v5 But he-said:  Who are-you, Lord?  But the (one) (said): I myself-am Jesus whom you yourself-are-persecuting;

ACTS9v6 BUT you-stand-up and you-go-in into the city, and it-will-be-spoken to-you what it-is-essential (for) you to-be-doing.

ACTS9v7 But the men, namely-the (ones) traveling-together with-him, were-having-stood mute, on-the-one-hand hearing the voice, on-the-other-hand observing no-one.

ACTS9v8 But Saul was-raised from the earth, but (when) his eyes were-having-been-opened-and-still-open he-was-looking-at not-one-thing; but leading-by-the-hand they-led him in into Damascus.

ACTS9v9 And he-was three days not looking, and he-ate not nor drank.

ACTS9v10 But (a) certain disciple was in Damascus, Ananias by-name, and the Lord said to him in (a) vision:  Ananias.  But the (one) said:  Behold I Lord.

ACTS9v11 But the Lord (said) to him: Having-stood-up you-proceed over the street namely-the (one) being-called direct and you-seek in (the) house of-Judas, Saul (of)-Tarsus by-name; for behold he-is-praying,

ACTS9v12 And he-saw in (a) vision (a) man Ananias by-name having-come-in and having-placed hands on him, in-which-case he-might-receive sight.

ACTS9v13 But Ananias answered: Lord, I-heard from many concerning this man, as-many bad (things) he-did to-your holy-(ones) in Jerusalem;

ACTS9v14 And here he-is-having authority of the chief-priests to-bind all the (ones) calling-on your name.

ACTS9v15 But the Lord said to him: You-be-proceeding, because this (one) is (a) vessel of-choice to-me to-bear my name in-sight of-nations and of-kings and-additionally sons of-Israel;

ACTS9v16 For I myself-shall-indicate to-him as-many-things-as it-is-essential (for) him to-suffer in-behalf-of my name.

ACTS9v17 But Ananias went-away and went-in into the house, and having-placed-on the hands upon him said: Brother Saul, the Lord has-dispatched-and-is-still-dispatching me, Jesus the (one) having-been-seen by-you in the way which you-were-coming, in-which-case you-might-receive-sight and you-might-be-filled-full of-(the)-Holy Spirit.

ACTS9v18 And immediately there-fell-off from his eyes as scales, and-additionally he-received-sight, and having-stood-up he-was-baptized,

ACTS9v19 And having-taken nourishment he-strengthened. But he-became with the disciples in Damascus some days,

ACTS9v20 And immediately in the synagogues he-was-preaching the Jesus, that this (one) is the son of-the God.

ACTS9v21 But all the (ones) hearing were-themselves-being-made-ecstatic and they-were-saying is not this the (one) having-laid-waste with-reference-to Jerusalem the (ones) calling-on this name, and he-had-been-coming here with-reference-to this, in-order-that having-been-bound-and-still-bound he-might-lead them upon the chief-priests?

ACTS9v22 But Saul was-being-made more powerful and he-was-confounding Jews, the (ones) residing in Damascus, bringing-to-agreement that this (one) is the Messiah.

ACTS9v23 But as considerable days were-being-fulfilled,

ACTS9v24 The Jews resolved-together to-carry him off; but their plot came-to-be-known to-the Saul.  But they themselves-were-keeping-alongside even the gates both day and night in-which-case they-might-carry him off.

ACTS9v25 But his disciples having-taken (him) of-night they-lowered him through the city-wall having-let (him) down in (a) creel.

ACTS9v26 But having-come-to-be-alongside into Jerusalem he-was-trying to-be-uniting-himself to-the disciples; and they-were all themselves-fearing him, not trusting that he is (a) disciple.

ACTS9v27 But Barnabas having-taken-hold-of him he-led (him) to the apostles, and narrated to-them how in the way he-saw the Lord and that he-spoke to-him, and how in Damascus he-was-bold-of-speech in the name of-Jesus.

ACTS9v28 And he-was with them proceeding-in and proceeding-out with-reference-to Jerusalem, being-bold-of-speech in the name of-the Lord,

ACTS9v29 He-was both speaking and he-was-debating-together with the Hellenists; but they-were-at-tempting to-carry him off.

ACTS9v30 But the brothers having-come-to-know-(this)-thoroughly led him down into Caesarea and dispatched him out into Tarsus,

ACTS9v31 On-the-one-hand therefore the assembly throughout the total Judea and Galilee and Samaria was-having peace being-built-up and proceeding in-the fear of-the Lord, and was-being-multiplied in-the comfort of-the Holy Spirit.

ACTS9v32 On-the-other-hand it-came-to-pass Peter (was) going-through, through all (places) to-go-down also to the holy-ones namely-the (ones) residing-in Lydda.

ACTS9v33 But he-found there (a) MAN, someone by-name Aeneas, lying-down out-of eight years on (a) mattress, who was having-been-and-still-was-paralyzed.

ACTS9v34 And the Peter said to-him:  Aeneas, Jesus Messiah is-curing you; you-stand-up and you-spread (the mattress) for-yourself. And immediately he-stood-up.

ACTS9v35 And all the (ones) residing-in Lydda and the Saron saw him, they-who turned-around upon the Lord.  But in Joppa was (a) certain disciple, Tabitha by-name,

ACTS9v36 Which being-interpreted is-being-said Dorcas; this (one) was full of-good works and of-alms which she-was-doing.

ACTS9v37 But in those days having-weakened it-came-to-pass she to-die-off; but having-bathed they-put (her) in (an) upper-room.

ACTS9v38 But Lydda being near to-the Joppa the disciples having-heard that Peter is in it they-dispatched two men to him entreating: Might-you not delay to-come-through till us.

ACTS9v39 But having-stood-up Peter went-together with-them; whom having-come-to-be-alongside they-led-up into the upper-room, and all the widows stood-alongside by-him weeping and themselves-showing tunics and garments, as-many-as the Dorcas made (while) being with them.

ACTS9v40 But the Peter having-cast-out all without and having-placed the knees he-prayed, and having-turned-around to the body he said: Tabitha, you-stand-up.  But the (one) opened her eyes, and having-seen the Peter she-sat-up.

ACTS9v41 But having-given her (a) hand he-stood her up; but having-hollered-for the holy-(ones) and the widows he-stood her alongside living.

ACTS9v42 But it-became known throughout the total Joppa, and many trusted on the Lord.

ACTS9v43 But it-came-to-pass considerable days he to-remain in Joppa beside someone Simon (a) tanner.


ACTS10v1 But (a) certain man in Caesarea, Cornelius by-name, (a) hundred-ruler out-of (a) cohort, of-the (one) being called Italian,

ACTS10v2 Pious and himself-fearing the God together-with all his household, doing many alms for-the people and petitioning of-the God continually,

ACTS10v3 Saw in (a) vision manifestly, around about the ninth hour of-the day, (an) angel of-the God having-come-in to him and having-said to-him: Cornelius,

ACTS10v4 But the (one) having-stared on-him and having-become afraid said: What is-it, lord? But he-said to-him:  Your prayers and your alms ascended into (a) memorial in-front of-the God.

ACTS10v5 And now you-send men into Joppa and you-yourself-send-for (a) certain Simon who is-being-nicknamed Peter;

ACTS10v6 This (one) is-being-entertained beside (a) certain Simon (a) tanner, for-whom (a) house is beside (the) sea.

ACTS10v7 But as the angel namely-the (one) speaking with-him went-away, having-hollered-for two of-the house-servants and (a) pious soldier of-the (ones) enduring-steadfastly by-him,

ACTS10v8 And having-explicated quite-all-things to-them he-dispatched them into the Joppa.

ACTS10v9 But on-the next-day (as) those (were) passing-the-river-in-the-way and drawing-near to-the city, Peter ascended upon the housetop to-pray around (the) sixth hour.

ACTS10v10 But he-became very-hungry and he-was-willing to-taste; but (as) they (were) making-ready, (an) ecstasy became on him,

ACTS10v11 And he-is-observing the heaven having-been-and-still-opened and (a) certain article descending as (a) great linen-cloth being-lowered upon the earth by-four beginnings,

ACTS10v12 In which was-existing all the four-footed (things) and reptiles of-the earth and flying (things) of-the heaven.

ACTS10v13 And (a) voice came-to-pass to him: Having-stood-up, Peter, you-sacrifice and you-eat.

ACTS10v14 But the Peter said: Nowise, Lord, because I never ate every-(thing) common and unclean.

ACTS10v15 And again (a) voice out-of (a) second (one?) to him: What things the God cleansed you yourself-be not defiling.

ACTS10v16 But this-(thing) came-to-pass thrice over, and directly the article was-taken-up into the heaven.

ACTS10v17 But as the Peter was-being-thoroughly-perplexed within himself what the vision which he-saw may-be, behold the men namely-the (ones) having-been-and-still-dispatched by the Cornelius having-ascertained-by-asking the house of-the Simon, stood-by upon the gateway,

ACTS10v18 And having-hollered they-were-inquiring if Simon the (one) being-nicknamed Peter is-being-entertained in-this-spot.

ACTS10v19 But (as) the Peter (was) thoroughly-meditating concerning the vision, the Spirit said:  Behold three men are-seeking you;

ACTS10v20 BUT having-stood-up you-descend, and you-be-proceeding together-with them not-one-thing discriminating-for-yourself, because I myself-have-dispatched-and-still-dispatch them.

ACTS10v21 But Peter having-descended said to the men: Behold I myself-am whom YOU-are-seeking; what (is) the reason because-of which YOU-are-being-along-side?

ACTS10v22 But the (ones) said:  Cornelius (a) hundred-ruler, (a) just man and himself-fearing the God, and-additionally being-borne-witness by the total nation of-the Jews, was-divinely-informed by (an) holy angel to-himself-send-for you with-reference-to his household and to-hear sayings from you.

ACTS10v23 Himself therefore having-called them in he-entertained (them).  But on-the next-day having-stood-up he-went-out together-with them, and some of-the brothers namely-the (ones) from Joppa went-together with-him.

ACTS10v24 But on-the next-day he-went-in into the Caesarea: but the Cornelius was-anticipating them, having-called-together his relatives and the necessary friends.

ACTS10v25 But as it-came-to-pass of-the to-go-in the Peter, the Cornelius having-met-together with-him-having-fallen upon the feet he-worshipped (him).

ACTS10v26 But the Peter raised him saying: You-stand-up I myself-am also myself (a) MAN.

ACTS10v27 And conversing-together with-him he-went-in, and he-is-finding many having-come-together-and-still-together,

ACTS10v28 And-additionally he-was-stating to them: YOU yourselves-are-comprehending as it-is illegal to-(a)-man (a) Jew to-be-uniting-himself or to-be-coming-near to-(one)-of-another-tribe; and-to-me the God pointed to-be-saying not-one MAN (is) common or unclean.

ACTS10v29 And on-this-account having-been-sent-for I-came incontestably.  I-am-inquiring therefore, for-what account YOU-yourselves-sent-for me?

ACTS10v30 And the Cornelius was-stating:  From (a) fourth day as-far-as this hour I-was fasting and praying the ninth (hour) in my home, and behold (a) man stood in-sight of-me in (a) brilliant (white) esthes,

ACTS10v31 And he-is-stating:  Cornelius, your prayer was-listened-to and your alms were-made-mindful in-sight of-the God.

ACTS10v32 You-send therefore into Joppa and you-summon-to-yourself Simon who is-being-nicknamed Peter; this (one) is-being-entertained in (the) house of-Simon (a) tanner beside (the) sea.

ACTSv33 Therefore at-once I-sent to you, and-additionally you yourself-did rightly having-come-to-be-alongside. Now therefore we all ourselves-are-alongside in-sight of-the God to-hear all the-things having-been-and-still-prescribed to-you by the Lord.

ACTS10v34 But Peter having-opened the mouth said: On truth I-myself-am-apprehending that the God is not one-partial, [a-taker-of-persons]

ACTS10v35 BUT in every nation the (one) himself-fearing him and working justice is (an) accepted (one) to-him;

ACTS10v36 The word which he-dispatched to-the sons of-Israel himself-bringing-good-news peace through Jesus Messiah:  this (one) is Jehovah of-all.

ACTS10v37 YOU yourselves-are-knowing-absolutely the saying having-come-to-pass throughout the total Judea, having-begun from the Galilee after the baptism which John preached,

ACTS10v38 Jesus, the (one) from Nazareth, as the God consecrated him with-(the)-Holy Spirit and power, who went-through benefiting and curing all the (ones) being-exploited by the slanderer, because the God was with him;

ACTS10v39 And we (are) witnesses of-all which he-did both in the country of-the Jews and Jerusalem; whom also they-carried-off having-hanged on wood.

ACTS10v40 The God raised this (one) in the third day and gave him to-become revealed,

ACTS10v41 Not to-all the people, BUT to-witnesses the (ones) the-hand-having-been-stretched-to-before-and-still-stretched-to by the God, to us, ones-who ate-together and drank-together with-him after he to-stand-again out-of dead (ones);

ACTS10v42 And he-delivered-a-message to-us to-preach to-the people and to-emphatically-testify that this (one) is the (one) having-been-and-still-appointed by the God judge of-(ones)-living and of-(ones)-dead.

ACTS10v43 To-this (one) all the prophets are-bearing-witness, every (one) trusting with-reference-to him to-take forgiveness of-sins thorough his name.

ACTS10v44 (As) the Peter (was) still speaking these sayings, the Spirit namely-the Holy fell-upon on all the (ones) hearing the word.

ACTS10v45 And the (ones) trusting out-of (the) circumcision as-many-as came-together with-the Peter were-ecstatic, because also on the Gentiles the gratuity of-the Holy Spirit had-been-and-was-still-poured-out;

ACTS10v46 For they-were-hearing (as) they (were) speaking in-languages and magnifying the God. The Peter answered:

ACTS10v47 Whether-at-all anyone is-being-able to-hinder the water (so) these not to-be-baptized, they-who took the Spirit namely-the Holy as also we?

ACTS10v48 But he-prescribed them to-be-baptized in the name of-Jesus Messiah. Then they-interrogated him to-continue some days.


ACTS11v1 But the apostles and the brothers, the (ones) being throughout the Judea, heard that the Gentiles also received the word of-the God.

ACTS11v2 But when Peter ascended into Jerusalem, the (ones) out-of (the) circumcision were-themselves-discriminating toward him

ACTS11v3 Saying that you-went-in to men having uncircumcision and you-ate-together with-them.

ACTS11v4 But having-begun Peter was-placing-out to-them successively saying:

ACTS11v5 I myself-was in (the) city Joppa praying, and I-saw in ecstasy (a) vision, (a) certain article descending as (a) great linen-cloth being-lowered out-of the heaven by-four beginnings, (rope ends), and it-came until me;

ACTS11v6 Into  which having-stared  I-was-taking-note, and I-saw the four-footed-things of-the earth and the beasts and the reptiles and the flying-things of-the heaven.

ACTS11v7 But I also heard (a) voice saying to-me: Having-stood-up, Peter, you-sacrifice and you-eat.

ACTS11v8 But I-said:  Nowise, Lord, because (a) common or unclean-thing never came-in into my mouth.

ACTS11v9 But (a) voice answered out-of (a) second (one?) out-of the heaven:  What-things the God cleansed you yourself-be not defiling.

ACTS11v10 But this-(thing) came-to-pass thrice over, and quite-all-things were-pulled-up again into the heaven.

ACTS11v11 And behold at-once three men stood-by upon the house in which I-was, having-been-and-still-dispatched from Caesarea to me.

ACTS11v12 But the Spirit said to-me to-go-together with-them not-one-thing discriminating-for-yourself. But these six brothers also came together-with me, and we-went-in into the home of-the man.

ACTS11v13 He reported to-us both how he-saw the angel having-stood in his home and having-said:  You-dispatch men into Joppa and you-send-for Simon the (one) being-nicknamed Peter,

ACTS11v14 Who will-speak sayings to-you in which you-will-be-saved, you and all your household.

ACTS11v15 But in my to-begin to-be-speaking the Spirit namely-the Holy fell-upon them as-altogether also on us in (the) beginning.

ACTS11v16 But I-was-made-mindful of-the saying of-the Lord,  as he-was-saying:  On-the-one-hand John baptized in-water, on-the-other-hand YOU yourselves-will-be-baptized in (the) Holy Spirit.

ACTS11v17 If therefore the God gave to-them the equal gratuity as also to-us, having-trusted on the Lord Jesus Messiah, who was-I myself, (one) powerful to-hinder the God?

ACTS11v18 But having-heard these-things they-kept-quiet, and they-glorified the God saying: So the God also to-the Gentiles gave the repentance with-reference-to life.

ACTS11v19 On-the-one-hand therefore the (ones) having-been-dispersed from the tribulation namely-the (one) having-come-to-pass over Stephen went-through till Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to-no-one if not to-Jews only.

ACTS11v20 On-the-other-hand some men out-of them, Cypriotes and Cyrenians, ones-who having-come into Antioch were-speaking also to the Greeks, them-selves-bringing-good-news-of the Lord Jesus.

ACTS11v21 And (the) hand of-Jehovah was with them, and-additionally much number, the (number) having-trusted turned-around upon the Lord.

ACTS11v22 But the account concerning them was-heard into the ears of-the assembly namely-the (one) being in Jerusalem, and they-dispatched-out Barnabas till Antioch;

ACTS11v23 Who having-come-to-be-alongside and having-seen the favor namely-the (one) of-the God he-was-rejoiced, and he-was-entreating in-the plan of-the heart all to-be-remaining-near to-the Lord,

ACTS11v24 Because he-was (a) good man and full of-(the)-Holy Spirit and of-trust.  And (a) considerable crowd was-added to-the Lord.

ACTS11v25 But he-went-out into Tarsus to-seek-again Saul,

ACTS11v26 And having-found him he-led him into Antioch. But it-came-to-pass they also to-be-gathered-(together) (a) total year in the assembly and to-teach (a) considerable crowd, and-additionally to-term the disciples Christians first in Antioch.

ACTS11v27 But in these days prophets came-down from Jerusalem into Antioch;

ACTS11v28 But one out-of them, Agabus by-name having-stood-up gave-a-sign through the Spirit (a) great famine to-be-about to-be over the total inhabited-earth; one-which came-to-pass upon Claudius.

ACTS11v29 But according-as anyone of-the disciples was-being-wealthy, each of-them appointed with-reference-to (a) ministry to-send to-the brothers residing in the Judea;

ACTS11v30 Which also they-did having-dispatched to the elders through (the) hand of-Barnabas and of-Saul.


ACTS12v1 But throughout that season Herod the King cast-on the hands to-maltreat some of-the (ones) from the assembly.

ACTS12v2 But he-carried-off James the brother of-John by-dagger.

ACTS12v3 But having-seen that it-is pleasing to-the Jews he-added to-take-together also Peter, but they-were days of-the unleavened-(bread),

ACTS12v4 And whom having-arrested he-put into (a) guard-house, having-given-over to-four quaternions of-soldiers to-be-guarding him, purposing to-lead him up to-the people after the Passover,

ACTS12v5 On-the-one-hand therefore the Peter was-being-kept in the guard-house; on-the-other-hand prayer was earnestly coming-to-pass by the assembly to the God in-behalf-of him.

ACTS12v6 But when the Herod was-being-about to-be-leading him before (the people), in-that night the Peter was falling-asleep between two soldiers having-been-and-still-bound by two chains, and-additionally guards before the door were-keeping the guard-house.

ACTS12v7 And behold (an) angel of-Jehovah stood-by, and (a) light shone in the dwelling-place; but having-smitten the side of-the Peter he-raised him saying: You-stand-up with speed. And the chains of-him fell-away out-of the hands.

ACTS12v8 But the angel said to him:  You-gird-yourself and you-bind-under your sandals. But he-did thus. And he-is-saying to-him:  You-cast-around-for-yourself your garment and you-be-following with-me.

ACTS12v9 And having-gone-out he-was-following, and he-was not knowing-absolutely that-thing coming-to-pass through the angel is true, but he-seemed to-be-looking-at (a) vision.

ACTS12v10 But having-gone-through (a) first and second guard-house they-came upon the gate namely-the iron (one) namely-the (one) bringing into the city, which was-opened to-them automatically, and having-gone-out they-went-forward one street, and immediately the angel departed from him.

ACTS12v11 And the Peter having-come-to-be in himself said:  Now I-am-knowing-absolutely that truly the Lord dispatched-out his angel and he-rescued me out-of (the) hand of-Herod and of-all the anticipation of-the people of-the Jews.

ACTS12v12 And-additionally being-conscious he-came upon the house of-the Mary namely-the mother of-John of-the (one) being-nicknamed Mark, the-place-where considerable (ones) were having-been-and-were-still-collected-together and praying.

ACTS12v13 But he having-knocked (a) maid-servant, Rhoda by-name, came-near the door of-the gateway to-obey,

ACTS12v14 And having-come-to-know-thoroughly the voice of-the Peter, she-opened not the gateway from the joy, but having-run-in she-reported the Peter to-be-having-stood-and-still-standing before the gateway.

ACTS12v15 But the (ones) said to her: You-are-mad. But she-was-affirming-emphatically to-be-holding thus. But they-said:  It is his angel.

ACTS12v16 But the Peter was-continuing knocking; but having-opened they-saw him and they-were-made-ecstatic.

ACTS12v17 But having-beckoned with-the-hand to-them to-be-being-silent he-narrated to-them how the Lord led-him-out out-of the guard-house, and-additionally he-said:  YOU-report these-things to-James and to-the brothers. And having-gone-out he-proceeded into (a) different place.

ACTS12v18 But (as it) became day, it-was not (a) little-bit commotion among the soldiers, so what became (of) the Peter.

ACTS12v19 But Herod having-sought-after him and not having-found (him), having-examined the guards he-gave-verbal-order (for them) to-be-led-away, and having-gone-down from the Judea into Caesarea he-was-staying (there).

ACTS12v20 But he-was fighting-with-anger with-Tyrians and with-Sidonians; but with-one-accord they-were-being-alongside to him, and having-persuaded Blastus the (one) over the bedroom of-the king they-were-requesting peace for-themselves, because-of the country of-them to-be-being-nourished from the (country) of (the) king.

ACTS12v21 But the Herod on-(a)-day assigned having-clothed-himself-in (an) esthes of-a-king, having seated (himself) upon the rostrum he-was-haranguing-the-populace to-them;

ACTS12v22 But the populace was-hollering-louder:  (A) voice of-(a)-god and not of-(a)-MAN.

ACTS12v23 But instantly (an) angel of-Jehovah smote him instead-of which-(things) he-gave not the glory to-the

God, and having-become eaten-by-worms he-expired.

ACTS12v24 But the word of-the Lord was-growing and was-being-multiplied.

ACTS12v25 But Barnabas and Saul returned out-of Jerusalem, having-fulfilled the ministry, having-taken-along-with (them) John the (one) having-been-nicknamed Mark.


ACTS13v1 But there-were prophets and teachers among the assembly being in Antioch both the Barnabas and Simeon the (one) being-called Niger, and Lucius the Cyrenian, and-additionally Manaen foster-brother of-Herod the tetrarch and Saul.

ACTS13v2 But (as) they (were) ministering-publicly for-the Lord and fasting, the Spirit namely-the Holy said:  indeed YOU-sever for-me the Barnabas and Saul with-reference-to the work (for) which I-have-called-and-still-am-calling them for-myself;

ACTS13v3 Then having-fasted and having-prayed and having-placed-on the hands on-them they-released (them).

ACTS13v4 On-the-one-hand therefore they having-been-sent-out by the Holy Spirit they-went-down into Seleucia, and-additionally they-sailed-off there-from into Cyprus,

ACTS13v5 And having-become in Salamis they-were-proclaiming the word of-the God in the synagogues of-the Jews; but also they-were-having John (an) officer.

ACTS13v6 But having-gone-through the total island unto Paphos they-found (a) certain man (a) sorcerer (a) false-prophet (a) Jew, to-whom (a) name Barjesus,

ACTS13v7 Who was together-with the proconsul Sergius Paulus, (an) intelligent man. This (one) having-called-to-himself Barnabas and Saul he-sought-after to-hear the word of-the God;

ACTS13v8 But Elymas the sorcerer was-withstanding-for-himself to-them, for thus his name is-being-translated-with, seeking to-twist the proconsul from the trust.

ACTS13v9 But Saul, also the Paul, having-been-filled-full of-(the)-Holy Spirit having-stared with-reference-to him said:

ACTS13v10 O full of-all guile and of-all fraud, son of-(a)-slanderer, enemy of-all justice, will-you not cease twisting the ways of-the Lord namely-the direct (ones)?

ACTS13v11 And now behold (the) hand of-Jehovah (is) on you, and you-will-be-blind not looking-at the sun until (a) season.  But instantly haze and darkness fell on him, and leading-around he-was-seeking leaders-by-the-hand.

ACTS13v12 Then the proconsul having-seen the (thing) having-come-to-pass-and-still-being he-trusted, being surprised upon the doctrine of-the Lord.

ACTS13v13 But having-put-back (to sea) from the Paphos the (ones) around Paul came into Perga of-the Pamphylia; but John having-retired from them he-returned into Jerusalem.

ACTS13v14 But they having-gone-through from the Perga they-came-to-be-alongside with-reference-to Antioch the Pisidian, and having-gone into the synagogue on-the day of-the Sabbaths they-were-caused-to-be-seated.

ACTS13v15 But after the reading of-the law and of-the prophets the rulers-of-the-synagogue dispatched to them saying: Men brothers, if there-is among YOU some word of comfort to the people, YOU-be-saying.

ACTS13v16 But Paul having-stood-up and having-beckoned with-the hand said: Men Israelites and the (ones) themselves-fearing the God, YOU-hear.

ACTS13v17 The God of-this people Israel chose-for-himself our fathers, and he-raised the people to-a-height in the dwelling-abroad in (the) land of-Egypt, and with (a) high arm he-led them out out-of it,

ACTS13v18 And aproximately forty-years time he-wore their manners in the wilderness,

ACTS13v19 And having-lowered seven nations in (the) land Canaan he-distributed-by-lot to-them their land.

ACTS13v20 And after these-things, approximately four-hundred and fifty years he-gave judges till Samuel the prophet.

ACTS13v21 And-thence they-requested (a) king, and the God gave to-them the Saul son of-Gis, (a) man out-of (the) tribe of-Benjamin, forty years;

ACTS13v22 And having-shifted him he-raised the David for-them with-reference-to (a) king, and to-whom having-borne-witness he-said:  I-found David the (one) of-the Jesse, (a) man according-to my heart, who will-do all my wills.

ACTS13v23 From the seed of-this (one) the God according-to promise led to-the Israeli (a) Saviour Jesus,

ACTS13v24(After)John preached-before, before the entering-in of-his person, (a) baptism of-repentance to-all the people of-Israel.

ACTS13v25 John was-fulfilling the race, he-said: Whom are-YOU-suspecting me to-be? I myself-am not (he); BUT behold he-is-coming after me of-whom I-am not worthy to-lose the shoe of-the feet.

ACTS13v26 Men brothers, sons of-kindred of-Abraham and the (ones) among YOU fearing the God, the word of-this salvation was-dispatched-out to-us.

ACTS13v27 For the (ones) residing in Jerusalem and their rulers ignorant-of this (one) and the voices of-the prophets namely-the (voices) being-read according-to every Sabbath, having-judged they-fulfilled,

ACTS13v28 And having-found not-one reason of-death they-themselves-requested Pilate to-carry him off;

ACTS13v29 They-finished all-things having-been-and-still-written concerning him, having-lowered from the wood they-placed into (a) tomb.

ACTS13v30 But the God raised him out-of dead (ones);

ACTS13v31Who was-seen over many-more days by-the (ones) having-ascended-together with-him from the Galilee into Jerusalem, they-who are his witnesses to the people.

ACTS13v32 ourselves-are-bringing YOU good-news the promise having-come-to-pass to the fathers,

ACTS13v33 That this (promise) the God has-fulfilled-out-and-still-fulfills-out to-us, to-their children, having-stood-again Jesus, as even in the Psalm it-has-been-and-is-still-written, namely-the second:  You yourself-are my son, I today myself-have-begotten [perfect tense] you.

ACTS13v34 he-stood him again out-of dead (ones) no-longer (in the) future to-be-returning with-reference-to decomposition, thus he-has-said-and-still-says that I-shall-give to-you the hallowed-things of-David namely-the trustworthy-things.

ACTS13v35 And for-the-reason-that in (a) different (Psalm) he-is-saying:  You-will not give your hallowed (one) to-see decomposition.

ACTS13v36 For on-the-one-hand David having-served-subordinate to-(his)-own generation for-the purpose of-the God he-fell-asleep and he-was-added to his fathers and he-saw decomposition;

ACTS13v37 But whom the God raised he-saw not decomposition.

ACTS13v38 Therefore let-it-be known to-YOU, men brothers, that through this (one) is-being-proclaimed to-YOU forgiveness of-sins,

ACTS13v39 And from all-things for-which YOU-were not able to-be-justified in (the) law of-Moses, in-this (one) every (one) the (one) trusting is-being-justified.

ACTS13v40 YOU-be-looking therefore the (thing) might not come-upon (YOU) having-been-and-still-being-said in the prophets:

ACTS13v41 YOU-see, the despisers, and YOU-marvel and YOU-be-vanished, because I myself-am-working (a) work in YOUR days, (a) work in-which by-no-means YOU-might-trust if someone might-be-narrating-in-detail to-YOU.

ACTS13v42 But (after) they (were) having-been-out they-were entreating these sayings to-be-spoken to-them with-reference-to the between Sabbath,

ACTS13v43 But (after) the synagogue (was) having-been-broken-up many of-the Jews and of-the proselytes being-held-in-veneration followed the Paul and the Barnabas, they-who speaking-to them were-persuading them to-be-remaining-near in-the favor of-the God.

ACTS13v44 But on-the coming Sabbath nearly all the city was-gathered-together to-hear the word of-the God.

ACTS13v45 But the Jews having-seen the crowds were-filled-full of-jealousy and they-were-contradicting the (things) being-spoken by Paul, blaspheming.

ACTS13v46 And-additionally the Paul and the Barnabas having-been-bold-of-speech said: It-was necessary firstly the word of-the God to-be-spoken to-YOU, since-indeed YOU-are-pushing it away and YOU-are-judging yourselves not worthy of-the eternal life, behold we-are-turning-ourselves with-reference-to the Gentiles.

ACTS13v47 For thus the Lord has-commanded-and-still-commands us:  I-have-placed-and-still-place you with-reference-to (a) light of-nations you to-be with-reference-to salvation till of-last of-the earth.

ACTS13v48 But the Gentiles hearing were-rejoicing and they-were-glorifying the word of-the Lord and as-many-as were having-been-assigned-and-were-still-assigned trusted with-reference-to life eternal.

ACTS13v49 But the word of-the Lord was-being-brought-through, through the total country.

ACTS13v50 But the Jews exhorted the women being-held-in-veneration namely-the (ones) decent and the first (men?) of-the city, and they-raised-up persecution upon the Paul and Barnabas, and they-cast them out from their territories.

ACTS13v51 But the (ones) having-shaked-out the dust of-the feet over them came into Iconium,

ACTS13v52 And-additionally the disciples were-being-filled of-joy and of-(the)-Holy Spirit.


ACTS14v1 But it-came-to-pass in Iconium according-to the same (thing), they to-go-in into the synagogue of-the Jews and to-speak thus so-that much multitude both of-Jews and of-Greeks (came) to-trust.

ACTS14v2 But the disobeying Jews raised-up and maltreated the souls of-the Gentiles down-upon the brothers.

ACTS14v3 On-the-one-hand  therefore they-stayed (a) considerable time being-bold-of-speech on the Lord namely-the (one) bearing-witness to-the word of-his favor, giving signs and wonders to-be-coming-to-pass through their hands.

ACTS14v4 On-the-other-hand the multitude of-the city was-split, and on-the-one-hand they-were together-with the Jews, on-the-other-hand they (were) together-with the apostles.

ACTS14v5 But as (an) impulse came-to-pass both of-the Gentiles and of-Jews together-with their rulers to-insult and to-cast-stones (at) them.,

ACTS14v6 Being-conscious (of it) they-fled-for-refuge into the cities of-the Lycaonia Lystra and Derbe and the country-around;

ACTS14v7 And-there they-were themselves-bringing-good-news.

ACTS14v8 And (a) certain man without-power in-the feet was-sitting in Lystra, lame out-of (the) belly of-his mother, who never walked-around.

ACTS14v9 This (one) was-hearing (as) the Paul (was) speaking; who having-stared on-him and having-seen that he-is-having trust to-be-saved,

ACTS14v10 Said in-(a)-great voice; You-stand-up on your feet straight.  And he-sprang-up and he-was-walking-around.

ACTS14v11 And-additionally the crowds having-seen what Paul did elevated their voice in-Lycaonian saying: The gods having-been-likened to-MEN descended to us,

ACTS14v12 And-additionally they-were-calling the Barnabas Zeus, but the Paul Hermes, since-indeed he himself-was the (one) being-governor of-the word.

ACTS14v13 And-additionally the priest of-the Zeus namely-the (one) being before the city, having-brought bulls and garlands upon the gateways, he-was-willing to-be-sacrificing together-with the crowds.

ACTS14v14 But the apostles Barnabas and Paul having-heard, having-rent-asunder their garments they-burst-out into the crowd crying

ACTS14v15 And saying: Men, why are-YOU-doing these-things? We ourselves-are also MEN of-like-feelings to-YOU, bringing-good-news-ourselves (to) YOU to-be-turning-around from these the aimless-things upon (a) living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the-things in them;

ACTS14v16 Who in the generations having-gone-by-and-still-gone he-allowed all the Gentiles to-be-proceeding in their ways;

ACTS14v17 And-yet he-left not himself without-witness doing-good, giving to-us heavy-showers from-heaven and fruitful seasons, filling-full-within of-nourishment and of-mirth of-our hearts.

ACTS14v18 Even saying these-things they scarcely rested the crowds to not be-sacrificing to-them.

ACTS14v19 But Jews came-on from Antioch and iconium, and having-persuaded the crowds and having-stoned the Paul they-were-dragging without the city, having-supposed him to-have-died.

ACTS14v20 But (after) the disciples (were) having-encircled him, having-stood-up he-went-in into the city.  And on-the next-day he-went-out together-with the Barnabas into Derbe.

ACTS14v21 And-additionally themselves-bringing-good-news-(to) that city and having-discipled considerable (numbers) they-returned into the Lystra and into Iconium and Antioch,

ACTS14v22 Having-supported the souls of-the disciples, entreating (them) to-be-remaining-in the trust, and that through many tribulations it-is-essential (for) us to-go-in into the kingdom of-the God.

ACTS14v23 But having-elected-by-show-of-hand for-them elders, according-to (an) assembly, having-prayed with fasts they-committed them to-the Lord with-reference-to whom they-had-trusted.

ACTS14v24 And having-gone-through the Pisidia they-came into the Pamphylia,

ACTS14v25 And having-spoken the word with-reference-to the Perga they-descended into Attalia, and-thence they-sailed-off into Antioch,

ACTS14v26 Whence they-were-having-been-and-still-were-given-over to-the favor of-the God with-reference-to the work which they-fulfilled.

ACTS14v27 But having-come-to-be-alongside and having-gathered-together the assembly, they-told as-many-things-as the God did with them, and that he-opened to-the Gentiles (a) door of-trust.

ACTS14v28 But they-were-staying not (a) little-bit (of) time together-with the disciples.


ACTS15v1 And some have-come-down from the Judea were-teaching the brothers that unless YOU-were-circumcised to-the custom of-the Moses, YOU-are not being-able to-be-saved.

ACTS15v2 But (after) not (a) little-bit of-strife and of-debate having-come-to-pass by-the Paul and by-the Barnabas with them, they-assigned Paul and Barnabas  to-be-ascending and some others out-of them to the apostles and elders into Jerusalem concerning this controversy.

ACTS15v3 On-the-one-hand therefore the (ones) having-been-sent-forward by the assembly were-going through both the Phoenicia and Samaria narrating-in-detail the turning-around of-the Gentiles, and they-were-making great joy for-all the brothers.

ACTS15v4 But having-come-to-be-alongside into Jerusalem they-were-accepted from the assembly and of-the apostles and of-the elders, and-additionally they-told as-many-things-as the God did with them.

ACTS15v5 But some of-the (ones) having-trusted-and-still-trusting, from the sect of-the Pharisees stood-forth, saying that it-is-essential to-be-circumcising them and-additionally to-be-delivering-a-message to-be-keeping the law of-Moses.

ACTS15v6 Both the apostles and the elders were-gathered-together to-see concerning this word.

ACTS15v7 But (after) much debating-together having-come-to-pass, Peter having-stood-up said to-them: Men brothers, YOU yourselves-are-comprehending that from ancient days the God chose-for-himself among us (that) the Gentiles to-hear the word of-the good-news through my mouth and to-trust,

ACTS15v8 And God the knower-of-hearts bore-witness to-them having-given the Spirit namely-the Holy according-as also to-us,

ACTS15v9 And he-discriminated nothing between both us and them, having-cleansed their hearts by-the trust.

ACTS15v10 Now therefore why are-YOU-trying the God, to-place-upon on the neck of-the disciples (a) yoke, which neither our fathers nor we ourselves-were-strong-enough to-bear?

ACTS15v11 But through the favor of-the Lord Jesus we-are-trusting to-be-saved according-to which manner those-also.

ACTS15v12 But all the multitude was silent, and they-were-hearing Barnabas and Paul explicating as-many signs and wonders as the God did among the Gentiles through them.

ACTS15v13 But after they (were) silent James answered saying:  Men brothers, YOU-hear of-me.

ACTS15v14 Simeon explicated according-as firstly the God visited to-take out-of nations (a) people for-his name.

ACTS15v15 And to-this the words of-the prophets are-agreeing according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written:

ACTS15v16 After these-things I-shall-turn-about and I-shall-build-again the tabernacle of-David namely-the (one) having-fallen-and-still-fallen, and the-things of-it having-been-and-still-turned-down I-shall-build-again and I-shall-make it straight-again,

ACTS15v17 In-which-case the (ones) left-down of-the MEN might-seek-out the Lord, even all the Gentiles on whom my name has-been-and-still-is-called-upon upon them, Jehovah is-saying, The (one) doing these-things

ACTS15v18 Known-things from an age.

ACTS15v19 On-this-account I myself-am-judging not to-be-harassing the (ones) from the Gentiles turning-around on the God,

ACTS15v20 BUT to-send-an-epistle to-them to-be-holding-off-for-themselves of-the contaminations of-the idols and of-the prostitution and (a)-thing-strangled and of-the blood.

ACTS15v21 For Moses out-of ancient generations is-having according-to (a) city the (ones) preaching him, being-read in the synagogues according-to every Sabbath.

ACTS15v22 Then it-seemed (best) to-the apostles and to-the elders together-with the total assembly to-send men having-been-chosen-by-themselves out-of them into Antioch together-with the Paul and Barnabas, Judas the (one) being-called Barsabbas and Silas, men being-governors among the brothers,

ACTS15v23 Having-written through their hand: The apostles and the elder brothers to-the brothers namely-the (ones) out-of nations according-to the Antioch and Syria and Cilicia to-be-rejoicing.

ACTS15v24 Since-indeed we-heard that some out-of us disturbed YOU by-words unsettling YOUR souls to-whom we-did not give-strict-order,

ACTS15v25 It-seemed (best) to-us having-become with-one-accord, to-send men having-been-chosen-by-our-selves to YOU together-with our cherished Barnabas and Paul.

ACTS15v26 Men having-given-over-and-still-giving-over their souls in-behalf-of the name of-our Lord Jesus Messiah.

ACTS15v27 We-have-dispatched-and-are-dispatching therefore Judas and Silas, and they through word are-reporting the same-things.

ACTS15v28 For it-seemed (best) to-the Spirit namely-the Holy and to-us to-ourselves-be-placing-upon YOU not-one much-more weight with-the-exception of-these of-compulsion,

ACTS15v29 To-be-holding-off-for-yourselves of-idolatrous-sacrifices and of-blood and of-(things)-strangled and of-prostitution; maintaining yourselves out-of which-things YOU-will-practise well.  Farewell.

ACTS15v30 On-the-one-hand therefore the (ones) having-been-released they-went-down into Antioch, and having-gathered-together the multitude they-handed-over the epistle.

ACTS15v31 But having-read they-rejoiced over the entreaty.

ACTS15v32 Both Judas and Silas, also being prophets themselves, through many (a) word they-comforted the brothers and they-supported (them).

ACTS15v33 But having-made (a) time they-were-released with peace from the brothers to the (ones) having-dispatched them.

ACTS15v34 [Omitted by best manuscripts.]

ACTS15v35 But Paul and Barnabas were-staying in Antioch, teaching and themselves-bringing-(the)-good-news, with many different (ones) also, (of) the word of-the Lord.

ACTS15v36 But after some days Paul said to Barnabas: Having-turned-around indeed let-us-visit the brothers according-to every city in which we-proclaimed the word of-the Lord, (to see) how they-are-holding.

ACTS15v37 But Barnabas was-purposing to-take-along-with-(them) also the John the (one) being-called Mark;

ACTS15v38 But Paul was-thinking not worthy-to-be-taking-along-with (them) this (one) the (one) having-departed from them from Pamphylia and not having-gone-together with-them into the work.

ACTS15v39 But (there)-became irritation, so-that they (were) to-be-set-apart from one-another, and-additionally Barnabas having-taken-along the Mark to-sail-away into Cyprus.

ACTS15v40 But Paul having-designated Silas he-went-out, having-been-given-over to-the favor of-the Lord by the brothers;

|v41 But he-was-going-through the Syria and Cilicia supporting the assemblies.


ACTS16v1 But he-arrived also into Derbe and into Lystra And behold (a) certain disciple was there, Timothy by-name son of-(a)-trusting Jewish woman but of-(a)-Greek father,

ACTS16v2 Who was-being-borne-witness by the brothers in Lystra and Iconium.

ACTS16v3 The Paul willed this (one) to-go-out together-with him, and having-taken (him) he-circumcised him because-of the Jews namely-the (ones) being in those places; for they quite-all had-known-absolutely that his father was-existing (a) Greek.

ACTS16v4 But as they-were-proceeding-through the cities, they-were-giving-over to-them to-be-guarding the decrees namely-the (ones) having-been-and-still-judged by the apostles and elders, the (ones) in Jerusalem.

ACTS16v5 On-the-one-hand therefore the assemblies were-being-made-solid in-the trust and they-were-exceeding in-the number according-to (each) day.

ACTS16v6 On-the-other-hand they-went-through the Phrygia and Galatian country, having-been-hindered by the Holy Spirit to-speak the word in the Asia;

ACTS16v7 But having-come according-to the Mysia they-were-trying to-proceed into the Bithynia, and the Spirit of-Jesus allowed them not;

ACTS16v8 But having-gone-past the Mysia they descended into Troas.

ACTS16v9 And (a) vision was-seen through (the) night by-the Paul, (a) certain Macedonian man was having-stood-and-still-standing and entreating him and saying:  Having-crossed into Macedonia you-help us.

ACTS16v10 But as he-saw the vision, immediately we-sought to-go-out into Macedonia, bringing-(us)-to-agreement that the God has-called-and-still-calls us for-himself to-ourselves-bring-(them)-good-news.

ACTS16v11 But therefore having-been-put-back (to sea) from Troas we-ran-a-direct-course into Samothracia, but on-the succeeding (day) into Neapolis,

ACTS16v12 And-thence into Philippi one-which is (the) first city of-the portion of Macedonia, (a) colony. But we-were staying in this city some days.

ACTS16v13 And-additionally on-the day of-the Sabbaths we-went-out without the gate beside (a) river the-place-where we-were-supposing to-be prayer, and having-been-seated we-were-speaking to-the women having-come-together.

ACTS16v14 And (a) certain woman Lydia by-name, (a) seller-of-purple of-(the)-city of-Thyatira, holding the God in-veneration, was-hearing, of-whom the Lord thoroughly-opened the heart to-be-paying-attention to-the-things being-spoken by Paul.

ACTS16v15 But as she-was-baptized and her household, she-entreated saying:  If YOU-have-judged-and-still-judge me to-be-trusting in-the Lord, having-come-in into my home YOU-be-remaining, and she-urged us.

ACTS16v16 But it-came-to-pass (as) we (were) proceeding into the prayer, (a) certain maid-servant to-encounter us having (a) spirit of-Python, one-who practising-soothsaying was-holding-beside much business for her lords.

ACTS16v17 This (one) having-followed-closely the Paul and us was-crying saying: These MEN are slaves of-the  God  namely-the  most-high,  ones-who  are-proclaiming to-YOU (a) way of salvation.

ACTS16v18 But this she-was-doing over many days. But Paul having-been-annoyed and having-turned-around said to-the spirit:  I-am-delivering-a-message to-you in (the) name of-Jesus Messiah to-come-out from her; and it-came-out in-the hour itself.

ACTS16v19 But her lords having-seen that the hope of-their business went-out, having-themselves-taken-hold-of they-drew the Paul and the Silas into the market upon the rulers,

ACTS16v20 And having-led them near to-the commanders they-said:  These MEN are-greatly-disturbing our city, existing Jews,

ACTS16v21 And they-are-proclaiming customs which it-is not legitimate for-us to-be-receiving-alongside neither to-be-doing being Romans.

ACTS16v22 And the crowd stood-by-together against them, and the commanders having-rent-asunder-around of-them the garments they-were-giving-verbal-order to-be-beaten-with-a-rod,

ACTS16v23 But having-placed-upon them many blows they-cast into (a) guard-house, having-delivered-a-message to-the prison-guard to-be-keeping them securely;

ACTS16v24 Who having-taken (a) delivered-message such-as-this cast them into the inner guard-house and himself-made-secure their feet into the wood.

