
Short Stories

Not all stories told are told correctly. Here are some "FAQ's" and stories commonly mistold.

Click here to download a copy of "The Law Prophesied" by Ralph Mount

When was Jesus Born?

Bible Translation History

What Does John 3:16 Really Say?

Marriage - One Flesh

Does God Love Everyone?

Who Chooses The Rules of the World?

Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)

The Great Commission "Go Ye . . . "

Jehovah's Word Concerning Death

How Many Crosses at the Crucifixion

What Color Garments Did Jesus Wear the Night He Was Tried?

"Tongue", "Language" - glossary

Total Years From Creation to Jesus

Mark of the Beast

The Shroud of Turin

God Owns the Land

IBM and the Holocaust

Henry Ford and Israel

Jehovah Teaching vs. Catholic Teaching

Love - Agape/Philo

Who is a Neighbor?