ACTS16v25 But according-to the midnight Paul and Silas praying, they-were-singing-a-hymn (to) the God, but the prisoners were-hearkening of-them;

ACTS16v26 But suddenly (a) great earthquake came-to-pass, so-that the foundations of-the prison to-be-stirred; but instantly all the doors were-opened, and all the bonds were-dropped.

ACTS16v27 But the prison-guard having-become out-of slumber and having-seen the doors of-the guard-house having-been-and-still-opened, having-pulled the dagger was-being-about to-be-carrying himself off, supposing the prisoners to-have-fled-out.

ACTS16v28 But Paul hollered with-(a)-great voice saying: Not-one-thing bad might-you-practise to-yourself, for we-are quite-all in-this-spot.

ACTS16v29 But having-requested lights he-burst-in, and having-become trembling-within he-fell-before the Paul and Silas,

ACTS16v30 And having-led them forward without he-was-stating:  Lords, what is-essential (for) me to-be-doing in-order-that I-might-be-saved?

ACTS16v31 But they-said:  You-trust on the Lord Jesus, and you-will-be-saved you and your household.

ACTS16v32 And they-spoke to-him the word of-the God together-with all the (ones) in his house.

ACTS16v33 And having-taken them along in that hour of-the night he-bathed (them) from the blows, and he was-baptized and quite-all the (ones) of-him-instantly,

ACTS16v34 And-additionally having-led them up into his home he-placed-beside (them) (a) table, and he-exulted having-trusted-and-still-trusting in-the God with-all-the-household.

ACTS16v35 But (as it) became day the commanders dispatched the rod-bearers saying:  You-release those MEN.

ACTS16v36 But the prison-guard reported these words to the Paul, that the commanders have-dispatched-and-still-dispatch in-order-that YOU-might-be-released. Now therefore having-gone-out YOU-be-proceeding in peace.

ACTS16v37 But the Paul was-stating to them:  Having beaten us publicly uncondemned, existing Roman MEN, they-cast (us) into (a) guard-house; and now are-they-casting us out stealthily? For no, BUT having-come let-they themselves lead us out.

ACTS16v38 But the rod-bearers reported these sayings to-the commanders. But they-were-made-fearful having-heard that they-are Romans,

ACTS16v39 And having-come they-entreated them, and having-led (them) out they-were-interrogating (them) to-go-away from the city.

ACTS16v40 But having-gone-out from the guard-house they-went-in to the Lydia and having-seen they-comforted the brothers and they-went-out.


ACTS17v1 But having-traveled-through the Amphipolis and the Apollonia they-came into Thessalonica, where-in-which was (a) synagogue of-the Jews.

ACTS17v2 But according-to the having-a-custom with-the Paul he-went-in to them, and on three Sabbaths he-discoursed with-them from the scriptures,

ACTS17v3 Opening-thoroughly and placing-beside (for them) that it-was-essential the Messiah to-suffer and to-stand-again out-of dead (ones), and that the Messiah is this (one), the Jesus, whom I myself-am-proclaiming to-YOU.

ACTS17v4 And some out-of them were-persuaded and they-were-made-a-heritage with-the Paul and with-the Silas, both much multitude of-the Greeks holding-in-veneration (the God), and-additionally of-the first women not few.

ACTS17v5 But the Jews having-become-jealous and having-taken-to-themselves of-the (ones) frequenting-the-market some evil men and having-made-a-crowd they-were-making the city in-tumult, and having-stood-by the house of-Jason they-were-seeking them to-lead-forward into the populace;

ACTS17v6 But not having-found them they-were-dragging Jason and some brothers upon the rulers-of-the-city, shouting that the (ones) having-upset the inhabited-earth, these are-being-alongside in-this-spot also,

ACTS17v7 Whom Jason has-received-and-still-receives-as-guests; and these all are-practising over-against the decrees of-Caesar, saying (there-is) to-be (a) different king, Jesus.

ACTS17v8 But they-disturbed the crowd and the rulers-of-the-city hearing these-things,

ACTS17v9 And having-taken the adequate (thing) of the Jason and of-the others they-released them.

ACTS17v10 But the brothers immediately through (the) night sent-out both the Paul and the Silas into Beroea, ones-who having-come-to-be-alongside went-off into the synagogue of-the Jews;

ACTS17v11 But these were better-born (than) of-the (ones) in Thessalonica, ones-who received the word with all eagerness, according-to (each) day examining the scriptures if these-things may-beholding thus.

ACTS17v12 On-the-one-hand therefore many out-of them trusted, and of-the Grecian women namely-the decent and of-men not few.

ACTS17v13 But as the Jews from the Thessalonica came-to-know that also in the Beroea the word of-the God was-proclaimed by the-Paul, they-came stirring and disturbing the crowds there-also,

ACTS17v14 But immediately then the brothers dispatched-out the Paul to-be-proceeding till on the sea; and-additionally both the Silas and the Timothy remained-behind there.

ACTS17v15 But the (ones) establishing the Paul (safely?) led till Athens, and having-taken (a) commandment to the Silas and the Timothy in-order-that as very-quickly they-might-come to him, they-were-being-out (on the way?)

ACTS17v16 But (as) the Paul (was) waiting-long-for them in the Athens, his spirit in him was-being-irritated observing the city being full-of-idols.

ACTS17v17 On-the-one-hand therefore he-was-discoursing in the synagogue with-the Jews and with-the (ones) holding-in-veneration (the God) and in the market according-to every day to the (ones) chancing-to-be-near.

ACTS17v18 But some also of-the Epicurean and Stoic lovers-of-wisdom were-casting-together with-him, and some were saying: What may-he-be-willing to-be-saying this rumormonger? But the (others):  He-is-seeming to-be (a) proclaimer of-strange little-demons; because he-was-bringing-good-news-of the Jesus and the standing-again.

ACTS17v19 But having-taken-hold of-him they-led (him) upon the hill of-Mars saying:  Are-we-being-able to-come-to-know what this new-quality doctrine (is), the (one) being-spoken by you?

ACTS17v20 For you-are-bringing-in some things-being-astounding into our hearing; we-are-purposing therefore to-come-to-know what these-things (are) willing to-be.

ACTS17v21 But all Athenians and the strangers sojourning were-having-good-season with-reference-to not-one-thing different than to-be-saying something or to-be-hearing something newer-quality.

ACTS17v22 But Paul having-been-stood in midst of-the hill of-Mars was stating:  Men Athenians, I-am-observing YOU according-to all-things as most-dreading-of-demons.

ACTS17v23 For going-through and observing-again, YOUR venerated-objects I-found also (an) elevated-place in which had-been-inscribed: To-(an)-unknown god. What therefore YOU-are-showing-piety being-ignorant, this I myself-am-proclaiming to-YOU.

ACTS17v24 The God namely-the (one) having-made the world and all the-things in it, this-(one) existing Jehovah of-heaven and of-earth is not residing in sanctuaries made-by-hand,

ACTS17v25 Neither is-he-being-healed by human hands welcoming of-anything, he (is) giving to-all-life and breath and the all-things;

ACTS17v26 And-additionally he-made out-of one every nation of-MEN to-be-residing on all (the) face of-the earth, having-appointed seasons having-been-and-still-prescribed and the placed-territories of-their residencies,

ACTS17v27 To-be-seeking the God, if so in-fact they-felt him and they-may-find (him), and in-fact existing not far from each one of-us.

ACTS17v28 For in him we-are-living and we-are-being-moved and we-are, as also some of-the poets according-to YOU have-said-and-still-say:  For of-the (one) we-are also (a) race.

ACTS17v29 Therefore existing (a) race of-the God we-are-being-indebted not to-be-supposing, the divine to-be like to-gold or to-silver or to-stone, to-(a)-mark of-craft and of-meditation of-MAN.

ACTS17v30 On-the-one-hand therefore the God having-looked-on-with-unconcern the times of-the ignorance, the-(things) now he-is-delivering-a-message to-the MEN all-(MEN) everywhere to-be-repenting,

ACTS17v31 In-as-much-as he-made-stand (a) day in which he-is-about to-be-judging the inhabited-earth in justice, by (a) man whom he-appointed, having-held-beside (a) trust to-all, having-stood him again out-of dead (ones).

ACTS17v32 But having-heard (a) standing-again of-dead (ones), on-the-one-hand the (ones) were-scoffing, on-the-other-hand the (ones) said: We-shall-hear-for-ourselves of-you concerning this-thing even again.

ACTS17v33 Thus the Paul went-out out-of their midst.

ACTS17v34 But some men having-been-united to-him trusted, among whom also Dionysius the Areopagite and (a) woman Damaris by-name and different (ones) together-with them.


ACTS18v1 After these-things having-been-separated out-of the Athens he-went into Corinth.

ACTS18v2 And having-found (a) certain Jew, Aquila by-name, by-the kindred belonging-to-Pontus, recently having-come-and-still-come from the Italy, and Priscilla his wife, because-of Claudius to-have-ordered all the Jews to-be-separating-themselves from the Rome, he-came-near to-them,

ACTS18v3 And because-of (him) to-be of-the-same-craft he-was-remaining beside them, and they-were-working; for they-were tentmakers by-the craft.

ACTS18v4 But he-was-discoursing in the synagogue according-to every Sabbath, he-was-persuading both Jews and Greeks.

ACTS18v5 But as both the Silas and the Timothy came-down from the Macedonia, the Paul was-being-held-together in-the word, emphatically-testifying to-the Jews the Messiah to-be Jesus.

ACTS18v6 But (as) they were-arraying-themselves-against (it?) and blaspheming, having-shaked-out-for-himself the garments he-said to-them:  YOUR blood (be) on YOUR head; I (am) clean, from the now I-shall-proceed into the Gentiles.

ACTS18v7 And having-changed-location therefrom he-went into (a) house of-someone by-name of-Titius Justus holding-in-veneration the God, of-whom the house was bordering-on the synagogue.

ACTS18v8 But Crispus the ruler-of-the-synagogue trusted in-the Lord together-with his total household, and many of-the Corinthians hearing were-trusting and they-were-being-baptized.

ACTS18v9 But the Lord said to-the Paul in (the) night through (a) vision:  You-be not fearing-for-yourself, BUT you-be-speaking and might-you not be-still,

ACTS18v10 For-the-reason-that I myself-am with you and no-one will-put-upon you for-himself to-maltreat you, for-the-reason-that much people is for-me in this city.

ACTS18v11 But he-was-caused-to-be-seated (a) year and six months teaching among them the word of-the God.

ACTS18v12 But (when) Gallio (was) being proconsul of-the Achaia, the Jews with-one-accord stood-by-against the Paul and they-led him upon the rostrum,

ACTS18v13 Saying that this-(one) is-again-persuading the MEN to-be-holding-in-veneration the God beside the law,

ACTS18v14 But (as) the Paul (was) being-about to-be-opening the mouth, the Gallio said to the Jews:  If on-the-one-hand it-was some unrighteous-act or evil villainy, O Jews, I-(likely)-tolerated according-to (the) word of-YOU;

ACTS18v15 If on-the-other-hand it-is controversies concerning (a) word and names and law, the (one) according-to YOU, YOU yourselves-will-see; I myself-am not purposing to-be-being judge of-these-(things).

ACTS18v16 And he-expelled them from the rostrum.

ACTS18v17 But all the Greeks having-taken-hold-of Sosthenes the ruler-of-the-synagogue they-were-hitting (him) in-front of-the rostrum; and not-one of-these-(things) was-mattering to-the Gallio.

ACTS18v18 But the Paul having-remained-near still considerable days, having-bid-farewell to-the brothers he-was-sailing-away into the Syria, and together-with him Priscilla and Aquila, having-himself-shorn the head in Cenchrea; for he-was-having (a) vow.

ACTS18v19 But having-arrived into Ephesus, and-those of-him he-left-behind, but he having-gone-in into the synagogue he-discoursed with-the Jews.

ACTS18v20 But (as) they (were) interrogating (him) to-remain over much-more time he-consented not,

ACTS18v21 BUT having-bid-farewell and having-said: I-will-bend-back again to YOU (as) the God (is) willing, he-put-back-(to sea) from the Ephesus.

ACTS18v22 And having-come-down into Caesarea, having-ascended and having greeted the assembly, he-descended into Antioch,

ACTS18v23 And having-made some time he-went-out; going-through successively the Galatian country and Phrygia, supporting all the disciples.

ACTS18v24 But (a) certain Jew, Apollos by-name (an) Alexandrian by-the kindred, (an) eloquent man arrived into Ephesus, being powerful in the scriptures.

ACTS18v25 This (one) was having-been-and-still-was-instructed (in) the way of-the Lord, and boiling in-the spirit he-was-speaking and he-was-teaching exactly the-(things) concerning the Jesus, comprehending only the baptism of-John;

ACTS18v26 And-additionally this-(one) began to-be-being-bold-of-speech in the synagogue.  But (when) Priscilla and Aquila (were) having-heard him they-took him to-themselves and they-themselves-placed-out to-him the way of-the God more-exactly.

ACTS18v27 But (as) he (was) purposing to-go-through into the Achaia, the brothers having-been-impelled-forward wrote to-the disciples to-accept him; who having-come-to-be-alongside he-himself-cast-together much for-the (ones) having-trusted-and-still-trusting through the favor;

ACTS18v28 For he-was-thoroughly-refuting vigorously the Jews publicly showing through the scriptures the Messiah to-be Jesus.


ACTS19v1 But it-came-to-pass the Apollos to-be in the Corinth, Paul having-gone-through the upper-most parts to-come into Ephesus and to-find some disciples,

ACTS19v2 And-additionally he-said to them: If YOU-took (the) Holy Spirit having-trusted? But the (ones) (said) to him: BUT we-heard neither if there-is (a) Holy Spirit.

ACTS19v3 And-additionally he said:  With-reference-to what therefore were-YOU-baptized? But the (ones) said:  With-reference-to (the) baptism of-John.

ACTS19v4 But Paul said: John baptized (a) baptism of-repentance, saying to-the people in-order-that they-might-trust with-reference-to the (one) coming after him, this is with-reference-to the Jesus.

ACTS19v5 But having-heard they-were-baptized with-reference-to the name of-the Lord Jesus.

ACTS19v6 But (as) the Paul (was) having-placed-on (his) hands on-them the Spirit namely-the Holy came on them, they-were both speaking in languages and they-were-prophesying.

ACTS19v7 But all the men were about twelve.

ACTS19v8 But having-gone-in into the synagogue he-was-being-bold-of-speech over three months discoursing and persuading concerning the kingdom of the God.

ACTS19v9 But as some were-being-hardened and they-were-disobeying speaking-ill (of) the way in-sight of-the multitude, having-departed from them he-severed the disciples, discoursing according-to (each) day in the school of-Tyrannus,

ACTS19v10 But this came-to-pass over two years, so-that all the (ones) residing-(in) the Asia to-hear the word of-the Lord, both Jews and Greeks,

ACTS19v11 And-additionally the God was-doing powerful-deeds, not the (ones) having-chanced, through the hands of-Paul.

ACTS19v12 So-that even handkerchiefs or aprons from the surface-of his body to-be-being-brought-off, upon the (ones) being-weak even the diseases to-be-being-liberated from them, and-additionally the spirits namely-the evil to-be-going-out.

ACTS19v13 But some also of-the Jews, exorcists, going-around attempted to-be-naming over the (ones) having the spirits namely-the evil the name of-the Lord Jesus saying:  I-am-adjuring YOU (by) the Jesus whom Paul is-preaching.

ACTS19v14 But there-were seven sons of-some Sceva (a) Jewish chief-priest doing this.

ACTS19v15 But having-answered, the spirit namely-the evil said to-them: On-the-one-hand I-am-coming-to-know Jesus and I-am-comprehending Paul; on-the-other-hand YOU, who are-YOU?

ACTS19v16 And the MAN in whom was the spirit namely-the evil, springing-up upon them, having-exercised dominion was-strong against them both, so-that naked and having-been-and-still-wounded to-flee-out out-of that house.

ACTS19v17 But this became known to-all both Jews and Greeks the (ones) residing (in) the Ephesus, and fear fell-upon them over all, and the name of-the Lord Jesus was-being-magnified;

ACTS19v18 And-additionally many of-the (ones) having-trusted-and-still-trusting were-coming acknowledging and telling their practises.

ACTS19v19 But (a) considerable (number) of-the (ones) having-practised the-things worked-around having-brought-together the books they-were-burning-(them)-up in-sight of all; and they-counted-up-together the prices of-them and they-found five myriads of-silver-coins.

ACTS19v20 Thus the word was-growing and was-being-strong according-to (the) might of-the Lord.

ACTS19v21 But as these-things were-fulfilled, the Paul placed in the spirit for-himself having-gone-through the Macedonia and Achaia to-be-proceeding into Jerusalem, having-said that after I become there it-is-essential (for) me to-see Rome also.

ACTS19v22 But having-dispatched into Macedonia two of-the (ones) ministering to-him, Timothy and Erastus, he himself-held-on (a) time with-reference-to the Asia.

ACTS19v23 But there-came-to-pass according-to that season not (a) little-bit commotion concerning the way.

ACTS19v24 For (a) certain Demetrius by-name, (a) silver-smith, making silver sanctuaries of-Artemis he-is-himself-holding-beside for-the craftsmen no little-bit business;

ACTS19v25 Whom having-collected-together also the workmen around the (things) such-as-these he-said: Men YOU-are-comprehending that out-of this business the wealth is to-us,

ACTS19v26 And YOU-are-observing and YOU-are-hearing that this Paul having-persuaded he-shifted (a) considerable crowd not only of-Ephesus BUT nearly of-all of-the Asia, saying that the (ones) coming-to-pass through hands are not gods.

ACTS19v27 But not only this the part to-us is-being-in-peril to-come into disrepute, BUT also the temple of-the great goddess Artemis to-be-figured with-reference-to nothing, and-additionally also of-her majesty to-be-being-about to-be-being-lowered, whom the total Asia and the inhabited-earth is-holding-in-veneration.

ACTS19v28 But having-heard and having-become full of-anger they-were-crying saying:  Great (is) the Artemis of-Ephesians.

ACTS19v29 And the city was-filled-full of-the confusion, and-additionally they-rushed with-one-accord into the theater, having-together-seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Macedonians, fellow-travelers of-Paul.

ACTS19v30 But Paul purposing to-go-in into the populace the disciples were not allowing him;

ACTS19v31 But some also of-the Asiarchs, being friends to-him, having-sent to him they-were-entreating not to-give himself into the theater.

ACTS19v32 On-the-one-hand therefore others were-crying something other; for the assembly was having-been-and-still-was-confused, and the many-more had not known-absolutely on-account-of what they-had-come-together.

ACTS19v33 On-the-other-hand (some) out-of the crowd caused Alexander to-go-up-before, (as) the Jews (were) having-cast him forward; but the Alexander having-beckoned (with) the hand he-was-willing to-be-defending-himself to-the populace.

ACTS19v34 But having-come-to-know-thoroughly that he-is (a) Jew, it-became one voice out-of all, as over two hours crying:  Great the Artemis of-Ephesians.

ACTS19v35 But the scribe having-restrained the crowd is-stating:  Men Ephesians, for who is of-MEN who is not coming-to-know the city of-Ephesians being sanctuary-custodian of-the great Artemis and of-the (image) fallen-from-Zeus?

ACTS19v36 Therefore (as) these-things (are) being incontestable it-is binding (for) YOU having-been-restrained to-be-existing still-restrained and to-be-practising not-one-thing rash.

ACTS19v37 For YOU-led these men neither stealers-of-sacred-things nor blaspheming YOUR goddess.

ACTS19v38 If therefore on-the-one-hand Demetrius and the craftsmen together-with him are-having (an) account with someone, ones-frequenting-the-market are-being-led and there-are proconsuls, let-them-be-being-indicted by-one-another.

ACTS19v39 If on-the-other-hand YOU-are-seeking-after something concerning different-things it-will-be-solved in the assembly within-law.

ACTS19v40 For also we-are-being-in-peril to-be-being-indicted of-strife concerning the today, (as) not-one reason (is) existing, concerning which we-shall-be-able to-give-back (an) account concerning this turning-together.

ACTS19v41 And having-said these-things he-released the assembly.


ACTS20v1 But after the tumult to-cease the Paul having-called-to-himself the disciples and having-comforted (them), having-greeted (them) he-went-out to-be-proceeding into Macedonia.

ACTS20v2 But having-gone-through those parts and having-comforted them with-many (a) word he-came into the Greece,

ACTS20v3 And-additionally having-done three months, (as a) plot toward-him by the Jews (was) having-come-to-pass, being-about to-be-putting-back (to sea) with-reference-to the Syria, he-became of-sentiment to-be-returning through Macedonia.

ACTS20v4 But there-was-accompanying him unto the Asia, Sopater (son) of-Pyrrhus (a) Beroean, but of-Thessalonians Aristarchus and Secundus, and Gaius (a) Derbaean and Timothy, but Asians Tychicus and Trophimus.

ACTS20v5 But these having-gone-before were-remaining in Troas (for) us;

ACTS20v6 But we ourselves-sailed-away, after the days of-the unleavened-bread(s), from Philippi, and we-came toward them into the Troas until five days, the-place-where we-stayed seven days.

ACTS20v7 But in the first of-the Sabbaths, (as) we (were) having-been-and-still-were-gathered-together to-break bread, the Paul was-discoursing with-them, being-about to-be-being-out on-the next-day, and-additionally he-was-prolonging the word as-far-as midnight.

ACTS20v8 But there-were adequate torches in the upper-room the-place-where we-were having-been-and-still-were-gathered-together.

ACTS20v9 But (a) certain young-man, Eutychus by-name, sitting-down on the window, being-brought-down to-deep slumber, (as) the Paul (was) discoursing upon much-more, having-been-brought-down from the slumber he-fell-down from the third-story and he-was-lifted-up dead.

ACTS20v10 But the Paul having-descended fell-upon him and having-embraced (him) said: YOU-be not making-tumult; for his soul is in him.

ACTS20v11 But having-ascended and having-broken bread and having-tasted, and-additionally having-conversed upon considerable (things?) until dawn, thus he-went-out.

ACTS20v12 But they-led the child living, and they-were not moderately comforted.

ACTS20v13 But we having-gone-before upon the vessel we-were-put-back (to sea) on the Assos, therefrom being-about to-be-taking-up the Paul; for thus it-was having-been-and-still-ordered, he being-about to-be-going-on-foot.

ACTS20v14 But as he-cast-together with-us with-reference-to the Assos, having-taken him up we-came into Mitylene;

ACTS20v15 And-thence having-sailed-off on-the succeeding (day) we-arrived opposite Chios, but on-the different (day) we-cast-beside with-reference-to Samos; and having-remained in Trogyllium, on-the (day?) being-had we-came into Miletus;

ACTS20v16 For the Paul had-judged to-sail-by the Ephesus, in-which-case it-might not come-to-pass for-him to-waste-time in the Asia; for he-was-hurrying, if it-may be-being possible for-him to-become into Jerusalem the day of-the Pentecost.

ACTS20v17 But from the Miletus having-sent into Ephesus he-summoned the elders of-the assembly.

ACTS20v18 But as they-came-to-be-alongside to him, he-said to-them:  YOU yourselves-are-comprehending, from (the) first day from which I-rode into the Asia, how I-became with YOU all the time,

ACTS20v19 Being-a-slave to-the Lord with all humbleness-of-opinion and tears and trials of-the (things) having-happened to-me in the plots of-the Jews,

ACTS20v20 As I-myself-shrank-back not to-tell to-YOU not-one-thing of-the (things) being-advantageous and to-teach YOU publicly and according-to (each) home,

ACTS20v21 Emphatically-testifying both to-Jews and to-Greeks the repentance with-reference-to God and trust with-reference-to our Lord Jesus.

ACTS20v22 And now behold having-been-bound-and-still-bound by-the Spirit I myself-am-proceeding into Jerusalem, not knowing-absolutely the (things) to-be-meeting-together for-me in it,

ACTS20v23 With-the-exception that the Spirit namely-the Holy is-emphatically-testifying to-me according-to (each) city saying that bonds and tribulations are-remaining (for) me.

ACTS20v24 BUT I-myself-am-making account of-not-one-thing neither am-I-holding my soul precious to-myself as I-might-make-perfect my race and the ministry which I-took of the Lord Jesus, to-emphatically-testify the good-news of-the favor of-the God.

ACTS20v25 And now behold I myself-am-knowing-absolutely that YOU all, among whom I-went-through preaching the kingdom, yourselves-will-see my face no-more.

ACTS20v26 On-this-account I-am-testifying to-YOU in the day today that I-am clear from the blood of-all;

ACTS20v27 For I-shrank not back to not tell all the purpose of-the God to-YOU.

ACTS20v28 YOU-be-paying-attention to-yourselves and to-all the little-flock, in which the Spirit namely-the Holy himself-placed YOU overseers, to-be-shepherding the assembly of-the God, which he-preserved-for-himself through the blood of-the own (one).

ACTS20v29 I myself-am-knowing-absolutely that after my departure weighty wolves will-come-in into YOU not sparing of-the little-flock,

ACTS20v30 Even out-of YOU yourselves men will-stand-up-for-themselves speaking things-having-been-and-still-twisted to-be-pulling-back the disciples behind themselves.

ACTS20v31 On-this-account YOU-be-watching, having-in-memory that I-myself-ceased not three-years night and day with tears admonishing each one.

ACTS20v32 And now I-am-committing YOU to-the Lord and to-the word of-his favor to-the (one) being-able-to-build-up and to-give the inheritance among all the (ones) having-been-made-holy-and-still-being-made-holy.

ACTS20v33 I-desired of-silver-coin or of-gold-objects or of-vesture of-not-one.

ACTS20v34 YOU-are yourselves coming-to-know that these hands served-subordinate to-my needs and to-the (ones) being with me.

ACTS20v35 I-indicated to-YOU all-things, that thus tiring-from-labor it-is-essential to-be-assisting of-the (ones) being-weak, and-additionally to-be-having-in-memory of-the words of-the Lord Jesus, that he himself-said:  (One)-is more happy to-be-giving than to-be-taking.

ACTS20v36 And having-said these-things, having-placed his knees together-with them all he-prayed.

ACTS20v37 But considerable weeping of-all came-to-pass, and having-fallen-upon the neck of-the Paul they-were-kissing him tenderly,

ACTS20v38  Being-pained especially over the word which he-had-said, that they-are-being-about to-be-observing his face no-more. But they-were-sending him forward into the vessel.


ACTS21v1 But as it-came-to-pass (for) us to-put-back (to sea) having-been-pulled-away from them, having-run-a-direct-course we-came into the Cos, but on-the next (day) into the Rhodes and thence into Patara;

ACTS21v2 And having-found (a) vessel passing-over into Phoenice having-boarded we-were-put-back (to sea).

ACTS21v3 But having-sighted the Cyprus and having-left it behind on-the-left we-were-sailing into Syria, and we-came-down into Tyre; for thereat the vessel was unloading the cargo.

ACTS21v4 But having-found-out the disciples (by search) we-continued in-that-location seven days; ones-who were-saying to-the Paul through the Spirit not to-be-riding into Jerusalem.

ACTS21v5 But when it-came-to-pass (for) us to-equip the days, having-gone-out we-were-proceeding (as) all (were) together-with women and children sending us forward till without the city, and having-placed the knees on the shore, having-prayed,

ACTS21v6 Having-saluted one-another, and we-embarked into the vessel, but those returned into the(ir) own-(things).

ACTS21v7 But we having-completed the voyage from Tyre we-arrived into Ptolemais, and having-greeted the brothers we-remained one day beside them.

ACTS21v8 But on-the next-day having-gone-out we-came into Caesarea, and having-gone-in into the home of-Philip the bringer-of-good-news, being out-of the seven, we-remained beside him.

ACTS21v9 But to-this (one) there-were four daughters, virgins, prophesying.

ACTS21v10 But (as) we (were) continuing many-more days (a) certain prophet, Agabus by-name, came-down from the Judea,

ACTS21v11 And having-come to us and having-lifted-up the belt of-the Paul, having-bound of-himself the feet and the hands said:  These-things the Spirit namely-the Holy is-saying: Thus the Jews will-bind in Jerusalem the man of-whom is this belt and they-will-give (him) over into hands of-nations.

ACTS21v12 But as we-heard these-things both we and the (ones) local were-entreating him not to-be-ascending into Jerusalem.

ACTS21v13 Then the Paul answered: What are-YOU-doing weeping and making my heart to-quail? For I am-holding (myself) preparedly not only to-be-bound BUT even to-die-off with-reference-to Jerusalem in-behalf-of the name of-the Lord Jesus.

ACTS21v14 But (as) he (was) not himself-being-persuaded we-kept-quiet having-said:  Let the will of-the Lord be-coming-to-pass.

ACTS21v15 But after these days, having-packed-up, we-were-ascending into Jerusalem;

ACTS21v16 But they-came-together also of-the disciples from Caesarea together-with us leading to-Mnason (a) certain Cypriote, (an) ancient disciple, beside whom we-might-be-entertained.

ACTS21v17 But (as) we (were) having-become into Jerusalem the brothers themselves gladly accepted us.

ACTS21v18 But on-the succeeding (day) the Paul had-entered together-with us to James, and-additionally all the elders came-to-be-alongside.

ACTS21v19 And having-greeted them he-was-explicating according-to each one of-the (things) the God did among the Gentiles through his ministry.

ACTS21v20 But the (ones) having-heard were-glorifying the God, and-additionally they-said to-him; You-are-observing, brother, how many myriads there-are among the Jews of-the (ones) having-trusted-and-still-trusting, and they-are all existing zealots of-the law;

ACTS21v21 But they-were-instructed concerning you that you-are-teaching all the Jews apostasy from Moses, according-to the Gentiles saying they (are) not to-be-circumcising the children nor to-be-walking-around in-the customs.

ACTS21v22 What is-it therefore?  In-any-event it-is-essential (a) multitude to-come-together, for they-will-hear-for-themselves that you-came-and-are-still-come.

ACTS21v23 You-do this therefore which we-are-saying to-you:  There-are four men with-us having (a) vow upon themselves.

ACTS21v24 Having-taken these alongside-to-yourself you-be-purified together-with them, and you-spend upon them in-order-that they-might-themselves-shave the head, and all will-come-to-know that there-is not-one-thing of-which (things) they-have-been-and-still-are-instructed concerning you, BUT you-are-being-in-line yourself also guarding the law.

ACTS21v25 But concerning of-the Gentiles having-trusted-and-still-trusting we ourselves-sent-an-epistle having-judged them to-be-keeping not-one-thing such-as-this unless to-be-guarding-themselves (from) both the idolatrous-sacrifice and the blood and (a thing)-strangled and prostitution.

ACTS21v26 Then the Paul having-taken the men alongside-to-himself on-the day being-had together-with them having-been-purified having-entered into the temple, announcing the filling-out of-the days of-the purification, till of-which the offering might-be-offered in-behalf-of each one of-them.

ACTS21v27 But as the seven days were-being-about to-be-being-completely-finished, the Jews from the Asia having-beheld him in the temple they-were-confusing all the crowd, and they-cast-on upon him the(ir)-hands,

ACTS21v28 Crying: Men, Israelites, YOU-be-helping; this is the man the (one) teaching all everywhere against the people and the law and this place, and-additionally still also he-led-in Greeks into the temple and he-has-defiled-and-still-defiles this holy place.

ACTS21v29 For they-were having-seen-before-and-still-seeing Trophimus the Ephesian in the city together-with him, whom they-were-supposing that the Paul led-in into the temple.

ACTS21v30 And-additionally the total city was-moved and a-running-together of-the people came-to-pass, and having-taken-hold of-the Paul they-were-drawing him without the temple, and immediately the doors were-shut.

ACTS21v31 And-additionally (as) they (were) seeking to-kill him tidings ascended to-the ruler-of-a-thousand of-the cohort that total Jerusalem was-being confounded;

ACTS21v32 Who at-once having-taken-along soldiers and rulers-of-hundreds he-random upon them; but the (ones) having-seen the ruler-of-a-thousand and the soldiers they-ceased hitting the Paul.

ACTS21v33 Then the ruler-of-a-thousand having-drawn-near took-hold of-him and he-gave-verbal-order (for him) to-be-bound with-two chains, and he-inquired who he-may-be and what he-had-done-and-was-still-doing.

ACTS21v34 But others in the crowd were-hollering-louder something other; but (as) he (was) not being-able to-come-to-know the sure-thing because-of the tumult, he-gave-verbal-order (for) him to-be-being-led into the encampment.

ACTS21v35 But when he-became on the stairs, it-happened he to-be-being-borne by-the soldiers because-of the force of-the crowd;

ACTS21v36 For the multitude of-the people were-following crying:  Lift him up.

ACTS21v37 And-additionally being-about to-be-being-led-in into the encampment the Paul is-saying to-the ruler-of-a-thousand:  If it-is-legitimate for-me to-say something to you?  But the (one) was-stating:  Are-you-coming-to-know in-Greek?

ACTS21v38 So are you not the Egyptian the (one) before these days having-upset and having-led-out into the wilderness the four-thousand men of-the assassins?

ACTS21v39 But the Paul said:  On-the-one-hand I myself-am (a) MAN (a) Jew, of-Tarsus, of-the Cilicia (a) citizen of (a) not insignificant city; on-the-other-hand I-am-petitioning of-you, you-permit me to-speak to the people.

ACTS21v40 But (as) he (was) having-permitted him the Paul having-stood-and-still-standing on the stairs beckoned with-the hand to-the people; but (when) became much silence he-hollered-to (them) in-the Hebrew dialect saying:


ACTS22v1 Men brothers and fathers, YOU-hear of-my defence to YOU at-this-instant.

ACTS22v2 But having-heard that he-was-hollering to-them in-the Hebrew dialect they-held-beside more quietness. And he-is-stating:

ACTS22v3 I myself-am (a) man (a) Jew, having-been-and-still-begotten in Tarsus of-the Cilicia, but having-been-and-still-turned-about in this city, having-been-and-still-disciplined from the feet of-Gamaliel according-to exactness of-the ancestral law, existing (a) zealot of-the God according-as all YOU yourselves-are today;

ACTS22v4 Who persecuted this way unto death, tying-up and giving-over into guard-houses both men and women.

ACTS22v5 Even as the chief-priest is-bearing-witness to-me, and all the body-of-elders; from whom also having-received epistles to the brothers I-was-proceeding into Damascus, to-be-leading also the (ones) being thereat having-been-and-still-bound into Jerusalem in-order-that they-might-be-subject-to-vengeance.

ACTS22v6 But it-came-to-pass to-me, proceeding and drawing-near to-the Damascus, around mid-day unexpectedly out-of the heaven (a) considerable light to-flash-around about me,

ACTS22v7 And-additionally I-fell [in]to the ground and I-heard (a) voice-saying to-me:  Saul, Saul why are-you-persecuting me?

ACTS22v8 But I myself-answered:  Who are-you Lord? And-additionally he-said to me:  I myself-am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you yourself-are-persecuting.

ACTS22v9 But the (ones) being together-with me on-the-one-hand beheld the light, and they-became afraid, on-the-other-hand they-heard not the voice of-the (one) speaking to-me.

ACTS22v10 But I-said:  What shall-I-do, Lord?  But the Lord said to me: Having-stood-up you-be-proceeding into Damascus, and-there it-will-be-spoken to-you concerning all-things which it-has-been-and-still-is-assigned for-you to-do.

ACTS22v11 But as I-was not looking-at (anything) from the glory of-that light, being-led-by-the-hand by the (ones) being-together with-me I-went into Damascus.

ACTS22v12 But (a) certain Ananias, (a) devout man according-to the law, being-borne-witness-to by all of-the Jews residing (there),

ACTS22v13 Having-come to me and having-stood-by said to-me: Saul brother, you-receive-sight. And-I in-the hour itself I-looked-up with-reference-to him.

ACTS22v14 But the (one) said:  The God of-our fathers he-put you in-the-hand-before to-come-to-know his will and to-see the Just-One and to-hear (the) voice out-of his mouth,

ACTS22v15 Because you-will-be (a) witness for-him to all MEN of-which-things you-have-seen-and-still-see and you-heard.

ACTS22v16 And now what are-you-being-about? Having-stood-up you-be-baptized-for-yourself and you-bathe-off-for-yourself your sins, having-called-on his name.

ACTS22v17 But it-came-to-pass to-me having-returned into Jerusalem and (as) I (was) praying in the temple I became in (an) ecstasy,

ACTS22v18 And to-see him saying to-me:  You-hurry and you-go-out with speed out-of Jerusalem, for-the-reason-that they-will not receive-alongside of-you(r) witness concerning me.

ACTS22v19 And-I said:  Lord, they themselves-are-comprehending that I myself-was putting-in-a-guard-house and beating throughout the synagogues the (ones) trusting on you;

ACTS22v20 And when the blood of-your witness Stephen was-being-shed, even I-was myself having-stood-by-and-still-standing-by and concurring and guarding the garments of-the (ones) carrying him off.

ACTS22v21 And he-said to me: You-be-proceeding, because I myself-shall-dispatch you out into far nations.

ACTS22v22 But they-were-hearing of-him until this word, and they-elevated the(ir) voice saying:  You-be-lifting-up the (one) such-as-this from the earth, for it-was not being-appropriate (for) him to-be-living.

ACTS22v23 And-additionally (as) they (were) screaming and throwing-away the(ir) garments and casting dust into the air,

ACTS22v24 The ruler-of-a-thousand gave-verbal-order (for) him to-be-being-led-in into the encampment, having-said (for) him to-be-being-tested with-scourges, in-order-that he-might-come-to-know-thoroughly because-of what reason they-were thus hollering-against him.

ACTS22v25 But as they-stretched him forward with-the-thongs, the Paul said to the hundred-ruler having-stood-and-still-standing (by):  If it-is-legitimate for-YOU to-be-scourging (a) MAN, (a) Roman and uncondemned?

ACTS22v26 But the hundred-ruler having-heard, having-gone-to the ruler-of-a-thousand he-reported saying.: What are-you-being-about to-be-doing? For this MAN is (a) Roman.

ACTS22v27 But the ruler-of-a-thousand having-come-to (him) said to-him:  You-be-saying to-me, are-you yourself (a) Roman? But the (one) was-stating: Yea.

ACTS22v28 And-additionally the ruler-of-a-thousand answered:  I myself-acquired this citizenship of-much sum. But the Paul was-stating:  But I myself-have-been-and-still-am-begotten even (thus).

ACTS22v29 Immediately therefore the (ones) being-about to-be-testing him departed from him; but the ruler-of-a-thousand also feared having-come-to-know-thoroughly that he-is (a) Roman and that he-was having-bound him and he-was-still-bound.

ACTS22v30 But on-the next-day purposing to-come-to-know the sure-thing, why he-is-being-accused by the Jews, he-loosed him, and he-gave-verbal-order-(to) the chief-priests and all the council to-come-together, and having-led-down the Paul he-stood (him) with-reference-to them.


ACTS23v1 But the Paul having-stared on-the council said:  Men brothers, I myself-have-lived-and-am-still-living-as-a-citizen in-all good conscience for-the God until this day.

ACTS23v2 But  the  chief-priest Ananias enjoined to-the (ones) having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside with-him to-be-hitting his mouth.

ACTS23v3 Then the Paul said to him: The God is-being-about to-be-hitting you, wall having-been-and-still-whitewashed; and you yourself-are-sitting judging me according-to the law, and are-you-giving-verbal-order (for) me to-be-being-hit violating-the-law?

ACTS23v4 But the (ones) having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside said:  Are-you-reviling the chief-priest of-the God?

ACTS23v5 And-additionally the Paul was-stating:  I-had not known-absolutely, brothers, that he-is chief-priest; for it-has-been-and-is-still-written that you-will not say badly (of a) ruler of-your people.

ACTS23v6 But the Paul having-come-to-know that the one part is of-Sadducees but the different (part) of-Pharisees he-cried in the council: Men brothers, I myself-am (a) Pharisee, (a) son of-Pharisees; concerning hope and (a) standing-again of-dead (ones) I-am-being-judged,

ACTS23v7 But (as) he (was) saying this, strife came-to-pass of-the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the multitude was-split.

ACTS23v8 For on-the-one-hand Sadducees are-saying not to-be (a) standing-again neither angel nor spirit, on-the-other-hand Pharisees are-confessing the both.

ACTS23v9 But (a) great clamor came-to-pass, and some of-the scribes of-the part of-the Pharisees having-stood-up were-fighting-obstinately saying:  We-are-finding not-one-thing bad in this man; but if (a) spirit or (an) angel spoke to-him, let-us not be-fighting-God.

ACTS23v10 But (as) much strife (was) coming-to-pass the ruler-of-a-thousand having-fear lest the Paul might-be-torn-asunder by them, gave-verbal-order-(to) the army having-descended to-seize him out-of (the) midst of-them, and-additionally to-be-leading (him) into the encampment.

ACTS23v11 But the succeeding night the Lord having-stood-by to-him said:  You-be-being-of-good-courage; for as you-emphatically-testified the-things concerning me with-reference-to Jerusalem, thus it-is-essential you also to-bear-witness into Rome.

ACTS23v12 But (as) (it was) having-become day some of-the Jews having-made (a) turning-together they-anathematized themselves, saying neither to-eat nor to-drink till which they-might-be-killing the Paul.

ACTS23v13 But there-were much-more (than) forty, the (ones) having-made-for-themselves this conspiracy;

ACTS23v14 They-who having-gone-near to-the chief-priests and to-the elders said: We-anathematized ourselves with-an-anathema to-taste of-not-one-thing which we-might-be-killing the Paul.

ACTS23v15 Now therefore YOU yourselves-reveal to-the ruler-of-a-thousand together-with the council in-which-case he-might-lead him down to YOU as being-about to-be-deciding more exactly the-things concerning him; but we ourselves-are prepared before he draw-near to-carry him off.

ACTS23v16 But the son of-the sister of-Paul having-heard (of) the ambush, having-come-to-be-alongside and having-gone-in into the encampment he-reported to-the Paul.

ACTS2317 But the Paul having-called-to-himself one of-the hundred-rulers he-was-stating: You-lead-away this young-man to the ruler-of-a-thousand, for he-is-having something to-report to-him.

ACTS23v18 On-the-one-hand therefore the (one) having-taken (him) along he-led him to the ruler-of-a-thousand and he-is-stating:  The prisoner Paul having-called me to-himself he-interrogated to-lead this young-man to you, having something to-speak to-you.

ACTS23v19 On-the-other-hand the ruler-of-a-thousand having-taken-hold of-his hand and having-retired according-to (his) own (quarters?)  he-was-inquiring:  What is-it which you-are-having to-report to-me?

ACTS23v20 But he-said that the Jews put-together-for-themselves to-interrogate you in-which-case to-morrow you-might-lead-down the Paul into the council as being-about to-be-inquiring something more-exactly concerning him.

ACTS23v21 Might you yourself therefore not be-persuaded by-them:  for many-more (than) forty men out-of them are waylaying him, ones-who anathematized themselves neither to-eat nor to-drink till which they-might-carry him off, and now they-are prepared welcoming the promise from-you.

ACTS23v22 On-the-one-hand therefore the ruler-of-a-thousand released the young-man, having-delivered-a-message (to him) to-divulge to-not-one that you-revealed these-things to me.

ACTS23v23 And having-called-to-himself some two of-the hundred-rulers he-said:  YOU-prepare two-hundred soldiers in-which-case they-might-proceed till Caesarea, and seventy horsemen and two-hundred spearmen, from (the) third hour of-the night,

ACTS23v24 And-additionally animals to-stand-alongside, in-order-that having-mounted the Paul they-might-completely-save (him) toward Felix the governor,

ACTS23v25 Having-written (an) epistle having this pattern:

ACTS23v26 Claudius Lysias to-the mightiest governor Felix to-be-rejoicing.

ACTS23v27 This man having-been-taken-together by the Jews and being-about to-be-being-carried-off by them; having-stood-by together-with the army I-rescued, having-learned that he-is (a) Roman;

ACTS23v28 And-additionally purposing to-come-to-know-thoroughly the reason because-of which they-were-indicting him, I led (him) down into their council;

ACTS23v29 Whom I-found being-indicted concerning controversies of-their law, but having not-one indictment worthy of-death or of-bonds.

ACTS23v30 But (as) (a) plot (was) having-been-disclosed to-me to-be with-reference-to the man, I-sent at-once to you, having-delivered-a-message also to-the accusers to-be-saying to him upon you.  Farewell.

ACTS23v31 On-the-one-hand therefore the soldiers according-to the-(thing) having-been-and-still-ordered to-them having-taken-up the Paul led (him) through the night into the Antipatris;

ACTS23v32 On-the-other-hand on-the next-day having-allowed the horsemen to-be-going-away together-with him, they-returned into the encampment;

ACTS23v33 They-who having-gone-in into the Caesarea and having-given-up the epistle to-the governor, they-also stood the Paul alongside for-him.

ACTS23v34 But the governor having-read and having-questioned out-of what-sort-of province he-is, and having-inquired-for-himself that (he was) from Cilicia,

ACTS23v35 I-shall-hear of-you thoroughly, he-was-stating, at-the-time-that your accusers also might-come-to-be-alongside; and-additionally having-given-verbal-order to-be-guarding him for-himself in the praetorium of-the Herod.


ACTS24v1 But after five days the chief-priest Ananias descended with some elders and (a) certain public-speaker Tertulius, they-who revealed-(things) to-the governor against the Paul.

ACTS24v2 But (as) he (was) having-been-called the Tertulius began to-be-accusing saying:

ACTS24v3 Of-much peace being-reached through you and of-reforms coming-to-pass to this nation through thy provision, both every-way and everywhere we-are-accepting, mightiest Felix, with all giving-of-thanks.

ACTS24v4 But in-order-that I-might not be-impeding you over much-more, I-am-entreating you to-hear of-us concisely in thy leniency.

ACTS24v5 For having-found the man, this pestilence, also moving strife among-all the Jews, the-(ones) throughout the inhabited-earth and-additionally one-standing-first of-the sect of-the Nazarenes,

ACTS24v6 Who also tried to-profane the temple, whom also we-retained and we-willed to-be-judging according-to our law;

ACTS24v7 But Lysias the ruler-of-a-thousand having-come-past with great force, he-led (him) away out-of our hands,

ACTS24v8 Having-given-verbal-order-(to) his accusers to-be-coming upon you, beside whom you-will-be-able yourself having-examined concerning all these-things to-be-coming-to-know-thoroughly of-which (things) we ourselves-are-accusing of-him.

ACTS24v9 But the Jews also joined-in-the-attack alleging these-things to-be-holding thus.

ACTS24v10 And-additionally the Paul answered, (as) the governor (was) having-nodded to-him to-be-speaking:  Comprehending you being out-of many years judge to-this nation I-am-making-defence cheerfully concerning the-things of-myself,

ACTS24v11 (As) you (are) being-able to-come-to-know-thoroughly that there-are not to-me many-more than twelve days from which I ascended into Jerusalem (intending-to-be)-worshipping.

ACTS24v12 And they neither found me in the temple discoursing with someone or making (an) uprising of-a-crowd, neither in the synagogues nor throughout the city,

ACTS24v13 Nor are-they-being-able to-stand-alongside to-you concerning things-of-which at-this-instant they-are-accusing of-me.

ACTS24v14 But I-am-confessing this to-you, that according-to the way which they-are-saying (is) (a) sect, thus I-am-serving the ancestral God, trusting in-all the-things according-to the law and the-things having-been-written-and-still-written in the prophets,

ACTS24v15 Having hope with-reference-to the God, which these also themselves are-welcoming, (a) standing-again to-be-being-about to-be both of-just (ones) and of-unjust (ones).

ACTS24v16 In this also I-am-training myself to-be-having continually (a) conscience not-causing-to-stumble toward the God and the MEN.

ACTS24v17 But through many-more years intending-to-make alms, with-reference-to my nation, and offerings I-came-to-be-alongside,

ACTS24v18 Among which they-found me having-been-and-still-purified in the temple, not with (a) crowd nor with tumult,

ACTS24v19 But some Jews from the Asia, whom it-was-essential to-be-being-alongside upon you and to-be-accusing if they-may-be holding something toward me.

ACTS24v20 Or let these themselves say what unrighteous-act they-found (as) I (was) having-stood upon the council.

ACTS24v21 Or concerning this one voice which I-cried having-stood-and-still-standing among them, that concerning (a) standing-again of-dead (ones) I my-self-am-being-judged today upon YOU.

ACTS24v22 But the Felix postponed them, knowing-absolutely more-exactly the-things concerning the way, he-said:  At-the-time-that Lysias the ruler-of-a-thousand might-descend, I-shall-decide the-things according-to YOU;

ACTS24v23 Having-himself-ordered the hundred-ruler to-be-keeping him and-additionally (let him) to-be-having relaxation and to-be-hindering no-one of-his own to-be-serving-subordinate to-him.

ACTS24v24 But after some days the Felix having-come-to-be-alongside together-with Drusilla, (his) own wife being (a) Jewess, he-sent-for the Paul, and he-heard of-him concerning the trust with-reference-to Messiah.

ACTS24v25 But (as) he (was) discoursing concerning justice and self-control and of-the sentence namely-the future the Felix having-become afraid answered: Holding (for) the now, you-be-proceeding, but having-partaken-(of) (a) season I-shall-summon you;

ACTS24v26 Also at-the-same-time hoping that moneys will-be-given to-him by the Paul; on-this-account also sending-for him for-himself more-frequently he-was-conversing with-him.

ACTS24v27 But (as) two-years (were) having-been-fulfilled the Felix took (a) successor Porcius Festus:  and-additionally willing to-place-down-for-himself (a) favor to-the Jews the Felix left-behind the Paul having-been-bound-and-still-bound.


ACTS25v1 Therefore Festus having-ridden to-the province after three days ascended into Jerusalem from Caesarea,

ACTS25v2 And-additionally the chief-priests and the first (ones) of-the Jews revealed to-him (the things) against the

Paul, and they-were-entreating him

ACTS25v3 Requesting-for-themselves (a) favor against him, in-which-case he-might-himself-send-for him into Jerusalem, making (an) ambush to-carry him off according-to the way.

ACTS25v4 On-the-one-hand therefore the Festus answered, the Paul to-be-being-kept in Caesarea, on-the-other-hand himself to-be-being-about to-be-proceeding with speed;

ACTS25v5 Therefore the powerful (ones) among YOU, he-is-stating, having-descended-together, if some-thing is out-of-place with the man let-them-be-accusing of-him.

ACTS25v6 But having-stayed among them not many-more days (than) eight or ten, having-descended into Caesarea, on-the next-day having-been-seated on the rostrum he-gave-verbal-order (for) the Paul to-be-led (in).

ACTS25v7 But (when) he (was) having-come-to-be-alongside, the Jews having-descended-and-still-descended from Jerusalem stood-around him, bringing many and weighty complaints against the Paul, which they-were not strong-enough to-point-out,

ACTS25v8 (As) the Paul (was) making-a-defence that neither with-reference-to the law of-the Jews nor with-reference-to the temple nor with-reference-to Caesar I-sinned anything.

ACTS25v9 But the Festus willing to-place-down-for-himself (a) favor to-the Jews having-answered said to-the Paul: Are-you-willing having ascended into Jerusalem to-be-judged upon me there concerning these-things?

ACTS25v10 But the Paul said:  I-am having-stood-and-still-standing upon the rostrum of-Caesar, the-place-where it-is-essential. (for) me to-be-being-judged.  I-did not-one-thing harm-to Jews, as also you rightly yourself-are-coming-to-know-thoroughly.

ACTS25v11 If on-the-one-hand therefore I-am-doing-harm and I-have-practised-and-still-practise something worthy of-death, I-am not refusing to-die-off; if on-the-other-hand there-is not-one-thing of-which these are-accusing of-me, no-one is-being-able to-bestow me a-favor to-them; I-am-calling-upon Caesar.

ACTS25v12 Then the Festus having-spoken-together with the assembled-council answered:  You-have-called-upon-and-still-call-upon Caesar, upon Caesar you-will-proceed.

ACTS25v13 But (as) some days (were) having-completely-passed, the King Agrippa and Bernice arrived into Caesarea (intending)-to-be-greeting the Festus.

ACTS25v14 But as they-were-staying there many-more days, the Festus himself-placed-again to-the king the-things against the Paul saying:  (A) certain man is (a) prisoner having-been-and-still-left-behind by Felix,

ACTS25v15 Concerning whom (when) I (was) having-become into Jerusalem the chief-priests and the elders of-the Jews revealed-(things), requesting-for-them-selves (a) pronouncement-of-guilty against him;

ACTS25v16 To whom I-answered that it-is not (a) custom for-Romans to-bestow some MAN (as a) favor or before the (one) being-accused may-have the accusers according-to person and-additionally he-may-take (a) place of-defence concerning the indictment.

ACTS25v17 Therefore having-come-together in-this-spot having-made-for-myself not-one postponement, on-the next (day) having-seated (myself) on the rostrum I-gave-verbal-order (for) the man to-be-led (in);

ACTS25v18 Concerning whom the accusers having-been-stood they-were-bringing not-one reason of-evil things-which I myself-was-suspecting,

ACTS25v19 But they-were-having certain controversies concerning the(ir) own dread-of-demons toward him-and concerning some Jesus having-died-and-still-dead, whom the Paul was-alleging to-be-living.

ACTS25v20 But I being-perplexed-(at) the debate concerning these-things I-was-saying if he-may-be-purposing to-be-proceeding into Jerusalem and-there to-be-being-judged concerning these-things.

ACTS25v21 But (as) the Paul (was) himself-having-called upon him to-be-kept with-reference-to the decision of-the Augustus, I-gave-verbal-order to-be-keeping him till which I-might-send him up to Caesar.

ACTS25v22 But Agrippa is-stating to the Festus: I-was-purposing also myself to-hear the MAN. Tomorrow, he-is-stating, you-will-hear him yourself.

ACTS25v23 Therefore on-the next-day (when) the Agrippa (was) having-come and the Bernice with much showy-appearance and having-come-in into the place-of-hearing both together-with rulers-of-thousands and men of-the city, the (ones) according-to eminence, and (when) the Festus (was) having-given-verbal-order the Paul was-led-(in).

ACTS25v24 And the Festus is-stating:  King Agrippa and all the men being-alongside-together with-us, YOU-are-observing this (one) concerning whom quite-all the multitude of-the Jews interceded with-me both in Jerusalem and in-this-spot, shouting; Being-essential he no-longer to-be-living.

ACTS25v25 But I myself-apprehended-for-myself him to-have-practised not-one-thing worthy of-death, but (as) this (one) himself (was) having-called-on the Augustus I-judged to-be-sending him.

ACTS25v26 Concerning whom I-am not having anything sure to-write to-the lord; on-this-account I-led him before upon YOU and especially upon you, King Agrippa, in-which-case the examination having-come-to-pass I-might-have what I-shall-write;

ACTS25v27 For it-is-seeming unreasonable to-me sending (a) prisoner and not to-give-a-sign-(of) reasons against him.


ACTS26v1 But Agrippa was-stating to the Paul:  It-is-being-permitted to-you to-be-saying in-behalf-of yourself.  Then the Paul having-stretched-out the hand was-making-defence:

ACTS26v2 Concerning all-things of-which I-am-being-indicted by Jews, King Agrippa, I-have-considered-and-still-consider myself happy being-about to-be-making-defence upon you today,

ACTS26v3 Especially you being one-who-knows both of-all the customs and controversies according-to Jews: on-this-account I-am-petitioning to-hear me patiently.

ACTS26v4 On-the-one-hand therefore my manner-of-life out-of youthfulness namely-the (one) having-come-to-pass from (the) beginning among my nation in Jerusalem all Jews are-knowing-absolutely,

ACTS26v5 Coming-to-know me before from-above, if they-might-be-willing to-be-bearing-witness, that according-to the most-exact sect of-our religion I-lived (a) Pharisee.

ACTS26v6 And now on hope of-the promise having-come-to-pass by the God with-reference-to our fathers I-have-stood-and-still-stand being-judged,

ACTS26v7 With-reference-to which our twelve-tribes serving in earnest night and day is-hoping to-arrive; concerning which hope I-am-being-indicted by Jews, King.

ACTS26v8 Why is-it-being-judged unbelievable beside YOU if the God is-raising dead (ones)?

ACTS26v9 On-the-one-hand therefore I myself-thought (it) to-be-being-essential for-myself to-practise many-things contrary to the name of-Jesus the Nazarene;

ACTS26v10 Which also I-did in Jerusalem, and many of-the holy (ones) I myself-shut-up in guard-houses having-taken the authority from the chief-priests, and-additionally (as) they (were) being-carried-off I-brought-down (a) pebble,

ACTS26v11 And throughout all the synagogues often subjecting them to-vengeance I-was-compelling (them) to-be-blaspheming, and-additionally being excessively enraged-against them I-was-pursuing till even into the cities without.

ACTS26v12 Among which, proceeding into the Damascus with authority and permission of-the chief-priests,

ACTS26v13 At-midst of-day according-to the way I-saw, King, light from-heaven, above the brilliance of-the sun, having-shined-around me and the (ones) proceeding together-with me;

ACTS26v14 And-additionally (as) we all (were) having-fallen-down into the earth I-heard (a) voice saying to me in-the Hebrew dialect:  Saul, Saul, why are-you-persecuting me?  Hard for-you to-be-kicking-with-the-heel toward goads.

ACTS26v15 But I myself-said:  Who are-you, Lord? But the Lord said:  I myself-am Jesus whom you yourself-are-persecuting.

ACTS26v16 BUT you-stand-up and you-stand on your feet; for with-reference-to this I-was-seen by-you, to-put you into-the-hand-before, (an) officer and (a) witness both of-which-things you-saw and-additionally of-which-things I-shall-be-seen by-you,

ACTS26v17 Rescuing you out-of the people and out-of the Gentiles, with-reference-to whom I myself-am-dispatching you,

ACTS26v18 To-open their eyes, to-turn-around from darkness into light and of-the authority of-the adversary upon the God, they to-take forgiveness of-sins and (a) lot among the (ones) having-been-made-holy-and-still-holy by-trust, the (one) with-reference-to me.

ACTS26v19 Whence, King Agrippa, I-myself-became not disobedient to-the heavenly supernatural-appearing,

ACTS26v20 BUT to-the (ones) in Damascus first and Jerusalem, and-additionally into all the country of-the Judea and to-the Gentiles I-was-reporting to-be-repenting and to-be-turning-around upon the God, practising works worthy of-the repentance.

ACTS26v21 On-account-of these-things Jews having-together-taken me in the temple were-trying to-themselves-lay-hands-on (me).

ACTS26v22 Therefore having-reached of-reinforcement, the (one) from the God, until this day I-have-stood-and-still-stand testifying both to-little and to-great, saying not-one-thing outside of-which-things both the prophets and Moses spoke of-future-things to-be-coming-to-pass.

ACTS26v23 If the Messiah capable-of-suffering, if first out-of (a) standing-again of-dead (ones) he-is-being-about to-be-proclaiming light both to-the people and to-the Gentiles.

ACTS26v24 But (as) he (was) making-defence (with) these-things the Festus is-stating in-the great voice: You-are-being-mad, Paul:  the many letters is-turning-about-the-condition-of you into madness.

ACTS26v25 But the Paul is-stating:  I-am not being-mad, mightiest Festus, BUT I-am-uttering-forth-sound, sayings of-truth and of-soundness-of-mind.

ACTS26v26 For the king is-comprehending these-things, to whom also I-am-speaking being-bold-of-speech; for I-am-myself-being-persuaded of-these-things not to-be-escaping-notice-(from) him; for this is not having-been-practised-and-still-being-practised in (a) corner.

ACTS26v27 Are-you-trusting, King Agrippa, in-the prophets? I-am-knowing-absolutely that you-are-trusting.

ACTS26v28 But the Agrippa was-stating to the Paul: In (a) little-bit you-are-persuading me to-become (a) Christian.

ACTS26v29 But the Paul said:  I-may-wish to-the God even in (a) little-bit, even in (a) great (bit), not only you BUT also all the (ones) such-as-these hearing of-me today to-become even of-what-sort I myself-am except of-these bonds.

ACTS26v30 Both the king stood-up and the governor and-additionally Bernice and the (ones) sitting-together with-them,

ACTS26v31 And having-retired they-were-speaking to one-another saying that this MAN is-practising not-one-thing worthy of-death or of-bonds.

ACTS26v32 But Agrippa was-stating to-the Festus:  This MAN was-being-able to-have-been-released if he-had not called-upon Caesar.


ACTS17v1 But as it-was-judged (for) us to-be-sailing-off into the Italy, they-were-giving-over both the Paul and some different bound-ones to-a-hundred-ruler, by-name Julius, of-a-venerable cohort.

ACTS27v2 But having-boarded (a) vessel of-Adramytium being-about to-be-sailing into the places according-to the Asia we-were-put-back-(to-sea), Aristarchus (a) Macedonian of-Thessalonica, being together-with us;

ACTS27v3 And-additionally on-the different  (day)  we-were-led-down into Sidon, and-additionally the Julius having-used the Paul humanely he-permitted (him) to-reach care having-proceeded to the friends.

ACTS27v4 And-thence having-been-put-back-(to-sea) we-sailed-under-(the-lee-of) the Cyprus because-of the (strong)-winds to-be-being contrary,

ACTS27v5 And-additionally having-sailed-across the open-sea, the (one) according-to the Cilicia and Pamphylia, we-went-down into Myra of-the Lycia.

ACTS27v6 And-there the hundred-ruler having-found (an) Alexandrian vessel sailing into the Italy he-hauled us into it.

ACTS27v7 But in considerable days sailing-slowly and scarcely having-become according-to the Cnidus, (as) the (strong)-wind (was) not allowing us near, we-sailed-under-(the-lee-of) the Crete according-to Salmone,

ACTS27v8 But scarcely coasting-along it we-came into (a) certain place being-called Fine Harbor, to-which (the) city Lasaea was near.

ACTS27v9 But (as) considerable time (was) having-completely-passed, and (as) the voyage (was) already being dangerous also because-of the fast already to-have-gone-past, the Paul was-advising

ACTS27v10 Saying to-them:  Men, I-am-observing that the voyage (is) to-be-being-about to-be with insult and much disadvantage not only of-the burden and of-the vessel BUT also of-our souls.

ACTS27v11 But the hundred-ruler was-relying-on the steersman and the ship-master rather than the-(things) being-said by Paul.

ACTS27v12 But (as) the existing harbor (was) inconvenient to wintering, the most put-for-themselves (a) purpose to-be-put-back-(to-sea) therefrom, if by-any-means they-may-be-being-able having-arrived into Phoenice to-winter (there), (a) harbor of-the Crete looking according-to south-west-wind and according-to north-west-wind.

ACTS27v13 But (as) (a) south-wind (was) having-blown-softly, having-thought to-have-retained of-the plan, having-lifted-up (anchor) they-were-coasting-along closer (by) the Crete.

ACTS27v14 But after not much (a) tempestuous (strong)-wind cast down-upon it, the (one) being-called Euraquilo.

ACTS27v15 But (as) the vessel (was) having-been-seized-with and not being-able to-be-facing-against the (strong)-wind, having-handed-over (the vessel) we-were-being-borne.

ACTS27v16 But having-run-under-(the-lee-of) (a) certain small-island being-called Clauda, we-were scarcely strong-enough to-become (ones)-having-full-might-over of-the skiff,

ACTS27v17 Which having-lifted-up, they-were-using-for-themselves helps undergirding the vessel; and-additionally fearing-for-themselves lest they-might-fall-away into the Syrtis, having-let-down the gear, thus they-were-being-borne.

ACTS27v18 But (as) we (were) violently being-gripped-by-a-winter-storm, on the next (day) there-was-being-made (a) casting-out,

ACTS27v19 And on-the third (day) with-their-own-hands they-threw-(away) the gear of-the vessel.

ACTS27v20 But (as) neither sun nor constellations (were) appearing-clearly over many-more days, and-additionally (as) no little-bit of-winter-(storm) (was) lying-on, all hope was therefore being-lifted-from-around us to-be-being-saved.

ACTS27v21 And-additionally (when) much want-of-food (was) existing, then the Paul having-stood in midst of-them said: On-the-one-hand it-was-essential, O men, having-obeyed-rule by-me, not to-be-putting-back-(to-sea) from the Crete and-additionally to-gain this insult and the disadvantage.

ACTS27v22 And the-(things) now I-am-advising YOU to-be-being-of-good-cheer; for there-will-be (a) casting-off of not-one soul out-of YOU, the exception of-the vessel.

ACTS27v23 For there-stood-alongside to-me in-this night (an) angel of-the God whose I-am, and for-whom I-am-serving,

ACTS27v24 Saying:  YOU-be not fearing-for-yourself, Paul; it-is-essential you to-stand-alongside Caesar, and behold the God has-bestowed-and-is-bestowing-as-favor to-you all the (ones) sailing with you.

ACTS27v25 On-this-account YOU-be-being-of-good-cheer, men, for I-am-trusting to-the God that thus it-will-be according-to which manner it-has-been-and-is-still-spoken to-me.

ACTS27v26 But it-is-essential (for) us to-fall-away into (a) certain island.

ACTS27v27 But as (the) fourteenth night came-to-pass (as) we (were) being-brought-through in the Adria, according-to midst of-the night the sailors were-suspecting some country to-be-leading-near to-them.

ACTS27v28 And having-cast-the-lead they-found twenty fathoms, but having-interposed-a small-amount (of)-space and again having-cast-the-lead they-found fifteen fathoms;

ACTS27v29 And-additionally fearing-for-themselves lest somewhere we-might-fall-away into rugged places, having-thrown four anchors out-of (the) stern they-were-wishing day to-come-to-pass.

ACTS27v30 But (as) the sailors (were) seeking to-flee out-of the vessel and having-let-down the skiff into the sea for-(a)-cover-up as being-about to-be-stretching-out anchors out-of (the) bow,

ACTS27v31 The Paul said to-the hundred-ruler and to-the soldiers: If these might not remain in the vessel, YOU yourselves-will not be-being-able to-be-saved.

ACTS27v32 Then the soldiers chopped-off the ropes of-the skiff and they-allowed her to-fall-away.

ACTS27v33 But until of-which it-was-being-about to-be-becoming day, the Paul was-entreating quite-all to-partake of-nourishment saying:  Today (is) (the) fourteenth day anticipating, YOU-are-finishing-through without-food, having-taken-for-yourselves not-one-thing,

ACTS27v34 On-this-account I-am-entreating YOU to-partake of-nourishment; for this is-existing toward YOUR salvation; for of-not-one of-YOU will (a) hair perish from the head.

ACTS27v35 But having-said these-things and having-taken bread he-gave-thanks to-the God in-sight of-all and having-broken-(in-pieces) he-began to-be-eating.

ACTS27v36 But all having-become (ones)-of-good-cheer they also themselves-took-for-themselves of-nourishment.

ACTS27v37 But we-were all the souls in the vessel two-hundreds seventy six.

ACTS27v38 But having-been-satiated of-nourishment they-were-lightening the vessel casting-out-for-themselves the wheat into the sea.

ACTS27v39 But when it-became day, they-were not coming-to-know-thoroughly the land, but they-were-taking-note-of (a) certain bay having (a) shore into which they-were-resolving if they-may-be-being-able to-push-out the vessel.

ACTS27v40 And having-lifted the anchors from-around they-were allowing (them) into the sea, at-the-same-time having-dropped the bands of-the rudders, and having-elevated the foresail to-the blowing they-were-holding-fast into the shore.

ACTS27v41 But having-fallen-in into (a) place between-two-seas they-ran the ship aground, and on-the-one-hand the bow having-stuck-fast it-remained unsteerable, on-the-other-hand the stern was-being-broken-up by the force of-the waves.

ACTS27v42 But it-became (the) purpose of-the soldiers in-order-that they-might-kill the bound-ones lest someone having-swum-out might-escape;

ACTS27v43 But the hundred-ruler purposing to-completely-save the Paul hindered them of-the intention, and-additionally he-gave-verbal-order; the (ones) being-able to-be-swimming (to be) first-ones having-thrown themselves overboard, to-be-being-out upon the land.

ACTS27v44 And the others, on-the-one-hand (some)-whom on planks, on-the-other-hand (some)-whom on some of-the-(things) from the vessel. And thus it-came-to-pass all to-be-completely-saved on the land.


ACTS28v1 And having-been-completely-saved then we-came-to-know-thoroughly that the island is-being-called Melita.

ACTS28v2 But the foreigners were-holding-beside to-us not the love-of-mankind having-chanced; for having-ignited (a) fire they-took us all to-themselves because-of the heavy-shower, namely-the (one) having-stood-and-still-standing-by and because-of the cold.

ACTS28v3 But (as) the Paul (was) having-twisted-together some multitude of-dry-sticks and having-put-on upon the fire, (a) viper, having-come-out from the warmth, it-attached-on his hand.

ACTS28v4 But as the foreigners saw the beast hanging-for-itself out-of his hand they-were-saying to one-another:  In-any-event this MAN is (a) murderer, whom having-been-completely-saved out-of the sea the (goddess) Justice allowed not to-be-living.

ACTS28v5 Therefore on-the-one-hand the (one) having-shaked-off the beast into the fire he-suffered not-one-thing bad;

ACTS28v6 On-the-other-hand the (ones) were anticipating him to-be-being-about to-be-being-inflamed or to-be-falling-down suddenly dead.  But over much (time) (as) they (were) anticipating and observing not-one-thing out-of-place coming-to-pass with-reference-to him, changing-their-minds they-were-saying him to-be (a) god.

ACTS28v7 But in the-(things) around that place pieces-of-land were-existing (belonging) to-the first (man) of-the island, by-name Publius, who having-himself-undertaken, he entertained us courteously three days.

ACTS28v8 But it-came-to-pass the father of-the Publius to-be-lying-down being-held-together with-fevers and with-dysentery, to whom the Paul having-gone-in and having-prayed, having-put-on the hands on-him he-himself-cured him.

ACTS28v9 But (as) this-(thing) came-to-pass, the others also, the (ones) in the island having weaknesses were-coming-near and were-being-healed,

ACTS28v10 Who also honored us with-many honors and for-(ones)-being-put-back-(to-sea) they-themselves-put-on the-(things) toward the needs.

ACTS28v11 But after three months we-were-put-back-(to-sea) in (a) vessel having-wintered-and-still-wintering in the island, (an) Alexandrian, with-the-figure-head Dioscuri.

ACTS28v12 And having-been-led-down into Syracuse we-continued (there) three days,

ACTS28v13 Whence having-gone-around we-arrived into Rhegium.  And after one day (as) (a) south-wind (was) having-come-to-pass-after (this), on-the-second-day[s] we-came into Puteoli,

ACTS28v14 The-place-where having-found brothers we-were-entreated to-continue beside them seven days; and thus we-went into the Rome.

ACTS28v15 And-thence the brothers having-heard the-(things) concerning us, they-came-out into (a) meeting with-us unto Appii Forum and Three Taverns, whom having-seen, the Paul having-given-thanks to-the God he-took confidence.

ACTS28v16 But when we-went-in into Rome, the hundred-ruler gave-over the prisoners to-the camp-commander, but it-was-permitted to-the Paul to-be-remaining according-to himself with the soldier guarding him.

ACTS28v17 But it-came-to-pass after three days, the Paul to-call-together-to-himself the (ones) being of-the first Jews; but (as) they (were) having-come-together he-said to them: I, men brothers, having-done not-one-thing contrary to-the people or to-the customs namely-the ancestral, I-was-given-over (a) prisoner out-of Jerusalem into the hands of-the Romans,

ACTS28v18 They-who having-examined me were-purposing to-release (me) because-of not-one reason of-death to-be-existing in me;

ACTS28v19 But (as) the Jews (were) contradicting I-was-compelled to-call-on Caesar, not as having anything to-be-accusing of-my nation.

ACTS28v20 Because-of this reason therefore I-entreated to-see and to-speak-to YOU; for on-account-of the hope of-the Israeli I-am (having) lying-around (me) this chain.

ACTS28v21 But the (ones) said to him:  We ourselves-received neither letters concerning you from the Judea, nor (has) anyone of-the brothers having-come-to-be-alongside reported or spoken anything evil concerning you.

ACTS28v22 But we-are-thinking-worthy to-hear from you what-(things) you-are-having-an-opinion-of; for on-the-one-hand concerning this sect it-is known to-us that everywhere it-is-being-contradicted.

ACTS28v23 On-the-other-hand having-assigned-for-themselves (a) day with-him many-more were-present with him with-reference-to the entertainment, to-whom he-was-placing-out-for-himself emphatically-testifying the kingdom of-the God, and-additionally persuading them concerning the Jesus from both the law of-Moses and the prophets, from in-the-morning till eventide.

ACTS28v24 And on-the-one-hand the (ones) were-being-persuaded-for-themselves by-the (things) being-said,

ACTS28v25 But on-the-other-hand the (ones) were-disbelieving; but being inharmonious toward one-another they-were-released, (as) the Paul (was) having-said one saying, that rightly the Spirit namely-the Holy spoke through Isaiah the prophet to YOUR fathers

ACTS28v26 Saying: You-proceed to this people and you-say:  In-hearing YOU-will-hear and by-no-means YOU-might-perceive, and looking YOU-will-look and by-no-means YOU-might-see;

ACTS28v27 For the heart of this people was-grown-fat and with the ears they-heard weightily, and their eyes they-closed; lest-at-any-time they-might-see with-the eyes and they-might-hear with-the ears and they-might-perceive with-the heart and they-might-turn-around, and I-shall-cure them.

ACTS28v28 Therefore let-it-be known to-YOU that this salvation of-the God was-dispatched to-the Gentiles; and these will-hear-for-themselves.

ACTS28v29 And (after) he (was) having-said these-things the Jews went-away having much debating-together among themselves.

ACTS28v30 But the Paul remained two-years total in (his) own rented-place, and he-was-accepting all the (ones) proceeding-in to him,

ACTS28v31 Preaching the kingdom of-the God and teaching the-(things) concerning the Lord Jesus Messiah with all boldness-of-speech without-hindrance.





ROMANS 1v1 Paul (a) slave of-Messiah Jesus, (a) called apostle having-been-and-still-severed with-reference-to good-news of-God.

ROMANS 1v2 Which he-promised-before through his prophets in (the) holy scriptures

ROMANS 1v3 Concerning his son namely-the (one) having-become out-of seed of-David according-to flesh,

ROMANS 1v4 Namely-the (one) having-been-appointed Son of-God in power according-to spirit of-holy-quality out-of (a) standing-again of-dead-ones, Jesus Messiah our Lord.

ROMANS 1v5 Through whom we-took favor and apostleship with-reference-to obedience of-trust among all the Gentiles in-behalf-of his name,

ROMANS 1v6 Among whom YOU yourselves are also called (ones) of-Jesus Messiah.

ROMANS 1v7 To-all the cherished of-God being in Rome, called holy (ones); favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah.

ROMANS 1v8 First on-the-one-hand I-am-giving-thanks to my God through Jesus Messiah concerning YOU all, because YOUR trust is-being-proclaimed in the total world.

ROMANS 1v9 For the God is my witness, whom I-am-serving in my spirit in the good-news of-his son, as unceasingly I-myself-am-making mention of-YOU,

ROMANS 1v10 Always on my prayers, petitioning if by-any-means already at-one-time I-shall-be-prospered in the will of-the God to-come to YOU.

ROMANS 1v11 For I-am-longing-for to-see YOU, in-order-that I-might-impart some spiritual bestowed-favor to-YOU with-reference-to YOU to-be-fixed-firmly,

ROMANS 1v12 But this is to-be-comforted-together with YOU through the trust within one-another both of-YOU and of-me.

ROMANS 1v13 But I-am not willing (for) YOU to-be-being-ignorant, brothers, that often I-placed-before-for-myself to-come to YOU, and I-was-hindered until the present-time, in-order-that I-might-have some fruit even among YOU according-as also among the other Gentiles.

ROMANS 1v14 I-am debtor both to-Greeks and to-foreigners, both to-wise and to-thoughtless;

ROMANS 1v15 Thus (I-am) eager, according-to my (wish), to-bring-good-news also to-YOU the (ones) in Rome.

ROMANS 1v16 For I-am not ashamed-of the good-news; for it-is (the) power of-God with-reference-to salvation to-everyone trusting, both to-Jew first and to-Greek.

ROMANS 1v17 For justice of-God is-being-uncovered from heaven in it out-of trust with-reference-to trust, according-as it-has-been-and-still-is-written:  But the just (one) will-himself-live out-of trust.

ROMANS 1v18 For wrath of-God is-being-uncovered on all impiety and unrighteousness of-MEN, the (ones) holding-fast the truth in unrighteousness,

ROMANS 1v19 For-the-reason-that the-thing known of-the God is manifest among them; for the God manifested (it) to-them.

ROMANS 1v20 For the invisible-things of-him from creation of (a) world being-understood by-the things-made (are)-being-seen-clearly, both his constant power and divinity, with-reference-to their being without-defense,

ROMANS 1v21 For-the-reason-that having-come-to-know the God they-glorified (him) not as God or gave-thanks, BUT they-were-aimless in their deliberations, and their heart without-understanding was-made-dark.

ROMANS 1v22 Alleging to-be wise (ones) they-were-made-stupid,

ROMANS 1v23 And they-changed the glory of-the imperishable God with (a) similitude of-(an)-image of-perishable MAN and of flying-things and of-four-footed-things and of-reptiles;

ROMANS 1v24 On-this-account the God gave them over with the desires of-their hearts with-reference-to uncleanness, their bodies to-be-being-dishonored among them.

ROMANS 1v25 They-who exchanged the truth of-the God with the lie, and they-venerated and they-served the creation beside the (one) having-created, who is blessed with-reference-to the ages; amen.

ROMANS 1v26 Because-of this the God gave them over with-reference-to passions of-dishonor; for both their females exchanged the natural use with-reference-to the (one) beside nature,

ROMANS 1v27 And-additionally. likewise also the males having-let-go the natural use of-the female were-burned-out in their relish with-reference-to one-another, males with males working-out the indecency and taking-back in themselves the recompense which was-essential of-their going-astray.

ROMANS 1v28 And according-as they-proved not to-be-having the God in thorough-knowledge, the God gave them over with-reference-to (an) unapproved mind, to-be-doing the-things not being-appropriate,

ROMANS 1v29 Having-been-and-still-filled with-all unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice, replete of-envy, of-murder of-quarreling of-guile, of-malignity, whisperers,

ROMANS 1v30 Backbiters, God-abhorrent (ones), insulters, proud (ones), arrogant (ones), inventors of-bad-things, disobedient to-parents,

ROMANS 1v31 (Ones) without-understanding, covenant-breakers, (ones) unaffectionate, (ones) unmerciful;

ROMANS 1v32 They-who having-come-to-know-thoroughly the just-act of-the God, that the(ones) practising the-things such-as-these are worthy of-death, not only are-they-doing them, BUT they-are also concurring with-the (ones) practising.


ROMANS 2v1 On-this-account O MAN, everyone judging, you-are without-defense; for in what you-are-judging the different (one) you-are-condemning yourself; for the (one) judging, you-are-practising the same things.

ROMANS 2v2 But we-are-knowing-absolutely that the sentence of-the God is according-to truth upon the (ones) practising the-things such-as-these.

ROMANS 2v3 But are-you-figuring this, O MAN, the (one) judging the (ones) practising the-things such-as-these and doing them, that you yourself-will-flee-out-of the sentence of-the God?

ROMANS 2v4 Or are-you-despising of-the riches of-his graciousness and of-the toleration and of-the patience, being-ignorant that the gracious (character) of-the God is-leading you with-reference-to repentance?

ROMANS 2v5 But according-to your hardness and unrepentant heart you-are-storing for-yourself wrath in (a) day of-wrath and of-uncovering of-just-judgement of-the God,

ROMANS 2v6 Who will-give-back to-each (one) according-to his works:

ROMANS 2v7 On-the-one-hand to-the (ones) according-to perseverance of-good work seeking glory and honor and imperishability, life eternal;

ROMANS 2v8 On-the-other-hand to-the (ones) out-of ambitious-rivalry and disobeying the truth but relying on-the unrighteousness, wrath and anger.

ROMANS 2v9 Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of-MAN of-the (one) working-out the bad-thing, both of-Jew first and of-Greek;

ROMANS 2v10 But glory and honor and peace to-everyone working the good-thing, both to-Jew first and to-Greek.

ROMANS 2v11 For there-is not partiality beside the God.

ROMANS 2v12 For as-many-as sinned without-law, will also perish without-law; and as-many-as sinned in law, will-be-

judged through law;

ROMANS 2v13 For not the hearers of-law (are) just (ones) beside the God, BUT the doers of-law will-be-justified.

ROMANS 2v14 For at-the-time-that nations, the (ones) not having law, might-be-doing by-nature the-things of-the law, these not having law are law to-themselves;

ROMANS 2v15 They-who are-demonstrating the work of-the law written in their hearts, their conscience witnessing-together and between one-another's figurings accusing or also defending,

ROMANS 2v16 In-which day the God is-judging the hidden-things of-the MEN according-to my good-news through Messiah Jesus.

ROMANS 2v17 But if you yourself-are-being-surnamed Jew and you-are-resting-on law and you-are-boasting in God

ROMANS 2v18 And you-are-coming-to-know the will and you-are-proving the things differing being-instructed out-of the law,

ROMANS 2v19 Both you-have-relied-and-still-rely-on yourself to-be (a) leader-of-the-way of-blind (ones), (a) light of-the (ones) in darkness,

ROMANS 2v20 (A) disciplinarian of-foolish (ones), (a) teacher of-infants, having the formation of-the knowledge and of-the truth in the law:

ROMANS 2v21 The (one) therefore teaching (a) different (one), are-you not teaching yourself? The (one) preaching to not be-stealing, are-you-stealing?

ROMANS 2v22 The (one) saying to not be-committing-adultery, are-you-committing-adultery? The (one) abominating the idols, are-you-stealing-sacred-things?

ROMANS 2v23 You, who are-boasting in law, are-you-dishonoring the God through the transgression of-the law?

ROMANS 2v24 For the name of-the God is-being-blasphemed because-of YOU among the Gentiles, according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written.

ROMANS 2v25 For on-the-one-hand circumcision is-profiting if you-might-be-practising law; if on-the-other-hand you-are (a) transgressor your circumcision has-become-and-still-is uncircumcision.

ROMANS 2v26 If therefore the uncircumcision might-be-guarding the just-acts of-the law, will not his uncircumcision be-figured with-reference-to circumcision?

ROMANS 2v27 And the uncircumcision out-of nature finishing the law will-judge you the transgressor of-law through letter and circumcision.

ROMANS 2v28 For not the (one) in the manifest is Jew, nor the circumcision in the manifest in flesh;

ROMANS 2v29 BUT the (one) in the hidden (man) (is) (a) Jew, and circumcision of-heart in spirit not letter, of-whom the laudation (is) not out-of MEN BUT out-of the God.


ROMANS 3v1 What therefore the advantage of-the Jew or what the profit of-the circumcision?

ROMANS 3v2 Much according-to every manner.  For first on-the-one-hand because they-were-trusted (with) the oracles of-the God.

ROMANS 3v3 For what?  If some disbelieved, will their unbelief render-inactive the trust of-the God?

ROMANS 3v4 May-it not come-to-pass; but let-it-be-coming-to-pass, the God (is) true, but every MAN (is) (a) liar, even-as it-has-been-and-still-is-written:  in-which-case you-might-be-justified in your words and you-might-have-victory in your being-judged.

ROMANS 3v5 But if our unrighteousness is commending (the) justice of-God, what shall-we-say? The God namely-the (one) bringing-on the wrath (is) unrighteous? I-am-saying according-to MAN.

ROMANS 3v6 May-it not come-to-pass; since how will the God judge the world?

ROMANS 3v7 For if the truth of-the God had-advantage in my falsehood with-reference-to his glory, what yet, am-I myself-also being-judged as (a) sinner?

ROMANS 3v8 And not according-as we-are-being-blasphemed and according-as some are-stating that we-are-saying, Let-us-do the bad-things in-order-that the good-things might-come?  Of-whom the sentence is deserved.

ROMANS 3v9 What  therefore?  Are-we-ourselves-excelling? Not in-any-event; for we-reasoned-before both Jews and Greeks all to-be under sin,

ROMANS 3v10 According-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written that there-is not (a) just (one) but-not one, there-is not the (one) perceiving,

ROMANS 3v11 There-is not the (one) seeking-out the God;

ROMANS 3v12 They all deviated, at-the-same-time they-were-made-useless; there-is not the (one) doing graciousness, there-is not till one.

ROMANS 3v13 Their throat (is) (a) grave having-been-and-still-opened, with their tongues they-dealt-treacherously, poison of-asps (is) under their lips;

ROMANS 3v14 Of-whom the mouth is-being-loaded of-cursing and of-bitterness;

ROMANS 3v15 Their feet swift to-pour-out blood,

ROMANS 3v16 Devastation and misery (are) in their ways,

ROMANS 3v17 And (a) way of-peace they-came-to-know not.

ROMANS 3v18 There-is not fear of-God over-against their eyes.

ROMANS 3v19 But we-are-knowing-absolutely that as-many things-as the law is-saying it-is-speaking to-the (ones) in the law, in-order-that every mouth might-be-fenced-in and all the world might-become under-that-which-is-just to-the God;

ROMANS 3v20 For-the-reason-that all flesh will not be-justified in his sight out-of works of-law; for through law (is) thorough-knowledge of-sin.

ROMANS 3v21 But at-this-instant (the) justice of-God has-been-and-is-still-manifested separate-from law, being-borne-witness by the law and the prophets,

ROMANS 3v22 But justice of-God through trust of-Jesus Messiah, with-reference-to all the (ones) trusting; for there-is not strict-order;

ROMANS 3v23 For they all sinned and they-are-themselves lacking of-the glory of-the God,

ROMANS 3v24 Being-justified gratuitously by his favor through the redemption-back namely-the (one) in Messiah Jesus;

ROMANS 3v25 Whom the God himself-placed-before, (a) propitiatory through trust in his blood, with-reference-to (a) demonstration of-his justice because of the letting-go-unpunished of-the sinful-acts having-come-to-pass-before-and-still-existing

ROMANS 3v26 In the toleration of-the God, toward the demonstration of his justice in the now season, with-reference-to him being just and justifying the (one) out-of trust of-Jesus.

ROMANS 3v27 Where therefore the reason-to-boast? It-was shut-out. Through what-sort of-law? Of-the works? NOT (so), BUT through (a) law of-trust.

ROMANS 3v28 For we-are-figuring (a) MAN to-be-being-justified by-trust separate-from works of-law.

ROMANS 3v29 Or (is) the God of-Jews only? NOT also of-nations?  Yea also of-nations,

ROMANS 3v30 If-altogether the God (is) one who will-justify circumcision out-of trust and uncircumcision through the trust.

ROMANS 3v31 Therefore are-we-rendering law inactive through the trust? May-it not come-to-pass, BUT we-are-making law stand.


ROMANS 4v1 What therefore shall-we-say Abraham our forefather according-to flesh to-have-found?

ROMANS 4v2 For if Abraham was-justified out-of works, he-is-having (a) boast; BUT not toward God.

ROMANS 4v3 For what is the scripture saying?  Abraham trusted in-the God, and it-was-figured to-him with-reference-to righteousness. (or "justice")

ROMANS 4v4 But to-the (one) working the hire is not being-figured according-to favor BUT according-to debt; but to-the (one) not working,

ROMANS 4v5 But trusting on the (one) justifying the impious, his trust is-being-figured with-reference-to righteousness,

ROMANS 4v6 Even-as David also is-saying the happiness of-the MAN to-whom the God is-figuring righteousness separate-from works;

ROMANS 4v7 Happy (ones) of-whom the lawlessnesses were-forgiven and of-whom the sins were-covered-over;

ROMANS 4v8 Happy man of-whom Jehovah might by-no-means figure sin.

ROMANS 4v9 (Was) then this happiness on the circumcision or also on the uncircumcision? For we-are-saying the trust was-figured to-the Abraham with-reference-to righteousness.

ROMANS 4v10 How then was-it-figured?  Being in circumcision or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision BUT in uncircumcision;

ROMANS 4v11 And he-took (the) sign of-circumcision (a) seal of-the righteousness of-the trust namely-the (one) in the uncircumcision, with-reference-to him to-be father through uncircumcision of all of-the (ones) trusting, with-reference-to the righteousness to-be-figured to-them,

ROMANS 4v12 Even father of-circumcision not only to-the (ones) out-of circumcision BUT also to-the (ones) in uncircumcision being-in-line with-the footsteps of-the trust of our father Abraham.

ROMANS 4v13 For the promise to-the Abraham or to his seed (is) not through law, he to-be heir of-(a)-world, BUT through righteousness of-trust.

ROMANS 4v14 For if the heirs (are) out-of law the trust has-been-and-is-still-emptied and the promise has-been-and-still-is-rendered-inactive;

ROMANS 4v15 For the law is-working-out wrath; but the-place-where there-is not law, neither transgression.

ROMANS 4v16 Because-of this (it-is) out-of trust, in-order that (it-might-be) according-to favor, with-reference to the promise being firm to-all the seed, not to-the (one) out-of the law only BUT also to-the (one) out-of Abraham's trust, who is father of-all of-us,

ROMANS 4v17 According-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written that (a) father of-many nations I-have-placed-and-still-place you, down-against of-which he-trusted of-God, of-the (one) making-alive the (ones) dead and calling the-things not being as being;

ROMANS 4v18 Who beside hope trusted on hope, with-reference to him to-become (a) father of-many nations according-to the-thing having-been-said-and-still-said: thus will-be your seed;

ROMANS 4v19 And not having-weakened in-the trust he-took not note-of the body of-himself already having-been-dead-and-still-dead, existing somewhere of-a-hundred years, and the deadness of-the matrix of-Sara;

ROMANS 4v20 But with-reference-to the promise of-the God he-was not made-to-doubt by-the distrust, BUT he-was-made-powerful by-the trust, having-given glory to-the God

ROMANS 4v21 And having-been-brought-to-fulness that what he-had-been-and-was-still-promised he-is powerful even to-do.

ROMANS 4v22 On-this-account also it-was-figured to-him with-reference-to righteousness.

ROMANS 4v23 But it-was not written that it-was-figured to-him because-of him only,

ROMANS 4v24 BUT also because-of us, to-whom it-is-about to-be-being-reckoned, to-the (ones) trusting on the (one) having-raised Jesus our Lord out-of dead (ones),

ROMANS 4v25 Who was-given-over because-of our offences and was-raised because-of our justification.


ROMANS 5v1 Therefore having-been-justified out-of trust we-are-having peace with the God through our Lord Jesus Messiah,

ROMANS 5v2 Through whom also we-have-had-and-still-have the leading-near by-the trust into this favor in which we-have-stood-and-still-stand, and we-are-boasting on hope of-the glory of-the God.

ROMANS 5v3 But not only (this), BUT we-are also boasting in the tribulations, knowing-absolutely that the tribulation is-working-out perseverance,

ROMANS 5v4 But the perseverance proof, but the proof hope;

ROMANS 5v5 But the hope is not disgracing, because the charity of-the God has-been-and-is-still-poured-out in our hearts through (the) Holy Spirit, the (one) having-been-given to-us;

ROMANS 5v6 For we yet being weak Messiah still died-off in-behalf-of impious (ones) according-to season.

ROMANS 5v7 For scarcely will someone die-off in-behalf-of (a) just (one); for in-behalf-of the good (one) perhaps someone is even daring to-die-off;

ROMANS 5v8 But the God is-commending his (own) charity with-reference-to us that we yet being sinners Messiah died-off in-behalf-of us.

ROMANS 5v9 Therefore by-much more, having-been-justified now in his blood we-shall-be-saved from the wrath through him.

ROMANS 5v10 For if being enemies we-were-reconciled to-the God through the death of his son, by-much more having-been-reconciled we-shall-be-saved in his life;

ROMANS 5v11 But not only (this), BUT also (ones) boasting in the God through our Lord Jesus Messiah, through whom we now took the reconciliation.

ROMANS 5v12 Because of this as-altogether through one MAN the sin came-in into the world, and through the sin the death, and thus the death went-through into all MEN, upon which they all sinned;

ROMANS 5v13 For until law sin was in (a) world, but sin is not being-reckoned not being law;

ROMANS 5v14 BUT the death was-king from Adam as-far-as Moses even upon the (ones) not having-sinned upon the similitude of-the transgression of Adam, who is (a) pattern of-the future (one).

ROMANS 5v15 BUT not as the offence, thus also the bestowed-favor; for if by-the offence of-the one (MAN) the many died-off, by-much more the favor of-the God and the gratuity in favor namely-the (favor) of-the one MAN Jesus Messiah exceeded with-reference-to the many.

ROMANS 5v16 And the benevolence (is) not as through one (MAN) having-sinned; for on-the-one-hand the sentence (is) out-of one (MAN) with-reference-to condemnation's-punishment, on-the-other-hand the bestowed-favor (is) out-of many offences with-reference-to (a) just-act.

ROMANS 5v17 For if by-the offence of-the one (MAN) the death was-king through the one (MAN), by-much more the (ones) taking the excess of-the favor and of-the gratuity namely-the (one) of righteousness will-be-king in life through the one (MAN) Jesus Messiah.

ROMANS 5v18 So therefore as through one offence with-reference-to all MEN with-reference-to condemnation's-punishment, thus also through one just-act with-reference-to all MEN with-reference-to justification of-life;

ROMANS 5v19 For as-altogether through the unwillingness of-the one MAN to-hear the many were-established sinners, thus also through the obedience of-the one (MAN) the many will-be-established just (ones).

ROMANS 5v20 But law came-in-alongside in-order-that the offence might-abound; but the-place-where the sin abounded, the favor exceeded-beyond measure,

ROMANS 5v21 In-order-that as-altogether the sin was-king in the death, thus also the favor might-be-king through justice with-reference-to life eternal through Jesus Messiah our Lord.


ROMANS 6v1 What therefore shall-we-say?  Might-we-be-continuing in-the sin, in-order-that the favor might-abound?

ROMANS 6v2 May-it not come-to-pass. We, ones-who died-off to-the sin, how shall-we yet live in it?

ROMANS 6v3 Or are-YOU-being-ignorant that as-many-as we-were-baptized with-reference-to Messiah Jesus, we-were-baptized with-reference-to his death?

ROMANS 6v4 Therefore we-were-buried-together with-him through the baptism with-reference-to the death, in-order-that as-altogether Messiah was-raised out-of dead (ones) through the glory of-the Father, thus we also ourselves-might-walk-around in newness of-life.

ROMANS 6v5 For if we-have-become-and-still-are (ones)-shooting-forth-together in-the similitude of his death, BUT also we-shall-be of-the standing-again;

ROMANS 6v6 Coming-to-know this, that our old MAN was-crucified-together, in-order-that the body of-the sin might-be-rendered-inactive, we no-longer to-be-being-(a)-slave to-the sin;

ROMANS 6v7 For the (one) having-died-off has-been-and-is-still-justified from the sin.

ROMANS 6v8 But if we-died-off with Messiah, we-are-trusting that we-shall also live-together with-him,

ROMANS 6v9 Knowing-absolutely that Messiah having-been raised out-of dead (ones) he-is-dying-off no-more, death is-exercising-lordship of-him no-more.

ROMANS 6v10 For what he-died-off, he-died-off for-the sin all-at-once; but what he-is-living, he-is-living for-the God.

ROMANS 6v11 Thus also YOU yourselves-be-figuring yourselves on-the-one-hand to-be dead (ones) to-the sin living on-the-other-hand for-the God in Messiah Jesus.

ROMANS 6v12 Therefore let not the sin be-being-king in YOUR mortal body with-reference-to the (body) to-be-obeying its desires,

ROMANS 6v13 Neither YOU-be-devoting YOUR members weapons of-unrighteousness to-the sin, BUT YOU-devote yourselves to-the God as-if out-of dead (ones), living, and YOUR members weapons of-righteousness to-the God,

ROMANS 6v14 For sin will not exercise-lordship of-YOU; for YOU-are not under law BUT under favor.

ROMANS 6v15 What therefore? Might-we-sin, because we-are not under law BUT under favor? May-it not come-to-pass.

ROMANS 6v16 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that to-whom YOU-are-devoting yourselves slaves with-reference-to obedience, YOU-are slaves to-whom YOU-are-obeying, either-indeed of-sin with-reference-to death or of-obedience with-reference-to righteousness?

ROMANS 6v17 But favor by-the God because YOU-were slaves of-the sin, but YOU-obeyed out-of (the) heart (a) pattern of-doctrine with-reference-to which YOU-were-given-over,

ROMANS 6v18 But having-been-made-free from the sin YOU-were-enslaved to-the righteousness.

ROMANS 6v19 I-am-saying (as a) human because-of the weakness of-YOUR flesh. For as-altogether YOU-devoted YOUR members slaves to-the uncleanness and to-the lawlessness with-reference-to the lawlessness, thus now YOU-devote YOUR members slaves to-the righteousness with-reference-to holiness.

ROMANS 6v20 For when YOU-were slaves of-the sin, YOU-were free (in-relation) to-the righteousness.

ROMANS 6v21 Therefore what fruit were-YOU-having then? On which-things YOU-are now being-ashamed-of; for the finish of-those-things (is) death.

ROMANS 6v22 But at-this-instant having-been-made-free from the sin but having-been-enslaved to-the God, YOU-are-having YOUR fruit with-reference-to holiness, but the finish life eternal.

ROMANS 6v23 For the wages of-the sin (is) death, but the bestowed-favor of-the God life eternal in Messiah Jesus our Lord.


ROMANS 7v1 Or are-YOU-being-ignorant, brothers, for I-am-speaking to-(ones)-coming-to-know law, that the law is-exercising-lordship of-the MAN on as-long time as he-is-living?

ROMANS 7v2 For the woman under-a-husband has-been-and-is-still-bound by-law to-the living husband; but if the husband might-die-off, she-has-been-and-is still-rendered-inactive from the law of-the husband.

ROMANS 7v3 So therefore, while the husband (is) living, she-will-be-termed (an) adulteress if she-might-become to-(a)-different man; but if the husband might-die-off, she-is free from the law, she (will) not be (an) adulteress having-become to-(a)-different man.

ROMANS 7v4 So-that, my brothers, YOU yourselves also were-put-to-death to-the law through the body of-the Messiah, with-reference-to YOU to-become to-(a)-different (one), to-the (one) having-been-raised out-of dead (ones), in-order-that we-might-bring-forth-fruit to-the God.

ROMANS 7v5 For when we-were in the flesh, the sufferings of-the sins the (sufferings) through the law were-operating in our members with-reference-to the (object) to-bring-forth-fruit to-the death;

ROMANS 7v6 But at-this-instant we-were-rendered-inactive from the law, having-died-off in which we-were-being-held-fast, so-that we (are) to-be-being-a-slave in newness of-spirit and not in-oldness of-letter.

ROMANS 7v7 What therefore shall-we-say?  The law (is) sin? May-it not come-to-pass; BUT I-came not to-know the sin unless through law; for, and additionally, I-had not known-absolutely the desire unless the law was-saying you-shall not desire;

ROMANS 7v8 But the sin having-taken opportunity through the commandment worked-out in me every desire; for separate-from law sin (is) dead.

ROMANS 7v9 But I myself-was-living separate-from law at-one-time; but the commandment having-come the sin lived-again, but I myself-died-off,

ROMANS 7v10 And the commandment the (one) with-reference-to life, this (one) was-found to-me with-reference-to death;

ROMANS 7v11For the sin having-taken opportunity through the commandment deluded me and through it it-killed (me).

ROMANS 7v12 So-that on-the-one-hand the law (is) holy, and the commandment holy and just and good.

ROMANS 7v13 Therefore the good (thing) became death to-me? May-it not come-to-pass; BUT the sin, in-order-that it-might-appear sin, working-out death to-me through the good (thing), in-order-that through the commandment the sin might-become sinful according-to (a) surpassing-manner.

ROMANS 7v14 For we-are-knowing-absolutely that the law is spiritual; but I myself-am fleshy having-been-and still-sold under the sin.

ROMANS 7v15 For what I-am-working-out I-am not coming-to-know; for not what I-am-willing this I-am-practising, BUT what I-am-hating this I-am-doing.

ROMANS 7v16 But if what I-am not willing this I-am-doing, I-am-stating-together with-the law that (it-is) fine.

ROMANS 7v17 But at-this-instant I myself-am no-more working it out BUT the sin dwelling in me.

ROMANS 7v18 For I-am-knowing-absolutely that there-is not dwelling in me, this is in my flesh, (any) good; for to-be-willing the (good) is-lying-alongside to-me, but to-be-working-out the fine (thing) (is) not;

ROMANS 7v19 For what good I-am-willing I-am not doing, BUT what bad I-am not willing this I-am-practising.

ROMANS 7v20 But if what I-am not willing this I myself-am-doing, no-more I myself-am-working it out BUT the sin dwelling in me.

ROMANS 7v21 So I-am-finding the law to-me the (one) willing to-be-doing the fine (thing), that to-me the bad (thing) is-lying-alongside;

ROMANS 7v22 For I-am-having-pleasure-together with-the law of-the God according-to the inside MAN,

ROMANS 7v23 But I-am-looking-at (a) different law in my members warring-against the law of-my mind and leading me captive in the law of-the sin namely-the (one) being in my members.

ROMANS 7v24 I (am) (a) miserable MAN; who will-deliver me out-of the body of this death?

ROMANS 7v25 I-am-giving-thanks to-the God through Jesus Messiah our Lord.  So therefore I myself on-the-one-hand with-the mind I-am-being-a-slave to (the) law of-God, on-the-other-hand with-the flesh to (the) law of-sin.


ROMANS 8v1 So (there-is) now not-one condemnation's-punishment to-the (ones) in Messiah Jesus.

ROMANS 8v2 For the law of-the spirit of-the life in Messiah Jesus made me free from the law of the sin and of-the death.

ROMANS 8v3 For the impossible (thing) of-the law, in which it-was-being-weak through the flesh, the God having-sent the son of-himself in similitude of-flesh of-sin and concerning sin he-condemned the sin in the flesh,

ROMANS 8v4 In-order-that the just-act of-the law might-be-fulfilled in us, the (ones) walking-around not according-to flesh BUT according-to spirit.

ROMANS 8v5 For the (ones) being according-to flesh are-having-an-opinion-of the-things of-the flesh, but the (ones) according-to spirit the-things of-the Spirit.

ROMANS 8v6 For the opinion of-the flesh (is) death, but the opinion of-the Spirit (is) life and peace.

ROMANS 8v7 For-the-reason-that the opinion of-the flesh (is) enmity with-reference-to God; for it-is not subjecting-itself to-the law of-the God for neither is-it-being-able;

ROMANS 8v8 But the (ones) being in flesh are not being-able to-please God.

ROMANS 8v9 But YOU yourselves-are not in flesh BUT in Spirit, if-altogether Spirit of-God is-dwelling in YOU.  But if someone is not having Spirit of-Messiah, this (one) is not of-him.

ROMANS 8v10 But if Messiah (is) in YOU, on-the-one-hand-the body (is) dead because-of sin, on-the-other-hand the spirit (is) life because-of righteousness.

ROMANS 8v11 But if the Spirit of-the (one) having-raised the Jesus out-of dead (ones) is-dwelling in YOU, the (one) having-raised Messiah Jesus out-of dead (ones) will-make-alive even YOUR mortal bodies because-of his Spirit dwelling-in in YOU.

ROMANS 8v12 So therefore, brothers, we-are debtors, not to-the flesh to-be-living according-to flesh.

ROMANS 8v13 For if YOU-are-living according-to flesh, YOU-are-about to-be-dying-off; but if by (the) Spirit YOU-are-putting-to-death the practises of-the body, YOU-will-live.

ROMANS 8v14 For as-many-as are-being-led by-Spirit of-God, these are sons of-God.

ROMANS 8v15 For YOU-took not (a) spirit of-slavery again with-reference-to fear, BUT YOU-took (a) spirit of-adoption-as-son, in which we-are-crying: abba, the Father

ROMANS 8v16 The Spirit itself is-witnessing-together with our spirit that we-are children of-God.

ROMANS 8v17 But if children, also heirs; on-the-one-hand heirs of-God, on-the-other-hand heirs-together of-Messiah, if-altogether we-are-suffering-(evil)-together in-order-that we-might also be-glorified-together.

ROMANS 8v18 For I-am-figuring the sufferings of-the now season (are) not worthy toward the future glory to-be-uncovered with-reference-to us.

ROMANS 8v19 For the eager-expectation of-the creation is-waiting-anxiously the uncovering of-the sons of-the God.

ROMANS 8v20 For the creation was-subjected to-the aimlessness, not willingly, BUT because-of the (one) having-subjected, on hope

ROMANS 8v21 For-the-reason-that the creation itself also will-be-made-free from the slavery namely-of-the corruption with-reference-to the freedom of-the glory of-the children of-the God.

ROMANS 8v22 For we-are-knowing-absolutely that all the creation is-groaning-together and is travailing-together until the now;

ROMANS 8v23 But not only, BUT also ourselves having the firstfruit of-the Spirit we also ourselves are-groaning in ourselves waiting-anxiously adoption-as-son, the redemption-back of our body.

ROMANS 8v24 For in-the hope we-were-saved; but hope being-looked-at is not hope; for what someone is-looking-at, even what (thing) is-he-hoping?

ROMANS 8v25 But if what we-are not looking-at we-are-hoping, through perseverance we-are-waiting-anxiously.

ROMANS 8v26 But in-the-same-way the Spirit also is-assisting-together in our weakness; for the (thing) what we-might-pray in-so-far-as it-is-essential we-are not knowing-absolutely, BUT the Spirit himself is-interceding-beyond groanings without-speech;

ROMANS 8v27 BUT the (one) searching the hearts is-knowing-absolutely what (is) the opinion of-the Spirit, because according-to God he-is-interceding in-behalf-of holy (ones).

ROMANS 8v28 But we-are-knowing-absolutely that to-the (ones) cherishing the God all-things are-working-together with-reference-to good, to-the (ones) being called according-to plan.

ROMANS 8v29 Because whom he-came-to-know-before, also he-appointed-before conforming of-the image of-his son, with-reference-to him to-be first-born among many brothers;

ROMANS 8v30 But whom he-appointed-before, these he also called; and whom he-called, these he also justified; but whom he-justified, these he also glorified.

ROMANS 8v31 What therefore shall-we-say to these-things? If the God (is) in-behalf-of us, who (is) against us?  Who in-fact spared not of (his) own son.

ROMANS 8v32 BUT he-gave him over in-behalf-of us all, how will-he NOT also with him bestow the all-things a-favor to-us?

ROMANS 8v33 Who will-indict against chosen (ones) of-God? The (one) justifying (is) God;

ROMANS 8v34 Who (is) the (one) condemning? Messiah Jesus (is) the (one) having-died-off, but rather having-been-raised, who is in right (hand) of-the God, who also is-interceding in-behalf-of us.

ROMANS 8v35 Who will-separate us from the charity of-the Messiah? Tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or dagger?

ROMANS 8v36 According-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written that On-account-of you we-are-being-put-to-death the total day. We-were-figured as sheep of-slaughter.

ROMANS 8v37 BUT we-are-having-victory-beyond in all these-things through the (one) having-cherished us.

ROMANS 8v38 For I-have-been-and-am-still-persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities

ROMANS 8v39 Nor high-thing nor depth nor any different creation will-be-able to-separate us from the charity of-the God, the (charity) in Messiah Jesus our Lord.


ROMANS 9v1 I-am-saying truth in Messiah, I-am not lying, my conscience witnessing-together with-me in (the) Holy Spirit,

ROMANS 9v2 That it-is great grief to-me and unceasing pain in my heart;

ROMANS 9v3 For I-was-wishing I myself to-be anathema from the Messiah in-behalf-of my brothers, my relatives according-to flesh,

ROMANS 9v4 They-who are Israelites, of-whom the adoption-as-son and the glory and the covenants and the giving-of-law and the service and the promises,

ROMANS 9v5 Of-whom the fathers, and out-of whom the Messiah according-to the flesh; the (one) being over all (things) God blessed with-reference-to the ages, amen.

ROMANS 9v6 But not such-as that the word of-the God has-and-is-still-fallen-away.  For not all the (ones) out-of Israel, these (are) Israel;

ROMANS 9v7 Neither because they-are seed of-Abraham, (are) all children, BUT: in Isaac seed will-be-called to-you.

ROMANS 9v8 This is, not the children of-the flesh these children of-the God, BUT the children of-the promise (are) being-figured with-reference-to seed.

ROMANS 9v9 For the word of-promise (is) this:  According-to this season I-shall-come and (a) son will-be to-the Sara.

ROMANS 9v10 But not only (she), BUT Rebecca having conjugal-bed out-of one (man), Isaac our father;

ROMANS 9v11 For not-yet having-been-born nor having practised anything good or worthless, in-order-that the plan of-the God according-to choice might-be-remaining,

ROMANS 9v12 Not out-of works BUT out-of the (one) calling, it-was-said to-her that The greater will-be-slave to-the lesser;

ROMANS 9v13 Even-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  I-cherished the Jacob but I-hated the Esau.

ROMANS 9v14 What therefore shall-we-say? Unrighteousness beside the God?  May-it not come-to-pass.

ROMANS 9v15 For to-the Moses he-is saying: I-shall-have-mercy-on whomever I-might-be-having-mercy, and I-shall-pity whomever I-might-be-pitying.

ROMANS 9v16 So therefore (it-is) not of-the (one) willing nor of-the (one) running, BUT of-the God having-mercy.

ROMANS 9v17 For the scripture is-saying to-the Pharaoh that With-reference-to this same thing I-raised you out, in-which-case I-might-demonstrate in you my power, and in-which-case my name might-be-announced in all the earth.

ROMANS 9v18 So therefore he-is-having-mercy-on whom he-is-willing, but whom he-is-willing he-is-hardening.

ROMANS 9v19 You-will-say to-me therefore:  Why is-he still finding-fault?  For who has-withstood-and-still-withstands his intention?

ROMANS 9v20 O MAN, yea therefore who are-you, yourself the (one) replying-against the God?  Will the thing-moulded say to-the (one) having-moulded: Why (have) you-made me thus?  (No!)

ROMANS 9v21 Or is the potter not having authority of-the mud out-of the same lump to-make on-the-one-hand which vessel with-reference-to honor, on-the-other-hand which with-reference-to dishonor?

ROMANS 9v22 But if the God willing to-demonstrate the wrath and to-make-known the possible (intention?) of-him brought in much patience vessels of-wrath having-been-and-still-rendered-thoroughly-fit with-reference-to destruction,

ROMANS 9v23 And in-order-that he-might-make-known the riches of his glory on vessels of-mercy, which he-prepared-before with-reference-to glory,

ROMANS 9v24 Whom (has) he-called, even us, not only out-of Jews BUT also out-of nations?

ROMANS 9v25 As even in the Hosea he-is-saying:  I-shall-call the people not mine, my people, and the (woman?) not having-been-cherished-and-still-(not)-cherished, having-been-cherished-and-still-cherished;

ROMANS 9v26 And it-will-be in the place, the-place-where, it-was-said to-them:  YOU (are) not my people, there they-will-be-called sons of (the) living God.

ROMANS 9v27 But Isaiah is-crying in-behalf-of the Israeli; If the number of-the sons of-Israel might-be as the sand of-the sea, the thing-left-under will-be-saved;

ROMANS 9v28 For finishing-completely and cutting-short (an) account in justice; because Jehovah will-make (an) account having-been-and-still-cut-short on the land.

ROMANS 9v29 And according-as Isaiah said-before and still-is-saying:  Unless Jehovah of-hosts abandoned (a) seed to-us, we (maybe) became as Sodom and we (maybe) were-likened as Gomorrah.

ROMANS 9v30 What therefore shall-we-say? That nations the (ones) not pursuing justice, it (they)-apprehended justice, but justice the (one) out-of trust?

ROMANS 9v31 But Israel pursuing (a) law of-justice came not first with-reference-to (the) law.

ROMANS 9v32 Because-of what? Because not out-of trust BUT as out-of works of-law they-stumbled on-the stone of-the stumbling,

ROMANS 9v33 According-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written: Behold I-am-placing in Sion (a) stone of-stumbling and (a) rock of-entrapment, and the (one) trusting on him will not be-disgraced.


ROMANS 10v1 Brothers, on-the-one-hand the well-thinking of my heart and the petition to the God in-behalf-of the Israeli is with-reference-to salvation.

ROMANS 10v2 For I-am-bearing-witness to-them that they-are-having (a) zeal of-God, BUT not according-to thorough-


ROMANS 10v3 For being-ignorant-of the righteousness of-the God, and seeking to-make-stand their-own righteousness, they-were not subjected to-the righteousness of-the God.

ROMANS 10v4 For Messiah (is) finish of-law with-reference-to righteousness to-every (one) trusting.

ROMANS 10v5 For Moses is-writing the righteousness the (one) out-of the law, that the MAN having-done them will-himself-live in them.

ROMANS 10v6 But the righteousness out-of trust is-saying thus:  Might-you not say in your heart:  Who will-ascend into the heaven?  This is to-lead-down Messiah;

ROMANS 10v7 Or:  Who will-descend into the abyss?  This is to-lead-up Messiah out-of dead (ones).

ROMANS 10v8 BUT  what is-it-saying?  The saying is near you, in your mouth and in your heart; the saying of-the trust which we-are-preaching is this;

ROMANS 10v9 That  if  you-might-confess  with your mouth Jehovah Jesus, and you-might-trust in your heart that the God raised him out-of dead (ones), you-will-be-saved;

ROMANS 10v10 For with-heart he-is-being-trusted with-reference-to righteousness, but with-mouth he-is-being-confessed with-reference-to salvation.

ROMANS 10v11 For the scripture is-saying:  Every one trusting on him will not be-disgraced.

ROMANS 10v12 For (there) is not strict-order both of-Jew and of Greek.  For the same Jehovah of-all, being-rich with-reference-to all the (ones) calling-on him;

ROMANS 10v13 For every (one) whosoever might-call-on the name of-Jehovah will-be-saved.

ROMANS 10v14 How therefore might-they-call-on (one) with-reference-to whom they-trusted not? But how will-they-trust of-whom they-heard not? But how will-they-hear separate-from (one) preaching?

ROMANS 10v15 But how might-they-preach if they-might not be-dispatched?  Even-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  As beautiful the feet of-the (ones) bringing-good-news-(of) good-things.

ROMANS 10v16 BUT not all obeyed the good-news. For Isaiah is-saying:  Lord who trusted in our hearing?

ROMANS 10v17 So the trust (is) out-of hearing, but the hearing (is) through saying of-Messiah.  (or 'of-God'?)

ROMANS 10v18 BUT I-am-saying, (have) they not heard? Yea-therefore:  Their utterance went-out into all the earth, and their sayings into the limits of-the inhabited-earth.

ROMANS 10v19 BUT I-am-saying, Came Israel not to-know? First Moses is-saying:  I myself-will-provoke YOU to-jealousy over (a) not nation, over (a) nation without-understanding I-will-exasperate YOU.

ROMANS 10v20 But Isaiah is-assuming-boldness and he-is-saying: I-was-found by-the (ones) not seeking me, I-became revealed to-the (ones) not questioning me.

ROMANS 10v21 But to the Israeli he-is-saying:  I-out-stretched my hands the total day to (a) people disobeying and contradicting.


ROMANS 11v1 I-am-saying therefore, (has) the God pushed-away-from-himself his people?  (No!)  May-it-not-come-to-pass; for I myself also am (an) Israelite, out-of seed of-Abraham, of-(the)-tribe of-Benjamin.

ROMANS 11v2 The God (has) not pushed-away-from-himself his people whom he-came-to-know-before. Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely what the scripture is-saying in (the history of) Elias, as he-is-interceding With-the God down-upon the Israeli?

ROMANS 11v3 Lord, they-killed your prophets, they-demolished your altars, and-I myself-was-left-remaining alone and they-are-seeking my soul.

ROMANS 11v4 BUT what is the divine-information saying to-him? I-have-left-behind to-myself seven-thousand men, they-who bent not knee to-the Baal.

ROMANS 11v5 Thus therefore also in the now season (a) remnant has-come-to-pass-and-still-is of-favor according-to choice;

ROMANS 11v6 But if by-favor, no-more out-of works, since the favor no-more is-becoming favor.

ROMANS 11v7 What then? What Israel is-seeking-after, this it-attained not, but the choice attained; but the others were-petrified,

ROMANS 11v8 Even-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  The God gave to-them (a) spirit of-compunction, eyes not to-be-looking and ears not to-be-hearing, till of-the today day.

ROMANS 11v9 And David is-saying:  Let their table become into (a) snare and into (a) hunting and into (an) entrapment and into (a) repayment for-them,

ROMANS 11v10 Let their eyes be-made-dark (so as) not to-be-looking, and you-bend-completely their back through every-(thing).

ROMANS 11v11 I-am-saying therefore, (Have) they-slipped in-order-that they-might-fall? (No!) May-it not come-to-pass; BUT by-their offence the salvation to-the Gentiles, with-reference-to to-provoke them to-jealousy.

ROMANS 11v12 But if their offence (is) riches of-(a)-world and their inferiority (is) riches of-nations, in-how-much more their fulness.

ROMANS 11v13 But I-am-saying to-YOU to-the Gentiles; On as-much-as on-the-one-hand therefore I myself-am (an) apostle of-nations, I-am-glorifying my ministry,

ROMANS 11v14 If-by-any-means I-shall-provoke-to-jealousy of-my flesh and I-might-save some out-of them.

ROMANS 11v15 For if the casting-off of-them (is) reconciliation of-(a)-world, what the taking-near if not life out-of dead (ones)?

ROMANS 11v16 But if the firstfruit (is) holy, also the lump; and if the root (is) holy, also the branches.

ROMANS 11v17 But if some of the branches were-broken-out, but you being (a) wild-olive-tree yourself-were-grafted-in among them and you-became (a) fellow-partner of-the root (and?)  of-the fatness of-the olive-tree,

ROMANS 11v18 You-be not boasting-against the branches; but if you-are-boasting-against (them), you yourself-are not bearing the root BUT the root you.

ROMANS 11v19 You-will-say therefore: Branches were-broken-out in-order-that I myself-might-be-grafted-in.

ROMANS 11v20 Rightly: they-were-broken-out by-the distrust, but you yourself-have-stood-and-still-are-standing by-the trust. You-be not having-an-opinion-of high-things, BUT you-be-fearing-for-yourself;

ROMANS 11v21 For if the God spared not of-the branches according-to nature, neither will-he-spare of-you.

ROMANS 11v22 See therefore graciousness and severity of-God:  on-the-one-hand on the (ones) having-fallen severity, on-the-other-hand on you graciousness of God, if you-might-continue in-the graciousness, since you yourself also will-be-chopped-away,

ROMANS 11v23 But also-those, if they-might not continue in-the distrust, they-will-be-grafted-in; for the God is powerful to-graft them in again.

ROMANS 11v24 For if you yourself-were-chopped-away out-of the wild-olive-tree according-to nature and from nature you-were-grafted-in into (a) cultivated-olive, by-how-much rather these, the (ones) according-to nature, will-be-grafted-in to-their-own olive-tree.

ROMANS 11v25 For I-am not willing (for) YOU to-be-being-ignorant brothers, (of) this mystery, in-order that YOU-might not be prudent in yourselves, that petrifaction has-come-to-pass-and-still-is from part to-the Israeli, until of-which (time) the fulness of-the Gentiles might-come-in,

ROMANS 11v26 And thus all Israel will-be-saved, according-as it-has-been-and-still-is-written:  The (one) delivering will-be-present out-of Sion, he-will-turn-back impiety from Jacob.

ROMANS 11v27 And this (is) the covenant from me to-them, at-the-time-that I-might-remove-for-myself their sins.

ROMANS 11v28 On-the-one-hand enemies according-to the good-news because-of YOU, on-the-other-hand cherished (ones) according-to the choice because-of the fathers;

ROMANS 11v29 For the bestowed-favors and the calling of-the God (are) unregrettable.

ROMANS 11v30 For as-altogether YOU yourselves at-one-time disobeyed the God, but now YOU-had-mercy-bestowed in-the disobedience of-these.

ROMANS 11v31 Thus these also now disobeyed in-order-that by your mercy they themselves also might now have-mercy-bestowed.

ROMANS 11v32 For the God shut-together all the (ones) with-reference-to disobedience in-order-that he-might-have-mercy (on) all the (ones).

ROMANS 11v33 O depth of-God's riches and wisdom and knowledge; as unsearchable his sentences and untraceable his ways.

ROMANS 11v34 For who came-to-know (the) mind of Jehovah? Or who became his fellow-counsellor?

ROMANS 11v35 Or who gave-before to-him, and it-will-be-repaid to-him?

ROMANS 11v36 Because out-of him and through him and with-reference-to him (are) the all-things; to-him (be) the glory with-reference-to the ages:  Amen.


ROMANS 12v1 Therefore I-am-entreating YOU, brothers, through the pities of-the God, to-devote YOUR bodies (a) living holy sacrifice, well-pleasing to-the God, YOUR logical service;

ROMANS 12v2 And YOU-be not being-configured to-this age, BUT YOU-be-being-transformed in-the renewing of-YOUR mind, with-reference-to YOU to-be-proving what (is) the will of-the God, the (thing?) good and well-pleasing and perfect (to him?).

ROMANS 12v3 For I-am-saying, through the favor namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-me, to everyone being among YOU, not to-be-having-opinion-beyond beside what is-essential to-be-having-opinion, BUT to-be-having-opinion with-reference-to be-being-of-sound-mind, as the God parted to-each (a) measure of-trust.

ROMANS 12v4 For even-as we-are-having many members in one body, but all the members (are) not having the same practise,

ROMANS 12v5 Thus we, the many, are one body in Messiah, but the one, according-to members, of-one-another

ROMANS 12v6 But having diverse bestowed-favors according-to the favor namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-us, whether prophecy, according-to the proportion of-the trust;

ROMANS 12v7 Or ministry, in the ministry; or the (one) teaching, in the teaching;

ROMANS 12v8 Or the (one) entreating, in the entreaty; the (one) imparting in simplicity, the (one) standing-before in diligence, the (one) having-mercy in hilarity.

ROMANS 12v9 The charity (is) without-hypocrisy. Abhorring the (thing) evil, uniting-selves to-the (thing) good;

ROMANS 12v10 In-the brotherly-love with-reference-to one-another lovingly-affectioned, in-the honor considering one-another before,

ROMANS 12v11 In-the diligence not troublesome, in-the spirit boiling, to-the Lord being-(a)-slave,

ROMANS 12v12 In-the hope rejoicing, in-the tribulation persevering, in-the prayer enduring-steadfastly,

ROMANS 12v13 With-the needs of-the holy (ones) participating, pursuing the love-of-stranger.

ROMANS 12v14 YOU-be-blessing the (ones) persecuting, YOU-be-blessing and YOU-be not cursing-against (them).

ROMANS 12v15 To-be-rejoicing with (ones) rejoicing, and to-be-weeping with (ones) weeping.

ROMANS 12v16 Having-opinion (of) the same-thing with-reference-to one-another, not having-opinion (of) the high-things BUT being-led-away-together with-the humble.  YOU-be not becoming prudent beside yourselves.

ROMANS 12v17 Giving-back to-no-one bad instead-of bad; providing fine-things in-sight of-all MEN;

ROMANS 12v18 If possible, out-of YOUR (part) being-at-peace with all MEN;

ROMANS 12v19 Not avenging yourselves, cherished (ones), BUT YOU-give place to-the wrath; for it-has-been-and still-is-written:  An-avenging (is) for me, I myself-shall-repay, Jehovah is-saying.

ROMANS 12v20 BUT if your enemy might-be-being-hungry, you-be-morseling-out-to him; if he-might-be-thirsting, you-be-giving him to-drink; for doing this you-will-heap coals of-fire on his head.

ROMANS 12v21 You-be not being-conquered by the bad, BUT you-be-having-victory-over the bad with the good.


ROMANS 13v1 Let every soul be-subjecting-himself to-superior authorities.  For there-is not authority unless from God, but the authorities being, are having-been-and-still-are-assigned by the God.

ROMANS 13v2 So-that the (one) arraying-himself-against the authority has-withstood-and-still-is-withstanding to-the order of-the God; but the (ones) having-withstood-and-still-withstanding will-take (a) sentence to-themselves.

ROMANS 13v3 For the rulers are not (a) fear to-the good work BUT to-the bad. But are-you-willing to-be not fearing the authority? You-be-doing the good-thing and you-will-have laudation out-of it;

ROMANS 13v4 For he-is (a) minister of-God to-you with-reference-to the good-(thing). But if you-might-be-doing the bad-(thing), of-fear; for he-is not wearing the dagger at-random; for he-is (a) minister of-God, (an) avenger with-reference-to wrath to-the (one) practising the bad-(thing).

ROMANS 13v5 On-this-account (it-is-a) necessity to-be-subjecting oneself, not only because-of the wrath BUT also because-of the conscience.

ROMANS 13v6 For because-of this YOU-are also finishing tributes; for they-are public-ministers of-God enduring-steadfastly with-reference-to this-thing itself.

ROMANS 13v7 YOU-give-back  the  obligations  to-all,  to-the (one) (owed) the tribute (give) the tribute, to-the (one) (owed) the tax (give) the tax, to-the (one) (owed) the fear (give) the fear, to-the (one) (owed) the honor (give the honor.

ROMANS 13v8  YOU-be being-indebted to-no-one (for) not-one-thing, unless to-be-cherishing one-another; for the (one) cherishing the different (one) has-and-is-still-fulfilling law.

ROMANS 13v9 For the,  you-shall not commit-adultery, you-shall not murder, you-shall not steal, you-shall not bear-false-witness, you-shall not desire, and if any different commandment, it-is-being-summed-up in this the word, in the (word) you-shall-cherish your neighbor as yourself.

ROMANS 13v10 The charity is not working bad for-the neighbor; therefore the charity (is) fulness of-law.

ROMANS 13v11 And (do) this, knowing-absolutely the season, that (an) hour (is) already, (for) us to-be-raised out-of slumber:  for now our salvation (is) nearer than when we-trusted.

ROMANS 13v12 The night progressed, but the day has-drawn-near-and-is-still-near.  Therefore let-us-place-off-for-ourselves the works of-the darkness, but let-us-clothe-ourselves-in the weapons of-the light.

ROMANS 13v13 As in day let-us-walk-around decently, not in revells and drunkennesses, not in-conjugal-beds and wantonnesses, not in-quarrel(ing) and jealousy;

ROMANS 13v14 BUT YOU-clothe-yourselves-in the Lord Jesus Messiah, and YOU-be not making-for-yourselves provision of-the flesh with-reference-to desires.


ROMANS 14v1 But YOU-be-taking-to-yourselves the (one) being-weak in-the trust, not with-reference-to discriminations of-deliberations.

ROMANS 14v2 Who on-the-one-hand is-trusting to-eat all-things, on-the-other-hand the (one) being-weak is-eating vegetables.

ROMANS 14v3 Let the (one) eating not be-treating-with-contempt the (one) not eating, but let not the (one) not eating be-judging the (one) eating, for the God took him to-himself.

ROMANS 14v4 Who yourself are-you the (one) judging (a) house-servant belonging-to-another?  He-is-standing-firm or he-is-falling with his own lord; but he-will-be-made-(to)-stand, for the Lord is-having-power to-make him stand.

ROMANS 14v5 Who on-the-one-hand is-judging day beside day, who on-the-other-hand is-judging every day; let each (one) be-being-brought-to-fullness in his own mind.

ROMANS 14v6 The (one) having-an-opinion is-having-opinion-(of) the day to-Jehovah, [K.J. adds, "And the (one) not having-an-opinion is not having-opinion-(of) the day to-Jehovah"] And the (one) eating is-eating to-Jehovah for he-is-giving-thanks to-the God; and the (one) not eating is not eating to-Jehovah and he-is-giving-thanks to-the God.

ROMANS 14v7 For not-one of-us is-living to-himself, and not-one is-dying-off to-himself;

ROMANS 14v8 For both if we-might-be-living, we-are-living with-the Lord and if additionally we-might-be-dying-off, we-are-dying-off with-the Lord. Therefore both if we-might-be-living and if additionally we-might-be-dying-off, we-are of-the Lord.

ROMANS 14v9 For with-reference-to this Messiah even died-off and he-stood-again and he-lived-again, in-order-that he-might-exercise-lordship even of-dead (ones) and of-living (ones).

ROMANS 14v10 But why are-you yourself judging your brother? Or why are-you yourself also treating your brother with contempt?  For we-shall-ourselves all stand-alongside to-the rostrum of-the Messiah.  [or "God."]

ROMANS 14v11 For it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  I my-self am-living, Jehovah is-saying, That to-me every knee will-bend, and every tongue will-acknowledge to-the God.

ROMANS 14v12 So therefore each (one) of-us will-give account concerning himself to-the God.

ROMANS 14v13 Therefore might-we no-longer be-judging one-another; BUT YOU-judge this rather, to-be not putting stumbling or entrapment for-the brother.

ROMANS 14v14 I-am-knowing-absolutely and I-have-been-and-still-am-persuaded in Jehovah Jesus that not-one-thing (is) common through itself; unless to-the (one) figuring something to-be common, to-that (one) (it-is) common.

ROMANS 14v15 For if because-of food your brother is-being-grieved, you-are no-more walking-around according-to charity.  You-be not destroying that (one) by your food, in-behalf-of whom Messiah died-off.

ROMANS 14v16 Let not therefore YOUR good be-being-blasphemed.

ROMANS 14v17 For the kingdom of-the God is not eating (food) and drinking, BUT justice and peace and joy in (the) Holy Spirit;

ROMANS 14v18 For the (one) in this being-a-slave to-the Messiah (is) well-pleasing to-the God and approved by-the MEN.

ROMANS 14v19 So therefore let-us-pursue the-things of-the peace and the-things of-the building-up, of-the (building-up) with-reference-to one-another.

ROMANS 14v20 You-be not overthrowing the work of-the God on-account-of food.  On-the-one-hand all-things (are) clean, BUT bad for-the MAN, the (one) eating through stumbling.

ROMANS 14v21 (It-is) fine not to-eat meats neither to-drink wine nor (anything) in which your brother is-stumbling or is-being-entrapped or is-being-weak.

ROMANS 14v22 Are you yourself-having trust? You-be-having (it) according-to yourself in-sight of-the God. Happy (is)

the (one) not judging himself in what he-is-approving:

ROMANS 14v23 But if the (one) doubting might-eat he-has-been-and-is-still-condemned, because not out-of trust; but every-thing which (is) not out-of trust is sin.


ROMANS 15v1 But we, the powerful, are-ourselves-being-indebted to-be-bearing the acts-of-weaknesses of the (ones) not-powerful, and not to-be-pleasing ourselves.

ROMANS 15v2 Let each (one) of-us be-pleasing to-the neighbor with-reference-to the (thing) good toward building-up;

ROMANS 15v3 For even the Messiah pleased not himself; BUT according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  The reproaches of-the (ones) reproaching you fell-upon me.

ROMANS 15v4 For as-many-things-as were-written-before, were-written with-reference-to our teaching, in-order-that through the perseverance and through the comfort of-the scriptures we-might-be-having the hope.

ROMANS 15v5 But may the God of-the perseverance and of-the comfort give to-YOU to-be-having the same opinion in one-another according-to Messiah Jesus,

ROMANS 15v6 In-order-that with-one-accord with one mouth YOU-might-be-glorifying the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Messiah.

ROMANS 15v7 On-this-account YOU-be-taking one-another to-yourselves, according-as the Messiah also took us to-himself with-reference-to glory of-the God.

ROMANS 15v8 For I-am-saying Messiah to-have-become-and-still-is (a) minister of-circumcision in-behalf-of truth of-God, with reference-to to-make-firm the promises of-the fathers,

ROMANS 15v9 But the Gentiles to-glorify the God in-behalf-of (his) mercy, according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  Because-of this I-shall-acknowledge to-you among nations and I-shall-play-a-psalm-on-a-stringed-instrument to your name.

ROMANS 15v10 And again he-is-saying:  YOU-be-merry, nations, with his people.

ROMANS 15v11 And again:  YOU-be-praising the Lord, all the Gentiles, and YOU-laud him all the peoples.

ROMANS 15v12 And again Isaiah is-saying: There-will-be the root of-the Jesse, even the (one) standing-up-again-for-himself to-be-ruling of-nations; on him nations will-hope.

ROMANS 15v13 But may the God of-the hope fill YOU of-all joy and peace in to-be-trusting, with-reference to YOUR being-exceeding in the hope in power of (the) Holy Spirit.

ROMANS 15v14 But I-have-been-and-still-am-persuaded, my brothers, even I myself concerning YOU, that even YOU yourselves are replete of-goodness, having-been-and-still-filled of-all of-the knowledge, being-able also to-be-admonishing one-another.

ROMANS 15v15 But more-daringly I-wrote to-YOU from part, as reminding YOU again-thoroughly because-of the favor namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-me by the God.

ROMANS 15v16 With-reference-to me to-be (a) public-minister of-Messiah Jesus with-reference-to the Gentiles, working-as-priest (of) the good-news of-the God, in-order-that the offering of-the Gentiles might-become welcome, having-been-made-and-still-holy in (the) Holy Spirit.

ROMANS 15v17 I-am-having therefore reason-to-boast in Messiah Jesus the-things with the God;

ROMANS 15v18 For I-shall not dare to-be-speaking anything of-which (things) Messiah (has) not worked-out through me with-reference-to obedience of-nations, in-word and in-work,

ROMANS 15v19 In power of signs and wonders, in power of-(the)-Spirit of-God; from Jerusalem and in-a-circle as-far-as the Illyricum to-have-fulfilled the good-news of-the Messiah.

ROMANS 15v20 But thus loving-honor to-be-bringing-good-news-for-myself, not where-in-which Messiah was-named, in order-that I-might not be-building on (a) foundation belonging-to-another,

ROMANS 15v21 BUT according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  To-whom it-was not told concerning him, they-will-see, and the (ones that) have not heard-and-still (do not) hear they-will-perceive.

ROMANS 15v22 On-this-account also I-was-being-impeded the many (times) to-come to YOU;

ROMANS 15v23 But at-this-instant no-longer having place in these regions, but having (a) longing-for from many years to-come to YOU.

ROMANS 15v24 As I-might-be-proceeding into the Spain; for I-am-hoping (while) proceeding-through to-behold YOU and by YOU to-be-sent-forward there, if of-YOU first I-might (in) part be-filled-full-within,

ROMANS 15v25 But at-this-instant I-am-proceeding into Jerusalem ministering to-the holy (ones).

ROMANS 15v26 For Macedonia and Achaia thought-well to-make some participation for-themselves with-reference-to the destitute of-the holy (ones) namely-the (ones) in Jerusalem.

ROMANS 15v27 For they-thought-well, and they-are their debtors; for if the Gentiles participated in their spiritual-things, they-are-being-indebted also to-minister-publicly to-them in the fleshly-things.

ROMANS 15v28 Having therefore accomplished this, and having-myself-sealed this fruit for-them, I-shall-go-away through YOU into Spain.

ROMANS 15v29 But I-am-knowing-absolutely that (when) coming to YOU I-shall-come in (the) fulness of-(the)-blessing of-Messiah.

ROMANS 15v30 But I-am-entreating YOU, brothers, through our Lord Jesus Messiah and through the charity of-the Spirit, to-struggle-together with-me in the prayers in my behalf to the God,

ROMANS 15v31 In-order-that I-might-be-delivered in the Judea from the (ones) disobeying; and my ministry, the (one) in-reference-to Jerusalem might-become welcome to-the holy (ones),

ROMANS 15v32 In-order-that I-might-come to YOU in joy through (the) will of-God, and I-might-rest-again-with YOU.

ROMANS 15v33 But the God of-the peace (be) with YOU all: amen.


ROMANS 16v1 But I-am-commending Phoebe our sister to-YOU, being (a) minister of-the assembly namely-the (one) in Cenchrea,

ROMANS 16v2 In-order-that YOU-might-welcome her in Jehovah worthily of-the holy (ones), and YOU-might-stand-alongside her in what (ever) thing she-might-be-needing of-YOU; for she herself also became (a) protectress of-many and of-me myself.

ROMANS 16v3 YOU-greet Prisca and Aquila my fellow-workers in Messiah Jesus,

ROMANS 16v4 They-who in-behalf-of my soul put-under the neck of-themselves, to-whom not I myself alone am giving-thanks BUT also all the assemblies of-the Gentiles,

ROMANS 16v5 And the assembly according-to their household. YOU-greet Epaenetus my cherished, who is firstfruit of-the Asia with-reference-to Messiah.

ROMANS 16v6 YOU-greet Mary, she-who tired-from-labor many (times) with-reference-to us.

ROMANS 16v7 YOU-greet Andronicus and Junius my relatives and my fellow-captives, they-who are notable (ones) among the apostles, and who have-become-and-still-are in Messiah before me.

ROMANS 16v8 YOU-greet Ampliatus my cherished (one) in Jehovah.

ROMANS 16v9 You-greet Urbanus our fellow-worker in Messiah and Stachys my cherished (one).

ROMANS 16v10 YOU-greet Apelles the approved in Messiah. YOU-greet the (ones) out-of the (ones) of-Aristobulus.

ROMANS 16v11 YOU-greet Herodian my relative. YOU-greet the (ones) out-of the (ones) of-Narcissus namely the (ones) being in Jehovah.

ROMANS 16v12 YOU-greet Tryphaena and Tryphosa the (ones) tiring-from-labor in Jehovah. YOU-greet Persis the cherished, she-who many (times) tired-from-labor in Jehovah.

ROMANS 16v13 YOU-greet Rufus the chosen in Jehovah and his mother and of-me.

ROMANS 16v14 YOU-greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers with them.

ROMANS 16v15 YOU-greet Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the holy (ones) with them.

ROMANS 16v16 YOU-greet one-another with (a) holy kiss. All the assemblies of-the Messiah are-greeting YOU.

ROMANS 16v17 But I-am-entreating YOU, brothers, to-be-contemplating the (ones) making the dissensions and the entrapments beside the doctrine which YOU yourselves-learned, and YOU-be-deviating from them;

ROMANS 16v18 For the (ones) such-as-these are not being-slaves to-Messiah our Lord, BUT to-the belly of-themselves, and through the gracious-word and blessing they-are-deluding the hearts of-the (ones) not-bad.

ROMANS 16v19 For YOUR obedience extended-off with-reference-to all; I-am-rejoicing therefore over YOU, but I-am-willing YOU on-the-one-hand to-be wise (ones) with-reference-to the good-thing, on-the-other-hand uncontaminated (ones) with-reference-to the bad-thing.

ROMANS 16v20 But the God of-the peace will-shatter the adversary under YOUR feet with speed. The favor of our Lord Jesus Messiah (be)  with YOU.

ROMANS 16v21 Timothy my fellow-worker is-greeting YOU, and Lucius and Jason and Sosipater my relatives.

ROMANS 16v22 I Tertius myself-am-greeting YOU, the (one) having-written the epistle in Jehovah.

ROMANS 16v23 Gaius my stranger is-greeting YOU and total of-the assembly.  Erastus the administrator-of-the-household of-the city is-greeting YOU and the brother Quartus.

ROMANS 16v24 The favor of our Lord Jesus Messiah (be) with YOU all.  Amen.

ROMANS 16v25 But to-the (one) being-able to-fix YOU firmly according-to my good-news, and the preaching of-Jesus Messiah according-to (the) uncovering of-(a)-mystery having-been-and-still-silenced in-times eternal,

ROMANS 16v26 But now having-been-manifested and-additionally having-been-made-known through prophetic scriptures according-to (the) injunction of-the eternal God with-reference-to obedience of-trust with-reference-to all the Gentiles,

ROMANS 16v27 To-God, alone wise, for-whom (be) the glory through Jesus Messiah with-reference-to the ages: Amen.

I Corinthians




I CORINTHIANS 1v1 Paul (a) called apostle of-Jesus Messiah through (the) will of-God and the brother Sosthenes

I CORINTHIANS 1v2 To-the assembly of-the God namely-the (one) being in Corinth, to (ones) having-been-and-still-made-holy in Messiah Jesus, called holy (ones), with all the (ones) calling-on the name of-our Lord Jesus Messiah in every place, both of-them and of-us;

I CORINTHIANS 1v3 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 1v4 I-am-giving-thanks to-the God always concerning YOU upon the favor of-the God namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-YOU in Messiah Jesus,

I CORINTHIANS 1v5 Because in every-thing YOU-were-made-rich in him, in every word and all knowledge,

I CORINTHIANS 1v6 According-as the testimony of-the Messiah was-made-firm in YOU.

I CORINTHIANS 1v7 So-that YOU (are) to-be not lacking in not-one bestowed-favor, waiting-anxiously the uncovering of-our Lord Jesus Messiah;

I CORINTHIANS 1v8 Who will also make YOU firm till (the) finish, unreprovable in the day of-our Lord Jesus Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 1v9 The God (is) trustworthy, through whom YOU-were-called with-reference-to participation of-his son Jesus Messiah our Lord.

I CORINTHIANS 1v10 But I-am-entreating YOU, brothers, through the name of-our Lord Jesus Messiah, in-order-that YOU-might all be-saying the same-thing, and there-might not be splits among YOU, but YOU-might-be (ones) having-been-and-still-rendered-thoroughly-fit with the same mind and with the same sentiment.

I CORINTHIANS 1v11 For it-was-made evident to-me concerning YOU, my brothers, by the (ones) of-Chloe, that there-are quarrels among YOU.

I CORINTHIANS 1v12 But I-am-saying this, that each of-YOU is saying; on-the-one-hand I myself-am of-Paul, on-the-other-hand I of-Apollos, but I of-Cephas, but I of-Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 1v13 The Messiah has-been-and-still-is-parted? Was Paul crucified in-behalf-of YOU, or were-YOU-baptized with-reference-to the name of-Paul?  No!

I CORINTHIANS 1v14 I-am-giving-thanks to-the God that I-baptized not-one of-YOU unless Crispus and Gaius;

I CORINTHIANS 1v15 In-order-that someone might-not say that YOU-were-baptized with-reference-to my name.

I CORINTHIANS 1v16 But I-baptized also the household of-Stephanas; therefore I-am-not-knowing-absolutely if I-baptized another certain-one.

I CORINTHIANS 1v17 For Messiah dispatched me not to-be-baptizing BUT to-be-bringing-good-news, not in wisdom of-word, in-order-that the cross of-the Messiah might not be-emptied.

I CORINTHIANS 1v18 For the word, namely-the (one) of-the cross on-the-one-hand is to-the (ones) perishing stupidity, on-the-other-hand to-us, to-the (ones) being-saved it-is (the) power of-God.

I CORINTHIANS 1v19 For it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  I-shall-destroy the wisdom of-the wise (ones) and I-shall-disregard the intelligence of-the intelligent (ones).

I CORINTHIANS 1v20 Where (is) (a) wise-man? Where (is) (a) scribe? Where (is) (a) debater of this age?  Did NOT the God make-stupid the wisdom of-the world?

I CORINTHIANS 1v21 For since-indeed in the wisdom of-the God the world through the wisdom came not to-know the God, the God thought-well through the stupidity of-the preaching to-save the (ones) trusting.

I CORINTHIANS 1v22 Since-indeed also Jews (are) requesting signs and Greeks (are) seeking wisdom,

I CORINTHIANS 1v23 But we ourselves-are-preaching Messiah having-been-and-still-crucified, to Jews on-the-one-hand (an) entrapment, on-the-other-hand to nations (a) stupidity,

I CORINTHIANS 1v24 But to-them the (ones) called, both to-Jews and to-Greeks, Messiah (the) power of-God and (the) wisdom of-God.

I CORINTHIANS 1v25 Because the stupid-thing of-the God is wiser (than) of-the MEN, and the weak-thing of-the God stronger (than) of-the MEN.

I CORINTHIANS 1v26 For YOU-be-looking-at YOUR calling, brothers, that not many (are) wise according-to flesh, not many powerful, not many well-born;

I CORINTHIANS 1v27 BUT the God chose-for-himself the stupid-things of-the world in-order-that he-might-be-disgracing the wise (ones), and the God chose-for-himself the weak-things of-the world in-order-that he-might-be-disgracing the strong-things,

I CORINTHIANS 1v28 And the God chose-for-himself the (things) unborn of-the world and the-things having-been-treated with contempt, the-things not being, in-order-that he-might-render-inactive the-things being,

I CORINTHIANS 1v29 in-which-case all flesh might not boast in-sight of-the God.

I CORINTHIANS 1v30 But out-of him YOU yourselves-are in Messiah Jesus, who became wisdom to-us from God, both

righteousness and holiness and redemption.

I CORINTHIANS 1v31 In-order-that according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  The (one) boasting let-him-be-boasting in Jehovah.


I CORINTHIANS 2v1 And-I having-come to YOU, brothers, came not according-to superiority of-word or of-wisdom proclaiming to-YOU the testimony of-the God.

I CORINTHIANS 2v2 For I-judged not to-be-knowing-absolutely anything among YOU unless Jesus Messiah and this-one having-been-and-still-crucified.

I CORINTHIANS 2v3 And-I myself-became with YOU in weakness and in fear and in much trembling,

I CORINTHIANS 2v4 And my word and my preaching (was) not in persuasive words of-wisdom, BUT in (a) pointing-out of-spirit and of-power,

I CORINTHIANS 2v5 In-order-that YOUR trust might not be in wisdom of-MEN BUT in power of-God.

I CORINTHIANS 2v6 But we-are-speaking wisdom among the perfect-ones, but wisdom not of-this age neither of-the rulers of-this age of-the (ones) being-rendered inactive;

I CORINTHIANS 2v7 BUT we-are-speaking God's wisdom in (a) mystery, namely-the (wisdom) having-been-and-still-hidden-back, which the God appointed-before, before the ages, with-reference-to our glory;

I CORINTHIANS 2v8 Which not-one of-the rulers of-this age has-come-to-know-or-yet-knows; for if they-had-come-to-know, they-would not have-crucified the Lord of-the glory;

I CORINTHIANS 2v9 BUT according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written: Things-which eye saw not and ear heard not and upon (the) heart of-MAN ascended not, things-which the God prepared for the (ones) cherishing him,

I CORINTHIANS 2v10 But to-us the God uncovered through his spirit; for the Spirit is-searching all-things, even the depths of-the God.

I CORINTHIANS 2v11 For who of-MEN is-knowing-absolutely the-things of-the MAN unless the spirit of-the MAN namely-the (one) in him?  Thus also no-one has-come-to-know-and-still-knows the-things of-the God if not the Spirit of-the God.

I CORINTHIANS 2v12 But we ourselves-took not the spirit of-the world BUT the Spirit namely-the (one) out-of the God, in-order-that we-might-be-knowing-absolutely the-things having-been-bestowed-a-favor to-us by the God;

I CORINTHIANS 2v13 Which-things also we-are-speaking not in words taught of-human wisdom, BUT in (ones) taught of (the) Spirit, judging-together spiritual-things with-spiritual-things.

I CORINTHIANS 2v14 But (a) MAN of-the-soul is not receiving the-things of-the Spirit of-the God; for to-him they-are stupidity, and he-is not being-able to-come-to-know (them), because they-are-being-examined spiritually.

I CORINTHIANS 2v15 But the (one) spiritual on-the-one-hand is-examining all-things, on-the-other-hand he himself is-being-examined by no-one.

I CORINTHIANS 2v16 For who came-to-know (the) mind of-Jehovah, who will-bring him to-agreement?  But we ourselves-are-having (the) mind of-Messiah.


I CORINTHIANS 3v1 And-I, brothers, was not able to-speak to-YOU as to-spiritual (ones) BUT as to-fleshy (ones), as to-infants in Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 3v2 I-gave YOU milk to-drink, not food; for YOU-were not-yet being-able, BUT neither yet now are-YOU-being-able,

I CORINTHIANS 3v3 For YOU-are still fleshly. For where-in-which among YOU (there-is) jealously and quarrel(ing) and dissensions are-YOU NOT fleshly and YOU-are-walking-around according-to MAN?

I CORINTHIANS 3v4 For at-the-time-that anyone might-be-saying:  On-the-one-hand I myself-am of-Paul, but (a) different (one) I (am) of-Apollos, are-YOU not MEN?

I CORINTHIANS 3v5 What therefore is Apollos? But what is Paul? BUT ministers through whom YOU-trusted, even as the Lord gave to-each (one).

I CORINTHIANS 3v6 I myself planted, Apollos gave-to-drink, BUT the God was-making grow.

I CORINTHIANS 3v7 So-that neither is the (one) planting anything nor the (one) giving-to-drink, BUT God the (one) making-grow.

I CORINTHIANS 3v8 But the (one) planting and the (one) giving-to-drink are one, but each will-take (his) own reward according-to (his) own labor.

I.COR.3v9 For we-are fellow-workers of God; (a) farm of-God, YOU-are (a) building of-God.

I CORINTHIANS 3v10 According-to the favor of-the God namely-the (favor) having-been-given to me I-placed (a) foundation as (a) wise chief-builder, but another is-building-up.  But let each (one) be-looking how he-is-building-up.

I CORINTHIANS 3v11 For no-one is-being-able to-place another foundation beside the (one) being-laid, who is Jesus the Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 3v12 But if someone is-building-up on this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, woods, grass, straw,

I CORINTHIANS 3v13 The work of-each (one) will-become manifest; for the day will-make (it) evident, because it-is-being-uncovered with fire, and (what) the work of-each (one) is like, the fire itself will-prove.

I CORINTHIANS 3v14 If the work of-someone is-remaining, which he-built-up, he-will-take reward;

I CORINTHIANS 3v15 If the work of-someone will-be-burned-up, he-will-be-disadvantaged, but he himself will-be-saved, but thus as through fire.

I CORINTHIANS 3v16 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that YOU-are (the) sanctuary of-God and the Spirit of-the God is-dwelling in YOU?

I CORINTHIANS 3v17 If someone is-corrupting the sanctuary of-the God, the God will-corrupt this (one); for the sanctuary of-the God is holy, which-ones YOU yourselves are.

I CORINTHIANS 3v18 Let no-one be-deluding himself; if someone is-seeming to-be wise among YOU in this age, let-him-become stupid, in-order-that he-might-become wise.

I CORINTHIANS 3v19 For the wisdom of-this world is stupidity beside the God.  For it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  The (one) grasping the wise (ones) in their craftiness;

I CORINTHIANS 3v20 And again:  Jehovah is-coming-to-know the deliberations of-the wise, that they-are aimless.

I CORINTHIANS 3v21 So-that let no-one be-boasting in MEN; for all-things are YOUR'S.

I CORINTHIANS 3v22 Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or (a) world or life or death, or things-having-stood-in-and-still-standing-in or things-future, all-things are YOUR'S,

I CORINTHIANS 3v23 But YOU of-Messiah, but Messiah of-God.


I CORINTHIANS 4v1 Thus let (a) MAN be-figuring us as officers of-Messiah and administrators-of-the-household of-mysteries of-God.

I CORINTHIANS 4v2 Therefore, here it-is-being-sought among the administrators-of-the-household in-order-that some-one might-be-found trustworthy.

I CORINTHIANS 4v3 But to-me it-is with-reference-to (the) least-thing in-order-that I-might-be-examined by YOU or by human day; BUT neither am-I-examining myself;

I CORINTHIANS 4v4 For I-am-being conscious-of not-one-thing to-myself, BUT I-have not been nor am-justified by this; but the (one) examining me is Jehovah.

I CORINTHIANS 4v5 So-that YOU-be not judging anything before season, until the Lord might-come, who also will-give-light-on the hidden-things of-the darkness and will-manifest the purposes of-the hearts; and then the laudation will-come-to-pass to-each (one) from the God.

I CORINTHIANS 4v6 But these-things, brothers, I-transfigured with-reference-to myself and Apollos because-of YOU, in-order-that in us YOU-might-learn not to-be-having-an-opinion above what has-been-and-still-is-written, in-order-that YOU-might not one in-behalf-of the one, be-being-inflated against the different (one).

I CORINTHIANS 4v7 For which (of-us) is-discriminating you? But what are-you-having which you-took-not? But if you also took, why are-you-boasting as not taking?

I CORINTHIANS 4v8 Already YOU-are  having-been-and-still-are-satiated; already YOU-became-rich; YOU-became-king separate-from us; and I-would-that YOU-be-came-king in-fact, in-order-that we ourselves also might-become-king-together with-YOU.

I CORINTHIANS 4v9 For I-am-thinking that the God pointed-out us the apostles last as (ones) condemned-to-death, because we-became (a) spectacle to-the world even to-angels and to-MEN.

I CORINTHIANS 4v10 We (are) stupid (ones) because-of Messiah, but YOU (are) prudent (ones) in Messiah; we (are) weak (ones), but YOU (are) strong (ones): YOU (are) glorious (ones), but we (are) dishonored (ones).

I CORINTHIANS 4v11 Until the hour just-now we-are even being-hungry and we-are-thirsting and we-are-being-naked and we-are-being-buffeted and we-are-wandering-about

I CORINTHIANS 4v12 And we-are-tiring-from-labor working with (our) own hands; being-reviled we-are-blessing, being-persecuted we-are-tolerating,

I CORINTHIANS 4v13 Being-blasphemed we-are-entreating; we-became as scum[s]-around the world, offscouring of-all until just-now.

I CORINTHIANS 4v14 I-am-writing these-things not (to-be) humiliating YOU, BUT as my cherished children I-am-admonishing.

I CORINTHIANS 4v15 For if YOU-might-be-having myriads (of) disciplinarian-tutors in Messiah, BUT not many fathers; for in Messiah Jesus I myself-begat YOU through the good-news.

I CORINTHIANS 4v16 Therefore I-am-entreating YOU, YOU-be becoming imitators of-me.

I CORINTHIANS 4v17 Because-of this I-sent Timothy to-YOU, who is my cherished and trustworthy child in Jehovah, who will-again-remind YOU of-my ways, the (ones) in Messiah Jesus, according-as I-am-teaching every-where in every assembly.

I CORINTHIANS 4v18 But as my not coming to YOU some became-inflated;

|v19 But I-shall-come to YOU speedily, if the Lord might-will, and I-will-come-to-know-for-myself not the word of-the (ones) having-been-and-still-inflated BUT the power;

I CORINTHIANS 4v20 For the Kingdom of-the God (is) not in word, BUT in power.

I CORINTHIANS 4v21 What are-YOU-willing?  I-might-come to-YOU with (a) rod, or in charity and-additionally (a) spirit of-meekness?


I CORINTHIANS 5v1 Totally prostitution is-being-heard (to-be) among YOU, and prostitution such-as-this, one-which (is) neither among the Gentiles, so-that someone (is) to-be-having (a) woman of-the father.

I CORINTHIANS 5v2 And YOU yourselves-are (ones) having-been-and-still-inflated, and (had) YOU NOT rather mourned, in-order-that the (one) having-done this work might-be-lifted-up out-of YOUR midst?

I CORINTHIANS 5v3 For I on-the-one-hand being-absent in-the body on-the-other-hand being-alongside in-the spirit, myself-have already judged-and-still-judge, as (if) being-alongside, the (one) having thus worked-out this thing,

I CORINTHIANS 5v4 in the name of-our Lord Jesus Messiah, YOUR having-been-gathered-together and my spirit with the power of-our Lord Jesus Messiah,

I CORINTHIANS 5v5 To-give-over the (one) such-as-this to-the adversary with-reference-to ruination of-the flesh, in-order-that the spirit might-be-saved in the day of-the Lord.

I CORINTHIANS 5v6 YOUR boast (is) not fine. Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that (a) little leaven is-leavening the total lump?

I CORINTHIANS 5v7 YOU-purge-out the old leaven, in-order-that YOU-might-be (a) new lump, according-as YOU-are unleavened-breads.  For even our passover was-sacrificed, Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 5v8 So-that let-us-be-keeping-the-feast not with old leaven neither with leaven of-malice and of-evil, BUT with unleavened-breads of-sincerity and of-truth.

I CORINTHIANS 5v9 I-wrote to-YOU in the epistle not to-be-mixing-yourselves-up-together with male-prostitutes,

I CORINTHIANS 5v10 In-any-event not with-the male-prostitutes of-this world or with-the covetous and seizers or idolaters, since (if)-so YOU-were-indebted to-go-out out-of the world.

I CORINTHIANS 5v11 BUT now I-wrote to-YOU not to-be-mixing-yourselves-together-with someone, if being-named (a) brother, might-be (a) male-prostitute or (a) covetous (one) or (an) idolater or (a) reviler or (a) drunkard or (a) seizer, neither to-eat-together with-the (one) such-as-this.

I CORINTHIANS 5v12 For what (is it) to-me to-be-judging the (ones) without? Are-YOU NOT judging the (ones) inside?

I CORINTHIANS 5v13 But the (ones) without the God is-judging. YOU-lift-up-out the evil (one) out-of yourselves.


I CORINTHIANS 6v1 Is someone of-YOU having (a) matter with the different (one), daring to-be-being-judged over of-the unrighteous and NOT over of-the holy (ones)?

I CORINTHIANS 6v2 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that the holy (ones) will-judge the world? And if with YOU the world is-being-judged, are-YOU (ones) unworthy of-the-least tribunals?

I CORINTHIANS 6v3 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that we-shall-judge messengers?  In-fact whether-at-all (the) things-pertaining-to-this-life?

I CORINTHIANS 6v4 If therefore on-the-one-hand YOU-might-be-having tribunals (of)-things-pertaining-to-this-life, YOU-be-causing these, the (ones) having-been-and-still-treated-with-contempt in the assembly, to-be-seated.

I CORINTHIANS 6v5 I-am-saying to-YOU toward humiliation.  Thus is-there not among YOU (a) wise (one), but-not one, who shall-be-able to-discriminate amid his brother(s)?

I CORINTHIANS 6v6 BUT brother with brother is-being-judged, and this over of-unbelieving (ones).

I CORINTHIANS 6v7 Already  on-the-one-hand  therefore  there-is totally inferiority with-YOU that YOU-are-having sentences with yourselves. Why are-YOU NOT rather being-done-harm? Why are-YOU NOT rather being-deprived?

I CORINTHIANS 6v8 BUT YOU yourselves-are-doing-harm and YOU-are-depriving, and this, brothers.

I CORINTHIANS 6v9 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that unjust (ones) will not inherit (the) kingdom of-God? YOU-be not being-led-astray; neither male-prostitutes nor idolaters nor adulterers nor catamites nor homosexual-males

I CORINTHIANS 6v10 Nor thieves nor covetous (ones), not drunkards, not revilers, not seizers will-inherit (the) Kingdom of-God.

I CORINTHIANS 6v11 And these-things some (of YOU) were; BUT YOU-bathed-yourselves-off, BUT YOU-were-made-holy, BUT YOU-were-justified in the name of-the Lord Jesus and in the Spirit of-our God.

I CORINTHIANS 6v12 All-things (are)-legitimate to-me, BUT all-things are not advantageous.  All-things (are)-legitimate, BUT I myself shall not be-had-under-authority by anything.

I CORINTHIANS 6v13 The foods for-the belly, and the belly for-the foods, but the God even this and these will-render-inactive.  But the body (is) not for-the prostitution BUT for-the Lord, and the Lord for-the body;

I CORINTHIANS 6v14 But the God also raised the Lord and he-will-raise-out us through his power.

I CORINTHIANS 6v15 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that YOUR bodies are members of-Messiah? Therefore having-lifted-up the members of-the Messiah shall-I-make members of-a-prostitute?  May-it not come-to-pass.

I CORINTHIANS 6v16 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that the (one) uniting-himself to-the prostitute is one body?  For they-will-be, he-is-stating, the two with-reference-to one flesh.

I CORINTHIANS 6v17 But the (one) uniting-himself to-the Lord is one spirit.

I CORINTHIANS 6v18 YOU-be-fleeing the prostitution.  Every sinful-act which if (a) MAN might-do is outside the body; but the (one) committing-prostitution is-sinning with-reference-to (his) own body.

I CORINTHIANS 6v19 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that YOUR body is (the) sanctuary of-the Holy Spirit in YOU, whom YOU-are-having from God, and YOU-are not of-yourselves?

I CORINTHIANS 6v20 For YOU-were-bought-in-the-market of-(a)-price; YOU indeed glorify the God in YOUR body.


I CORINTHIANS 7v1 But  concerning  of-which-things  YOU-wrote, (It-is) fine for-a-MAN not to-be-handling (a) woman;

I CORINTHIANS 7v2 But because-of the prostitutions let each-(man) be-having the woman of-himself, and let each-(woman) be-having (her) own husband.

I CORINTHIANS 7v3 Let the husband be-giving-back the obligation to-the wife, but likewise also the wife to-the husband.

I CORINTHIANS 7v4 The wife is not having-authority of-(her) own body BUT the husband; but likewise also the husband is not having-authority of-(his) own body BUT the wife.

I CORINTHIANS 7v5 YOU-be not depriving one-another, if not something out-of agreeing toward (a) season in-order-that YOU-might-be-unoccupied for-the prayer and YOU-might again be on the same (relationship), in-order-that the adversary might not try YOU because-of YOUR no-self-control.

I CORINTHIANS 7v6 But I-am-saying this according-to concession, not according-to injunction.

I CORINTHIANS 7v7 For I-am-willing all MEN to-be even as myself; BUT each-(man) is-having (his) own bestowed-favor out-of God, the (one) on-the-one-hand thus, the (one) on-the-other-hand thus.

I CORINTHIANS 7v8 But I-am-saying to-the unmarried (ones) and to-the widows, it-is fine for-them if they-might-remain as I-also;

I CORINTHIANS 7v9 But if they-are not exercising-self-control, let-them-marry; for it-is better to-be-marrying than to-be-being-on-fire.

I CORINTHIANS 7v10 But to-the (ones) having-married-and-still-married I-am-delivering-a-message, not I BUT the Lord, (a) wife not to-be-separated from (a) husband,

I CORINTHIANS 7v11 But if she even might-be-separated, let-her-be-remaining unmarried or let-her-be-reconciled to-the husband, and (a) husband not to-be-letting-go (a) wife.

I CORINTHIANS 7v12 But to-the others I-am-saying, I not the Lord; if any brother is-having (an) unbelieving wife, and-she herself-is-concurring to-be-dwelling with him, let-him not be-letting her go;

I CORINTHIANS 7v13 And (a) wife one-who is-having (an) unbelieving husband, and he himself-is-concurring to-be-dwelling with her, let-her not be-letting him go.

I CORINTHIANS 7v14 For the husband namely-the unbelieving has-been-and-still-is-made-holy in the wife, and the wife namely-the unbelieving has-been-and-still-is-made-holy in the brother; since so YOUR children (are) unclean, but now (they-are) holy (ones).

I CORINTHIANS 7v15 But if the unbelieving (one) is-separating-himself, let-him-be-separating-himself; the brother or the sister has not been-and-is-still not enslaved in the-things such-as-these; but the God has-called-and-still-calls YOU in peace.

I CORINTHIANS 7v16 For what, wife, are-you-knowing-absolutely if you-will-save the husband? Or what, husband, are-you-knowing-absolutely if you-will-save the wife?

I CORINTHIANS 7v17 Unless as the Lord parted to-each (one), as the God has-called-and-still-calls each (one), thus let-him-be-walking-around.  And thus I-order-for-myself in all the assemblies.

I CORINTHIANS 7v18 Was anyone called having-been-and-still-circumcised? Let-him not be-pulling-on; was anyone called in uncircumcision?  Let-him not be-being circumcised.

I CORINTHIANS 7v19 The circumcision is not-one-thing, and the uncircumcision is not-one-thing, BUT (a) keeping of-commandments of-God (is).

I CORINTHIANS 7v20 Each (one) in the calling in-which he-was-called, in this let-him-be-remaining.

I CORINTHIANS 7v21 Were-you-called (being) (a) slave? Let-it not be-mattering to-you; BUT if you-are-being-able even to-become free, you-use (it) rather.

I CORINTHIANS 7v22 For the slave having-been-called in Jehovah is (a) freedman of-Jehovah; and likewise the (one) having-been-called (being) free is (a) slave of Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 7v23 YOU-were-bought-in-the-market of-(a)-price; YOU-be not becoming slaves of-MEN.

I CORINTHIANS 7v24 Each (one) in which (thing) he-was-called, brothers, in this let-him-be-remaining beside God.

I CORINTHIANS 7v25 But concerning the virgins, I-am not having (an) injunction of-Jehovah, but I-am-giving (a) sentiment as (one) having-had-and-still-having-mercy-bestowed by Jehovah to-be trustworthy.

I CORINTHIANS 7v26 I-am-supposing therefore this (thing) (is) fine to-be-existing because-of the necessity having-stood-in-and-still-standing-in, that (it-is) fine for-a-MAN to-be thus.

I CORINTHIANS 7v27 Have-you-been-and-still-are-bound to-a-wife? You-be not seeking (a) loosing; Have-you-been-and-still-are-loosed away-from (a) wife?  You-be not seeking (a) wife.

I CORINTHIANS 7v28 But if also you-might-marry, you-sinned not, also if the virgin might-marry she-sinned not; but the (ones) such-as-these will-have tribulation in-the flesh, but I myself-am-sparing YOU.

I CORINTHIANS 7v29 But this I-am-stating, brothers, the season henceforth is having-been-and-is-still-contracted; in-order-that even the (ones) having wives might-be as not having,

I CORINTHIANS 7v30 And the (ones) weeping as not weeping, and the (ones) rejoicing as not rejoicing, and the (ones) buying-in-the market as not holding-fast,

I CORINTHIANS 7v31 And the (ones) using the world as (ones) not using (it) fully; for the figure of this world is leading-by.

I CORINTHIANS 7v32 But I-am-willing (for) YOU to-be without-anxiety.  The unmarried (one) is-being-anxious (for) the-things of-the Lord.

I CORINTHIANS 7v33 How he-might-please the Lord; but the (one) having-married is-being-anxious (for) the-things of-the world, how he-might-please the wife.

I CORINTHIANS 7v34 The wife and the virgin have-been-and-still-are-parted.  The unmarried is-being-anxious (for) the-things of-the Lord, in-order-that she-might-be holy even in-body and in-spirit; but the (one) having-married is-being-anxious (for) the-things of-the world, how she-might-please the husband.

I CORINTHIANS 7v35 But I-am-saying this toward the-thing advantageous of-YOU yourselves, not in-order-that I-might-cast-on (a) noose for-YOU, BUT toward the-thing decent and assiduous for-the Lord undistractedly.

I CORINTHIANS 7v36 But if someone is-supposing to-be behaving-indecently over his virgin, if he-might-be beyond-the-bloom-of-youth, and thus he-is-being-indebted to-be-becoming (her husband?), let-him-be-doing what-thing he-is-willing; he-is not sinning; let-them-be-being-married.

I CORINTHIANS 7v37 But (one)-who is-having-stood-and-still-stands immovable in his heart, not having necessity, but he-is-having authority concerning (his) own will, and has-judged-and-still-judges this-(thing) in (his) own heart, to-be-keeping his virgin, will-do rightly.

I CORINTHIANS 7v38 So-that also the (one) marrying the virgin of-himself is-doing rightly, and the (one) not marrying will-do better.

I CORINTHIANS 7v39 (A) wife has-been-and-is-still-bound on so-long-as time her husband is-living; but if the husband might-fall-asleep, she-is free to-be-married to-whom she-is-willing, only in Jehovah.

I CORINTHIANS 7v40 But she-is happier if she-might-remain thus, according-to my sentiment; but I-am-thinking I-also to-be-having (the) spirit of-God.


I CORINTHIANS 8v1 But concerning the idolatrous-sacrifices,  we-are-knowing-absolutely that we all are-having knowledge.  The knowledge is-inflating, but the charity is-building-up.

I CORINTHIANS 8v2 If someone is-thinking to-have-come-to-know-and-still-knows something, he not-yet came-to-know according-as it-is-essential to-know;

I CORINTHIANS 8v3 But if someone is-cherishing the God, this (one) has-come-to-be-known-and-is-still-known by him.

I CORINTHIANS 8v4 Concerning the eating therefore of-the idolatrous-sacrifices we-are-knowing-absolutely that (an) idol (is) not-one-thing in (a) world, also that no-one (is) God if not (the) one.

I CORINTHIANS 8v5 For even if-altogether there-are (ones)-being-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as-altogether there-are many gods and many lords,

I CORINTHIANS 8v6 BUT to-us one God the Father, out-of whom (are) the all-things and we with-reference-to him, and one Jehovah Jesus Messiah, through whom (are) the all-things and we through him.

I CORINTHIANS 8v7 BUT the knowledge (is) not in all; but some in-the custom-together of-the idol till just-now they-are-eating as (an) idolatrous-sacrifice, and their conscious being weak is-being-soiled.

I CORINTHIANS 8v8 But food will not stand us alongside with-the God; for neither if we-might-eat are-we-having-an-advantage; nor if we-might not eat are-we-lacking-for-ourselves.

I CORINTHIANS 8v9 But YOU-be-looking lest-perchance this authority of-YOU might-become stumbling to-the weak (ones).

I CORINTHIANS 8v10 For if someone might-see you, the (one) having knowledge, lying-down in an-idol's-temple, will NOT the conscience of-him, of-(one)-being weak, be-built-up to-be-eating with-reference-to the idolatrous-sacrifices?

I CORINTHIANS 8v11 For the (one) being-weak is-perishing in thy knowledge, the brother because-of whom Messiah died-off.

I CORINTHIANS 8v12 But thus sinning with-reference-to the brothers and hitting their being-weak conscience YOU-are-sinning with-reference-to Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 8v13 For-which-very-reason if food is-entrapping my brother, not (at-all) might-I-eat meats with reference-to the age, in-order-that I-might not entrap my brother.


I CORINTHIANS 9v1 Am-I not free? Am-I not (an) apostle? Have-I NOT seen-and-still-see Jesus Messiah our Lord? Are not YOU yourselves my work in Jehovah?

I CORINTHIANS 9v2 If to-others I-am not (an) apostle, BUT in-fact to-YOU I-am; for the seal of-my apostleship are-YOU yourselves in Jehovah.

I CORINTHIANS 9v3 My defence to-the (ones) examining me is this.

I CORINTHIANS 9v4 Are-we not having authority to-eat and to-drink?

I CORINTHIANS 9v5 Are-we not having authority to-be-leading-about (a) sister (a) wife, as also the other apostles and the brothers of-the Lord and Cephas?

I CORINTHIANS 9v6 Or only I and Barnabas, are-we not having authority to not be-working?

I CORINTHIANS 9v7 Who  is-serving-in-the-army  at-any-time  by-(his)-own wages? Who is-planting (a) vineyard and he-is not eating the fruit of-it?  Or who is-shepherding (a) flock and he-is not eating out-of the milk of-the flock?

I CORINTHIANS 9v8 Am I not speaking these-things according-to MAN, or also is the law not saying these-things?

I CORINTHIANS 9v9 For in the law of-Moses it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  You-shall not muzzle (a) threshing ox.  Does-it-matter to-the God of-the oxen?  [No]

I CORINTHIANS 9v10 Or in-any-event is-he-saying (this) because-of us?  For because-of us it-was-written, that the (one) ploughing is-being-indebted to-be-ploughing on hope, and the (one) threshing on hope of-to-be-sharing.

I CORINTHIANS 9v11 If we ourselves sowed to-YOU the spiritual-things, (is-it) (a)-great-thing if we ourselves shall-harvest YOUR fleshly-things?

I CORINTHIANS 9v12 If others are-sharing of-the authority of-YOU, not we rather?  BUT we-used not this authority for-ourselves, BUT we-are-forebearing all-things in-order-that we-might not give someone (an) impedance to-the good-news of-the Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 9v13 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that the (ones) working the sacred-things are-eating the-things out-of the temple, the (ones) attending-to the altar are-being-partakers-with the altar?

I CORINTHIANS 9v14 Thus also the Lord ordered for-the (ones) proclaiming the good-news to-be-living out-of the good-news.

I CORINTHIANS 9v15 But I myself-have not used nor still-use one of-these (things).  But I-wrote not these-things in-order-that it-might-become thus with me; for (it-is) fine for-me to-die-off rather than any-one shall-empty my boast.

I CORINTHIANS 9v16 For if I-might-be-bringing-good-news, it-is not (a) boast for-me; for necessity is-being-laid-on to-me; for woe it-is to-me if I-might not be-bringing-good-news.

I CORINTHIANS 9v17 For if willingly I-am-practising this, I-am-having reward; but if unwillingly, I-have-been-and-still-am-trusted administration-of-the-household.

I CORINTHIANS 9v18 What therefore is my reward?  In-order-that bringing-good-news I-might-place the good-news without-expense, with-reference-to not to-use-fully my authority in the good-news.

I CORINTHIANS 9v19 For being free out-of all (men) I-enslaved myself to-all (men), in-order-that I-might-gain the many-more;

I CORINTHIANS 9v20 And I-became to-the Jews as (a) Jew, in-order-that I-might-gain Jews; to-the (ones) under law as under law, not being myself under law, in-order-that I-might-gain the (ones) under law;

I CORINTHIANS 9v21 To-the (ones) without-law as without-law, not being without-law of-God BUT within-law of-Messiah, in-order-that I-might-gain the (ones) without-law;

I CORINTHIANS 9v22 I-became weak to-the weak, in-order-that, I-might-gain the weak; I-have-become-and-still-am all-things to-the all, in-order-that in-any-event I-might-save some.

I CORINTHIANS 9v23 But I-am-doing all-things because-of the good-news, in-order-that I-might-become (a) fellow-partner of-it.

I CORINTHIANS 9v24 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that the (ones) running in-(a)-stadium on-the-one-hand they-are all running, on-the-other-hand one is-taking the prize? Thus YOU-be-running in-order-that YOU-might-apprehend.

I CORINTHIANS 9v25 But every-one struggling is exercising-self-control (in) all-things, those on-the-one-hand therefore in-order-that they-might-take (a) perishable crown, we on-the-other-hand (an) imperishable.

I CORINTHIANS 9v26 Furthermore-now thus I myself-am-running as not uncertainly, thus I-am-boxing as not beating air;

I CORINTHIANS 9v27 BUT I-am-giving my body a black eye and I-am-leading-(it)-into-slavery, lest-perchance having-preached to-others I myself might-become unapproved.


I CORINTHIANS 10v1 For I-am not being-willing (for) YOU to-be-being ignorant, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all went-through the sea,

I CORINTHIANS 10v2 And they all baptized-themselves with-reference-to the Moses in the cloud and in the sea,

I CORINTHIANS 10v3 And they all ate the same spiritual food,

I CORINTHIANS 10v4 And they all drank the same spiritual drink; for they-were-drinking out-of (a) spiritual rock following, but the rock was the Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 10v5 BUT with the many-more of-them the God thought not well; for they-were-spread-down in the wilderness.

I CORINTHIANS 10v6 But these-things became our patterns,  with-reference-to us, not to-be desirers of-bad-things, according-as also-those desired.

I CORINTHIANS 10v7 Neither YOU-be-becoming idolaters, according-as some of-them; as it-has-been-and-is-still-written: The people caused-to-be-seated to-eat and to-drink, also stood-again to-be-playing.

I CORINTHIANS 10v8 Nor let-us-be-committing-prostitution, according-as some of-them committed-prostitution and they-fell, in-one day, twenty three thousands.

I CORINTHIANS 10v9 Nor let-us-be-tempting the Messiah, according-as some of-them tried, and destroyed-themselves by the serpents.

I CORINTHIANS 10v10 Nor be-YOU-murmuring, even-as some of-them murmured, and they-destroyed-themselves by the decimator.

I CORINTHIANS 10v11 But all these-things, (as) patterns, were happening to-those, but it-was-written toward admonition of-us, with-reference-to whom the finishes of-the ages has-arrived.

I CORINTHIANS 10v12 So-that let the (one) seeming to-have-stood-and-still-be-standing be-looking (that) he-might not fall.

I CORINTHIANS 10v13 Trial has not taken-and-is-still not taking YOU if not (a) human (one); but the God (is) trustworthy, who will not allow YOU to-be-tried above what YOU-are-being-able, BUT he-will-make with the trial also the outcome (for) YOU to-be-being-able to undergo (it).

I CORINTHIANS 10v14 For-which-very-reason, my cherished (ones), YOU-be-fleeing from the idolatry.

I CORINTHIANS 10v15 As to-prudent-(ones) I-am-saying; YOU yourselves judge what I-am-stating.

I CORINTHIANS 10v16 The cup of-the blessing which we-are-blessing, is-it NOT participation of-the blood of-the Messiah?  The bread which we-are-breaking-in-pieces, is-it NOT participation of-the body of-the Messiah?

I CORINTHIANS 10v17 Because we, the many, are one bread, one body; for we all are-sharing out-of the one bread.

I CORINTHIANS 10v18 YOU-be-looking-at the Israeli according-to flesh; are not the (ones) eating the sacrifices partners of-the altar?

I CORINTHIANS 10v19 What therefore am-I-stating?  That (an)-idolatrous-sacrifice is something?  or that (an) idol is something?

I CORINTHIANS 10v20 BUT that what (things) the Gentiles are sacrificing, they-are-sacrificing to-little-demons and not to-God, but I-am not willing YOU to-be-becoming partners of-the little-demons.

I CORINTHIANS 10v21 YOU-are not being-able to-be-drinking (a) cup of-Jehovah and (a) cup of-little-demons; YOU-are not being-able to-be-sharing of-a-table of-Jehovah and of-a-table of-little-demons.

I CORINTHIANS 10v22 Or are-we-provoking the Lord to-jealousy? Are-we stronger (ones) (than) he?

I CORINTHIANS 10v23 All-things are-legitimate, BUT not all-things are-being-advantageous; all-things are-legitimate, BUT not all-things are-building-up.

I CORINTHIANS 10v24 Let no-one be-seeking the (thing) of-himself BUT each (one) the (thing) of-the different (one).

I CORINTHIANS 10v25 Everything being-offered-for-sale in (a) meat-market YOU-be-eating, examining not-one-thing because-of the conscience;

I CORINTHIANS 10v26 For of-the Lord (is) the earth and the fulness of-it.

I CORINTHIANS 10v27 If someone of-the unbelieving (ones) is-calling YOU and YOU-are-willing to-be-proceeding, YOU-be-eating every thing being-placed-beside YOU, examining not-one-thing because-of the conscience.

I CORINTHIANS 10v28 But if someone might-say to-YOU; This is (an) idolatrous-sacrifice, YOU-be not eating because-of that (one), the (one) having-disclosed (it) and the conscience;

I CORINTHIANS 10v29 But I-am-saying conscience NOT the (one) of-himself BUT the (one) of-the different (one).  For to-what-end is my freedom being-judged by another conscience?

I CORINTHIANS 10v30 If I myself am-sharing in-favor, why am-I-being-blasphemed in-behalf-of what I myself-am-giving-thanks?

I CORINTHIANS 10v31 Whether therefore YOU-are-eating or YOU-are-drinking or anything YOU-are-doing, YOU-be-doing all-things with-reference-to (the) glory of-God.

I CORINTHIANS 10v32 YOU-be-becoming (ones) not-causing-to-stumble even to-Jews and to-Greeks and to-the assembly of-the God,

I CORINTHIANS 10v33 According-as I-also (in) all-things am-pleasing all, not seeking the (thing) advantageous of-myself BUT the (thing) of-the many, in-order-that they-might-be-saved.


I CORINTHIANS 11v1 YOU-be-becoming imitators of-me, according-as I-also of-Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 11v2 But I-am-lauding YOU because YOU-have-been-and-still-are-mindful of-me (in) all-things and YOU-are-holding-fast the traditions according-as I-gave-over to-YOU.

I CORINTHIANS 11v3 But I-am-willing YOU to-have-known-and-still-know-absolutely that the Messiah is the head of-every man, but the man (is) head of-(a)-woman, but the God (is) head of-the Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 11v4 Every man praying or prophesying  having (something) down-over (the) head is-disgracing the head of-him.

I CORINTHIANS 11v5 But every woman praying or prophesying with-the head uncovered-completely is-disgracing the head of-her; for it-is one and the same with-the (one) having-been-and-still-shaved.

I CORINTHIANS 11v6 For if (a) woman is not covering-up-herself, also let-her-be-shearing-herself; but if shameful for-(a)-woman to-be-shearing-herself or to-be-shaving-herself let-her-be-covering-up-herself.

I CORINTHIANS 11v7 For on-the one-hand (a) man is not being-indebted to-be-covering-up the head, existing (an) image and (a) glory of God; on-the-other-hand the woman is (a) glory of-man.

I CORINTHIANS 11v8 For man is not out-of woman, BUT woman out-of man;

I CORINTHIANS 11v9 For also man was not created because-of the woman, BUT woman because-of the man.

I CORINTHIANS 11v10 Because-of this the woman is-being-indebted to-be-having authority on the head because-of the angels.

I CORINTHIANS 11v11 Further neither woman separate-from man nor man separate-from woman in Jehovah.

I CORINTHIANS 11v12 For as-altogether the woman (was) out-of the man, thus also the man (is) through the woman; but all the things (are) out-of the God.

I CORINTHIANS 11v13 YOU-judge among YOU yourselves; is-it suitable (a) woman to-be-praying to-the God completely-uncovered?

I CORINTHIANS 11v14 But is not the nature herself teaching YOU that (a) man on-the-one-hand if he-might-be-having-long-hair-(as-an-ornament) it-is (a) dishonor to-him,

I CORINTHIANS 11v15 (A) woman on-the-other-hand if she-might-be-having-long-hair-(as-an-ornament) it-is (a) glory to-her? Because the long-hair has-been-and-still-is-given to-her instead-of (a) thing-cast-around.

I CORINTHIANS 11v16 But if someone is-seeming to-be loving-contention, we ourselves are not having (a) custom-together such-as-this, nor the assemblies of-the God.

I CORINTHIANS 11v17 But (while) delivering this message I-am not lauding (YOU), because YOU-are-coming-together not with-reference-to the better BUT with-reference-to the inferior.

I CORINTHIANS 11v18 For first on-the-one-hand, of-YOU coming-together in assembly, I-am-hearing splits to-be-existing among YOU, and I-am-trusting some part.

I CORINTHIANS 11v19 For it-is even essential to-be sects among YOU, in-order-that the (ones) approved might-become manifest among YOU.

I CORINTHIANS 11v20 Therefore of-YOU coming-together on the same (thing) it-is not to-eat (a) lordly supper;

I CORINTHIANS 11v21 For each-(one) is-taking-before (his) own supper in the [period?] to-eat, and on-the-one-hand (one)-who is-being-hungry, on-the-other-hand (one)-who is-being-drunk.

I CORINTHIANS 11v22 For are-YOU not having houses with-reference-to [the] to-be-eating and to-be-drinking? Or are-YOU-despising the assembly of-the God, and are-YOU-disgracing the (ones) not having? What might I-say to-YOU? Shall-I-laud YOU? In this I-am not lauding.

I CORINTHIANS 11v23 For I myself-took-along from the Lord, what also I-gave-over to-YOU, that the Lord Jesus in the night in-which he-was-being-given-over he-took bread

I CORINTHIANS 11v24 And having-given-thanks he-broke-(it)-in-pieces and said:  This is my body the (one) in-behalf-of YOU; this YOU-be-doing with-reference-to my remembrance.

I CORINTHIANS 11v25 In-the-same-way also the cup after tak(ing)-supper, saying: This cup is the new-quality covenant in my blood; this YOU-be-doing as-often-as YOU-might-be-drinking, with-reference-to my remembrance.

I CORINTHIANS 11v26 For as-often-as YOU-might-be-eating this bread and YOU-might-be-drinking this cup, YOU-are-proclaiming the death of-the Lord, until of-which he-might-come.

I CORINTHIANS 11v27 So-that (one)-who might-be-eating this bread or might-be-drinking the cup of-the Lord unworthily, will-be liable of-the body and of-the blood of-the Lord.

I CORINTHIANS 11v28 But let (a) MAN be-approving himself, and thus let-him-be-eating out-of the bread and let-him-be-drinking out-of the cup;

I CORINTHIANS 11v29 For the (one) eating and drinking unworthily is-eating and is-drinking (a) sentence to-himself not discriminating the body of-the Lord.

I CORINTHIANS 11v30 Because-of this many among YOU (are) weak and sickly and considerable (number) are-being-fallen-asleep.

I CORINTHIANS 11v31 But if we-were-discriminating ourselves, we-were not being-judged;

I CORINTHIANS 11v32 But being-judged we-are-being-disciplined by the Lord, in-order-that we-might not be condemned with the world.

I CORINTHIANS 11v33 So that, my brothers, coming-together with-reference-to to-eat YOU-be-waiting-long-on one-another.

I CORINTHIANS 11v34 If someone might-be-being-hungry, let-him-be-eating within home, in-order-that YOU-might not be-coming-together with-reference-to (a) sentence. BUT the other-things I-shall-order as I-might-come.


I CORINTHIANS 12v1 But concerning the spiritual (things), brothers, I-am not willing (for) YOU to-be-being-ignorant.

I CORINTHIANS 12v2 YOU-are-knowing-absolutely that when YOU-were nations, as (ones)-being-led-away, YOU-were-being-led to the idols namely-the voiceless-(ones)

I CORINTHIANS 12v3 On-this-account  I-am-making-known  to-YOU that not-one speaking in (the) Spirit of-God is-saying:  Anathema Jesus, and not-one is-being-able to-say:  Jehovah Jesus, unless in (the) Holy Spirit.

I CORINTHIANS 12v4 But there-are  allotments. of-bestowed-favors, but the same Spirit;

I CORINTHIANS 12v5 And  there-are  allotments of-ministries,  and the same Lord;

I CORINTHIANS 12v6 And  there-are  allotments  of-operations,  but the same God, the (one) operating all the (things) in all (persons).

I CORINTHIANS 12v7 But to-each-(one) the manifestation of-the Spirit is-being-given toward the-thing advantageous.

I CORINTHIANS 12v8 For  on-the-one-hand (one)-to-whom is-being-given (a) word of-wisdom through the Spirit, on-the-other-hand to-another (a) word of-knowledge according-to the same Spirit,

I CORINTHIANS 12v9 To-(one)-different, trust in the same Spirit, but to-another bestowed-favors of-means-of-curing in the same Spirit,

I CORINTHIANS 12v10 But to-another operations of-powerful-deeds, but to-another prophecy, but to-another discriminations of-spirits, to-(one)-different kinds of-languages, but to-another translation of-languages:

I CORINTHIANS 12v11 But all these-things the one and the same Spirit is-operating, allotting to-each (one) privately according-as he-is-purposing.

I CORINTHIANS 12v12 For even-as the body is one and it-is-having many members, but all the members of-the body being many (are) one body, thus also the Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 12v13 For even we ourselves-were all baptized in one Spirit into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free-(ones), and we all were-given-to-drink-(of) one Spirit.

I CORINTHIANS 12v14 For also the body is not one member BUT many.

I CORINTHIANS 12v15 If the foot might-say:  Because I-am not (a) hand, I-am not out-of the body, not beside this, it-is not out-of the body.

I CORINTHIANS 12v16 And if the ear might-say:  Because I-am not (an) eye, I-am not out-of the body, not beside this, it-is not out-of the body.

I CORINTHIANS 12v17 If the total body (was) eye, where the hearing? If total hearing, where the sense-of-smell?

I CORINTHIANS 12v18 But at-this-instant the God himself-placed the members, each one of-them in the body according-as he-willed.

I CORINTHIANS 12v19 But if the-things (were) all one member, where the body?

I CORINTHIANS 12v20 But now on-the-one-hand many members, on-the-other-hand one body.

I CORINTHIANS 12v21 But the eye is not being-able to-say to-the hand:  I-am not having need of-you, or again the head to-the feet:  I-am not having need of-YOU;

I CORINTHIANS 12v22 BUT by-much more the members of-the body seeming to-be-existing weaker (are) necessary,

I CORINTHIANS 12v23 And which-things of-the body we-are-thinking to-be more-dishonored, to-these we-are-placing-around honor more-exceedingly, and the-(things) of-us indecent (are)-having-decency more-exceedingly,

I CORINTHIANS 12v24 But the decent-(things) of-us (are)-having no need. BUT the God mingled the body together, having-given to-the-(thing) lacking-for-itself, honor more-exceedingly,

I CORINTHIANS 12v25 In-order-that there-might-be not split in the body, BUT the members might-be-being-anxious the same in-behalf-of one-another.

I CORINTHIANS 12v26 And whether one member is-suffering, all the members (are)-suffering-together; or (a) member is-being-glorified, all the members (are) rejoicing-together.

I CORINTHIANS 12v27 But YOU yourselves-are body of-Messiah and members out-of part,

I CORINTHIANS 12v28 Even which on-the-one-hand the God placed-for-himself in the assembly; firstly apostles, second prophets, third teachers, thereafter powerful-deeds, afterward bestowed-favors of-means-of curings, assistances, steerings, kinds of-languages,

I CORINTHIANS 12v29 (Are) all apostles?  No!  (Are) all prophets? No!  (Are) all teachers?  No!  (Are) all powerful-deed?  No!

I CORINTHIANS 12v30 Are all having bestowed-favors of-means-of-curings?  No!  Are-they all speaking in-languages? No!  Are-they all interpreting?  No!

I CORINTHIANS 12v31 But YOU-are-being-jealous-of the bestowed-favors, namely-the (ones) greater. And yet I-am-pointing to-YOU (a) way according-to (a) surpassing-manner.


I CORINTHIANS 13v1 If I-might-be-speaking in-the  tongues of-the MEN and of-the angels, but I-might not be-having charity, I-have-become-and-still-am sounding brass or (a) cymbal making-a-loud-noise.

I CORINTHIANS 13v2 And if I-might-be-having prophecy and I-might-know-absolutely all the mysteries and all the knowledge, and if I-might-be-having all the trust so-as to-be-shifting mountains, but I-might not be-having charity, I-am nothing.

I CORINTHIANS 13v3 And if I-might-morsel-out all my goods, and if I-might-give-over my body in-order-that I-might-be-burned, but I-might not be-having charity, I-am-being-profited not-one-thing.

I CORINTHIANS 13v4 The charity is-being-patient, the charity is-being-gracious, it-is not being-jealous, the charity is not playing-the-braggart, it-is not being-inflated,

I CORINTHIANS 13v5 It-is not behaving indecently, it-is not seeking the-things of-itself, it-is not being irritated, it-is not figuring the bad (thing),

I CORINTHIANS 13v6 It-is not rejoicing over the unrighteousness, but it-is-rejoicing-together with-the truth;

I CORINTHIANS 13v7 It-is-forbearing all-things, it-is-trusting all-things, it-is-hoping all-things it-is-persevering all-things.

I CORINTHIANS 13v8 The charity never is-failing; but whether prophecies, they-will-be-rendered-inactive; or languages, they-

will-cease-of-themselves; or knowledge, it-will-be-rendered-inactive.

I CORINTHIANS 13v9 For out-of part we-are-coming-to-know and out-of part we-are-prophesying;

I CORINTHIANS 13v10 But at-the-time-that the perfect-thing might-come, the-thing out-of part will-be-rendered-in-active.

I CORINTHIANS 13v11 When I-was (an) infant, I-was-speaking as (an) infant, I-was-having-an-opinion as (an) infant, I-was-figuring as (an) infant; when I-had-become-and-still-am (a) man, I-have-rendered-inactive-and-still-render-inactive the-things of-the infant.

I CORINTHIANS 13v12 For just-now we-are-looking through (a) mirror in (an) enigma, but then face to face; just-now I-am-coming-to-know out-of part, but then I-shall-come-to-know-thoroughly-for-myself according-as also I-came-to-be-known-thoroughly.

I CORINTHIANS 13v13 But at-this-instant trust, hope, charity (are) remaining, these three things; but the charity (is) (the) greater of-these.


I CORINTHIANS 14v1 YOU-be-pursuing the  charity,  but YOU-be-being-zealous-of the spiritual-(things), but more in-order-that YOU-might-be-prophesying.

I CORINTHIANS 14v2 For the (one) speaking in-(a)-language is not speaking to-MEN BUT to-the God; for not-one is-hearing, but in-spirit he-is-speaking mysteries;

I CORINTHIANS 14v3 But the (one) prophesying is-speaking to-MEN building-up and comfort and solace.

I CORINTHIANS 14v4 The (one) speaking in-(a)-language is-building up himself; but the (one) prophesying is-building up (an) assembly.

I CORINTHIANS 14v5 But I-am-willing (for) YOU all to-be-speaking in-languages, but more in-order-that YOU-might-be-prophesying; for greater (is) the (one) prophesying than the (one) speaking in-languages, unless he-might-be-interpreting, in-order-that the assembly might-take building-up.

I CORINTHIANS 14v6 But now,  brothers, if I-might-come to YOU speaking in-languages, what shall-I-profit YOU, unless I-shall-speak to-YOU either in (an) uncovering or in knowledge or in prophecy or in doctrine?

I CORINTHIANS 14v7 Nevertheless the-things without-soul giving (a) noise, whether flute or kithara, if they-might not give (a) strict-order in-the utterances, how will the-thing being-played-on-the-flute or the-thing being-played-on-the-kithara come-to-be-known?

I CORINTHIANS 14v8 For also if (a) trumpet might-give (an) uncertain noise, who will-make-himself-ready with-reference-to (a) war?

I CORINTHIANS 14v9 Thus also unless YOU yourselves-might-give (a) distinct word through the tongue, how will the-thing being-spoken come-to-be-known? For YOU-will-be speaking into air.

I CORINTHIANS 14v10 If it-may-chance there-are these-many kinds of-voices in (a) world, and not-one-(thing) voiceless;

I CORINTHIANS 14v11 If therefore I-might not be-knowing-absolutely the power of-the voice, I-shall-be (a) foreigner to-the (one) speaking and the (one) speaking in me (is) (a) foreigner.

I CORINTHIANS 14v12 Thus also YOU, since YOU-are zealots of-spirits, YOU-be-seeking toward the building-up of-the assembly in-order-that YOU-might-be-having-an-advantage.

I CORINTHIANS 14v13 On-this-account let the (one) speaking in-(a)-language be-praying in-order-that he-might-be-interpreting.

I CORINTHIANS 14v14 For if I-might-be-praying in-a-language, my spirit is-praying, but my mind is without-fruit.

I CORINTHIANS 14v15 What therefore is-it?  I-shall-pray with-the spirit, but I-shall-pray also with-the mind; I-shall-play-a-psalm-on-a-stringed-instrument with-the spirit, but I-shall-play-a-psalm-on-a-stringed-instrument also with-the mind.

I CORINTHIANS 14v16 Since if you-might-be-blessing in spirit, how will the (one) filling-up the place of-the layman say the amen upon thy giving-of-thanks?  Since-indeed he-is not knowing-absolutely what you-are-saying;

I CORINTHIANS 14v17 For on-the-one-hand you yourself-are-rightly giving-thanks,  BUT  the  (one)  different  is  not being-built-up.

I CORINTHIANS 14v18 I-am-giving-thanks to-the God, speaking in-languages more (than)-all of-YOU;

I CORINTHIANS 14v19 BUT in (an) assembly I-am-willing to-speak five words through my mind, in-order-that I-might-instruct others also, than ten-thousand words in (a) language.

I CORINTHIANS 14v20 Brothers, YOU-be not becoming (pre-teen)-children in-the mentality, BUT YOU-be-being-an-infant in-the malice, but in-the mentality YOU-be-becoming perfect (ones).

I CORINTHIANS 14v21 In the law it-has-been-and-is-still-written that In different-languages and in different lips I-shall-speak to-this people, and neither thus will-they-listen-to me, Jehovah is-saying.

I CORINTHIANS 14v22 So-that the tongues are with-reference-to (a) sign not to-the (ones) believing BUT to-the unbelieving, but the prophecy (is) not to-the unbelieving BUT to-the (ones) believing.

I CORINTHIANS 14v23 If therefore the total assembly might-come-together upon the same (thing) and all might-be-speaking in-languages, but laymen or unbelieving (ones) might-come-in, will-they not say that YOU-are-being-mad?

I CORINTHIANS 14v24 But if all might-be-prophesying, but someone unbelieving or (a) layman might-come-in, he-is-being-reproved by all, he-is-being-examined by all,

I CORINTHIANS 14v25 The hidden-things of-his heart (are)-becoming manifest, and thus having-fallen on (his) face he-will-worship the God, reporting that certainly the God is among YOU.

I CORINTHIANS 14v26 What therefore is-it, brothers, at-the-time-that YOU-are-coming-together each of-YOU is-having (a) psalm, he-is-having (a) doctrine, he-is-having (an) uncovering, he-is-having (a) language, he-is-having (a) translation; let all-things be-becoming toward building-up.

I CORINTHIANS 14v27 Whether someone is-speaking in-a-language, according-to two or the most three, and in-succession, and let one be-interpreting;

I CORINTHIANS 14v28 But if there-might not be (an) interpreter, let-him-be-being-silent in (an) assembly, but let-him-be-speaking to-himself and to-the God.

I CORINTHIANS 14v29 But let two or three prophets be-speaking and let the others be-discriminating;

I CORINTHIANS 14v30 But if (something)-might-be-uncovered to-another sitting, let the first be-being-silent.

I CORINTHIANS 14v31 For YOU-are all being-able, everyone, to-be-prophesying, in-order-that all might-be-learning and all might-be-being-comforted.

I CORINTHIANS 14v32 And spirits of-prophets (are) subjecting-themselves to-prophets;

I CORINTHIANS 14v33 For-the God is not (one) of-instability BUT of-peace, as in all the assemblies of the holy (ones).

I CORINTHIANS 14v34 Let YOUR women be-being-silent in the assemblies; for it-is not being-permitted to-them to-be-speaking, BUT to-be-subjecting-themselves, according-as the law also is-saying.

I CORINTHIANS 14v35 But if they-are-willing to-learn something, let-them-be-questioning the(ir) own men within home; for it-is shameful for women to-be-speaking in (an) assembly.

I CORINTHIANS 14v36 Or from YOU the word of-the God went-out, or (has) it-arrived with-reference-to YOU alone?

I CORINTHIANS 14v37 If someone is-thinking to-be (a) prophet or spiritual, let-him-be-coming-to-know-thoroughly-what-things I-am-writing to-YOU because they-are commandments of-Jehovah;

I CORINTHIANS 14v38 But if someone is-being-ignorant let-him-be-being ignorant.

I CORINTHIANS 14v39 So-that, my brothers, YOU-be-being-zealous to-be-prophesying, and YOU-be not hindering to-be-speaking in-languages;

I CORINTHIANS 14v40 But let all-things be-coming-to-pass decently and according-to (an) arrangement.


I CORINTHIANS 15v1 But I-am-making-known to-YOU, brothers, the good-news, which good-news-I-brought to-YOU for-myself, which also YOU-took-along-(to-yourselves), in which also YOU-have-stood-and-are-still-standing,

I CORINTHIANS 15v2 Through which also YOU-are-being-saved, if YOU-are-holding-fast to-what word I-brought-good-news-for-myself to-YOU, unless YOU-trusted at-random.

I CORINTHIANS 15v3 For I-gave-over to-YOU among first-(things), what also I-took-along-(to-myself), that Messiah died-off in-behalf-of our sins according-to the scriptures,

I CORINTHIANS 15v4 And that he-was-buried, and that he-has-been-and-is-still-raised on-the day namely-the third according-to the scriptures,

I CORINTHIANS 15v5 And that he-was-seen by-Cephas, afterward by-the twelve;

I CORINTHIANS 15v6 Thereafter he-was-seen by more-than five-hundred brothers all-at-once, out-of whom the most are-remaining till just-now, but some fell-asleep:

I CORINTHIANS 15v7 Thereafter he-was-seen by-James, afterward by-all the apostles;

I CORINTHIANS 15v8 But last of-all as-altogether-if by-the premature-birth he-was-seen by-me-also.

I CORINTHIANS 15v9 For I myself-am the least of-the apostles, who am not adequate to-be-being-called apostle, for-the-reason-that I-persecuted the assembly of-the God;

I CORINTHIANS 15v10 But by-favor of-God I-am what I-am, and his favor namely-the (one) with-reference-to me became not empty, BUT I-tired-from-labor more-exceedingly of-them all, but not I, BUT the favor of-the God with me.

I CORINTHIANS 15v11 Whether therefore I or those, thus we-are-preaching and thus YOU-believed.

I CORINTHIANS 15v12 But if Messiah is-being-preached that he-has-been-and-still-is-raised out-of dead (ones), how are some among YOU saying that there-is not (a) standing-again of dead (ones)?

I CORINTHIANS 15v13 But if there-is not (a) standing-again of dead (ones), neither has Messiah been-and-still-is-raised;

I CORINTHIANS 15v14 But if Messiah has not been-and-is-still-raised, really, our preaching (is) empty, also YOUR trust (is) empty;

I CORINTHIANS 15v15 But also we-are-being-found false-witnesses of-the God, because we-bore-witness down-upon the God that he-raised the Messiah, whom he-raised not if-altogether dead (ones) are really not being-raised.

I CORINTHIANS 15v16 For if dead (ones) are not being-raised, neither has Messiah been-and-still-is-raised;

I CORINTHIANS 15v17 But if Messiah has not been-and-still-is-raised, YOUR trust is aimless, YOU-are still in YOUR sins.

I CORINTHIANS 15v18 So also the (ones) having-fallen-asleep in Messiah destroyed-themselves.

I CORINTHIANS 15v19 If in this life only we-are (ones) having-hoped-and-still-hoping in Messiah, we-are of-all MEN more pitiful.

I CORINTHIANS 15v20 But at-this-instant Messiah has-been-and-still-is-raised out-of dead (ones), firstfruit of-the (ones) having-fallen-asleep-and-still-asleep:

I CORINTHIANS 15v21 For since-indeed the death (is) through MAN, also through MAN (a) standing-again of-dead (ones).

I CORINTHIANS 15v22 For as-altogether in the Adam all are-dying-off, thus also in the Messiah all will-be-made-alive.

I CORINTHIANS 15|v23 But each (one) in (his) own assignment: firstfruit Messiah, thereafter the (ones) of-the Messiah in his presence,

I CORINTHIANS 15v24 Afterward the finish, at-the-time-that he-might-be-giving-over the Kingdom to-the God and Father, at-the-time-that he-might-render-inactive all rule and all authority and power.

I CORINTHIANS 15v25 For it-is-essential (for) him to-be-being-king until which he-might-put all the enemies under his feet.

I CORINTHIANS 15v26 The death is (the) last enemy being-rendered-inactive; for he-subjected all-things under his feet.

I CORINTHIANS 15v27 But at-the-time-that he-might-say that all-things (have)-been-and-still-(are)-subjected, (it-is) evident that (it-is) outside of-the (one) having-subjected the all-things to-him.

I CORINTHIANS 15v28 But at-the-time-that the all-things might-be-subjected to-him, then also the son himself will-be-subjected to-the (one) having-subjected the all-things to-him, in-order-that the God might-be the all-things in all.

I CORINTHIANS 15v29 Since what will the (ones) being baptized in-behalf-of the (ones) dead do? If dead (ones) are not being-raised totally, why are-they even baptized in behalf-of them?

I CORINTHIANS 15v30 Why also are-we ourselves in-peril every hour?

I CORINTHIANS 15v31 I-am-dying-off according-to (each) day, (swear)-by your reason-to-boast, brothers, which I-am-having in Messiah Jesus our Lord.

I CORINTHIANS 15v32 If according-to MAN I-fought-beasts in Ephesus, what (does-it) avail to-me?  If dead (ones) are not being-raised, let-us-eat and let-us-drink, for tomorrow we-are-dying-off.

I CORINTHIANS 15v33 YOU-be not led-astray: bad conversations are-corrupting gracious morals.

I CORINTHIANS 15v34 YOU-awake justly sober and YOU-be not sinning; for some are-having a-not-knowing of-God:  I-am-speaking to-YOU toward humiliation.

I CORINTHIANS 15v35 BUT someone will say: How are the (ones) dead being-raised?  But with-what-sort (of) body are-they-coming;

I CORINTHIANS 15v36 Foolish (one), what you yourself-are-sowing, it-is not being-made-alive if it-might not die-off;

I CORINTHIANS 15v37 And what you-are-sowing, you-are not sowing the body namely-the (one) going-to-become, BUT naked grain if it-may-chance of-wheat or of-someone of-the others;

I CORINTHIANS 15v38 But the God is-giving to-it (a) body according-as he-willed, and to-each of-the seeds (its) own body.

I CORINTHIANS 15v39 Not all flesh (is) the same flesh, BUT another on-the-one-hand of-MEN, on-the-other-hand another flesh of-animals, but another flesh of-winged-creatures, but another of-fishes.

I CORINTHIANS 15v40 And (there-are) bodies in-the-heavenlies, and earthly bodies; BUT on-the-one-hand the glory of-the (ones) in-the-heavenlies (is) different, on-the-other-hand the (glory) of-the (ones) earthly (is) different.

I CORINTHIANS 15v41 (There-is) another glory of-(the)-sun,  and another glory of-(the)-moon, and another glory of-(the)-stars; for star is-differing of-star in glory.

I CORINTHIANS 15v42 Thus also (is) the standing-again of-the dead (ones).  It-is-being-sown in corruption, it-is-being-raised in imperishability;

I CORINTHIANS 15v43 It-is-being-sown in dishonor, it-is-being-raised in glory; it-is-being-sown in weakness, it-is-being-raised in power;

I CORINTHIANS 15v44 It-is-being-sown (a) body of-the-soul, it-is-being-raised (a) body of-the-spirit.  If there-is (a) body of-the soul, there-is also of-the spirit.

I CORINTHIANS 15v45 Thus also it-has-been-and-still-is-written: The first MAN Adam came-to-pass with-reference-to (a) living soul; the last Adam with-reference-to (a) spirit making-alive.

I CORINTHIANS 15v46 BUT not firstly the spiritual BUT the (one) of-the-soul, thereafter the spiritual.

I CORINTHIANS 15v47 The first MAN (was) out-of earth made-of-dirt, the second MAN out-of heaven

I CORINTHIANS 15v48 Such-as the (one) made-of-dirt, as-such-(are)-these also the (ones) made-of-dirt, and such-as the (one) in-the-heavenly, as-such-(are)-these also the (ones) in-the-heavenlies;

I CORINTHIANS 15v49 And according-as we-wore the image of-the (one) made-of-clay, we-shall-wear also the image of-the (one) in the heavenly.

I CORINTHIANS 15v50 But I-am-stating this, brothers, that flesh and blood are not being-able to-inherit (the) Kingdom of-God, neither is the corruption inheriting the imperishability.

I CORINTHIANS 15v51 Behold I-am-saying (a) mystery to-YOU:  On-the-one-hand we all shall not fall-asleep, on-the-other-hand we all shall-be-changed,

I CORINTHIANS 15v52 In (a) moment in (a) twinkling of-(an) eye, in the last trumpet; for (a) trumpet-will-sound, and the dead (ones) will-stand-again imperishable, and we ourselves-shall-be-changed.

I CORINTHIANS 15v53 For it-is-essential this perishable to-clothe-itself-in imperishability and this mortal to-clothe-itself-in immortality.

I CORINTHIANS 15v54 But at-the-time-that this perishable might-clothe-itself-in imperishability and this mortal might-clothe-itself-in immortality, then the word will-come-to-pass namely-the (one) having-been-and-still-written:  The death was swallowed with-reference-to victory.

I CORINTHIANS 15v55 Where of-you death, (is) the sting?  Where of-you, Hades (is) the victory?

I CORINTHIANS 15v56 But the sting of-the death (is) the sin, but the power of-the sin (is) the law;

I CORINTHIANS 15v57 But to-the God (be) favor, namely-the (one) giving the victory to-us through our Lord Jesus Messiah.

I CORINTHIANS 15v58 So-that, my cherished brothers, YOU-be-becoming steady, unmovable, exceeding in the work of-the Lord always, knowing-absolutely that YOUR labor is not empty in Jehovah.


I CORINTHIANS 16v1 But concerning the collection, the (one) with-reference-to the holy (ones), as I-ordered altogether for-the assemblies of-the Galatia, thus YOU yourselves-do also.

I CORINTHIANS 16v2 According-to (number) one of-Sabbaths let each of-YOU be-putting beside himself, storing something which if he-might-be-being-prospered, in-order-that not at-the-time-that I-might-come, then, there-might-be-coming-to-pass collections.

I CORINTHIANS 16v3 But at-the-time-that I-might-come-to-be-along-side, (ones)-whom if YOU-might-approve through epistles, these I-shall-send to-bring-off YOUR favor into Jerusalem;

I CORINTHIANS 16v4 But if it-might-be worthy (of) me-also to-be-proceeding, they-will-proceed with me.

I CORINTHIANS 16v5 But I-shall-come to YOU at-the-time-that I-might-go-through Macedonia; for I-am-going-through Macedonia;

I CORINTHIANS 16v6 But perchance I-shall-remain-beside or I-shall even winter with YOU, in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-send me forward of-which (place) if I-might-be-proceeding.

I CORINTHIANS 16v7 For I-am not willing to-see YOU just-now in passing; for I-am-hoping some time to-continue with YOU, if the Lord might-permit.

I CORINTHIANS 16v8 But I-shall-continue in Ephesus till the Pentecost;

I CORINTHIANS 16v9 For (a) great and operational door has-opened-and-is-still-open to-me, and many opposing.

I CORINTHIANS 16v10 But if Timothy might-come, YOU-be-looking-to (it) in-order-that he-might-become fearlessly to-ward YOU; for he-is-working the work of-Jehovah as I-also;

I CORINTHIANS 16v11 Might not anyone therefore treat him with-contempt. But YOU-send him forward in peace, in-order-that he-might-come to me; for I-am-waiting-long (for) him with the brothers.

I CORINTHIANS 16v12 But concerning the brother Apollos, I-entreated him much in-order-that he-might-come to YOU with the brothers, and in-any-event it-was not (his) will in-order-that he-might-come now, but he-will-come at-the-time-that he-might-have (a) good season.

I CORINTHIANS 16v13 YOU-be-watching, YOU-be-standing-firm in the trust, YOU-be-being-a-man, YOU-be-becoming-mighty.

I CORINTHIANS 16v14 Let all-things of-YOU be-coming-to-pass in charity.

I CORINTHIANS 16v15 But I-am-entreating YOU, brothers: YOU-are-knowing-absolutely the family of-Stephanas, that it-is firstfruit of-the Achaia and they-assigned themselves with-reference-to (a) ministry to-the holy (ones);

I CORINTHIANS 16v16 In-order-that YOU yourselves also might-be-subjecting-yourselves to-the (ones) such-as-these and to-every (one) working-together and tiring from-labor.

I CORINTHIANS 16v17 But I-am-rejoicing on the presence of-Stephanas and of-Fortunatus and of-Achaicus, that these filled-up your thing lacking;

I CORINTHIANS 16v18 For they-rested-again my spirit and YOURS. YOU, therefore, be-coming-to-know-thoroughly the (ones) such-as-these.

I CORINTHIANS 16v19 The assemblies of-the Asia are-greeting YOU. Aquila and Prisca (are)-greeting YOU much in Jehovah with the assembly according-to their home.

I CORINTHIANS 16 20 All the brothers are-greeting YOU. YOU-greet one-another with (a) holy kiss.

I CORINTHIANS 16v21 The greeting of-Paul with-my hand.

I CORINTHIANS 16v22 If someone is not loving the Lord, let-him-be-being anathema.  Maranatha.

I CORINTHIANS 16v23 The favor of-the Lord Jesus (be) with YOU.

I CORINTHIANS 16v24 My charity (be) with all of-YOU in Messiah Jesus.  Amen. (KJ text in Greek has also): First to (the) Corinthians written from Philippi, through Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus and Timotheus.

II Corinthians




II CORINTHIANS 1v1 Paul (an) apostle of-Jesus Messiah through-(the) will of-God and the brother Timothy to-the assembly of-the God namely-the (one) being in Corinth with all the holy (ones) namely-the (ones) being in the total Achaia:

II CORINTHIANS 1v2 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah.

II CORINTHIANS 1v3 Blessed (is) the God and Father of-our Lord Jesus Messiah, the Father of-the pities and God of-all comfort,

II CORINTHIANS 1v4 The (one) comforting us upon all the tribulation of-us, with-reference-to our being-able to-be-comforting the (ones) in all tribulation through the comfort of-which we ourselves are-being-comforted by the God.

II CORINTHIANS 1v5 That according-as the sufferings of-the Messiah (are)-exceeding with-reference-to us, thus through the Messiah our comfort also is-exceeding.

II CORINTHIANS 1v6 But whether we-are-being-oppressed in-behalf-of YOUR comfort and salvation, the (one) operating-for-itself in perseverance of-the same sufferings which we ourselves also are-suffering, and our hope (is) firm in-behalf-of YOU; or we-are-being comforted (it-is) in-behalf-of YOUR comfort and salvation;

II CORINTHIANS 1v7 Knowing-absolutely that as YOU-are partners of-the sufferings, thus also of-the comfort.

II CORINTHIANS 1v8 For we-are not willing (for) YOU to-be-being-ignorant, brothers, in-behalf-of our tribulation, namely-the (one) having-come-to-pass in the Asia, that we-were-weighted according-to (a) surpassing-manner above power, so-that we despaired even to-be-living;

II CORINTHIANS 1v9 BUT we ourselves have-had-and-still-have in ourselves the answer of-the death, in-order-that we-might not be (ones) having-relied-and-still-relying on ourselves BUT on the God namely-the (one) raising the dead (ones);

II CORINTHIANS 1v10 Who delivered us out-of so-great death and he-is-delivering, with-reference-to whom we-have-hoped-and-still-hope that also he-will still deliver,

II CORINTHIANS 1v11 And of-YOU cooperating in-behalf-of us in the petition, in-order-that out-of many faces he-might-be-given-thanks through many in-behalf-of us (for) the bestowed-favor with-reference-to us.

II CORINTHIANS 1v12 For our reason-to-boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, because in holy-character and sincerity of-the God, not in fleshly wisdom BUT in favor of-God we-were-turned-about in the world but more-excessively toward YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 1v13 For we-are not writing other-things to-YOU BUT than what-things YOU-are-reading or also YOU-are-coming-to-know-thoroughly, but I-am-hoping that YOU-will-come-to-know-thoroughly-for-yourselves till (the) finish,

II CORINTHIANS 1v14 According-as also, from part, YOU-came-to-know us thoroughly, because we-are YOUR boast even-as also YOU of-us in the day of-our Lord Jesus.

II CORINTHIANS 1v15 And in-this reliance I-was-purposing to-come to YOU formerly in-order-that YOU-might-have (a) second favor,

II CORINTHIANS 1v16 And to-go-through, through YOU, into Macedonia, and again to-come from Macedonia to YOU and to-be-sent-forward by YOU into the Judea.

II CORINTHIANS 1v17 Therefore purposing this, so ever-at-all used-I the levity for-myself?  Or which-things I-am-resolving am-I-resolving according-to flesh, in-order-that there-might-be beside me the yea yea and the no no?

II CORINTHIANS 1v18 But the God (is) trustworthy that our word, the (one) to YOU, is not yea and no.

II CORINTHIANS 1v19 For the son of-the God, Jesus Messiah, the (one) having-been-preached among YOU through us, through me and Silvanus and Timothy, it-became not yea and no, BUT it-has-become-and-still-is yea in him.

II CORINTHIANS 1v20 For as-many-as (there-are) promises of-God, in him (is) the yea; on-this-account also through him the amen, toward glory to-the God through us.

II CORINTHIANS 1v21 But the (one) making us firm with YOU with-reference-to Messiah and having-consecrated us (is) God,

II CORINTHIANS 1v22 The (one) also having-sealed us for-himself and having-given the down-payment of-the Spirit in our hearts.

II CORINTHIANS 1v23 But I myself-am-calling-on the God (as) witness upon my soul, that sparing YOU I-came no-more into Corinth.

II CORINTHIANS 1v24 Not that we-are-exercising-lordship of YOUR trust, BUT we-are fellow-workers of YOUR joy; for YOU-have-stood-and-still-stand by-the trust.


II CORINTHIANS 2V1 But I-judged this for-myself, not again to-come to YOU in grief.

II CORINTHIANS 2v2 For if I myself-am-grieving YOU, who also is the (one) causing me to-be-being-merry if not the (one) being-grieved out-of me?

II CORINTHIANS 2v3 And I wrote this same-thing to-YOU in-order-that having-come I-might not be-having grief from whom it-was-essential (for) me to-be-rejoicing, having-had-and-still-having-reliance on YOU all that my joy is of-YOU all.

II CORINTHIANS 2v4 For out-of much tribulation and holding-together of-heart I-wrote to-YOU through many tears, in-order-that YOU-might not be-grieved, BUT in-order-that YOU-might-come-to-know the charity which I-am-having more-excessively with-reference-to YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 2v5 But if someone has-grieved-and-still-grieves, he-has not grieved-and-still-does not grieve me, BUT from part, in-order-that I-might not be-putting-a-weight-on YOU all.

II CORINTHIANS 2v6 This rebuke, the (one)  by the most, is adequate for-the (one) such-as-this,

II CORINTHIANS 2v7 So-as on-the-contrary rather YOU to-bestow-favor and to-comfort (him), lest-perchance the (one) such-as-this might-be-swallowed by more-excessive grief.

II CORINTHIANS 2v8 On-this-account I-am-entreating YOU to-validate charity with-reference-to him,

II CORINTHIANS 2v9 For with-reference-to this-thing I also wrote, in-order-that I-might-come-to-know the proof of-YOU, if YOU-are obedient (ones) with-reference-to all-things.

II CORINTHIANS 2v10 But to-whom YOU-are-bestowing-favor (for) something, I-also; for even (for) what I myself-have-bestowed-favor and-still-bestow-favor, if I-have-bestowed-favor-and-still-bestow-favor (for) something, (it-is) because-of YOU in face of-Messiah,

II CORINTHIANS 2v11 In-order-that we-might not be-taken-advantage-of by the adversary; for we-are not being-ignorant of-his thoughts.

II CORINTHIANS 2v12 But having-come into the Troas with-reference-to the good-news of-the Messiah, and (a) door having-been-opened-and-still-open to-me in Jehovah,

II CORINTHIANS 2v13 I-have not had-and-still-do not have relaxation in my spirit in my not finding Titus my brother, BUT having-bid-farewell to-them I-went-out into Macedonia.

II CORINTHIANS 2v14 But favor to-the God to-the (one) always triumphing us in the Messiah and manifesting the smell of-the knowledge of-him through us in every place;

II CORINTHIANS 2v15 Because we-are (a) fragrance of-Messiah to-the God among the (ones) being-saved and among the (ones) perishing.

II CORINTHIANS 2v16 On-the-one-hand to-the (ones) (a) smell of-death with-reference-to death, on-the-other-hand to-the (ones) (a)-smell of-life with-reference-to life.  And who (is) adequate toward these-things?

II CORINTHIANS 2v17 For we-are not as the many adulterating the word of-the God for-filthy-lucre, BUT as out-of sincerity, BUT we-are-speaking as out-of God completely-in-sight of-God in Messiah.


II CORINTHIANS 3v3 Are-we-beginning again to-be-commending ourselves? Or are-we-needing as some, of-commendatory epistles to YOU or out-of YOU? [No!  is the required answer]

II CORINTHIANS 3v2 YOU yourselves-are our epistle, having-been-written-and-still-written in our hearts, coming-to-be-known and being-read by all MEN,

II CORINTHIANS 3v3 (Ones)-being-manifested  that  You-are  (an) epistle of-Messiah ministered by us, having-been-written-and-still-written not with-black-ink BUT with (the) Spirit of-(the)-living God, not in flat-tablets of-stone BUT in flat-tablets (of) fleshy hearts.

II CORINTHIANS 3v4 But we-are-having reliance such-as-this through the Messiah toward the God.

II CORINTHIANS 3v5 Not that we-are adequate from ourselves to-figure anything as out-of ourselves, BUT our adequateness (is) out-of the God,

II CORINTHIANS 3v6 Who also made us adequate ministers of-(a)-new-quality covenant, not of-letter BUT of-spirit; for the letter is-killing, but the spirit is-making-alive.

II CORINTHIANS 3v7 But if the ministry of-the death having-been-and-still-engraved in letters in stones came-to-pass with glory, so-that the sons of-Israel (were) not to-be-being-able to-stare with-reference-to the face of-Moses because-of the glory of-his face, the (glory) being-rendered-inactive,

II CORINTHIANS 3v8 How will NOT rather the ministry of-the Spirit be with glory?

II CORINTHIANS 3v9 For if the ministry of-the condemnation (is) glory, by-much more the ministry of-the righteousness is-exceeding in-glory.

II CORINTHIANS 3v10 For even the (thing) having-been-and-still-glorified has not been-and-is-still not glorified in this part on-account of the surpassing glory.

II CORINTHIANS 3v11 For if the (thing) being-rendered-inactive (is) through glory, by-much more the (thing) remaining (is) in glory.

|v12 Having therefore hope such-as-this we-are-using much boldness-of-speech,

II CORINTHIANS 3v13 And not even-as Moses was-putting (a) covering on his face, toward the sons of Israel not to-stare with-reference-to the finish of-the (thing) being-rendered-inactive.

II CORINTHIANS 3v14 BUT their thoughts were-petrified. For until the today day the same covering is-remaining on the reading of-the old covenant, (it) not being-discovered that in Messiah it-is-being-rendered-inactive.

II CORINTHIANS 3v15 BUT till today at-which-time Moses is-being-read (a) covering is-lying on their heart;

II CORINTHIANS 3v16 But at-which-time if it-might-turn-around to Jehovah the covering is-being-lifted-from-around (it).

II CORINTHIANS 3v17 But the Lord is the Spirit; but the-place-where the Spirit of-Jehovah (is), there (is) freedom.

II CORINTHIANS 3v18 But we all, in-(a)-person having-been-and-still-discovered, (are) (ones) beholding-for-our-selves-in-a-mirror the glory of-Jehovah, we-are-being-transformed-(into) the same image from glory with-reference-to glory, even-as from Jehovah Spirit.


II CORINTHIANS 4v1 Because-of this, having this ministry, according-as we-had-mercy-bestowed, we-are not being-weary,

II CORINTHIANS 4v2 BUT we-renounced-for-ourselves  the hidden-things of-the shame, not walking-around in craftiness nor adulterating the word of-the God, BUT by-the manifestation of-the truth commending ourselves to every conscience of-MEN in sight of-the God.

II CORINTHIANS 4v3 But if also our good-news is having-been-covered-and-still-is-covered, it-is having-been-covered-and-still-is-covered among the (ones) perishing,

II CORINTHIANS 4v4 In whom the God of-this age blinded the thoughts of-the unbelieving with-reference-to the enlightenment of-the good-news of-the glory of-the Messiah, who is the image of-the God, not to-dawn upon them.

II CORINTHIANS 4v5 For we-are not preaching ourselves BUT Messiah Jesus Jehovah, but ourselves your slaves because-of Jesus.

II CORINTHIANS 4v6 Because the God namely-the (one) having said: Out-of darkness light will-shine, who shined in our hearts toward enlightenment of-the knowledge of-the glory of-the God in (the) person of-Messiah.

II CORINTHIANS 4v7 But we-are-having this store in vessels made-of-clay, in-order-that the surpassing-manner of-the power might-be of-the God and not out-of us;

II CORINTHIANS 4v8 (Ones) being-oppressed BUT not being-in-anguish, being-perplexed BUT not despairing,

II CORINTHIANS 4v9 Being-persecuted BUT not being-abandoned, being-cast-down BUT not perishing,

II CORINTHIANS 4v10 Always bringing-about in the body the deadness of-the Jesus, in-order-that the life also of-the Jesus might-be-manifested in our body.

II CORINTHIANS 4v11 For invaluably we, the (ones) living, are-being-given-over with-reference-to death because-of Jesus, in-order-that the life also of-the Jesus might-be-manifested in our mortal flesh.

II CORINTHIANS 4v12 So-that the death is-operating-for-itself in us but the life in YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 4v13 But having the same spirit of-the trust, according-to the-thing having-been-written-and-still-written:  I-trusted, on-this-account I-spoke; we ourselves also are-trusting, on-this-account we-are-speaking,

II CORINTHIANS 4v14 Knowing-absolutely that the (one) having-raised the Lord Jesus will-raise us also with Jesus and will-stand-(us)-alongside with YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 4v15 For the all-things (are) because-of YOU, in-order-that the favor, having-abounded through the most, might-be-exceeding the giving-of-thanks with-reference-to the glory of-the God.

II CORINTHIANS 4v16 On-this-account we-are not being-weary, BUT if also our MAN without is-being-corrupted-through, BUT the (one) inside of-us is-being-renewed day and day.

II CORINTHIANS 4v17 For the momentary lightness of-our tribulation according-to (a) surpassing-manner is-working-out for-us (an) eternal weight of-glory with-reference to (a) surpassing-manner,

II CORINTHIANS 4v18 (As) of-our not contemplating the-things being-looked-at BUT the-things not being-looked-at, for the-things being-looked-at (are) for-a-season, but the-things not being-looked-at (are) eternal.


II CORINTHIANS 5v1 For we-are-knowing-absolutely that if our earthly house of-the tabernacle might-be-overthrown, we-are-having (a) building out-of God, (a) house not-made-by-hand, eternal in the heavens.

II CORINTHIANS 5v2 For also in this (tabernacle) we-are-groaning, longing-for to-be-ourselves-clothed-in-over (by) our dwelling, namely-the (one) out-of heaven,

II CORINTHIANS 5v3 If in-fact having also ourselves-been-clothed-in (it), we-shall not be-found naked.

II CORINTHIANS 5v4 For also we, the (ones) being in the tabernacle are-groaning being-weighted, over which we-are not willing to-strip-ourselves BUT to-be-clothed-in-over-ourselves in-order-that the mortal might-be-swallowed by the life.

II CORINTHIANS 5v5 But the (one) having-worked us out with-reference-to this same-thing (is) God, the (one) having-given to-us the down-payment of-the Spirit.

II CORINTHIANS 5v6 Being-confident therefore always and knowing-absolutely that inhabiting in the body we-are-being-abroad from the Lord;

II CORINTHIANS 5v7 For we-are-walking-around through trust, not through shape;

II CORINTHIANS 5v8 But we-are-being-confident and we-are-thinking (it) well rather to-be-abroad out-of the body and to-inhabit with the Lord.

II CORINTHIANS 5v9 On-this-account also we-are-loving-honor, whether inhabiting or being-abroad, to-be (ones) well-pleasing to-him.

II CORINTHIANS 5v10 For it-is-essential the us all to-be-manifested in-front of-the rostrum of-the Messiah, in-order-that each-one  might-obtain-for-himself the-things through the body toward what-things he-practised.  whether good or worthless.

II CORINTHIANS 5v11 Knowing-absolutely therefore the fear of-the Lord we-are-persuading MEN, but we-have-been-and-still-are-manifested to-God, but I-am-hoping also to-have-been-and-still-be-manifested in YOUR consciences.

|II CORINTHIANS 5v12 For we-are not commending ourselves again to-YOU, BUT giving to-YOU (an) opportunity of-(a)-boast in-our behalf, in-order-that YOU-might-be-having (it) toward the (ones) boasting in (a) person and not in-heart.

II CORINTHIANS 5v13 For whether we-were-made-ecstatic by-God; or we-are-being-of-sound-mind, (it-is) for-YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 5v14 For the charity of-the Messiah is-holding us together, having-judged this, that one died-off in-behalf-of all; so the all died-off.

II CORINTHIANS 5v15 And he-died-off in-behalf-of all in-order-that the (ones) living might no-longer be-living to-themselves BUT to-the (one) having-died-off and having-been-raised in-behalf-of them.

II CORINTHIANS 5v16 So-that from of-the now we ourselves-are-knowing-absolutely no-one according-to flesh; but even if we-had-come-to-know-and-still-know Messiah according-to flesh, BUT now we-are no-longer coming-to-know.

II CORINTHIANS 5v17 So that if anyone (is) in Messiah, (he-is) (a) new-quality creation; the ancient-things went-past, behold the all-things have-become-and-still-are new-quality.

II CORINTHIANS 5v18 But the all-things (are) out-of the God namely-the (one) having-reconciled us to-himself through Messiah and having-given to-us the ministry of-the reconciliation,

II CORINTHIANS 5v19 As that God in Messiah was reconciling (a) world to-himself, not figuring their offences to-them, and having-himself-placed in us the word of-the reconciliation.

II CORINTHIANS 5v20 In-behalf-of Messiah therefore we-are-being-delegates as of-the God entreating through us; we-are-petitioning in-behalf-of Messiah, YOU-be-reconciled to-the God.

II CORINTHIANS 5v21 The (one) not having-come-to-know sin he-made sin in-behalf-of us, in-order-that we ourselves-might-become (the) righteousness of-God in him.


II CORINTHIANS 6V1 But working-together we-are also  entreating YOU not to-receive the favor of-the God in vain;

II CORINTHIANS 6v2 For he-is-saying:  In-(an)-accepted season I-heard of-you favorably and in (a) day of-salvation I-helped you; behold now (is) (a) welcome season, behold now (is) (a) day of-salvation;

II CORINTHIANS 6v3 Giving no-one (a) cause-of-stumbling in not-one-thing, in-order-that the ministry might not be-blamed,

II CORINTHIANS 6v4 BUT in every-thing commending ourselves as ministers of-God, in much perseverance, in tribulations, in necessities, in anguishes, in blows,

II CORINTHIANS 6v5 In guard-houses, in instabilities, in labors, in sleeplessnesses, in fasts,

II CORINTHIANS 6v6 In purenesses, in knowledge, in patience, in graciousness, in (the) Holy Spirit, in charity without-hypocrisy,

II CORINTHIANS 6v7 In (the) word of-truth, in (the) power of-God; through the weapons of-the righteousness of-the right and left-hand,

II CORINTHIANS 6v8 Through glory and dishonor, through ill-repute and good-repute; as (ones) misleading and (ones) true.

II CORINTHIANS 6v9 As (ones) being-unknown and (ones) coming-to-be-known-thoroughly, as (ones) dying-off and behold we-are-living, as (ones) being-disciplined and not (ones) being-put-to-death,

II CORINTHIANS 6v10 As (ones) being-grieved but invariably (ones) rejoicing, as (ones) destitute but (ones) making many rich, as (ones) having not-one-thing and (ones) holding-fast all-things.

II CORINTHIANS 6v11 Our mouth has-been-opened-and-is-still-open to YOU, Corinthians, our heart has-been-and-is-still enlarged;

II CORINTHIANS 6v12 YOU-are not being-in-anguish in us, but YOU-are-being-in-anguish in YOUR bowels;

II CORINTHIANS 6v13 But the same recompense, I-am-saying as to-children, YOU yourselves also be enlarged.

II CORINTHIANS 6v14 YOU-be not becoming being-differently-yoked to-unbelieving-(ones); for what sharing by-justice and by-lawlessness, or what participation by-light toward darkness?

II CORINTHIANS 6v15 But what agreement of-Messiah toward Beliar, or what portion by-(one)-trusting with (an) unbelieving-(one)?

II CORINTHIANS 6v16 But what placing-down-together by-(a)-sanctuary of-God with idols? For YOU yourselves-are (a) sanctuary of-(a)-living God; according-as the God said that I-shall-in dwell in them and I-shall-walk-around-among (them), and I-shall-be their God, and they themselves-shall-be my people.

II CORINTHIANS 6v17 On-this-account YOU-come-out out-of (the) midst of-them and YOU-be-severed, Jehovah is-saying, and YOU-handle not of-(an)-unclean-thing;

II CORINTHIANS 6v18 And-I myself-shall-receive YOU in, and I-shall-be to-YOU with-reference-to (a) father, and YOU yourselves-shall-be to-me with-reference-to sons and daughters, Jehovah Almighty is-saying.


II CORINTHIANS 7v1 Therefore having these promises, cherished (ones), let-us-cleanse ourselves from all soil of-flesh and of-spirit, accomplishing (a) holy-quality in fear of-God.

II CORINTHIANS 7v2 YOU-have-room-for us; we-did-harm-to no-one, we-corrupted no-one, we-took-advantage-of no-one.

II CORINTHIANS 7v3 I-am not saying toward condemnation; for I-have-said-before-and-still-say that YOU-are in our hearts with-reference-to to-die-off-together and to-be-living-together.

II CORINTHIANS 7v4 Much boldness-of-speech for-me toward YOU, much reason-to-boast for-me in-behalf-of YOU; I-have-been-and-still-am-filled with-the comfort, I-am-myself-exceeding-beyond-measure with-the joy upon all our tribulation.

II CORINTHIANS 7v5 For also (after) our having-come into Macedonia our flesh has-had-and-still-has not-one relaxation, BUT in every-thing (ones) being-oppressed; outside fights, within fears.

II CORINTHIANS 7v6 BUT the God, namely-the (one) comforting the humble, comforted us with the presence of-Titus;

II CORINTHIANS 7v7 But not only with his presence, BUT also with the comfort with-which he-was-comforted over YOU, telling to-us YOUR longing-for, YOUR walling, YOUR zeal in-behalf-of me, so-that I (was) to-be more rejoiced.

II CORINTHIANS 7v8 Because even if I-grieved YOU in the epistle, I-am not regretting, even if I-was-regretting, I-am-looking-at (YOU) that that epistle grieved YOU even if toward (an) hour,

II CORINTHIANS 7v9 Now I-am-rejoicing, not that YOU-were-grieved, BUT that YOU-were-grieved with-reference-to repentance; for YOU-were-grieved according-to God, in-order-that in not-one-thing YOU-might-be-disadvantaged out-of us.

II CORINTHIANS 7v10 For the grief according-to God is-working unregrettable repentance with-reference-to salvation; but the grief of-the world is-working-out death.

II CORINTHIANS 7v11 For behold this same-thing, YOU to-be-grieved according-to God, how-much diligence it-worked-out in-YOU, BUT defence, BUT indignation, BUT fear, BUT longing-for, BUT zeal, BUT an-avenging.  In every-thing YOU-commended yourselves to-be pure in-the matter.

II CORINTHIANS 7v12 So even if I-wrote to-YOU, (it-was) not on-account-of the (one) having-done-harm nor on-account-of the (one) having-been-harmed, BUT on-account-of YOUR diligence the (one) in-behalf-of us to-be-manifested to YOU in-sight of-the God.

II CORINTHIANS 7v13 Because-of this we-have-been-and-still-are-comforted. But upon our comfort we-were rejoiced rather more-excessively upon the joy of-Titus, because his spirit has-been-and-still-is-rested-again from all of-YOU;

II CORINTHIANS 7v14 Because if I-have-boasted-and-still-boast anything to-him in-behalf-of YOU, I-was not disgraced, BUT as we-spoke all-things in truth to-YOU, thus also our reason-to-boast over Titus became truth.

II CORINTHIANS 7v15 And his bowels (are) more-excessively with-reference-to YOU being-mindful-again-of the obedience of-all of-YOU, as with fear and trembling YOU-received him.

II CORINTHIANS 7v16 I-am-rejoicing that in every-thing I-am-being-confident in YOU.


II CORINTHIANS 8V1 But we-are-making-known to-YOU, brothers the favor of-the God namely-the (one) having-been-and-still-given in the assemblies of-the Macedonia,

|II CORINTHIANS 8v2 That in much proof of-tribulation the excess of-their joy and their poverty according-to depth exceeded with-reference-to the riches of-their simplicity;

|II CORINTHIANS 8v3 That according-to (their) power, I-am-bearing-witness, and beside (their) power, of-(their)-own-selection

II CORINTHIANS 8v4 With much entreaty, petitioning of-us the favor and the participation of-the ministry namely-the (one) with-reference-to the holy-ones,

II CORINTHIANS 8v5 And not according-as we-hoped, BUT they-gave themselves first to-the Lord and to-us through (the) will of-God,

II CORINTHIANS 8v6 With-reference-to us to-entreat Titus, in-order-that according-as he-began-within-before thus also he-might-accomplish with-reference-to YOU this favor also.

II CORINTHIANS 8v7 BUT according-as in every-thing YOU-are-exceeding, in-trust and in-word and in-knowledge and in-all diligence and in-the charity out-of us in YOU, in-order-that YOU-might-be-exceeding in this favor also.

II CORINTHIANS 8v8 I-am not saying according-to (an) injunction, BUT through the diligence of-different (ones) also proving the genuineness of YOUR charity;

II CORINTHIANS 8v9 For YOU-are-coming-to-know the favor of-our Lord Jesus Messiah, that because-of YOU, being rich, he-became-destitute in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-be-rich by-the poverty of-that (one).

v10 And I-am-giving (a) sentiment in this.  For this is-being-advantageous for-YOU, ones-who began-within-before from last-year not only to-do BUT also to-be-willing;

II CORINTHIANS 8v11 But at-this-instant YOU-accomplish the do(ing) also, in-which-case even-as the eagerness of-the to-be-willing, thus also the accomplish(ing) out-of (what YOU are) having.

II CORINTHIANS 8v12 For if the eagerness is-lying-before, (it-is) welcome in-so-far-as if he-might-be-having, not in-so-far-as (what) he-is not having.

II CORINTHIANS 8v13 For not in-order-that (it-is) relaxation to-others, tribulation to-YOU, BUT out-of (an) equality, in the now season the abundance of-YOU with-reference-to the thing-lacking of-those,

II CORINTHIANS 8v14 In-order-that also the abundance of-those might-become with-reference-to the thing-lacking of-YOU, in-which-case it-might-become (an) equality,

II CORINTHIANS 8v15 According-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written: The-one (with) the much abounded not, and the-one (with) the little-bit had not less.

II CORINTHIANS 8v16 But to-the God (be) favor, namely-the (one) giving the same diligence in-behalf-of YOU in the heart of Titus,

II CORINTHIANS 8v17 Because on-the-one-hand he-received the entreaty, on-the-other-hand existing more-diligent he-went-out of-his-own-selection to YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 8v18 But we-sent-together with him the brother of-whom the laudation in the good-news (is) through all the assemblies,

II CORINTHIANS 8v19 BUT not only (so), BUT also having-been-elected-by-show-of-hand by the assemblies, our fellow-traveler in this favor, namely-the (one) being-ministered by us to the glory of-the Lord himself and our eagerness,

II CORINTHIANS 8v20 Ourselves-avoiding this, lest someone might-blame us in this largeness namely-the (one) being-ministered by us;

II CORINTHIANS 8v21 For we-are-providing fine-things not only in-sight of-Jehovah BUT also in-sight of-MEN.

II CORINTHIANS 8v22 But we-sent-together with-them our brother, whom we-proved being diligent often in many-things, but at-this-instant much more-diligent in-much reliance, the (one) with-reference-to YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 8v23 Whether in-behalf-of Titus, my partner and (a) fellow-worker with-reference-to YOU; or our brothers, apostles of-assemblies, (they-are) Messiah's glory.

II CORINTHIANS 8v24 Therefore YOU-demonstrate the demonstration of-YOUR charity and our reason-to-boast in-behalf-of YOU with-reference-to them, with-reference-to (a) person of-the assemblies.


II CORINTHIANS 9v1 For on-the-one-hand concerning the ministry, the (one) with-reference-to the holy-ones, it-is excessive for-me to-be-writing to-YOU;

II CORINTHIANS 9v2 For I-am-knowing-absolutely YOUR eagerness which in-behalf-of YOU I-am-boasting to-Macedonians that Achaia has-been-made-ready-and-is-still-ready from last-year, and YOUR zeal excited the many-more.

II CORINTHIANS 9v3 But I-sent the brothers, in-order-that our boast, the (one) in-behalf-of YOU might not be-emptied in this part, in-order-that according-as I-was-saying YOU-might-be (ones) having-been-and-still-made-ready,

II CORINTHIANS 9v4 Lest by-any-means if Macedonians might-come with me and might-find YOU not-made-ready we ourselves-might-be-disgraced, in-order-that we-might not be-saying YOU, in this reality of-the reason-to-boast.

II CORINTHIANS 9v5 I therefore-considered (it) necessary to-entreat the brothers in-order-that they-might-go-before into YOU and they-might-render-thoroughly-fit-before YOUR blessing having-been-promised-before-and-still-promised, this to-be prepared thus as blessing and not as covetousness.

II CORINTHIANS 9v6 But this, the (one) sowing sparingly also will-harvest sparingly, and the (one) sowing on blessings will-harvest also on blessings.

II CORINTHIANS 9v7 Each (one) according-as he-has-selected-before-and-still-selects by-the heart, not out-of grief or out-of necessity; for the God is-cherishing (an) hilarious giver.

II CORINTHIANS 9v8 But the God is-having-power (to cause) all favor to-exceed with-reference-to YOU, in-order-that always having all self-sufficiency in all YOU-might-be-exceeding with-reference-to all good work,

II CORINTHIANS 9v9 According-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written: He-scattered, he-gave to-the poor, his justice is-remaining with-reference-to the age.

II CORINTHIANS 9v10 But the (one) supplying-additionally seed to-the (one) sowing also bread with-reference-to eating will-supply and will-multiply YOUR seed and will-grow the products of-YOUR justice;

II CORINTHIANS 9v11 (Ones)  being-made-rich in all with-reference-to all simplicity one-which is-working-out through us (a) giving-of-thanks to-the God;

II CORINTHIANS 9v12 Because the ministry of-this public-ministry is not only filling-up-by-adding the things-lacking of-the holy-ones, BUT also (is) exceeding through many givings-of-thanks to-the God;

II CORINTHIANS 9v13 Through the proof of-this ministry, (ones) glorifying the God on the subjection of-YOUR confession with-reference-to the good-news of-the Messiah and on (the) simplicity of-the participation with-reference-to them and with-reference-to all,

II CORINTHIANS 9v14 And on their petition in-behalf-of YOU, longing-for YOU because-of the surpassing favor of-the God upon YOU.

|v15 Favor by-the God upon his indescribable gratuity.


II CORINTHIANS 10v1 But I Paul myself-am-entreating YOU through the meekness and leniency of-the Messiah, who myself on-the-one-hand according-to person (am) humble among YOU, on-the-other-hand being-absent I-am-being-confident with-reference-to YOU;

II CORINTHIANS 10v2 But I-am-petitioning not to-be confident (while) being-alongside in the reliance with-which I-am-figuring to-dare over some, (namely) the (ones) figuring us as (ones) walking-around according-to flesh.

II CORINTHIANS 10v3 For (while) walking-around in flesh we-are not serving-in-the-army according-to flesh,

II CORINTHIANS 10v4 For the weapons of-our military-campaign (are) not fleshly BUT powerful with-the God toward lower(ing) of-fortifications,

II CORINTHIANS 10v5 Lowering figurings and every high-thing elevating-itself against the knowledge of-the God, and leading-captive every thought with-reference-to the obedience of-the Messiah,

II CORINTHIANS 10v6 And having within prepared to-avenge all unwillingness-to-hear, at-the-time-that the obedience  of-YOU might-be-fulfilled.

II CORINTHIANS 10v7 YOU-are-looking-at the-things according-to (a) person.  If someone has-persuaded-and-still-is-persuading himself to-be of-Messiah, let-him-be-figuring this again upon himself, that according-as he (is) of-Messiah, thus also (are) we.

II CORINTHIANS 10v8 For and-additionally if I-might-boast somewhat more-exceedingly concerning our authority, which the Lord gave to-us with-reference-to building-up and not with-reference-to lowering of-YOU, I-shall not be-ashamed,

II CORINTHIANS 10v9 In-order-that I-might not seem as to-be-frightening YOU through the epistles.

II CORINTHIANS 10v10 Because the epistles on-the-one-hand, he-is-stating, (are) weighty and strong, on-the-other-hand the presence of-the body (is) weak and the word having-been-and-still-treated-with-contempt.

II CORINTHIANS 10v11 Let the (one) such-as-this be-figuring this, that such-as we-are by-the word through epistles being-absent, (we-are) such-as-these also being-alongside in-the work.

II CORINTHIANS 10v12 For we-are not daring to-class or to-judge ourselves together with some of-the (ones) commending themselves; BUT they measuring themselves among themselves and judging-together themselves with themselves are-themselves not perceiving.

II CORINTHIANS 10v13 But we ourselves-shall not boast with-reference-to the-things without-measure, BUT according-to the measure of-the rule which the God parted to-us of-measure, to-extend-over even unto YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 10v14 For not as (ones) not extending-over with-reference-to YOU are we stretching-out-beyond ourselves, for we-came-first-before even unto YOU with the good-news of-the Messiah,

II CORINTHIANS 10v15 (Ones) not boasting with-reference-to the-things without-measure in labors belonging-to-others, but (ones) having hope of-YOUR trust being-grown, to-be-magnified among YOU according-to our rule with-reference-to excess,

II CORINTHIANS 10v16 To-bring-good-news with-reference-to the-(parts) yonder-beyond of-YOU, not to-boast in (a) rule belonging-to-another with-reference-to the-things prepared,

II CORINTHIANS 10v17 But the (one) boasting, let-him-be-boasting in Jehovah;

II CORINTHIANS 10v18 For not the (one) commending himself, that-one is approved, BUT whom the Lord is-commending.


II CORINTHIANS 11vI-would-that YOU-were-tolerating of-me (a) little-while something of-foolishness; BUT YOU-are even tolerating of-me.

II CORINTHIANS 11v2 For I-am-being-jealous-(of) YOU with-a-jealousy of-God, for I-myself-joined YOU to-one man to-stand-alongside (a) pure virgin for-the Messiah;

II CORINTHIANS 11v3 But I-am-fearing lest by-any-means as the serpent deluded Eve in his craftiness, thus YOUR thoughts might-be-corrupted from the simplicity and the pureness (namely-that) with-reference-to Messiah.

II CORINTHIANS 11v4 For if on-the-one-hand the (one) coming is-preaching another Jesus whom we-did not preach, or YOU-are-taking (a) different spirit which YOU-did not take, or (a) different good-news which YOU-did not receive, YOU-are-tolerating well.

II CORINTHIANS 11v5 For I-am-figuring to-have-lacked-and-still-lack not-one-thing of-the very-much-above apostles.

II CORINTHIANS 11v6 If on-the-other-hand (I-am) also (a) layman in-the word, BUT not in-the knowledge, BUT in every (thing) having-been-manifested in all-things with-reference-to YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 11v7 Or did-I sin humbling myself in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-be-raised-to-(a)-height, because gratuitously I-myself-brought-good-news to-YOU, the good-news of-the God?

II CORINTHIANS 11v8 I-robbed other assemblies taking (a) wage toward the ministry of-YOU,

II CORINTHIANS 11v9 And being-alongside with YOU and having-lacked I-encumbered not-one-(man); for my thing-lacking, the brothers having-come from Macedonia, filled-up-by-adding; and in every-thing I-kept and I-shall-keep myself unburdensome to-YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 11v10 It-is truth of-Messiah in me, that this reason-to-boast will not be-fenced-in with-reference-to me in the regions of-the Achaia.

II CORINTHIANS 11v11 Because-of what? Because I-am not cherishing YOU?  The God is-knowing-absolutely.

II CORINTHIANS 11v12 But what I-am-doing, I-shall also do, in-order-that I-might-chop-away the opportunity of-the (ones) willing (an) opportunity, in-order-that in what they-are-boasting, they-might-be-found according-as even we.

II CORINTHIANS 11v13 For the (ones) such-as-these (are) false-apostles, treacherous workmen, transfiguring-themselves into apostles of-Messiah.

II CORINTHIANS 11v14 And no marvel, for the adversary is-transfiguring-himself into (an) angel of-light.

II CORINTHIANS 11v15 Therefore (it-is) not (a) great-thing if his ministers also are-transfiguring-themselves as ministers of-righteousness; of-whom the finish will-be according-to their works.

II CORINTHIANS 11v16 I-am-saying again, might not anyone think me to-be foolish; but if not in-fact, YOU-receive me even-if as foolish, in-order-that I-also might-boast something (a) little-while.

II CORINTHIANS 11v17 What I-am-speaking, I-am not speaking according-to Jehovah, BUT as in foolishness, in this the reality of-the reason-to-boast.

II CORINTHIANS 11v18 Since many are-boasting according-to the flesh, I-also myself-shall-boast.

II CORINTHIANS 11v19 For YOU-are pleasantly tolerating of-the foolish (ones), being prudent (ones);

II CORINTHIANS 11v20 For YOU-are-tolerating if anyone is-thoroughly-enslaving YOU, if anyone is-devouring, if anyone is-taking, if anyone is-elevating-himself, if anyone is-beating YOU with-reference-to (your) person.

II CORINTHIANS 11v21 I-am-saying according-to dishonor, as that we ourselves have-been-and-still-are-weak; but in what anyone might-be-daring, I-am-saying in foolishness, I myself also am-daring.

II CORINTHIANS 11v22 Are-they Hebrews?  I-also.  Are-they Israelites? I-also.  Are-they seed of-Abraham?  I-also.

II CORINTHIANS 11v23 Are-they ministers of-Messiah?  I-am-speaking becoming-insane, I above; in labors more-excessively, in blows surpassingly, in guard-houses more-excessively, in deaths often.

II CORINTHIANS 11v24 By Jews five-times I-took forty beside one,

II CORINTHIANS 11v25 Thrice I-was-beaten-with-(a)-rod, once I-was-stoned, thrice I-was-shipwrecked,

II CORINTHIANS 11v26 I-have-made-and-(lived-through?) a-night-and-day in the deep-sea; passings-of-rivers-in-the-way often, in-perils of-rivers, in-perils of robbers, in-perils out-of kindred, in-perils out-of nations, in-perils in (a) city, in-perils in (a) desert, in-perils in sea, in-perils among false-brothers,

II CORINTHIANS 11v27 In labor and hardship, in sleeplessnesses often, in famine and thirst, in fasts often, in cold and nakedness;

II CORINTHIANS 11v28 Except separate-from the(se)-things, the uprising for-me, the (one) according-to (each) day, namely-the anxiety of-all the assemblies.

II CORINTHIANS 11v29 Who is-being-weak, and I-am not being-weak? Who is-being-entrapped, and I myself am not being-on-fire?

II CORINTHIANS 11v30 If it-is-essential to-be-boasting, I-shall-boast the-things of-my weakness.

II CORINTHIANS 11v31 The God and Father of-the Lord Jesus Messiah is-knowing-absolutely, the (one) being blessed with-reference-to the ages, that I-am not lying.

II CORINTHIANS 11v32 In Damascus the ethnarch of-Aretas, of-the King, was-protectively-guarding the city of Damascenes to-catch me,

II CORINTHIANS 11v33 And I-was-let-down through (a) window, through the city-wall, in (a) hamper and I-fled-out of-his hands.


II CORINTHIANS 12v1 Indeed to-be-boasting is not being-advantageous to-me; for I-shall-come with-reference-to supernatural-appearings and uncoverings of Jehovah.

II CORINTHIANS 12v2 I-am-knowing-absolutely (a) MAN in Messiah fourteen years before,--whether in body I-am not knowing-absolutely, or outside the body I-am not knowing-absolutely, the God is-knowing-absolutely, --the (one) such-as-this-having-been-seized till (the) third heaven.

II CORINTHIANS 12v3 And I-am-knowing absolutely the MAN such-as-this--whether in body or outside the body I-am not knowing-absolutely, the God is-knowing-absolutely,--

II CORINTHIANS 12v4 That he-was-seized into the paradise and he-heard inexpressible sayings, which (are) not being-legitimate for-MAN to-speak.

II CORINTHIANS 12v5 In-behalf-of the (one) such-as-this I-shall-boast, but in-behalf-of myself I-shall not boast unless in the weaknesses.

II CORINTHIANS 12v6 For if I-might-will to-boast, I-shall not be foolish, for I-shall-say truth; but I-am-sparing, lest anyone might-figure with-reference-to me above what he-is-looking-at me (to be) or he-is-hearing something out-of me.

II CORINTHIANS 12v7 And in-order-that I-might not be-being-exceedingly-lifted-up by-the surpassing-manner of-the uncoverings, (a) thorn in-the flesh was-given to-me, (a) messenger of-(an)-adversary, in-order-that he-might-be-buffeting me, in-order-that I-might not be-being-exceedingly-lifted-up.

II CORINTHIANS 12v8 In-behalf-of this I-entreated the Lord thrice, in-order-that he-might-depart from me.

II CORINTHIANS 12v9 And he-has-said-and-(it-remains)-said to-me: My favor is-sufficing for-you; for my power is-being-finished in weakness.  Pleasantly therefore I-shall-boast rather in my weaknesses in-order-that the power of-the Messiah might-tabernacle-on over me.

II CORINTHIANS 12v10 On-this-account I-am-seeming-well in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, in anguishes, in-behalf-of Messiah; for at-the-time-that I-am-being-weak, then I-am powerful.

II CORINTHIANS 12v11 I-have-become-and-still-am foolish, boasting; YOU yourselves-compelled me, for I myself-was-being-indebted to-be-becoming-commended by YOU. For I-lacked not-one-thing of-the very-much-above apostles, even if I-am nothing.

II CORINTHIANS 12v12 On-the-one-hand the signs of-the apostle were-worked-out among YOU with all perseverance, with signs and with-wonders and with-powerful-deeds.

II CORINTHIANS 12v13 For what is-it which YOU-were-made-inferior above the other assemblies, unless that I myself (was) not encumbered of-YOU? YOU-bestow-favor to-me (for) this unrighteousness.

II CORINTHIANS 12v14 Behold I-am-holding (myself) preparedly to-come to YOU this third (time), and I-shall not encumber (YOU); for I-am not seeking, the-things of-YOU BUT YOU. For the children are not indebted to-be-storing-up for-the parents, BUT the parents for-the children.

II CORINTHIANS 12v15 But I myself-shall pleasantly spend and shall-be-spent-out in-behalf-of YOUR souls.  If cherishing YOU more-excessively, am-I-being inferiorly cherished?

II CORINTHIANS 12v16 But let-it-be, I myself-weighed YOU not down; BUT existing crafty I-took YOU with-guile.

II CORINTHIANS 12v17 Not someone of-whom I-have-dispatched-and-still-dispatch to YOU, through him took-I-advantage-of YOU?

II CORINTHIANS 12v18 I-entreated Titus and I-dispatched-together the brother; whether-at-all Titus took-advantage-of YOU? Walked-we not around by the same spirit? Not in-the same footsteps?

II CORINTHIANS 12v19 YOU-are-thinking again that we-are-defending-ourselves to-YOU.  We-are-speaking completely-in-sight of-God in Messiah; but the all-things, cherished (ones), in-behalf-of YOUR building-up.

II CORINTHIANS 12v20 For I-am-fearing lest-perchance having-come I-might not find YOU such-as I-am-willing, and-I myself-might-be-found by-YOU such-as YOU-are not willing, lest-perchance (there-be) strifes, jealousies, angers, ambitious-rivalries, backbitings, whisperings, inflations, instabilities;

II CORINTHIANS 12v21 Lest of-my having-come, again my God might-humble me toward YOU, and I-might-mourn many of-the (ones) having-sinned-before-and-still-sinning, and not having-repented over the uncleanness and prostitution and wantonness which they practised.


II CORINTHIANS 13v1 This third (time) I-am-coming to YOU; upon (the) mouth of-two witnesses and of-three every saying shall-be-made-to-stand.

II CORINTHIANS 13v2 I-have-said-before-and-still-say and I-am-saying-beforehand, as being-alongside the second (time) and being-absent now, I-am-writing to-the (ones) having-sinned-before-and-still-sinning and to-all the others, that if I-might-come again with-reference-to the (third time?)  I-shall not spare,

II CORINTHIANS 13v3 Since YOU-are-seeking proof of-the Messiah speaking in me, who with-reference-to YOU is not being-weak BUT he-is-having-power among YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 13v4 For he-was even crucified out-of weakness, BUT he-is-living out-of power of-God. For we ourselves also are-being-weak in him, BUT we-shall-live with him out-of power of-God with-reference-to YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 13v5 YOU-be-trying yourselves if YOU-are in the trust, YOU-be-proving yourselves; or are-YOU yourselves not coming-to-know-thoroughly that Jesus Messiah is in YOU?  If whether-at-all YOU-are (ones) unapproved.

II CORINTHIANS 13v6 But I-am-hoping that YOU-will-come-to-know-for-yourselves that we ourselves are not (ones) unapproved.

II CORINTHIANS 13v7 But I-am-wishing to the God YOU not to-do bad, not-one-thing, not in-order-that we ourselves-might-appear approved, BUT in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-be-doing the fine (thing), but we ourselves-might-be as (ones) unapproved.

II CORINTHIANS 13v8 For we-ourselves-are not being-able (to-do) anything against the truth, BUT in-behalf-of the truth.

II CORINTHIANS 13v9 For we-are-rejoicing at-the-time-that we ourselves-might-be-being-weak, but YOU yourselves-are powerful; this also we-are-wishing, YOUR thorough-fitness.

II CORINTHIANS 13v10 Because-of this I-am-writing these-things being-absent, in-order-that being-alongside I-might not use (YOU) severely according-to the authority which the Lord gave to-me with-reference-to building-up and not with-reference-to lowering.

II CORINTHIANS 13v11 Therefore, brothers, YOU-be-rejoicing, YOU-be-being-rendered-thoroughly-fit, YOU-be-being-comforted, YOU-be-having the same opinion, YOU-be-being-at-peace, and the God of-the charity and peace will-be with YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 13v12 YOU-greet one-another with (a) holy kiss. All the holy-ones are-greeting YOU.

II CORINTHIANS 13v13 The favor of-the Lord Jesus Messiah and the charity of-the God and the participation of-the Holy Spirit (be) with YOU all.





GALATIANS  1v1 Paul (an) apostle, not from MEN nor through (a) MAN BUT through Jesus Messiah and God, Father, the (one) having-raised him out-of dead (ones),

GALATIANS  1v2 And all the brothers with me, to-the assemblies of-the Galatia:

GALATIANS  1v3 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah,

GALATIANS  1v4 The (one) having-given himself in-behalf-of our sins, in-which-case he-might-rescue us out-of the age namely-the evil (one) having-stood-and-still-standing-in according-to the will of-the God and our Father,

GALATIANS  1v5 To-whom (be) the glory with-reference-to the ages of-the ages: amen.

GALATIANS  1v6 I-am-marvelling that thus quickly YOU-are-transferring from the (one) having-called YOU in Messiah's favor into (a) different good-news,

GALATIANS  1v7 Which is not another; unless there-are some, the (ones) disturbing YOU and willing to-turn-differently the good-news of-the Messiah.

GALATIANS  1v8 BUT even if we or (a) messenger out-of heaven might-be-bringing-good-news to-YOU beside what good-news-we-brought to-YOU, let-him-be anathema.

GALATIANS  1v9 As we-have-said-before-and-still-say, even just-now again I-am-saying, if anyone is-bringing YOU good-news beside what YOU-took-along, let-him-be anathema.

GALATIANS  1v10 For just-now am-I-relying-on MEN or the GOD? Or am-I-seeking to-be-pleasing to-MEN? If I-was still pleasing MEN, I-were not (a) slave of-Messiah.

GALATIANS  1v11 For I-am-making-known to-YOU, brothers, the good-news namely-the good-news-having-been-brought by me that it-is not according-to MAN;

GALATIANS  1v12 For I myself took it along neither of MAN nor was-I-taught, BUT through (an) uncovering of-Jesus Messiah.

GALATIANS  1v13 For YOU-heard (of) my conduct at-one-time in the Judaism, that according-to (a) surpassing-manner I-was-pursuing the assembly of-the God and I-was-laying it waste,

GALATIANS  1v14 And I-was-progressing in the Judaism above many equals-in-age in my race, existing more-excessively (a) zealot of-my paternal traditions.

GALATIANS  1v15 But when the God was-pleased namely-the (one) having-severed me out-of my mother's belly and having-called (me) through his favor

GALATIANS  1v16 To-uncover his son in me, in-order-that I-might-be-bringing him, good-news among the Gentiles, immediately I-communicated-for-myself not with flesh and blood,

GALATIANS  1v17 Neither went-I-up into Jerusalem to the apostles before me, BUT I-went-away into Arabia, and again I-returned into Damascus.

GALATIANS  1v18 Thereafter after three years I-went-up into Jerusalem to-relate (to) Cephas, and I-continued with him fifteen days;

GALATIANS  1v19 But (a) different (one) of-the apostles I-saw not, unless James the brother of-the Lord.

GALATIANS  1v20 But what-things I-am-writing to-YOU, behold in-sight of-the God that I-am not lying.

GALATIANS  1v21 Thereafter I-went into the regions of-the Syria and of-the Cilicia.

GALATIANS  1v22 But I-was being-unknown by-the face to-the assemblies of-the Judea namely-the (assemblies) in Messiah.

GALATIANS  1v23 But they-were only hearing that the (one) pursuing us at-one-time now he-is-bringing-good-news-for-himself the trust which at-one-time he-was-laying-waste,

GALATIANS  1v24 And they-were-glorifying the God in me.


GALATIANS  2v1 Thereafter through fourteen years again I-ascended into Jerusalem with Barnabas, having-taken-along-with-myself also Titus;

GALATIANS  2v2 But I-ascended according-to (an) uncovering; and I-placed-again-for-myself to-them the good-news which I-am-preaching among the Gentiles, but privately to-the (ones) seeming (to-be something [vs.6]), not by-any-means I-might-be-running or I-ran in vain.

GALATIANS  2v3 BUT neither Titus the (one) with me, being Greek, was-compelled to-be-circumcised;

GALATIANS  2v4 But because-of the false-brothers sneaked-in, they-who came-in-alongside to-spy-out our freedom which we-are-having in Messiah Jesus, in-order-that they-will-thoroughly-enslave us;

GALATIANS  2v5 But to-whom we-yielded not toward (an) hour in-the subjection, in-order-that the truth of-the good-news might-remain-continuously to YOU.

GALATIANS  2v6 But from the (ones) seeming to-be something,--of-what-sort they-were at-one-time not-one (thing) is-making-a-difference to-me:  God is not taking (the) face of-a-MAN,--for the (ones) seeming (to-be something) communicated-for-themselves not-one (thing) to-me,

GALATIANS  2v7 BUT on-the-contrary having-seen that I-have-been-and-still-am-trusted the good-news of-the uncircumcision according-as Peter of-the circumcision,.2v8 For the (one) having-operated in Peter with-reference-to apostleship of-the circumcision operated also in-me with-reference-to the Gentiles,

GALATIANS  2v9 And having-come-to-know the favor namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-me, James and Cephas and John, the (ones) seeming to-be pillars, they-gave right (hands) of-participation to-me and to-Barnabas, in-order-that we (be) with-reference-to the Gentiles, but they with-reference-to the circumcision;

GALATIANS  2v10 Only in-order-that we-might-be-having-in-memory of-the destitute, which even this very thing I-was-diligent to-do.

GALATIANS  2v11 But when Cephas came into Antioch, I-withstood against (his) face with-him, because he-was having-been-and-still-discovered.

GALATIANS  2v12 For before some came from James he-was-eating-together with the Gentiles; but when they-came, he-was-shrinking-back and he-was-severing himself, fearing the (ones) out-of circumcision;

GALATIANS  2v13 And the other Jews pretended-together with-him also, so-that even Barnabas was-led-away-together with their hypocrisy.

GALATIANS  2v14 BUT when I-saw that they-were not walking-straight toward the truth of-the good-news, I-said to-the Cephas in-front of-all:  If you existing (a) Jew are-living gentilishly and not jewishly, how are-you-compelling the Gentiles to-be-judaizing?

GALATIANS  2v15 We Jews by-nature and not sinners out-of nations,

GALATIANS  2v16 But having-known-absolutely that MAN is not being-justified out-of works of-law if not through trust of-Messiah Jesus, even we ourselves trusted with-reference-to Messiah Jesus, in-order-that we-might-be-justified out-of trust of-Messiah and not out-of works of-law, because out-of works of-law all flesh will not be-justified.

GALATIANS  2v17 But if seeking to-be-justified in Messiah we-were also found sinners ourselves, really, (is) Messiah (a) minister of-sin? May-it not come-to-pass.

GALATIANS  2v18 For if what-things I-overthrew these-things I-am again building, I-am-standing-together myself (a) transgressor.

GALATIANS  2v19 For I myself died-off through law to-law in-order-that I-might-live to-God.  I-have-been-and-still-am-crucified-together with Messiah;

GALATIANS  2v20 But I myself am-living no-more, but Messiah is-living in me; but which I-am now living in flesh, I-am-living in trust, the (trust) of-the son of-the God namely-the (one) having-cherished me and having-given-over himself in-behalf-of me.

GALATIANS  2v21 I-am not disregarding the favor of-the God; for if righteousness (is) through law so Messiah died-off gratuitously.


GALATIANS  3v1 O thoughtless Galatians, who bewitched YOU, to-whom Jesus Messiah was-written-before having-been-and-still-crucified according-to (your) eyes?

GALATIANS  3v2 This (thing) only I-am-willing to-learn from YOU, took-YOU the Spirit out-of works of-law or out-of (a) hearing of-trust?

GALATIANS  3v3 Are-YOU thus thoughtless? Having-begun-within in (the) Spirit are-YOU now accomplishing-for-yourselves in flesh:

GALATIANS  3v4 Suffered-YOU these-many-things at-random? If even in-fact, at-random?

GALATIANS  3v5 The (one) supplying-additionally to-YOU the Spirit and working powerful-deeds among YOU (is it) out-of works of-law or out-of (a) hearing of-trust?

GALATIANS  3v6 According-as Abraham trusted the God, and it-was-figured to-him with-reference-to righteousness.

GALATIANS  3v7 So YOU-are-coming-to-know that the (ones) out-of trust, these are sons of-Abraham.

GALATIANS  3v8 But the scripture having-seen-before that the God is-justifying the Gentiles out-of trust, it-brought-good-news-before to-the Abraham that all the Gentiles will-be-blessed-within in you.

GALATIANS  3v9 So-that the (ones) out-of trust are-being-blessed with the trusting Abraham.

GALATIANS  3v10 For as-many-as are out-of works of-law, are under (a) curse-against (them); for it-has-been-and-still-is-written that thoroughly-cursed-against (is) every (one) who (is) not remaining-in all the-things having-been-and still-written in the little-book of-the law to-do them.

GALATIANS  3v11 But that no-one is-being-justified in law beside the God (is) evident, because the just (one) will-live-for-himself out-of trust;

.3v12 But the law is not out-of trust, BUT the (one) having-done them he-will-live-for-himself in them.

GALATIANS  3v13 Messiah bought us out out-of the curse-against (us) of-the law having-become (a) curse-against in-behalf-of us, because it-has-been-and-still-is-written: Thoroughly-cursed-against (is) every the (one) hanging-for-himself upon wood,

GALATIANS  3v14 In-order-that the blessing of-the Abraham might-come-to-pass with-reference-to the Gentiles in Jesus Messiah, in-order-that we-might-take the promise of-the Spirit through the trust.

GALATIANS  3v15 Brothers, I-am-saying according-to MAN. Nevertheless not-one is-disregarding or ordering-on (additions-to) (a) covenant of-MAN having-been-and-still-validated.

GALATIANS  3v16 But to-the Abraham the promises were-said and to-his seed.  It-is not saying:  and to-the seeds, as upon many, BUT as upon one: and to-your seed, who is Messiah.

GALATIANS  3v17 But this I-am-saying: the law having-come-to-pass-and-still-being after four-hundred and thirty years is not invalidating (a) covenant having-before-been-and-still-validated by the God, with-reference-to to-render-inactive the promise.

GALATIANS  3v18 For if the inheritance (is) out-of law, no-more (is it) out-of promise; but the God has-bestowed-and-still-bestows-a-favor to-the Abraham through promise.

GALATIANS  3v19 Therefore what (is) the law? It-was added for-sake-of the transgressions, until the seed might-come to-whom it-has-been-and-still-is-promised, having-been-ordered through messengers, in hand of-a-mediator.

GALATIANS  3v20 But the mediator is not of-one, but the God is one.

GALATIANS  3v21 (Is) the law therefore against the promises of-the God? May-it not come-to-pass. For if law was-given, the (one) being-able to-make-alive, certainly the righteousness was out-of law;

GALATIANS  3v22 BUT the scripture shut-together the all-things under sin in-order-that the promise out-of trust of-Jesus Messiah might-be-given to-the (ones) trusting.

GALATIANS  3v23 But before the trust came we-were-being-protectively-guarded under law being-shut-together with-reference-to the future trust to-be-uncovered.

GALATIANS  3v24 So-that the law has-become-and-still-is (a) disciplinarian-tutor of-us with-reference-to Messiah, in-order-that we-might-be-justified out-of trust;

GALATIANS  3v25 But the trust having-come we-are no-more under (a) disciplinarian-tutor.

GALATIANS  3v26 For YOU-are all sons of-God through the trust in Messiah Jesus;

GALATIANS  3v27 For as-many-as with-reference-to Messiah YOU-were-baptized, YOU-clothed-for-yourselves-in Messiah.

GALATIANS  3v28 There-is-within not Jew nor Greek, there-is-within not slave nor free, there-is-within not male and female; for YOU yourselves are all one in Messiah Jesus.

GALATIANS  3v29 But if YOU (are) of Messiah, so YOU-are seed of-the Abraham, heirs according-to promise.


GALATIANS  4v1 But I-am-saying, over so-long time as the heir is (an) infant, he-is-differing not-one-thing of-a-slave being lord of-all,

GALATIANS  4v2 BUT he-is under stewards and administrators-of-the-household until the time-limit of-the father.

GALATIANS  4v3 Thus also we, when we-were infants, we-were having-been-and-continued-enslaved under the elementary-principles of-the world;

GALATIANS  4v4 But when the fulness of-the time came, the God dispatched-out his son having-become out-of (a) woman, having-become under law,

GALATIANS  v5 In-order-that he-might-buy-out the (ones) under law, in-order-that we-might-take-back the adoption-as-son.

GALATIANS  4v6 But because YOU-are sons, the God dispatched-out the Spirit of-his son into our hearts, crying: Abba the Father.

GALATIANS  4 v7 So-that no-more you-are (a) slave BUT (a) son; but if (a) son, also (an) heir through God.

GALATIANS  4 v8 BUT then on-the-one-hand not knowing God absolutely YOU-were-slaves to-the (ones) by-nature not being gods;

GALATIANS  4v9 Now on-the-other-hand having-come-to-know God, but rather having-come-to-be-known by God, how are-YOU-turning-around again over the weak and destitute elementary-principles, to-which again YOU-are-willing to-be-being-a-slave from-above?

GALATIANS  4v10 YOU-are-keeping-alongside-for-yourselves days and months and seasons and years.

GALATIANS  4v11 I-am-fearing YOU for-myself not by-any-means at-random I-have-tired-and-am-still-tired-from-labor with-reference-to YOU.

GALATIANS  4 v12 YOU-be-becoming as I, because I-also (am) as YOU, brothers, I-am-petitioning of-YOU.  YOU-did not-one harm-to me;

GALATIANS  4 v13 But YOU-are-knowing-absolutely that because-of weakness of-the flesh I-brought-good-news to-YOU formerly for-myself,

GALATIANS  4 v14 And YOUR trial in my flesh YOU-treated not with-contempt nor YOU-spit-out, BUT as (a) messenger of-God YOU-received me, as Messiah Jesus.

GALATIANS  4 v15 Where therefore (is) YOUR happiness? For I-am-bearing-witness for-YOU that if possible having-dug-out YOUR eyes YOU-gave to-me.

GALATIANS  4 v16 So-that have-I-become-and-still-am YOUR enemy speaking-the-truth to-YOU?

GALATIANS  4v17 They-are-being-jealous-of YOU not rightly, BUT they-are-willing to-shut YOU out,

GALATIANS  4v18 In-order-that YOU-might-be-being-jealous-of them.  But (it-is) fine to-be-jealous always in (a) fine-thing, and not only in my being-alongside with YOU,

GALATIANS  4 v19 My little-children, (for) whom I-am-suffering-birth-pains again as-far-as of-which Messiah might-be-formed in YOU;

GALATIANS  4 v20 But I-was-willing to-be-being-alongside with YOU just-now and to-change my voice, because I-am-being-perplexed with YOU.

GALATIANS  4 v21 YOU-be-saying to-me, the (ones) willing to-be under law, are-YOU not hearing the law?

GALATIANS  4 v22 For it-has-been-and-still-is-written that Abraham had two sons, one out-of the maidservant and one out-of the free-woman.

GALATIANS  4 v23 BUT-on-the-one-hand the (one) out-of the maidservant has-been-and-is-begotten according-to flesh, on-the-other-hand the (one) out-of the free-woman through the promise.

|GALATIANS  4v24 Which-things are being-allegorized; for these (women) are two covenants, on-the-one-hand one from mount Sinai, bearing with-reference-to slavery, one-who is Hagar.

GALATIANS  4v25 But the Hagar is mount Sinai in the Arabia; but it-is-being-in-line-together to-the now Jerusalem, for she-is-being-a-slave with her children.

GALATIANS  4 v26 But the above Jerusalem is free, one-who is our mother;

GALATIANS  4v27 For it-has-been-and-is-still-written:  You-be-made-merry, barren, the (one) not bringing-forth, you-rend-asunder and you-shout, the (one) not suffering-birth-pains, because many (are) the children of-the desolate more than of-the (one) having the husband.

GALATIANS  4v28 But YOU, brothers, are-yourselves children of-promise according-to Isaac.

GALATIANS  4v29 BUT as-altogether then the (one) having-been-begotten according-to flesh was-persecuting the (one) according-to Spirit, thus also now.

GALATIANS  4v30 BUT what is-saying the scripture? You-cast-out the maidservant and her son; for by-no-means will the son of-the maidservant inherit with the son of-the free-woman.

GALATIANS  4v31 On-this-account, brothers, we-are not children of-a-maidservant BUT of-the free-woman.


GALATIANS  5v1 To-the freedom Messiah made us free; YOU-be-standing-firm therefore and YOU-be not being again held-in (a) yoke of-slavery.

GALATIANS  5v2 Note, I myself Paul am-saying to-YOU that if YOU-might-be-being-circumcised Messiah will-profit YOU not-one (thing).

GALATIANS  5v3 But I-am-bearing-witness again to-every MAN being-circumcised that he-is debtor to-do the total law.

GALATIANS  5v4 YOU-were-rendered-inactive from Messiah they-who (of) YOU-are-being-justified in law, YOU-fell-from the favor,

GALATIANS  5v5 For we ourselves are-waiting-anxiously in-Spirit, out-of trust, (a) hope of-righteousness.

GALATIANS  5v6 For in Messiah Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision (is) something being-strong-enough, BUT trust operating-for-itself through charity.

GALATIANS  5v7 YOU-were-running rightly: who impeded YOU not to-be-being-persuaded by-truth?

GALATIANS  5v8 The persuasion (is) not out-of the (one) calling YOU.

GALATIANS  5 v9 (A) little leaven is-leavening the total lump.

GALATIANS  5v10 I myself have-been-and-still-am-persuaded with-reference-to YOU in Jehovah that YOU-will-have not another one opinion; but the (one) disturbing YOU he-will-bear the sentence, whoever he-might-be.

GALATIANS  5v11 But brothers, if I myself am still preaching circumcision, (for) what am-I still being-persecuted?  So the entrapment of-the cross has-been-and-still-is-rendered-inactive.

GALATIANS  5v12 I-would-that also the (ones) upsetting YOU will-chop-themselves-off.

GALATIANS  5v13 For YOU yourselves-were-called on freedom, brothers; only (use) not the freedom with-reference-to opportunity for-the flesh, BUT through the charity YOU-be-being-a-slave to-one-another.

GALATIANS  5v14 For all the law has-been-and-still-is-fulfilled in one word, in the (word): You-shall-cherish your neighbor as yourself.

GALATIANS  5v15 But if YOU-are-biting and YOU-are-devouring one-another, YOU-be-looking (that) YOU-might not be-consumed by one-another.

GALATIANS  5v16 But I-am-saying, YOU-be-walking-around in-Spirit and YOU by-no-means might-finish desire of-flesh.

GALATIANS  5v17 For the flesh is-desiring against the Spirit, but the Spirit against the flesh, for these are-opposing to-one-another, in-order-that not which-things if YOU-might-be-willing these-things YOU-might-be-doing.

GALATIANS  5v18 But if YOU-are-being-led in-Spirit, YOU-are not under law.

GALATIANS  5v19 But the works of-the flesh are manifest, they-which are prostitution, uncleanness, wantonness,

GALATIANS  5v20 idolatry, use-of-drugs, enmities, quarreling, jealousy, angers, ambitious-rivalries, dissensions, sects,

GALATIANS  5v21 Envyings, drunkennesses, revellings, and the-things like to-these, which-things I-am-saying-before-hand to-YOU according-as I-said-before, that the (ones) practising the-things such-as-these will not inherit God's kingdom.

GALATIANS  5v22 But the fruit of-the Spirit is charity, joy peace, patience, graciousness, goodness, trust,

GALATIANS  5v23 Meekness, self-control; against the-things such-as-these there-is not (a) law.

GALATIANS  5v24 But the (ones) of-the Messiah Jesus crucified the flesh with the sufferings and the desires.

GALATIANS  5v25 If we-are-living in Spirit, let-us also be-being-in-line with (the) Spirit.

GALATIANS  5v26 Let-us not be-becoming vainglorious, challenging one-another, envying one-another.


GALATIANS  6v1 Brothers, if also (a) MAN might-be-taken-before-hand in some offence, YOU yourselves, the (ones) spiritual, be-rendering the (one) such-as-this thoroughly-fit (for the purpose intended) in (a) spirit of-meekness, contemplating yourself, also YOU yourself-might not be-tried.

GALATIANS  6 v2 YOU-be-bearing the weights of-one-another, and thus YOU-will-fill-up the law of-the Messiah.

GALATIANS  6v3 For if some-one is-thinking to-be some-thing being nothing, he-is-deceiving himself mentally.

GALATIANS  6v4 But let each (one) be-proving the work of-himself, and then with-reference-to himself alone he-will-have the boast and not with-reference-to the different (one);

GALATIANS  6v5 For each (one) will-bear his own little-burden.

GALATIANS  6v6 But let the (one) being-instructed (in) the word be-participating with-the (one) instructing in all good (things).

GALATIANS  6v7 YOU-be not being-led-astray, God is not being-sneered-at. For which (thing) if (a) MAN might-be-sowing, this (thing) he-will also harvest;

GALATIANS  6v8 Because the (one) sowing with-reference-to the flesh of-himself out-of the flesh he-will-harvest corruption, but the (one) sowing with-reference-to the Spirit out-of the Spirit he-will-harvest life eternal.

GALATIANS  6v9 But let-us not be-being-weary doing the fine (thing); for in (its) own season we-shall-harvest, (ones) not fainting.

GALATIANS  6v10 So therefore as we-are-having (a) season, let-us-be-working the good (thing) to all, but especially to the (ones) of-(the)-household of-the trust.

GALATIANS  6v11 YOU-see how-great letters I-wrote to-YOU with-my hand.

GALATIANS  6v12 As-many-as are-willing to-be-specious in flesh, these are-compelling YOU to-be-being-circumcised, only in-order-that they-might not be-being-persecuted for-the cross of-the Messiah.

GALATIANS  6v13 For neither are the (ones) being-circumcised themselves guarding law, BUT they-are-willing YOU to-be-being-circumcised in-order-that they-might-boast in your flesh.

GALATIANS  6v14 But may-it-not-come-to-pass to-me to-be-boasting if not in the cross of-our Lord Jesus Messiah, through whom (a) world has-been-and-is-still-crucified to-me and-I to-(a)-world.

GALATIANS  6v15 For in Messiah Jesus neither circumcision is anything nor uncircumcision, BUT (a) new creation.

GALATIANS  6v16 And as-many-as will-be-in-line with-this rule, peace on them and mercy, and on the Israel of-the God.

GALATIANS  6v17 Henceforth let no-one be-holding-beside for-me troubles; for I myself am-bearing the stigmas of-the Jesus in my body.

GALATIANS  6v18 The favor of-our Lord Jesus Messiah (be) with your spirit, brothers:  Amen.





EPHESIANS  1v1 Paul apostle of-Messiah Jesus through will of-God to-the holy (ones) namely-the (ones) being in Ephesus and trusting in Messiah Jesus:

EPHESIANS  1v2 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and (from) Jehovah Jesus Messiah.

EPHESIANS  1v3 Blessed (be) the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Messiah, the (one) having-blessed us in every spiritual blessing in the heavenly (places) in Messiah,

EPHESIANS  1v4 According-as he-chose us for-himself in him. before casting-down of (a) world, we to-be holy and unblemished completely-in-sight of-him in charity,

EPHESIANS  1v5 Having-appointed us before with-reference-to adoption-as-(a)-son through Jesus Messiah with-reference-to him, according-to the well-thinking of his will,

EPHESIANS  1v6 With-reference-to laudation of-glory of his favor, of-which he-favored us in the (one) having-been-and-still-cherished,

EPHESIANS  1v7 In whom we-are-having the redemption-back through his blood, the forgiveness of-the offences according-to the riches of his favor,

EPHESIANS  1v8 Of-which he-exceeded with-reference-to us in all wisdom and prudence

EPHESIANS  1v9 Having-made-known to-us the mystery of his will, according-to his well-thinking, which he-himself-placed-before in him-

EPHESIANS  1v10 With-reference-to administration-of-the-household of-the fulness of-the seasons, to-sum-up [the] all (things) in the Messiah, the (things) on the heavens and the (things) on the earth; in him,

EPHESIANS  1v11 In whom also we-were-made-a-heritage having-been-appointed-before according-to (a) plan of-the (one) operating [the] all (things) according-to the purpose of his will,

EPHESIANS  1v12 With-reference-to us to-be with-reference-to (the) laudation of his glory, (namely), the (ones) having-hoped-before-and-still-hoping in the Messiah;

EPHESIANS  1v13 In whom YOU also, having-heard the word of-the truth, the good-news of YOUR salvation, in whom also having-trusted YOU-were-sealed by-the Spirit of-the promise namely-the holy,

EPHESIANS  1v14 Who is (the) down-payment of our inheritance, with-reference-to redemption-back of-the-possession, with-reference-to laudation of his glory.

EPHESIANS  1v15 Because-of this I-also, having-heard (of) YOUR trust in the Lord Jesus and the charity namely-the (charity) with-reference-to all the holy-(ones),

EPHESIANS  1v16 I-am not ceasing giving-thanks in-behalf-of YOU myself-making mention (of-YOU?) on my prayers,

EPHESIANS  1v17 In-order-that the God of our Lord Jesus Messiah, the Father of-the glory, would-give to-YOU (a) spirit of wisdom and of-uncovering in thorough-knowledge of-him,

EPHESIANS  1v18 The eyes of YOUR heart having-been-and-still-enlightened with-reference-to YOUR having-known-absolutely what is the hope of his calling, what the riches of-the glory of his inheritance in the holy-ones,

EPHESIANS  1v19 And what the surpassing magnitude of his power with-reference-to us, the (ones) trusting according-to the operation of-the might of his strength,

EPHESIANS  1v20 Which he-has-operated-and-still-operates in the Messiah having-raised him out-of dead(s), and having-seated (him) in his right (hand) in the heavenlies

EPHESIANS  1v21 Over-above of-all rule and authority and power and lordship and of every name being-named not only in this age BUT also in the (one) future;

EPHESIANS  1v22 And he-subjected all (things) under his feet, and he-gave him (as) head above all (things) to-the assembly,

EPHESIANS  1v23 One-which is his body, the fulness of-the (one) himself-filling [the] all (things) with all (things).


EPHESIANS  2v1 And YOU being dead in YOUR offences and sins,

EPHESIANS  2v2 In which (sins) at-one-time YOU-walked-around according-to the age of this world, according-to the ruler of-the authority of-the air, of-the spirit namely-the (one) now operating among the sons of-the disobedience;

EPHESIANS  2v3 Among whom we ourselves were also all at-one-time turned-about in the desires of our flesh, doing the wills of-the flesh and of-the intellects, and we-were by-nature children of-wrath even as the others;

EPHESIANS  2v4 But the God being rich in mercy, because-of his much charity (with) which he cherished us,

EPHESIANS  2 v5 And we being dead (ones) in-the offences he-made-(us)-alive-together with-the Messiah,--by-favor YOU-are having-been-and-still-are-saved,--

EPHESIANS  2 v6 And he-raised-(us)-together and he-seated-(us)-together in the heavenly (places) in Messiah Jesus,

EPHESIANS  2 v7 In-order-that he-might-demonstrate in the ages namely-the (ones) coming-on the surpassing riches of his favor in graciousness on us in Messiah Jesus.

EPHESIANS  2 v8 For by-the favor YOU-are having-been-and-still-are-saved through trust; and this not out-of YOU, of-God the gift;

EPHESIANS  2v9 Not out-of works, in-order-that some-one might not boast.

EPHESIANS  2v10 For of-him we-are (a) thing-made having-been-created in Messiah Jesus on good works, to-which the God prepared-before (us?)  in-order-that we-might-walk-around in them.

EPHESIANS  2 v11 On-this-account YOU-be-having-in-memory that at-one-time YOU the Gentiles in flesh, the (ones) being-said (to be) uncircumcision by the (one) being-said (to be) circumcision in flesh made-by-hand,

EPHESIANS  2v12 That YOU-were in that season separate-from Messiah, having-been-and-still-alienated of-the citizenship of-the Israeli and strangers of-the covenants of-the promise, not having hope and (ones) without God in the world.

EPHESIANS  2 v13 But at-this-instant in Messiah Jesus YOU, the (ones) at-one-time being far (away), YOU-became near in the blood of-the Messiah.

EPHESIANS  2 v14 For he himself is our peace, the (one) having-made the both (places) one even having-broken-down the midst-wall of-the fencing-in, the enmity, in his flesh

EPHESIANS  2 v15 Having-rendered-inactive the law of-the commandments in decrees, in-order-that he-might-create the two in himself with-reference-to one new (quality) MAN making peace,

EPHESIANS  2 v16 And he-might-reconcile-in-full the both (Jews and Gentiles) in one body to-the God through the cross, having-killed the enmity in it;

EPHESIANS  2v17 And having-come he-himself-brought-good-news, peace to-YOU to-the (ones) far and peace to-the (ones) near;

EPHESIANS  2v18 Because through him we-are-having the leading-near, the both in one Spirit to the Father.

EPHESIANS  2v19 So therefore YOU-are no-more strangers and dwellers-abroad, BUT YOU-are fellow-citizens of-the holy-places and of-(the)-household of-the God,

EPHESIANS  2v20 Having-been-built-up on the foundation of-the apostles and prophets, Messiah Jesus being chief-corner of-it,

EPHESIANS  2v21 In whom all building-up being-fitted-together is-growing into (a) holy sanctuary in Jehovah,

EPHESIANS  2v22 in whom YOU yourselves also are-being-built-together into (a) residence of-the God in spirit.


EPHESIANS  3v1 For-sake-of this I Paul the prisoner of-the Messiah Jesus in-behalf-of YOU of-the Gentiles

EPHESIANS  3v2 If, that-is, YOU-heard (of) the-administration-of-the-household of-the favor of-the God namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-me with-reference-to YOU,

EPHESIANS  3v3 That according-to (an) uncovering the mystery was-made-known to-me, according-as I-wrote-before in (a) little-bit,

EPHESIANS  3v4 Toward which, reading, YOU-can understand my intelligence in the mystery of-the Messiah,

EPHESIANS  3v5 Which to-different generations was not made-known to-the sons of-the MEN as it-was now uncovered to his holy apostles and prophets in spirit,

EPHESIANS  3v6 The Gentiles to-be heirs-together and members-of-a-united-body and fellow-sharers of-the promise in Messiah Jesus through the good-news,

EPHESIANS  3v7 Of-which I-became (a) minister according-to the gratuity of-the favor of-the God namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-me according-to the operation of his power.

EPHESIANS  3v8 To-me the less-than-the-least of-all holy-ones this favor was-given, to-bring-good-news to-the Gentiles the untraceable riches of-the Messiah,

EPHESIANS  3v9 And to-enlighten what (is) the administration-of-the-household of-the mystery namely-the (one) having-been-and-still-hidden-back from the ages in the God namely-the (one) having-created [the] all (things).

EPHESIANS  3v10 In-order-that the much-variegated wisdom of-the God might-be-made-known now to-the principalities and to-the authorities in the heavenlies through the assembly,

EPHESIANS  3v11 According-to (the) plan of-the ages which he-made in the Messiah Jesus our Lord,

EPHESIANS  3v12 in-whom we-are-having the boldness-of-speech and leading-near in reliance through the trust of-him.

EPHESIANS  3v13 On-this-account I-am-requesting (YOU) not to-be-being-weary in my tribulations in-behalf of-YOU, (the-tribulations-) which are YOUR glory.

EPHESIANS  3v14 For-sake-of this I-am-bending my knees to the Father,

EPHESIANS  3v15 Out-of whom every lineage in heavens and on earth is-being-named,

EPHESIANS  3v16 in-order-that he-might-give to-YOU according-to the riches of his glory with-power to-be-made-mighty through his Spirit with-reference-to the inside MAN,

EPHESIANS  3v17 The Messiah to-reside through the trust in YOUR hearts, having-been-and-still-rooted also having-been-and-still-founded in charity.

EPHESIANS  3v18 in-order-that YOU-might-be-quite-able to-apprehend with all the holy-ones what the breadth and length and height and depth,

EPHESIANS  3v19 And additionally to-know the charity of-the Messiah surpassing [the] knowledge, in-order-that YOU-might-be-filled with-reference-to all the fulness of-the God.

EPHESIANS  3v20 But to-the (one) being-able to-do all (things) far-beyond of-which (things) we-are-requesting or we-are-understanding according-to the power namely-the (power) operating in us,

EPHESIANS  3v21 To-him (be) the glory in the assembly and in Messiah Jesus with-reference-to all the generations of-the age of-the ages:  amen.


EPHESIANS  4v1 I myself the prisoner in Jehovah am-entreating YOU therefore to-walk-around worthy of-the calling of-which YOU-were-called,

EPHESIANS  4v2 With all humbleness-of-opinion and meekness, with patience, tolerating one-another in charity,

EPHESIANS  4v3 Being-diligent to-be-keeping the unity of-the Spirit in the bond-together of the peace; one body and one Spirit,

EPHESIANS  4v4 According-as also YOU-were-called in one hope of YOUR calling;

EPHESIANS  4v5 One Jehovah, one trust, one baptism;

EPHESIANS  4v6 One God and Father of-all, the (one) on all and through all and in all.

EPHESIANS  4v7 But to-each one of-us the favor was-given according-to the measure of-the gratuity of-the Messiah.

EPHESIANS  4v8 On-this-account he-is-saying: Having-ascended into height he-led-into-captivity captivity, he-gave presents to-the MEN.

EPHESIANS  4v9 But the "he-ascended" what is-it if not that also he-descended into the lower parts of-the earth?

EPHESIANS  4v10 The (one) having-descended he himself is also the (one) having-ascended over-above all of-the heavens, in-order-that he-might-fulfill [the] all (things).

EPHESIANS  4v11 And he himself gave on-the-one-hand the apostles, on-the-other-hand the prophets, on-the-other-hand the bringers-of-good-news, on-the-other-hand the shepherds and teachers,

EPHESIANS  4v12 Toward the thorough-fitting of-the holy-ones with-reference-to (a) work of-ministry, with-reference-to building of-the body of-the Messiah,

EPHESIANS  4v13 As-far-as we-might [the] all arrive with-reference-to the unity of-the trust and of-the thorough-knowledge of-the Son of-the God, with-reference-to (a) perfect man with-reference-to (a) measure of-age of-the fulness of-the Messiah,

EPHESIANS  4v14 In-order that we-might no-longer be infants, being-tossed (by-waves) and being-brought-around by-every (strong) wind of-the-teaching in the dice-playing of-the MEN, in craftiness toward the method of-the leading-astray,

EPHESIANS  4v15 But speaking-the-truth in charity we-might-grow with-reference-to him (in) the all (things), who is the head, Messiah,

EPHESIANS  4v16 Out-of whom all the body (is) being-fitted-together and being-brought-to-agreement through every ligament of-the additional-supply according-to (an) operation in measure of-each one part it-is-itself-making the growth of-the body with-reference-to building (up) of-itself in charity.

EPHESIANS  4v17 This therefore I-am-saying and I-am-testifying in Jehovah, YOU no-longer to-be-walking-around according-as even the Gentiles (are) walking-around in aimlessness of their mind,

EPHESIANS  4v18 Being having-been-made-darkness-and-still-darkness in-the intellect, having-been-and-still-alienated of-the life of-the God, through the ignorance namely-the (ignorance) being in them, because-of the petrifaction of their heart,

EPHESIANS  4v19 They-who having-become-and-still-are-callous gave themselves over to-the wantonness with-reference-to (a) business of-all uncleanness in covetousness.

EPHESIANS  4v20 But YOU yourselves not thus learned the Messiah,

EPHESIANS  4v21 If that-is YOU-heard him and YOU-were-taught in him according-as truth is in [the] Jesus,

EPHESIANS  4v22 YOU place-off according-to the former conduct the old MAN namely-the (one) being-corrupted according-to the desires of-the deceit,

EPHESIANS  4v23 But to-be-being-made-young-again in-the spirit of-YOUR mind

EPHESIANS  4v24 And to-clothe-yourselves-in the new (quality) MAN namely-the (one) having-been-created according-to God in justice and hallowedness of-the truth.

EPHESIANS  4v25 On-this-account having-placed-off the lie YOU-be-speaking truth each (one) with his neighbor, because we-are members (of)-one-another.

EPHESIANS  4v26 YOU-be-being-made-wroth and YOU-be not sinning; let not the sun be-setting-thoroughly on YOUR exasperation,

EPHESIANS  4v27 Neither YOU-be-giving place to-the slanderer.

EPHESIANS  4v28 The (one) stealing, no-longer let-him-be-stealing but rather let-him-be-tiring-from-labor working with-the hands the good (thing), in-order-that he-might-be-having to-be-imparting to-the (one) having need.

EPHESIANS  4v29 Let every rotten word not be-proceeding out-of YOUR mouth, BUT if something good toward building (up) of-the need, in-order-that it-might-give favor to-the (ones) hearing.

EPHESIANS  4v30 And YOU-be not grieving the Holy Spirit of-the God, in whom YOU-were-sealed with-reference-to (a) day of-redemption-back.

EPHESIANS  4v31 Let all bitterness and anger and wrath and clamor and blasphemy be-lifted-up from YOU with all malice.

EPHESIANS  4v32 But with-reference-to one-another YOU-be-becoming gracious, compassionate, bestowing-a-favor yourselves, according-as also the God in Messiah bestowed-a-favor to YOU.


EPHESIANS  5v1 Therefore YOU-be-becoming imitators of-the God,as cherished children,

EPHESIANS  5v2 And YOU-be-walking-around in charity, according-as also the Messiah cherished YOU and he-gave himself over in-behalf-of us (an) offering and sacrifice to-the God with-reference-to (a) smell of-fragrance.

EPHESIANS  5v3 But prostitution and all uncleanness or covetousness neither let-it-be-being-named among YOU, according-as it-is-suitable for-holy (ones),

EPHESIANS  5v4 And shamelessness and stupid-speaking or coarse-jesting, which (things) have-not-pertained-nor-still-pertain (to holy-ones) BUT rather giving-of-thanks.

EPHESIANS  5v5 For this YOU-are coming-to-know, that every (male)-prostitute or unclean (man) or covetous (man), who-is (an) idolater, he-is not having inheritance in the kingdom of-the Messiah and God.

EPHESIANS  5v6 Let no-one be-deceiving YOU with-empty words; for because-of these (things) the wrath of-the God is-coming upon the sons of-the disobedience.

EPHESIANS  5v7 YOU-be not therefore becoming fellow-sharers of-them;

EPHESIANS  5v8 For YOU-were at-one-time darkness, but now light in Jehovah; YOU-be-walking-around as children of-light.

EPHESIANS  5v9 For the fruit of-the light (is) in all goodness and justice and truth,

EPHESIANS  5v10 Proving what is well-pleasing to-the Lord,

EPHESIANS  5v11 And YOU-be not participating-with the works of-the darkness namely-the (ones) without-fruits, but rather YOU even be-reproving,

EPHESIANS  5v12 For it-is shameful even to-be-saying the (things) secretly coming-to-pass of-them;

EPHESIANS  5v13 But all the (things) being-reproved are-being-manifested by the light;

EPHESIANS  5v14 For every (thing) being-manifested is light. On-this-account he-is-saying:  you-rise the (one) sleeping, and you-stand-up out-of the dead(s), and the Messiah shall-beam-on you.

EPHESIANS  5v15 Therefore YOU-be-looking-at exactly how YOU-are-walking-around, not as unwise BUT as wise,

EPHESIANS  5v16 Buying-out-for-yourselves the season, because the days are evil.

EPHESIANS  5v17 Because-of this YOU-be not becoming foolish, BUT YOU-be-perceiving what the will of-the Lord (is).

EPHESIANS  5v18 And YOU-be not being-gotten-drunk with-wine, in which is dissipation, BUT YOU-be-being-filled

with (the) Spirit,

EPHESIANS  5v19 Speaking to-yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing-odes and playing-psalms-on-stringed-instruments in YOUR heart to-the Lord,

EPHESIANS  5v20 Giving-thanks always in-behalf-of all (things) in (the) name of our Lord Jesus Messiah to-the God and Father,

EPHESIANS  5v21 Subjecting-yourselves to-one-another in fear of Messiah.

EPHESIANS  5v22 The wives to their own husbands as to-the Lord,

EPHESIANS  5v23 Because (a) husband is head of-the wife as also the Messiah (is) head of-the assembly, himself Savior of-the body.

EPHESIANS  524 BUT as the assembly is-itself-subjecting to-the Messiah, thus also the wives to-the husbands in every (thing).

EPHESIANS  5v25 The husbands, YOU-be-cherishing the wives, according-as also the Messiah cherished the assembly and gave himself over in-behalf-of her,

EPHESIANS  5v26 In-order-that he-might-make her holy having-cleansed (her) by-the bath of-the water in (a) saying,

EPHESIANS  5v27 In-order-that he-might himself stand-alongside to-himself the assembly glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any of-the (things) such-as-these, BUT in-order-that she-might-be holy and unblemished,

EPHESIANS  5v28 Thus also the husbands are-being-indebted to-be-cherishing the wives of-themselves as the bodies of-themselves.  The (one) cherishing the wife of-himself is-cherishing himself;

EPHESIANS  5v29 And for not-one at-any-time hated the flesh of-himself, BUT he-is-nurturing and he-is-fostering it, according-as also the Messiah the assembly,

EPHESIANS  5v30 Because we-are members of his body.

EPHESIANS  5v31 Instead-of this (a) MAN shall-leave-behind the father and the mother and he-shall-be-very-united to his wife and the two shall-be with-reference-to flesh, one.

EPHESIANS  5v32 This mystery is great, but I-myself am-saying with-reference-to Messiah and with-reference-to the assembly.

EPHESIANS  5v33 Further also YOU the (ones), according-to one (man), thus let each be-cherishing the wife of-himself as himself, but in-order-that the wife might-be-fearing the husband.


EPHESIANS  6v1 The children, YOU-be-being-obedient to YOUR parents in Jehovah; for this is just.

EPHESIANS  6v2 You-be-honoring your father and [the] mother, one-which is (the) first commandment with promise,

EPHESIANS  6v3 In-order-that it-might-become well with-you and you-will-be long-timed on the earth.

EPHESIANS  6v4 And the fathers, YOU-be not exasperating YOUR children, BUT YOU-be-nurturing them in discipline and admonition of-Jehovah.

EPHESIANS  6v5 The slaves, YOU-be-obeying to-the lords according-to flesh with fear and trembling in simplicity of YOUR heart as to-the Messiah,

EPHESIANS  6v6 Not according-to eyeslavery as MEN-pleasers, BUT as slaves of-Messiah doing the will of-the God,

EPHESIANS  6v7 Out-of (the) soul with goodwill being-slaves as to-the Lord and not to-MEN,

EPHESIANS  6v8 Knowing-absolutely that each (one) if he-might-do any good (thing), this he-will-obtain-for-himself of Jehovah, whether slave or free (man).

EPHESIANS  6v9 And the lords, YOU-be-doing the same (things) toward them, dropping the threatening, knowing-absolutely that the Lord also of-them and of-YOU is in (the) heavens, and partiality is not beside him.

EPHESIANS  6v10 Henceforth YOU-be-being-made-powerful in Jehovah and in the might of his strength.

EPHESIANS  6v11 YOU-clothe-yourselves-in the full-armour of-the God toward YOUR being-able to-stand to the methods of-the slanderer;

EPHESIANS  6v12 Because the wrestling for-us is not with blood and flesh, BUT with the principalities, with the authorities, with the world-rulers of this darkness, with the spiritual (things?)  of-the evil in the heavenlies.

EPHESIANS  6v13 Because-of this YOU-take-up the full-armour of-the God, in-order-that YOU-might-be-able to-withstand in the day namely the evil, and having-worked-out quite-all (things), to-stand.

EPHESIANS  6v14 YOU-stand therefore having-girded-yourselves around YOUR loin with truth, and having-clothed-yourselves-in the breastplate of-the justice,

EPHESIANS  6v15 And having-bound-yourselves-under the feet with preparation of-the good-news of-the peace,

EPHESIANS  6v16 Upon all, having-taken-up the shield of-the trust, with which YOU-will-be-able to-extinguish all the arrows, namely-the (ones) having-been-and-still-on-fire, of-the evil (one).

EPHESIANS  6v17 And YOU-receive the helmet of-the salvation, and the dagger of-the spirit, which (spirit) is (a) saying of-God,

EPHESIANS  6v18 Through all prayer and petition, praying in every season in spirit, and with-reference-to it, being sleepless, in all steadfast-endurance and petition concerning all the holy (ones),

EPHESIANS  6v19 And in-behalf-of me, in-order-that (a) word might-be-given to-me in opening of my mouth, in boldness-of-speech to-make-known the mystery of-the good-news,

EPHESIANS  6v20 in-behalf-of which I-am-being-a-delegate in chain, in-order-that in it I-might-be-bold-of-speech as it-is-essential (for) me to-speak.

EPHESIANS  6v21 But in-order-that YOU yourselves also might-know-absolutely the (things) according-to me, what I-am-practising, Tychicus, the cherished brother and trustworthy minister in Jehovah will-make-known to-YOU all (things),

EPHESIANS  6v22 Whom I-sent to YOU with-reference-to this same (thing), in-order-that YOU-might-come-to-know the (things) concerning us and he-might-comfort YOUR hearts.

EPHESIANS  6v23 Peace to-the brothers and charity with trust from God (the) Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah.

EPHESIANS  6v24 The favor (be) with all the (ones) cherishing our Lord Jesus

Messiah in imperishability.





PHILIPPIANS 1v1 Paul and Timothy slaves of-Messiah Jesus to-all the holy-ones in Messiah Jesus namely-the-(ones) being in Philippi with overseers and ministers;

PHILIPPIANS 1v2 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah.

PHILIPPIANS 1v3 I-am-giving-thanks to my God on every mention of-YOU,

PHILIPPIANS 1v4 Always in my every petition in-behalf-of all of-YOU, the Petition being-made with joy.

PHILIPPIANS 1v5 On YOUR participation with-reference-to the good-news from the first day until now,

PHILIPPIANS 1v6 Having-relied-and-still-relying-on this very-thing, that the (one) having-begun-within among YOU (a) good work will-accomplish (it) until day of-Jesus Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 1v7 According-as it-is just for-me to-be-having this opinion in-behalf-of all of-YOU, because-of having YOU in my heart, in both my bonds and in the defence and confirmation of-the good-news YOU all being fellow-partners of my favor.

PHILIPPIANS 1v8 For the God (is) my witness, as I-am-longing-for YOU all in bowels of-Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 1v9 And this I-am-praying, in-order-that YOUR charity might-exceed still more and more in thorough-knowledge and all discernment,

PHILIPPIANS 1v10 With-reference-to YOUR proving the (things) making-a-difference, in-order-that YOU-might-be-being sincere and not-causing-to-stumble with-reference-to day of-Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 1v11 Having-been-and-still-filled (with) fruit of-justice the (fruit) through Jesus Messiah, with-reference-to glory and laudation of-God.

PHILIPPIANS 1v12 But I-am-purposing YOU to-be-coming-to-know, brothers, that the (things) against me have-come-and-still-come rather with-reference-to progress of-the good-news,

PHILIPPIANS 1v13 So-that my bonds in Messiah (are) to-become manifest in the total praetorium and to all the others,

PHILIPPIANS 1v14 And the many-more of-the brothers in Jehovah having-relied-and-still-relying by my bonds to-be more-excessively daring to-be-speaking the word of-the God fearlessly.

PHILIPPIANS 1v15 On-the-one-hand certain-ones are-preaching the Messiah also because-of envy and quarrel(ing), on-the-other-hand certain-ones also because-of well-thinking;

PHILIPPIANS 1v16 The (ones) on-the-one-hand out-of charity, having-known-absolutely that I-am-lying with-reference-to defence of-the good-news,

PHILIPPIANS 1v17 The (ones) on-the-other-hand are proclaiming the Messiah out-of ambitious-rivalry, not purely, imagining to-be-raising tribulation to my bonds.

PHILIPPIANS 1v18 What for?  Further, that in-every manner, whether in-coverup or in-truth, Messiah is-being-proclaimed, and in this I-am-rejoicing; BUT also I-shall-rejoice;

PHILIPPIANS 1v19 For I-know-absolutely that this will-result to-me with-reference-to salvation through YOUR petition and additional-supply of-the spirit of-Jesus Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 1v20 According-to my eager-expectation and hope and that in not-one (thing) I-shall-be-ashamed, BUT in all boldness-of-speech as always, now also Messiah shall-be-magnified in my body, whether through life or through death.

PHILIPPIANS 1v21 For to-me to-be-living (is) Messiah and to-die-off (is) gain.

PHILIPPIANS 1v22 But if (it-is) to-be-living in (the) flesh, this to-me (is)(a) fruit of-work, and which I-shall-select I-am not making-known.

PHILIPPIANS 1v23 But I-am-being-held-together out-of the two, having the desire with-reference-to unloose and to-be with Messiah, for for-much better rather;

PHILIPPIANS 1v24 But to-be-continuing in-the flesh (is) more-necessary because-of YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 1v25 And this having-relied-and-still-relying-on I-know-absolutely, that I-shall-remain and I-shall-remain-beside with YOU all, with reference-to YOUR progress and joy of-the trust,

PHILIPPIANS 1v26 In-order-that YOUR boast might-be-exceeding in Messiah Jesus in me through my presence again with YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 1v27 Only YOU-yourselves-be-living-as-citizens worthy of-the good-news of-the Messiah, in-order-that whether having-come and having-seen YOU or being-away I-might-hear the (things) concerning YOU, that YOU-are-standing-firm in one spirit, with-one soul contesting-together for-the trust of-the good-news,

PHILIPPIANS 1v28 And in not-one (thing) being-scared by the (ones) opposing, one-who (is-not-scared) he-is to them (a) demonstration of-destruction, but of-YOU (a sign) of-salvation, and this (sign) from God;

PHILIPPIANS 1v29 Because to-YOU it-was-bestowed-favor in-behalf-of Messiah, not only to-be-trusting with-reference-to him BUT also to-be-suffering in-behalf-of him,

PHILIPPIANS 1v30 Having the same struggle such-as YOU-saw in me and now YOU-are-hearing (of) in me.


PHILIPPIANS 2v1 If therefore (there-is) certain comfort in Messiah, if certain consolation of-charity, if certain participation of-spirit, if certain bowels and pities,

PHILIPPIANS 2v2 YOU-fulfill my joy in-order-that YOU-might-be-having the same opinion, having the same charity, fellow-souled, having the one opinion,

PHILIPPIANS 2v3 Not-one (thing) according-to ambitious-rivalry nor according-to vainglory, BUT in-the humbleness-of-opinion (ones) considering, holding one-another above themselves,

PHILIPPIANS 2v4 Each (ones) not contemplating the (things) of-themselves, BUT each (ones) also the (things) of-others-different.

PHILIPPIANS 2v5 YOU-be-having this opinion in YOU which also (is) in Messiah Jesus,

PHILIPPIANS 2v6 Who existing in form of-God considered not the being equal with-God (a thing for) seizure,

PHILIPPIANS 2v7 BUT he-emptied himself having-taken form of (a) slave, having-become in similitude of-MEN;

PHILIPPIANS 2v8 And having-been-found in-figure as MAN he-humbled himself having-become obedient as-far-as death, but death of-(a)-cross.

PHILIPPIANS 2v9 and on-this-account the God exceedingly-exalted him and bestowed-a-favor to-him the name, namely-the-one above every name,

PHILIPPIANS 2v10 In-order-that in the name of-Jesus every knee might-bend of-(those)-in-(the)-heavenly and of-(those)-earthly and of-(those)-subterranean,

PHILIPPIANS 2v11 And every tongue might-acknowledge that Jesus Messiah (is) Jehovah with-reference-to glory of-God (the) Father,

PHILIPPIANS 2v12 So-that, my cherished (ones), according-as YOU always obeyed, not as in my presence only BUT now much more in my absence, YOU-be-working-out the salvation of-yourselves with fear and trembling;

PHILIPPIANS 2v13 For God is the (one) operating in YOU even to-be-willing and to-be-operating in-behalf-of the well-thinking. (of God:)

PHILIPPIANS 2v14 YOU-be-doing all (things) separate-from murmurings and deliberations,

PHILIPPIANS 2v15 in-order-that YOU-might-become faultless and uncontaminated, children of-God, unblemished, midst of (a) crooked generation even having-been-and-still-twisted, among whom YOU-are-appearing in (a) world as light-givers,

PHILIPPIANS 2v16 Holding-upon (a) word of-life, with-reference-to (a) boast for-me with-reference-to (a) day of-Messiah, that I-ran not in vain nor tired-from-labor in vain.

PHILIPPIANS 2v17 And even if I-am-being-poured-out-a-drink-offering on the sacrifice and public-ministry of YOUR trust, I-am-rejoicing and I-am-rejoicing-together with-YOU all:

PHILIPPIANS 2v18 But the same (boast) also YOU-yourselves-be-rejoicing and YOU-be-rejoicing-together with-me.

PHILIPPIANS 2v19 But I-am-hoping in Jehovah Jesus to quickly send Timothy to-YOU, in-order-that I myself also might-be-of-good-soul having-come-to-know the (things) concerning YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 2v20 For I-am not having one equal-souled, one-who will-be genuinely anxious (about) the (things) concerning YOU;

PHILIPPIANS 2v21 For the (ones) all are-seeking the (things) of-themselves, not the (things) of-Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 2v22 But YOU-are-coming-to-know the proof of-him, that as child to-father he-was-(a)-slave with me with-reference-to the good-news.

PHILIPPIANS 2v23 On-the-one-hand therefore I-am-hoping to-send this (one) at-once as (soon as) I-might-see-from-a-distance the (things) concerning me;

PHILIPPIANS 2v24 On-the-other-hand I-have-relied-on-and-still-rely in Jehovah that I myself also shall quickly come.

PHILIPPIANS 2v25 But I-considered (it) necessary to-send to YOU Epaphroditus my brother and fellow-worker and fellow-soldier, but YOUR apostle and public-minister of my need,

PHILIPPIANS 2v26 Since-indeed he-was longing-for YOU all, and being-distressed, for-the-reason-that YOU-heard that he-was-weak.

PHILIPPIANS 2v27 For also he-was-weak almost to-death; BUT the God had mercy (on) him, but not him only BUT also me, in-order-that I-might not have grief upon grief.

PHILIPPIANS 2v28 Therefore more-diligently I-sent him, in-order-that having-seen him again YOU-might-rejoice and-I myself might-be less-grieved.

PHILIPPIANS 2v29 Therefore YOU-be-welcoming him in Jehovah with all joy, and YOU-be-holding the (ones) such-as-these honored,

PHILIPPIANS 2v30 That because-of the work of-Messiah he-drew-near as-far-as death having-risked [the] (his) soul, in-order-that he-might-fill-up the thing-lacking of-YOU of-the public-ministry to me.


PHILIPPIANS 3v1 Therefore, my brothers, YOU-be-rejoicing in Jehovah. To-be-writing to-YOU the same (things) on-the-one-hand for-me (is) not troublesome, on-the-other-hand for-YOU (is) sure.

PHILIPPIANS 3v2 YOU-be-looking-at the dogs, YOU-be-looking-at the bad workers, YOU-be-looking-at the cutting-down.

PHILIPPIANS 3v3 For we ourselves are the circumcision, the (ones) serving in-spirit of-God and boasting in Messiah Jesus and not having-relied-and-still-relying-[on] in flesh,

PHILIPPIANS 3v4 Although I (am) having reliance also in flesh. If some-one, another, is-thinking to-have-relied in flesh, I more;

PHILIPPIANS 3v5 In-circumcision eight-days-old, out-of race of-Israel, of-tribe of-Benjamin, Hebrew out-of Hebrews, according-to law (a) Pharisee,

PHILIPPIANS 3v6 According-to zeal pursuing the assembly, according-to justice, the (justice) in (the) law having-become faultless.

PHILIPPIANS 3v7 BUT things-which were to-me gains, these-things I-have-considered-and-still-consider (a) disadvantage on-account-of the Messiah.

PHILIPPIANS 3v8 BUT yea-therefore I-am also considering all (things) to-be (a) disadvantage on-account-of the holding-above of-the knowledge of-Messiah Jesus my Lord, on-account-of whom I-was-disadvantaged (by) all the (things), and I-am-considering (them) refuse[s] in-order-that I-might-gain Messiah

PHILIPPIANS 3v9 And I-might-be-found in him, not having my justice the (justice) out-of law, BUT the (justice) through trust of-Messiah, the justice out-of God upon the trust,

PHILIPPIANS 3v10 To-come-to-know him and the powerful-deed of his standing-again and participation of his sufferings, being-formed-together to his death,

PHILIPPIANS 3v11 If by-any-means I-might-arrive with-reference-to the out-resurrection the (one) out-of dead[s].

PHILIPPIANS 3v12 Not that I already took or I-have already been-made-and-still-am-perfect, but I-am pursuing if I-might also apprehend, on which also I-was-apprehended by Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 3v13 Brothers, I myself am not-yet figuring myself to-have-apprehended, but one (thing), on-the-one-hand forgetting the (things) behind on-the-other-hand stretching-myself-out [upon] to-the (things) in-front,

PHILIPPIANS 3v14 I-am-pursuing according-to (a) goal with-reference-to the prize of-the above calling of-the God in Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 3v15 Therefore as-many-as (are) perfect (ones), let-us-be-having this opinion and if YOU-are-having-an-opinion something differently, the God will-uncover this also to-YOU;

PHILIPPIANS 3v16 Further, with-reference-to which we came-first, in-the same to-be-in-line.

PHILIPPIANS 3v17 YOU-be-becoming fellow-imitators of-me, brothers, and YOU-be-contemplating the (ones) thus walking-around according-as YOU-are-having us (as-a) pattern.

PHILIPPIANS 3v18 For many are-walking-around (of) whom I-was often saying to-YOU, but now also weeping I-am-saying, the enemies of-the cross of-the Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 3v19 Of-whom the finish (is) destruction, of-whom the god (is) the belly and the glory in their shame, the (ones) having-an-opinion (of) the earthly (things).

PHILIPPIANS 3v20 For our community is-existing in heavens, out-of the-place-where we-are also waiting-anxiously (a) savior Jehovah Jesus Messiah,

PHILIPPIANS 3v21 Who will-transfigure the body of our humbling conforming (it) to-the body of his glory, according-to the operation of him being-able also to-subject to-him(self) [the] all (things).


PHILIPPIANS 4v1 So-that my cherished and longed-for brothers, my joy and crown, YOU-be-standing thus firm in Jehovah, cherished (ones).

PHILIPPIANS 4v2 I-am-entreating Euodia and I-am-entreating Syntyche to-be-having the same opinion in Jehovah.

PHILIPPIANS 4v3 Yea I-am-asking you also, genuine yoke-fellow, you-yourself-take them together, they-who contested-together with me in the good-news also with Clement and my other fellow-workers, the names of-whom (are) in (a) book of-life.

PHILIPPIANS 4v4 YOU-be-rejoicing in Jehovah always; again I-shall-say, YOU-be-rejoicing.

PHILIPPIANS 4v5 Let YOUR lenience come-to-be-known to-all MEN. The Lord (is) near.

PHILIPPIANS 4v6 YOU-be-being anxious (about) not-one (thing), BUT in every (thing) in-the prayer and in-the petition let YOUR requests be-made-known to the God with giving-of-thanks.

PHILIPPIANS 4v7 And the peace of-the God namely the (peace) holding-above every mind will-protectively-guard YOUR hearts and YOUR thoughts in Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 4v8 Therefore, brothers, as-many (things) as are true, as-many (things) as august, as-many (things) as just, as-many (things) as pure, as-many (things) as lovable, as-many (things) as of-good-repute, if any virtue and if any laudation,

PHILIPPIANS 4v9 YOU-be-figuring these (things); which (things) also YOU-learned and YOU-took-along-to-yourselves and YOU-heard and YOU-saw in me.  YOU-be-practising these (things); and the God of-the peace will-be with YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 4v10 But I-was-rejoiced in Jehovah greatly that already YOU-flourished at-one-time again to-be-having-an-opinion in my behalf, and on which YOU-were-having-an-opinion but YOU-were-without-season.

PHILIPPIANS 4v11 Not that I-am-saying according-to lack; for I myself-learned in which (things) I-am to-be self-sufficient.

PHILIPPIANS 4v12 And I-know-absolutely to-be-being-humbled, and I-know-absolutely to-be-being-exceeding; in every (thing) and in all (things) also I-have-been-and-still-am-initiated to-be-being satisfied and to-be-being-hungry, and to-be-being-exceeding and to-be-being-lacking.

PHILIPPIANS 4v13 I-am-able (to-do) all (things) in the (one) making me powerful.

PHILIPPIANS 4v14 Further, YOU-did rightly having-participated-with me in-the tribulation.

PHILIPPIANS 4v15 But YOU yourselves also know-absolutely, Philippians, that in beginning of-the good-news, when I-went-out from Macedonia, and-not-one assembly participated with-me with-reference-to (an) account of-giving and of-taking if not YOU alone,

PHILIPPIANS 4v16 Also that in Thessalonica also once even twice YOU-sent to-me with-reference-to the need.

PHILIPPIANS 4v17 Not that I-am-seeking-after the present, BUT I-am-seeking the fruit namely-the (fruit) abounding with-reference-to YOUR account.

PHILIPPIANS 4v18 But I-am-holding-off all (things) and I-am-exceeding; I-have-been-and-still-am-filled having-received of Epaphroditus the (things) of YOU, (a) smell of-fragrance, (a) sacrifice accepted, well-pleasing to-the God.

PHILIPPIANS 4v19 But my God will-fill YOUR every need according-to his riches in glory in Messiah Jesus.

PHILIPPIANS 4v20 But to our God and Father (be) the glory with-reference-to the ages of-the ages:  Amen.

PHILIPPIANS 4v21 YOU-greet every holy (one) in Messiah Jesus. The brothers with me are-greeting YOU.

PHILIPPIANS 4v22 All the holy (ones) are-greeting YOU but especially the (ones) out-of the family of-Caesar.

PHILIPPIANS 4v23 The favor of-the Lord Jesus Messiah (be) with YOUR spirit.

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